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test says you're an air fryer pal
my 20s have flown by, feel like i'll be 40 before i know it
poo smells hehe :)
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knew i should have taken something to help me sleep
frick off spainguy you bad ghost
Based Israel.
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licky meine arsche
30 is even faster
ever wish a black guy would rape you?
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do you think djokovic has another slam in him
Nice derbies.
i call the one on his head "based" and the one in his hand "redpilled"
Nightly reminder /brit/ is a supporter of Israel
can't say that I do
don't understand this air fryer gimmick
Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.
Big fan of Putin me
Seems like a really nice guy
Plus he's white and hates grannies
I'll do it. Bend over.
frying air innit
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A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep.
god you're such a dickhead
dreamt i was bumraped the other night and woke up with hiv
they use less oil so the food isn't as saturated with oil
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for the sake of your family I sincerely hope you're just fishing for (you)s
>okay yeah they’re trainers but not the kind I incorrectly assumed they were so actually you’re wrong
Tell me more about my job
mum getting my antihistamines out of the cupboard
really grown out of giving a shit about geopolitics, not my problem
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am not.
all important lie detector results
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no way hes joking
Might have to go gay after all
KEK shit had me actually laugh
I’m a miserable person
how very american of you
Remember when those Americans genocided all those native American Indians and stole their land
may just leave this country at this point
Quick question and feel free to say no, if I were to possess you and shag your mum using your body would you prefer the possession where you are unconscious or the kind where you are fully conscious and have no control? Also for posterity's sake your mum's memory is erased after.
got wrecked and made a dick of myself lads
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ordering a wimpy bean burger on uber
Wonder how aidsyanks doing
The american indians traveled across the ice bridge from ancient russochina
Wasn't their land to begin with you see
Haven't been properly steaming in months TBF. I'm not steaming now either. Don't really think it's worth the hangover and grim feeling the following day.
disgusting country
shut the fuck up you gimp
i think unconscious is probably for the best int he long run innit
Strong uptake for hyposissy porn lately
>he doesn't know how to get steaming without having a hangover the next day
kek what a fucking mong
not defending the genocide of natives but every country's history is more or less like that
Wonder if Jeremy Kyle would have lasted if they never did any lie detector results
Did the yank shows like Maury or Springer do lie detectors?
U mad?
Soon as someone mentions they drink I never engage with them again
Been replaying the half life games
Fuck me they're boring
I drink! I drink loads!
since when did jeremy kyle do "inspiration stories"
I'm indifferent; injuns are the O.G. dindus
Current oil reserves will last about 50 years at current consumption rates.
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Hows about you drink this load lad?
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Yes I'm mad that /brit/ is now a dumping ground for clinically insane tourists and how you neeky cunts, instead of developing a personality, attach yourselves to their psychosis as a form of 'banter'
You'll reply with something inane and spastic to deflect from this fact
I don't care that you broke your elbow
Yeah most pakis are the same
Don't threaten me with a good time
didnt read LOL
Was indifferent to this gimmick until i found out i was Spainpaedo behind it (makes sense considering he has literal hundreds of gimmicks you would class as "simp tier")
always. i for one was inspired
You've been done
what does 'thanos was right' mean
just saw it on twitter under an animal abuse video
I assume most of you are unemployed to be awake at this hour? Or you work flexible shifts like me.
not reading it mate
people bad
See that report about Ukraine having 26trillion worth of rare minerals, gas and oil just sitting there under the ground, untapped?
Weird that
Of course we're fighting to bring democracy to Ukraine and keep the evil red commies out though.
God bless freedom and democracy
you sound like a loser lol

I'll see you soon
How big is your cock?
you guys are my friends right
Not often but I remember they would occasionally bring on a random person to tell a story of their life
I remember seeing the daughter of one of those aid workers killed by ISIS on the show talking about her dad
I imagine they bring them on when they've ran out of applicants
Henceforth, I am gay. I am gay and Christian and National Socialist.
literally hitler
why what's happened
you're not very smart are you?
sure, we're like besties
how have you never watched the marvel movies
do you not have friends? do you not keep up with norms and trends?
Two types of brits post in /brit/ at 4am:
1. People still awake because they're pathetic NEETs whose lives have no value whatsoever
2. People who wake up early to exercise and fulfil productive activities before toiling.

