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> hfw she sees your /cum/, edition
Previous: >>202234843
We wouldn't have any problems in the world if the US had a fuckable president
blue no matter who
>>202242470 #
i'm fully serious, i even know where to source all raw materials and production
>>202242498 #
thank you, my career will really pop off once i start making deals with the devil
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Yes chef
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Do you remember when Obama released the bees?
>he's so attention starved he reposts his gay shit
lmao brian the fag
you are just as bad if not worse than the schizos because you feed them incessantly
why do you keep reposting this? it's not interesting or funny
It's totally funny motheryaar.
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Is mad libs popular in North Americs?
disgusting straight men gives me a boner >>202242743
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I'm gonna spend way too fucking much money on my kitchen
It's ok because you guys can stay over for a week or two if you need to
I guess if you're a redditor it might be
whats the name of that song that sounds like a whistler increasing in pitch?

*phweeeeeeeeeee PHWEEEEEE da da da da da phweeeeeee phweeeeeeeee*
if everyone were like me society would collapse
most people know what they are, but i don't think they're common for people above elementary school ages.
Shepherd tone
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We're doing alright
Little jiving on a Saturday night
Come what may
We're gonna dance the day away

anybody know this groovy tune?
like how a child cries for attention, the schizo reposts slop upon receiving (You)s. he was given attention initially and continued posting. me and you have guaranteed it to be posted again next thread by discussing it. do us both a favor and ignore it next time
too much pain
It's not Joever. It has only Kamensed.
its an EDM song

Id vocaroo it but theres literally a sound stage right next to my apartment atm
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you just described third world countries
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sooo true
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Repost because true
At camp we did those often in the evenings. They turned out exactly how you'd expect from a bunch of 14-15yos.
Imagine killing this guy and putting his head on a stake on your Minecraft server
i've got tenants
this is gonna bug the shit out of me

doooooooooooooooooooo didi didididi dooooooooooooo, doo doooooo didididididi dooooooooooo
my old job fired my favorite coworker when they found out her cancer came back
Vocaroo it please
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I need to breed a blonde white Utah girl
but no bitches

Kamala is a qt patootie
they want chad, not some finnoswede mongol mutt goblino
they don't look like that
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this OF slut lives in LA
you're my bitch
Una delicia
drinking a drink we normally make for canada but the labeler fucked up the expiration dates so i got to take it home instead, very unique taste
Drinking a Belgian tripel
they want brazillians
I me mine I me mine I me mine
sometimes i feel like the synth on the ship in fallout 3, everyone thinks i'm a regular dude at work when in reality i'm a borderline freak living off the land and freaking out normies
Short men have a couple of physical advantages over tall men. A stocky, short man is better able to push heavy objects uphill.
its super funny
Release the Bees! XD
i wouldn't hate mexicans if they weren't so obnoxious
This land is your private property? That's cool. How long did it take you to create it?

Oh, you didn't? Well, how long did it take the guy you purchased the land from to make it?

