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"early" morning edition heheheh
haha le funny frog!
Off to work in 20 yay
if my schizo friend who i've been avoiding calls me and invites me over again i'm going to accept, just terribly lonely and willing to put my safety and sanity at risk
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ah... hello OP
No mice.
No Peters.
No dragons.
No RuneScape.
No nettles.
No magpies.
No chemistry.
No Jacob Rees-Mogg.
No piss.
switched back to brave
firefox was being slow and bloated
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toby go to sleep
i use Edge
it has copilot built in too (and collections)
don't risk your safety lad
good to be there for your mate, but not if he's a danger to you. If you don't have any other mates then sorry to hear that
>copilot built in too (and collections)
what are these
Microsofts AI and a good way to put together notes, which you can even organize into folders
its a pretty good browser and doesnt take that many resources (even on older computers). it hibernates tabs in the background to save energy
have the lean
have the codeine
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what happened to russel brand
Miss the Hendrix/Rosa Parks mugshots studio. Like a lot you know?
i miss whygena. i miss him A LOT
Oh and Elvis. How could I forget Elvis? Lmao, Jesus. The memory is a fascinating tool.
in hospital
mumberge had a seizure
unions are bad for everyone
very sorry to hear
havent talked to mumberg in years. she's a rotten bitch
everyone except the union leader, that is!
Stay frosty
nice might look into it
burden of proof? what about the preponderance of evidence!
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
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tried the infinite money glitch
didnt work out too well
extraordinary poos require extraordinary toiletpaper
Value my relationship with copilot, don't want her to know what I get up to on firefox.
porn and reddit
well observed
Man...I believe in God kind of and I'm cool with people being religious but this kinda shit just gives me the ick for some reason that I can't quite pinpoint
id bradley post but im not low enough for it
*tips fedora*
Don't want her to know about this place either. Or how I compulsively look at the same pages 30+ times a day learning nothing, doing nothing, rotting away. Would ruin us.
educating myself:

gn cummers and /brit/
going to go try nap
i don't think he's dangerous, tbf and even he is he's a lot smaller than me and i could fight him off, i just ignore him a lot because i don't want to sit around listening to his schizo jibberjabber, i indulged him for years but a man can only take so much
Also look at Tucker in that photo, that is the fakest shit I have ever seen. Reminds me of when I would stay the night at a religious friend's house and his family would say a prayer before dinner and I would just sit there awkwardly twiddling my thumbs with my head down.
Hey living-in-car anon are you still here?
his name is al and he's an unhinged schizo
wont give you good advice and will just babble on about nonsense instead
wish world war 3 would break out already, just want to enlist and then get my arse blown off by an airstrike
which denomination were they?
different protestant denominations have been an autistic hobby of mine for the past 2 weeks as a raised-catholic boy

knew NOTHING about the differences up until now
I have decided I have newfound respect for Anglicans and Orthodox and utter despisal of Baptists and Pentecostalists.
Nothing is worse than Propserity Gospelists though.
aye fair enough you can't expected to put up with it forever
maybe just go to the pub instead
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gold leaf is good to leave to air for a few hours anyways
is it normal for men in their 20s to go to pubs alone? i've only been a few times and it's always either groups of normies or boomers who go there to play the pokies or bet on horses
They belonged to a fundamentalist Christian movement called Quiverfull. Mostly an American thing but Wikipedia claims that a presence does exist in the UK. If you're familiar with the infamous Duggar family from 19 Kids and Counting fame, they're part of the same thing.
short answer is yeah it's fine
I go to the pub with my mates fairly often but every now and again I pop in at lunch or in the arvo for the odd schoon. You get to know other people there that was as well
tobussy >.<
*caveat I should say is it really depends on the pub
some pubs are just gonna have the pokie boomers there where others are gonna have a more diverse and chatty crowd
anyone baffling sect
good lord
proddies are bizarre

