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real human bean-edition
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diStefano's edition was better
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sad abotu Canadaanon now (girl)
but at least i saw what she looked like. would of all ended the same but different, and probably a lot faster as we feed off of each others energy - wouldve been a disaster! a good one still
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>goofs off at work
id wager the hebrews were behind this. or the WFH failures who get "paid to do fuck all" and dont question it
how can I not waste my saturday in my room all day again?
i wont waste a saturday all day in my room, i will enjoy a saturday all day in my room
Leave your room
Go to Library and begin a Skill.
I do that but then I get bored and lonely
Cum con cum
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get your hand off your penis
its on the L5(?) of my spine because my sciatica is flaring up
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Remember when Obama released the bees?
shut up about obama and bees, jesus christ
No man can walk out on his own story
But do you remember?
if you didn't get perfect on connections today lower your tone when speaking to me
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>muh biddyo games!
Remember when KISS took the absolute piss out of some poor Brazilian music journalist?
that's a hot racoon
hate it when i read something funny and original on here and i see it online somewhere else
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happy it’s my turn to be the recipient of this picture
Pajeet "temporary" foreign workers in Canada be like:
>work at Tim Hortons in the morning
>build overpass at noon
>drive truck into overpass at night
genuinely cannot figure these out
I found one already but Im complete stumped on the others
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nvm I guessed them

but that was some buuuuullshit
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A fine morning.
Who up?
accidentally got the wordle of day in 2 guesses
Why is the thread split >>202200899
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Who had "cyborg fungi" on their 2024 bingo card?
i dont give a fuck about wordle personally
I don't give a fuck about your post filtered goodbye
i had fun being a normie tonight
bumping the goat thread
Eliot Rodger got molested
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turns out above ground plants are kind of useless and it's algae that makes the bulk of the oxygen
this is a battle to save the world
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i watch slime videos on tiktok
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Smoking weed out my window.
i haven't smoked flower in years
would be pretty nostalgic if i rolled a joint
get a bong already, surely you've made enough gambling by now
today i ate : two chicken fingers, five potato wedges and one piece of pepperoni pizza
back in my day we only knew Joe Rogan from Fear Factor
I do have a bong, actually I have one of those old school Z-bongs, but I don't like smoking bong anyways. I did have a bubbler, but it got lost while me and my mum were cleaning out our townhouse in preparation for renovations.
sounds yum, for me it was 4 tortillas with peanut butter and honey and some taco bell
a zong as it were
i also have a bubbler but it's such a pain to clean
what do you get from taco bell
be aware i will be judging your character based on your answer
two beefy melts, two cheesy roll ups with red sauce added and i redeemed a free bean and cheese and rice burrito
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Dude, a single one of picrel costs like $9.00 here.
this is a respectable budget order that's a really good value but i will be subtracting points for no baja blast
my order is a spicy potato soft taco, or a chicken chalupa, with cinnamon twists and a baja
who looks like this?
why are you like this
Did you watch Nickelodeon slime videos as a child
it makes me sad that i never hear about anything good happening in canada
it's called being straight
To the pussy ass niggas who told me I couldnt be driving and chugging absolut last night.
Im here
It's grim but at least I'm not gonna get shot by a stranger in the drive thru.
i went to the nickelodeon hotel in florida and got slimed by the giant bucket yes
ok i could also post stuff that i find attractive but i don't because who wants to hear about that
Canada is the testing ground for insane libtard bullshit before it gets implemented in the U.S.

