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kia sportage edish
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My sweet pupita
in the sun
i will come
to see barbados
fuck off with your kia sportage
looks like my dog
kia sportagecels having to force their edish cos they can't win one fair and square...
Great little car
Gravy's good tonight.
Would feed this vermin into the wood chipper
good lad
Rape Mode : Activate!
Cracking bit of kit
Pics? x
is it?
not sure what people see in kias
The 2024 Sportage is a great all-round family SUV with generous passenger and boot space
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Need some whitepills
Still a bit unclear what I'd be feeling for it's all just mangled tubes
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Here’s my nigger joe
zoomers don’t know about gifs
for me, it's the hyundai ioniq 5, I just think they're neat
hi im a femboy from dumfries scotland and im very desperately looking for your cult!
righto fair enough, i'll take your word for it
Haha alright nigger Joe who's ruffled his feathers lol
What does he get up to
got the same eyes as that horse picture
Cracking little nig
he cute x
they sell them in aldi, 50 p for paracetamol and aspirin and the like
give him a cheese from me :)
Don't just take my word for it, test drives can be flexibly booked at your local Kia dealership
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my sweet pussina
have to contain my austim when with my gf. in a way i think it makes me less endearing, more dull. a bit too robotic trying to act normal and 'cool'. thinking of letting it leak out a bit next time we meet to see if she can handle it.
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Got 90k saved up lads, should I retrain for a different career?

I've got a steady job but I feel like it's not fulfilling. I studied history at University and got a first for what it's worth.

My options.

1. Learn a trade.
2. Postgraduate conversion course. Not sure what subject though.
3. Apply to join the armed forces.
4. Police. Always thought being an inspector would be good.
5. Try to learn something useful like CAD.
already have two cars me
What's she doing under there
He looks scared what did you do to him you animal
Oh fucking shut up you twat
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aww, she wet herself ^^
aren't these dogs banned
Don't think this is actually yours
Do you live in a shed
yeah just do what appeals to you most. It's your life, live it how you want
its Cash ISA mong
Had some excellent swiping on hinge, lots of lovely ladies and I'm sure one of them will like me back
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right then
If you've had time to save up 90k, you are too old to join the army
if you want this to be a long-term thing you're going to have to be comfortable enough to be yourself at some point anyway
how much
How does someone end up with that body
6. gizza tenner lad
>I studied history at University
Aye lad, can I get a large quarter pounder meal?
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best of luck
Josh is a goblin prick but I don't think a bangle proves that's his body
why the fuck were the japanese so brutal during ww2? with the rapes and all that. torturous bastards. and we're supposed to just forget about all that?
All's fair in love and war
Yeah your boys sorted them out and now they're alright
If you can't be yourself around your gf then what's the point
they thought their emperor was an actual god and that what they were doing was some kind of righteous holy war
Probably a heat of the moment thing as a result of all the chaos and carnage
The war I mean
Someone should do something about it
fucking mold all over my window man keep wiping it keeps coming back
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Just realised I’ve been refreshing this thread for 3 hours instead of learning a trade or figuring out what to do with my 90k. Cheers, lads, solid life choices being made here.
Remember the C-C-COMBO BREAKER meme
Very rare to see nowadays
Well it's a humidity problem bruv
wish I were in a popular rock band so I could leave it and become a monk
anyone gonna watch the [REDACTED] tonight at 2am then
probably need to ventilate your place more and use a dehumidifier
yank veterans: the waddling wounded
At school we had a smelly lad that nobody liked. He was colour blind so the class printed all birthday invitations in colours he couldn't see.
Literally leave the window open all day long while I’m at work
*Holds up a card*
Tell me lad, what colour is this?
using bleach yeah?
how do you have mould when autumns barely started
open your windows more freak
I read somewhere that there are monks that can heal their wounds just by thinking really hard
reckon my life would improve dramatically if I had superhuman strength
Just catching up on the old thread, no one told me China also has an intelligent, pale north vs. stupid, aggressive, brown south dichotomy, wtf
You must be the only part of the world where its not the case
I've got lots of mould left over from last autumn
It seems my only option left is illegal emigration to the United Kingdom
Well there's clearly something wet in the area
in what way?
funny but ultimately untrue story
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another day over...
warm water and vinegar
Five words that summarise brit
We have the Danes in the south and the Sami in the north. Both equally detested.
easier to open jars
business idea: reclassify normal human emotions like sadness into medical diseases that require pills
thinking about doing that in yank land, wanna swap passports?
might treat myself if i land this new job
thinking a new pc, a new telly, and/or some sort of speaker system.
astro bot... hell of a game
treat us all to a good post
I voted for this edition.
Didn't know the dick sucking factory was hiring
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you now remember this banger
listening to Lifehouse Hanging on By a Moment
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reckon she's circumcised?
they thought you quit
Bloody hell
I used to be a maladjusted freak neet now I'm a maladjusted freak making 65k a year with a gf.
when's the next gta 6 trailer?
Get the early release prisoners housed in hotels
Is this real? If so that's wild women just literally put a pic of their cleavage on there.

