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So are you lads team OpenGL or team Vulkan?
Sir CANS Starmer
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tear the roof off the place
the thing to remember is that no one other than you cares who makes the thread
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It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind.
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nth for the baddiedem
Why doesn't Keir just tax the billionaires?
The poor don't have any money to take
The middle classes have less and less money which is why the whole co see t of living crisis has been in the news
Why is taxation always a discussion about the low and middle classes? You never hear any politician discussing millionaires and billionaires
any of you runts ever been on television
Get the cans posted
I'm fat, ugly, a low pay wagie and single.
because the rich can very easily move their money out of the tax system
it's a net loss
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end private ownership of property
problem solved
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/brit/ is a DirectX general
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wet wipes are in, time to have a poo
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if my life were a movie it would unwatchable
Then they need to get a grip and contribute to the society they are a part of
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heemed my landlord today
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salutations to the OG rubymong
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what's the point in a thirst trap when they don't even turn around
la plata rata
would love to sample her pish
upgrade to a bidet, It'll change your life
2 days and the remainder of the evening until I go back to work but Sunday doesn't really count so really just the 1 day of rest
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bit much isn't it
the Loomening as it were
fuck off talking about toil it's friday night
Why are the female version of Cub Scouts called Brownies?
Israel is based and ethnically/morally in the right
you could just never go back you know
you haven't thought about the cross-platform portability, you FOOL
they're actually called guides
brownies are the equivalent of cubs
corr ruby thirst trap
>le cans
do one
just kill 'em and liquidate their assets
Savannah (GA) looks nice
don't know if you noticed but it's Friday the 13th lads
Made... in Georgia
don't really have any room in my bathroom unfortunately
It's full of black
just home-spayed my cat
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Nothing ever happens.
all landlords deserve this
those head kicks are nasty
Brown sash
/brit/ is Windows only
this week's boris?

BORIS JOHNSON: Suddenly we're in the grip of a 1970s-style brain drain. And Starmer and Reeves are so economically illiterate they don't understand why the exodus of wealth creators is a disaster for Britain

fucking get the oil just stopped you fucking cunt
/brit/ is arch gang (post-transition)
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>Suddenly we're in the grip of a 1970s-style brain drain
Increase pay
many of my friends are on very low wages except one that became a millionaire and now employs several of our friends on very low wages
use your imagination a bit you stupid coomer
it's actually the fella's auntie
Thanks ukraine
I am so done with Estonian and Polish prostitutes
too many jfs today for me
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always regret the workouts I skip but never regret the workouts I force myself to go do
I kick arse for the lord!
deary me, wonder what he was watching

>Full details of the murder that has stunned the world: Miss Switzerland finalist was decapitated and had her womb cut out before being pureed in a blender by husband… all while he watched YouTube videos on his phone

