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Where did I go wrong edition

BOOOOOOZEEEEE kade sogresif


Enai 1/4 elleniki
Are you 80/70year old woman who made a mistake with my dad or something
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>this is what Makebro could have access to if he had an EU passport

Give in bro... Get a Bugi passport
one of my customers sexually assaulted me on the phone
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Daz rite.
>fitness instructor
Can't you install a voice changer and make your voice deeper?
>inb4 limited user rights on winblows machine
You're Albanian, she wouldn't pick you either way
that would be your mother bro
I like some spunk like that
Well fucking half th3 city and causing a commotion where man fight for who's the right guy is also not right
What an angel
>bitches need a man next to them just so they won't get harrassee by sashkos
and troons think being a woman is easy
I don't harrasse any gurl
>inb4 limited user rights on winblows machine
Um yes.
Otherwise i'd have installed steam and played goy 4.

I got confused for a grill again and the bong continued to hit on me after he found out i was a guy
I want to lay down and die
>if it sounds loyk a lass and looks loyk a lass...
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>oh, that's a cute name
>how I'm enjoying the sex?—oh the site!? Oh very much...

Only when compared to english roses...
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Protecting women is a man-made idea, there is no such thing in nature.
you don't look like this

insufferable faggot kys
About a couple thousand in plastic surgery and I will be close enough

Now please donate to my cause
mangal probably has a musulman name so the brit called a nigga named muhammad yusufov cute
We use pseudonyms for calls and mine is technically a gender neutral one.
Sour grapes, Ikipoverty
he admitted he has a turkish name. there's about a 50% it's some variation of mohammed
Turk names and arabic names are different
I ate sweet grapes today.
alhamdulillah ikichad
I'm glad you can afford them, finally
I need a fresh 18 year old petite with A-cups to heal my soul. I can't keep going like this no more.
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Why not 17?
Im from lulin and never voted let alone shilled for pp. Also I love BЪlgaria you are mixing up the larps again.
Law does not allow it
>I need a hag
It literally does
fuck time's just not moving today
I'm bored out of my mind slacking off, might just go bikecel again
You can call the american embassy and tell them he's fucking a 17.99 year old girl and he'd end up in jail.
I do need a 5 year plan
Look pal, I would if I could but it is too big of a gamble and I don't trust these gen-whatchamacallit
i had no idea they used pseudonyms tbqh
i bet its something mega gay like ezra
hopefully its a terrorist sounding one, imagine being a twink called ibrahim or ismail
I need to finish my backups restructuring plan it's like 70% done
Ezra is not gender neutral
I will be flirting with simps (male) on onlyfans and instagram pretending to be a woman starting next week. What am I in for?
who are you suppose to be? Andrew Tate
I HAVE to ask: why?
For money bro its a job
>pretending to be a woman
I don't know anon despite appearances I have never pretended to be a girl in the internet.
what kind of job is this dog?
Angrybey... I won't say it because I like you
But I hope Mangal jumps off a bridge
Eat the fox nuts.
Thanks bro, i hope so too.
But seriously how can you look at a whore like that and not see a traitorous nigger fucking, vapid piece of shit?
Engaging simps paying for of sub I suppose. Training is next week so dont know much as of now apart from baiting simps on ig and of
>Ezra is considered a gender-neutral name, though many more boys hold the name. As a girl's name, it broke into the Social Security Administration's top 1,000 names in 2018.
>That trend is much the same among BabyCenter parents, hundreds of thousands of whom share their babies' names with us each year. Ezra has been in the top 50 for boy's names since 2018, but ranks much lower among girls.
only reason why i know that its technically gender neutral is because ive seen a few non binaries online use it
Why are you always thinking about niggeds having sex, bro. Is there something you'd like to tell us?
Idk, I got a good vibe looking at her face, though I might be mistaken who knows
Mine was Alex. Didn't choose it for being gender neutral it was just random.
bro this sounds like a troon pipeline
you'd need to have an ubermenschian soul to come out of this unscathed, there's always begging under the bridge
Today was at my moms birthday, she turned 51, reminded me i'll turn 32 in november, it is over
This song was played and now i have it stuck in my head
Happy birthday to you your mom bro
Good choice, rip to the guy
How kuch do you get paid?
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>32 years old
I have never enjoyed living in the world
What can I do bro my father died my mother and grandparents have no income. Its not on permanent labor contract so these are the legal jobs I can do on the side
3000 and bonuses if I sell subs
Nigga what the fuck.

