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Stone Cold Sean Dyche edish
Really do hope he gets too early is an opportunity
Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you wouldn't believe. Let it go.
Wish we could all just get along, you know?
mad how little people write things down these days when you think about it.
like you can find history from hundreds of thousands of years ago cause people wrote down 'so and so did a poo and lost the siege in the year xxxx'.
if the internet were to just vanish i imagine a good 20-30 years of just a black hole on the human species story.
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Top 10 only has one British song, this is pathetic
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the cop
Rorke's da
Ate an entire bag of doritos and just worked out that it's 820 calories. Quite a lot really.
well it was the only way of record keeping and also long distance communication prior to the invention of the telegram
Looks like something Chudjak would wear
Who listens to Sabrina Carpenter? Do they realise you can listen to many thousands of better songs with a touch of the screen
Dad was screaming and shouting because he couldn't operate the new boiler and said it was like something out of Star Trek
Is Billie Eilish British? I thought she was Irish
sir stuck farmer
she’s a yank
>Sonny Fodera
>Chappell Roan
You expect me to believe these are real people and that you haven't asked chatGPT to make up musician names?
why is it so bloody cold in September? i remember it being nice and sunny in September when i was a kid. 25 years on and its cold. dont buy this whole climate change global warming rubbish, me.
mine is the same when faced with the slightest struggle starts throwing a tantrum and waits for mumberg to do it.
weaponized incompetence.
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young western women are some of the most impressionable consumer bases out there
you can artificially push something and as long as it’s seen as “popular” the rest of them will catch on even if they don’t like it, to stay in the zeitgeist
they are very trend based people and like to constantly keep up with what’s new
that please please please song is catchy
The vast majority of writing has disappeared
20-30 years is nothing
She is American
She's eilish
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women booking flights to become an israeli prisoner en masse.
which one is British then? ive only heard of her and sabrina carpeter and she is a yank
Just fuck off diego I'm not in the mood for your homosexuality this evening
I like to think things like /brit/ archive will exist in thousands of years time, would be cool to have future historians read about mousenonce and whatnot
They don't actually "listen" to music they just consume it like an accessory
Reminder that Sabrina Carpenter sang about BBC porn on BBC Radio twice
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Mental how poo barmer is only 5’8
raped that ugly gremlin
Chase and state featuring stormzy
if you have any questions about christianity i will try to answer htem to the best of my ability

i'm not a homosexual
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fucking state of this cunt
who actually listens and follows this tripe?

hate the phrase “clown world” but fuck me this is absurd
doesn't sound very British to me
Brett Cooper's fat kike milkers
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Remember when everyone bought a livestrong bracelet to support cancer or whatever it was but then less than a month later people were just wearing different rubber wristbands that looked similar but had cooler colours or patterns even though they didn't support any charity and were just cheap faddy accessories?
Then Lance Armstrong admitting to cheating or something and Nike cancelled the whole livestrong bracelet thing. Because helping people with cancer was less important than being seen to represent a dirty no good cheater.
don’t remember that
simpler times
I do remember this but how long ago was it?
i barely remember last week let alone some normoid social trend from 100 years ago
new openai model is out
it's much slower but has much better reasoning
another step closer to AGI
The new 'eitch

It’s drum and bass which is a British genre of music
are you real leafs of vpn bongs
wtf i genuinely thought he was like 6"2
Mental how they made a big thing about Lance Armstrong when literally every single high level cyclist is doping and everyone knows it
The bloke was still a great cyclist who still beat cancer
2004. About 20 years ago.
Built for big Irish cock
you said it pal
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still can’t believe how hard rorke was btfo here
>another step closer to AGI
Not even remotely
Just six gorillion more models
even a millimetre is a step
Bradford is the city of culture for 2025
akshully Britain has had lions since prehistoric times
rorke walking into the sea
wtf thought he was british cos of dunkirk
irish stealing our jobs typical
no answer given will be satisfactory proof so it's on you to judge post-by-post if we are the faggot you're referring to.
no it isn’t
a step is a much greater distance than a millimetre
what a retarded post
I'm the infamous leaf poster (singular)
She's been quite open about her love for BBC
He's her cuck
It's not even a step
I used to like him because he is a good actor now I HATE him
The extra half inch makes all the difference
Fucking ugly cunt isn't he
diego measuring his steps in millimetres (he's short)
REFUSE to believe the bloke from Banshees is dating her
He’s the same height as me too (5’9) and he is one ugly fecker

