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state migration edition

Previous: >>201943711
they are literally dying out though, they will be gone from the gop in a decade or so
N word
I moved to California and I love it and have zero regrets
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For less than the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a Coke, you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some good cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more.
California and new york are the virus invested cells breaking to release their disease into the rest of the country
Brian on pooicide watch
>the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a Coke
how much even is that nowadays, like 6 bucks
But enough about Christians and Muslims and pajeets
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dadberg and brotherstein are talking about gas prices and politics again
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i was hoping the truck would fall but it assumed the position without fault
Isnt San Francisco like way worse
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Made this webm for /tv/. Do you have haunted objects in your nation state?
the ones leaving are usually not the woke types that live there
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A nuke has been dropped on Des Moines, Iowa.
I support this
des moines v tinker
Not gonna watch this webm because I haven't seen this movie yet and don't want to be spoiled
Damn he was quick on the counter.
1 why would you hope that
2 why would it fall you dunce
the webm comes from the first quarter of the movie and is related to the movie's premise. no spoilers, promise
Brazilians were mean to me on youtube :'(
the girl dies in the webm
1 i crave violence
2 the ramp was originally spaced too far apart
my dad is such a boomer
almost every boomer stereotype applies to him
>Meir Mazuz, top Israeli rabbi favored by Netanyahu and his cabinet, blesses soldiers that gang-raped a Palestinian: "You beat the enemy, so what? It's all good… Don't we have the right to do it?… In any other country, they'd get medals… Don't fear the goyim"
shut up schizojeet
california is a woke shithole
if he's not at least 60 then no he isn't a boomer.
t. Has never set foot outside of Podunk County, Nebraska.
I'm putting $1,000 on Kamala
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Sodomy is a sin. The Bible calls it an abomination.
I imagine there are pockets of based. I think it would be fun to be a part of the Eurasian ruling class of LA in a cyberpunky kind of way
I've never been to nebraska
Ah, well I don't follow that religion, so I don't have to worry about that.
I would have bet on Trump vs Biden but Trump Kamela is a tossup imo. Losing side will accuse election interference either way
white womenz
You've never been to California either
he got 2000 and 2016 wrong, he is really not great. he also was adamant that biden would have won a day before he dropped out
What did he predict in 2016
Where they at?
*pops eyes out of head like in the Tex Avery cartoon* Awooga awooga
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trump would win the popular vote and hillary would win the electoral college
just annexed warsaw in Civ 5
Getting dolled up for a night on the town, probably.
It's not even 1:30 pm
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i bought sandwich ingredients and it cost $30
>He got two out of 10 wrong he sucks
groceries aren't expensive if you steal them
>but that's le wro-
so is inflating prices for no reason other than greed. not my problem
80%? especially when a few were blowouts? isn't impressive
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i'm the only person in history that was actually born in florida
he actually got 3 wrong, he bailed on his "final" 1992 prediction last minute when HW started taking in the polls in October
also he started predicting in 1984, there have only been really 2 elections that did not have a very clear favorite, any american would predict them correctly
He's irrelevant this cycle anyway because he was begging biden to stay in and that he would do better than kamala
truly hope you're trolling and not this economically illiterate
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Anybody ever get over squeamishness around needles and blood draw?
I never had issues with it until a few years back when i went through a rough emotional period and now nearly pass out.
t. chief falling orange
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>cashier asks whether i need any bags
>say no
>proceed to pack my stuff with fresh produce bags

shan't be taking 5 cents from me
I met a girl from New Brunswick, any Canadafags here know any cultural references or in jokes/stereotypes about there that I can use to impress her?
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don't care about whatever corporate apologist spiel you're loading up. go ahead and shut the fuck up in advance
This dude is on crack!
uhh bags are free?
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in canada we pay the bag tax
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I just take the shopping cart back to my place and dump it in a bush
>Wheel locks
Easily avoidable
what goes around.... comes around
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>chief falling orange
oh so you're just low IQ, I see.
>hurr what are 2nd order effects
literally not a single libtard can understand them. Sad!
Not watching that video, but I can confirm this common phrase isn't true because most shitty people get away with being shitty with zero consequence
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I live in California, and it's pretty gay
unimaginably cucked
I'm looking forward to her performance in Joker 2
Shant be watching that.

