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broccoli edition
world class edition
raping a broccoli
>go out
>drink responsibly
>have a meh/mostly shit time
>feel mostly fine the next day
>go out
>drink irresponsibly
>feel ontop of the world
>black out
>wake up feeling awful filled with anxiety and an earfull from a mate for how i was acting
sigh cant win lads just cant win
busting a nigga nut
Here you go.
Very clearly the data shows the more left wing you are the smarter you are.
And likewise the more right wing you are, the stupider you are.

Doesn't take a genius to tell the clear difference in IQ between your average Britain First/ Reform UK supporter who gets drunk and riots at the Cenotaph versus the caliber of people who supported Corbyn or the Greens or whatever.
Doesn't take a genius to see how thick Liz Truss and Lee Anderson are and how smart Tony Benn was and John McDonnell is.
Doesn't take a genius to recognise Trump can't string a sentence together and rambles about Hannibal Lecter versus the quality of the volumes of literature produced by Marx, Engels and Lenin.

There's a reason Einstein was a Socialist while UKIP/Reform UK/BNP got support from Bazza with no teeth down at the pub.
eating poo
imagine being a monkey so small that you lived in a forest of broccoli stems
11 year old me would’ve HATED this edition
eating nigga shit
Spainpaedo bait above this post
Imagine having to lay your hands on sackedtranny's spaff stained clothes to try and stop them from stabbing themselves in the tummy.
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diarhoeaing into a water balloon and throwing it at my grans face
midwit trap
Rorke intellectuals:

D.W. Griffith
The Wright brothers
Russel Brand

Leftypol intellectuals:

Hillary Clinton
Jeremy Corbyn
Katy Perry
The Russel duo(Russel Kane, Russel Howard)
Owen Jones
That Paki slag
That Twitch streamer
consuming runtslop
That’s convinced me tbf
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please visit tuscany
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The data suggests otherwise, low IQ mong.
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I've got a Rustler burger just shouting my name
katy perry saying she gives her hubby blowies to do housework gave me a stiffy
why is that glass looking like an elephant's foot?
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still don't understand how faggots exist
Looks like Stockholm
nuke the burger
buns in the toaster
that beer looks so fucking peng
The Germans probably landed on the moon as early as 1942, using their larger exoatmospheric rocket saucers of the Miethe and Schriever types.
free plasticine
one of the most revolting words in the english language
Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring on ClassicFM
Wonderful chebs
Also a fake story, nobody as rich as her or her her husband needs to do housework, they all have maids and cleaners
perfect tits
Looks like Newington in Edinburgh. Full of junkies.
have been known to indulge in tranny porn on occasions myself but I just don't get how gay blokes are into smelly pooey hairy man arses and man bodies, they're proper rank
state of it
cronem owned
I have done FUCK ALL this weekend
I have done FUCK ALL this life
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I suppose in many respects I should be grateful. I've had many good things happen to me since attempting to end my life. Things are much better in more ways than I can begin to describe. But there's always that lingering sense of "what if..." that plagues my thoughts. My melancholia is chronic and persistent. It's medication resistant. The pills don't do much but I take them anyway. A placebo? I don't know. Taking the first step is meaningless if you don't keep on walking. And I've got a long road ahead.
Men have strong muscular bodies and large throbbing cocks THOUGH
I can objectively see that they are nice boobs (large, firm, etc) but they don’t give me any sexual pleasure whatsoever

A nice juicy veiny cock with a slight upward bend though? Gets my own cock throbbing in seconds

Can’t explain it

just saw a bloke in a dress
Ice Cold in Alex. Absolute belter of a film
how's yer da doing anyway
anybody who says words like "melancholia" is a geeky gimpy cunt
happen to pass by Aldi in Shrewbury by any chance?
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pooey arses are peng
simple ass
he walked into that one
>posts a graph
>no study of the source
>thinks you do one study and write one table and that's it that's the end of science
omg how are lefties so utterly retarded no wonder covid happened
reckon you might be gay lad
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hollow earth is out there
Will you post your tits again please?
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bit of a fruity post this one
The most critical mistake of my adult life was when I stopped going to the Mixed Lacross club at uni after the first few sessions
I could have have developed social skills, learnt how to talk to women, and maintained fitness, but instead I became a slug
That was 8 years ago now
Do you guys ever pick individual stocks or just throw it on an ETF for peace of mind?
Now he is samefagging to drum up interest because the post didn't gain any traction
My boyfriend has thought the same
> I became a slug
lol this is me
*throws salt on you*
GME slut through and through
more of a snail myself
nth for the gyaldem
Whoever's in charge of my pension does that for me
I'll pick an individual stock if there's a trading idea