Yeah I get the "liberal jewish" thing is the focus but I don't really care.
aint seen rorke since those riots

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I tried to climb out of this pit and only dug myself deeper
For me it's the Kia Stonic
Is this real?
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im loaded but i never treat myself to anything
just keep hoarding money
they look real to me!
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got 75k saved up and still havent bothered to move out
didn't fucking work though
AI has fallen
time for a burner laptop + tails OS wank sesh
Despise this pensioner cult
This country is fucked because the wider public have become brainwashed into worshipping the holy NHS and sending endless amounts of money to boomer pensioners who utterly despise everyone else
Niggardly old Scrooge you are
check the paralympics
Kia Starmer
i miss him
is there anything nice you would like?
Aha. I would also have accepted 'your dad gave me the job'
Been posting from the bog all this time
same. that's why i using getting this new job as an excusr to finally treat myself. my pc is like 8yrs old.
not really
my life will still be lonely and miserable even with nice shiny things so what's the point
havent got any hopes or dreams
cant be arsed to buy a flat because it would be more hassle
wouldnt care if i dropped dead tomorrow
every days a bad day every nights a nightmare
Shut up fucktard
Ong bruh fuck them niggas
iktf, but I'm poor
may as well wire me the money then
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aff tae bed
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Cock feels like it's being held prisoner by the current government.
By which I mean I've just had another early release.
cleanliness is next to godliness
rorke winning the cognitive dissonance gold medal
filthy little urchin me
Just got a sudden power cut when I was playing the First Descendant, then I checked the MCBs and it was just the one connecting the main supply turned off.
Why did it go wrong?
reckon mine has packed in
havent wanked in two days and dont feel an urge at all
usually wank twice every day
How many /brit/ posters does it take to change a light bulb?
order over chaos
Attack on Titan was fucking mental
Japs really know how to make a tv show

Needs to be a question.
gchq got you mate
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>went for a night walk in my inner london borough
>all the couples are out holding hands despite it being cold and rainy

le sigh
when will it be our turn lads
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>Attack on Titan was fucking mental
>Japs really know how to make a tv show
3. 1 to hold the lightbulb and 2 to drink until the room spins

Kek that may have been me
listening to Tom Waits
What is the answer to the Australian question?
last time i held hands with my girlfriend was in 2016
No it fucking weren’t shut up u gimp
me? got the om on
listenting to david ghrol ()queens of the stone age
Big in Japan
Great song.
Has someone taken your faith?
It's real, the pain you feel
The wife, the love you'd die to heal
The hope that starts the broken hearts
Your trust, you must confess
I should try fentanyl
I have a gf and am in ldn
>Haitians eating cats
Yeah it’s over for Kamala
How about no?
bet it's peng
No you don’t and no you aren’t shut up and fuck off
ever seen a brawl in a pub
anon no
my united states friend told me her dad died of fentanyl overdose
gonna buy a pair of TRAINERS
what does this even mean
rorke is becoming more unhinged by the day
he ought to be sectioned for the safety of the rest of us
Big fan of idi amin
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That's my mutual
suck om deez nuts
Started watching battlestar galactica, really want to shag the Asian girl
thinking about getting fat
calm down

theyve given up on sectioning rorke. its best to just keep an eye on him while he wanders around outside
Love are Callum
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Based I’ve got lullabies on >>2020
shovings. glassings. fisticuffs. fatalities?
Rorke…you’re mentally ill mate.
The worst part is the vodoo
>fridge empty
>pray to god to give me food
>see apples
>start picking
>My apples because god has given me them
>Fuck you, I need these for the kids
>Big fight