When can I sign up? Is there remote?
trooning out to save the family, you bring a tear to my eye friend I hope this is not some gypsy sob story
It's nothing you poofter, I model dog penises and I'm perfectly rational.
I troon out to save my country. Where is my praise?
>wyte people

is it one of these?
Mangol should visit angaybey in Galați
show us some of your work bro
I unironically worked on a 50 year plan, but I don't see the appeal today.

Tell me why it's not a complete waste of money.
Fucking disgusting, I expected this from nojko but not you.
an esteemed biologist, your diploma must be of a superb color sir
Poorfags be like yo ill suck his dick pretending to be a woman bro its for money
God I wish I were dead.
Thanks, yeah overall today was pretty decent overall, got a bit drunk, won't let this >>201908314 albo ruin it.
500 lei an hour
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do I need to bring up again the atrocities you have vomited on this general, you 32 year old manchild?
>twice as expensive as the average whore.
You sure value yourself highly, hey at least you're probably 1 iq variation higher than the average whore
I would never become a prostitute. I have a list of things I would sooner do before getting there, including being a criminal—or on a lighter note being a flight attendant. If I troon out successfully, maybe I'll do that. It seems prestigious to me and they probably suffer less abuse than the average wage cuck.
How would that help the cause though?
It's obvious how criminality will benefit thre cause.

Flight attendants make decent money. Much better than what I'm making now. I would be able to shelter multiple NEET warriors rather comfortably on such a wage.

Say, you joining me or not big boy?
Why shoukd i give my life for the freedom of bumgaria? Do i look bulgarian to you?
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>i have a list of things to do
>troon out
Holy shit the state of this place, Caligula plovdiv
If its ok I give you their number and you take it from there. Just lets see what this is I never realised I might really need to deal with dick pics and shit
I would suggest you to help your own country but you don't care about Romania either.

I'd tell you to help yourself too but you don't seem to be a wage cuck either. Whereas I am without property without womyn without children. I have nothing. I have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
I don;t even care about my life either.
Anyways. tell me how was yoir greece vacation, how does Greece compare in terms of development, globohomo and culture to bulgaria? Which country has the higher chance to regain its freedom?
They don't have a website?

3k is amazing. Especially if not in an office.
hey 32 year old gypsy, you're always so mouthy out of line here but when a certain topic comes up you turn mute schizoid doofus
I really don't wanna see anymore talk of your mother here unless it's profuse, tearful apologizing, dumb animal
>I don;t even care about my life either.
So, your basic needs are probably met. Meaning you probably haven't starved in a while. That's the only way to make you value your life. It's not something I can do.

Way more niggers, most signs are also in English. Locally produced goods are almost twice as expensive as bulgarian ones. Foreign ones are also the same. Tourist spots basically rape you in terms of money.
Its all remote even training
I hope you guys realize now that online dating is all a scam by catfishing desperate boys selling their dignity for bucks.
>Foreign ones are also the same
Meaning foreign goods cost same in freece as Bulgaria
They aren't met i need a supply of bitches i can fuck and throw away, why should i do anything for this simp society that treated me like shit otherwise?
zimat li ti pari za trening
If you want bitches you need power.
Do morbidly obese niggers and dogs jave power? Fuck that shit. bkitches are a mere annoyence and the effort to get them is not worth it especially in todays society where they are the mostd egenerate cunts they have ever been and they pay no consequences for their actions.
Your mentality is why things got so bad
there are various ways to get women and chances are she will have more power than you today anyway
you guys should post the screenshots of the convos with the simps for fun once you start working
i wanna see the hornyposts
Kak shte im plashtam pari za trening tva nqkva praktika li e?
>Do morbidly obese niggers and dogs jave power
Despite the memes, women don't really prefer this. They probably even prefer the dog over the nigger.
>the effort to get them
It requires effort from you because you are not a quality mate. Probably below 5/10 face, no money no social status. If you had any of these things you'd have to give effort to throw women OFF of you. Power triumphs all of these things.
That's because most men today are estrogenics cucks. When they fight against women, they are fighting against the state. That's why they lose
I dont want to go out and drink with these fucking people anymore what do
Andrew Tate bootcamp?
4:34 Greeks mentioned.
u programistite ima takava shema
He>>201909880 is talking to you>>201910277
Lol you really let yourself insulted like a 2 dollars submissive hooker
You are a hideous turk mutt tranny faggotm there are millions of videos of women doing the most degenerate shiot with the lowest niggers and you subhuman vermin stillputthem on a pedestal acting as if it's an accomplishment to get one.
Your post genuinely makes me wanna join your faggot revolutionary bumgarian group just to get close to you so i can skin you alive
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You are a jewish person and i can choose to project instead there was fresh parsley or a senator by now and they wont do you have to be a dumbass if you can pretend thats fine then its okay just like a few friends with a woman than the terrorist attacks against the government agencies and their whore daughters twerking on their graves SwiftKey Flow
it's not meant to be an insult and he doesn't need to reply, just obey
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>women don't like men with looks, money, status
Lol. You are delusional. Women charge extra to have sec with niggers bro. Fuck outta here.
>just to get close to you so i can skin you alive
Go ahead.
I wont make it easy. ;)
Who cares what women like want need.
It's so tiresome.
I don't give a fuck about your existence and whatever you postm and i said what i said, why do i need to apologize for it?
I felt like that in that particular moment and i don't feel like that anymore.
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>Crazy how Kelly didnt post in weeks, what happend to him?
You have the same mentality as a dumb and vapid whore, i take that back that i said you are slightly smarter than one.
Women are degenerate vermin that would betray anyone for the most dysgenic nigger and even jeet, you putting them on a pedestal doesnt change shit when there are millions of examples to prove you wrong.
And i've been told i have a face between 6.5 and 8.

