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the new standard edition
Just wanna die.
Israeli supremacy and longevity edition
The Gazan genocide btw
going to burn your boardwalks and eat your otters u prick
Don't see LLMs making this do you
I have studied the Zohar and Kabbalah and it's pretty interesting stuff.
That said this racist Israeli isn't adding any good to this world and is actively tarnishing the reputation of Jews by his thoughtless actions.
Muslim lies exposed. They're also supposedly starving but have one of the highest obesity rates in the world
200k people killed in under a year, over 50% of which are women and children.
You are extremely evil and the entire world knows it.
i don't like jews or muslims, but i dislike jews slightly more
Mental how the zohar and kabbalah predicted string theory, evolution, the big bang, almost as if "science" is a jewish con
Business idea: death camps for all "it's just a prank bro" youtubers
SH2 Remake looking pretty great, eh?

Don't like anyone really.
Except you x
According to pallywood hahahaha. You're fooling nobody mohammed. Your taqiyya is easily detected
I'm white and British. Literally nobody under 30 outside of Israel or the USA supports Israel.
business idea: Chebbs
Sure you are mohammed
james's hair looks stupid and doesn't suit his face, mad how the 2001 opening cutscene where he looks in the mirror looked more realistic than this
im stealing this line
Why are you so racist? Where is your humanity?
killing my dog to prove a point doesn't make sense
>on october 7
all of a sudden, for no reason at all?
For Israel (and their puppet America), history began on October 7th.
just like your stole my heart ahah xx
There must have been a reason why muslims raped all those english girls according to your logic I suppose. There is no reason. They are animals. Surely you should know this. Probably just another mohammed
Honestly I'm sick of racial conflict and discrimination.
Catching the next flight to Brazil and I'm never coming back.
People with tattoos are more likely to be mentally unstable. That's why I left a doctors appointment abruptly a couple years, because I glimpsed a collection of tattoos on my doctors arm.

I'm just being rational, and following the data/science. And my gut instinct.
im going to learn how to make a real gun because air rifles are a kids toy
>anti semitic nazi world jewry tropes
A side effect of being an inbred muslim
if you keep kicking a dog its going to bite you
The dog is rabid already and bites at will without provocation.
It just destroyed whatever little argument you were trying to put forward, mohammed
the only reason muslims (and brown people in general) are in white countries is because of jewish meddling, stop me if this sounds weird but i'd rather blame the masterminds behind it rather than the mindless minions doing their bidding
AIPAC isn't an "anti-Semitic trope" it's a real organisation which Israel uses to control the majority of US politicians when it comes to the issue of the Israeli occupation and genocide of Palestine.
I have no problem with Jews whatsoever. I long for the day of a single Palestinian state from the river to the sea where Muslim, Jew, Christian, Atheist all live together in peace.
why do you keep relentlessly provoking it then
roses are red
racism is good
>200k in a year
even if thats true (which l doubt) Rwandans killed 500k in a few months with machetes so the jews are being lazy
>roses are red
>racism is good
have you seen the all black version of robin hood?
there's a girl I could invite over for sex, but I just don't think it's worth the trouble
don't find her massively attractive and it would be hours of socialising when I could just have a wank
Your own governments imported them. Not out fault or problem. They're your pets.
AIPAC isn't the only lobby though in the US. Get out of here with your nazi tard conspiracy theories
If you know anything about history you'll know as soon as the state of Israel was established arabs attacked us. They cannot beat us in a actual war so they use proxies and palestinians to do their dirty work and try to portay an image that'll put them in a good light. You fell for mohammedan propaganda. Doesn't matter as we will always defend ourselves, with or without western support. You need us, not the other way around.
>roses are red
>racism is good
shlomo shekelstein in the mud
40k confirmed dead, 60% of which are women and children.
This is according to the UN.
4 - 5 times as many people missing and presumed dead buried under rubble. They aren't counted in the main UN figures because the bodies are yet to be found and won't be until the rubble is cleared.
But if you include them it's easily 200k - 250k dead.
our own governments are jewish, that's the problem.
who asked?
there's absolutely no way 200,000 people have died in Gaza in a year lol
I'm doin my own research on this
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Why is racism bad but war against other people is okay and justified?
You’re not allowed to dislike someone because of what they look like but you’re allowed to murder them because they were born in a different country to you and politicians say it’s okay?
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Currently looking at a job that pays $130k/yr and I’m qualified for it but the work is hard as fuck