Oh...he didn't either? Well maybe the guy he bought it from built it???
The most common everyday instance of short men being more capable is in pushing vehicles out of a sloped accident zone.
Coping with being a manlet by performing sisyphean tasks
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i may be an incel but even so obese women and single moms are beneath me
good song anon, I'm going to bookmark it
What can I do for fun that doesn't cost money and doesn't involve drinking?
beat me to it
parks, outdoors stuff, museums, skateboarding, surfing, gay sex
knuckle push ups and shadowboxing
> beat me
*huff huff*
One such incident happened at the workplace last month. A tall colleague had trapped a utility cart on a sloped hill into the bushes. The incline was severe. He was not able to push it up the hill. A short, stocky man pushed it up. This occurs because of the short man's centre of balance being lower, and weight anchoring him to the ground so that more weight could be applied to the cart.
Sexo con spinster
>molcajetes as anchors for the ez up
based beaners lmao. also you should set up some usa tents on the other side instead of hiding up in the attic like an incel. set up some friendly banter and immerse yourself in the community that will otherwise run you out of that cuckshed within the next decade
A tall man, especially a thin one, has to apply more strength to standing up and not being pushed back by an object on a hill when pushing uphill.
wish i were living in a cuckshed in the hustle and bustle of the big city
Go for a rip
square faced germanic queen
That was pretty fun. Now what do I do?
make music
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thinking about buying one of those anime pillows
jason is spinster. you want to have sex with him?
I played a doorbell sound effect for my cat, and she immediately looked up and towards the front door. I don't have a doorbell and I don't think she's ever even heard a doorbell sound before.
very weird and gay gimmick you have, ma'am
filthy whore
people born in 2005 are 20 now...
no they aren't
...4 holes?
jason has been gay posting since long
and fucked 32 dudes
fucking whore
this is a normie general
virgins can go to /r9k/
just because you've spent the last 15 years in front of a screen doesn't mean the rest of the world stops aging, chud
her hand is a hole
but then she'd have 5 holes...
What do normies do on Saturday nights?
i wish it was 15
normies can kindly fuck off
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incels OUT
if she uses both hands it becomes one hole
but you only see one hand in the picture
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>/cum/ posters don't know about the 4th hole
real answer?

she's got a YUUGE belly button
/cum/ is for everyone
normal people
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browsing tinder with safedate™ datascrouge® addon and opponent has this sleep cycle
red flag?
i hate women so much
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i love women so much
i love anime
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damn chinese holding their stupid concert right at the intersection of my apartment
>loves me a lot listed last
that's what you get for being a faggot lmao
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I don't hate women for their retarded unrealistic expectations. I hate them because they act as though their inability to find a partner that meets these requirements is someone else's fault
nonsensical post
i am literally all of these things except for "loves running" but i'm still a khv.
you're clearly not all those things then
>self made in a 300-500k position
does this bitch really think you can get jobs like that without nepotism or trust fund tier financing?
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I LOVE hard liquor, but it does not love me back
no she’s just a retarded narcissist
she’ll never be happy and end up strung out and neurotic at 50 with nothing to show for it
This could be me in a couple of years
i love nyc
yeah but it won't be
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Do you feel love?
literally me exxept i have blue eyes
this is not even that outlandish. get better ragebait where she says seven figures and at least 6'4. she's just describing an ideal anyway, you probably have a dream gf in your mind that puts average women to shame
i feel power and control
love is a subset of that
just ripped a NASTY fart that got me feeling woozy

had to open my window
my dream gf is my mom but not my mom, you know what i mean?
i'm doing black magick on them at this very moment as i type this
>this is not even that outlandish.
of course it is. Less than 1% of the population fulfills that
my gf qualifications:
>don't be a whale
>want kids
>don't have any bastards
>don't cheat
that's pretty much it, i've already given up on the loving me back requirement
what a waste of food
that was a whole days wages for him too
me? im a volcel
my gf qualifications
>be pretty
>be nice to me
it's just coconuts, gun powder, sulfur, salt, hot peppers, guinea peppers, their names and address inside the coconuts, black wax, and black thread
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no one cares what you want loser
+ ginger
>using indigenous rituals to curse indigenous people
good luck with that
my gf qualifications
>boost my status and appeal in the eyes of friends and family
my gf qualifications
> have a good job
> be white
> wants kids
is that really too much to ask
who asked
yo momma
I'm looking for a white woman between the ages of 20-30 who is not overweight or obese and has no kids
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find this?
i've done this EXACT curse on 4 other people before and it has worked every time
adding canada to the filter list, the garbage to good post ratio is simply too skewed to warrant keeping em around
how do you know it worked huh
and yet there are 3 people in this thread of probably 60 posters who claim to attain to it
playing devil May Cry.
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In other news, streetwalkers are finding it hard to stand out these days, because modern women wear so very little clothes as part of their normal wardrobe.
An ugly fat homosexual from /lgbt/ is trying to spread rumours that I'm ugly and fat and that's why we "broke up" (we didn't have a relationship) when he is in fact fatter than me and probably uglier. But I'm just not inclined to stir shit up over there nor to tell people they're ugly and fat nor to gossip. Here is fine because no one knows what I'm talking about and I won't elaborate
had to do the same to the bahamas. quite sad.
and three of them were lying
I'm canadian
we dont care
coincidentally, many girls ive liked have similar skin tones and wear glasses similar to my mom
That's the point.
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Has anyone on /cum/ been to a ballet or opera before? I think I need to step up my cultural sophistication if I want to land a baddie.
i fucking hate this cat
shut the fuck up schizojeet
it's a well known trait
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cats are good, pure and cool.

