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Chinese takeaway edish
this is it
Ok I’m going to tinpot Budapest zoo soon. I will take pics for Brit. Any animal requests?
She might be a paid Russian shill, but I and I alone can fix her.
to each his own lad, alcohol buries my inhibitions and emotional pain, of which i have a lot
yeah find something beautiful and intelligent trapped in a small cage for me
youre listening to... oncle jazz
otters and marsupials and such if they have them
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>brazilian edish god deleted
I ain't at the zoo mate
Also I'd like to add how retarded the Russians were for buying off someone like her. She's not even that smart to begin with, and her content wasn't ever that substantive or different. 90% of her commentary was just: "This WOKE Disney movie blah blah blah" -type slop.
Aight is she worth it
>Japanese office worker
>Never got to have a relationship because she spent all her time working and studying
>Told me I am the only person to ever find her attractive
>Will let me suck her tits
Ok I’ve taken the requests down
Screaming looked at the pics online for it and it looks Victorian levels of cruel, there was even a pic of two bears fighting
My pledges to /brit/
> i will get out of bed
> i will make bregfast
> i will crack down on shit posts in /brit/
my apple airpoo pro
but she's in Japan?
dont like this
need that in my life, I'd move to Japan right now
I will
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How’s lil timmy meant to compete with Hungarian meat?
florence welch feet
how did you meet this person
four weetabix down the gullet
taking dogberg for walktoil, gonna throw the ballowitz up parkstein
any work from home man in?
the duality of man
>red meat
uh...enjoy heart disease and cancer I guess?
AA is so fucking boring and grim

not saying I'm better than them but it's just so boring and it's full of narcissistic psycho boomers
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good man
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So now the government and msm have admitted both that migration has caused an outrageous explosion in house prices and are an immediate drain on the nation. The only question is how much longer will they persevere?
oh so youre one of those freaks who mushes up their weetabix with too much milk
whenenver someone isn't using tomorrow theme I immediately assume them to be intellectually deficient
corporate class demanding surplus workers and slave labour at the expense of the state
>The only question is how much longer will they persevere?
as long as it takes for rorke to learn his lesson
get them in
Hyiy gyiys, lyoik ayit myie iyi yiam spyiykyng lyik ayi shitkrainian
>using anything other than yotsuba b
literally why
tried using other themes but it felt wrong
i use yotsuba when i'm making nice and lovely posts and tomorrow when i'm making stupid and evil posts
Alright let's have a mock election. British flags only.

Trump or Kamala?
I use tomorrow theme on mobile so it's less apparent I'm browsing 4chan in public but at home I use the default themes
said id go in today but here i am
Faggotry, I expect
??? >>202176182
the halloween theme on 4chan is actually pretty comfy

greentexts become orange with a faint glow. I like it.
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a au agd iii slo le e
wish I were smarter
British politics is forgivable and American politics aren't
I don't understand why /int/ rules are like that but they are
that shit uses all my ram
wait till you get Africans
will make everything else seem like a godsend
it's only snowflakes that fuck me over that way
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The sun, or so I've heard
>Local Hispanics stole entire shipments of alcohol
haven't showered for a few days
think my last ban was for british politics
must have been some barmer nonsense post because i dont care about politics
never made an explicit assumption but I always believed I had a middle class background
I am realising that that is probably not the case
sweet corn in me poo but i dont remember eating corn
used burichan when i first started using this site what on earth was i thinking?
how could you not know?
Would have enjoyed being a doctor, but I wouldn't want to spend a good 10 years of my life giving boomers prostate exams for the £40k NHS wages before I could emigrate
Alri fat bastard
whats the other one
I live next to a beer warehouse and they broke into the warehouse stole 4 crates of beer and sped off
not sure
cheeky we wank from home day
had some yesterday don't see the point really, it looks the same as it did when it comes out
Africans can not be worse than the Asians because I swear to God there is a reason why there are no more birds in our ponds anymore I also seen them trying to buy fish off people at docks
got the latvian bird on
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Poo in a bag
ugh stop making me do stuff
seems like a silly question
I just didn't question it
I looked at society and saw middle class and working class and never really identified with working class culture
but that's just cos I'm an autist/failed normie, I see now, not cos I'm middle class
wrinkles above my eyebrow are getting more noticeable
be quiet
is somebody gonna match my freak. I am a nasty girl
some of it seems like you're doing the grim tasks that people on a much lower pecking order usually do and the money doesn't seem worth the stress or disgust

unless you're a specialist in a hospital. you just make the rounds and tell the nurses what to do or even the student doctors and if you're a surgeon you dont need to deal with people at all.