I am of course the latter but I fear the rest of you are the former.
Very sad.
why you say that ? :(
>do you not have friends?
>do you not keep up with norms and trends?
Did i strike a nerve at one of your non trip posts Spaedo?
Don't know thinking about "it" causes a panic attack.
are you really an employed woman?
Well im neither so think on
Theres no word
Right right lose my mind
Left it long behind
>2. People who wake up early to exercise and fulfil productive activities before toiling.
Oh dear he actually believes it all, his imaginary life where he doesnt post here 24/7 and pays a bunch of underage anons to spam his gimmicks and shite.
I'm in group 1 but I'm not NEET I'm just very depressed ATM.

Someone Web.png these losers
Nope. What he wanted more than anything was that Olympic gold and he finally got it this year. I don't think he has the drive anymore he gave it all in getting that gold.
Why do you need a trip
You never post anything other than pointless blogging
no he’s a fat paedophile from /britfeel/
but if he gets to 25 than he'll have the record
being on 24 is tied with that lady player
He wasn't asking about your dad mate
deary me
Yeah but twentysomething drugs cheats are allowed to win slams now again. I don't see it happening. He gave two shits about crashing out the US Open.
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Emmett on a mad one
Goodness me it's cold
kek this will be me
makes the old ballsack tighten up eh lad
reckon if i were him id just get sterilised. nothing to lose hes old and fucked and has tits, wont be reproducing any time soon just let him have a peaceful retirement
any unvaxxed man in
based pureblood
sadly i am not
Those women all have 5 kids and they are all multiple wives to the same men
1 man 4 wives 5 kids each that's how to populate a country we should get back to it
The like sent me into orbit
why did you do it? and how did you come to not be in denial about the fact that you were scammed like most other vaxxies?
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I like my wings fried hard nigga
I'm usually a calm and docile lady but if I ever saw anyone hurting a cat I'd fucking lose it and go sicko mode.
oh nothing
As far as I'm aware, yes
We live in very dark times
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peer pressure
not trusting this
i personally am officially not your friend
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Tranny freak
Its Spaedo he does it all day every day why else
fella below me has a teeney weeney peeney lol
yea me
just a flu
Hair is still damp
listening to indigenous music
genuinely want to try swinging but unsure if i should bring it up because im too afraid ill lose my one and only gf
Greggory looks like he's swinging a hammer down there to be honest with you
Has a big dick phenotype
indigenous??? indigenous to britain??
been ripping some rancid farts this arvo
should not have had a mushroom omelette for brekkie
if that was you who posted that screenshot then yeah i suggest you try swinging........ FROM A NOOSE KEEEEEEK
fuck are you on about you freak
To want upon a moist autumn leaf; Or to leave upon the mound a dampened night's shadow... To weep upon the gloom, crept in the bosom of the bare white heat....
Telling people to hurt themselves is pretty disgusting and I'm glad you are going to get knock at the door
No not really
But I like folk songs
noncey thread
toilmongs must be waking up
might replay jak and daxter for the nth time
what shrooms you been picking, la?
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what is bro talking about right now?
writing poems and shit about bosoms
oh thank fuck the police are already here, must be to apprehend the neighbours constant deliberate banging on the ceiling i should imagine!
I wouldn’t pal unless you get to a point where you think you’re gonna break up
god but id love to shag a beautiful asian girl
wouldnt care if my gf fucked an asian guy cause i know she’ll be underwhelmed and prefer me

would be a win win for me
Crazy to think having a bodycount around 10 could easily make you the biggest shagger in any 4chan thread
nobody will believe me but my body count is like 38
never seen a prostie btw

pretty cool eh?
my bodycount is over 10, we're talking about mw2 right?
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Going to sleep.
Thing is you could go swinging and a well sized chap could turn up. But if it’s really killing you go for it. I personally would love to fuck other girls but seeing my gf with another man regardless of size would have me going 120mph down the wrong side of the motorway
Reading about proper early colonial era of America i say they all deserved it desu
And just like that all that time spent posting drivel meant nothing, you've spammed your crap, nobody cared, and the world moved on.
you will drive her to suicide.

