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Keikaku edition.

Duped >>201932968
what's wrong with that?
he's gay and he likes to get fucked in camera, you're acting as if he'd have to be ashamed of it
accept it, he lost the weight and you're still fat
I didn't say there's anything wrong with that.
In fact, I think 'cado did a risky play when his content was growing and it paid off, now he's rich and it's in a healthy weight.
that's what I believe too
He's such an idol
I think I'm going to have buttered toasted bread slices and a protein shake for breakfast today too.
you can't just make something up and present it as a fact
Someone post his asshole the Canadian needs proof
Good morning Sirs.

RIP : >>201968648
Shut up fags.
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Good morning sirs. Overslept so I'll only be able to go to the gym in the afternoon, so fucking over.

How many grams of protein do you consume a day that comes from ultra-processed food (like protein shake and protein bar)?

Sorry to break it to you maltabro, but I'll gaypost as a joke today (once). Be warned in advance.
I asked AI to make him flirt with office qts but it didn't work
I almost forgot about victory day.
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You know.... I haven't posted that in a while....
I was wondering what wine were you thinking about until seeing >>201975112

He's explaining his farting trick
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The missus
Prompt was "Maltese man with Maltese flag and spending time in his garage with his pet parrot" but AI gave me Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear for some reason, also no Maltese flag
Lmao, this must be a honeypot
She's cheap.
>tfw scrolling through FB and you encounter a comment by a family member.
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>the finnish asking if he's mixed
>the long hair twinko lore
I bought kitchen paper instead of toilet paper. So over...
Also hello /med/oids
Holy shit, he's literally me kek
kek, based
le cul irrité est arrivé
Kek this is gold. I like seeing medoids in the wild, especially in breizhotwink shitposts.
c'est fini... Il me reste encore un dernier rouleau, va falloir le faire compter.
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steal a roll at work
I'm not brown though... I will have to be a good goy and go back buy another pack next week.
just do every poo there then
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Put a wig on him and he almost looks like Le Révanchard...
I wish I was him.
Literally Gironde
That's just a lousy coincidence
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Would genocide untermensch with.

Normally I only take a single protein shake with 25 g of protein.
I hope you didn't have that nightmare again...
you can clearly see her pussy
Based kermit getting a stiffy.
Watching the regatta live on TV and I like how the starting shot is done by an AFM member with a rifle.
Kek. I used to watch these omegle/chat roulette videos a long time ago.
henlo, no more /tr/. /med/ is now best fren
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No, I actually had a dream that the Magyaroid confessed to everybody on /med/ that he was actually a rusalka. Nobody believed him until he posted a picture of his hair, and then everybody started making jokes about how they're never going near rivers or lakes in Hungary ever again. Then he kept saying things like "haha, no I'd never do that" in like a half-joking way.
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This is how they live in Japan.
I have metaphorically annihilated the toilet.
What happened to /tr/.
Nips are not supposed to have this much freetime
it died. everyone else got a life i guess
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Good afternoon, it's raining and i hate the universe
I am white enough to not be recognized as a nafri but I’m brown enough to not be recognized as a native french, who should I larp as?
>t. lebanese
I see. Moving to /med/ is the natural option.
Why larp to begin with?
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Love girls with big personalities.
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There's a Maltese guy who has a TV programme and among other things his association is currently aiding the Christians of Gaza. The funny bit here is that there's this video of him next to a container full of bags of rice and he's dressed like a fucking Hospitaller lmao. I don't know if he's actually a member or not but it is funny nonetheless.
What's funnier is that they're apparently working with the actual Order on this so it is so silly of he's just playing dress-up.
I don’t want to be lumped in the same group with the nafris
If someone lumps a Lebanese with nafris, then they're dumb enough to not care for what they say.
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Am playing the Mario fangame, I'm in hotel run by the mafia
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Orc lives matter.
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That hack seems very trippy.
come join eu4 game
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Yeah it's fun, too bad new levels are mixed with old levels so you have to play levels from the original game to get access to new ones
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l could be posting "l"s instead of "I"s and no one would know...
I am bringing chaos and upheaval.
ahah come on, Venetanon is right. Just a coincidence...
I love this. So cute!
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It'd be ok for me since I never got that far anyway.
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>l could be posting "l"s instead of "I"s and no one would know...
You are one sick puppy.
This is what we get for dismantling all the insane asylums in the 1980s. Thanks, Reagan.
What the hell is with the blurry bar at the bottom of the screen? If you go to 1:20, it perfectly covers her toes. That feels purposeful, malicious.
I could fix her...
First step would be to stop dumping money on physical and downloading Mihon. Half the job done.
L'mafia di los Calabresi percolo piu felichitá
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I've lightly injured my shoulder yesterday at the mixed padel match, some sort of stubborn contracture into scapula muscles, but it seems better today. If i do chinups it hurts at first, then goes away as i go on. I'm letting it rest a bit, and only doing light exercises for all the rotators, for a few days.
The girl i'm seeing is writing me more messages, asking what i do, how it's going, telling me her day. This looks promising. The other one confirmed disappeared.
As disgusting as it sounds, i hope to be a sex haver again soon. Not sure if it will happen tho.
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>The girl i'm seeing is writing me more messages, asking what i do, how it's going, telling me her day. This looks promising
I like where this is going.