the one i dont get is dentists. all that training and money separating them from the riff raff and yet they still have to peek into the mouths of the absolute dregs of society

maybe im just too misanthopic and anti social
very firmly middle-class, me
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he's gonna take you back to the past
same l go to bed without brushing my teeth l'm a nasty FREAK
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The dog
maybe jasper does the astro
how many classes are there now then? I'm thinking
working class
lower middle class
upper middle class
upper class (basically the 0.01%)
Big tune
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so true
I don't really understand why dentristry is meant to require so much training and education when all the dentists seem to do is tap your teeth with his metal pricker and then tell you to brush your teeth more. if you tooth hurts he ever gives you a filling or dentures. don't get it - seems like something you could learn in a year or two.
youtube recs are fucked
need to start work but also want to start smoking weed and wanking
it's an absolute joke that they are on par with doctors and surgeons
all that education for one part of the body. lol
Do it all, I believe in you
probably lower middle class me, come to think of it
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not done any work all week and my project deadline looms
remember to do your match 5 today
was George Orwell actually socialist then or?
like would he vote for Corbs?
Dreg me
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I'm under 300lbs (21 stone, 6lbs) lads. First time in 2 years.

Lost 60lbs so far this year.
l'll hand this question over the rorke
we dont actually know anything about medicine. all doctors or dentists do is look for a shadow on an x ray and dig it out.once we invented the machine to see into the body without cutting it we just stopped there
lose another 60lbs and you'll still be a fat cunt
Good lad keep it up
proud of you lad, keep up the good work x
either that or its just mix and match pills until something fits because we dont really know how they work
dont get how fatties have the energy to eat so much when theyre all so lazy
i simply cant be bothered
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i'm always three steps ahead
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sometimes i forget to eat for a day or two and then i binge 10,000 calories
deliveroo exists
might start columbomaxxing
Earth's gravitational orbit being put off couse by you alone
love how smug this cunt is
yeah you got a lot of youtube views but you still gave yourself diabetes and showed your gross shitty arsehole to the internet
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>off couse
hate having anything sitting in my in tray. my ocd won't have it i have to deal with it right away. but then im sitting with a clear desk and people start to think im not doing any work
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yh. this is my daily routine i made for another thread
Ill call it now, he recorded the skinny video way before. I havent watched it but idk if he showed a copy of the days paper or something but theres no way hes not got a mass of loose skin
i need sex
not to be racist (even though I AM) but all the Asians at the office are weirdly puritanical about swearing
They're all in their mid 20s - early 30s and yet whenever I drop an F bomb they always wince as if I had just said the N bomb.
It's terribly queer.
They're basically kids in adult bodies.
nigga thats nuts
thought almonds were expensive
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Netherlands and Belgium I understand, but why the others?
‘Stand up’
That’s mad nigga I didn’t know people record their standing up time
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>americans are so fat it takes them half an hour to stand up
>a kilo of almonds and peanut butter
why not do work earlier then you can finish at 3
when you're 300 lbs it takes half an hour
on his tiktok he's skinny doing a recent meme dance though. only way this theory works is if he himself created the dance years ago but got someone else to start the trend recently and if he went to those levels fair play he's pretty fucking committed to this minor bit
let us know when you start your standup routine lad, could do with a laugh
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Round the shop, you want anything?
Haven't poo'ed in three days
pink one
triangulating your position based on the barcodes of those drinks
>there was even a pic of two bears fighting
bears fight each other, that's not cruel necessarily
imagine drinking this liquid slop
Think you can do strength exercises whilst loosing weight to prevent baggy skin. Anyway I remember when he was fat someone said he had a mental problem cause he used to be very skinny. And they’ve now been proved right as he’s auschwitz again
screeching at this

toilberg gets pissy about wanting us to use pto if we leave early, even if we are done with our work. or he'll try to give us more to do.