Which one did you want to bang bros?
Rikki for me
Why did you post a selfie?
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>And i've been told i have a face between 6.5 and 8.
I wouldn't have to know your feels if they stayed where they belong, but you're an effeminate yapping homo
Your existence is so irrelevant to kme that i don't give a fuck what you know.
I'm a tourist here, in Kosovo now (the flag is wrong)

Why do so many people spit on the ground in Albania/Kosovo? Is it all the balkans or just here?
He does always tell you to go tho and you never do. So in a sense he is cucking you
its a consequence of smoking, i do it a lot
Makes sense
Smoke over 2 packs a day and i dont do it however, but i dont go out much either
>people tell me
What people saybto your fsce is different from reality, bro. Just accept the fact you're not as attractive as you think you are, and that's why you get no pussy, and move on.
>ah, yes, a good day of calling everyone a homo
>now time to jerk of to cute boys like a true man
>Beginning June 6, 2025, American Airlines will introduce a fourth daily flight from the US to Greece, connecting Charlotte, North Carolina, with Athens International Airport (AIA).

>Charlotte, American’s second-largest hub in the USA, offers connections to 130 destinations across North America. The new flight from Charlotte to Athens will complement the airline’s existing seasonal services to Chicago (ORD), New York (JFK), and Philadelphia (PHL).

Based, i fucking LOVE America
Deadpool 3 was KINO btw
You are a hideou turkic troonoid, why should i give a fuck about an abomination like you?
Mangaloid will get a job as a flight attendant on this flight btw.
>women fuck ugly dysgenic mutts
>yet they don't fuck you
i dont do it much at home, i can just drink a bit of water and wash the nicotine coating off my tongue that way
A single turbulence can kill Mongol
You said you trooned out precisely because of that reason, yet i can show you a million videos with women fucking dysgenic niggers
I wish it would, if i wasnt such a pussy i would do it myself but is it worth throwin my life away for this thing?
Sadly for us he's an AMERICAN citizen, meaning we can't get away with it
Eyyy that's Mario Bronza, a Barnsville legend
Sad he had to end up like this
Man was a math wizz from what I hear
RIP old man
It's hyperbole. Women don't fuck me because i look like an effeminate faggot and my personality is even worse. And my women issues are a negligible part of the actual issue.
>yet i can show you a million videos with women fucking dysgenic niggers
They probably find their antisocial criminality attracrive.

You can thugmaxx too bro.
I'll let you do it so long as you are gentle, baby.
u thought you liked it rough doe
whats all this sudden gay shit about being gentle?
What I say and the reality is very different. I'm very sensitive.Also what I like is irrelevant honestly.
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>incelibacy: spergstorm removes Russian region option from the menu
>English-speaking Russians flood EU servers
vat ze fak
sashe broke the matrix
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If I was rich id reg my car there and then drive it here
There are plates issued in Athens whose letter part is IKI lmao

When I see one I think of our beloved Ikibey

ok gyppo
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I am making my BF help me make Musaka.