Sometimes the people are barely able to tolerate it, so it gets implemented in America, and other times it’s such a bad idea that they have to walk it back
thank you, i love the baja blast but i have a filling on my front tooth and i can feel the sugar eating at it so i try to avoid sodas now. i love the potato tacos and usually swap one of the roll ups for one but i was feeling cheesy today. for me its the cinnabon bites but i think the bastards discontinued them
yeah i try to stick to the value menu and use the app rewards
the thing is that only straight males matter
just because you can doesn't mean that you should
drunk driving is really selfish and all it takes is one slip up to ruin several lives, not just your own. please stop doing that
this is fucked up
oh ok i add the points i subtracted back you have a reason to not get the baja
This video absolutely mystifies me. I understand that it's about drag shows for kids or whatever, but why are there men dressed up as wizards?
Maybe if you actually like...
hanged out with me and didnt care about knowing we're friends it would be different
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i wish to love and be loved
I can't even type a shitpost in correct english
This is what being a third worlder is all about
i'm no saint and i'm not trying to nag you, i'm just saying that you're playing with fire here and eventually you're going to get burned
rasuberi hebon aim kamin afta u
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even if i have sex at some point in my life it wont be with a 10/10 giga stacy with large boobs
you're just now realizing this?
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gotta build my credit so i can buy a house to die alone in
no but i just thought about it
why do you think you're gonna die alone
i mean yeah, 99% of people don't get to sleep with models or celebrities.
i have negative charisma and i think i come off too intense to most people but in reality i'm a pussy that likes to stay home and read and grow plants
>giga stacy with large boobs
Would rather a tasteful, subtly nice body with a very nice face. Who gives a shit about behemoth boobs that are just going to sag to oblivion by the time she’s like 27 anyway
there's nothing wrong with being a homebody that likes to read and take care of plants those are really good hobbies to have
if you think that you're just hard to approach you can work on that, i'm sure there is a girl out there for you who is wondering why her succulents keep dying and you could help
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some of the best boobs i've ever seen were of 50 year olds
are your succulents dying?
succulent owner giving gardener anon the succ
bagged milk pisses me off. just use jugs you autistic chuds
If I crushed myself into a tree at high speed would that make you upset?
Bagged milk is mainly just an Ontario thing, and most of Canada does use gallon jugs
easier said than done my anonymous friend. the problem is i won't go out and look for someone because i don't know how to just approach people and not come off as a weirdo, male or female. i'll just daydream for a bit about an ideal situation or a million different openers and end up doing nothing lol. i'm screwed
what kind of question is that, of course it would
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2:30am covfefetime .
one of the worst parts of getting older is the difficulty in making new platonic friends. every time i feel like it’s close to happening, it turns out to just be a homosexual. guess it’s my old high school crew forever
meeting people happens mostly online nowadays so i would start there
it helps that you can kind of chat and get to know someone a little bit in that format anyway
you don't have to peacock and try to impress or anything dumb like that
why is it so hard to get plain yogurt without any aspartame? fuck this shithole country
More like arsefartin’
Never eat an entire pack of sugar free gum at once because you WILL shit your pants
having friends as an adult is a lot different than having friends in high school i think, it's less fun i guess, everyone is naturally jaded as an adult
honestly i don't think i'd want to meet anyone from online sites, it's why im on an anonymous board after all. i dunno, i really appreciate you trying to help but i'll likely just keep waiting for something to (probably never) fall into my lap instead
Why? They deserve it.
well, just don't close the door completely on it at the very least. you are free to take things at your own pace but don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone once in a while, i almost never regret doing that. i wish you the absolute best anon
We have masturbation at home
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i did not realize it was so late wow it's way past my bedtime
good night
The Northman is a pretty good movie
would you rather be bald or 5'7?
goodnight, thanks for your words
I'm 5'7" (170cm) already (and I have a thick, yet mature head of hair at 30 years old).
so would you rather be bald and 6'4?
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Nah I'm good.
the thing is i can see that bio being attractive to women even if he was ugly
I imagine it would be better to be tall and bald than to be a manlet with a full head of hair
t. tall with hair
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Watched this tonight with the gf
>watching an R-Rated Christmas horror film in September
I'm thinking based.
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I remember convincing my mom to rent this for me when I was a kid. It had the biggest boobs I had seen up to that point.
It was honestly written better than most of the recent movies that have come out. Albeit there were a lot of flaws in logic but it was kind of expected for that kind of movie
damn bro you were STARVING
Quick question why are you Brazilian?
i dont know if dominos here is the same as anywhere else but this shit is kind of ass and overpriced, local pizza place is better
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because i was born here
That's pretty cringe. I'd be embarrassed if I were you.
could be worse, i could be indian
Oh, God forbid, man.
nice break from playing video games all night, now time to start playing video games all day.
My kitty just asked for scritches whereupon I gave her some very satisfying scritches and then she flopped herself down purring loudly and is now drifting off to sleep
Canada has become so dogshit and jeeted that I’m pretty sure I’d rather live in Brazil lol
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You know there are majority white cities in Canada right? Just move to Chilliwack.
There are only two genders.
White and Christian.
Listening to Metallica
I don't like metallica
This says a lot about society
That's too bad, they're great.
I can see this country chudding the fuck out very soon.
i know i said id go out and get a relationship today but this attractive woman was going to the gym today with full lips and blonde hair, staring at me from way far away and i was like wtf
I think it's crazy that a promotional website set up in 1999 for a film that came out in 2001 is still up and running in 2024.
What movie?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy. TheOneRingdotnet has been exhumed for Amazon's fan fiction sloppa.
i should've gone to chemical engineering college, it was what i initially wanted before settling for computer incel college, just now learning that it's a bomb ass career that makes lots of money, what could've been
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sup /cum/
You have reached your yap limit. Yapping time is OVER.
You're all missing the bigger picture
God looked down on me and said "hm I will give him hair that is naturally frizzy and disgusting but looks perfect if he takes a freezing cold shower, then uses a straightening iron on it when it's dry. Because I haven't given him enough humiliation rituals already"
How is straightening your hair a humiliation ritual? At least you have the good sense to style it and make it look good.
who doesnt just want to suck a big dick and play with it if its clean and you dont have to put it in any other hole
because it's for women.
Imagine being so fragile that you would purposefully make your hair look like shit because you are afraid of what other people think. Grow up and be a man
i'm not that fragile, i use the straightening iron that's the point. i'm just whining about it.
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some niggas are born into this world with a perfect head of hair and a strong jawline and a clear talent for writing and they still somehow get famous for being one of the most depressed niggas in history