joker musical? gay
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As is the case with everything in Canada
meek clowns will inherent the earth
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I heard Canadians close to the border go down to some states to get groceries cause it's cheaper
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Take a look at that snout!
They do, but less so than in the past. Maybe something to do with currency rates, I don't really pay attention

t. live in a border state
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In my city the rich Canadians come down to use the hospital. There's a whole program set up for them to make it as easy as possible.
I live near the Mexican border
Are you Mexican?
but I thought free healthcare was so good
Come join my fun thread were you are supposed to make up news for 2074 lol

made me smile
thanks man
Customs has become incredibly fucking jewy in regards to this. Usually if you had less than $300 they waved you through.
>0 replies
watching destiny
mucho texto
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Look at my huge cock
does janny in your country???????
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I once posted about my interest in seeing destiny and Hassan have a boxing batch and some schizo got on me saying I was a destiny fanboy
yeah iunno I don't live in ganada but my exgf worked at the hospital doing whatever she did for the canadian program
alone and malnourished, much like the owner
America is giving up.
you will NOT save money on groceries!
Phd of racism here
Say something racist and i will grade your response
So about 0.001% of the money we give to Israel annually
I once called an Iranian guy a pistachio nigger
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Hitler was indeed the bad guy of WW2 but only because of the White deaths
since when do Americans living in shelters get $4,000? I've never heard of that.
do something about it or shut up, no one but you gives a shit
when i was in nyc none of the africans offered me a tour of central park. i think they thought i was homeless
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>get check
>blow money on something stupid
>go back to shelter
how are you planning on spending your free check, Mr Quintero-Salgado?
You got is so wrong. The good guys losing doesn't make them the bad guys
Pretty good 9/10. Ive never seen iranians act very niggerish. They are less inbred and degenerate than afghans.
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i shit myself again. govna change my clothes desu
post proof
One of them was trying to get me to donate to some stupid ghetto school for basketball jerseys.
Then another time I wanted to buy a slice of pizza but the price was too low for cards and the guy ignored me when I said I would just buy more slices. And then when I went to the place with the atm it was full of bums. And then I bought the pizza and it was meh even though the reviews were good
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just don't live in a blue state
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>fly to nyc
>burn all my id papers, change name and pretend im venezuelian illegal
>get 1k a month
>adopt kids from black crackheads in exchange of drugs for additional 1k gibs per baby
>get the 4k
>leave for some time, change looks and name
>repeat for infinite profit
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got 1 so far lol
Have you ever meant any sociopaths IRL?
Is it bad to say I fully think they deserve the rope? They just don't belong in society
French are too white for that.
He wasn't the good guy, he put Europe to the torch and made White identarianism le bad. dont give me this dindu crap
A nuke has just detonated over Houston, Texas.
I've thought about it . is this possible? it seems too obvious
That was just me letting a nice big BRRRAAAAAAAPPP
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>because he tried and lost he's the bad guy
You're a fool. This is an actual case of victim blaming. Churchill put Europe to the torch. And Jewish bankers made white identity bad with their myths about the holocoaster. Throwing the word dindu in there doesn't bolster your inane point.
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lol look at this delusional ass muthafuka
Literally all he needed to do was not invade Poland. it would have been so easy. Outcomes matter more than intents
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easy to say in hindsight
could really go for something sweet right bout now. maybe i'll make some brownies.
Literally all Britain needed to do was not chimp out and declare war, sacrificing their entire empire so that Germany couldn't have Eastern Europe. It would have been so easy. Outcomes matter more than intents.
this is cringey
they had already made the pact though. lrn 2 histoire
Holy shit, imaging what your great grand parents would think if they heard you say this shit
two gay retards fighting is entertaining
wasnt he always the big gay?
I think they'd be shocked that their countries are being flooded by brownoids and Africans, but at least we're not speaking German, right?
It only cost Britain their empire and their future :)
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>schizoposting on a saturday afternoon
>ignoring mom when she brings your lunch and asks about the job hunt
>only leaving your room to piss and shit
>zero female interaction outside blood relatives
yep, it's time to post in /cum/
yeah that's the point generally, he's just implying nick fuentes is so gay he couldn't even have children
would you be taking in such frail looking ladies
Tim Poolball
We should give $0 to either
i stole my roommates beer. hope he doesn't start hating me
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finna boutta make make some pickled eggs
A toast to inceldom!
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>dude kabbalah is like so deep and profound bro
just won a debate
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did you guys just watch the Tucker Carlson and martyrmade show or what? relitigating ww2 is all the rage
Not just Britain though. I'm not saying Churchy was a saint, but the big H worship needs to stop. We need to move on bro.
I'm engaged with my side hustle but my 9-5 is just for the mortgage approval
why yes I do post on x.com and I did repost (NOT retweet anymore) martyrmade's thread
who will win the debate
bunch of faggots on /pol/ banned me
Whichever candidate Elon approves of.
>watching Russian funded anti-Americans
Bustin makes me feel good
Bustin bustin bustin bustin
>big H worship needs to stop
lol shut the fuck up kike
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the amount of kvetching afterwards about him very mildly saying churchill wasn't that great caught me off guard
So Trump? He already endorsed him
my doggy likes whipped cream
This thread is really bad
>relitigating ww2 is all the rage
allies bad?
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no it's not
more like the fag tax
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This is the dinner I give to the turtle
complain some more instead of contributing
>allies bad?
Look at the world their win has given us. The post-WW2 order is more or less in place.
its actually kind of cute
u tryna fatten up ur turt or summin
kikes unironically want you to openly worship him and embrace nazi imagery, think about that for a while (hint, it makes you an easy target)
>Look at the world their win has given us
A world where the United Stares reigns as sole superpower yeah I can see why an American patriot like Tucker Carlson would hate that. WWII was bad because something something global south something exploitation something colonization.
William Shatner used to post on /tv/
Marlon Brando spent the last days of his life getting into arguments online and making sockpuppets to back himself up
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He's a big guy
not necessarily, just more that WW2 is the founding mythos of our current times and that there are a lot of lies and evil that were brushed under the rug
>there are a lot of lies and evil
such as?
No one is doing any of that here. We're discussing historical facts.
Oh yeah, our ZOG empire is just great, anon!
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go listen to the episode yourself
Crazy Panda's are going extinct.
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imagine being a fish janny
I LOVE HIM what's his name?
Yeah fuck ZOG empire I'm throwing my hat in with Russia and China and Iran and India I frickin love being a fifth column.