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i do actually use arch, i'd use ubuntu to stick the faff if it weren't for snaps
statistically it had to be Mr Beast
exodus of wealth creators is code for "stop scaring all my trilionaire friends away, keir"
Hey! I'm trying to eat dinner here.
>She studied PPE at the University of Oxford before obtaining a Master of Science degree from the London School of Economics. She joined the Labour Party at the age of sixteen, and later worked in the Bank of England.
What do they even teach them?
spiderman n elsa slop
lil timmy on a mad one LOL
>Full details of the murder that has stunned the world: Miss Switzerland finalist was decapitated and had her womb cut out before being pureed in a blender by husband… all while he watched YouTube videos on his phone
smartest leftist
nigga posting in his oort cloud language
dank meme vine compilations from 2016
smarm mostly
The Asian Fanny.
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Your Prince and Princess
Why do you guys always recycle the same 3 or 4 edishes? Is every LOVELY FUCKING CANS edish posted by the same OP?
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she def let some brothas slip it in x
Lierene is still a liar
why don't you mind your own business?
Uni starting again soon
can't wait to see the palestianian popup camps on campuses again
they strangely disappeared over the summer
Crying in McDonald's.
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actually there are 3 princes and 2 princesses in that image
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Rorkesheed on a mad one
bravo nolan
>Chris Nolan
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>so... you had black boyfriends before? interesting...
Give that man another Oscar
Free to choose.
Free to live.
Simple as.
blackpill youtubers
Would that mean I couldn't check your dubs?
nothing to do with me
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"Wherever I am, I must rape"
it's one schizo autist but i think you might be spainnonce who already knows this and is probably the person doing it
no you can check them, and these
l owe rorke an apology
drinking in front of the computer again on a friday night
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Don’t see anything wrong with this. Might give it a go
would you kill yourself already? the thread has been much better without you here
but muh jury muh jury
muh post-it note
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i dont understand why schizos are so drawn to her, what makes her so different to every other serial killer
Mousenonce your internet privileges need revoking
read a post here about how she was framed by incompetent pakis and im starting to believe it
desperately need an early night
feel like I'm about to pass out
reckon shipman might have been innocent
It's one very mentally unwell poster, this is his entire life, he does nothing else other than be here posting the same tired images and webms.
have you considered an actual apple?
come on mate already had a wank this morning, dont make me do it again
Always regret the wanks I do but never the ones I force myself to skip.
Was at a house party a while back, loads of people, lots of girls, loud music etc. It was dark out but we had a lot of lights. Anyway this one lad was absolutely wasted. I don't know if he was just pissed out of his head or on something more serious, but he was fucked. He was also very cute I might add. definitely not over 20. Anyway, the lad must have been confused or just desperate because he pulled his pants down, pointed his bum to the side and just shat right on the picnic table bench. People were laughing and I could see them going for their phones so I just stuck my face right into the poo and started gobbling it down. Everyone was mortified but it took the attention right off of him and I covered my face pretty well so I think I got off without being caught on camera. I mean, it wasn't my main intent to do it just to save the lad but he was such a cute twink and seeing the log come out of his lovely arse I just couldn't help myself, but if it helped him not get too much hassle for it I'd say that's a win-win. Anyway, ubered the fuck out of there as fast as I could, maybe I should have took the lad with me.
Women are nonces
Canslad isn’t mentally ill per se he’s just a lonely alkie boomer
mad that someone convinced people that raising wages increases inflation even though it literally doesn't
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i need a big dick nigga to fill my white bussy
I'm a veteran spainnonce nooticer and I dont think canstwat is spaino. He has a very distinctive posting style that he doesnt bother to disguise
Tidy and tiny. Just how I like them.
Going to go Vietnam next year, been Thailand and Philippines many times.
>The lower court found that Thomas was 'obviously stuck in the completely unrealistic idea of living again in the near future with his daughters, whose mother he admittedly killed and dismembered, at his previous place of residence.'

>The Basel court stated that there are 'concrete indications of a mental illness or a significant psychopathological personality disorder' in Thomas' case, paired with a 'high level of criminal energy, lack of empathy and cold-bloodedness after killing his wife'.

>A psychiatric-forensic expert consulted by the head of the proceedings said in July that further examinations were required to make a 'sufficiently substantiated' assessment of Thomas.
many such cases

>The paedophile teachers who preyed on their pupils: From sex predator Rebecca Joynes to classroom assistant Kandice Barber, the school staff who abused the position of trust to groom underage students

women be out there breaking hearts and crushing souls like a dark souls player character
screeching at this, she's a proper autist it seems
fanny is grim. not gay but cocks are just more aesthetic
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it hasn't worked. can still see his posts about le cans unfortunately. so, no kevin grosskreutz message of thanks for you. instead, you get this kevin grosskreutz message of despair
Hi Spaincunt
based accelerator
sucking a shiraz
Based KGK19 appreciator.
An underrated player.
Right lads, time to get the BIG cans and the chips of some sort
Do I go for the BIG chips with chicken or the medium chips with the fish or maybe the small chips with the double sausages?