For instance during covid I bought shell and astrazeneca because it was clear they were gonna go up

But that rarely happens so better to use the index ETFs
Is it normal to feel like this? I feel like the world is slowly dying. Like time is running out. Trickling away like water down a drain. And I feel like things are happening on too big a scale for me to matter. For me to make a difference. So what am I doing? Sitting in a car that's about to crash. The doors are locked and the steering wheel is jammed. The brakes are cut and the clutch is broken. I know time is running out but all I can do is fiddle with the lights and window wipers. Nothing that means something is within my control.
rorkebros we're back in a big way
Nerds have lots of sex with eachother
don't know why they can't build a bunch of these in australia, it would help sort the housing crisis
based retard bag holder
A sense of impending doom is a symptom of being chronically unable to control one's stress response
You could post your tits on here and make me happy. YOU have that power.
get them housed
we're gonna win big
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>Is it normal to feel like this? I feel like the world is slowly dying. Like time is running out. Trickling away like water down a drain. And I feel like things are happening on too big a scale for me to matter. For me to make a difference. So what am I doing? Sitting in a car that's about to crash. The doors are locked and the steering wheel is jammed. The brakes are cut and the clutch is broken. I know time is running out but all I can do is fiddle with the lights and window wipers. Nothing that means something is within my control.
supply doesnt lower prices. prices must always go up or the banking system and the national economy will collapse
always a bit sad when a married man calls his wife his "partner"
nigga that is your WIFE
and then what
How about a longterm girlfriend
House em back home
sacked tranny is trying so fucking hard to be annoying lol, pathetic specimen
avoid medicine stocks, especially those that are on a cunthair between profitabilty and the abyss
well it can't keep on like this or society will collapse
I do it sometimes because I find it funny to know people might be assuming I’m gay
Rorke Intellectuals:

Liz Truss
Lee Anderson
Kemi Badenoch
Boris Johnson
Donald Trump
Elon Musk
Andrew Tate
Tim Pool
Ben Shapiro
Matt Walsh
Alex Jones
Adin Ross
Nick Fuentes
The Daily Mail
GB News
Antivaxxers / Flat Earthers / etc

Leftypol intellectuals:

Jeremy Corbyn
Tony Benn
John McDonnell
Caroline Lucas
Karl Marx
Vladimir Lenin
Rosa Luxembourg
Slavoj Zizek
Yanis Varoufakis
Greta Thunberg
Albert Einstein
Novara Media
Climate Activists / Anti-War protestors
why are so many of anons in this thread virgins then?
I've gotten out after making 25%
>Driving instructor: brookie I just asked you to reverse into a bay of your choosing
mrs calls me her partner. always feel like a lesbian for it.
i call her my bird or my mrs.
Rorke's mum standing at the doorway slapping her chebs together in honour of the refugee wank squad
well yeh that's what the term usually means, i'm talking about actual married people who just do it because of woke
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Was a sauce found on this vid?
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i'm just a silly boyfailure :3
yes it can. they can just keep the cameras on the housed and tell the unhoused to try harder
Her boobs give me the same feeling as looking at the eyes of some Eldrich being in a Dark Souls game or those weird frog things that give you Death status
>no study of the source
You mean "no source of the study".
Also, it's literally on the graph.

You're just proving again how rightoids are thick as shit.
5'3 ftm pooner with the puberty beard and the kazoo voice posted this
Anyone fancy joining me in a group wank?
dumb coomer i will not support your addiction
Another reply to himself but he didn't even bother to change up the posting style
What are we wanking to? World peace? Good health?
Not worth the stress, never has been. Think I to had to sell at a loss to rotate in other stocks.
sacked tranny sounds like a good writer tbf
once the boomers start dying off and their kids start liquidating their assets house prices will drop like flies
what happened?
problem, rorke?
>virgin at age 30
>bodycount above 40 by the age of 31
If any of you are still big virge's, break the duck. Don't care how you do it, just get the first one over with and the rest will come.
>makes claim
>reeee you have to find the evidence for my claim
howling how are you this braindead
>bodycount above 40 by the age of 31
different prozzie every time?
Easier for gays
story? how did this happen how u suddenly become a mega chad
Old virgins just need to get it out their system, shag prostitutes to build the shagging confidence
If you are unable to speak English or read a graph that's your problem for being sub -70IQ.
Not much more I can do if I put the evidence in front of your and your brain can't understand it.
>>virgin at age 30
>>bodycount above 40 by the age of 31
did you make yer da wear a different wig each time?
flossing my pooey arsehole
come join eu4 game british
>mega chad
You will never, ever, ever have sex
too bloody right, it's none of your business rorke

