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VOTE for the edish!
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ever been to an airport lounge?
Only time I'll vote
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Listening to Fightstar and feeling emotional
Me? Never.
get it fucking made
Think I'm made of money?
got cum on my lips
only cummed on my gf's face once and it was by accident
Did you cum on your face by mistake? I’ve done that twice
Biz idea: Skibbidi Chungus "Punk" for people who masturbate to cartoon charecters and have no concept of reality
it's cadbury's animal biscuits for me
Smoking on the tube
Smoking in the office
Smoking in the pub
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Thoughts on Marisa Tomei (59)?
smoking in the shower
smoking in the tub
Bring back cumming in pubs
(8) we're still obsessed like we just met
and when you fuck me it's crazy (8)
>Canslad is on the cans again
Need that runt inside a capsule that is shot into space and into the sun PRONTO
never cummed on any girls face
accident or otherwise
hi poojeeta a white man wants his white penis inside your brown pussy

this is literally why your family moved to England once they got over the disappointment of your gender

it's time to say yes poojeeta

warm white blood filled penis inside your hot hot brown poojeeta pussy
girl move on
woe is me lads, put the rest of me money into the slots, "surely there's no way i lose again". but i did, now i have no money in me account for the next week. no food until then. woe is me, woe is me.
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>move out
>have no parental oversight
>drink on every night that isn't a worknight
ahh this is how it begins
going to turn into my dad
still got a megacraving for something sweet. want ice cream NOW
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When is Nintendo going to finally admit that they hid an entire half of Super Mario 64 within the game itself?
my parents died and i wormed my way into a new family a year later
got £75k (AU$146,591) in the bank me
might move back in with mum for a year or two. cost of living is just too much. read earlier that they're getting rid of the 1-person discount for council tax... like ffs.
should put a bit on the slots mate
you eventually learn
you get to a point where you'll only drink on weekends, if you're lucky
you'll win next time lad keep at it
I have voluntarily licked my own cum as well
i didn't know this single person discount thing existed and so i'm pretty sure i overpaid my council tax last year
My wife’s boyfriend beat me up and cucked me again
how hard is it to train a cat
like training a woman
>move out
>have no parental oversight
>start eating healthy, reading books and cleaning regularly
God I fucking love not living in a house with a tv on 24/7 and eating beige frozen shit constantly
There's been 0 benefit for living alone in this country for years
malwarebytes found the culprit and nuked that critter
might do the same this year
sick of living with fat lazy stupid filthy parents
i already fucking did today, was up $2000 but i didnt fucking stop
>feeling emotional
Whats on your mind de lass?
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Even being mormon is no guarantee in stopping your wife being a whore now
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>move out
>have no parental oversight
>give myself a lethal dose of morphine instead
would considered moving in with gf but weve only been together 3 months. too early, and doing it for primarily financial reasons seems gauche.
>God I fucking love not living in a house with a tv on 24/7 and eating beige frozen shit constantly
i go back to mumbergs occasionally and the first thing i do is turn the tv volume down
deaf bitch
can i still do this if i moved out 7 months ago
when i used to do drugs and to post on /britfeel/ back in 2017 shipmanposting was very much in vogue
are you lot assets or liabilities, generally speaking
do you lot go into your parents room? never do me, just isnt right
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>mormon missionaries knock on my door
>audibly pump my shotgun
>they run away

that's right you freaks gtfo my property
no i live with my wife mate
my parents are DEAD
little known fact when you cry in a therapists office they wait for you to leave and then burst out in laughter
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Reject media propaganda
Just live your own life
how worthwhile are these when you've got a long-term gf/wife:
>going to stripclub
>hiring escort
>one night stand in different city/country
>workplace affair
>sleeping with her friend
>webcam sex
I don’t see why not. See if your council has a refund form thing or just email them
Oh yeah? Tell us more, grandpa
did any of you have complications at birth?
awash urban dart pass oath
as we are mail harpoons across west shore here
he made earlier warships afresh quash dot issues out
yeah micropenis
haha mate if he's been paying full rate for 7 months, thats on him, he's not getting a fuckin refund
fuck me haha
yeh, i was born, there's the true complication
Take it to
Sign of a weak relationship
councils don't give money back
i paid the full rate for 18 months and moved 7 months ago
escort and strip club only.

