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edition of the badger
Is this the new thread
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agp subedition
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fat dog mendoza sub edition
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diego showing up to a date wearing these
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Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe the grass really is greener on the other side and you’re not just fantasising?
Ok some stretches have helped a bit

Find trannies genuinely baffling
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ruby granger sex arse (as an oxford graduate)
fucking hell the new comes around so fast sometimes feels like the last thread only lasted 5 minutes
honestly don't find ruby granger particularly attractive
jesus is a sexy college tho tbf
i bet he gives great head
would love to hold her down and fuck her from behind while she looks back at me and cries
Zip it frogposter im tired of your musings
kill me
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depends on what you're making a comparison to tbf
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why do women moan, whimper, cry, etc during sex?
isn't it supposed to be pleasurable?
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now post his hair line
Konichiwa, dude!
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*enters thread*
can't believe starfield was such a disappointment
she thats what she is doing now, as an Oxford graduate, playing dress up in her smelly childhood bedroom. she desperately needs to lose her virginity.
Men do all of these too when bottoming
You didn't go to Oxford, diego
You didn't even go to fucking Durham
You're the runt of the litter, remember?
this is what black people want
That’s gotta hurt
she'd fucking get it
as a trans woman, please stop spamming trannies you fucking freak. nobody wants you here.
let's the man know he's doing something right
i know it's just banter and he doesn't mean harm but i bet they felt like shit after that
What if the change itself is what makes it greener? Not necessarily the new location?
Brits and Australians should accept American and canadian refugees because we are suffering so much
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Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have in their lifetime.
Men, however, never run out of sperm.
you're lusting over a man you fucking DICK
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I remember a few months ago a /brit/poster shared with us all that they were trans with pics and everything - and then the whole general just collectively forgot about it
she is a woman
it was racist and uncalled for
not born with, right?
My life
weird post
lump us in with you and leafs and move to aus
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High af
Try again in English pal x
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?
Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;
Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,
Drows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook
Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of spring? Ay, Where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft
Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;
Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;
And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.
wow they realyl are born with the eggs
"change is as good as a holiday" is a useful anachronism because while it correctly espouses the value in change for change's sake, it also notes that said satisfaction is temporary - one can't holiday forever
thus "the grass is always greener" IF you are ignoring the value at home when longing for the other field
not me but I bet there's a few of us
Is this ARK?
Was it fun?
more rolls than a greggs
Gyaldemfreak/Trannyspammer/190/Spainlard/Brick/VPN cuckposter/Rubymong/Heathermong/"Employed" "Woman"
never really understood how americans carry on about this when they have mountain lions, giant fucking bears, snakes and alligators
just realised that life is fucking shit
absolutely mental that humans have survived so long doing this fucking horrible shite day in day out all while having the ability toncomprehend how fucking miserable existence is
wow, oocytes are specifically oocytes. whoops!
i thought they were all (but mature are the Ova)
i learned that word from the 5HT serotonin-coupled receptors
I moved from New Zealand to England and the grass is literally greener. I'm still fucked in the head but much prefer it here. My family back there are pushing me hard out to go back but England is my home now.
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I've ran out. Wanked every last drop out. Just an empty tap now
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could really do with a bump rn
Yes it was its been 9 years why didnt you play it you fucking SPERG kill yourself
i bought it twice
fuck you
dont even knowing why im replying tot hsi sack of SHJIT

