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moral decay edition

This is the one.
This is the thread, not the Shopper's Rape Mart thread that the no pussy anon made.
Sweet Home Alabama
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i am literally wojak
That and 2d transforms are like 80% of game programming math (for 2D).
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link this test im curious
You guys are actual seriously damaged as that homeless girl by shoppers drug mart. Could've have just said that but oh well.

Arguing with trannies on 4chan is never fun.
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This'll be the final thread I participate in before bed.
You should consider yourselves lucky.
imagine if bald guys stole each other's hair pieces lmao
>throw it over, "harry"!
>police protect a homeless girl from a rapist
>rapist thinks he was wronged
You love to see it.
can someone tell me if my thread is showing on catalog for you
It's the black and white iyc one
The American-led order cannot be resisted.
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not the result i was expecting but ok
How is the police protecting her by leaving her on the fucking street?

Either the police rapes her.
She's homeless on the street.
Or she comes to my place and we hang out and talk about life and have fun on Tuesday because I get paid by then and I don't have to see this retarded 36 year old escort .

Fuckin tards and bootlicking trannies.
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Yeah I'm thinking BASED
kys stinky jeet poo poo man
you sound like a predator "hang out and talk about life" yeah alright dude
And she smiled hard when I said she's beautiful.
Cops can never touch me. I'm a based only child.

Don't give a fuck about you stupid power hungry feds.
I also don't give about you Schizo mutts either. No lifers want me to be on 4chan with you tards. BAKA.

This general is basically the darkweb at this point with you retarded gaslighters. Like chill, we aren't on TOR. Nonce.
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what did they (or rather I) mean by this?
See and off yourself from this miserable life.
someone tell me a secret about themselves and i'll share one of my own
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hey bby u wan sum fugg?
I'm going back to see that girl around 5am.
Hope she's still there. But idk.

If she looked Mexican, I wouldn't even touch her.
Hungover as fuck at work
I'd rather have mexicans than...schizojeet. at least mexicans make good food
When the mutt schizo tards think everyone who comes to /cum/ is brain dead and gullible.

Get a grip.
Keep posting mental illness. I don't give a FUCK.
make sure you stay hydrated
water works but something with electrolytes like gatorade is even better. anything with acetaminophen or caffeine in it helps too
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it's over
I am a Trad Wife. no sex before marriage, Chudjak
*snaps your choker*