one day she will stop posting and it will be your fault.
Keep forgetting I've turned off the blue light filter then wondering why i'm up at spastic o'clock
got a bit drunk at the local yesterday and defended colonialism
legit case thouth, on the long term, it's good
I cared but the tough rough n' tumble social dogma of this site means I can't show it, alas I am stuck posting hot tranny gifs instead
foxberg fuming cause he cant get into the bin cupboard
his big dumb paws cant open the bolt
Not too shabby. Think I’m gonna retire on 8 with my gf however. Don’t think I could be arsed to enter the dating scene or nightclubtoil ever again
>No picture
Cringe larp
yeah that’s a good round number
personally wish i hadnt gone so crazy in my teens and early 20s, the herpes is certainly no fun
have you got a picture to share of your mum without my knob in her gob
that means she isn't fit
I like going to particular dj events at a few clubs and bars I can’t imagine going to any to ever try to pull women the thought is just so foreign to me
Drinking is one of the only respites I have from being constantly horny
cute doggo
had a fucking horrid flu late last year that damn near killed me, i couldn't sleep because i'd cough so hard in my sleep that i'd wake up feeling like i'd been strangled nearly to death, wasn't even covid (tested twice)
if covid is any more intense than that i'll eat my hat
heckin cute doggy doggerino puppy furbaby
I’ve only ever pulled on a nightout with girls I saw out that I already knew. Think you have the be Chad Chaddington to pull strangers
pick it from an after hours bathhouse did you
no i think i got it from a crowded bus, it was full of teenagers coming back from the beach
My point is it’s just something I don’t associate clubbing with as I go out to have fun and listen to music
I can’t imagine ruining the experience by lusting after stupid whores
only time i was horribly sick was when i ate raw ramen and had food poisoning like crazy
pick it up from a crowded bus full of teenagers coming back from the beach did you?
did you survive?
need to cut back on the drugs and limit my usage strictly to when i feel like doing drugs
cousin had it, in bed for three days then that was that
year before back when i was in uni, i got the flu, legs shaking just walking to the shower
i beat it with tea, hot showers and sweating it out
so yea, covid can suck my knob
Thought i'd go and catch bronchitis in january
what a wheeze!
the south park thing about unattractive people developing character later in life is a massive cope, at best they'll be an undersocialised weirdo and probably a smelly neet, at worst they'll become a serial killer
you haven't been serial killing have you?
met an irish lass with a limp, eileen
nah, can't say i didn't have fantasies when i was much younger and much angrier though
terrified of one day being old and constantly shitting myself and having some pretty young nurse wipe my bottom
if a nurse did that to me now my cock would immediately jump up and most likely explode with cum
do people really stick live animals like gerbils up their bums?
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>"Hey, put that cigarette out!"
>Is 300 pounds
taxidermy, look it up
what's your point
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300lbs is average weight in america now, you have to be at least 400 to be considered notably fat
need to go and buy some scran to stick down my scranhole
if only
in yorkshire they do this with ferrets
Icelanders be like
hallo, my name is Gunnar
that sounds like it would rip your colon to shreds
tangerine blackberry blood orange red bull
yum yum yum
>that sounds like it would rip your colon to shreds
my date when I describe my penis to them
knowing pee knowing poo
real mans sport for hardy miners not suitable for poofs
used to have an icelandic mate, his name was Þorlákur, he was nice but quite autistic
>he was nice but quite autistic
my date describing me to her friend afterwards
more of a swedish name that, icelandic would be something like guðþór
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>face card
What a game LA Noire is, Cole Phelps just called a homosexual a degenerate
look here mate I won't have this SHIT
i reckon he was just as racist as any other white man in 1947, he was just quiet about it so as not to alienate modern audiences
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i knew the killer from the start
i'm not that smart
yeah? you’re shit
The palestinians were never "natives" if you believe that you don't know the actual history. Calling it "palestinian land" in 1946 is revisionist nonsense. They did not own the land in 1946, it was owned by the British and just had a lot of jews and arabs in it. Picture 2 is after the partition plan that the British did in 1947. Pictures 2 and 3 are land annexed right after military conflicts started by palestine. So yes, it is defending itself against terrorists. They simply cannot resist firing rockets at their neighbors.
I'm the shit that's about to come out your arse and beat your face in
ok Chaim
im impressed not by your response, but how you responded in mere milliseconds.
yanks seemingly incapable of telling time
israelites have never actually owned the land, it was always owned by a larger empire until britain gave it to them for some reason
cant believe how good ian mcshane looks asan octogenerian. probably britains greatest ever male actor imo

