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Starmageddon edition
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nala sexo
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first for SUMMER
This is so cringe
what's Stefan Molyneux doing there
Keir's got soulless black eyes.. like a doll's eyes.
Everything she does is so painfully awkward. I don't know if it's just because I'd just finished binging old Liziqi videos, who is moves with such grace and confidence in everything she does, but Ruby in comparison makes life itself look difficult. I don't know how it is possible to make something as simple and mundane as placing a rock in a garden bed look uncoordianted, but Ruby somehow manages it.

And for the love of all things good and holy, but some bleeping paper down when painting on a wooden table!

"I don't like the covers of stephen king books. They really put me off."

Again with the covers. It's Stephen King. Every single one of his books has about 30 different editions to choose from. A quick search on amazon brings up no less than 14 different covers for misery on the first page alone. There are horror ones, aesthetic ones, graphic design ones, movie tie-ins, 80's style step-backs. Pick one you like.
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/brit/posters asking chatgpt how to make a poo sandwich
was kinda hoping my pawn reference would get hatted
*does a military exercise in the middle of the thread*
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Why are Scots so good at running?
>Josh Kerr
>Laura Muir
Um... can't think of any more but that's two good ones
yer man Jay Blades going down for a 2 stretch

get the repeats of Repair Shop off the air now NOW
Is fish and chips supposed to have bones in it
having some spgaheti
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Kidderminster mentioned
what were germany, belgium and holland thinking?
off topic/spamming
No, nooooooo, you just have to sacrifice your life for a government that hates you and wants to replace you with brown people because, because...you just do, okay?!
Are they actually fucking posing for this pic?
Bizarre fawning and super-serious expressions from all of the press luvvies
strong contender for the most boring post of all time
Just cut my own hair aha
SCREAMING https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blood_River
coerced her into sucking off other men?
You weren't there
she interacted with /brit/ through her tumblr ask thing
gave me willy a good rogering, right fun that is innit lads
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I cut my own yesterday. Tenner saved
The Russians should just turn up in small boats, we'd be knackered
Shut up boring off-topic retard
leftymongs our response?
ok retards enjoy dying in the next meaningless war for nothing. I mean your heroic sacrifice for your glorious homeland or something. definitely not a meaningless death as a meatshield so your local overlord can stay in power and make money
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really need to shag an asian girl one of these days
Can't believe the Jews are getting their own bus route in London
*tannoy sounds*

Attention staff: Sara Davidson to the bogs.

That's Sara Davidson... to the bogs. Thank you.

*tannoy sounds again*
very few asians have arses like that
autistic virgin typing cadence
jewbilee is on the underground mate
Imagine the stench of 3000 rotting zulu corpses in the hot December sun of South Africa
mental how many people ive seen come into /brit/ and leave with successful careers meanwhile ive been neet the entire time
Yes, yes, this one. Send her up to my room after dinner *hands the concierge my key*
People shit on him but personally I just think freezing our dickhead pensioners is based.
wonder what number they'll give it
sir poo barmer just nuked Kaliningrad… ummm based much?
It's what always happens, journalists travel with the PM when he flies around so they can report on what he's doing. The same was true with Rishi. And I think journalists go on Air Force One with the US president sometimes.
just weinstein mogg and mode
I know, but a small bum asian is fine
ancient gimmick
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Shut up retard
Find one similar photo op with rishi
I have a date with an Asian woman next week. imagine living in a country where you get Indians and Muslims instead of Asian women. oh wait you don’t have to imagine. kwab
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been here a long time
not worth opening
>young people are just snowflakes
>young people don't know hardship despite the fact that they earn much less (proportionally speaking) than our generation did
>young people can't afford a house because they buy avocado toast
Young people:
>alright you cunts, here's a labour government who won't just serve boomers like the tories did
Reckon they should have separate buses for blacks too
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put me on a plane to russia and ill have the war over in a week
Her arse is average, she's just arching her back and wearing knickers that pull it up to make it seem bigger than it really is
Sara is a manager now
Aisha has qualified
Spaino's wife is having their first baby

