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Dixie edition
having a wank
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Evenin' my fellow Dixiecrats
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Black men are sex gods
what does this have to do with british culture?
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Southern chads are British by honorary decree.
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gonna go watch a movie bye chat xoxo
the confederacy was an enemy of the united states and an ally of the united kingdom
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>Former model and Miss Switzerland finalist Kristina Joksimovic 'pureed' in blender by husband
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Jackson in the valley,
Stonewall on the loose!
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Might move to Maryland and marry a local indian daughter of a tribal chief
This post is extremely racist, factually inaccurate, and doesn't relate to British culture.
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Best girl
>An 18-year-old man has been charged with murder after three people were found dead in a tower block in Luton on Friday.
Hmm pondering about his race
every time i drive down my street there's always a bird on the road and i have to slow down or swerve to avoid hitting it, one of these days i'm going to stop giving a fuck and just run them over
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Send them Yanks straight to hell!
/brit/ has voicelines now?
Alright George Costanza
severe autism
emus have you on the ropes again by the sounds of it
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I look like this
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lucky. i look like shrek
it's actually usually a pigeon, sometimes a plover
Just looking for your Fiona right?
Do you ever sleep?
You are literally always here
Rorke building sentries in the intel room
Leftypol scout rushing the enemy
chook schnitzel for lunch
corr phwoarr get that shit in me cunt
yh it been a while and i cant fiona her haha
i was a gamer. that's all you need to know
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>The year is 2014
>Everything is going to be alright
might start lying about my age (going to say i'm 21 when i'm actually 30)
not a criminal or anything like that, but if im a paranoid maniac and dont want my real phone number linked to any of my accounts, can i just buy a cheap prepaid sim to use as a burner number for verifications and that?
I will never forgive Yahweh if it turns out he's real, for making me be born as a hideous deformed disabled British boy instead of a cute Japanese girl.
Will be thankful to God he made me a middle class good looking British twink with a happy go lucky demeanour and a great drinking tolerance
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you're not 21 you're 30
this character was funny once in like 2008
dont really understand why he invented autogynephilia, quite an odd move all told
How to build IEDs
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hideously depressed
yeah but i could easily pass for 21 because i don't go out in the sun so my skin is as fresh as a daisy
Mental how the Nazis and Fascism are back (Trump, Reform UK, AfD, etc) and like basically 95% of people aren't alarmed at all and do not give a fuck or actively support it.
huuuurrrrr duuuurrrrr loook at me!
i'm not dumb but i can't understand why she walked like a woman but talked like a man
Alright go on then let's see you
read that pol pot didn’t even care about communism he was just genuinely evil and wanted to make as much people suffer as he possibly could
heh...sounds like the perfect communist heh
you'll just have to take my word for it m8
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hah chance would be a fine thing
vietnamese lies
Must be fun being too mentally retarded to give a fuck for understand history
just found out deep purple are british not yank
and velvet underground are yank not british
world's gone topsy turvy
Cant enjoy music knowing all of them have had more sex and better lives than me. How am l supposed to 'relate' to any of the lyrics when they our lives are so different?
>to give a fuck for understand history
ESL mode
speaking of evil, why do i want an absolutely awful woman that is sexy wearing black to torture me?
Arrest all zoomers
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>too mentally retarded to give a fuck for understand history
nature has fucked us all
In the killing fields of Cambodia the Khmer Rouge had a dedicated tree used to kill newborns, babies and toddlers, by lifting them by their legs, and repeatedly slamming them against it's trunk until the child was dead.
centrists, conservatives and social democrats have abused western society for so long that its become no that bad an idea to some people
mental really
this is why I listen to Radiohead. I see Thom Yorke and believe him to be capable of suffering. Ones that struggled with drug addiction and died via overdose are good too
Tutsi liar!
scheduling a replay of deus ex: human revolution for 3 years from now in the year that it's set in (2027 (which by the way is only 3 years from now))
every native anglophone is de facto a yank in the 21st century
This thread is full of monged zoomoids who have no clue what horrors fascism entails.
Hopefully they can grow to old age without witnessing what it is they think they want.
And I agree, the massive support for fascism today even despite the horrors of the 20th century being fresh is entirely the fault of neoliberal capitalism.
mental how comically evil non whites are when left to their own devices
world would truly be stuck in the iron age without us