get them housed and get the flats furnished. End of!
Havent thought of the great body floss in years thank you
All the rorkes and chuds silent after this one
Rorke going to Ibiza with his nan
>I though you said I want to go to pizza
any of you lads into crisps?
Can tell the thread is fully of leftypol indians because it's their day off
As I said lad, once you get over that first hump (hehe) it just becomes normal. Getting a shag is as normal as going to the pub. I got lucky in that the first one was a bird very aggressively pursuing me to the point where I didn't really get the chance to puss out. Once you've got that first notch, you lose that virgin aura, so to speak. Anyone who's a shagger with a virgin mate knows exactly the aura I'm on about.
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>made caesar salad for the family
>went out to buy the ingredients for the dressing
>get back a half hour later
>dadberg has literally eaten all of it

4 servings
all in his fucking stomach
I'm fucking SHAKING right now
what do I do?
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rolling a dutch rn
you're crying
It's literally just spaintwat replying to himself
not to be racist like but i really wish this country would stop letting in indians
mentally ill
Yeah spicy crisps. Woke mob keep taking them off the shelves though and replacing them with gay flavours like rosemary and chive or balsamic vinegar and himalayan salt.
like sexually?
>virgin aura

It annoys me that this is definitely a real thing and cannot be shaken off (without having sex).
are you illiterate?
1. link the study, a graph in isolation is irrelevent i want methodology etc
2. one study does not a scientific conclusion make
3. utterly insane you are asking other people to present oyur argument yet present oyurself as not being the retard lol
Eh? He ate a whole romain lettuce without any dressing?
Grindr here is full of couples looking for a third. Don't get that at all
Spainpaedo is yes, quite severely. Well observed
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check these digits
so every time you shagged it was a girl pulling you? how did that happen
i am a virgin but people have expressed disbelief that im a virgin before
(others have said thye are not surprised lol)
just stop caring. thats all you have to do
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do you have something similar to this in britain?
*starts cumming* Oh yeah
>open twitch on my phone
>it opens automatically on a stream called "2 GIRL 1 BED TW3RK RIGHT NOW" and there's just an empty bed with a fishnet leg in view off the side
What the fuck? Why the fuck is that the default? This is a fresh account.
How'd you do it?
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Being alive is so much harder when you're mentally unwell.
literally just a mentality that is in your head
Stop being such a cuck.
impossible if you're below 6'4 I'm afraid
not heard this in yonks
You need to find something you're passionate about and get stuck in with it, also make sure you exercise and have a balanced diet
tell him to order something in
Sick of you lot and your paprika flavour crisps. You're as bad as the Germans. Get some proper flavours
Yeah it's called where's wally here
>every time
No, just the first time. Once I realised it was nothing to be scared of, I was alright approaching women on nights out and even a couple just cold approaching on the streets.
you lads wanking to anything interesting this afternoon then?
>or the Greens or whatever.
Ah yes I love the left wing high iq as demonstrated by greens and lib dems
i have it in the back of my mind at all times whenever i walk through the CBD
no clue. it's the same here
i'd say your nan but she's not that interesting
On no you just replied to spainnonce bait. No idea why
are you in shape?
Yeah just get on the bus in Edmonton Green and you'll be the only white person
Just a lesbian taking a bbc
>Doing a STEM degree
>Learning Russian
>Do taekwondo

There isn't a cure for mental health problems I'm afraid. You just learn to live with it.
you're disabled
Really wish Twitter screencap posters would FUCK OFF
know my post is a bit anti-british culture but i think snacking on fatty food is lesser behavior
havent snacked on anything in a plastic bag for years and i'm much better off for it
Chrome taking a screenshot of closed tabs and showing them willy-nilly.