imagine if you end up falling for a woman you have an affair with, then you ditch your wife, move in with the affair woman, and it turns out you made a horrible mistake because she's not relationship material
don't tell me what to do you limey bastard
there was a guy called gorillachan that used to stream movies on fridays on a website that did it and we'd talk about it
that was cool
the doctor ripped my head off when he was pulling me out of the womb
Sort of. My mum had a C-section but I was apparently positioned with my arse to the uterus so when the doctor cut it he also cut my bum so I have a weird looking scar that stretched and grew as I did
too ugly for a wife me

parents are alive me
I love smoking. I was born 60 years late.
was there a studio audience there to provide a laughtrack?
Yeah they had to punch my mums belly to get me out ( I’m a big guy)
Councils do give refunds. Some councils have online forms for claiming refunds. It’s literally no different to claiming tax refunds you mongs
was born way prematurely and was on drips and stuff for like 3 months. ruined my immune system and i get sick really easily.
Oh how very subversive, a medieval man who's just like Richard Dawkins or Bill Hicks!
Mumberg dropped me on my head when I was born
Why dont you smoke this

*Pulls out my very small non erect penis*
reckon you were placentamaxxing while you were in there
nah a lot of guys are actually better husbands after a bit of infidelity. a bit of sly cheating is the thrill/excitement they need after years of only having sex with one person, and that thrill in turn makes them more romantic, giving and loving to their partner
he threw my head in his waste paper basket through a miniature novelty basketball net
>you've got a long-term gf/wife
stopped reading right there
You lads took any pills recently? for me
>homemade fried chicken pill
bullshit he left 7months ago he's not getting a penny
What did you think of Bill Hicks?
was a week late me, didn't want to come out :(
yeh an advil
Oh fucking shut up you incel mong
vitamin d pill
paracetamol pill
racial pride pill
sir its 1964 and thats illegal
What does Anglo fried chicken look like in terms of ingredients?
Can always crawl back in if you want
are you working class
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>Doctor said 'You gonna pick that up?'
>She said 'Pick what up?'
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Luv SEAs me
>homemade fried chicken pill
what do you do with all the oil?
i had a diazepam about 10 minutes ago. going to bed soon but will sit up for an hour or two till it helps me sleep
piss off
x1 20mg citalopram per day
any mediocrities in?
benzos are fucking grim, ended up having a seizure when i was doing withdrawltoil from them
fried chicken was invented by the scots, we introduced it to america
so really it’s us doing the original

anyway just used paprika, cayenne, garlic powder and cajun seasoning mix from morrisons. with salt and black pepper obviously
Yeah mate the government love overcharging people and refusing to pay them back. Always a good look for them when they steal residents money
flushed a slug down the toilet earlier. wasn't any of you lot, was it?
bizarre response
what is the smelliest city/town/village in britain
what? it's a genuine question.
Kier is literally releasing RAPISTS
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yes that's why everyone loves councils all the money they love giving back to people
Canadiah embassy
They take your money and waste it. If you have overpaid they will pay you back. It’s the one thing they don’t piss about with. Same as overpaying in tax. You get it back if you have actually overpaid.
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yeah im not really a big fan. probably take them once every week or two. shit scared of dependancy and withdrawals. ive done opiate withdrawals and they are bad enough but at least with them there is a timeframe for suffering through.
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I'll have to take your word for it then. I don't pay any taxes or have gainful employment.
intestine is retaining a poo in its possession right now. a poosession, if you well
put it in a plastic bag and throw it in the pale
Got the WCW Saturday night on
wonder what toby's been up to today
tobester, sit rep?
up to the last episode of Mad Men on my latest rewatch. such a top tier show.
proper benidorm knock-off that
Have you now? What year do you think it is, granddad?
>oiled up men in skimpy outfits rolling around with each other in a ring
not for me, that
Indeed, matey
Britain lower classes should be castrated
that episode made me bawl my eyes out
im the forgotten food at the back of the fridge...
Life is meaningless. Can't get my head around it. Wish I could just die of a cardiac arrest immediately.
rome ain't what it used to be
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Saw a fat balding speccy lad with actual gravy stains down his tshirt the other day.
Judged him really hard until I realised he was walking with his girlfriend/wife and I remembered that I’m alone. Very somber moment of self reflection.
most of the working class aren’t like that
the people in that photo are several generations of crackhead dole scum. literally lowest of the low, only gypsies and illegal immigrants are lower on the totem pole