Hope you faggots die from eating undercooked potatoes.
>t. roonche
Music is a programming tool. Especially if it has lyrics, straight up mind control tool that MKUltra sheet
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crystalic jew york waters
lanternfly right in the face
Ingesting some unislamic liquids to cope with life wasted on wage slavery
looks like slop
will you be adding cheese on top of it? i know that some savages skip that part
We need a helmet... they mind scan you... implant thoughts in your head.
I literally just put them in. Give it time.

My BF, who is lurking the thread audibly kek'ed at your post btw. :)
It's not cheese sweaty. It's yoghurt + flour + egg.


I will post finished product just wait. Musaka *is* slop in a way. It's meat and oil mainly.
If I stop the mind control I bet a 3D interdimensional nigger will materialize here from the 4th dimension to check what's happening
Are you currently employed bro?
Did you quit your larp factory job?
>he wont add grated cheese to the mix
eating bulgur, while bourgeoisie pigs above me eat potatoes
Evil creature
What did Bulgurians do to you?
Why are you referring to? Mangal or Mangal's bull.

My mom never did it like that. If you recommend i do fine i will put a bit. Don't recall making it like that. Maybe once.
Eating steak and liver, brains with eggs too and freshly squeezed unpasteurized milk.
Why do we get mind wiped before being put here?
>le unpasteurized milk meme reached the Balkans
Kek, AMERICAN influence is too strong
2 more diet fads and he loses his virginity, trust the plan bro
I've been drinking it my whole life thoughever.
I want a cold winter
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exterminated about a dozen chinknigger flies so far
No idea what this means
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yellowjackets feastin
Take your meds
im just an autist, you can skip my advice if you dont think youll like it
my mom always puts cheese at the top which is why im used to it being done this way, it makes the top layer with the sauce taste less bland
drinking pasteurized milk
I can't eat musaka, shit is absolutely revolting. Take a good ingredient such as meat then fry it until there is zero juice left and add tasteless rice in the mix.
Bro, mousaka isn't made with rice
I already put it in the mix :)
I never enjoyed eating food. I just do it cuz I have to.
whats your reddit karma?
ancient makkkedonian mousaka is

Musaka isn't sarma bro
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Puttibg on the top now
I think the same about sarma.
I hate music. I hate food too.
Fyromian musaka is the most poverty recipe in existence
Just mince meat and potatoes or eggplant
No cheese, no egg, no flour, no yogurt, no nothing
I like water.
>poverty tier
>suggests no chees, no eggs
>suggest eggplant
Sarma is top 2 meals in existence
First place is grape leaf, luv it so much it's actually unreal
I like BBC
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how about some incecticide, this, cicadas now virused up mosquitoes up north
I should fuck off the michigan for the rest of the year
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you shouldnt have dont that bro
now ill feel bad if you dont like it
Stuffed peppers with rice and minced meat + yogurt sauce >>> any sarma type
Not a single grandma in my family makes musaka with eggs or cheese
Also eggplant musaka is more traditional if anything, no potatoes before like 200 years ago
>Stuffed peppers
Children's meal
I'd ignore you and keep eating stuffed peppers if you said this in front of me
If he put kashkaval it will be fine, regular cheese will probably just dry out.
Eggplant is just revolting. Also fuck tradition, you gonna eat fucking beans because it's le traditional?
Children usually act this way when facing criticism
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It will be fine don't worry:)
Ye kashkaval it's the only cheese i really use. I use it on everything.
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and another one, moid
Beans aren't le traditional doe
Only fava beans (tried it once in my life) are traditional
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that so
Tell that to grandmas that cook tavche gravche bro.
I like that doe
When it's baked with good sausages it's unironically worth a day of farting
Too new to get my epic mpalk reference?
I like fried eggplants
Do you look like that?
Yesterday and today k ate artichokes a la polita (Greek artichoke soup)

It was kino. Some of these days I'll make some lentil soup too
Yes! Pwease no bully. :(
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I look like this
Not a single fyromian has ever seen this plant irl I wager
>fava beans
Oh no, polukrainian ain't gonna like this post.
Bros you're missing a great delicacy
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FUCK i left it in too long because i was distracted
Today i ate taramasalata, grilled pork, chicken, mici
I once tried raw grape leaf by itself out of curiosity and it unironically tastes like a tart berry
Surprisingly enjoyable
I lmaod at that pic
They look a lot like cevapi, nice
You make me want dolma now lel
Like asparagus
Only exists to fyromians from cartoons or movies
They are the same but juicier, i like them mopre than cevapi
You can eat green vine sprouts if you remove the outer skin. In springtime.
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It still came out fine.