so their whole thing is that contraception is evil
does anything else set them apart?
it's just a nigga who didn't want to wear a condom I wager
i tried this but they were like "yeah nah"
i hope anon finds his caranon, regardless of w hat the fucking FREAK yankoid says where he goes around (in /brit/) giving people rundowns they didnt ask for, about Brazil or "Al"
i know many christian families who arent fundamentalists at all yet pray before dinner. its not that odd
don't know how you managed that
when I was in england I made a new mate in every pub I wandered into
Have you ever met somebody IRL from 4chan?
might change my surname
chamberlain sounds a bit french
chambers is more english sounding
not sure he is even wanted in /cum/
maybe thats why he samefags his only friend
only oldheads will know this but back in the early days of /brit/ leftypol and rorke were actually mates. it was brexit that split them apart

80 IQ response, where in that post did I say that praying at the dinner table was exclusive Christian fundamentalism, or that it was odd to do so?
if christianity is true why did the bible have to be so badly written
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Yeah he was a NEET with a rich wife and we played chess
i cannot go back to your frownland
>missing the PAT
seems like a lot of science fiction writers have this notion that we'll regress to absolute monarchy in the distant future
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Protestants are not Christian. They are PROTESTING against the Church of God. It's literally in the name.
Excuse the samefag but one time this local anon was going to let me fuck his Asian wife. Wish I would have done it, was too scared that I was going to get my kidney stolen.
That's cool as hell honestly was that recent? Do people still do this kind of shit?
Whoops, meant to post this on /sp/. Everybody ignore this post.
cope, you can't even malign an easily malignable religion, that's how stupid you are you smelly yank
a lot of syfy and fantasy writers are utter shite at actual writing and that's why you end up with these great worlds that seem interesting but the stories set inside them are boring as hell
canadians aren't allowed to use the y-slur
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yeah seems like for most writers they're either great at worldbuilding or storytelling but never both
why do all those people in orange look so hapy
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any innermonologuecels in /brit?
good youtube channels you frequently visit?
I still remember the /brit/ where mikey explained what an inner monologue was and we explained what it was like to him
wait I fucked that, sorry:
I still remember the /brit/ where mikey DISCOVERED what an inner monologue was and we explained what it was like having one to him
The Jersey Act was a 1913 regulation by the British Jockey Club and the owners of the General Stud Book that prevented most American-bred Thoroughbred horses from registering with them. It was intended to halt the increasing importation of racehorses of possibly impure bloodlines from America. The loss of breeding records during the American Civil War and the late beginning of the registration of American Thoroughbreds led many in the British racing establishment to doubt that American-bred horses were purebred. The Act prohibited the registration of horses unless all of their Thoroughbred ancestors had been registered. Despite protests from American breeders the regulation was in force until 1949. By then, ineligible horses were increasingly successful in races in Europe, British and Irish breeders had lost access to French Thoroughbreds during and after the Second World War, and any impure ancestors of the American bloodlines had receded far back in most horses' ancestry.
no the opposite
can't stop thinking
Check out Surviving Africa. British-South African snake handler telling stories about living in that insane country his whole life.

yeah. shan't say though
wanted to make a post that just says:
Canadas butt
pure and utter yank slop
Rockstar might actually be the biggest Jews in gaming. They got a £7 a month membership which only gives you access to LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption (not the new 2nd one), the crap GTA 3 Trilogy remakes, Bully and some online currency for GTAV