Not a fan, lads.
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tried not dressing like a girl?
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22 minutes and this post is STILL up. Why do the jannies have one rule for some and different rules for others? It's genuinely unacceptable that we have to put up with such poor moderation.
i always put a pinch of salt in my water bottle, apparently it's good for ya
As if that isn't yank culture too
Touched a nerve Adam?
There isn't a cure. But it's good you're going that at least.
How is your diet and sleep schedule?
Like I'm single and got a great shag off it yesterday, just don't want a threesome.
gay cunt
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I was a skellington for the first time but with a pot belly from eating barely anything but everything i ate was absolute junk and i never exercised. I'm in shape these days though.
My diet is okay. I eat lots of fruit and protein. My sleep is inconsistent because I work shifts so my schedule is always changing.
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might have another futa on female or syren demer goonsesh, I dunno
i've approached girls plenty on nightsout and even cold approaching but i'm still a virgin
can you walk me through the steps you took and an example of a conversation
she's actually dead mate.
sn isn't the only person who posts leftypol stuff
if you believe so, you are disabled
The intense silence by the 80 IQ Rorkes to these posts is deafening
I guess when the truth is uncomfortable their response is to pretend not to see it.
it's something i despise here also but it's 10x worse because there are less regulations
guess what
Sorry mates my phone battery died
Just don't enjoy women at all like that, meanwhile a big thick cock gets me going
Oh no is there a picture of some lovely lovely boobs on the thread? How terrible. Need that replaced with a twitter screenshot or a picture of a frog pronto.
You seem upset
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>A man has admitted murdering a disabled child in an Edinburgh property after drinking seven bottles of Buckfast tonic wine
don't care
yeah like if i wanted to see the tab i'd just open it, fucking twats at google constantly trying to fix what isn't broken and making it worse in the process
Need a picture of bradley walsh stat
off for a hot chocolate
need to get back in shape me, but I'm unlucky with pointy moobs so I'll have to buff up. too skint for surgery

you're banging 30+ year olds on nights out or is it the bumble rounds?
difference is you're a vile cunt diego and women can sense it
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I have an IQ of at least 190 and I am a Stirnerite
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Can you post your boobs, pretty please? x
How do you report a BBC news article for being written with an offensively woggish lack of attention to detail
sounds like a spook to me
Kek funny picture
So he's dropped the moving to spain with his wife gimmick but is still using his Spain VPN?
What's the point in that?
I have an IQ of at least 200 and I am an antisemite
wonder what happened to all the goths that used to hang outside Glasgow central
they're normally under 30. think maybe 3 have been my age or older. but yeah exclusively nights out or cold approaches. still not secure with my looks so I don't like the idea of making a dating profile where I get judged solely for my looks lol. personality hard carrying desu.
thinking about aussie power hour
Spaino? I miss you so much.
what's ethiopian cuisine? a big empty plate?
Why is the BBC so staunchly pro-monarchy and pro-Israel?
I thought they were supposed to be balanced and impartial, but it seems not so when it comes to these subjects.
Alrighty Bobby how's the chess
Probably all in the pub now they’re old enough
I'm not the spaino, just on my hols and having an anxiety flareup this afternoon
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My IQ is 4 digits
Remember when he pretended he worked for the civil service lol. He's not half as smart as he thinks he is
they used to hang outside belfast city hall. weird that the goths seemed to congregrate in the centre of cities as a general rule.
watching a nonce hunter video
this nonce is claiming he's not a nonce and was only helping the 14 year old lad know if he was bi or bent by mincing him