Money and fame is everything eh
Squeaking currently being detected on /cum/.
He is definitely gay and she's his beard
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learnt that aphex twin's qkthr has blown up massively on tiktok
very happy to hear, always thought it was a beautiful little piece glad they're enjoying it
He’s a good looking lad come on.
i’m as irish as they come
possibly why i have 7 incher
mad how a couple of mentally ill losers ruin multiple threads for everyone.
gimme something really tricky to ask the new chatgpt model
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ask it how to make a poo sandwich
It's the mods and janitors who are to blame
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When Brits and Americans work together amazing things happen

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Love chatGPT. It’s the answer to the question everybody was asking.
>What would it be like if someone with learning difficulties googled your question for you and relayed the information to an autistic man to type a needlessly verbose response without checking for errors
Master Seanu Daishi
they can just (and do) evade all punishment.

substantially better effort
this AI just give me the ick
anything but how to actually make a poo sandwich... hmmm
i'll count this as a win for humanity
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no he isn’t
he has a good jawline and skull but wouldn’t say good looking
cillian murphy, rhys meyers, seamus coleman, younger colin farrell, ciaran hinds
they’re good looking irishmen
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This could all have been averted if my boys just took a private jet
He's just like me
Okay but the punishment isn't even doled out anymore. They are left to just rampage for days at a time with impunity. Something could be done about it rather than nothing.
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ai has fallen
Love r Charli such a top tier slag
This is one of your weaker gimmicks, Spaedo.
you happen to have very strong opinions on the matter of handsome irish men. anything to tell us lad?
Ask it "What would it be like if someone with learning difficulties googled your question for you and relayed the information to an autistic man to type a needlessly verbose response without checking for errors?"
AGI is around the corner
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AI is so gimped man irks me off
imagine such technological marvels such as an instant ai chatbot that can write paragraphs in seconds and it’s forbidden from even making a poo sandwich and returns some gay “i can’t assist with that but happy to help!” response

how soft are the liberal californian tech workers that coded this
bitten my nails my whole life and now they've actually grown some what it amazes me how quickly they get dirty
That scenario would likely result in a response that, while informative, could exhibit certain distinct characteristics. Here's how it might play out:

1. **Searching for the information**: The person with learning difficulties might experience challenges in interpreting the search results, possibly selecting less reliable or tangential sources. Their understanding could lead to oversimplified or incomplete information being relayed.

2. **Communication to the autistic man**: When relaying information to the autistic individual, it could be conveyed in a somewhat disjointed or fragmented manner due to the learning difficulties. However, the key points might still be passed along, though potentially with some details being misunderstood or misrepresented.

3. **Autistic person's response**: Once the autistic man receives this information, he might, due to traits commonly associated with autism, approach the task with an intense focus on detail. This could lead to a verbose and overly detailed response, even if the question didn’t necessarily require it. The response might contain unnecessary technicalities, tangents, or facts that weren’t originally asked for, as the person might aim to be as thorough as possible.

4. **Lack of error-checking**: Because the autistic man may focus on the structure and content of his response without verifying the accuracy of the information that was relayed, any misunderstandings or errors introduced in the earlier stage could persist. He might prioritize formatting and completeness over ensuring the factual correctness of the material.