most of the working class are nice people just 90iq and skint
are any of you working class but working with middle class people
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I don’t know the year
Yeah I just turn my accent off and avoid any questions about my childhood or family
was out with gfberg the other day for lunch and spilled gravy down my tshirt kek
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you suffer
love this webm. Got the one of the guy walking into a pub attempting to kick a football and falling over? Or the one of the guy belly bouncing his mate and he fall over?
working and middle class don’t really exist anymore in post 2008, especially post covid britain

you’re either rich or you’re not. electricians, nurses, teachers, council workers, civil servants all live on the same financed deanobox street all earning 30k a year and all watching the same entertainment, shopping at the same shops and drinking at the same pubs

even traditionally high payed jobs like doctors and accountants are stagnating and slipping
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no but have this one
just don't care enough to type the sort of stuff i thought of typing. "oh do you" would be your response. "yeah i do", my reply. what's the point.
Haven't seen that one haha. Rorke's da'
Think that might've killed him
you seem depressed
my parents are DEAD
clanking my shit to some curvy robots
Wont be able to watch another series for a couple of weeks. Nothing else matches up. For all the endless shit we get in the media about the USA it makes me love America. Even if it was a bygone era that probably never really existed.

It still gets me emotional even though i've seen it at least 6 times. Its funny but i prefer it now to when it came out. The Sopranos was my favourite show in my late teens and 20s. And I watched Breaking Bad during that time as it aired. Only watched Mad Men the first time just before the final season aired and I liked it. But now im in my 30s it resonates more and more with each rewatch. I honestly don't think it will ever be topped. Peak television.
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nevermind, depressed people don't get that emotional
Reddit wants you back freak
how is that a bad thing
fuck off you daft twat
miss him sm x
Got a multi tabbed browser. On both sites arent I
Don’t understand when I see fat people fall over and do that little stumble. Does the weight just overpower the normal human ability to not fall on your face?
watching a single show 6 times over, couldn't be me
womp womp
hasnt been a word invented that describes how much i miss him
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Yeah at my last job, but I don't sound working class or even look particularly working class. although its catching up with me. The new job i'm starting is very working class. Doubt i'll ever escape it now and might as well embrace it.
one of my least favourite british characters is the deano who had a very bad cocaine and drinking habit and a temporary break up with his mrs but has now got sober and recovered. climbing hills and normally doing something like boxing or mma. climbing hills. posting selfies on facebook about how much they have struggled and how they have “beat” their “demons”

know loads of lads aged 23-35 like this
no muscle whatsoever, just flab
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>my parents are DEAD
there's a really fit tranny in my area on tinder but i don't want to swipe right if they don't have a penis
no point shagging them if there's no penis
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what, precisely, is the problem with putting your parents in a home. Do you really want to be a caretaker for them until the day they keel over?
She has a 19650s American housewife look to her
yeah, good on them tbf
they raised you so the idea is you repay them and take care of them when they are old and infirm
and most people love their parents and would rather take care of them than entrust them to some business
>thinking humans will exist in the 19,000s
Dogs are not good pets. They're dangerous and unpredictable. Much like having a pet crocodile or gorilla.

Cats are a much more suitable pet and an excellent companion.
nothing wrong with it
just so basic and predictable. they’re all the same.
god i'd murder dozens for an ice cream tonight
desperately need some
Sucking a penis
its easier to get dogberg to do what you say
catberg is a loose cannon
Christ the southern accent is so jarring
Not the posh one but that middle class home counties one
Especially when it’s attempted to mix with MLE
why would you love parents who foisted a transactive, loansharking concept of childhood on you
>this thing you had no say in? you now owe me for it
Parentbergs be like “we gave you a roof over your head and food on the table”.
Yeah well done, you did the bare minimum not to have the council take your kids off you while you physically and emotionally abused me.
Read Ecclesiastes
that's enough for you canslad, bedtime
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Dogberg is a loose cannon. It might kill you just because it's having an "off" day.