No, just tell me a couple things.
How does this work? Like, wouldn't the suction required to do this also harm the fish. I guess not, but it seems like it would.
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what the fuck is a bag tax
>No, just tell me a couple things.
Exactly! We should make our countries even browner and blacker than they already are! That will show the heckin' Russtards and Chinkoids! Who by the way were our allies in WW2, retard
Lies and evil you can't even name well I'm convinced.
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Kamala and Trump
this seems impractical if you have to load the fish into the fucking thing
Mine likes all sorts of vegetables
if you want to argue about it, go watch the 15m section on it or shut your uneducated yapper
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I am burnt :/
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We were not allied with the communist Chinese and the Soviet Union was a co-belligerent, try again.
Why do needy and insecure woman turn me off so much to the point where I feel disgust?
bro is not looking too bright after this one
I'm thinking the points were probably so retarded you don't want to share.
you've got foid braid
beer smells like death
>No one is doing any of that here
comprehension issue
yup that's it, but also I think you're the low IQ pookraine leaf and there's no point in discussing things with you. I could just read the washington post if I wanted that perspective
this sounds like cope
Stop posting these jezebels
So you're redefining words now? You also ignored the first part of the statement. You can admit you're wrong, you know, instead of making a fool out of yourself.
Yeah, it's not your strong suit.
if you vote for kamala you are unamerican
We're actually flooding into texas and NC if not in bay area. I know Austin and Dallas are jeet mini colonies now
fact check: TRUE
seggs with them
voting kamala because i hate america
But Trump is the Russian sympathizer
I don't understand your reasoning
Probably was testing to see if it's food
see >>201958901
just won a debate
I'm a big fan. And before you ask, YES. Part of the reason I like beer is to larp as a viking.
under which administration did russia gain territory
I always ignore retarded culture war bullshit. Everything needs to center around black and brown and trannies when it comes to you faggots. Every single topic. You can't talk with someone that says WWII was fought to brown America or make kids take puberty blockers.