And of course, I'll consider just ending it all and going to sleep early
disembarking a poo
Listening to Meshuggah. Getting my groove on. DO NOT stand in my fucking way.
likkle timmy
What are Canslad’s thoughts on spice bags?
there's this middle aged autistic lady at work (law firm) and she just spends half of the day on the phone going on angry tirades with the various other organisations we work for
she gets so fucking fuming at others incompentence it's great
corr chips and chicken i reckon
lack of vitamin bbc
wish i had ketamine or weed
want to lose all sense of reality for a few hours and have fake profound insights and visions
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four little speckled frogs,
sat on a speckled log,
eating the most delicious bugs (yum yum)
then one jumped in the pool-
Would you shag her?
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>15kg of pink Himalayan salt for £30 (£2 per kilo)
>People are selling 1kg bags of coarse pink Himalayan salt for £8
I can quadruple my money here. Salt is salt, doesn’t matter if it is originally for horse licks. I just need to crush it up and put it in a 1kg bag.
Am I missing something or is this just free money?
>Maths teacher given the nickname 'Bunda Becky' arrives at court
he is extremely schizophrenic, narcissistic and has said several times himself that he's a sociopath (though i think he's actually just got aspergers)
he's not even a real alcoholic and has simply used the word and concept of cans as a way to make people see him in a good light
if you replace the word cans with milk then suddenly there's absolutely nothing to like (not thta there should be anyway)
wog you
then there were only three frogs left
I buy 15kg of salt. That's my bank now
uBlockOrigin > Settings > My Filters > paste:

Not a fan of them
Not really a fan of anything that's not generic Irish shite out of a fast food place
Don't mind proper chinese food, tho

The BIG chicken is tempting, lad.
Or I might go on the aul diet and get the small chips with the BIG chicken

Decisions, fucking decisions
Thought it was mental that people working at actual law firms post in this board before remembering that even British lawyers only earn about 40k pound annually.
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sociopaths aren't posting on /brit/ lol
you sound like a fat woman describing her ex boyfriend
honestly yeah
I think she is a virgin but when the sweat glistens off her feint mustache hairs on a hot day as she mouthbreathes it stirs something primal inside me
Greatness always prevails.
Mate everyone here earns 250k, is 6'4 and has a ten inch dick
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At the very least Lucy Letby deserves a new trial only to prove her innocence and she should be freed as soon as possible. AND A REAL TRIAL NOT THEIR CLANDESTINE BULLSHIT TRIAL THEY DID WITH REAL COVERAGE

>Update 13 May 2024: A feature about Lucy Letby published by The New Yorker in the US has been restricted so it cannot be accessed by readers in the UK. UK users trying to access the article are met with a message stating: “Oops. Our apologies. This is, almost certainly, not the page you were looking for.”

Why are you diagnosing people with various mental illnesses Diego you fucking loser hypocrite
Why did they go after are Lucy?
more like cro-magnon LUL
Post proof you're in Ireland and eating fries and drinking beer or you're 190 and need to be euthanized
>Kandice Barber (pictured), 37, is free after serving half her jail term and plans to start rebuilding her life with her three children
Crazy how they're still allowed to be around children
omddds LOL
will this hide the OP or links to it?
will this hide replies to his relentless cans posts?
yes lad

don't threaten me with a good time!
you are timmy and a homosexual
how do you keep it coarse though? reckon it's harder than it seems to grind salt down. plus you won't be able to sell it as pure if it's been in your smelly bedroom
Just get 4chanx and filter the Irish flag
straight up projection
No OP isn't a replyContainer
No you will see replies
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just trying to tune in that seasidemark stream dee lads
Can't imagine being a woman over the age of 16 and still being a virgin
Literally how
Even the fattest grossest smelliest hambeasts can get sex just by having vagine
Feel free to post the archive links to thousands of detailed unique posts about black penises I have posted here like you have posted literally for years every single day.
he thinks everyone is spainnonce
he needs attention eg. spamming OPs with his shit gimmick for well over a year
and sociopath was his words
Right, what the fuck is the fucking problem with me posting about cans?

Really, why the fuck are people so pissed about it?