anybody want to start a game studio with me
A friend of my mother had her fit 18 year old daughter stay a few nights at our house to check out a college in the area. I sniffed and jerked off into her dirty panties while she was out and about.
Yeah yeah you had a shitty life and upbringing and I don't give 2 shits. Now what? Yeah cry more.
What kinda of game do you want to make?
I was half expecting it to give me NPC.
dang that is a pretty nasty secret jeez i hope in hindsight you realize that's pretty messed up
ok well i'll tell you mine as promised, in my early 20s i probably spent ~5k dollars on cocaine over the course of one year. i had to stop using it when i started to crave it on a daily basis, and not just a party thing on the weekends. i kept a little jar that had a tiny spoon built in that i could just take little bumps with
in hindsight it was really stupid dangerous and irresponsible
a co-op open world survival crafting game
possibly with a cosmetics shop
yikes. cool it with the racism
>Cocaine costed 5k a year even when only used on weekends
what a stupid drug
I refuse to ever use it because just one use increases your risk of a heart attack for the rest of your life
also its way too expensive for how short the high apparently lasts
cum without a schizo spamming challenge
difficulty: impossible
it's best to avoid it for sure
the high is short lived, but very intense and pleasurable. hangover is hell as well, just overall not worth it at all. but for the price, if you're paying 80 dollars a gram and you go through 3 grams in a night, you do the math. it adds up really quickly
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Elementary school teachers are seriously teaching kids about how to have gay sex rather than math and the ABCs huh
My secret is that I spent roughly 2000 dollars on 4 prostitutes in Europe
I will take it to my grave
my left nut is shrunky-dinked from a medication i was on after a surgery. its like a lima bean sitting next to a plum.
i'm gonna assume you were single at the time right
but everything works okay? and it's just superficial
Depends on if your province has SOGI123 or not. Mine doesn't.
>dang that is a pretty nasty secret jeez i hope in hindsight you realize that's pretty messed up
I have no regrets, pal. The scent was heavenly.
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>school teachers are seriously teaching kids about how to have gay sex
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What keeps you up at night, /cum/?
>i'm gonna assume you were single at the time right
Yes, the first two I saw because I was worried I would die without having sex. The second 2 were pure lust. 4 different women, 4 different sessions. 2 romanians, 2 hungarians. I got to enjoy a few different body types, which most normal people get to before getting married, but I'm not normal so I had to pay for this life experience. I'm still technically a virgin because I only did oral stuff with them
Really sick of my crack head neighbors bros
Had a dream I was playing a fake video game called "Spider Obama"
it all seems okay. no decrease in libido, mood, no sudden brittle-ing of bone. it just looks and feels silly.
My actually failing physical health. Fuck these pussies that bitch about no gf. I'm literally having trouble eating and walking.
>Fuck these pussies that bitch about no gf
I'm sorry to hear about your health, but you can't discount other people's troubles just because yours are different.
>you can't discount other people's troubles
I can, and I will.
This. I recon it sounds like >>202176452 has it pretty rough, but people deal with their personal issues with whatever resources they have at hand. Although, having no gf be your only problem does sound like something coming from a pussy.
i have mixed feelings on prostitution. i know it's legal and regulated in a lot of europe which makes it a pretty benign and safe act in of itself, but transactional sex is just strange. i don't know maybe i'm just being a prude, if they want to do that they should be free to
Think Takis are making me low energy bros
might need to stop eating them
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i'm on the right side of history
are you?
takis are overrated spicy funyuns are better
im gonna draw what i had a dream about last night
Mine's 0, I didn't take the test.
Okay, I disagree with you're outlook though. If I develop a life-ruining condition without having found a gf, one of my main sources of despair would be the fact that I would be forced to never find one due to being confined to bed or crippled
what do you have?
I regret nothing, but I also won't tell anyone ever. It is kind of icky. I think it was good for my mental health though. I didn't do PIV on purpose because I'm saving that for a girl that I actually care about
>If I develop a life-ruining condition without having found a gf
Skill issue.
My grandpa had his legs blown off by a landmine in 'Nam and he still ended up meeting my grandma and staying married to her for the rest of their lives
that's very sweet
my grandpa ripped a kitchen phone off the wall and hucked it at my grandma while he was drunk. he gave me a t-rex puppet that smelled like cigarettes, and i remember him bouncing me on his knee when i was little. it's a shame he was such a terror when the grandkids weren't around.
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here is a recreation of the impossibly tall brutalist skyscraper in my dream. it was a really bleak world with a bunch of pollution from industry, standing from the bottom you couldn't see the top, the world was almost monochrome black and white it was so polluted with acrid smoke
Some people have it harder than others, anon. That's reality. Some people are born crippled and won't ever have a gf. How dare you say your problems are equal.
Stomach cancer
My grandpa died before I was born but apparently he was incredibly racist and hated unions.
your grandpa got hit by karma
>How dare you say your problems are equal.
I never said that. I'm just saying you shouldn't claim that other people's problems are invalid, just because yours are worse. I feel awful saying this because you have a terrible condition, and I truly hope you heal. You just can't let it kill your empathy.