Perhaps if you tell her about your sore shoulder, she might offer to massage it for you?
If brescianon doesn't act quick, the /med/ summer of love will soon turn into /med/ autumn of love.
why are you gay be ashamed spawn of satanj
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>Perhaps if you tell her about your sore shoulder, she might offer to massage it for you?
Doubt it, but who knows.
Eh, summer is already over here. It's raining, and the plans are for rain to keep going.
It's all over. Global warming failed us.
At least the rain stops the smog (and rains it down on all the valley).
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>>If brescianon doesn't act quick, the /med/ summer of love will soon turn into /med/ autumn of love.
He's already won /med/ Summer of Love. Not to diminish his romantic achievements, but it was kind of a disappointing year. I feel like many people just didn't try this time.
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I recently had a date with a cute brown girl.
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>many people just didn't try this time
Be the change you want to happen.
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I am the referee. The arbiter. Judge Judy and executioner.

How would you feel if you were watching AC Inter Milan play Jueventas, and the referee suddenly snatched the ball away from Ronaldo, twirled around in a circle a dozen times, then punted the ball into the back of the net? I'm sure you'd cry shenanigans.
We talked for like 2h30.
Once home, I gave her my number, telling her that if she wants to keep going, she can text me.
She texted me saying she had a good time.
So I proposed a second date.
Congrats my man. I never went out with a brown cutie, did you tell her that one of your objectives is to insert your penis into her vagina with the purpose of procreation? I advise you against doing so, it can be misunderstood.
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She then told me she was busy next week.
I attempted smalltalk for a few days and asked again.
She eventually told me she did not "feel it" and don't want another date.

Time to Chudmaxx.
>mfw I was able to fit on a jacket that belonged to my brother.
I am happy with my progress so far. I can't wait until I continue.
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>tfw paid her a 5€ juice for nothing, not even a kiss
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Some milf started doing triceps extensions like 70 cm in front of me as I was squatting and her 10/10 fat ass was literally right in my face. Her bending over while doing triceps extensions was the cherry on top of the cake. She also just sat on the bench and watched me doing hip thrusts after which she smiled at me.
Does this happen in your country?
2x12 squat
3x11 leg press
3x12 calves
3x10 leg curl
3x12 hip thrust
3x11 leg extension
3x12 adduction
3x12 abduction
Sadly for your hypothetical scenario, I don't care about football.

Did she like your BBC (I'm sure she felt it when you came close for the juice trading)?
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>Does this happen in your country?
Don't know if you're making shit up or if you're just the most sexually harassed man on earth.