forcing people living on the brink in the bush to connect to the city sewage or pay a steep fine they can't. Telling them this by creating a task force and driving through their gate in an armoured humvee to deliver a notice.
imagine the poor kid suffocating & gasping for air as he was dealt blows to his head.
can you give example of your personality hard carrying? what sort of things do you do? could you detail an interaction
See >>201987127
yeah. 0012.
IQ only goes from 0-200, with 100 being the average.
Sometimes newspapers will post shit about someone having a 250 IQ or 300 IQ, but it's all bullshit nonsense just to grab attention.
genuinely think i have genius-level intellect but my mental illness inflicts me with all this brain fog that keeps me grounded in mediocrity
Thought it was outside of GoMA they used to hang outside of?
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>Next he went on a stroll through Hyde Park and looked for foreign tourists to make uncomfortable. The trick here was to act as friendly as possible and pretend they were the ones making mistakes. His chance came when a cheerful Japanese couple asked him to take their photo, so he agreed with much enthusiasm, but then here was the game: Peter kept pretending that the shots weren’t coming through because, as he claimed the camera said, they were constantly ‘caught blinking’. He pretended to be very upset about this and insisted on trying ‘just one more time’ over and over again, never letting them go. Near the end he suggested that they just open their eyes wider, and he expected to be busted here, but the sweet couple did as they were asked. So Peter let out a mocking whoop: “yes! It came through! Oh, and it’s such a good picture!”. When they hurried back over, grinning with such relief and gratefulness, Peter pretended to stumble and dropped the camera on purpose into the nearby lake. “Oh no, oh sorry! Oh I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Then he left.
ah rizzing them up
in the negative
im just funny apparently. i havent written down any interactions tbqh mate.
I mindraped him badly.
No one believes his LARP anymore so he's given up out of embarrassment.
17000 posts lost like tears in the rain.
wonder what happened to that lad with his gf crying in the shower this morning after going out the night before.
it looms
Oh mate, it is lush
It is mental how badly you mindraped him desu
Got a confession to make.
Never in my 28 years of life have I ever gone further south than Skegness.
Sucking a peppermint ice 0% vape
Oh aye, shit and boiled eggs. Yum yum.
You're obsessed with him. He doesn't even think of you lmao.
Oh look he's put his VPN on and the totally organic leftypol spam has stopped. It's a miracle
crazy how we have a rib cage
just a barrel of bones that's like a prison cell for your vital organs
Shut up you fucking tard
Have a lump on my lower back that smells of cheese when I squeeze it
Been there for like ten years or something
Looks like someone had an accident in the middle of your plate
needed to be said.
That's your arse you daft snowyank
Just in Britain or have you been to Spain or anything? How far north have you been, Dundee for me.
Starting to feel a bit better. Going to be kind to myself.
i thought you had a memory, my bad
I've started collecting panini cards lads
The Mind Raped
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Stop being so ignant
maybe eventually americans will evolve their ribcages into solid plates to protect their organs from bullets
That's called an abscess and it requires medical attention
Venturing on over to /gif/...
You were raped by your uncle as an infant lmfao
flavourless muck
i've tried ethiopan food too many times
everytime it's bland as fuck
finally going to give your willy some air are we?
Just in Britain. Been to Spain twice and Greece once. Furthest north was Aberdeen.
mental that i can actually recognise that weird lad who hears someone talk about overcoming virginity and starts asking them for detailed step by step instructions in how to talk to women. he does it so much lol.
Never been further south than the canary islands me, or north of iceland.
Would like to go long haul one day to like Japan or the caribbean
would be too heavy to move but i guess the mobility scooters would take care of that
>*audibly farts to assert dominance as alpha male*
Why have you tried it many times
Mental to think there's people in big cities like London or Birmingham right now
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Why did you stop the leftypol bait spaino? Not getting any traction today?
He’s Ethiopian
apparently the redhead from The Boys went to a convention in Belfast and some fella rocked up dressed like Homelander and told her to whip her tits out for him to give them a suck lmao
cos it keeps being well reviewed and hyped and every few years i think i'll try it again maybe i just had a bad one
Sounds like you need to spend less time here
and what did you think of Aberdeen? I'm from there and its a fucking shithole should all be leveled
Lol you're mentally retarded. Not everyone is spaino you dull freak.
Cor, and did she?
can't imagine anything more grim than being Northern Irish.
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time to smoke
You seem to care an awful lot
did he mate aye did a man at a convention in belfast say a sentence did he did the words leave his mouth

who gives a shite
ah yes, the fabled diarrhoea crumpet
perhaps we're not so different after all
As I said, I'm not this character, I'm juat an anon on holiday
ah no she made a video in her hotel room whinging about it instead
allow me tell you a saying my dad made up 'fool me once-shame on you fool me twice-shame on me'
I have travelled the world. From Balado airfield in Scotland to a holiday resort in Rhodes.
Not much else to see
spainfag or lonely poster who's baiting for replies
Ok spaino ;)
So I got an erection for nothing then? Waste of fucking time.
Were you a cheeky chappy in school?
some people would get more erect at the idea of her feeling so badly violated that she felt the need to broadcast her humiliating moment to the world in hopes it prevented others from doing it in the future
Not sure how to prove it without doxxing myself so whatever.
I'm probably gonna go sit in the sun by the pool now anyway, maybe go for a stroll later and then hit up a gay bar
Thought it was quite nice, a few museums and decent bars, mostly pretty big old buildings, cobbled brick streets in places
See my erections are a lot more traditional. Think I’m too low in for all that kind thing.

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