rat lookin nigga
Would it be gay if we did a cum meet up and just jacked off together? Like not touching each other just watching the same vid, talking and whacking like bros.
Communal edge sesh.
That’s so Kafkaesque
I missed it >>202222222
he looks kind of incelish
More like bugcel
(High iq people will get it)
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This picture is unnerving
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There are no black people in North Korea.
Wish we have no jeets
I want to have sex with a beautiful (!) Indian woman
we love white women around these parts
Why are Brazilian women such a major force in the online foot model community
went on a tinder date and it sucked

she kept talking about traveling and private school to the point where i thought she might be rich

stalked her online for an hour until i found her dad, she has a really common name so it was hard, and he owned two bike rack stores that got bought out. not bikes, bike racks for your car. probably sells like 2 a month

fuck me
she's sending you signals that she wants you to take her travelling and enroll her in a private school
Grim what the fuck we have at least three or four brands at our stores

honestly i have a massive crush on a girl at work and these tinder dates are just me beating around the bush (i wish i could beat around her bush)
the problem is the girl at work is like an 8/10 and we have a little chemistry and she once asked me to join her and some colleagues for a comedy show, but i'm a 5/10 and the gap is just insurmountable.

if she were just a 7/10 it'd be reachable but as an 8/10 i'd have to be alex honnold to climb this gap
person using their own brain a little bit and Terence Howard is hoping that
you're not one of those people that think for themselves for some reason we've entered the age where people don't trust experts anymore the individuals
that have dedicated their lives to a certain subject like math now have the most scrutiny from the average ordinary
person thinking that they're wrong and Evil there must be like a puppet mask behind the scenes controlling the experts instead the average person would
rather put their faith in someone that has never studied math and never done anything properly in the subject that
>Honnold is a vegetarian, and he does not drink alcohol or use drugs.[13] Between climbs, he runs or hikes to maintain fitness.[1] He is an avid reader with interests in classic literature, environmentalism, and economics, and he describes himself as an anti-religion atheist[35][36] and a feminist

he really withdrew from society for decades, isolated in a camper van climbing rocks and reading classic literature, and he emerged an anti-religion feminist atheist vegetarian. good grief
He doesn't do anything anti religious or feminist
He just climbs walls
Who cares
Mom is yelling at me for not monitoring my work email 24/7 on a Friday night and Saturday morning
Might need a day job or two. I can't keep living in my parents' house. This is getting intolerable sometimes.
i feel like you rate mine yesterday as more Karen but the results wre better. i will try to incorporate my past performances though
if things keep getting worse might have to start thugging it in the streets
No reddish toilet water despite substantial alcohol consumption last night
Cum isn’t kosher
I wish I were a zoomer
Then I could say "Zoom zoom, baby"
im old and busted, theres no hope for me
I still don't understand American property tax. Why do you have to pay a tax for owning a property?
Freedom ain’t free
Cooked eggs in a new cast iron pan and im currently eating
>I still don't understand American property tax.
This is because you don't property because Britain not only has property taxes but has much higher property taxes
he doesn't climb walls though
We don't have a property tax
Just say that you don't own property
Yes you pay a council tax if you live in a council for bin collections, police, fire, etc.
>In the UK the ownership of residential property or land is not taxed, a situation almost unique in the OECD.
You can own property in the UK. You do not pay a tax for owning a property.
26 and khhv
it's just another way of taxing wealth, because so much of our upper class stores their wealth in real estate.
there are some people with houses they could sell at almost any time for $8 million who make the same salary as people who rent. obviously if you believe in progressive or pigovian taxes you should tax the homeowner
Rock walls whatever
Was a khhv at 27 until very passionate making out about a month ago
what's the point of living if you're not a trust fund baby
My parents are here on most weekends
They have little to no schedule or plan most of the time and it drives me up the wall. They sometimes skip breakfast or lunch or eat like an hour or more later than is sane.
secret product and a trench