And my BF is a freak that puts ketchup on it.
It's called sarma bro
Okra is the most disgusting shit that a human has ever decided to make food out of, if god is real why did it create that revolting plant?
It's one of the few vegetables from sub-Saharan Africa
So it was created as punishment for darkskins?
I can only eat them with chicken and red sauce (another Greek recipe), otherwise I'm too disgusted to eat them too

Although the thing I cannot possibly eat are snails.
Broccoli is also revolting.
Okra is amazing, eggplant is amazing, zucchini are amazing. The only truly disgusting vegetable is leeks but even that can be salvaged if mixed with rice and pork bits and baked.
Children usually act this way when facing broccoli
Broccoli is really tasty when it's raw, tastes just like cabbage
Disgusting when cooked
That's how i ate it too, still didn't like it. too fucking slimy nomatter how you cook it. it's not even the taste, the texture is revolting, it's called bame here
Leek salad or leek pita or leek sausages are to DIE for
Tastiest shit in existence

It's just a strong flavor like garlic or onion or whatever
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I fucking love leek rice soup
om my god just go to sleep already you dumb yuropoors, this is worse than sleephours silence. what is this the cuisine reddit?
Lmao. It's bamies in Greek ughhhhhhhh sovl
Go search for my sister on girly games, soybanian
seething foodlet
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>tfw I mindspermed balk into talking about food
Sorry to disappoint but I'm not that makke.
>nigga eats leaves and now flowers
Smh, you should've been born a goat or something.

bye bye took her
matt star woodah
fleezumm ee gee choopuh sus taah meenee doopuh
neh tkaah drooguh
totchkee troopah
toll call vuh pre-patchy-nuh chee cut duff cheat shut tea trooper
Only vegetable I dislike in basically all ways is zucchini
Don't like it fried, or deep fried, or breaded, or grilled, or raw
Just a low ROI vegetable
The name is from greek, same for pomegranate called rodia/rodie in romanian
edin narod
And watermelon called pepene.
Try it with lemon, olive oil and salt

Unironically one of the tastiest salads because it soaks up the tasty liquids so well
Yes, eating leaves and flowers is why your great grandparents died at 90 and modern processed food shit is why people will rot alive earlier
It's vomit inducing.
You haven't tried it doe
It's literally just cabbage when raw (same plant species as well)
>eating leaves and flowers
>le healthy
I have tried it, it literally felt like it burned my tongue from how awful it tasted and I lost my appetite.
Psychosomatic reaction because it looks odd
Quite childish of a reaction I might add
I'm not here to argue with you about facts, bro
Balkan people ate meat two three times a year and lived long and now we eat meat shit every other day and have fatty livers and atherosclerosis by 50
>Broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts may look vastly different from each other, but they all evolved from the same plant species: Brassica oleracea. In each place that B. oleracea was introduced, farmers bred for a different edible part of the plant.
Mental how it's the same plant just grown for different purposes
Kill yourself peasant
Another question from me

What's up with not returning the trays at fast food restaurants in Albania? Is that actually what you're supposed to do here - just leave them on the table?

I get leaving stuff on the table when a server brings it to you, that's universal. I'm talking about the case when you retrieve the food yourself.
Пипoн is melon.
Любeницa is watermelon.
From Latin piponivm and lvbenitivm respectively.
>umm bro you should poison yourself because because
It's not facts, only leaf balkan people ate was cabbage and they survived on full fat unpasteurised mild and dairy products. They did eat healthier, yes, but not due to eating flowers like retards but because they didn't have access to modern goyslop that have a lot of poison in them. Not to mention they were all manlets due to bad nutrition, the peasants I mean.
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>musaka turned out fine
Don't come in monastiraki square at 12pm on Sunday
sugi pula mitica
That's what waiters are for, why the fuck would you do their job for them? You are also not supposed to leave any tip.
yeah, you're supposed to be served dog not work for the restaurant for free, it's in the name
I don't think that's true
Like 90% of Balkan cuisine is wrapping a small amount of meat in a vegetable
I think they ate meat somewhat regularly but in smaller amounts than today
Also you get atherosclerosis from trans-fats not natural animal fats. Search up the history of crisco that popularised this dysgenic trans-fat madness and then blamed heart diseases on animal fat.
>only leaf balkan people ate was cabbage
And nettles and a bunch of other shit.