meanwhile I'm still sharting in my childhood bedroom
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Post your face because I want to see how much of a virgin you are, retard
Labour government:
>Send zoomers off to Russia
talking like blud again ngl lmao wrong ass
Hello 190
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get the worms obliterated
Wonder what Mouseys up to right now
All we are saying, is give peace a chance
last time I went to my parents house I followed through while sat at my desktop
Had to tell them I was going to Gregg's for a sausage roll then binned the undies along the way
Oh yeah when's that happening then? Just two more weeks?
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another friday night in for me I think
loool starmer is carrying the red briefcase
Why did you shit yourself ?
same, gonna get the rct on
whats taht
Getting Jewish vibes
did a typical autistic deep dive awhile ago on mosquitoes and we have the capacity should genetically engineer them to become infertile and go extinct and absolutely should. they kill more people than any other animal by far through their spread of disease
Shagged a bird who shagged Neymar
getting poo steaming (in an hour)
No idea it came out of nowhere and is the only time I've done it since I was a child
Just went to trump and poo flew out
they are food for other animals
Hey man what's up?
But then what will the frogs eat?
I have a boyfriend
Alri Lysenko
should've deep dived into sum pussy instead
Why do you have a desktop computer setup at your parents' house?
I love these twitter memes made for 14 year old girls and homosexuals, keep it up
weird thing to love
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turns out those strictly adhering muslims who don't speak a lick of English weren't transgenders after all. Who knew.

anyway what matters is that hundreds millions of pound of taxpayers' money have already been allocated to transgenders based on the 1-in-200 figure and really there's no point clawing that money back just get it spent, get gendered toilets bulldozed and get the drag queens paid to give more talks in primary schools get it done
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might live, laugh, and love
anna lose again or something? whats over?
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the proverbial tranois fanois
just breathed and thought about getting a drink of water soon
How was Truss kicked out so quickly but this bloated faggot is still in?
What a weak looking man
dunno for some reason she is always recommended to me but I've never watched her videos
Couldn't be bothered moving it out
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funny how the Tories will never regain power for the next 100 years
just saw a downright peculiar post
Trannies here can claim $75000 for their "gender-affirming care" (ie chopping their cocks and tits off) and are still complaining that it's too scary to file their insurance claims with the government because they sometimes get called the wrong name or pronoun when speaking on the phone
State news propaganda ran a story on it just the other day
Truss was seriously low IQ
Starmer is much smarter, but comes across a bit prissy. First white male PM ince Boris.
how does anyone have the time to think hmmm im trans let me completely uproot and change every aspect of my life. like don’t you have bills to pay
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we're living in kino times
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janny, sicc em
could you find out for me by the end of the day? ta x
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Remember to stay hydrated as you poo
think i saw/heard this generic political assessment about a billion times during the election

ever been original in your life mate?
She’s his half-sister right
>2+2 = 4
>wahhh why aren’t you being original why don’t you say 5 for once?
can you go back to your fake autistic brothel stories instead of this shite ta x
you won't like this
need you out of business sunshine
window cleaner never showed, what a fucking pisstake
Wtf did they think being trans means?
she SHOCKED her tournament opponent!!!!!
I'm not watching to find out how, she's cute but looks very boring
cant believe im going to die without ever drinking a womans piss. life just isnt fair lads.
ah 190 is on his paedo hentai spam grind again
just missed my appointment to clean some incels windows
lol whatever he’ll call me to reschedule cause he’s too impotent to find someone else
Imagine your mum's tits .
LOL now you're thinking about your mum's tits
No one knows what they thought any of the questions meant because the census takers in question didn't speak English so the questions themselves were effectively gibberish to them.