Bitch seemed to not even look at me in the eyes. It's over.
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It's her loss. Time will eat up her options and one day she will regret this decision.
Pic related: me, and should be you as well, after i understood that it's about the proper match to find. The numbers are against us, no doubt. But you can't win without a fight.
>Don't know if you're making shit up or if you're just the most sexually harassed man on earth.
I'm a laughing stock. Imagine how many pussy I could slay if I weren't autistic. Though I probably wouldn't because extramarital sex is le bad.
Mom's friend whom I already shitposted about is visiting us this week and I'm already afraid of what I'll wear because I don't want her verbally harassing me.
>Don't know if you're making shit up or if you're just the most sexually harassed man on earth.
Seems like steve immigrated to Hungary.
I'm sick of being left on read after my opener
Like what do I need to tell these whores to actually give me some attention
Am I right to believe that the opener doesn't even matter that much and it's just the profile pics that matter?
holy Jewry
it can matter, but it's mostly about looking good and answering fast to her like i think
>wan piss
That's going to be a yikes from me dog.
Also got a bunch of likes recently, but i don't even feel like matching them, like some look old, other make very strange face
who the fuck do normal girls who want a serious relationship match with ? gigachad can't manage them all
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Not the first, not the last yikes i will get. I will keep reading contents aimed at literal toddlers, it doesn't matter.
Fuck off nordoid, your kind is not welcome here
Honestly I'm thinking of dropping dating apps and just start going on clubs solo. I'm sick of fat bitches thinking they're better than me
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i'm on the apps because i can't do it irl fr
but i you can go for it

big twinkus
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Thats an odd way of saying "Thank you for the tourism, which is the only thing keeping us from becoming just another brown, third world shithole"
Gras baguette devourer
It's not the handful of orange monkeys keeping the boat from sinking, it's the hordes of amerilards and soviet oligarcs
Nobody said that, you are crazy and high on that weird tobacco you suck over there
don't make me tummypost...
Don't you mean fat bellypost?
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Holy lordosis on the right one.
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Suck his dick already omfg
Another metaphorical annihilation.
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>Half japanese
Always assumed you were half chinese. The japanese part explains you being a bottom ngl. Do you speak nihongo though?
File deleted.
>this is morbidly obese in Portugal
im not half Japanese lmao
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Hot of the presses
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Today's training.
Barbell row 3x10 with 3x8 with 80 kg.
Pull ups 3x8 with bodyweight.
a devilish trick I'm afraid
what is memeing
everyone one know he is 42% vietcong
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Checked. I had no idea tbf.
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The real /med/ map
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did you know the Byzantine Empire sent spies to China and stole the secret of silk manufacturing from them?
true story!
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>so, what is the secret to making this "silk"?
>well, it turns out that you just watch some bugs do it for a while, then you take it off them and spin it like wool
>bit racist innit
>nah mate, i mean real bugs
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I chuckled sensibly. Now I have to find some way to atone for my sinophobia. Thanks a lot, Brune.
It wasn't really China. They didn't know where the worms were from and were told it was from a place that literally translated into something like 'silk land'. Because Arabs and Persians are cunts they never told the source so Byzantine somehow found out about the trade routes and tailed them. Most of the silk was being manufactured by Persians, the dynasty in China at the time was more or less ruled by Parthians/Sogdians. Tang dynasty was about as Chinese as Uyghurs.
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It is supposed to rain tomorrow.
don't count on a chinese gf in 2025
This would be fun to play with /med/.
Gman is already playing it seems
Skinniest frog in existence.
You looked much larger in your thousand layers of clothing in the other thread, my apologies breizh-sama...


Breizh confirmed nordoid.

The human mind is amazing.
>europeans watch bees making honey
>rob them and consume it
>asians watch bugs make silk
>rob it and use it
>indians watch cows poo

Me slacking.
You can pickup a white passing 6-7/10 from lebanon with your french passport my fren
>be skinny with small booba
>so skinny your period stops
>go to doctor
>doctors gives you ultra hormones to get your period back
>ultra hormones give you mega milk plus some very slight weight gain
Yep, that picture is after the weight gain. Modern medicine is amazing and frightening at the same time.
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I really loved the jacket and it was on sales but only medium size...
Who killed the Heavy thoughever
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gaben for being a hack and never releasing the heavy update
I hope deadlock flops
>I hope deadlock flops
Unfathomably based

Unpopular opinion, but I personally think Heavy is absolutely fine as is, I play him often and always have a tonne of fun with him. However I realise that his gameplay might be a little unidimensional for some
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It's okay to not forgive and never forget how they did you wrong forever.

