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housed and wanked
is this the thread?
iof you have any questions about christianity i will try to answer htem to the best of my ability
Shame he cucked out to trannies and leftists
I believe so. Waiting for other people to post in it to confirm
why did god make dinosaurs before humans
did Jesus have any children?
did the virgin mary ever walk in on the big j having a cheeky wank?
>2 Kings 2:23-24 New King James Version (NKJV)
>Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up the road, some youths came from the city and mocked him, and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” So he turned around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them in the name of the LORD. And two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.
What did God mean by this?
this one was linked first you mongs
This is the one
This was made first thoughbeit. I don't make the rules
we can recycle that thread later, calm down mate
stop making /brit/ your hobby
mine were of trouble
good book
Err why don't you read Bartholomew 9/11 mate?

>And thoseth whomst so do walk in the heavens shallth be casted down pon firey chariots by Yahweh at the breaking of the day, as those not touched bythwith the flesh of a lady look towards their king fer shitposts
So this is it. The thread as it were
what the actual fuck lads?? after all these years of my good threads getting mugged off for heathermong schizo news and the likes, all because they managed to share their link a second before mine?? you decide NOW to use the later thread??????????
genuinely massively offended and angry
KILL thyselves
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good thread
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>Bartholomew 9/11
english guy goes to fight for the nationalists in the spanish civil war
mystery grove mentioned
who wins?
The Spanish
You'd think carrying 35,000 illegal weapons and selling them would incur a heavy fine, but not in Starmer's Britain
bloody hell...
the nationalists
>Mostly cloudy
>Sunset Today: 19:20
It's happening. I can't handle another 8 months of cold, wet, darkness. Please boss.
he made all aniamsl before humans x
this passage has been written about to death i have nothing to add that isn't in the first results of google
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Put the heating on for 30 minutes this morning to get the system prepped. EON's emailed me to tell me my bills are going up this year
can you point out the verse in the bible that it says alcoholic evil demonic landlords without friends are "holy"... no? hmm, hell for you!
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Sir Beer Armer
mental how severely mentally ill and retarded he is
Have you actually seen rorke in the flesh?
Might move to China.
Well, I think I'll just never work then
pitchfork have been way too harsh on the new mercury rev album
yeah they've done the same thing but better before
but it's still objectively decent
Witnessing his cognitive decline has been genuinely sad. Must be the drink
fix the UK in 5 easy steps:
>immigration to <50k net
>deregulate building
>replace council taxes with Georgism tax
>means-test pensions
>bin FPTP
still miss coco. ksons models are sexo though
yes very good estate agents show me the sold houses
Mad how I have become an essential member of my 16 person team at work because I know how to do vlookups and pivot tables in excel.

Tried showing one of my colleagues how to do it and they literally thought I was some sort of computer wizard and kept fucking it up each time they tried. It's 4 fucking steps, highlight column, highlight a table, put in the column number for the data you want and then choose true or false. I learnt how to do it myself from a two minute YouTube video narrated by a jeet.