So when somebody says they had sex 21 times in a day does that mean they nutted 21 times or they took 20 breaks?
Your grandpa must be hung.
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People are soft these days is all I'm saying. Until life really throws you a curve ball. If you have your health and your biggest problem is no gf, I consider you lucky. Because I have no gf and no health hahaha
I'm sorry man
I'm always in this general so if you start rebounding then let us know so I know it turned out alright
If it's a guy, he lied. If it's a girl, then there's going to be a limit of around 3k, if she's really organized with having guys run train on her. But anymore than a dozen seems like it would be the logistical hard cap, because the majority of guys aren't going to want to pump a load into her, with half a dozen leaking out.
>If it's a girl, then there's going to be a limit of around 3k
There is no fucking way a woman could orgasm 3 thousand times in one day
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Are you shitting me
i admire your strength facing what you have going on
it's such a scary thing i can't even comprehend facing a problem like that and it's distressing to think about. i don't know what to say i just feel the need to say something i hope things turn out okay i wish i could help and im sorry
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chad chud here
Screamin jay hawkins claimed to have sex 21 times a day
I really hope I didn't offend you. I'm sorry. I get mentally stuck in internet arguments and can't walk away. I hope you feel better soon. I truly apologize.
>Soon after insertion of the nVPL electrode, the patient noted that stimulation also produced erotic sensations. This pleasurable response was heightened by continuous stimulation at 75% maximal amplitude, frequently augmented by short bursts at maximal amplitude. Though sexual arousal was prominent, no orgasm occurred with these brief increases in stimulation intensity. Despite several episodes of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia [heart disturbance] and development of adverse behavioural and neurological symptoms during maximal stimulation, compulsive use of the stimulator developed.
>At its most frequent, the patient self-stimulated throughout the day, neglecting personal hygiene and family commitments. A chronic ulceration developed at the tip of the finger used to adjust the amplitude dial and she frequently tampered with the device in an effort to increase the stimulation amplitude. At times, she implored her to limit her access to the stimulator, each time demanding its return after a short hiatus. During the past two years, compulsive use has become associated with frequent attacks of anxiety, depersonalization, periods of psychogenic polydipsia and virtually complete inactivity.
I wish 2009 era memes were still in vogue rather than jaks. Trollface wolololooololololloooolll the cake is a lie icanhazcheezeborgor??? xDDDD
what the fuck
I wouldn’t count edging 20 times as having sex 21 times. Having sex is counted by cooms, so the edge thing is just having sex once for a long time
I meant having 3k guys nut in her.
Though if we're talking orgasms, then just stick some electrodes into her brain, and start pressing the button. The limit would be between 1440 and 8640, depending on orgasm length. Google says between 10 and 60 seconds.
Okay? And I have a 12 foot dick. It's easy to lie. You're going to need to start taking viagra to get hard after like 10.
This anon gets it.
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i wonder what the girls that got these back in 2012 are up to now
Did you know that pig orgasms can last up to 30 minutes?
Probably taking care of their mulatto kids or strung out on fent.
who said anything about gooning
Explaining to their kids about why they have stupid tattoos or are still getting pump and dumped.
the bacon is SIZZLING!
Orgasms = drugs
Every teenaged boy knows this.
Taking 20 breaks during sex is gooning with a friend
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it's my bedtime
good night
Got the Yes Chad, although it seems I’m a bit of everything
??? No, I've had sex where I came multiple times before
Bros, Trump just said he will use the full force of the US Military to enforce No Goon
Probably alone as crazy cat ladies
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It’s over
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Pilk sisters… our response?
that's just going to turn them on more. nothing pushes you to the weirdest tags like tanks, jets and blue helmets.
UUUGH! what on earth??
Please reply to this. I want to know what Americans think of my post:
Looks like the blue milk from Star Wars
you called us a laughing stock, so i'm not replying to squat, butterbean.
Your milk expired.
Wilk bros? We're so back.
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>Looks like the blue milk from Star Wars
get his ass
I'm keen
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What you fags listening to
oh yeah, NOW the drink is ruined lmao
Nothing at the moment
Can anyone get it just Yes Chad at 100% and the rest at 0%? Without photo editing.
electric six always. they always put me in a good mood to start the day. deltron 3030 and ladytron have been my current music interests cycled bands.
Very based
>The Beatles
>Sunn O)))
MY MAN!!!!
>Electric Six
I like their song "Germans in Mexico" lol. Deltron are ok.
Before the dawn my mind is free
The dawn is the enemy
Joan of Arc was not a cuntress pop diva with a cut crease she was a 17 year old catholic girl with a plebeian tan and a bob cut who had visitations of saints and hit prostitutes with the flat of her sword
I don't understand
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I don't agree with this really but ok i guess
I thought the one doodle that someone did of her during the trial, had longer blonde hair. I could be wrong, it's been ages since I read about her.
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>This fascinating plain, small line drawing shows her as a small determined woman carrying her army’s sacred banner in one hand and a sword in the other.