How do you fix this?
yeh, yeh, yeh, nah
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rorkes childhood diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder starting to make sense now
need an alternative to jeans for everyday wear
only had 10mg diazepam
wish id had 2 so id be knocked out by now
dunno if its worth having another
Penniless in Phuket is a good band name
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jean shorts
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is it easier to illegally emigrate to UK or Ireland? Reckon Starmer's Britain would give me tranny asylum under Trvmpenreich?
kick against the pricks
Breeches and long socks
Kicking around Bangkok
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we could trade passports
get the plants watered
gutted she went with troye for the talk talk remix and not carly
Thom Rorke and his band Racisthead
phwoar, presidential debate at 2am tonight
will be fun to watch over brekkie
what are you training for?
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How would that work? Don't think it would/
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guys... look at the calendar... tomorrow...
A scissor and some smooth talk
ill sum up the debate for you right now
>orange rorke: *slurs*
>gyaldem: brat
I don't want a passport I want gibs. If they pay for my housing and education I'll be a nurse for are NHS for the rest of my days
runt has this shit saved
You fly into the UK on your Yank passport for a holiday. We exchange passports. I take your return flight to the states. Now I am you, and you are me.
a bit hungry
Just entered the thread,, so I won't get any of the references
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Hopefully I win
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>Just entered the thread
Are you 6 foot, chestnut brown hair, blue eyes, circular Irish diaspora face? This could work
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what is the verb for being altruistic , altruing? I'm altruing?
I'm just too white n rorkey
I'm just too white n rorkey
Yes I am. Are you in your early 30s?
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By jingo it is homosexual
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>Mark Hamills brain
you can upload screenshots without saving them?
c3po is next
On iPhones yes
Want to stick my penis where the sun don't shine
does anyone know how a Kia Sportage is british related? I've been trying to figure it out and the best I could find is that it won the 'Family SUV' and 'Full Hybrid' categories in the Scottish Car of the Year 2022 Awards
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how come they look the same?
Fukken DEAD in ere
what actor played R2D2?
Toiltwats tucked up in bed ready for another day of graft tomorrow
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mwad that evie went viral
Is Pauly Shore gay?
all out shagging
what a fucking shit life I have
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has a nice rear xx
'tista got aids
i'm a neet and just crawled into bed
All my own fault
this is a don't ask don't tell general

unless rorkes around then it's dont ask don't smell
what does she think calling herself a horror game protagonist implies other than being raped and/or murdered
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a great shame Pia had a messy semi finals
need a gf with big tits and a man face
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did a think
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dunno, but she's a weeb everton fan, please have patience with her in these trying times
non meme answer: chinos

Chinos are the perfect legwear, smart enough, casual enough, comfy enough, so versatile
How can the Nords be swarthy?
Swarthoids will seethe
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oh shit he looked pretty big in dune
didnt even know that was him till just now
going to sleep. Nite nite x
You will go to sleep and not wake up, im sorry this is the truth
The Prozzie gave me typhoid fever lads
Why is Cornwall and the north in beige?
good night mate x

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g'nite x
too much sun
cause they arent white theyre orange yellow
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Hyperborea beckons...
If only
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I like to munch poo vigorously
CASH is LEGAL tender!
Why this literal BBC cuckold seething so much over a man losing weight

was it worth it
why are you posting his video here
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sorry, i'm a twat
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Piers Corbyn is wholeheartedly VINDICATED
call it diephoid fever cuz you die from it
Has one man ever been more based?
me too we can only try our best
Just ate undercooked hamburgers. 2 of them. Can't make me wait that long over a stove. Not a woman. Woman job.
Negroid fever
dr pavel
Just heard my mum fart in the bathroom… fucking grim
wish it was in my mouth haha
just heard my consience tell me to get off /brit/
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Propaganda image
What do Zoomers even do?
look at them, too afraid to post, dying for the new
Film themselves and tattle probably
My transatlantic cousins :)
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no fear
look at mandem, too afraid of postcodes, dying from a machete
>Right-hand drive Korean ICE/HEV
I want it to be available in Japan.

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