try again sweetie
basically suicide just takes too much effort
what isn't these days
have a want and go to bed you miserable cretin
odd post
That's a morbidly obese man in a wig
Jesus mousey you really are a horrible bastard aren't you
Never reply to me again
We need to democratise suicide
so i was right?
really liked england when I visited
of course /int/ catastrophises it but it's a lovely place
dont like this
very cool
and PRIMARY ooxytes are a specific thing too. they are the "at birth" eggs, that are arrested in the first stage of meiosis
the pages also mention the left ovary the most so far
Nice. Now spend 5 years moping around feeling depressed and suicidal, then discover that making the most of your life is the best option despite all evidence of its misery. Then lament wasting the majority of your youth not embracing life to the fullest
Learning PUA game
i'm in mental and physical pain
1/8 try again hun
life passes you in a flash and then you're dead
don't miss it, do what you can
why :(
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Yeah I want to move to Australia or Japan because Jesus Christ America is such a shithole we have no worker rights or even basic human rights instead we live worse off than Russians
ktim every day as a depressed hikkikomori with chronic pain issues
shite caked arsehole
good post
make what you can of life
just did me 50 pushups
light work if i do dare say so myself iykwim
up de lads
Weird as fuck
i've made a lot of poor decisions
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why was the brazil plane crash not a bigger deal
a fucking plane literally just fell out the sky, a fucking plane you know the thing that's meant to fly
Stages of Oocyte Development
1. Primordial Follicles
are you prepared to drink millions and millions of pints? if so come on over i'll shout you one
good lad
wonder what the Buddha would make of this thread
we've all made a lot of poor decisions
and will continue to knowingly do so
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Honestly I am down to drink but right now my asthma is acting up because of shit air quality in America is.
you can change things and make some better ones!
No booze no 'bis no fags. Just pure rage and desire for total aryan victory
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mogs me
alright well just remember the two countries you highlighted love beer (australian pub culture, japanese salaryman culture)
I don’t understand the ruby granger gimmick
+1 to our reincarnationscount
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Reckon he’d love it. Wouldn’t even care about getting You’s either
nice new shoes
Primary Follicles
Activation: At puberty, some primordial follicles are activated each menstrual cycle.
Growth: The primary oocyte grows, and the surrounding cells proliferate.
Anyone else watching the 'ay 'orn
Saxophones were ubiquitous in 70s and 80s pop and rock but then disappeared entirely
Makes you think, must be a lot of unemployed saxophonists in the 90s
would kill for that much hair but id just completely get rid of the stupid beard
30 minutes in to Dead Man's Shoes. Pretty comfy
wow this format's a throwback
one of my little brothers dippy 18 year old mates has gotten too drunk and vomited
legit how is he so peng
and his name was BILL CLINTON
I just hate how I never had asthma issues in the Netherlands or Japan because how clean the air but in America it comes back when ever it starts to have pollin or if I am by a highway
whys he wearing a bra when he has no tits

have indeed thought of this
a shame too as saxophone solos can be quite the treat
Karl Pilkington's brother
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Negative canthal tilt.
What’s the difference between a musician and a pizza
A pizza can feed a family of four
I knew I had to leave NZ and that I could never be happy or even just content there. Had the option of England or Australia. Most of my peers chose Aussie and occasionally I do think i'd probably be better off financially if id picked Aus. But I honestly love England, it really is a lovely place and I vastly prefer it to NZ. Ironically in NZ there is a saying "we don't know how lucky we are in this country" and I think it applies to a lot of Brits and especially the types who would post here.
the singer for Tally Hall has a nice normal voice
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you wot
Can tell doesn't have the dark triad
Won't do SHIT when an enemy tribe attacks the village
party rock is in the house tonight
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Subhuman eyes.
>Ironically in NZ there is a saying "we don't know how lucky we are in this country" and I think it applies to a lot of Brits and especially the types who would post here.
yeah I think you're right
Paedophiles should be hunted and killed
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mental illness
yeah youre right
these lads loved their saxomaphones in the 2000s
Wish the elder scrolls were real and when I die I reincarnate in Tamriel but with memories of my former life and also I get to choose my race and appearance etc
waves of late 00's / early 10s memes are flooding back
did anyone ever find this stuff funny? Did I ever find it funny? I mean I definitely found the "Ima firin' my lazar" VIDEO funny
Secondary Follicles
Further Development: The primary oocyte continues to grow, and the follicle develops a fluid-filled cavity called the antrum.
Meiosis Resumption: The primary oocyte resumes meiosis but stops again at the second stage of meiosis.
i thought you were taking the piss or something but the comments are full of karl references
how do they know it's his brother?
ever hope to wake up as a new person?
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commiefornia rest in peace
simultaneous release
commiefornia, show your teeth
she's my priestess
i'm your priest
yeeeah, yeeeah, yeeeah
How Women React to Handsome Attractive Men (PSL Gods) Ep1