And I don't pissed as in fluttered but pissed as in how I feel when I don't have the cans
I love this woman and want to know her name.
is it jif or gif?
bet you gayboys report posts too
Yes, I report rule breakers when I see them.
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Female Teacher, Age strikes again
well done on announcing a report mate
God has forsaken me and billions must die.
pussy hole
we've had this discussion so many times and you just end up going "WELL IF YE DONT LOIKE IT, THEN FUCK YE!!! YE CANT SEE HOW IRANIC IS IT CAN YE???? SPAINO! SPAINO!" and then carry on spamming your shit gimmick all evening every evening
so what's the point
How many arguments had Diego lost today?
can't believe the male ones are 29/30, they look fucking grim
sn on his Canadian VPN again talking about himself
i love reporting posts
it's arguably more fun than making posts
definitely more fun than reading posts
Don't remember this, lad
Mostly because I don't use that term or type like a spastic
>Will this hide the OP?
No. Generally you don't want to hide OPs as it doesn't look nice visually and you scroll down in seconds anyway. This would though:


>Will this hide a post containing link to an OP?
Technically yes however if that bothers you, here's one that doesn't:


>Will this hide posts replying to the filtered posts?
Not everyone will simply ignore him
Everyone should be informed about how to spot, filter, and avoid him or he will never leave
He is not invincible, he's just a mentally ill autistic incel with no life no friends no future and he will continue to invent new ways to ruin this thread an other places unless a concerted effort is taken to block him
The other possibility is he works as a janitor too and the moderators enable and encourage his behaviour for reasons unknown
might get on the pink cocaine
I hate how mentally ill this general has become. it’s literally just the same handful of schizos accusing each other of being spain nonce 24/7
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brb, sorting myself out with some chippies x
mad how the first time we invaded Ireland it was because they won't Catholic ENOUGH and then we invaded them again for being TOO Catholic aha
It's not actually
i know you're trolling but
>Searching for posts that contain ‘spaino’ and in ‘IE’ and posts after 2024-05-01. 192 results found.
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*walks into /brit/*
>Cans!? Eh lads? Le cans!?
>I want to die
>Im not Spaino you cucknadian!
>But the cans lads! Cans! lmao
*turns around and closes the door behind me*
Jumps up and down like a Mexican jumping bean
mad how next time we invade Ireland it will be because they aren't Muslim enough
Another Friday night spent on 4chan is it? Why aren’t you lads going out?
I never said I didn't point out spaino is being a tranny
I don't remember typing like a retarded spastic is what I meant, lad

>>Cans!? Eh lads? Le cans!?
May as well, lad
fr fr
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so are you jumping up and down or lying down on the bed?
Have fun with your thread retard
don't want to
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feed her to cats. eye for an eye.
you have the sense of humour and comedic ability of a 13 year old
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see none of these
they are filtered you see
i even filtered this post
i never even saw it
I'm so over sitting in a loud spoons full of mongs talking complete shite until we go to a dark loud club where I awkwardly spaz about on the dance floor. I'd rather be reading a book exercising my mind
catberg being cute and endearing and looking extra fluffy because she's growing her winter fur
A clue? Gained.
Incel night drive and a maccies planned for later me x
>South Park: were sorry
what you gonna get from McDs fella
The ultimate endgame is where there is no more /brit/. It's just an empty page. You have filtered all the posts
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'kin state
Literally my ideal Friday night
what you going to get?
Any Northerners going out for a night on the town this weekend? Wetherspoons, kebabs, Tinder... that sort of thing?
south park fell off
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>The “consent or pay” model arrived in the UK this summer after first being introduced by European news titles including Bild and Der Spiegel in Germany.
And yet they tell me I need consent and pay
another thread ruined by cancer
what time are we all meeting at the monty pyke tomorrow?
all those silvers (except KJT) would have been gold if not for ameridopers
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>A 10-year-old was sexually abused by another child at a playing field, police have said.