Good ambience in that game.
omg bro these facists only support 300,000 African migrants a year its literally Hitler!
full of bad energy
feel like i could do some damage
i hated the game tbf, maybe i'll like it more on a second playthrough
seething boomer bitch Barry aged 57 from shithole upon nowhere chirping about how “we” defeated the Nazis again and how actually the only good right wing policies are the ones that make his house price go up after buying it for 2 pence in the 80s
You are literally mentally retarded and brainwashed. You are broken.
How is Trump fascist? Rhetoric? He governed hardly any different from Obama, Clinton or Blair even. Nige is a moderate and hardly right of center in objective terms
always came across to me as the scariest 20th century regime to be under
do some press ups
no such thing as bad energy just bad attitude
He’s right though
Genuine fascism isn’t coming back, stop acting like you’re saving us from some kind of fourth reich
Anti immigration sentiment is based in cultural and economic fears and the natural response of nearly any society anywhere in history would have to such an influx of foreigners over just one or two generations
i was 13 then and didn't understand that it was satire. thought he was really a drunken patriotic somewhat xenophobic brit. absolutely loved him till i found out it was an act
alright mate keep being terrified Nigerl Farage is going to start gassing Jews because he wants slightly less Muslim immigrants.
i hate moderate conservatives more than anyone else in politics, at least fascists want to bring about some kind of Faustian fascist fairytale. moderate right wing people just want to extract as much personal from society as they possibly can like vultures, and fuck everyone else
at least 300,000 Cambodians were killed as a result of the US bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail and those deaths were attributed to Pol Pot's regime.
He's literally getting head from a self identified white supremacist, Laura Loomer, and having dinner with self identified neo-nazi groypers like Nick Fuentes.
He is claiming migrants want to eat your pets, it's word for word the same blood libel found in Hitler speeches, just change the word "Jew" for "migrant".
>it's word for word the same blood libel found in Hitler speeches
oh god please shut up
they are mainly cowards
it’s true what they say, conservatives are the liberals of 20 years ago
social conservatives just sit around moaning about the left then slowly make concessions to try to appease the masses
always playing second fiddle and to the leftists rules
>He's literally getting head from a self identified white supremacist, Laura Loomer
i have a mighty NEED
Triggered incels. End yourself just like your dear leader Adolph.
biggest cucks of all time to billionaires too, the dickriding under Elon’s comment should win Olympic gymnastics medals
fuck off
VPN off Obamaleaf, stop watching destiny you mong
cant sleep, can here scurrying in the attic
l'm not an incel and think Hitler was a retard
Those people are not fascists or whites supremacists. The American intelligence services would not let them have anywhere near the amount of influence they do if they were. Their number one goal is maintenance of the globalist, liberal capitalist order because it pays their wages and it’s what the elites have all their money in. Capitalism and liberalism are only getting stronger year after year, fascism is a fantasy. If you actually knew what fascism was.
>He is claiming migrants want to eat your pets
Retard says retarded thing in a televised debate and is widely mocked for it. Wow, such fascistic oppression.
Actually I watch Hasan, Destiny is a low IQ lib cuck.
Conservatism in the West is utterly pointless because it is a Faustian civilisation. Just as progressivism in China is pointless (China is a fundamentally conservative society). Conservatives have preserved absolutely nothing in the last 100 years. We need to reclaim the idea of progress.
So people who openly say they are white supremacists daily, aren't actually what they say they are? Idiot.
lmagine if Hitler waited til he was 80 yrs old to run for leader of Germany because he was too busy with real estate to lead a facist revolution
imagine if you fucked off
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>Faustian civilisation
True. Harking back to a golden age will never work in the West because it always has to be channeled into a new ideology and movement.
Partly what the early fascists tried to do but they went off the rails with Darwinism, irredentism and atheism and fucked it forever. Starting the deadliest war in human history for good measure. Too big too soon.
some kind of commiemong meltdown
Marx was right. Unfortunately he didn't anticipate that the proletariat would be so retarded.
Where do these Yank twitter celebrities say this?
the proletariat needs leadership and religion
almost like monarchism with an aristocracy and church intertwined with state was the most stable and natural form of government
Fascism is marrying your kids off to jews and travelling to magic jew land and touching the magic jew wall
I'm Brown
Gordon Brown
just thought about something embarrassing i did about 5 years ago and now i'm diving headfirst into a late morning drink
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>Tired of hearing about US politics
>"Hmmm maybe I'll see what the Brits are up to"
all of the Marxian critiques of capitalism are spot on but the fundamental problem of Marx’s solution is that people are evil and retarded and if you centralise the economy around the government and have them plan a command economy they will do evil and retarded things instead of working for the common good. if there was ever a communist revolution, the people in charge would start funnelling money into their pockets because they can, the “real marxists” would be like
>you can’t do that that isn’t freaking real communism
and then the prior group would put the latter group in camps
kek l do that with shit from 10+ years ago sometimes. Quite unbearable
all autistic shite
give me a 32 county gaelic speaking irish kingdom under the o’neil dynasty where every man has mandatory military service and everyone is deeply catholic and pints cost 2 pound