>The drawing was made in the margin of the Orleans city record manuscripts on the day she got the English armies away from the city and freed the countryside around Orleans May 10. 1429. It’s the only known contemporary portrait of Jeanne d’Arc.

>Drawing by Clément de Fauquembergue, the secretary of the Palement of Paris. The artist had never seen Jeanne. It is known that she sat for a portrait, but it did not survive, so no exact image of her exists.
victory is yours! i submit!
ern, not like this..!
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Yes chad
Before the sun rises my mind soars free, my thoughts flow readily, my imagination is vivid and engaging. The dawn bring an end to this. Each day, the sun appear on the horizon and with him my sharpness of mind and freedom of soul is stolen away. Hopefully this helps.
Post the description, so I can see if I can game it to just be Yes Chad and nothing else.
>0% NPC
Death is... highly overrated!
As it were for Thoth, so shall it be for me
I still know a bunch of the women that used to be scene girls. Most of them ended up normies and still like emo stuff. One of em I used to fuck looks like that used goods wojak.
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based chaddy chud brother
David Bowie, Limp Bizkit and Mexican guitar music
People making fun of the NDP for using the Palestine flag on their by-election material. Then something that happened in Australia.
nta but i like your schizo image
Can you post a link to the thing about the NDP?
>that used goods wojak
It wasn't that great of a video, but it was fine.
might have to masturbate
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So long as you don't cum or goon or edge thats fine
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>So long as you don't cum
just reminded me i wanted to listen to bad days by flaming lips. thank you!
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"sad song" by the cars now
polar opposites by drake
mm. that was a good one! um... "zenith", by kavinsky next, for me.
"renegade", my bad
erase your social by lil uzi vert
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Everything keeps going wrong
"big", juice wrld
lady of namek by tory lanez
(free my nigga, he did nothing wrong)
I want off this ride please
How the fuck is it possible to drink this many beers in a single night what the actual fuck is wrong with me. There is nothing left of the three six packs bought yesterday
I am fucking insane put me down
>3 six packs of beer contain less alcohol than a bottle of vodka
do beer drinkers really?
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Please put a bomb in my phone and call me
drop the beer and drink hard liquor
you'd die at 35 instead of 50
oh man... i know we weren't really competing, but if we were, you just won. i'm gonna have to listen to that one a few times. going in a playlist. um, i'll throw out "new magic wand" by tyler creator, but i'm distracted now, haha.
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thank you, i really, really like that one.
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>We were a large party now; for a number of additional guests had joined us at Folly Bridge, and we comprised poets, novelists, scholars, sculptors, painters, architects, men and women of renown, dear friends, genial, outspoken, open-hearted Englishmen,—all voyaging onward together, like the wise ones of Gotham in a bowl. I remember not a single annoyance, except, indeed, that a swarm of wasps came aboard of us and alighted on the head of one of our young gentlemen, attracted by the scent of the pomatum which he had been rubbing into his hair. He was the only victim, and his small trouble the one little flaw in our day's felicity, to put us in mind that we were mortal

>Meanwhile a table had been laid in the interior of our barge, and spread with cold ham, cold fowl, cold pigeon-pie, cold beef, and other substantial cheer, such as the English love, and Yankees too,—besides tarts, and cakes, and pears, and plums,—not forgetting, of course, a goodly provision of port, sherry, and champagne, and bitter ale, which is like mother's milk to an Englishman, and soon grows equally acceptable to his American cousin
Liquor isn't inherently worse for you than beer. It's just easier to drink more of it at once, which poses a problem since it's so much stronger.
beer's a nice way to cool down around people you don't know well, but a lousy way to get drunk. i don't even recommend cocktails, because you'll likely end up having way too much sugar or citrus acid from what you're mixing it with. just take shots, and chase it down with some tonic water.
with beer you aren't as dehydrated plus you get some carbs
try drinking vodka daily and see how long you last before you end up in the ER
if i drink hard liquor for a week straight i get the shakes
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How much? People sometimes overestimate how strong mixed drinks are meant to be.
>with beer you aren't as dehydrated
Going to doubt this. It takes the same amount of water to process 1% of alcohol, regardless of what it's in.
Don't say "beer's only 5% and hard alcohol is 40%", because most people aren't sitting there and just drinking hard alcohol unmixed, and all the other stuff in beer still needs water to process.
The amount of people who are drinking scotch with nothing else, are a tony fraction of hard alcohol consumption, when compared to something like vodka + cranberry or gen + tonic or whisky + cola.
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So for the last few days I’ve been eating some of the stuff my sister brought back from the US.
My stomach is kinda fucked idk maybe the memes are true and your stuff is pure poison
what did she bring back?
What did she bring you?
i'm talking a bottle a day (1 liter = ~34oz)
but i guess it depends on how much you weigh, i'm 155lbs@6' so i'm skinny
>mixed drinks
i don't mix anything when i drink
just vodka, and water in order to not die
i don't eat either
>because most people aren't sitting there and just drinking hard alcohol unmixed
well i'm talking about alcoholics like myself so yeah
when you spend half of the time unconscious, you're gonna want that water content you have in beer to keep your body hydrated as possible
All the garbage food I wanted to try
(Cereals, sausage sticks, Doritos, Funyuns, twinkies, etc)
where are you when i'm always looking for commiseration? you know, i'm starting to think alcohlics aren't reliable.
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>i'm starting to think alcohlics aren't reliable
Yeah that'll do it. A bottle (750 ml) of hard liquor daily will 100% give you cirrhosis in like a decade. Even half that will likely result in liver failure eventually. I like vodka with mixers, and 50ml vodka with 100-150ml of seltzer or club soda has a similar ABV content as wine
Good morning my fellow /cum/ guzzlers
Are we all full of energy and ready to tackle this fine day?
i think i am! very eager for the sun to rise. you know, it's weird. when i was younger, man i thought the night was IT! now, man i can't wait for the sun to be back.
Didn't sleep, luckily I don't work today. Just going to start getting my yard ready for winter. Put the yard decorations away, clean the dying flowers from the flower beds, etc. I shouldn't put the Christmas lights up yet though, and it's dangerous to use a ladder alone and while tired.
those things are fucking disgusting
should've tried a bunch of their drinks instead, shit like coca cola is a lot better than what we get in europe even though it's meant to be the same brand
I used to be unable to wake up before 8 or 9 unless an alarm was involved
Spent half the day in a haze at school.
Now I am consistently up at 6 and ready to rumble. Weird stuff.