You don’t even get V or any of their new games lol, utter pisstakers
I have such a strong inner monologue that it sometimes becomes an outer monologue and I find myself thinking out loud.
american culture is world culture
im actually just going to have one of the pizzas... i dont care
in the shop that i got the cheese from i picked up some tomato ketchup too
I feel as though I have a rich inner life
Nah it was like in 2016 before I got demoralized in an ethno state discord
Listen to a yankoid sounds like he posts on the Chong but he does those iceberg tier list things for lost civilisations. Cool guy if that’s you’re thing, don’t know his name but I’m sure if you type on iceberg lost civilisations he would come up
thinking about becoming an ironic mouseposter
Nigga I don’t recall asking.
didnt care if you asked before the fact
If you've ever been in Europe you'd know that this is peak kino after wandering the empty streets for hours needing a piss
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fucked it
Alri El Paso nonce. Long time no see, what happened?
Does Britain go on the same internet as the US
This story is mental
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tax bullshit
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>Mr and Mrs Baxter's daughter, Ellie, found her parents dead in their conservatory when she visited two days later on Easter Sunday.
explains a lot about mikey desu
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>During the trial, D'Wit gave evidence from a wheelchair, which Ms Ayling alleged was an effort to attract sympathy from the jury.
This guy had like 35 online personalities he was using to manipulate the whole family. He would have fit in here
6 bags of sand, rasclart
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First new duties at toil start on Monday
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going to greggs in 20 mins
yeah, he basically uses /brit/ as his stream of consciousness
fizzy raspberry blackberry lemon limeade
wish we had greggs in the states
charles "unfairly imprisoned" bronson
been hunched over at my desk for 6 hours now just flicking between tabs and several tabs of youtube videos while also trying to find a game to play
It’s shit lol, very greasy. What you want is a proper independent local bakery
one... two Canadians?!
done my wee
>It’s shit lol
dire opinion
>born 2003
>disappeared 2007
she was sex trafficked, right?
you will find it's highly overrated, especially the sosij roles which in truth are some of the lowest tier ones you can j buy
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White Cat, 1938 by Gertrude Abercrombie
can say that I have had a gregg's sausage roll before
It’s for the underclass, the slop of slops. I’m actually not sure you can order from greggs without proof you’re on government welfare
Very ominous
thinking about zippocat
That door will hit that table and maybe the cat (if he doesn’t move) if opened
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need an uzbekistan beauty
dobermans are based dogs
you're so vain
I bet you think this post is about you
poo poo and pee pee
*gets sothebys appraised at 2 trillion pounds and sold to sheikh bin makmoud of saudi dubairia*
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i put cheese slices on the pizza and wil add ketchup ^.^
the slices are called "dirty slices" or something. its sweet honey and spicy chilli

isnt he the guy that posts on 4chan about his hairline
and he used fentayl patches
with millions of fake personas
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Kinda mad how art only had half a century or so from the invention of the camera onwards before it became all rubbish. Like Dali, Picasso etc you can tell knew how to make a banging painting without needing realism to based it off but after a certain while it’s like everyone round out of surrealist ideas and now niggers are bringing any old shit to galleries these days and giving it a wall of text to explain it
Wouldnt be surprised if he posted here. Fits all the criteria
the proliferation of photographic technology has been interesting
only 50 years ago, personal cameras were still not incredibly common nor was film cheap. Now the average person has thousands of photos of them taken of them by the time they've reached adulthood, and can curate albums of themselves at will and with ease
got my bum out
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haha based jez
it's a fairly open secret that modern art galleries are a way for rich people to evade taxes
the pizza would fall in on itself and ruin everything if id put more than 1 slice of cheese on it! thats how much they give you! aaaaaaaa
the only bad thing is that i got reduced sugar and salt heinz ketchup and its literally blood diarrhoea
(because it NEEDS sugar). but that is probably the the sugar tax