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Stiry fry ratpedo in a wok
i like honnold, i had a chudout from working in STEM surrounded by colleagues who are just as full of superstitutions, delusions, and biases as anyone else despite possessing a wealth of modern scientific knowledge.
just makes me roll my eyes when they shit on religion and creationism.

not that science relies on faith, but many modern scientists certainly have faith in things like topological quantum computers or positive gain fusion reactors or supersymmetry or tests of quantized GR or else they'd quit their jobs
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>rode my bike to work for 1.5 miles
>had to make multiple stops to rest and ended up just walking the bike the last third
>legs on fire, short of breath, feeling nauseous
how the FUCK do people do this every day
Going to a crazy expensive appliance store for some demos today
you are severely mentally ill
fun fact, distances are roughly 4 times easier on a bike than running.

so what you did was the equivalent of running 5 blocks. You are so fat you could not run five blocks without taking breaks and getting sore and shitting and throwing up

you fat fuck. you jelly factory tubby wubby big fat twit cunt basterd
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I'm not fat, I'm skinny and very sedentary
This is why God invented cars
i take it back then
I can't drive because of disability. Why do you think I'm riding a bike nigga
you can't drive a car because of disability but you can ride a bike? what is your disability a revoked driver's license?
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Me? My BMI is below 25 and I'm therefore better than 75% of all Americans
managed to avoid a hangover desu desu
I have seizures. Much less likely to kill someone on a bike than in a 4000 lb Ford pickup truck at 60 mph
fair enough
prostitution is literally legal in your country, you can fuck 10/10 as long as you're wealthy enough, holy fuck you don't know how good you have it I'm getting tired of your behavior
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as if you couldn't, you're the one making excuses not to mention the best of best whore where i am is 6 out 10 at most
dont reply to fatpedo
don't reply to british flag subhumans
I dare toby to only post in this thread from now on, he cant because hes too scared lol :/
>as if you couldn't
yeah it's not legal here
>best of best whore where i am is 6 out 10 at most
I've been on brazilian prostitution sites before out of curiosity and many were far better than 6/10
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>/cum/ nibbas haven't filtered the brit flag
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toby insisting this run be disqualified because the vomit stained dirty cigarette butts still have plenty of life in them
>samefagging this hard because his thread is dead because he scared everyone off being a redditor control freak subreddit emulator faggot

you are cancer
i cannot stress this enough

no i am not mousenonce
i simply identify massive faggots and you are one of the biggest
your kind are the worst
kill yourself
you are worth less than shit
even the shitposters on /brit/ are atleast sometimes accidentally funny
not you
you contribute nothing
again, kill yourself
do you browse this general 24/7? literally every single time anybody trash talks a brit flag you have to come in and smugly talk about filtering them, like you think you're cool because you know about filters, gratz bro kill yourself
tantrum initiated
A tranny is a ferocious, dangerous thing. Combine the irrationality and hostility of a woman's mind, with the obsessive motivated malignancy of a man. Couple that with tendon strength, broad shoulders, and a 6' height, you have a recipe for the modern super-predator.
I hate beer
im hungry
gonna get bojangles for breakfast
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One day I'm gonna get rich and buy Marlon Brando's skeleton and shitpost with it
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Browsing /cum/ in the morning
hi /cum/

im not currently posting here. its spainparasite. i thought he was being quiet in /brit/ but he has been letting it simmer over so i came here to check. even fat knows it isnt me
spainparasite is a fucking retarded, literal downsyndrome parasite and he cant help himself. this is all he does - if not here then in /brit/. he has no personality of his own, you see

for the record, this is spainparasite on a US proxy (which you cant filter). the other UK flag actually said "i not toby"
he does also avatarflag in /brit/ with CA and all kinds of other flags. hes a parasite

thank you
Elder says a mask worn too long becomes your face
who cares

you have been posting about microwaving your urine for like seven months now, get a grip you fucking loser
gigatantrum lmao
I watch American gay porn these days. And I realized America has the best gay porn in the world. I think you guys should watch gay porn if you don't watch them yet.
Elder would not permit a microwave in the house
But then we showed him hot pockets
Elder is wise, but he can learn, too.