and how does this affect me personally?
... because it's brother?
They are both very intelligent
Karl is an act
no but i often hope to go to sleep and see whygena
if you die in tamriel you die in real life
The futures getting smaller
The past is getting bigger
Yeah a sexy woman
for me it's "Island In The Sun"
i think it was always an ironic thing where it was stupid but funny because you felt like you were part of the in group who found the stupid thing funny. loads of zoomer things like it
don't ignore me you rancid swine
imagine being female
now imagining being male
>benefit scrounger
not sure i'd call that intelligent
everything after the first two albums is incomparable. green album is alright but it doesn't match up
yeah that sounds about right
we're in the end times, says every religious freak for the past 4000 years
give it a rest pal
Intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with that
who live in small city
literally just listening to this bellend vomit over and over for the last 10 minutes
he's here because they're all off to uni soon as well. he's gonna fuck it massively during freshers if he can't even hack a few beers
Karl confirmed it, he died a few years back.
He was on Jeremy Kyle too but ITV took the clip down.
maybe you're as real as me
maybe i can live with that
maybe i need fantasy
life of chasing butterfly
hate women so much
Some of the smartest lads I ever knew didn't give a fuck about anything
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there's shit and piss inside you right now
there's blood and organs
there's a heart pumping, bones moving, brain thinking
bones don't move
3. Secondary Follicles
Further Development: The primary oocyte continues to grow, and the follicle develops a fluid-filled cavity called the antrum.
Meiosis Resumption: The primary oocyte resumes meiosis but stops again at the second stage of meiosis.
Fuck off mutt schizo who hates mutts from south america
was gonna say "gotta build a tolerance somehow" but yeah come on lad it's just beer
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I'm not going to Brad the posts I'm expected to Brad anymore.
my boner is moving towards your ear
everything that exists is always in constant motion
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think i would hear tha-ACK
did you know that a babies bones are bendy
i realised he's probably had some of a joint as well
was about to put on midnight oil on the ‘potify meself
I meant like I’m at work
wonder where kurt cobain would be today if he came off the drugs and didn't kill himself
Probably at home
hate that Pringles make your face red and itchy if you ouch your face with that dust on your fingers. dires up my skin so bad even if they are sugar free
More of a Cold Chisel man myself.
wonder where john lennon would be today if he didn't get killed by a fat yank
good lad
dad just called and said he’s pissed and needs a lift home and if I don’t come he’ll drive himself, so now I have to choose
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Wanna eat her butthole so bad
how does Vanguard investing work for a stocks and shares isa?
Can you buy/sell from different funds to rebalance a portfolio without it counting towards your ISA limit?
might buy more shoes
bit of a shit ultimatum he's giving you
what if you were tucked in and comfy
based boomer like Clapton
Exactly no respect
i feel more guilt for the death of john lennon than i do for the atlantic slave trade or the way amerindians were treated
What a cunt
you were once spunk in his ballsack, give your old man a lift home you ingrate
I am subhuman because I have asthma and it makes my life hell when ever seasons change
tell him you'll come, get the address, send an uber, ring him when it gets there to tell him to get in
4. Graafian Follicle (Mature Follicle)
Final Maturation: The follicle reaches its final stage of development, and the oocyte is now called a secondary oocyte.
Ovulation: The mature follicle releases the secondary oocyte during ovulation.
would you rather have a son that transitions to be a woman
Or a daughter that married the darkest nilotic african man you've ever seen
assume they both otherwise have fairly normal and successful lives
Tell him to drive himself then report him to motorway police
He will only sabotage you later in life might as well get yours in
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4. Graafian Follicle (Mature Follicle)
Final Maturation: The follicle reaches its final stage of development, and the oocyte is now called a secondary oocyte.
Ovulation: The mature follicle releases the secondary oocyte during ovulation.
Secondary Oocyte!
drunk driving is against the law.
you must inform the police and get your father sent to prison.
30 mins to where he is then 20 mins to his house and then 50 mins all the way back to mine, so if I leave now I won’t be back until after 3
think my son's gay
begged me to let him watch frozen and wants his nails painted
Lad who told his parents he was invited out tonight but actually wasn't so got all dressed up for a 6 hour solo walk here lads. Just got back in. Actually ended up having a really good night lol. Ended up getting adopted by a random group of people as I went to check the score in the Ireland game and spent the whole night with them lol. Even got a kiss off one of the birds (she was an Aussie) in the group. I can't believe its actually this easy to be social. Why the fuck did I put it off for so long?
just a daily reminder that you are a dysgenic freak virgin and always will be. you will never cum inside a woman
your point? unless you have been drinking you have an obligation
sharting up a storm tonight
the only advantage britain has over america is the social cohesion
what's it like being a dad
hopefully gna fall asleep soon nigt xxxxxxxx
everyone seethes about coffee
suddenly all pretending it's a strong drug
pretending they can't sleep at midnight if they get a latte after 5pm