so i am "hard at work" during the meetings and then for the rest of the day until i leave at 5

they only pay me $120k so it's not worth putting in any extra effort
any jf flag that posts cp I just filter which were definitely some of these and others just tend to be flags that shit up the thread at some point. I don't come to /int/ to speak to other cultures I come to speak to brits in the british thread, simple as
not worth clicking
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>they only pay me $120k
why doesnt Elon just buy 4chan? lt would cost a pittance for him and he loves edgy shitposting
Would love to see you being pulled apart limb by limb by a pack of XL bullys with your guts spilled out on the ground, twitter posting runt
almonds cost $4.50 (£3.43) per pound.
for me it's ignoring all youtube videos from older people about "advice for your 20s"
fuck off i don't want your advice you saggy twat
what's the point of buying a website full of Russian bots in order to fill it with Russian bots?
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a ai ags uil dle ie o
most of his biggest fans are redditors and they probably wouldn't look kindly on that
stop spamming this shite man
just fuck off
he's a tool for the intelligence community
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>a pack of XL bullys
ain't gots ta imagine, one monster energy ultra down the hatch
I only get paid a measly $93K USD equivalent...
>most of his biggest fans are redditors
missed the last year eh lad?
Why do you post here if you're so scared of the big bad Russians? Me I personally like them
don't get paid, uc doesn't count
not bait
cost of living is high here
>signature use
>extremely low quality
>advertising or begging
all in one post
Yeah because you're one of the schizophrenic Irish posters who go on about biodiversity and shit
I was not put on this earth to try in life. No! In fact, I’m going to… NOT try in life :3
they gave Tim Pool 400k imagine how much they put into actually influential people
is big bad russia coming for us?
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>avatar or signature use
the good old days
Swing and a miss
how does it feel to be confused for the most mentally ill person on brit
Maybe Reddit would be more to your tastes?
Not good :(
Give me the monthly outgoings
Shut up your literally Hungarian
A toast! To /brit/!
why even have an option to report spamming/flooding if they're allowed to keep doing it
Carbonated Water, Acid (Citric Acid), Taurine (0.4%), Acidity Regulator (Sodium Citrate), Flavourings, Panax Ginseng Root Extract (0.08%), Sweeteners (Sucralose, Acesulfame K), Caffeine (0.03%), Preservatives (Sorbic Acid, Benzoic Acid), L-Carnitine L-Tartrate (0.015%), Vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12), Sodium Chloride, D-Glucronolactone, Guarana Seed Extract (0.002%), Inositol down the hatch
Will slap you back to next when I get back home
Any man who wanks his cock off in?
Would like to be an author
might treat myself to a new mattress
Ah cool i don’t mind that, I like some of their clothes. And this slap only sweetens the deal…
do girls fannies gape when they're horny or is it always the same width?
Only on special occasions
they expand but "gape" is an exaggeration
>do girls fannies gape when they're horny
it's ironic you say that because I bought one about 2 years ago
Je pensais révéler pour conclure le nom de la femme que j’aimais, à qui ce poème était destiné. Mais je me suis vite aperçu que le seul mot que j’avais en tête était le mot Liberté. Ainsi, la femme que j’aimais incarnait un désir plus grand qu’elle. Je la confondais avec mon aspiration la plus sublime, et ce mot Liberté n’était lui-même dans tout mon poème que pour éterniser une très simple volonté, très quotidienne, très appliquée, celle de se libérer de l’Occupant
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it's more about having to save for retirement because our social systems are so bad
Yh i think they do, my ex was tighter when not turned on. Incidentally towards the end of our relationship she would queef a lot. I think she had been cheating on me with a man with a large cock
mdr pourqoui
so when i was a teenager and getting awkward erections at night or from the vibrations in the car were there girls who had awkward vaginal expansions or is it just clitoral erections
Is he pretending to be a Hungarian now?
(8) she a sad little sinner in the mirror the devil works hard like my liver (8)
>, my ex was tighter when not turned on
corrr no wonder we rape
nah, on holiday
Urgh anyone else get unpleasant erections sometimes? Like you’re hard but its not pleasurable or spongy feeling, its just stiff and doesn’t feel good
have to support the lads
yes, but again I think you're exaggerating the impact
yes often when l'm asleep
Need that pic of our dear Aisha supporting the IRA
Nah not spaedo. Just waiting around before I go to the Budapest zoo. Any pics you want?
Yes, Hungarian girls’ arses pls
can't think of anything more indicative of modern spiritual malaise than a deliveroo habit
just wondering if the feeling of having a cavity expand inside you at those times is as awkward as having a stick randomly appear between your legs

think its quite under appreciated the advantage young girls have at that time in terms of confidence they can maintain
get the 'grants 'nked
alcoholism/drug abuse
No toil today
Toilberg is SEETHING
of subs
awkward, maybe, AS awkward? nah
however I would say you're over-appreciating the impact of the whole thing on both parties, unless you were particularly self-conscious of it at the time
>ranking grants