This is what Qboomers do on Facebook.
In English, retard
You aren't smart enough to have a debate.
because you want a woman not an emotional child, good luck on your hunt
I can only hear
>Churchill was a bad man!
so many times.
seeing a lot of cope and not a lot of counter
I need a real woman to help me raise my son daquontavius
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>if you vote for kamala you are unamerican
bait aside, this is actually true. If only real White Americans voted, Trump would win in a landslide.
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Just bought a chocolate cake with my credit card. Shits SO cash
scraped my car this morning in a parking garage. some old turkish garage attendant saw me and laughed
A Mil Mi-8 helicopter (pictured) crashes in Kamchatka, Russia, leaving twenty-two people dead.
>just ignore the demographic replacement!
>only boomers care about that!
The good guys lost, anon. Simple as.
Inserting the word "cope" into your post doesn't make you any less wrong.
Churchill was bad AND pookraine is losing.
Holy pain
neocons call trump a "russia sympathizer" because he doesn't want war with them. how dare us have decent relations with hostile regimes
What did he mean by this
should've put on your wraparounds and confronted him, could've been youtube famous.
pictured: my will to live
Now THAT'S winning
i'm only 5'2", he would have beaten my ass
nodded at a woman in a coffee shop today out of habit. She just gave me a bland stare. never nod at a woman bros
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decent genetics
Watched 3 recently. The 2.5 hour version. Very good! Apparently, the theater version is only 2 hours. CUT CONTENT!
That's why he's the one that started arming as President them I guess.
post tits
in my dreams, everything was alright
white americans are the one group moving left though. all minorities are trending right
arming them as*
should've shown her your wallet full of Google Play codes.
looks like a dude that i went to basic with, he drank bleach to try and get kicked out so we had to leash him to his bunk at night and run guard on him lol
Pookraine leaf is unhinged today. Maybe he realizes the Russians will get their annexed oblasts after the election.
People don't put lampshades on their heads when they're having a good time anymore
Voting data is clear: if only real Americans (Whites) vote, Trump wins all but like 2 states.
there's usually a super-nice guy there but guess he doesn't work on weekends
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Waiting 3 years for Russia to capture a single Ukrainian province.
voting data is clear: i dont give a shit about you or your retarded opinions, shut up
yes but that won't be true in like a decade
There's less lampshades in the world than there used to be.
I've seen Prometheus, Alien, and Aliens. How are the other ones?
And less good times...
thank allah i don't have any balding genes
I find that very doubtful, men are fleeing the democrat party. any man with testosterone can't be a democrat in 2024, it's completely a female party that caters to females at the expense of males; you'd have to be self hating/retarded to be a male dem
Didn't see any sea turtles today
red guy party is the good guy party blue guy party is the bad guy party
unironically true
i dont like Justin
Just drank a cappuccino at 5:58 pm
Fuck shitalians
srael just murdered an American citizen and not one US politician has said shit about it. If that doesn’t tell Americans that Israel comes before them then nothing will.
demoncraps are the party of slavery
Also true but irrelevant
She wasn't a real American. She was a Turk roach
the demoncraps want to pinkpill me
No man can walk out on his own story
>Cali and NYC bailing on their shitholes
RIP Florida and Texas, you were both once great.
too late, you're already a faggot
Fax no printer
blue guy party is the zionist party, red guy party is the gigazionist party. you have to choose one goyim
>San Francisco,[24] officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the commercial, financial, and cultural center of Northern California.
Fucking frogs.
really tired of groypers
I'm already MAGApilled locked in wearing my Trump official crypto yeezys
we out here
really tired
Trump is a 4D snakes and ladders zionist
Shan't be using a goshpedo new
oh and btw if you don't want to send your yearly tax billions to israel then you're a fan of this one nazi mexican streamer
>If I punched a pregnant woman in the belly and the fetus died, I'd be charged with murder.
Not in Canada. You could stab a woman in the womb, seconds before the head of the baby leaves her body, and you'll only get charged for whatever assault you would be charged for stabbing a male.
No extra consideration given, the Liberals and NDP voted against it.
if you don't like sending billions to israel but you shill for zion don on a daily basis you're retarded. you could at least pretend to be a useless third party voter
Are you saying that San Fran isn't in Cali?

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