get to fuck, I could have 4 large heaped spoonfuls of coffee and maybe my heart would race a little or have scary palpitations if I'd done it already once before today, but I'd still be able to go fast asleep in an hour after
Hope you dream about spiders in your cock x
I must have missed your posts. How did you dress up?
5. Secondary Oocyte
Fertilization: If fertilized by a sperm, the secondary oocyte completes meiosis and becomes a mature ovum (egg).
No Fertilization: If not fertilized, the secondary oocyte degenerates and is reabsorbed by the body.

and - also - ovu means "round" !!
oval (al = "white") - white egg
seethe on chuddie, nobody gives a shit about your self centred little internet tantrums
a tight warm hole
Being sedated by caffeine is a hallmark symptom of ADHD
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GOOD LAD good lad this is what I mean when I'm always telling you lads "off to the pub with you asap"
good stuff mate will hopefully boost your confidence to become happier in the long run
>if I'd done it already once before today
don't understand that
My point is I can’t be fucked I’m tired
thats you
and? what is wrong with that
Just put some going out clothes on. Just some black jeans and a nice shirt and sorted my hair and trimmed the beard nice and neat and all that. The hair was probably the biggest part just cuz it's normally a dry frizzy mess but if I take the time to sort it out it's actually a lovely wavy flow sort of thing.
wow, the unfertilized eggs degrade and actually get reabsorbed
and the menorrhea is the vaginal lining, but i guess the body still absorbs things from that before it is expelled as peroid
Interesting drug
The one that you took
Tell the truth - it really helped you
An interesting drug
The one that you took
God, it really really helped you
my advice is you learn English
either way id see them cremated
That's it exactly lad. If I can go out on my own and end up making friends and getting a kiss, then imagine if I went out INTENDING to pull. It might actually work.
these people are evil
can't imagine going out and meeting a group of strangers and them letting me join them
maybe if it was spring break or the 4th of july in Florida and everyone was drunk
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oooooon a government scheme
Designed to kill your dream
Oh mum, oh dad
Once poor, always poor
No that's not how the universe works you have to just surrender yourself and go with the flow
post forwarded to gchq, prevent, and reddit
Also I’m tired, pretty sure dvla say not to drive tired because u can crash
sounds pretty cool lad nice one glad it worked out for you
is it "bad people on the RIGHT" or "bad people on the RISE"?
actualyl ov - "just means egg" according to Bing

but oval :3
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I can’t keep defending these mongs
based and Hufflepuff pilled
read back what you wrote. it makes fuck all sense.
Imagine being alive in the 1971 and hearing this for the first time
oh the dvla say its ok to abandon your drunk dad and force him to drive and probably crash and kill himself and others
in latin "s" can also be "and"
at leat it was in Poet Dantes Inferno
don't care
>Posting fucking Reddit screenshots
Disingenuous runt
>Turkey's Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel

Any crusaders ?
Bout time we had a good holy war
Cheers lad, wishing only good things for everyone in /brit/ tbqh. Lord knows we could all use a wee boost.
this is what being deprived of a pub culture looks like
legale hispanics pro Trump
I approve of the spread of latin, and hopefully soon Greek. The menswear guy on x/twitter is trying to get chaps to dress better. Hopefully we will return to greatness.
Have you ever thought really hard about the number 130
they should go back to tengrism and form a turkic alliance
keep looking at my pairs of shoes and being like "they're so nice"
It’s over kambala is actually gonna win. That’s insane
These cretins are on a one way trip to hell
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>in latin "s" can also be "and"
>at leat it was in Poet Dantes Inferno
follicles are small, fluid-filled sacs located within the ovaries. Each follicle contains an immature egg (oocyte)

that makes the ovaries an endosperm! the seed is in the inside
as opposed to angiosperm, where the seeds are on the outside
how do you sleep at night? seriously you have dishonoured your own father in order to shitpost on /brit/
IQ correlates strongly with political opinion
The more right wing, the lower IQ, the more left wing, the higher IQ
Ask yourself who would win a debate. Donal Trump or Karl Marx? Liz Truss or Lenin? Boris Johnson or Mao Zedong?
that's what i hear, but even online lyric sites list "right" as the correct one, it's annoying
>meet someone for the first time
>They make some sort of comment about me being very tall
>Inevitably make some sort of comment like "You must be fucking a new bird every day"
>I reveal that I am not doing such a thing
>They tell me it's a waste and spend ten minutes telling me about all the shagging they'd do if they were as tall as me
I have had this happen no less than 100 (ONE HUNDRED) times in my adult life. Always from lads under 5'10". It drives me mad.
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2024 4chan
the twitter screencaps are worse
Was feeling tired, drank some coffee, don’t feel tired anymore, crazy
overies are endopermic

and the vagina is endospermic too! ahahah!
most people are stupid is the thing
you need stupid policies for a stupid people
The left correlates with mental illness tbf
>die for Israel!!! It's what Christianity is about!!!
get fucked with your death cult, LARPer chud freak
yeah when i had my first drug induced psychotic break numbers meant a lot to me. especially 1, 3, 7, 10, 13, 18, 23, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 40, 41, 42 (huge), 44, and some larger ones
would defo have given 130 a ponder at some point as it has 13 at the start
I actually bumped into some yanks on my way home too. They were really loud and annoying, but they were nice. They seemed confused as to why I found it weird that they came to this shithole for a holiday.
Donald Trump woudl beat Lenin in a debate but it would depend on the crowd if the crowd matters
just remembered i got some cold pizza in the fridge from last night let’s focking go
Hate the company I work for.
The department I work is full of people who just moan about other departments all day and bitch about everyone else which I can't stand.
Soulless horrible office environment.
I'd have added 2,5,8,16,32 and 64 in there but it's a good list to be interested in
I’m madly in love with my boss
Pushing my hernia back in because the NHS wont
I have no such luxuries and as envious as I am of you I will also celebrate your good fortune
16 was a number of some interest but i disregarded its actual significance as it's my birthday and so i assumed bias
are you okay?
you having a moment there buddy?
i think you can do that. it was always an option
what the hell are they good for then
I've also realised I strongly dislike working with groups of women. Individually, they're tolerable, but women together are irritating, indecisive, and bureaucratic.
Who do i have to suck off to get a (You) around here?
get that bloody hernia pushed back in NOW
Tertiary (Antral) Follicles: Fully mature follicles that are visible on an ultrasound. One of these will become the dominant follicle.

the LEFT ovary!
Me get on your knees lad
boris would banter mao into self immolation
Nobody ITT is going to die for Israel
Nobody cares about your cult
Fuck off
*raises paw* ^w^
Israel is based and fascist
/brit/ is a supporter of Israel
yeah Boris would rekt Mao
4 squared, and the square root of 256. Smallest number with exactly 5 divisors, and the only number that can be both the diameter and the area of a square
monged post on so many levels
chairman mong
the chuddie freak is replying to himself again
you know who you are
pathetic loser

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