Cats are never in the news for killing people because they're the perfect pet.
I know one in his late 30s. I like him but I dont want anything to do with him when he gets on the cocaine and drinking. It's getting sad. And this time I think the split with his mrs is final, they have been breaking up and making up as long as ive known him. Then he starts the work outs and becomes all business and family man again, until it happens again. Back on the cocaine and booze and mad benders. And I cant see him coming back from it this time.
what do we do now lads?
where do we go from here?
shut the fuck up
No she doesn't. Far too much muscle tone. Women didnt go to gyms in the 50s/60s.
the govt should really legalise drugs
would love to try ket, lsd, and shrooms in a safe, controlled environment
Onwards, Sir. Onwards.
Gaburger by Gezebelle Gaburgably toil
why does everything need to be transactional and individualistic with north americans?
soulless bastards

it’s what you do. it’s expected of you. and if you love them you’ll happily do it. even if you don’t i still would, no one else is going to take care of them. the duty to take care of your parents trumps any petty arguments you had with them in your youth.
glad i have a commoner essex accent mixed with just enough generic middle class southern accent to not have the annoying whine and the more annoying pronunciations
i have it common enough to be considered working class but middle class enough to not sound totally stupid
imagine one got you by the balls aha
No I won't you fat fucking retard. Sitting all alone on a Saturday night telling people to shut up over an image board. Get a fucking life you fat sack of shit.
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Only way is up I suppose
No point crying over spilt milk.
I'm da Joker baby!
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your parents were probably actually nice to you and didn’t do anything wrong but you want to blame your mediocre life and runt habits on them
>emotional abuse
Yank tier whining. Get a fucking grip.
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I wish I knew mate.
everybody you know laughs at you behind your back
have you cut your knob off yet
are you the bloke that got geared out his nut and was trying to challenge everyone in the thread to a fight at 10am a few months ago
was good craic that tbf
It's common knowledge that the sex of a skeleton cannot be accurately determined by its' bones.
Why aren’t women feminine anymore?
there is no working class anymore because
Hip size would determine a woman
I'm actually a well respected member of society.
Masculinity is based. Women know this.
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Women were slim. Due to malnutrition and smoking. But they had no muscle definition. In that advertisement the women are slim but soft. Your Ukrainian athlete had a toned hard body.
based digits praise kek and trump
Not conclusively. You can make assumptions but cannot definitively claim a skeleton belonged to either sex.
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Blessed quads.
Well pelvis then. No man has a pelvis large enough to deliver a baby.
lol wtf are you on about? men and women have different bone structures.
Need to get a gf soon
This is getting fucking ridiculous

I’m the only one out of my 8 close mates to not have a bird
Coming up on 2 years without a shag
I was beaten for not eating fast enough, making noise, laughing or smiling when they were in a bad mood or using the toilet after bedtime. Don’t really care if it’s yank tier. Children should know what it’s like to hug their parents or be told they are loved.
Clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Sex cannot be determined by a single feature.
Do you have a condition or something?
Have you been, maybe diagnosed with something?...
might book tonight and monday night in my local travelodge for a total of £100, but 5 grams of ket for about the same amount, and have a huge relapse sesh
of course it can you absolute nutcase
not my fault you had runt parents mate
It absolutely can
cope toil
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Good thing I bought two bottles of wine.
I'm a biologist lmao.
get back in the looney bin
he’s baiting you
how thick are you? christ
No. Do you? It seems like you are too autistic to comprehend what can be clearly observed.
you're a 27 year old incel MAN who lives with his mum and stack shelves at aldi
You have a surface level knowledge at best. Any forensic scientist can determine the sex of a skeleton almost immediately.
love alcohol
love weed, ket, gear and pills

not got any mental disorders
got a perfectly happy and normal life
i’m not coping
i don’t have addict genes

