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Kojina edish
Clive Warren
I've never eaten or drank anything that gave me an "upset stomach" other than the time I ate pizza that was on my floor for 3 days in uni and shat my guts out.
Why are you so weak?
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wish i was well-adjusted and not an unstable freak
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Why are you lads on your computer on a friday night
That was a thoroughly cretinous thread that last one.
Mental that we can pretty much talk about anything here. Could talk about Shakespeare or Nature or History and that.
But no, talking about black penis is obviously FAR too riveting.
wacky bruce has lost the plot
incel loser with no friends x
just like ther est of us teehee
why are you
i think the stuff they drink in a "clockwork orange" is milk and ethanol
whys this dealer
taking the piss
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fell in love with the girl on right while watching the fat slob indulging in depravity
Didn’t know 2pm was night time but then again I’m not a bum sniffing Aussie wog.
wearing my retard nigger hat
hes asleep no respectable dealer works at 2pm on a friday
It isn't night yet, I don't go out for another few hours.
bore off 190
I see, so you have a boomer to thank for your home ownership, get to fuck crypto-boomer
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the prospective shop
fuckin ascraemagiagnag
Any powerful ziggers in?
he wants to freeze it and mix it with toothpaste
wonder what the heroin lad is up to now…probably passed out in his own piss no doubt, strong start to a friday
Waiting for markets to open so i can conduct some business
It seems to be common knowledge that eating spicy food/indian food will make your shits horrible but I've never experienced that. I've seen it referenced on tv shows and movies where they're like "Oh boy, gonna be stuck on the toilet later, my arsehole is going to be on fire after this!" and they'll scran some spicy Mexican food or a curry.

Never understood it, some people must have pathetic bowels to make them uncontrollably shit themselves after the hint of spice.

Only time I have been sick from food I was REALLY bad. I ate some seafood paella thing that I got from a food festival and that evening it felt like I had literally been stabbed in the stomach. I was projectile vomiting from one end and SPRAYING liquid shit from the other. The whole next day I was in bed, basically paralyzed in pain. Scary stuff.
afternoon diego
heavy weekend of shagging on the horizon?
It’s milk and opioids
Our Toby, who art in Glasgow,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy dragons come,
Thy Runescape quests be done,
On Earth as it is in Disneyland.

Give us this day our microwaved piss,
And forgive us our meltdowns,
As we forgive those who slay us in PvP.
Lead us no into laggy fights,
But deliver us from scammers.

For thine is the kingdom,
The nettles, and the Peters,
Forever and ever.
all slop
wow only took you 6 hours to do the shopping
runt slop
the autocorrect on my phone has lost the plot, it corrects actual words into nonsense
one example is that is turns the word actually into actuslly
what an utterly boring post imagine thinking anyone would look atit
you know what i think sometiems i should leave some shagging for the rest of yous so i will do the most honoured and kindly thing and go wingman othermen this weekend and no matter how insistent the girls are i will say you only get a chance after u shagged me matey here
>6 egg and cress sandwiches
>Shelf life 1 day
>boil in the bag supermarket chicken
Enjoy your cancer I guess?
>two tubs of Oreo ice cream
Ah wondered what that jiggling sound was, its your big fat belly
maybe a good substitute for milk far is butter. then its like buttermilk (the milk with the butter)
Anyone else just not that interested in having actual sex but would rather sit and be cosy with a woman and masturbate each other
Slopping list
Went on a date with a girl who kept demanding I share traumatic events with her, while she kept sharing traumatic events of her own. Didn't really have anything to give her, probably would have boiled my cat had I brought her home.
As they ate, Toby took the pizza and blessed it and broke it and gave it to his disciples. He said to them, “This is my body. Eat it.” Then taking the cup of piss, he gave thanks to the Whygena, he entered into covenant with them, saying, “This is my piss. Each of you must drink it in fulfillment of the covenant."
shunging in my eggy smellroom
Carrots and broccoli are slop now? As expected of Rorke.
what was her traumatic event
Could have made traumatic shite up
have absolutely no idea why you've just said that

>1 day
1 day +
they have about 3 usually

enjoy your /pol/brain

not sure how roast dinner and fry ups are slop
some mental woman on the train turned around and started talking to me about trauma really i was just trying to study and it made me very uncomfortable
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A trans woman would be perfect for you :3
Enjoy your pre-made roast potatoes
Fuck me how hard is it to just roast a potato
What is that bizarre contraption on the shelf
not me
can wank myself better than a girl can because they don’t have the wrist strength. too many sexy positions and shag techniques for me to waste time wanking with a girl.