I work for a multi-billion pound finance company lel, took me a little while to realise I've got one of those fake email jobs that you see on TikTok.
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Farewell disposable income. It was nice while it lasted
>Georgism tax
Only people called George pay tax
I often take a bag of rice into the shower with me
That way it's washed and ready for breakfast
insane how 40 of the youths just sat around waiting for their turn to be mauled, cant imagine a bear can maul 21 youths at once
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Just fill this in for me real quick please lads
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I'm thinking about
How I should say goodbye
With a handshake
Or an embrace
Or a kiss on the cheek
Possibly, all three
just put the heating on, this country really has gone to shit.
how do you live 'in' a road
How much do you make
Two bears actually
>a memorable word or phrase of your choice
wanking a poo
The secret is to make the answer to all your secret questions across various accounts the same, regardless of whether that answer is nonsensical
Why not just put some warm clothes on
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Do you lads remember your National Insurance number off by heart then?
my face is bleeding :)
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Going to toil at 88 so I don't have to sit in my freezing house
No why would I? Just keep the card in my wallet
Can't remember my full NI but it starts with 663
>national debt
sounds fake
No why would I? Just keep the card in my wall
/brit/ is filmed in front of a live studio audience
Coffee and a digestive, the perfect lunch
Yeah. Also my childhood landline number, gym membership number from 10 years ago and debit card numbers. I have autism thoughbeit
Need to do a bit of shopping, but it's absolutely PISSING it down
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might treat myself to a poshie tonight
get deliverwogs on the line
*walks in*
ayup lads!
*crowd erupts into cheers*
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yeah because I've been through about a dozen dead end jobs
A posh what?
slow thread during this hour????
might treat myself to a pooshite tonight
yeah, learned it when I was dole scum
£39k base salary but I pick up overtime here and there so it's about £44k with that. Probably a povvo salary in London or a big city but I live in the north east so it's fine for me.
toby salivating
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Hey so your job history is like the Pink Panther
Dead end! Dead end!
just injected a line of marijuana up my nose. proper drug head me
Funny how you assumed that post was about you
What you mean it's stupid shit about wearing a condom while you wank as though anyone would possibly enjoy that over wanking without one?
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We're all in here
Who watches this shite?
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What is this 2003
It's xlookup now lad
>Anglo lands scorched
>Celtic lands intact
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based on the dried grass one must assume that this image was taken for the purpose of illustrating the effects of a heatwave / drought on central europe and parts of the UK
Green = civilisation
Brown = barbarism
Used to enjoy a posh wank when I was a virgin teenager, just felt naughty and exciting to put a condom on and spaff in it
Lad's going to be CEO before the day's done
got sludge brain
speculating on bond yields and rate policy with my parents' money
a delectable morsel, it appears
Need to move to the lakes
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we've got so little forest it's humiliating
It is an imposter
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Never and I mean never trust a man that orders a bottle of peroni in a pub
want to lick every inch of jenna ortega
even her BUM?
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Holy crap
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>search for something on youtube shorts
>scroll through
>after 5 shorts it automatically goes off topic for what I'm looking at and starts showing me videos of marbles being thrown at glass jars full of paint or podcast clips
What's the point in that then?
What's the lager that isn't your regular drink but if you see it on tap you will get it. For me its San Miguel
yes, but the enthusiasm depends on how well she wipes
i think its a rabbit but yeah they are basically just mice arent they
shes just a shit jenna coleman
rorke getting a buccal fat removal
What's your solution for this
I'm mentally ill and I suffer greatly because of it
Heverlee or Menabrea
doos san migels fank you quijote, and chop chop ya dozy dago
*turns to the missus as I stub my fag out*
very lazy people these continentals, very lazy people
*cranes head to watch the Man City match on the telly*
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mad how jenna coleman almost became the princess instead of meghan markle
You WILL watch the marbles
Reckon i need summa dat
got some cushie on my tushie
I don't get it. Sometimes it's glass bottles full of paint being rolled down steps. Who is watching this? Why is it popular?
Vghhhhh if I had a button to return the world to then I'd smash it
Doubt I will leave the house today.

I did actually go to the tesco car park yesterday to read my book but I didn't particularly enjoy the experience.
nah, i just ring up mumzy and ask her to remind me aha
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egg n cress sarns for lunch
Deepthroating a bit black coffee
dis nigga uh readin ah book in the car park lmaooo
only in tesco baka
No friends? No replies? Try this!
- post the same thing in all lowercase every thread all day
- make sure you include lots of spelling mistakes to look like you're really drunk
- bring up Christianity but don't actually answer any questions about it
- intersperse your boring off-topic posts with pathetic incel horny posting
- be generally disagreeable and unlikeable
You'll be racking up (You)s in no time!
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why would u think reading in a tesco car park would be a godo idea
sounds horrific
That's utter piss

Unpasteurised pilsner urquell
Did you reverse park in the corner of the car park and get a hot drink and a snack? That's how I do it and it's always enjoyable
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lol the bible is so fucking retarded how can any rational adult read this and be like yeah that happened
Do you have a big beard and wear plaid shirts?
never ever been recommended anything like that
Deranged behaviour
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got the scran ready
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Wonder what colour G-Wagon Leonhard Birnbaum's missus is getting this Christmas
Me begin white upsets so many people it's hilarious
Yes, we are of like mind.

I drive as far into the car park as possible where the aisles are quiet and I reverse park there. Usually a left reverse as I am better at that than right reverse park. Also if there is a car driving behind me then I won't reverse park but will instead drive into a bay, so as to avoid inconveniencing them.

I didn't get a snack however brought a can of Pepsi Max with me from the house so I drank that in the car and then I went into tesco to get my shopping and I used their toilet.
Sumerians had blue eyes and pale skin my white brother
me begin
begin youuuuuuu
You are immensely, IMMENSELY retarded.
WHERE does it say it happened in one go? Twat!
Exclusively Doom Bar for me, lads. Can't be paying almost £6 for a pint of fucking anything!
>It's xlookup now lad

I'll break that one out when out when the mongs start getting their heads around vlookups, it would be foolish to show them how all the magic tricks work in one go.