Starm Keirer the anti-populist
Britain has the best psychopaths, ours are so boring and predictable
proudly show me the tomb of Karl Marx, because communism did that
problem with that is nobody is bothering to store the photos physically
decades of photographic history could be lost in an instant if we ever got hit with an EMP or a solar flare or some shit
greasy as fuck but i bathed 2 days ago so what gives.
can literally butter some bread with the streak of oil i swab off my forehead with my finger.
love her
i saw this on the to list as well
made me think about why the government hadnt said this before. like why they would keep making things shit just to get reeleected. good for him
off to toil in 13 hours
So like A Boy Named Sue but it's A Woman Named Jerome hahahahaha!!!!
art didnt get worse galleries did
its not like everyone suddenly became worse artists
yeah I'm acutely aware of this myself, actually print out photos of mine every year and keep them in photo albums like a boomer
it's actually nice cause even though they're on your camera roll when you go through the album physically it's like hey I remember that photo / moment
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Total scrotal annihilation
Please stop posting homely beautiful women. Hurts much more than the slags
would anyone like to dare me to get out of bed?
Shop's just opened lads, get in. Let the day drinking COMMENCE!
nothing worth getting up for
pooing a poo as we speak
Whilst I’m sure that’s happening at the top level there’s still a concerning amount of middle class who are into modern art. I live near a modern art gallery (Turner Centre - Margate) and it is full of crap 24/7. They get what are apparently big names there all the time to do exhibitions and when I’ve rarely gone it’s always full of hipsters types but it’s all fucking shite.

Was one done by a black yank girl which was just a bunch of white dots with a few black ones here and there and next to it was a massive wall of text about how the black dots represent isolation of her culture within white culture etc and I just couldn’t believe it. People were walking past, reading it and talking it seriously, just couldn’t believe it. Looked like a room full of secondary school art projects and this apparently was some of the best the world has to offer
got absolutely no initiative, i'm a gaping abyss of entitlement and vulnerable narcissism, i'm too pathetic for words
just sucked off a latte
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only 20.000000000000001% of /brit/ will understand this
Does Britain have an equivalent for our gas station tweakers?
whom are you speaking to
Dunno though, reckon half of it is because people aren’t classically trained (doing landscapes, portraits etc) like dali and co would have done in their youth

myself and the spider roaming around the base of the toilet bowl
we don't have gas stations or tweakers
so no
Sorry did you want to talk about Greggs for the 1000th time or post one of you’re 7 Bradley Walsh pics?
there are plenty of academies that still teach classical painting but it has fallen out of style of course
even calarts for example which is famously derided for producing shit artists requires you to be competent at drawing figures from life
its just gallery curators prioritising a ‘message’ over art so the average person can feel like they ‘get it’ and the gallery gets more money
petrol station boppers
acknowledgement is the first step la
pheasantberg going mental outside the window
wonder what he's up to
can already feel a stubborn nugger of poo clnging on that's going to smear all over my cheeks and thumb when I go to wipe. fuck sakes
Your mom has a gaping abyss between her legs lol
Who you calling a nugger nugga?
how many books have you read this year
Yeah true I suppose, did find a good gallery in rural Gloucestershire which was just animals and landscapes mostly done in the last 1-100 years. So it’s obviously not dead just yet