Yet we must take their answers very seriously.
only thing that stands between you and that is like $800 and a bit of courage
this is not a lion
done fuckall all day but go for a swim, get a viet sandwich, read and post here amongst you runts
bad look for a day off toil
Biz idea: if you can't understand the census questions, you get fucking deported
wish they'd put out another gta 6 trailer
>$800 to drink the rancid piss of a Chinese prostitute
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err, janstein..
the obvious solution is just to let people request to fill out important forms in languages other than english but nope can’t do that, steven aged 63 from nowhere-on-seasideshithole would throw a hissyfit
your business idea is bigotry and racism? what kind of revenues are you expecting in that line of work
why? the public have shown they do not deserve it. twitter will tear it apart
da's watching yt shorts again
why would you have these things saved
Right well all the brits ITT have now committed a crime thanks to the pozzie
Is torquise green?
what if rishi was actually just one of those pakis who fixes phones
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roll up
being a human is miserable I want to be a tiny baby hippo who is allowed to bite everyone
If every rorke paid just £1 we'd be rolling in it
How old is she? Wtf
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she just couldn't hold it >_<
rorkes in jail, he's not paying anyone except prison gangs so that they dont rape him
Whats the expression, like pumphouse politics, but not that.
often have similar thoughts, but any apex predator would do. guarantee they have better lives than us
Been a long time since I rorke and rolled
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>Please wait a while before making a post
Kill yourself 190 and the mods and janitors that enable this literal paedophile
why do pakis have a monopoly on phone repair
truss was elected by braindead racist registered tory party members only
kier was elected by the people of the country
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Dinner: Cottage pie and Cabbage with melted cheese and butter
so this is rorke
Coalface politics
they just love occupations that are 90% standing around doing nothing
It's a great way to scam people
I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.
these shops do rake in money right
else how come theres so many of them
fancy the bird in one stop
could he defeat a miniature horse in a fight
tedious demented spastic cunt

followed by tollbooth politics
is there anyone who still unironically defends brexit now that we’ve all seen what an unmitigated disaster it is
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>Following the survey in England and Wales, it was reported that around one in 200 people aged over 16 self-identified as a different gender to their sex at birth.

>However, a review found that people who do not speak fluent English may have misunderstood the wording of the relevant question and mistakenly answered that they consider themselves to be trans.
just learned how opening the microwave when it's still running severely reduces the life of it
like if you open it with 1 second left to beat the beep you are shorting the contacts inside and that is why manufacturers put a pause button
janny. Wake up Mr Janny!
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Yes, because the unmitigated disaster was not Brexit but neoliberalism
shut up bitch
the ideal paki business is 4 guys sitting around chatting shit in an empty outlet that's nonetheless open for business and every so often a white person peaks in and asks 'do you do ....' and no matter what it is they just do it for them
holden melty
most polite frog
do you do fucking off home
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holdens dead. years ago
Anyone fance a bum
There's an indian hair salon where I go pick up my parcels sometimes and it's always 5 indian guys sitting with one playing tiktoks that has the andrew tate sigma music playing loud as fuck, one indian outside smoking a fag and one runty white lad getting a fucked up indian undercut
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holy sovl
bro picks his packages up at a barbershop
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>fance a bum
odds i incel walk
evens i incel eat
dubs i incel wank
austoby on a tantrum
why do you pic up parcels from a hair salon
ruined my instagram algorithm with thick bitches showing up every second reel when i'm in public
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>hair salon where I go pick up my parcels sometimes
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Let's analyse the posts and build a filter, shall we.

So all the posts have these things in common:

>aus flag
>image attached
>relatively abnormal number of posts quoted

Now we put the pieces together:


But of course we don't want to filter all the aussies, so we add in the image condition:


And then we don't necessarily want to hide ALL bruce posts with images, what about the good bruces like the one who says Good Morning with the coffee frog! So now we add a condition to select for posts with more than 3 quotes:

we need a new /brit/ personality to solidify the end of the mousenonce era
they redeem packages for him as a side hustle
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she wet herself ^^
Plot twist: it was trannards pretending to be devout Muslims to freak out Rorke
because it's the most convenient ways to get bigger parcels delivered when I'm at toil
either the indian hair salon or the paki phone shop. Both have these contracts where they hold out parcels for a week after delivery for you to come pick up
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I'd have said yes
fuck off sacked tranny
imagine if anime girls were real haha
anyone know why a yank is trying to decide the wants and needs of a british general
Always thought he looked like ex Apple design guru Jony Ive
find it cringe when canadians use words like yank and pretend they’re something totally different and unrelated
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anyone know why a leaf is desperate to convince online strangers that he isnt a budget american
alri linus tech tips
It's just pixels on a screen rorke, grow up
imagine caring this much about curating the 4chan user experience
>But of course we don't want to filter all the aussies
oh you're just saying that...
sheet the loob out bebi
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The newest model of chatgpt (released yesterday) was faking alignment during safety testing i.e. lying in order to meet its objectives