At least it wasn't a €15 kebab though. Imagine buying that for someone and then they don't even have the decency to have sex with you afterwards.
worst, just having one bite into it
chef will hold you responsible
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Point is, we don't want revenge, we want sex. SEX
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I like heavy a lot too and I play him pretty often but mainly because I'm an actual child mentally and his voice lines still make me laugh after hearing them for 12 years
but imagine all the different loadouts you could make with other actually good minigun alternatives or even a kinda memeish melee heavy playstyle
what could have been...
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France is our best friend in the entire world

Pic related is a French guy and British guy - they both worked on building the Channel Tunnel
I think that fat scout could be very fun if properly implemented with some substitution for the minigun: the problem is what exactly? I honestly don't know

>his voice lines still make me laugh after hearing them for 12 years
Lol me too
Me on the left
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>thoughtless, feckless, self-indulgent
Me when she turns up to the date wearing closed-toe footwear.
There is a weird sort of underlying eroticism to the Channel Tunnel that people don't talk about very often. It's just this constant movement of people and goods between the two countries - kind of reminds me of when people kiss and they exchange saliva.
Me at the end of the tunnel, counting my pennies so I can afford another holiday to la France
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did they fucked?
need a big ass beefed up shotgun that replaces the minigun or something
>spanking his ass while he's shitting on the toilet
Isn't the cripple a feetfag? He was based beyond belief, making the queen satisfy his degeneration
Who's the pic, where it's from
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He's a cunt, from a shithole
>There is a weird sort of underlying eroticism to the Channel Tunnel that people don't talk about very often. It's just this constant movement of people and goods between the two countries - kind of reminds me of when people kiss and they exchange saliva.
Er.... yeah

>did they fucked?
Dunno. Their private lives are none of my business.
POV: you're a newly graduated Breton and it's your first day at work
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I like to think he's the /tv/ self-insert character. Disabled 4D chessmaster incel who makes women uncomfortable and supports ourguy.

Is this from the upcoming film?
Can't spoil sorry
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Otto has always been overly dramatic, but both Viserys and Aegon are utterly retarded so i understand his distress.
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I don't even like butter (an ultimate proof that I am totally /med/)


Based <3
What is her expression trying to convey? Disgust? Hate? Boredom?
The wagie in that pic must be annoyed
She just ripped a fat one so hard it sounded like a heated argument between Zeus and Odin.
I wouldn't blame her.
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>Otto has always been overly dramatic, but both Viserys and Aegon are utterly retarded so i understand his distress.
Imagine babysitting an entire family of inbred, nuke-wielding retards for your entire life. You're literally the head tard wrangler and have to constantly stop them from doing stupid shit every day. You trick the king into marrying your daughter (because he's a retard, he falls for it) in the hope that your grandson will be more impressionable and easier to control, but all he does is hire his retarded friends to be top level secret service agents, then flies his nuke into his brother's nuke and blows his cock off.

I love that scene right at the end of season 2 where Otto is sitting in the dungeon, because you know he's been there for at least a few weeks (if not months), so he's had time to think about all this.
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POV: You just entered Gman's room on a Saturday evening (he invited you over to play some bing bing wahoo)
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I refuse to watch HotD s2.
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oops, looks like there's not enough controllers for 2... There's another special joystick stacked somewhere though.
But seriously, how did you get that pic of me?
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Would that we all had your foresight and wisdom.
Even fatman himself wrote a blog about how much he hates it (although he deleted it after a few hours because, I speculate, HBO threatened to stop sending him cheques if he didn't).
this ugly shameless pig needs to get slaughtered
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Sorry Gman, I just saved that pic from some shitty board of this website called 4chan.
why is gironde such a fuckable slut bros??
One trianon was not enough
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You will watch the show and you will hate it
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I think every year we should make Hungary smaller by pushing the border in a few dozen miles from every direction. We keep doing this year after year until the entire country of Hungary is just the Magyar's house.

Then, we take away his passport and close the border.
It's ok, it's a very old pic anyway when I still had hair.
Can't top if you lose the 150CC though.
Ziggers do this in Sakartvelo.
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Holy shit, best post in today's thread, catnigga.