only retards hate them
theres something about this cat
if you tell a woman you like ballet they're going to think you're a homosexual
yes, it's been a while but i went to an opera as a youngin. i've been meaning to go to another one, they're very fun imo. the performers all take it very seriously. i've been to more plays than i can count too since my sisters used to star in them
i've seen it manifest. it makes the person violent and explosive to the point where it forces them to move out.
i've done it on my mom's tenant
i don't hate my mother as a person, but there's virtually no trait of hers that i would want in a partner.
modern women are based cause they make sexless chuds seethe
they are cool and sophisticated just like me
unlike mutts
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women don't care about that. They care about your height, your income (30/hr? no chance) and your status.

ballet and opera are just status games to them.
you go out of your way to feed them and clean up their poopoo, you're a subservient janny in their eyes. not very sophisticated, in fact the opposite
What a bitter and reductionist view of the opposite sex. You do know that women are people that can have interests and hobbies right?
I theorize it's mostly true when the mother has played a significant role in the son's life
someday you'll stop being an incel and understand, but today is not that day I guess.
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cats are very cool and sophisticated. that's' why the egyptians loved them
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did millenials really
sick and tired of women
midwit projection, wake up rere
watching destiny
Sounds a bit old for Mad Libs lol
I think I did those when I was like 6 or 7
they use younger girls in the chats
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tomorrow is mexico's national holiday but it was cancelled in more than half of the country because of the drug war
lol. chudbros we got too cocky
>jason is spinster
This would be really funny, but I don’t believe it
thank you sergeant alfred j killjoy
still don't know how to identify a spinster post