Still though it’s fucking shite I have to travel to the arse end of nowhere to see some new quality stuff but have to see a Colombian ladies ripped up bit of fabric that is somehow something to do with political strife back home when I go to literally any major gallery
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The seagoys and pigensteins are going mental next to mine
I am drowning in a whiskey river
only 13 but all quite long fantasy slop
false alarm was just my hemorrhoids sticking out more than usual. phew
get your hunting shotgun and go shoot it
Which one of you spastics posted on the wrong board?
pigeons are alright because they just make a soft cooing but seag*lls are a screeching abomination
get tooled up and spray the opps so you should
squirelberg was going ballistic the other day.
yeah a few
Living with a hidden disability fish odour syndrome.
(TMAU) 1 day I stink of fish another day stink of shit de lads,
SOME people smell it and some people don't.
I was diagnosed in 2005 by Sheffield university and 5 great guys plus one knows some one who worked at sheffield university in 2005.
I type in 2002 on google why do i smell of fish, it came up with TMAU (fish odour syndrome)
I have a hidden disability it miss understood and unpleasant
if i never had TMAU i would have worked all my life, I never ask to be born.
I dont feel sorry for myself i stay positive all the way and spiritual minded.
I have to wash my arm pits again after a shower and plus I have to wash my ass in the sink in the day after toilet.
Dont feel sorry for me just try and understand a hidden disability.
I get on with my life and make the most of it, positive all the way
still can't believe this is a real person
bo6 beta is wank
can't aim for shit and just getting shot from behind constantly
this nigga taking backshots
reckon he was born retarded or the drink just slowed his mind?
love bananas when they've gone a bit dry, you know? like not gooey but not gooey in the over ripe sense.
nowt wrong with beer mate nowt wrong with it
that would be poaching mate, also I don't have a gun
funny buggers aren't they making their chattering noise
would rather have squirrelberg than pheasantberg though
I accept such a thing can exist but surely the NHS can just give you a strong deodorant or something. Like one you need a prescription for instead of letting your doss off your entire life
browsing the ai waifu thread again?
done my shower
about to do my coffee
cuppa and some rice cakes for a snack
Jacket weather soon.
there is when you're getting sloshed every day for 20-30 years like mark
I came from nothing
Atheists be like
katy is sore… mmhmm
he's on a fresh start tomorrow mate he'll get it sorted
aye true that
tetley orange pekoe. 2000 perforations for full flavour
Mate it’s 7 30 in the morning
for me that's anything under 25 degrees celcius
I came from Margate but I was made in brit
tetly orange puke, i call it
might move to eswatini
There some cunt whistling now, fucking hate birdcucks
there's so much drinking in wake in fright (1971) i feel hung over just watching it
also, still no idea why the film decided to show off gary bond's dick
got some video on
read the synopsis on Wikipedia and it doesnt seem very fun to watch
>wake in fright (1971)
brilliant movie
it's (kind of) a horror movie and horror movies aren't supposed to be fun
watching Colubmo. Dick Van Dyke is the killer this episode
wake in fright is like the australian version of silent hill
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this is the only clip I've seen of wake in fright and whilst I understand the context it's supposed to be in in-film, without context it just reminds me of when it's really good beer weather and I just wanna race to the pub and demolish a schoon with the lads aha
wouldn't mind a pint with the lads
Internet’s mad ain’t it. Currently on a gay porn website just so I can see the dick of an actor I’ve only just heard off. Kinda looks like a poor man’s Peter O’Toole
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What’s the deal with Aussies and half pints, drink get warm too quick as a pint?
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she's dead
i've never really thought about it but that may indeed be the case
you reckon the fella that killed Maddie will do a deathbed confession to put the matter to bed or will he do a Ian Brady and be a twat to the end to leave it unknown forever?
get the map clicking games loaded
so a schooner (Australian schooner) is larger than a half pint and a middy.
A lot of pubs sell full pints as well, but default to schooners as their base. I don't know why it evolved that way here
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yeah might just be that pre air-con and proper refrigerating days a schooner was the best way to keep your beer cool
lots of places sell pints as well but default to schooners, don't know why that is
i reckon it was the parents that did it by accident and covered it up
if you're talking about gary bond the film is available on youtube, no need to go searching the gay porn websites
Good morning lad.
chemical imbalance theory, another leftypol banger
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you're entitled to your own opinions
but not your own facts!
Jumped off a cliff after getting catfished by her friend
i stay away from pints as i have no intention of being a fat red blob when i get to middle age
really depends on the content of the beer
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>can't outlift the pectus excavatum
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toilberg tricked me into working today
Thanks might watch it later but unfortunately ‘NZNakedMen’ or whatever it was called is already in history
love coy oriental ladies on my monitor
i can do that way better
not opening my gullet but taking really big swallows to do it in like 4
Would like schooner to be an option here, sometimes you just want 3/4ths of a pint before you start or leave
good lad
i sleep during the day better than i do at night
proper fucked i am
dont like beer
just doesnt taste nice
a shame cereal went woke
went to have a cheese and bean bake from Sainsbury's but noticed the package was open resulting in it being hard and stale. straight in the bin
You tried stouts?
beer only tastes good when you're already drunk
Homosexual and frankly un-Australian post.
Alri Count Fatula
>American beer only tastes good when you're already drunk
Get yourself a nice tidy IPA, lad.
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well there you go lads, according to Google our hunches were (supposedly) correct:

"A half pint is called a middy, as it says, but a pint is called a "pot" in some Australian cities, such as Perth, and is not common. Not many drank pints because unless you're swilling it down it was too warm by the end of the glass."
mad how they just stopped putting toys in cereal one day without fanfare and we as a society tolerated it
Feel very bitter about the people in life who have just never had anything go wrong for them
I went to school with a fat boy with diabetes called Ethan. We used to call him diabEthan
you better fix that attitude lad
it's an acquired taste anyway so it's not too late for you
*murders john barleycorn*
Case cracked, they should hand the Madeline McCann case over to brit
you ever been in a bar with one of those ice strips along the bar?

like a metal strip kept cool at all times and you rest your pint on it. Never seen it in real life but they do exist
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im not even fat by american standards
what beers do you like?
tried asahi guinness corona and some other random ones. its just not for me
In Glasgow they say it's the people that make Glasgow and from my experience it's because they bring sunshine on the rainiest of days (
it's a christmas film, you should watch it then
ktim. Everything always works out for me in the end. I even got flashed by a speed camera in the first 6 months of having a licence which meant double points. 6 points in your first year of driving means you lose your licence. Shitting myself, I went down to the townhouse with my paper copy to pay the fine and get the points added on. Stupid bint only added 3 points onto it, she didn't look at when I received the licence lmao.
Looks like the start of a ‘1’ just at the edge of the left there
Do you drink alcohol at all?
>356 lbs
You must either be really tall or utterly spherical.
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Wake in Fife
so did donald pleasance bumrape the lad in the shack or nah
Putting my arm on the bar and getting my shirt ruined
tom cruise was right all along?
I'll be totally honest with you lad, I enjoy a wide variety of beers
Lagers, Ales, even dark ones once in a while
This is a great time of year for XPAs though. Crispy like a lager with a little bit of pale ale flavour, but not super fruity and overbearing
Asahi and Guinness are good but they're not gateway beers by any means
always liked a drink, but i liked getting drunk and not so much the taste of the booze
Kirkcaldy? I'm pretty sure I was mugging you off the other day here you little scrote.
You are fat>>201973402
i was like this
you'll grow into liking the taste and relaxing as you age
good post
yea mostly spirits with ice
whats a good beer to have then
drinking coffee on the toilet
i'm 29 now, i've been drinking since i was like 14, i feel if it were ever going to happen it would have happened by now
Could never get into ale
Am picky with lagers
Love a stout
Would order chocolate martinis all night but I’m neither rich or trying to give the bartender the worst shift of his life
I'm average height for a male (6'2")
not by american standards
ale is just like tea, goes down a treat
it's really up to you lad - if you really haven't liked them before this there's a few ways you could go
you could take the path of least resistance and try the really dry and plain ones like a carlton dry or something, easing your way up, or you could go all out and try something with a really strong sweet flavour
why couldn't yugoslavia keep it together after tito died?
talking shite speeding in first 6 months is not 6 points
XPAs are fucking good, like a hidden category of great tasting beer
literally any american health site puts your height and weight beyond the charts on the obese end you faggot.
No Soviet Union to prop them up.
single poo log this morning
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why bother
Just traded in all my BTC for XPA
lager just isn't very nice
if its not absolutely ice cold it just tastes kind of grim
would choose anything else over lager
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the hubris of man
in the pursuit of power, fame, and riches, we neglect that we have already created our own contentment, that being a nice cold beer at the pub with the lads
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downstairs flat has their washing machine on a spin cycle already
it's fucking 8am on a Sunday
the soviet union wasn't propping them up
good lad
I feel lager is the starting point. Some start there and that’s fine but once I tried Guinness there just wasn’t any going back
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goodnight fellas
thats the same quick rhythm the cronem were slapping it into katy
don't think there's a single white person in this pic
Got a fat cunt lady upstairs who stomps about at night and had put the machine on at 1am before

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