>The force said its investigation was ongoing and urged people to be "mindful of what they are sharing online".
ah well that answers that question then
7am but be there by 5am
Stand around outside waiting for us to turn up
7am bit early to start drinking innit
Hate this fucking cold shite, bring back the summer you weather mongs
Do you think the phrase “square up to someone” is
a) distinctive to a region in Britain
b) distinctive to Britain
c) not diistinctive to Britain
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get mixy be in the mix
can't you just delete the cookies afterwards?
step 5: BBC
3 for £3 deal is gone so either 20 nuggets or a couple of cheap saver menu burgers. Not paying £7 for whatever their fancy burger of the month is, it’s never worth it, would rather have 4 regular cheeseburgers for less.
*me, gagged up in a chair in the centre, my mouth stuffed with used toilet paper*
>Barrow’s players have been offered a bigger bonus should they lose their Carabao Cup tie against Chelsea than if they win.
>Telegraph Sport has seen details of League Two side’s bonus schedule, with the players set to receive £1,000 each if they lose the third-round tie on Sept 24, and just £250 for pulling off a shock victory at Stamford Bridge.

This is not illegal?
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get the peckers posted
Mass killings of Jews in the Holocaust
that new beefy fries burrito from taco bell is quite leng
we do be living in the future
the deserved it and were probs even worse back then before it
why does this make me feel sad man

Lads, I was about to go to bed and then I thought, wouldn't /brit/ love it if I went out for the cans and chips
yeah the yanks were juiced to fuck
that mcloughlin woman who won the 400m hurdles was deeply suspicious
looking forward to Halloween
Didn't happen. And if it did it was typhus and starvation caused by Allied bombings.
cronem meet up
Wtf is wrong with people
Bit early lad
that stuffed teddy is soaked in her pussy juice
Rambunctious negroes
you just know some boundaries are going to be overstepped tonight in this country and that makes me sad
the mighty barrow need not the carabao cup
Who here is excited for Squid Game season 2!?!?!?
squid games coronavirus
well they're 5000 years old in the original manga
ME (not really)
but why?
Shut the whole thing right off — Silence — When you answer the machine you provide it with more recordings to be played back to your “enemies” keep the whole nova machine running — The Chinese character for “enemy” means to be similar to or to answer — Don’t answer the machine — Shut if off —
Diego would've loved that
If Barrow lose it's over, if they win, they go through to the next round with the possibility of another £250, if they win or a possible £1,000, if they lose.
Matt Hughes needs to re-think, the incentive is still there to have a cup run.
You can tell that none of you neeks have ever had a proper scrap, just cocky nerds who act hard on the internet cos theyre meek and submissive as fuck in real life lol
My mum absolutely loves Squid Game. She's watched it perhaps 6 or 7 times last I checked.

I don't know why she enjoys watching it over and over again but she does.
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got the toil laptop off mate
turned it off at 5pm
Try asking her you boring cowardly cunt
am 29 but people always thought i was a teenager because of my baby face but now i'm starting to get wrinkles and now i look like a weird wrinkle baby
this must be what they call "twink death"
Canslad has inspired me to get a chippy meal

Cheers canslad!
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So wait they are just swimming in money these schools?
i'm not getting fat or balding though, i've just got some crow's feet at the corners of my eyes and lines in my forehead
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Don't think he's talking about ludditsm as much as he talking about this
It's a business meant to generate a net profit to shareholders and owners. Of course they are swimming in money, what did you think.
I aged like 10 years in the last three/four. Skin started getting greyer, less light in my eyes, went bald, the little hair I do have I’ve started to get greys, put on five stone, got no energy, joints hurt
vaxx status?
Now I want poutine
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or this
average hoodlum's traphouse
why is the telegraph pretending to not know the difference between input and output VAT?
Unvaxxed obviously I’m not retarded
I got three Pfizer shots and I'm fine
wee woo wee woo early alert
love karina
Did this guy get arrested and where was this
i got 2 astra zenecas and other than this spasm in the arm i got injected in ewfcjkavnbhjbd d
i'm fine sdhabsjbdskkdjvcnsdk
errrr mate
sex sex
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