Autumn is the most beautiful time. Definitely too early for Christmas stuff
dog's nose is whistling
>Autumn is the most beautiful time
It is. Great temp, minimal bugs, great smell.
>Definitely too early for Christmas stuff
I wouldn't be putting out the yard decorations, but I like to get the lights that hang from the rain gutters, before it snows. Last year was La Nina, so it's not going to be an early winter, so I'll try and put it off until right after Halloween, if I can.
caffeine time. gonna punch the air, say movie quotes. time to rise and..! well, time to rise.
bro is talking weird
Can you guys get grits in Europe?
I would out up lights, but I live in the woods so no neighbours or anyone else to do it for. Plus I built my house in a modern style where half of my walls are floor to ceiling windows and I hate sleeping with lights on so it kind of kills the point. I'll probably still do a tree though.
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okay, nevermind. i'm not doing anything. jeez-louise.
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I'd decorate, even if no one ever saw it. I used to hate all the decorations as a kid, but somewhere in my 20s, I realized how important traditions were. Like I put Christmas decorations up in my basement, even though I'm the only person that ever sees them. It's about having that connection to the past.
You make a compelling argument. I will consider it. Although I'm often out of country for the holidays. Maybe I'll stick around and do the whole rigamarole
I'm also Ukrainian, so I leave decorations up into January, because I celebrate Ukrainian Christmas. So even when I'm away for Christmas, I still have another Christmas to celebrate 2 weeks later.
Slava Ukraini
Something similar I’m sure
I think the disconnect from traditions, even if they're symbolic, might be part of the modern world's anomie and depression.
I'm Russian. I only (sorta) do New Years from that tradition. Not big on orthodox christmas. It's more religious than anything and that's not something I am super into.
Are you new arrival Ukrainian, or have you been here a while?
I started watching this nerdy Italian grey mouse retro tech girl on YouTube to learn Italian
had another one of those dreams where a girl loved me but this time she ditched me inside the dream so it wasn't even a disappointment to wake up
Describe her
Slava Ukraini
It's certainly a part of it. The breakdown of the family, as the main educator would be another part. Instead of kids looking to their parents for everything, they're being taught by what amounts to strangers, who won't share their same morals or views.
I'm not a Christian, but I still have a nativity scene made with ceramic figures, because it's an important symbol of the holiday. I still put an angel on the top of my tree as well.
I think we need to keep traditions going, not for the sake of them, but because they're ways to be connected to each other and to our past. It's why I'm so strongly opposed to changing Canada Day/Fourth of July fireworks celebrations. Those fireworks are how we end our national holiday, with an event that doesn't need technology. Everyone stops what they're doing, and looks up at the sky together.
>It's more religious than anything and that's not something I am super into.
I understand that, but I still put the effort in, even though I'm not Christian. We live in a Christian society, so I'm not looking to rock the boat on this.
>Are you new arrival Ukrainian, or have you been here a while?
lmao, my great grandparents came to Canada in the late 1890s and early 1900s, when our government was giving land away for cheap. My grandparents were born in Canada. I could see how you'd think that I might be a refugee, with the war going on, but I'm a male of fighting age, so if I was a\actually living in Ukraine from before the war started, I'd have been forced through the war meat grinder by now.
she was really really smart but she was neurotic and a loner. also she might have been 15 the details are unclear (this does not reflect on my waking inclinations)

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