this is him on the CA flag
until you rid yourself of the need to wear it.
you sound so cute anon
but anyways
why do you sleep nakey?
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I just watched this segment on TV about an American lady who opened a Kansas style BBQ (whatever that implies) place in Frankfurt.
Are those prices adequate? I would like to try but honestly the price tag puts me off a little.
German Rewe supermarket workers be like
>milk is in aisle 7 and for the face sitting here’s my number
Finally a REAL esport
Nig nogs
wanted to relax at the cafe and study and then a family of parents + FOUR children come in and the kids are screaming and crying lol
getting nutted in tonight
Let’s see about that
Don't you look back on your 40+ years of life and lament the amount of time you've wasted on porn?
You could have accomplished your dreams or found love or purpose. Is cooming alone in your room and sexpatting until you die your purpose?
How is he gonna recover from that?
>cyclist driving downhill on the road (as is legally required; illegal to ride on pedestrian sidewalk)
>road is full of gravel because the city is slacking off on street sweeping
>cyclist approaches a T-intersection where he is to continue, while people coming from the I street (with a stop sign) have to stop and wait for people going through the - street
>SUV from I street runs through a stop sign, speeding
>cyclist quickly reacts by braking and attempting to turn into the - street to avoid getting hit
>braking on gravel causes cyclist to lose control and fall to the right
>cyclist is moderately wounded, phone smashed, clothes ripped, bike guts are moderately damaged
>SUV is gone. doesn't even stop to see if everything is alright
who was in the wrong here
nothing to see about its happening
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my lease expires soon and I don't know where I'm gonna go lol
I wanna spend a month at a ski resort before I travel around to find where I wanna stay properly but resorts don't open until like november
Peterson niggas b like
>These benzos too spicy!!
Porn rocks
Don't you think you should grow out of it eventually? Most older men do. They find something more meaningful. What makes you different? Do real women find you unattractive?
bro i dont wanna see some old dude talking over it, give me the original clip
Hammond, you idiot
70% of divorces are initiated by women
Porn is meaningful because sex work is real work and by my consumption I’m supporting marginalized sex worker women in achieving financial freedom
my therapist says you guys are toxic

>samefagging this hard because his thread is dead because he scared everyone off being a redditor control freak subreddit emulator faggot

you are cancer
i cannot stress this enough

no i am not mousenonce
i simply identify massive faggots and you are one of the biggest
your kind are the worst
kill yourself
you are worth less than shit
even the shitposters on /brit/ are atleast sometimes accidentally funny
not you
you contribute nothing
again, kill yourself
prices look high, but you probably get a lot of food
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>my therapist says you guys are toxic
I'm the most sane and stable poster here
I'm cuddling with a little doggy
I'm sorry for bullying you
Not that much thought went into this. 1 family + 3 children. Where are they supposed to move when a house is like $1.5 million bucks. So the plan was literally to send these kids south to work in the oil rigs and live in a gulag, im not joking that's literally their only option. All the street names are actually named "kill yourself" if you look closely.
I'm quick to up this glock and turn a nigga to a throwback
Oh boy another schizo
Well I'll see you guys later tonight then
Our parents were pedos who had us for their pleasure and when we got old they ship us away
Literally that was their entire plan. They KNEW there was no future because there's literally not enough houses, it's basic as fuck math.
made that post like two hours ago tobester, settle yo ass down!
I was literally a child prostitute from van lol. Sold to slavery when we're done highschool. Literally zero chance of moving up, you have no choice, they kick you out of the lower mainland.
So yeah, the lower mainland is like a child prostitution ring pretty much. The math doesn't support it. These people are having kids that don't have any future there, guaranteed 100% 2/3rds of all children born here have to leave.
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This is going to be my girlfriend soon
what i don't get about schizos is why they can't ever put all their ideas into one long post. it's always a deluge of 50 or a hundred short ones
I don't habeeb it
seems my street is once again having a fair that blocks off every side street
god dammit how am I gonna take the bus
They are totally compulsive, they don't think before they act, they are closer to animals behaving on instinct
Whatever it is that makes them human is all disordered
This country looks down on spending and reckless driving so bad that if you get caught doing over 150kph you make the news.
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is this what diversity looks like in burger country?
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is this what binlandese women look like in Suomi country?
lol burger country
I think I hurt fk feelings and now I feel bad
atleast she is not obese like you faggot
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why are you so mad? Im not insulting her

Finns are like cornered little autistic bunny rabbits
I did
FK needs to be bullied, he's an autistic footfag
Words to live by
I don't mind the autism or foot faggotry, he's just suuuuuch a fucking porn brain rotted coomer
>I don't mind the foot faggotry
kill yourself
I think you're just jealous that he's a sex haver
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Why do you always accuse people of being jealous of fk? It's weird, what could possibly motivate you to be his cheerleader
he goes to brothels and SEA to fuck whores, anybody could do that
it's fk on a proxy
someone make a non goshpedo new
part and parcel of living in a high trust monocultural society

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