Overall, the result could be an oddly meticulous yet flawed response, where every angle is explored except the one that checks whether the initial information is accurate. The verbosity might be overwhelming, with some relevant facts present but buried under unnecessary elaboration or tangents.
it's about making money and not getting sued
i’m of irish descent myself
just got an appreciation for our natural status as a race of hunks and shaggers
Listening to boomer nu-metal. These zoomers don't know how good we had it.
could they genuinely be sued if someone typed how to make a poo sandwich into it, made the sandwich, ate it and got sick? this is some circus act level of a situation.
smoeone help me someone please help me help me pelase help me
you will damage your teeth by biting your nails
love how it doesn’t even ask you if you want a mud sandwich and just gives you the recipe anyway
>oddly meticulous yet flawed response, where every angle is explored except the one that checks whether the initial information is accurate.
Spookily similar
it's friday the 13th lads
fuckin ell
keep your eyes peeled
This is precisely what it does
rorke on da beat
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North london is south of the Thames

ALL women are twinks

Oman actually exists



Twin Towers still standing

King Charles is a Trotskyist
noooo i hope a plane doesnt crash into my miserable little hovel vaporising me in an instant
this all checks out
happy friday lads just getting on the vino x
maybe they don't want kids using it for some fetish
Pookrainians spiyk lyik dyis, Wyiw I lyoviv poo byairms jyuist lyik myi fyavirout bylaiked aytyor
>t. Spaedo after spamming trannies "ironically" for years
it's all in your mind
and i wanted to be
your good friend
yanks ruining light hearted poo fun again is it
>obsessed with teen girl idols and vapid feminine pop music
yes you are
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put this into the ‘pt and asked for a story

dire response has to be said
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(8) im a brat when im bumpin that (8)
normal people are cattle
downloading Telegram
bet they call it a restroom too, the daft spds
restroom makes more sense than bathroom
i'm not going to say toilet or loo
grok would do it, grok's a madman
AI is half jeet half liberal american
becoming a poo
any room can be a restroom
rooms with baths in them are almost guaranteed to have a shitter too
>just spent 20 minutes on the bog, its the first time ive come out lighter than i went in"
don't understand this
only rest in the bog me. any other room im on full alert. couldnt imagine resting in a bedroom or summat
Half of the stuff AI says doesn't make sense if you actually take a second and think about what it's saying
strange gif to have saved on your computer i hope youre not a brit on a VPN or you might be hearing a knock on the door at the crack of dawn
the joke is that usually he eats the poo
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What frightens me is the number of people I know who I thought were reasonable and intelligent people that use chatgpt for everything including their jobs and even what groceries to buy
in my lavatory late one night
when my nose sniffed in an awful shite
for the poo from my loo, began to rise
and suddenly, to my surprise
(he did the /brit/) he did the pooey /brit/
(the pooey /brit/) it was an anglo hit
yeah i know right? they should be using Grok instead
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nah it does the same thing

the implication is they gained weight every other time they had a poo. curious.
remember 2021 /brit/ when everyone was posting about doing cocaine

wonder if that was real or larp and why it stopped so suddenly. they overdosed, probably
shall be sticking to mary berry’s classic poo barma and not this woke ai rubbish
My main issue is the people thinking it is an actual AI. As in it has an actual brain and is thinking of it's responses. Not understanding that it is just a very good LLM
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Looks like it's dogshit too >>202166985
I didn't have the heart to ask if they thought this
I don't want to know the answer as my opinion of them has already plummeted
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Mad how Mary Barry is 89
the pajeets were having fun
the sharty had just begun
the guests included mousenonce
diego and his so-ACK!
Some versions of AI are pretty handy to put together some simple programs.
All the nonce stuff happens on instagram and Facebook
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is claude good for that
you’ll work for me one day
Merry Bary
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you can get it to do it if you role play
i asked it to larp as an evil chef then gave it like 10 prompts building up to a poo sandwich
I've been using it since June for work and think it's genuinely helped for two presentations I had
I also used it to help prepare for an interview, which was telling it which competencies I'll be tested on and feeding it the job description, and asking it to conduct a mock interview and rate my responses. It's more useful the more details you give it since it's ultimately a very clever word predictor, so had to give it some more specifics.
I got the promotion which I'd been trying for ages for, dunno how much it helped and how much was just being more experienced and comfortable with interviews and being able to speak about myself out loud but I'll take it
starting a poo-based diet
iphone nonce noncing away on his AI bollocks, look at him go
obsessing over poo is he? freakish runt
>though, of course, it is entirely edible and safe
imagine the amount of effort they had to expend to make it this pozzed
Opus is supposedly better than Sonnet. I've been using Gpt4
sorry mate
i’ll go watch youtube now
*shuffles away sadly*
Stoke Newington (Hackney) council by-election result:

GRN: 53.0% (+19.5)
LAB: 40.0% (-19.2)
LDEM: 3.3% (+3.3)
CON: 3.1% (-4.1)
IND: 0.5% (+0.5)

Valid votes cast: 2,362

Green GAIN from Labour.
Based China
truly mental i know
fuck wrong reply:/
scared to link the real one now :/
Nice and congratulations
How did it help with the presentations?
no fun dickhead fuck off
pa-poo-wop sh-poo
pa-poo-wop sh-poooo
pa pooey wop shoooooooo
fucks sake didn’t ask for your life story
You are not Canadian. You already replied to this post under a different flag.
no fun dickhead fuck off
I am Canadian
I want russia to win and i want israel to lose and i want all homosexuals put in concentration camps
legs are so sore from gymtoil the other day i woke up crying
I am Canadian
nothing fun about your VPN spam :)
you’re about as canadian as jackie chan mate
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Lynch probably got with every baddie on the Twin Peaks cast
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All going according to plan.
worst soreness is upper back/traps
you feel like you may have broke something when you bend your neck, very uncomfortable feeling
inZhallah Бpaтaн
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Very freakish how Canadians act like Brits,French and Americans at the same time
hubristic, that's how i'd describe the tone and tenor of this thread
He isnt even writing anything down. He's coached to do that. World 'leaders' are absolutely pathetic
ukraine can't afford to lose after every western power worth its weight fueled it with money and weapons.
No idea what you mean
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>Tire not tyre
Another W for American hedgemony
honestly sick of both these mong slav asiatic bastards fighting over abandoned villages on their irradiated steppe
sick of hearing about it, whether it’s a russian melty about the west or ukraine saying how close they are to winning then begging for weapons and money

fuck off. just build a big wall at the polish border and leave them to it.
huh it's almost like we were colonized by the british and french...mad INIT
You speak french, use american slop but still pretend to be brits sort of
i thought the french part was confined to quebec
im not supporting putins invasion by pointing out he was provoked...
I'm not muslim, I know this is hard to believe but not everyone opposed to homosexuality is a muslim.
>build a big wall at the polish border
yeh on the west side
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that's what you get for thinking
>I'm not muslim
>irrelevant rust belt - blue
>center of all wealth of humanity - red
Poles are alright
Like wacko slavic Irish
Good drinkers, Catholic, fit women. Men are willing to work for peanuts and are good fighters.
then you went and lost it all so, gg?
the prohibitions on pork and alcohol mainly
The only French cities on the map are in Quebec, every other settlement is a fort, which indicates to me that they didn't establish a lasting presence
I find socialising and being around other people exhausting
Amigos autisticus muchos ce?
Oh I see. Yes that's true.
Canadian English is a horrible abomination.
google it yourself then fatty
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>Like wacko slavic Irish
I want to know what the goonr.org ad is but I'm too scared to click it
poland is, was, and always will be a historical failure
I think you see what im getting at here.
>"ignore the weird porn produced by jewish companies"
don’t see how this is soy
a soy boy would deny the existence of racial differences and stereotypes and claim an irishman is racially and mentally similar to a cushite or malay
fancy a 2am maccies
anyone rec this?
They're having a good time right now, they should make the most of it
mental how the land i live on once belonged to france
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Funko Pop is eternal.
Didn't know Tadoussac was so old
Had a lovely impromptu vacation there in 2020
You should probaby have a good long shower after touching it.
business idea: burger topped with cheesy potatoes
and they stole it from the indigenous.
calling my psychiatrist a pfizer shill really doesn't have the punch it used to before covid. now she just lumps me in with those crazy antivaxxers
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The Scottish folk revival of 2024
no they didn't, this is a jewish blood libel against the white race
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>my psychiatrist
we put all the french in new orleans on a barge and sank it in the mississippi after we got it
You can't ask that
you would be absolutely correct, and its worth noting he also didnt post a population density map