consuela aqui! conseula aqui!
holy fucking based
consuela aqui!
pints should cost 30p max
>Wii U?
More like P.U.
Oh, give me more
>Xbox One?
Xbox done
Ummm, what?
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should I get a jeetagf lads?
t. 24yo virgin
Would you rather be a monk floating in outer space for all eternity, or be born with a ps5 so the ps5 is boring to you and you can't enjoy it. Because I love my ps5 and all the great exclusive games on it. Absolutely bloody love it.
If a labourer can’t afford 7 pints after the end of a days work and still have 70% of his pay left for that day then society has unironically collapsed
monk floating in outer space would surely see some good things, would be a monk floating in outer space me
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ps5 have no games
i have an xbox series x and almost exclusively play old 360 games on it
I would bet my eternal soul that was written by a white man larping
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i’m a modern monk
irish heritage
high iq
spend all day in comfy clothes
work a meme wfh job
read philosophy
take long walks in nature

would have been right in my element in 500 ad. sort of shite i would be drawing back in the day
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woah im so outraged right now
corr *drinks mouthwash*
prefer not to say
The few injuns i've interacted with irl were white supremacists so I wouldn't be surprised if it is real at all
banger back in the monastery
>wanted to spaff to lady lyne
>end up cooming to lexi luna instead
fucking livid lads, I can't sleep I want to spaff to lady lyne but my cock's all dried up
gonna go take a poo wondering about the uselessness of my life while listening to swedish dsbm
how is the supposed bastion of democracy so shit at it?
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told mum the british empire was the most moral empire in history by far and she seethed
In case Trump wins in November

Which European country would be ideal for me?
>I hate Russia
>I hate Germany
>Totally woke country
>Anti-right country
>Anti-conservative country
>Anti-colonialist country
>Anti-Trump country
Do you think it's cultural or natural to find that music more appealing than the Greek Byzantine kind, think it's got to be natural. No idea what middle easterners are thinking either.
stay put you sneaky little mexican
dont think he's gonna invade Costa Rica mate
Did you know the only official Shinto shrine in Europe is located in San Marino?
By which I mean a shrine recognised and registered with the Japanese government and Shinto authorities, with Priests and Shrine Maidens trained and licenced by Japan.
There was another one in the Netherlands but it wasn't officially credited, was ran by LARPers, and I don't know if it still exists anymore anyways.
Anyway, there's your daily factoid. Think it would be cool if could meet those Sanmarinese shrine maidens one day.
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what's going on lads
honestly beginning to hope trump wins just because mocking chuds, while funny and entertaining, is getting old
Come to Brazil
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thinking about animals
pretty cool little factoid
I like learning things about those little european microstates
if i were in the uk i would go for a drive in the countryside every weekend
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oi brucie
was stoned once and it felt very natural to me
sounds very gay and cringe but definitely some ancestral memory

greek orthodox music sounds foreign and weird to me. traditional catholic latin music beautiful but too haughty and sophisticated. that music, the bagpipes and singing hit the spot. first opening notes gave me goosebumps
just had a big smelly poo
very 2016-esque post (minus the usage of the word chud)
any zoomies care to explain the demure meme
I don't even have a driver's loicence
weird little animal fella
old fella
what animal is this
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I am a Cascadian nationalist.
Reckon we should have an elective monarchy where we elect a cute British twink (NOT A TRANNY) as king and as soon as he hits the wall we hold new elections for the new king.
i've been using the word chud since 2014 or so
a lowland paca
peculiar creatures
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what do these fellas get up to
tabling an amendment: MUST BE A TRANNY
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I (hate that I) love women
very cool
well fair enough then, meant 2016-esque in terms of sentiment (posters wanting trump to get up to own the libs)