(No on both counts)
Nice VPN you got there
>It's xlookup now lad

I'll break that one out when out when the mongs start getting their heads around vlookups, it would be foolish to show them how all the magic tricks work in one go.
These all taste exactly the same as San Miguel
hence why I said " just sat around waiting for their turn"
stupid mong
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rorke is finished
pic related
Have you considered becoming a freelance VLookup Consultant? You could be rolling in it
is that chocolate
Just go spoons, way better ale than doombar for £2.50
Could have been over the course of a year or perhaps in one night
Oh my days looool
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gymtoil done
Rorke naming his children be like
Vlookup is utter shite, it terms of parsability and reliability, plus it's actually more complicated than xlookup to use
Such as?
Not true though is it
Not true though is it
Assuming you're not just posting bafflingly stupid shit to get replies, I sometimes forget how socially retarded some of you are.

You're that much of a mong that you thought "getting out" meant sitting in a fucking car park reading a book. It would be a miserable experience for anyone. It's like saying "I should talk to more people" and then finding the nearest smackhead asking for change and striking up a conversation with him.
Why would God kill 42 children with bears over the course of a year just because they made fun of some cue ball's shiny head?
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hand-washed my beach backpack, trainers, and swimming shorts. nearly a week since I was at the beach, its any wonder they aren't all covered in mould.
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are nell
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That's your problem then. You can drink your pepsi max and read at home. You have to make it different by getting a coffee or something from the shop to enjoy while you read. Otherwise you're just sat in the car for no reason reading
Why even bother if you're a midget freak like that, I'd just be waiting for death, the sooner the better
Literally any local ale. Or abbot ale which is always on.

Doombar is shite
Would like to be an excel wizard but frankly my job doesn't need me to be so don't have the opportunity to stretch my legs
why would they be covered in mould from the beach
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We have an Unpasteurized Pislner Urquell in /cum/
I am advised that it's good to get out the house so that's what I did.
he's 5'10 mate
(8) your hammer and my heart (8)
I don't agree. I will continue to drink Doom Bar. You can drink cheap swill from Lidl. Next
stupid dog
what do you recommend doing on an incel adventure then
Diego refuses to answer this question
its because he was actually insulting gods authority not his bald head or something but that doesnt really explain the bears
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the badger
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honestly mate they all seem dumb as shit these non human lads
I actually enjoy doing this too. People go sit in starbucks or the park and read. It's the same thing but with less noise, comfier seats and control over the heat
and that deserves the death penalty?
Call Smithy and Jonboy for a kick about in the park before heading to spoons for a LUSH burger and chips. Might pop into Sports Direct for some new garms
Foxes are an evolutionary dead end. They aren't 1/100 as efficient as cats at solo small animal hunting, and they can't pack hunt like dogs. Need them dying out already.
The God of the old testament was much more capricious because it was an earlier form of the deity, where Yahweh was the supreme deity in a pantheon of gods. He behaved a lot like Zeus or other anthropomorphic polytheistic gods. This got dropped over time as ancient Jews moved towards strict monotheism
didnt see a single white person in town today for at least 20 minutes
always love these ignorant atheists who have heard of the golden bough and think the conversation ended with that book 100 years ago
not sure youll have to ask the big man
There is nowhere to go on a weekday afternoon as a 30-something unemployed man. The sort of people you'd want to meet will be at work.

Yeah you can strike up a conversation with some coffindodger at a bus stop or in the queue for a matinee at the cinema but you've gained nothing; no social capital has been exchanged. Yeah you can wander around a completely deserted museum or art gallery, again surrounded by the odd elderly person who internally wonders why you're not at work, or perhaps a group of tourists (none of whom speak English or would ever consider talking to you).