Btw we're so fucking back, gman. Found a roasting business from whom apparently I could get some quality coffee that would make my tastebuds coom.
You know more about coffee than I do, which coffee based on origin would you think could taste the best?
Vatniks are terrible people
>You know more about coffee than I do
I actually know nothing and just pick my coffee region of origin at random until I find something I like lol.
So far my fav is Tanzania. Out of yours, I'd say Guatemala because it would sound like the strongest. Honestly you're better off asking them.
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Good night sisters.

>knows nothing about coffee
Guess that's enough internet for today. I will never recover from such a shocking discovery.
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>Ziggers do this in Sakartvelo.
A sobering reminder of how awful it must be to share a border with Russia. Some countries luck out and get Portugal or Uruguay as neighbours, while others get invaded.
The best coffees are Portuguese or Italian blends. Accept no other.

Nice calves gman, seems like the walks and hiking a are doing wonders.
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It's sad because I like Georgia (not just because muh dad's family is over there), like culturally is a neet country and very beautiful, also Kartvelian girls are peak fr fr.
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>having friends
Yes we do Joao, deal with it
Just finished Alien Romulus, nice one, really reminds of the older aliens, the last creep was disgusting
I don't remember gman being this ZESTY
>The best coffees are Portuguese
you only have interests
that is a portuguese name
try something more popular like Wanderson next time
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Buy one, get one free. Offer ends in 5 hours.
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There is nothing that makes me happy other than the gym.
I spend rest days with an overwhelming sense of misery.
This but with football and videogames (not even those sometimes)
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he might acually gain some votes from this
I meant the blends booma. We don’t produce coffee (the bean). Huezillian coffee is good.

200 denarii for the brunette please.


Going to start my anual read of Lord of the Rings (plus The Hobbit and Silmarillion). Only five years late.
I'll learn Latin one day.
I started learning koine greek, but unfortunately there was not enough interest for the second semester so the class was cancelled
not enough autists in this place it seems
I bit my tongue quite harshly yesterday and now I can't move it around without feeling pain.
I don't know how I would go about doing it. Maybe befriending a priest would help kek.
check also at the university, here they usually offer courses for the public outside it
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Multiple people had to approve and make this before it ended up on the side of the road. This was the result of collective stupidity, not one man's error.
Io l'ho fatto a scuola per 5 anni, essendo andato al liceo classico (assieme al greco antico)

Buonanotte signori
Probably. That's something for the future.
Non ho avuto la opportunità. Buonanotte.
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>I'll learn Latin one day.
You already speak Italian, which is basically just Latin zoomerspeak. Any particular reason you'd choose Latin over, for example, Ancient Greek or Old English?
Might as well learn Church Slavonic.
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Can you read Old Church Slavonic? Is it similar enough to Russian that you can unlock the secrets of mediaeval monks?
>Can you read Old Church Slavonic?
If it's not in glagolitsa, then it's readable, although some letters are dated or even ancient, so they may require to know the actual meaning. I mean I've had something like the church records, and I could read it, but the day/month/year dates were weird because they weren't using the numbers but letters or combinations of letters. Kinda common when it comes to this stuff.
>Is it similar enough to Russian that you can unlock the secrets of mediaeval monks?
I've a little psalter, it's the same language, yeah. Which is why they do say it's easier for a Russian person to understand a Bulgarian person due to the fact that those two languages are mostly close to what Church Slavonic is. The only problem with reading is that it's archaic and may not represent our modern grammar, pronouns, spellings are also specific.
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I'm jelly, I wish I could read ancient texts in my language, but beyond maybe 500 or 600 years, it's mostly just jibberish to me.
>but the day/month/year dates were weird because they weren't using the numbers but letters or combinations of letters.
I encountered a similar problem once when I was doing some research on the French Revolution during my degree. They completely swapped to a new calendar, with each month having a fancy new name and being divided into three 10-day weeks.

Trying to find out what the 8th day of the 2nd week of Floréal was in real months that the rest of the world was using at the time was confusing.
>they weren't using the numbers but letters or combinations of letters
same as koine greek

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