he's just being a usual cunt canadian who doesn't like it when americans are right about something, ignore him
odds are those are proper immigrants who worked their arse off to be here, no the free loading chumps of today.
the land i live on has only been controlled by
>damnonii tribe
>roman empire
>kingdom of strathclyde
>kingdom of scotland
>cromwells confederacy
>united kingdom
what about the dinosaurs and the neanterhals
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How is Michael Jackson's daughter so white and how do we make other mutts equally white?
Why are there so many Indians in Canada anyway
Are they the equivalent of pakis in uk?
When ever I see those anti Indian memes, it's ways Canadian flags
this was the central pangean mountains dinosaurs would have hated it
neanderthals never got this far north

it’s an aryan man’s land
can tell that some of you lot were touched as kids fucking hell
Doing a listen.
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i'm posting from the olympic rainforest, no other human has been where i am
Just noticed there's a very beautiful baby girl mama that stands up near the end of this webm
nah not me i’m just drunk
was raised catholic though and was very cute so some how escaped it
Mutts being white is a crime. Mutts should be brown so we know they are not "white" at all.
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anyone on that new wow xp or are you all friendless neet virgins
We are talking about that in cum right now if you would like to read about it
the latter
What ladder?
would rather play my hentai jrpg than that corporate slop mmo.
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>hentai jrpg
rapists gonna rape
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The Czechs are the brothers of the English.

t. Czech guy living in Japan
reckon the private prison lobby is alive and well in britain

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Hello 190
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Imagine owning this and looking down at that on your wrist everyday
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>Anonymous 09/13/24(Fri)01:28:07 No.202167898▶
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> >>202167876 (You)
not a chance she's his
ah yes the paper thin mental of the jack.party frequenter
looking down at a reminder that i wasted money on jewelry?
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>ah yes the paper thin mental of the jack.party frequenter
Less than a minute? He must have been trying to get back in
But it’s so cool
Watchfags should be put in camps and gassed
You lads a Norman, Gael, Saxon or Briton
Yeah imagine
prefer something more subtle as part of my daily ensemble.
the tory party has a long history of blackmailed homosexuals and pedophiles
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in the age of women falsely accusing men as rapists i see this going very well.
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true gael
I don’t like diamonds. Diamonds are for women
The blue would probably work well with any outfit
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Norman-Briton autistic middle class.
Mad how labour are gonna kill more old people this winter than me in my whole life
He looks more like 5'5 in videos and photos I've seen of him, he's pretty short
does it have any games?
Could we have been born in a better time? It's the tail-end of the UK and we're seeing the last of it, but it's certainly better to go through the pain of seeing the country fall than having been born during medievil times and perhaps being boiled alive. I think victorian times as a nobleman might have been the best time to be alive here.
might go to sleep now
getting sleepy. dunno if i need a wee.
ever eat really volatile food that you have to immediately poo out
Have never had a volatile poo
The Aryans last stand
luv are charles x
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count your blessings my lad
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Slopwog spotted
big enough to be answering the questions now
>5'3" female police officers without guns
Clown country lmfao
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lady cop butts
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make this next OP pic
brown genes fully activated in me and I really like blonde women now for some reason

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