Feel free to go and sit in a cafe where the only words exchanged will you be telling the person on the till your order. Then you will sit at a table, alone, while every other table is occupied by 2+ people talking among themselves, none of whom have any intention of ever speaking to you. And why the fuck would they?
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@BBCnews PM Sir Keir Starmer said at a recent event in support of asylum seekers
>I love black nigger cock
>Won't stop gooning to interracial porn
>Caged my clitty though
>My wife's a wh*te n*zi, and she fucks Tyrone
>(guitar riff)
>I post black nigger dicks
>Spam your imageboard with BBC
>While the jannies sleep
>And I'm a gay cuckold, and spam BLACKED porn
>Spam BLACKED porn, spam NIGGER porn
>Spam NIGGER porn, spam BLACKED-
>Tyrone ravages my wife's cunt beside me
>Cantu Ledesma's the only thing that's playing
>Sometimes, I wish wh*te genocide was real
>'til then, I'll watch Tyrone!
do iraqis distinguish the white ones from the indian ones or does nobody notice
Turned 31 but I just tell everyone I'm 27. Literally nothing stopping you from doing this
You are severely mentally ill
we toil so nonwhites can mill about midweek
lying is immoral
>Caged my clitty though
He vever said that
Why do you do that
so is mauling 42 children to death with magic bears
im in my 30s and still get ided lol
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*rapes you*
not true because morality comes from yahweh so he decides
Shut the fuck up 190 go outside make a friend for once or are you actually unable to leave?
how the hell do 2 bears maul 42 people
*arsewanks him and all 12 of his brothers*
They make everything in their power to make me tan it's a sight to behold
Atheist achievements today: first commercial spacewalk
Religioid achievements today: argued about why killing people with bears is actually a good thing
Dunno, because I can. Makes me feel younger and like I haven't wasted so much of my life
>it's a Spaino pretends to be DTFIC to accuse a deegz larper (possibly himself) of being him

tired of this episode
least disingenuous atheist
>Atheist achievements today: first commercial spacewalk
And what good did that do?
seems a bit subjective
they were children so I reckon they could do it. 21 children per magic bear
IT'S SO COLD!!!!!!!
Next step on mankinds conquest of the universe
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do you do this
Gingers are not made for the sun
What does this mean
How so?
baby its cold outside *rapes you*
how do I get a Christian Arab gf lad
Before the pandemic I would walk through the town centre and see maybe 1 smackhead wandering around with a JD sports bag filled with god knows what asking people for change.

I was in the town last week and I counted at least 10 of them just fucking monged out of their skulls, barely standing up and shuffling around like zombies. They need cramming into a shipping container and dumped in the North Sea to be perfectly honest.
I'm a cis straight white male.
lads!! lads!! come quick and listen!! i’m doing a poo, right now!!
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just murdered all the first born sons of egypt
Pics or it didn't happen
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>Next step on mankinds conquest of the universe
pretty sure that's a squirrel
erm, pervert much?
though tthis was a pohto of winston churchill at first
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Down to fuck indian-canadian
its canadian for squirrel because they cant pronounce squirrel
Humans will never leave this solar system
The true final frontier (the mind) was conquered millennia ago
>The true final frontier (the mind) was conquered millennia ago
By whom
It looms
KTIM KTIM!!!! *bobbles my head*
You mirin'?
just conquered my mind
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
just ordered my followers to massacre the amalekites and the midianites down to the last infant.
Killing people with bears is based
based and turn the other cheek pilled
You sleep
Not very nice is it
You deny life
its actual moral and good when i do it, which isnt subjective morality at all x
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Toil soon.
Still a bit rude
*starts flailing my fists hitting numerous people*
Stomp that
down to fuck innocent children
Unleashes >>202144159 upon my enemies
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Remember when everyone pretended to like that gangnam style song for a few months? What was that all about?
buddhism is will-to-sleep
first video to hit a billion views
First video to hit one billion views on youtube and it got there on December 21, 2012
End of the world as we knew it
tune that
>In December 2012, "Gangnam Style" became the first video to reach one billion views. By June 2015, only "Baby" had also managed to pass this threshold, but, by October 2015, a total of ten videos had done so, and the number grew further to over 400 in 2024.
Thought there would be more than that desu
Remember when everyone pretended to care that the guy from The Prodigy died
Leftypol doing complex calculations and mental gymnastics to figure out how to solve the crime problems in this country while El Salvador mobilises their military to kick in doors, crack skulls and fill up prisons.

Citizens say they have never felt safer. Mad that.
Literally isn't
The noblest of acts
Most of the later ones have been aritifically inflated by record companies
Bit early
Literally is, jog on paki
To say the truth, I just wanted to rid myself of her
Take a chill pill
literally read the first google result explaining this story and it makes complete sense now

mad how this has made countless mongs atheist lool
was fun when it came on in clubs
But alas, she is amerikan and amerika seems to have a different say
>>202144118 (Cross-thread)
>>202144118 (Cross-thread)
>>202144118 (Cross-thread)
In here just to make water mong seethe for a second thread in a row
where is everyone?
lads? hello?
place is dead as fuck

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