no doubt a lot of runts on Brit are clones of you though
Had a dream I had a girlfriend and just woke up and the realisation that it was a dream genuinely made me literally cry.
He looks amazing for 61
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>not sure [...] fry ups are slop
look at this gay bastard eating fucking out of date minging egg and cress sandwiches in his smelly bedroom

look at this other mong posting his gay cat's arse

state of this place
man voice: i bought us mcdonalds
woman voice: im leaving you
man voice: i bought us mcdonalds
man voice: youre too good for you
(black and pink)
august was utter shite
and september so far is no better
Bottom also applies to autistic biological women
Car headlights are so fucking bright nowadays can they calm this down
do the nutmeg flavour baby wipes get your arse high
youre too good for you
anyone remember alt j
fun fact
you can see through deer with the modern LED
Used to have dreams about doing a poo and would wake up and have to check my boxers
i am
it's peeling them that i find tedious so i spend the extra pound

they aren't nutmeg flavoured that's their own brand's name
Babe do you want to shag the digested mcdonalds in my grim manly arse while i make manly grunts
yeah basically
leftypol in a haunted house shouting 'Who's there!'
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>they aren't nutmeg flavoured
Have you licked them to check?
Eating out my ex made me flaccid, does that mean I'm gay? Just seemed like the idea was more erotic than the actual act. Fingering made me solid though, big fan.
Might change my name to Imhotep
fascinating image
Are you... oh
You can tell the mere mention of trannies turns some people here into a raging raving rabid mess in their brain
Would love to stamp on your head until your body convulses
Breakfast: Egg and cress sandwich
Lunch: Egg and cress sandwich
Tea: Egg and cress sandwich
tranny discord image
depends, if it didn’t smell then you’re deffo gay
if it smells that’s her own fault 2bh and no man could reasonable be expected to stay hard
might invent a new accent
eating pussy is rough
my tiny willy makes me a good warrior
6PM: the spiders are back
6.30: prayer
6.45: 3 egg and cress sandwiches
7PM: spiders
The Germanics (not just the Germans, ALL Germanics) are a race of filthy, BARBAROUS savages who came and eliminated far cleaner civilizations (Latins, Celts.) The Slavs may be FILTHIER, but we should've at least let them finish off Germany in 1945.
its serving
It didn't smell, I just didn't find it erotic
cringiest post of the morning award
1x pack of two half egg and cress sandwiches (serves 2)
its giving
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You'd know :^)
Not gay, but the idea of being on all fours before the mighty presence of a muscular black man with an immense erection, saliva dribbling down my chin and tears pouring from my eyes as he looks down at me in satisfaction is so beautiful, my bumhole twitching in anticipation of his love
just peng innit?
Corr well she's just asking for it isn't she
anyone who eats mcdonalds or kfc is a lesser being
love the 2 yanks who are always at each othres throat like tom and jerry
if i was on death row and got a last meal id get some egg and cress sandwiches, tomato soup to dip it in - eat the sandwiches and dip my hand in the boiling hot soup. thatd make headlines
might be gay then lad
gets me going proper like, especially after a couple of mins when her juices come out and you can taste her wetness
you read dumpf
i read dempf
we are not the same
my feet smell :D
nowt wrong with that
toby ^^
It tasted a bit tangy initially and then of nothing, maybe it needed condiments
egg and cress cereal
i eat them as snacks and meals over the course of two or three days
they're lushers pengolio
my twink feet fucking stink
sucking monkberry moon delight
Might go stand outside the Australian consulate and throw rotting fruit at the cars pulling in and out
egg and cress sex arse
I've got nothing worthwhile to post.
egg and cress and milk sandwiches
eaten with a cup of water
yank comedy double act called Craig & S
Reckon piss and nettle tea really washes down an egg and cress sandwich beautifully.
It is the longest sentence handed down so far over last month's violence, which erupted across the UK following the killing of three children in a stabbing at a dance class in Southport.

Thomas Birley, 27, of Swinton, near Rotherham, previously pleaded guilty to a charge of arson with intent to endanger life, one count of violent disorder, and possession of an offensive weapon - a police baton.