1. some science uni research one that lets you goof off for months
those things are Lindy and also debauched by nature. the users know they are filth, mostly

deliveroo users do not think twice about the society they are creating
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me, her, a bridge
fuck you talkambout
Quick poll
1. Did you go to uni
2. What for, roughly
3. Roughly what ranking (Top 10/Russell group/ other)
they're eating the dogs
>Did you go to uni
Mind you own business.
just think the awkwardness that girls feel is overblown in the feminist media because i see nothing but schools girls running about in little skirts and no tights in the depths of winter. how self conscious can they be about their periods or that. maybe the reason they dont stick in at gym is just because they're lazy
I'd let her pistolwhip me
1. no
2. n/a
3. n/a
also FOLC
Russell group

all thing considered was probs a waste of time and money. was a laugh though haha
fake news
low tier russell for maths

Mummy and daddy gifted me £850,000 for my 18th birthday so I don't need to toil
bunch of degreeless mongs are we?
Stealing the geese
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based mummsie and daddsie

seems that way
DO THE HASAN do do doo do do do do do do do
the establishment hated him for revealing all their murders so they used popular media to invent connotations of the flasher associated with his coat
my pc can't run new games anymore
fuck sake
nah, debtless adults
as big discounts illustrate more
after authorities and air sloths learn everything
all aims and will do it now
yes (masters)
depends on the ranking but top 10-15

Think this video really captures the joy of cuckolding from the woman’s perspective
grim little pointy fingers
Why is it "mum and dad" and not "dad and mum"?
Yeah, ex-poly for comp sci
Make 75k wfh (posting on brit with the boys)
i did an apprenticeship and got my degree paid for by toil
whats with the raised hands emoji? who raises their hands when they talk?
ain't heard about a flasher for ages, used to have one on the ends
we aint clicking that shit
dunno whys it knife and fork just how it is
energy drink and codeine down the gullet
Sir Mossball Starmer fix the country yet?

Yh sorry bad link
it's ripe for a come back. maybe a reddit community where people plan it out consensual
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had this experience for the first time (Deadlock)
bit disappointed really
it's not that it "can't" - the game runs fine mostly but it just doesn't support old gpus so the textures look funny
didn't really expect this to happen

cba to upgrade really. eventually gonna have to shell out £800 or whatever it is for a new one
because you bond with your mum first and she's typically the primary caregiver
wish i could travel as easy as my parcel
Ahhhhhh the shilling the shilling I can't
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mum and dad
ladies and gentlemen
sweet and sour
based queen's alumni
Wow sounds like you want to fuck your mum
reckon 13 songs is about the max an albums should have, few exceptions
cock and balls
alri wodders
pepsi max is disgusting
I know this is an ostrich but still it makes me miss my emu
bert and ernie
bodger and badger
drum and bass
Love this
Got a first class honours (1:1) me.
Corrr imagine how good it would feel to shoot a man in the head
for me its the humble 30 song clusterfuck meant to pump up streaming numbers
first in cyber security
It's really simple
Just don't make the new
Free yourselves. Just let go
Just don't do it just let it be
any updates on deegz?
youre fucked up you are
quite like it, haven't had it in years
bizarre little freak aren't you
still hungover
what about irn bru
Fking 'ell can't they stop the shilling ugh
cheeky early new
do i care?
do i fuccckkkkkkkk
it's friday

it's called a binomial
juan deeg
for me concerts should be smaller and shorter. a close up session with the band rather than a big crowd 3 hours and 2 encores. that kind of length should be reserved for the album

but it would require economics to work the exact opposite that they do in the world
There is no chemistry I would sooner or later shoot myself
We'll uh... Get that early new tidied up shortly, folks
dont think hes in mate
Yes (integrated masters)
Russell group with a reputation for being druggy (it lived up to that reputation)
don't think I've ever seen a band play for longer than 2 hours
don't need a new one though, just get something that was released a year or so ago
>Error: Specified thread does not exist.
Thank you Janny
Delete every new
We need to free ourselves
janberg deleting the new while the old is on 310
this will SURELY not result in 3+ new threads as posters scramble to make the new
janny is like brat brit is too cringe i gota delete it
respect for that
in all seriousness, we need to donate to pensioner centered charities this coming winter, follks
ive only been to legend concerts
I knew it. didn't want to jinx it but I knew

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