should i look for emoticons or ~

what do women and gays mean by adding ~ at the end of sentences anyway
ueah thats why a lot of them get really suspicious when they see the girl
i want to visit the beaches of tatatatamaulipas but those fuckers are never not at war
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please take your cousins back
>tfw I’m too tall and born rich
It’s so over… :((((
kill him, there is nothing to celebrate.
If you buy yellow bananas at the store you're a fool. You need to buy the green ones so they can finish ripening at home.
VGH the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of the bit SHITTY
they're chilling, happy in the streets while you seethe in your mom's apartment using their magick in hopes they leave. embarrassing really
Proxy off, Brian
i've finished my curses i just have to take them outside now
ayo dis nigga making coconut bras for hisself and his man boobs!
chicago is nice just don't live around mexicans
they will leave. there will be destruction and chaos.
ain't me
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I went to the farmer's market today and there was just plain down-to-earth white folks.
what does the devil's coconut do?
see >>202244895
In Canada, we cancel our national holiday because it’s seen as too nationalistic and chuddy; that Canada should be condemned as a “settler-colonial white supremacist state” (if only LOL)
>there will be destruction and chaos
there will be 4 moldy coconuts on the ground in about a week's time, unless the garbage man throws them away sooner
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my favorite farmers market in chicago is run by ukrainians. which is funny because i thought they were amish cause it's in the name but they just buy from the amish in indiana
you don't know the power of afro-caribbean sorcery. everything is energy.
jokes aside I have a friend who dresses like that, his therapist told him that he only does it to get some attention.
Don’t you have to grow out an afro to practice their magick
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it is the duty of the white man to have sex with asian woman
Brian be like "wooo ooo oo, I put my chi in these coconuts"
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cant stop thinking about this poor girl getting bullied by chuds
explain the current state of literally every caribbean island being a shithole if their magic is all powerful
understandable, I would shoot in the ground to scare everyone to be quiet, it works.
to make gentlemen?
Imagine if everyone in the U.S. had nuclear bombs. It’d be chaos. Aryan societies are only orderly and functional because exclusively the upper echelons are powerful mages, and the plebs are kept in the dark.
we pop shots too to keep out californians and left leaning women. they can stay in the containment cities
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l see a leaf, l hide the post. simple as
for canada yes sad but i dont grieve they voted for it
i need a submissive asian wife
the ones that are just Caribbean are ok, the ones that are afro...well not so great.
A few years ago, I had a prostitute move in the next door apartment, and she’d be screaming while getting fucked almost 24/7. Eventually, I figured out I could get her to shut the fuck up by blasting Islamic nasheeds at full volume (not Muslim; it’s just funny)
did you ever jerk off to her moans
No, I don’t find it erotic to masturbate to another man fucking the whore neighbour while I sit in a cuck chair on the other side of a wall
at least im white
I wonder how much you'd hate sex if you did it constantly
well i would have jerked off to it
I imagine she must have been all raw and sore down there from doing it all the time. I don’t think the human body is designed for sex that constant. A few times a day is one thing, but all the time? She didn’t even seem to sleep; maybe she was up all day and night on meth or something
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i will never have a hapa gf and that bothers me immensely
im glad youre suffering
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we use british spelling here
get yourself some trans from the favela or something.
megumin might be smart but she still needs a spanking
boohoo nigga
do i give a fuck? no
edibles have been taken
It’s not really particular to the United Kingdom. American spelling is different because Americans did a spelling reform, so there’s American spelling, and normal English spelling that’s used everywhere else that speaks English
dude weed
Because Americans are smarter than europoors and their hangers on
finns are mongols so it wouldn't even be racemixing to impregnate a japanese or any asian girl
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do me a favor and dial 516-922-WINE
people here are starting to use thc vapes trafficked from the usa.
for me it's a cuppa tea
>Oregon DMV mistakenly registered more than 300 non-citizens to vote since 2021
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You’re more your own thing than Mongols per se THOUGH
PLEASE remember to not insult Mexican-Americans and Mexican immigrants anymore. We're trying to turn them against black Americans, and our efforts will be for nothing if we keep treating them no better than we treat black people.

Yes, obviously we'll also sweep the Mexicans out of the country down the road, but we have to be realistic and defeat one enemy at a time. We can't take on the whole invasion at once.

>Mexicans = Good, future Republicans = befriend for the time being.
>Black people, Central Americans, White lefties = evil = time to put in camps???
black people have been here since the founding though
i dont care
I hate them because they are the assholes who bring illegal weapons for the narcos here.
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come home white man
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VGH, the whores of finland...
the only true americans are the original anglo settlers and their slaves
I don't know why this content is recommended in my account, who the fuck is watching this?
If you look at the longer term trends, the real migrant crisis in America will turn into an East Asian, South East Asian, and South Asian problem, like Canada. Net migration to/from Mexico is negative, and the African American population has sub-replacement fertility. You need to close the floodgates to Asia, or you’re going to experience a leaf-style jeetpocalypse
The helots weren’t counted as true Spartans. Farm equipment doesn’t get a say in how things are run, nor a claim to in-group identity.
the problem with /s/ is that more modest looking girls are very rare, like most of it is onlyfans bimbos
you cant get addicted to weed
>their slaves
No. They were 3/5s of an American.
negro worshipper
cope. black americans are real americans
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No one answered my state-to-live-in question today.
I have failed
Thinking about how the N cattle preferred 1/4 pounder burgers to 1/3 pounder burgers, as they didn’t understand how fractions work
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yeah, I know, just some silly joke to counter the elliot rodger argument
if I were move to USA I would unironically live in these place or alaska
black americans were here before you
you can get addicted to literally any substance that provides a dopamine hit. doomscrolling, food, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, etc
if you are talking about the continent, technically we have been here longer.
That's because nigs don't know math, so they see 4 and go "That's bigger than 3".
i will explain after i drop these off. i need to do this before the sun sets.
Wrong, I’m founder stock patrician
Embutido cárnico
live in a state of despair, incel
are you an eskimo?
you can tell this guy is a negro
timmy too afraid to say the n word lol
no they're not and also go back to red.dit
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the one in the middle just won the miss suomi national beauty pageant
Taconig, you're part Spanish and Portuguese.
chuds can't handle truths
And now what? You throw them to the people?
There's a big difference between conquering an uninhabited continent and turning it into the single wealthiest and most powerful nation in the history of the world, and illegally migrating to an already-developed nation to sign up for welfare.