He was sentenced to nine years in custody with five years on licence as part of a 14-year extended sentence.
edward making fun of our names again
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screaming with laughter every time a troon uses "le cutesy anime" representation of themselves when they finna be looking like this irl lmaaaaao
ma'am we're all good cops
not sure why you lads have picked out my egg n cress enjoyment now when i've been posting about getting them all year
Looks like a software engineer
what the fuck is wrong with you lot
state of this thread
wheres the fucking CRESS
what is cress
yank comedy double act called Randy Bender & Chuck Mungus
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And the men in Rotherham responsible for the rape of 1400 British girls?
Their sentences?
opening the emergency exit door on the bus and everyone being sucked out
It's spelt "water cress" you dumb spider muncher
off the booze

vile much
i grew cress in my garden fro seeds once and didnt pick it all because "tee hee ill save it for later or let it die and grow back for later" and instantly it turned into an invasive weed
Keys to the city
Honestly is vile muck. It will destroy your head long before it destroys your liver
that's why you buy the ready made sarnos lad
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a fucking leaf
it's disgusting in egg
Honestly is vile muck. It will destroy your head long before it destroys your garden
they taste good
so does that sandwich filler
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The lads
Morrison's > Tesco
quick easy grab it out the fridge snack is an egg n cress sarn
the comfort of it being there ready made is part oft he appeal
like designer clothes - it's about the brand image of a prepackaged egg n cress
it's about the feeling you get when ya eat em
'ckin 'ell is that mark lamarr?
just realised the main guy from stranger things is older than me wtf
How much for the man in Leeds who set fire to the bus?
These are the quality posts I come here for.

Got to sift through the boring bastards for a while but you do occasionally find a gold nugget
the mothballs escaped again
if gubberment wants me to work they should give me methamphetamine simple as
Gardening mongs be like
>I grow me own veg, saving a fortune on the big shop
6 weeks later they have enough tomatoes to make enough pasta sauce for one meal and they've saved a quid.
taking my pet mossball out back and shooting it
Just realised Harry Kane is younger than me
why would you grow cress unless you eat a fuck load of egg and cress sandwiches
but you can take one tomato and squish it outside for more seeds to grow tomatos endlessly
done the gardening mongs
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Bought a peng tomahawk steak from the butchers
pet rock on the mdma
Want to touch its balls desu
growing some eggs and cress in my yard
very sickly horse with bad hair
Met a friend of a friend down the pub last week and he had a haggered face with greying receding hair and I was convinced he was at least 40. Turns out he was 28 (I'm 29).
You can't help feeling sorry for them, can you?
Saw a post that decimates gardening mongs
get them housed
Yes goy, don't be self-sufficient
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this is me
just seen a webm of some fucking enormous horse nuts but i might not post it actually
Piss soaked dog cocks
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If you eat a lot of jalapenos you'll feel it the next day.
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not this incel again
Come on lads, admit to something it took you way too long to find out.
For me it was only just realising that The Beatles is spelled with 'Beat' instead of 'Beet'. I'm 34.
thats a perfectly normal amount of jalapenos
you can't post the horses
any bribed man in
paid a couple quid for some tomato seeds last year and was absolutely inundated, said we weren't gonna bother this year though
come June and all the seeds dispersed by dogberg helping herself last year have thrown up a plant each themselves
Did you get that table from Warwick Davis?
Wonder if the flap about when he's flying
post the horses
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You look fun to talk to.
The US has always been the good guys, except for the brief periods of 1789-1860, 1866-1917, 1919-1933, and 1971-present.
Have a big jiggly arse and a 3 inch penis
10,000 years ago, The Annunaki created hydrogen protons and neurons, which fabrigated to hymosphere of our universeal anathomy. Do you understand what I'm saying, Joe?
It's a really big plate
arab Linus
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corr get it on my face then cock
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this guy got the name of a metal wrong in his science binge and making shit up
*slaps your arse*
*jiggles your tits*
Waheyyyy fattie
*punches your teeth in*
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based 'peno enjoyer