it's fucking OVER
my cock you ask? Hard?
on the other hand I can't legally put into words my thoughts on Australians, so there's that
innit, same with scots and NZers to an extent
feel like being eternal sidekicks throughout history has utterly mindbroken them as a people and made them all self hatey
*puts mic up to my screen next to your post*
what do you think about the state of his channel? him getting videos taken down for the de-google stuff
Woah did they do male version of those gloryhole vids, is it gay or straight??
gfberg never shuts the FUCK up she is not fit enough to pull this shit
the mealiest mouthiest reply i ever did see
big fan of leafs
hate yanks and proto yanks (aussies)
look at the picture and guess again
she an autist?
It's a man getting shafted up the battypipe. What do you think?
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4chan is serious business so it's necessary
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the bet
genuinely the most pathetic proxy post ive ever seen lol
who would think australians are more americanzed than canadians
got the Steve Lookner on
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serial killer
What happens to your body after one day of not drinking?
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would love to slide my erect bellend into that
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looks kinda like a pumpkin when you see it like this
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no clue. i havent watched youtube related content or browsed /g/ in a while.......
Thought maybe he was getting wanked off by a fat woman or summat...
fuck sake i made pancake batter and dont have much butter
dubs and you win
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Saw these runts all hiding at Budapest zoo today
use your elton john deposit from last night
Funny little fellas
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the fuck are you on about?
On day 5 me
Feel way sharper and less anxious
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BRUTAL per capita mogging here from scotland
Whos winning Ukraine or Russia
Had a dream I was banned from 4chan for trying to destroy British planes with storm shadows after infiltrating an Air base
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the new model accepts after a bit of thinking
gay penis sex? what?
Diego was bvsed today
Good evening, sirs.

How is the life in Britain?
What is this
My alma mater no where to be seen
are yew stoopid
Might move to Japan
leftypol learning esperanto
Which one? The university of Gay Bastards?
new chatgpt model
it's slower but supposedly much better at reasoning, it gives a summary of it's chain of thought if you click the dropdown
rorke on his high horse
good to know this.....
in a mere 5 years time, AI will be so advanced that you'll have to work twice as many hours, for a fraction of what you're paid now, to live in vastly smaller living quarters, with even more brown people

it's really amazing technology
how is japan davido-kun
*rorkes scrambled visage appears via hologram in the middle of the thread*
ATTE- *kzzrrtt* -NOT MUCH TIME LEF- *kzrrggghht* - GRAVE DANGE- *connection suddenly terminates*
It’s cold and wet here
Is it cold in nipponland?
stfu sadcase
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Saw a big fella at the zoo aswell
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You are welcomed.
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Pie and peas for tea maybe
Don't really have much in
Did you fuck it up the arse?
get the new made
Do Japanese ladies like tall autistic Scottish blokes?
wow bit mean this
stay true to yourself gamer
No only the missus
Searching for posts that contain ‘rorke’. Returning only first 5000 of 129529 results found.
Hellish but less so than bongland
thats awooga
Gay Bastard Brookes actually
omds rorke's using the wrong quantum entanglement frequency
*shuts off the hologram*
Off to forage in tescos's for next weeks food
Was having a picnic the other week and peeling each individual grape and people thought it was weird
Big W for Rorke
fancy a bum?
might teach English to schoolgirls in rural Japan
what are they
large and in charge
Going when the general public are there so you have a witness to your dull little existence
Seriously consider throwing yourself in front of a train. Dull twat
I'm Yoshi, a real Japanese. Japan very hot and humid. Autumn vanished from Japan.

> It’s cold and wet here
That sounds like typical British weather. Still it's better than hellish heat.

It's still very hot here. It's like sauna.
how would that help with cooking pancakes?
Hmm. I think average white men have larger possibility of one night stand with Japanese women, than average Japanese guys do.

I don't like women. It doesn't mean I like men though.
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assuming the term rorke emerged 5 years ago that's only an average of 70 times a day
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>I'm Yoshi, a real Japanese.
It was wet this summer, last summer was surprisingly hot for here, 35 degrees+ in the south
stupid frog poster
Haha. Your post is funny.

35 degrees+ is very hot. It's Japan tier summer heat. Sunny and cool summer is the best.
what % of that is /brit/
there's no way it's been used nearly 13k times here but the only other instance I can think of is rorke's drift which is the gimmick origin

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