“Гpъкoт кoгa ce poди знaeш щo викa? Чиpoз. A бyгapинoт кoпpивa.”
one of these days, my brother in law...
I am so close
Do greeks usually slaughter a pig around christmas too or they used to?
leave everything for the wagie to clean up, it literally isnt your problem
dont even make it look orderly, just get up and leave once youve had your fill of slop and let the wagie do the rest
The only vegetables my great grandads ate was cucumbers and peppers, if you wanna be technicals wheat and potato as well. The bulk of their calories however came from milk and dairy products and meat was as you said rationed in smaller portious but I do remember they ate a lot of it, and one side was a poor af peasant side that did the same, their generation outlived my grandads who died in their 70s while great grandads died in their 90s and 100s respectively.
The meat your grandpa got from his village butcher (if there was one a day didn't cut it himself) was 100000 timers better compared to what they sell today

Did you know they feed slaughter animals with pulverized carcasses of other animals? This is how the Mad Cow prion disease got to be
Okay bro, eat meat daily for 20 years and let's see what happens

Some people eat pork, others prefer sheep
>Okay bro, eat meat daily for 20 years and let's see what happens
I know people that did live/lived much healthier and longer than those that didn't. There is a problem with today's supply if you buy it from the store since they use a chemical spray to prolong shelf life but basically if you can ensure to buy the pig yourself it's better. Best is if you know what the pig is fed as well. Still infinitely better than store goyslop especially vegetables that are drowned in toxins in the first place to prevent them from getting eaten by bugs.
My grandmother was from a mountain village before she married in the valley big village, her family in the hills ate wheat bread only on Sundays, they were eating maize and barley bread.
How do you faggots pronounce Nike and how do the other balkmun peasants say it?
Also кaчaмaк, potatoes and maize really revolutionized calorie production, especially in areas with poor soil.
It's nai-kee however

But apparently it's pronounce Neekee
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Today we celebrate Bulgarian Unification in 1885.
I sometimes call it Ni-Ke as a joke but I've heard some moons call it like that unironically.
Recently i saw even amerimutts say it like that, technically at first it was pronounced phonetycally like in greek but the amerimutts americanized it to nai-kee in the early 80s to make it more commercially available
you stole my picture, don't talk to me or my wife ever again
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Krasnoyarsk - Water under the bridge

I say I sorry a million times
I can't sleep I wish I would die
I go on cigarette walk
I have no one to talk to
I am stuck in my mind
I tell her I sorry I act like a bitch
She say it's water under the bridge
I cannot get past it
I'd rather bypass it
What if this thing collapse
Lmao it was oc?
this nigga bout to get bumgarian'd
yes, I screenshoted this from my facebook
So your faggot boy is not bulgar?
Stop putting an annoying roastie voice mangaloid
He is why would he not be
That's my regular voice. My roastie voice is even worse.
she is absolute cutie, not friends with her just saw her in some group
it's truly suffering not living in North-Western Europe
Put your roastie voice
Why you talk english to conational retard
Because my Bulgarian is at the level of a 3 year old
Because mangal is american and doesn't speak fluent bulgarian, are you retarded?
I concur bro, nice
We've got a big fan base for girls like her itt
I for one am not one of those people.
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I'm not American!
she looks annoying to be around ngl
she looks easily influencable
>attrocious tattoos
Im not here on balk non stop so i cant keep in mind all upgrade lores and lies. You probably sucked his magic cock already thats why you know all detailes.

I thought you are bulgarian
influenceable for what?
of course, she is 24, which makes my 34yo dick hard
tatted up serbian messages her on fb, tells her her photos are all cringe
wait 1 day
she takes all of them down
i've done it
she looks like a fucking herbivore man
>I thought you are bulgarian
Worse, I'm a turk.
If you dont speak turk you are not that either
I do, xd
Siktir bre

Whats the yellow black flag?
Habsburg Empire
>bulgarian education

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