It was sweet when she killed the series evas
Janny gave me a ban for impersonating him on /cum/
what else should I be
reminds me of what the narrator got turned into at the end of i have no mouth and i must scream
Beauty isn't subjective. It is objective. And the french aristocracy perfected it.
It's a travesty I can't wear mid 1800s high fashion without being mocked, nor affordable to live quietly in my own private baroque manorhouse and spend evenings drinking tea in my private rose garden, discussing politics, philosophy and music and then having hot gay orgies.
good post
Is Nirvana actually pretty popular worldwide?
for me it's discussing politics, philosophy and music in the beer garden over a nice cool pint
bigfoot eats strange wild animals
chinaman eats strange wild animals
Wouldn't mind a nice cool pint! ;)
I do all this in brit except for the gay shit and instead of old fashion I wear sweat pants and a hoodie
well I can only speak for here you see, but yes
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Why is the concept of lost media so HECKIN spooky!?
among angsty young people it's basically universal
good lad albeit the winky face is a bit suspect
Most people are effectively unconscious while they sleep.
They don't remember their dreams or control them.
By spending a week or two learning to lucid dream, you can consciously remember all of your dreams and control what happens in them, effectively doubling how long you live and are aware of what is occurring, and giving you total control of your own reality for half your existence.
Why learning to lucid dream isn't mandatory, why 100% of people don't do it is beyond me.
Made a new X accounts and im only going to follow feds
Could picture 50 cent taking the tube chatting with the other Africans on the tube. Anyone want to invest in this?
people are used to - particularly in the digital age - everything being well catalogued and accessible. The thought of something being made and still managing to disappear in this era fascinates a lot of people
Fuck off yank
Get the peng fry ups posted
what do you tend to get up to in your lucid dreams
Might from some spam and an egg and put both on a toasted hamburger bun
shan't be inviting glowberg into my psyche tyvm x
frank walker here from national tiiiilesss
get the transcripts written
get the stone chapels built
wish i was a glowberg
Glad I'm a human and not some kind of insect or mollusc
you're an odd lad
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I'm a completely broken person
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good post. Why don't you retvrn though
good lad
stay positive
Get my arse shagged
fabricate four-eyed lies
Haven’t pooed in three days
*glues you back together*
>among angsty young people it's basically universal
I guess it's something about their teen spirit
doesn’t pay well larping as an ancient irish monk these days
need to eat and keep a roof over my head
emotionally and mentally?
Note this is a pdf that might auto download on your device
Basically the CIA did experiments proving they can infiltrate your mind, astrally project, etc
psychic warfare is a very real threat, which is why they want you to laugh at it and call it schizo nonsense

drinking goon
be glad you're not an insect or a mollusc.
your life could be worse if you were a slug
>Note this is a pdf that might auto download on your device
John Macafee's angelic sword slicing your link in twain
Might learn Shanghainese
The Gateway Process did not prove that the CIA can infiltrate or control someone's mind. The techniques explored were intended to investigate the potential for expanding human consciousness and exploring psychic phenomena, but the results were inconclusive and did not provide evidence of mind control or direct infiltration.
and to add as a direct quote from the paper
>there is rational basis...for considering gateway to be plausible
"there might maybe be a plausible possibility"
depends how many pints it'll take you to cheer up
I mean why don't you go live in Ireland
you seem to know an awful lot about it for someone who was just asking for access to my lucid dreams and then asking why I refused you access to my psychic domain
glow harder, reptillian demon
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I'd go as far as to say no american rock group of any description has matched their fame here ever since
any gay man in
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4 real
remember when you used to be happy? yeah?
how does that make you feel? that beloved past.
a few have but they are absolute slop. There are people in bumfuck Africa that listen to Imagine Dragons and know every song
Imagine Dragons isn't rock you idiot
It sounds like you're referencing something specific or perhaps joking around. If you have any concerns about privacy or boundaries, I'm here to provide information and support without crossing any lines. If there's something specific you want to discuss or if you have any questions about lucid dreaming or related topics, feel free to ask!
why tho
If Nirvana is rock then so is Imagine Dragons
Fortunately the entire rest of the world isn't as retarded as you and have agreed on the delineation
>black comedians in america
the funniest comedians that they've got
>black comedians in uk
about as funny as a cancer diagnosis