utter tour de force in recent film american star
might rearrange my room again, i've done it at least 10 times in the 10 years i've lived in this house, the positioning of the door and built-in wardrobe makes it really awkward to fit all my stuff in a way i'd like without making the place too cluttered
can you just settle the fuck down already
Nativity. To dream that languid sleep
Upon clay long bled
White like skin.... like skin.....
It is cracked.... cracked....
evidently not
they dont call you nutters pozzed-tralians for nuffink dont they
>britain gave it to them
The israelis kidnapped and executed two english soldiers in retaliation for english execution of israeli terrorists
The israelis also blew up the king david hotel killing dozens of english, at at time when the english could not afford to get into yet another conflict

Anyway the ottomans sold loads of the land to the jews its just as much them as the british
need to buy, in bulk, black or dark grey t-shirts with breast pockets
everything you buy is in bulk mate heheheh
whats their flipping problem
wish i had some shrooms
That is a perfectly fair thing to say. It doesn't really matter to me if it's the ancestral land of the jews or israelites or whatever. It might not be ancestrally there's. Fact of the matter is, it's irrelevant. It was owned legitimately by the british, who willingly gave the territory to them. That makes it their land no matter how you slice it.
Thinking about gen z boss and a mini again :/
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there's the next 11 hours sorted then
>whats their flipping problem
me observing the trainee fry cooks trying to make pancakes
alri super mario loool
There’s a really good book called ‘A line in the sand’ which explains how Israe came to be
just sir sheer sharted my way into the thread
them pali niggas finna turn israel into wasrael
australia embarrassing

raygun and shit

like what was thay
i dont recognize the authority of the evil wretched demons who control this world
creased hard when I found out the breakdancer was called Raygun
feel emotional when I remember my misspent youth
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ktim starmer
expect a knock on your door come the morrow
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sir cloth darner
toil looms large
need another world war, it really advances technology, world war 2 gave us helicopters, assault rifles, and nukes
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all dogshit evil technology
we already have alien technology held up in warehouses
Opened the shame box while blacked out with friends a couple weeks ago. Jacking off with a friend in middle school, horny for aunt once, horny for friends gfs, trannies and femboys, snooping on friend's computer in college, emptied all of it. It's over.
most normal yank
helicopters are good
i believe i can fly
i believe i can finger my japs eye
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Fucked it lad
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finally did a normal poo *knocks wood*
wish i was a beetle
And my dog's dying.
Thirst-quenching Madrí beer - a marvellous taste of Madrid.
Kobe Bryant would still be out raping girls if it wasn’t for Hitler
sad because i dont live in japan
I feel fantastic hey hey hey
cha cha real smooth
moving to Salisbury
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now post your arse xx
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fell off after i wanked it too hard
hope i can do my poo before i need to go to work
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The common preliminaries consist of contemplating and meditating on four different topics:
(1) the difficulty of acquiring this life with its opportunities and resources,
(2) death and impermanence,
(3) karmic cause and effect, and
(4) the faults of saṃsāra.
any advice on coaxing out my poo mate?
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poop boobs
Maury is well known for doing the lie detector bit
right i'm going to shed this last 7 kilos before the end of the year
it's happening and the only person who can stop me is me
As gay Diego would say, blog on
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has keir starmer dyed his hair white?

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