just absolutely love getting out my face and going mental on drugs
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No you aren't, aldi tranny freak.
aw hell yeaaaah! fuck yeaaaaah! you tell 'em !!!!!!!!!!
cute x
kill yourself
I said she has a 1950s American housewife look to her and you started going on about muscle definition or some shit when there is no muscle definition to be seen in the webm.
Do you want to re answer the question?
mental americans can’t legally drink or go to bars/clubs till they are 21
and they consider 6 bud lights a mental night
childish and embarrassing honestly
imagine full well knowing that trip is spain nonce and still replying to it and not having it filtered.
/brit/ just loves to encourage this behaviour.
same but hate the come down. feel like kmsing me'sen
Yankoids be like im just going to drive 2000miles to walmart
Let's not disappoint lad's, SQUAAAARK SQUUUUAR SQUUUUAARKK.Am a bird innit propper peckin ya head
cody and brad arguing over jessica and then having a particularly tense game of beer pong while hunter shotguns a coors
le spainnonce le spainnonce
le adam
fucking shut up
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My internal monologue
The fuck are you on about? The camera starts at her feet and pans upwards showing her entire body. She is wearing tight athletics clothing. The muscle definition is unavoidable. If you had said she wears her hair and make up like a 50s American housewife I probably wouldnt have disagreed. But you said "She has a 19650s American housewife look to her" which is completely incorrect. She doesn't have the body of a mid 20th century American housewife.
been told I look like a young david cameron
>Call out some dude being retarded
>He has a meltdown because he is psychologically unable to accept being wrong
mental how many interactions this describes over history
yooo cody duuude everyone is retarded but you bro
Kek this is me in here every day
Bro the jig is up you can stop now
That happens everytime I talk to some Unitedstatian lad.
because we're anonymous you can spew as much bull shit as you want and then forget you did that the following day.
bad habit that exceptional mongs even carry into the offline world.
I accept your concession.
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you guys said america was a hellhole
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>The virgin modern right: ...
>Me: they are demons and must be destroyed
lucky man embarassment aside
I dont want some weird guy on the internet who has a psychological inability to accept when they are wrong
There is no point in having conversation with people who are psychologically unable because of maladaptive personality characteristics.
Its very obvious you have a psychological dependency on the need to "win" arguments.
There is no benefit to be had in discussion with people who harbor those characteristics, they will refuse what is real even when they are wrong.
NEED a video of her talking about washers

i dont even know what a washer is
Washer yo penis
its not a case of INTEGRATION



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>i dont even know what a washer is
i'm voting harold saxon for primed minister
gently chuckling
Everybody who opposes me is ontologically evil.
mad how that was programming your brain to associate white SAXON men in power as bad
your ontologically gay mate
Your point was idiotic and contradictory. You have humiliated yourself and the flag that represents your entire nation. Next time you are playing with your guns do us all a favour and put a bullet into your skull and spare us your moronic ramblings.
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>primed minister
corr cute twink
give one example it sounds like your mad because you dont't win argument's
you used the word maladaptive so you should probably realise that your idea of an argument is maladapted your maa and paa screaming isnt true to the greek tradition
simple as
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edish for 11:20ish PM 14/09/24?
by a guest · 1 hour ago
ambrosia tinned rice pudding edish
22.22% (4 votes)
calf edish (leg)
22.22% (4 votes)
sellotape edish
16.67% (3 votes)
cadbury animals chocolate biscuits edish
16.67% (3 votes)
calf edish (cow)
16.67% (3 votes)
kia sportage
5.56% (1 votes)
andrex washlets
0% (0 votes)
potpourri edish
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 18

thanks lads for all your votes. and here it is... your combined ambrosia tinned rice pudding and calf (leg) edish OP image!
wish that was my willard
>kia poortage
Nah not really.
There is something wrong with you, you just arent capable.
You will create an argument out of nothing, lie about observably true facts and then frame it as if the other person is wrong.
You will do this because you are psychologically unable and it is all you can be.
calfmogs me!
Cooorrrr imagine a giraffejob with that long ass neck
>hurr durr this Ukrainian 21st athlete looks like my meemaw
That is how ridiculous you sound. Frankly I suspect you are a homosexual and blind to femininity because there is no other reason for you to make a point that is observably untrue and try to claim otherwise. You are a seriously pathetic cretin.
I look and say like that
corr some gucci-arse shidd dat

finkin may hafta spend 15-20 alone wiv the giraffe webm

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Corr nice one janman. Put that spacker in his place
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yay janny's here
Janbo had his finger on the button
based x

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