what explains this phenomenon?
is it gay to kiss a pretty boii? i dont think so
why are Brits so servile and submissive towards figures of authority, the royal family, the elites, the rich
Engels said that Britain was the one society that had managed to develop a bourgeois working class, and it's true
why is ya mum so submissive towards me cock
Steve Lamacq asked them if they were for real in an interview and he did this there and then in response
go suck on a didgeridoo pal
and what if I didgeridon't?
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LOL so I just got back from a business trip and the sheets are absolutely soaked, my wife said she drank so much that she wet the bed.
yeah cunt? come down to Centrelink in Darwin next Tuesday ill have you
wonder if the silent hill 2 remake will be any good
looks like it's ps5 exclusive so i probably won't play it for years regardless
It's on Steam too ausbro
stupid cunt
Come meet me at Durdle Door in Shitterton right now and we'll fucking settle this
Being an Irish nationalist in the UK is lame as fuck unless you are living in NI
Fried egg/spam sandwich yes no?
The new Silent Hill (F, not 2) is being written by a guy who wrote various horror and murder mystery visual novels featuring loli characters and school kids killing each other
Make of that what you will
Britain never came anywhere near allying with the confederacy, much less granting them diplomatic recognition or even unofficial support.
absolutely untrue
No, consuming the rotting corpses of brutally murdered animals should be avoided in my personal opinion
I mean that sounds like some normal Japanese shit to me to be honest.
The Japanese brain manifests this extreme form of autism that is basically unparalleled.
Reckon you get bruises on your arms when you lift heavy objects.
White goyim have absolutely capitulated to the supremacy of the black cock. Their men are envious of it and the women lust for it. To a white goyim woman, nothing can compare to lying on your back and taking all 9 inches of African python whilst it shoots rope after rope of potent African zulu warrior seed deep inside her european womb.
Stop committing genocide and apartheid. Stop being racist.
Uhmmmm did you forget to turn your vpn on?...
alri mozza
alri shlomo
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shut the fuck up ya bloody heeb
Corpse Party?
Shut the fuck up goy
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silent hill 2 on the other hand
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they made eddie cartoonishly fat
i know he was a tubbo in the original but this is just unrealistic
Anti semitism is a punishable offence, abdul
Higurashi + Umineko
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India as #1 blacked consumer will never not be funny to me
Its not even close too lol
you will never defeat the white man shlomo
You're posting from occupied land, colonist.
blacked raw is the best just for the intro bits with the women getting dressed in their slag clothes
Makes sense as their population is huge comparatively speaking. China would probably be up there if they allowed easy access to those sites
Love to see how the far right, far left, and immigrants are all united in their hatred for Israel
White goyim are already defeated. They like to blame us for it but they did it all themselves. White women are getting bred by africans every day hahaha. You're cursed people you stupid goy
It's Jewish land and has always been Jewish land and will always be Jewish land, mohammed. Go cry about it.
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we get knocked down but we get up again nigga
is that real
Zionism = Nazism
Look at a translation of any speech by any Israel government minister and replace the term "Palestinian" with "Jew" and you get an exact copy of a Hitler speech.
mental how men under a certain height don't exist as threats in the minds of other men or potential mates in the minds of women and just exist to not procreate and then die
not though is it
lmao true
The real original Jews were in Palestine before you European colonists decides to colonised and genocide them.
You are the child of an American/European convert and share no blood with actual Jews. Gazans are the modern day descendants of the real Jews and so you try to hide that by committing a genocide against them.
They attacked us on october 7. We have a right to defend ourselves from terrorist scum. Stop watching propaganda that's been filtered through pallywood
mental how it mentally scars them to the point where they become evil horrid dictators like putin.
imagine if old vladissimo grew to a normal height.
none of this would have happened.
want to make schnitzel but i haven't got any lemons, can't have a schnitzel without lemons mate
Nice mental gymnastics and fantasies mohammed. Still won't change the fact terrorist scum are being incinerated and will continue to be incinerated. They started this and we will finish it
You stole their land and kept them in an open air prison while bombing them anytime they held a peaceful protest.
Under international law, occupied people are allowed to fight back against the occupying power.
yeah i'll have one schnitty sans lemons thanks x
at least there are plenty of clues around, if only you'd take one
Least delusional mohammedan.
i'm smarter than all of you
mental that we call it the social ladder isn't it?
what a visceral image. looking up at the arse of your superiors as they step on your face.
don't shoot at my campsite or set animals on my dog when the chamber jams
what are all these goy putznashers doing in my general?
The average Ethiopian Christian or Yemeni Muslim is genetically closer to the Jews of 3000 years ago than you are.
not entirely accurate
if you fink about it. we all just extremely complex LLMs

makes life seem meaningless
churchill, hitler, stalin, tojo. all manlets
so it's going to be shit then

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