I did yeah but he had listed it as a dining table for 4 which I thought was a bit odd.
i very rarely laugh out loud well done
Linus "The CIA are trying to kill me so I've been living in a small village in South America for the last 3 years" tips
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Just had coffee with sugar in
Vile stuff
no its that britposter with the hoto edits of him standing in his kitchen or whatever. its the smile, not the eys
Big cold arse
rorke's da taking him a run out to IKEA
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didn't order my vapes early enough yesterday so they're not arriving until monday
fucked it
Had to make it hostile didn't you? Evil twat.
she fucks dogs then animates it and posts it on the internet
Just seen a woman with facial hair, got me spinning out a bit
If trannies are so disgusting, why do I want to shag them?
Would spark this cunt out
Because you are utterly vile
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women fuck dogs you know
Big man can beat up a woman can he? Ooh you're hard
No Diego, white women fucking dogs isn't a thing that actually happens outside the niche porn you like.
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They got the final boss of the rioters

people in their 20s look old now why
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who said anything about "white"?
mad how 'clean' and 'cleanliness' and pronounced completely differently
He looks about 27
Moved on from shagging black men to shagging dogs now have we? The gimmicks just get better and better
tired lads
tired of it all
need to rediscover my energy and enthusiasm
You couldn't spark a match
I've never had a cock up my arse except for that time in uni when I took 5.

Why are you lot so gay?
women never even have fucked dogs (they do though)
They're different words, of course they're pronounced differently you mong
I thought everyone did. ..
mad how I could just hop and grindr and get a shag nearly instantly
>the only person to plead not guilty in all of these trials is a Labour brown
no they dont, its a stupid rumour
get the bloody oil just stopped and get the oasis tickets bought
mad how 'con' and 'constantinople' are pronounced completely differently
they do
Oasis fans don't like Just Stop Oil you spazmoid
I've seen it
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trannysaurus rex
woke brigade
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Emily, 21 from Reigate, does and she's got tickets
getting ill and I cant tell if its an actual illness or overtraining
looks his age
you watch bestiality porn, that doesnt mean all women fuck dogs

reminder this is the person behind the screen who projects onto people and also posts race bait for what was it today like 6 hours
That's not a person. That's a webm.
Hyperbole is pronounced "hi-per-bo-lee" and not "hyper-bowl"
kek thats my terminal visual interface is that, love looking at mice
"[Celebrity] looks UNRECOGNISABLE in recent candid shots"

(they've grown a beard and are wearing a hat)
want sunstein to fuck off
becausa eu are mentally ill
fucking get the oil just stopped and get the ASOS, Zara, Boohoo, very.co.uk, River Island, Pretty Little Thing and White Fox orders delivered and get the returns picked up as well (in a different van)
dont want to say anything to it or ese he might think im being nice in his crossed-wires little brain
that guy lived more in his 27 years than any of us will in 100
egg and cress
Somebody tell Diego I hope he's having a nice day
smegg and cress
>they all want his mamba
>what was that love?
>n-nothing mum, just on COD again haha
>okay, your dinner's ready
could use a fucking curry right now ngl. Im thinking lamb rogan, peshwari naan, popadoms n onion bhaji fuuuaaaaaaaaaarrrrkkkk
If the janny doesn't start doing his job I'm going to start something
Imagine going to prison at 27 for 9 years
Would kill meself
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>arbitrary filesizes, dimensions and even aspect ratios

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youre white
You're eating 20 sausages a week?
Mental how badly I mindraped him
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guys do you wipe your bum standing or sitting be honest.
more of a saagwala man myself love spinach
He's resetting his router as we speak
plain spinach sandwich
"Diego looks UNRECOGNISABLE in recent candid shots"

(he's got poo smeared across his lips and is wearing an Aldi bag as a vest)
don't wipe my bum
mmhmm... Jah bless
good man
fuuuaaaaarrrk im on a pretty intense cut right now but I might sack it off just for today
Doing an enema
that's ai dawg crazy how much more powerful it's got in the last 9 months, my local model could barely get a 512x512 one out then
time to make hentai
>too close to the bag
>dropping his hands
>off balance
>wtf was that roll
I would destroy this "girl" in the ring
rolling a blunt
>>too close to the bag
Er you have to touch the bag, retard
raaaaaaah sooooooool
both me I'm the smelly bum spinach man
Have you ever done a mum?
eager for the baton x

check out this croatian tune https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0CnyoGQgDs
hate it when authors self-insert into the story
yh, she showed me pics of her daughter after shagged (the daughter was older than me)
Nah, sucked off a dad tho
We get it, Heathermong.
Her daughter fit?
get her in the arms of a Syrian refugee, ASAP
not bad
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I like it. Going to Croatia soon.
New thread OP is gay

sorry am I running a charity here?
those windrush batons still living rentfree in her head x
There should be a film about the Germans rescuing Mussolini from prison. Mission Impossible type shit.
Proper elite athlete that
get the new made. NOW *windows and glasses shake*
if you tell people you like Dino Dvornik they'll love you, listen to his other stuff

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