Goddammit. Every time I see a Honduran or a Haitian or a Filipino, I just want to bash their stupid face in. They know nothing of what it's like to build something of their own. All they want to do is coast off the hard work of others.
why are they making such weird faces and also it's racist for them to not be black women
No. Also, the Eskimos/Inuit are Siberians who only settled what’s now Nunavut around the 1400s, around the same time that the Norse were active in the area. There were other people there before the Inuit, but the Siberian Eskimos killed/replaced them, and settled the land.
>waiting out the mexicans so they don't see you walk out with your incelcoconuts
>also it's racist for them to not be black women
That's why they won a beauty pageant.
and a portion amerindian, so we've been here longer.
gonna laugh if brian gets shot by a bunch of mexicans
>All they want to do is coast off the hard work of others.
It’s called stealing our inheritance, which our ancestors built for us.
You're a mutt, not a pure blood. You have no claim to shit.
huh whatever happened to Esau

faintly remember he had something similar
whos drinking alcohol
no, Mexicans are supertitious, the devil's coconut would win.
but my great-great-great-grandfather was a nomad from the north, so we've been here longer.
It’s 3pm
The absolute, immutable truth of American race relations is that they need us. We do not need them, for anything. Literal paradise is on the other side of being free of them.
i am drinking flavored water with artificial sweeteners
You're not your great-great-great-grandfather, you have no claim to anything, mutt.
Schizojeet having a meltdown over the fact that he has to go back (and will)
This. If these dirty savages want the good life, they should work hard for it like our own ancestors did. We need to kill this attitude of entitlement we're seeing amongst today's migrants.
Where new
yes, I have
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where is it
>jeet calling others mutts
blacks built america
Pure white, fag.
No, you don't. You have as much of a claim as the rest of us.
we're not smelly brownies like you, freak
>No, you don't. You have as much of a claim as the rest of us.
I'll tell you something, I only go to the USA to buy cheap electronics, I wouldn't like to live there, maybe visit some friends in New York but nothing else, I am talking about mexico
are you drinking alcohol because you're depressed?
because it won't help.
They didn't, that's just some shit that people say.
*Shit that stupid people say
>are you drinking alcohol because you're depressed?
I only drink when I'm celebrating with friends and family.
Crazy how Africans built America, but Europeans had to build Africa for them
im getting cooked on reddit
Crazy how the Dominican Republic is pretty nice, but haiti is a shithole where they eat mud
im getting cooked by reality
Nig spotted. You're deflecting, because you know that white is right.
And you have no claim to being here first, as you're not a pure blood.
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Don’t forget eating each other :)
dr is a trash filled crime ridden shithole, why do you think they all come to nyc and see it as a paradise
>And you have no claim to being here first, as you're not a pure blood
I have been here first because my ancestors lived on this land first and my ancestors from europe came here before the english so if we have been here longer
for me it's last

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