Think I might just stay with current toil, also what sort of lifestyle would 130k you in the UK? Could you live somewhere like Mayfair?
You're calling me a Nazi for pointing out that AIPAC exists.
Meanwhile you are literally committing a genocide, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and running death camp prisons where IDF soldiers torture and rape Palestinian children who haven't been convicted of any crime. And then the rapist soldiers get TV interviews as heroes for doing it.
As of September 2024, the estimated 2024 death toll in Gaza has surpassed 40,800 according to multiple reports, including official sources like Gaza's Health Ministry. Additionally, the number of wounded is estimated to be over 94,000.

So, clearly not 200K
not sure you can buy things with USD in the UK mate so you'd be fucked
See >>202253138
Those figures don't include the missing/presumed dead, with which the figures are 200k+
yeah mate everyone says war is OK
dumb frogposter
Don’t fool around with me.

Total number of deaths and missing persons: Approximately 2,406 people.
This figure comes from the latest reports from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Zionism was literally promoted by the Nazis btw
Not mayfair but you could build a property empire in hull after about a week
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But they’re waving Palestinian flags in the street and putting Ukrainian flags in their bio. They support them in wars and the other people are the bad guys who should be killed. Doesn’t make sense
why else would they bow to your every demand?
The Irish National Caucus also exists, as do many others. The only reason you single out AIPAC is due to the fact you're an anti semitic piece of shit
didnt we just stop sales of some weapons?
Damn I thought like 50k was a good salary in the UK, how much do Mayfair residents make? Could I afford to live in the old city of York on 130k? This is all hypothetical of course as it’s not a WFH job it’s a high voltage electrician job but I’m just curious
No, I love Jews. I have no problem with Jews. I have (anti-zionist) Jewish friends in my life. I have a problem with genocide and apartheid.
I single out AIPAC for supporting genocide.
If the Irish did a genocide I'd say exactly the same thing about the Irish National Caucus.
You don't get special treatment for being Jewish. You're no different to any other ethnicity. Only the lowest IQ racists treat people differently for being Jewish.
opioids are good for you and you should take them every day
>I'm not racist, I have black friends
>York on 130k
idk but probably mostly inherited wealth
Do you have Palestinian friends? Or any non-Jewish friends?
on ket lads
even if all the palestinians were killed there's still a dozen other muslim shithole countries
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smoking weed and smoking my vape
even if all the brits were killed there's still a dozen other european shithole countries
mad how a muslim woman in lsrael has more rights and freedom than if she lived in any lslamic country
If it were up to me I would arm israel until they were about to beat Palestine, then I would arm Palestine until they were about to beat Israel, then I would arm Israel until they were about to beat Palestine, and so on and so fourth
this is false. she can't vote, she cant buy property in Jewish settlements, she can lose her home if she leaves it unoccupied, she can't use Jewish only roads, she faces the risk of being murdered by Jews on any day.
Beatles made 1 single violent song on an album with 55 songs and hippies killed a pregnant woman and dismembered her because of it
this is false
>a dozen other european shithole countries
France, Belgium, Netherlands…?
Yeah and Jeffrey Dahmer raped and ate those boys because the chocolate factory put him on the night shift
soviet anthropologists opened the tomb of tiimur, a mongol conquerer, and an inscription in his tomb read whoever opens his tomb will face an invader larger than him
the same week adolf hitler declares war on the USSR and the german army move east in the largest and most brutal land invasion in history
sends chills up my spine
Is this true?
Why does everyone have autism or ADHD nowadays
they were much rather when I was growing up
poo wang flan ain't nuthin ta fuck with
muslim women cant vote in lsraeli elections?
*much rarer fuck autocorrect
He did rape and eat boys. And he did work the night shift at the ambrosia chocolate factory in Milwaukee.
I’ll let you put two and two together.
>cheapest flat for sale in mayfair
550 sq ft £850k
>cheapest studio flat for rent in mayfair
318 sq ft £2383/month
Yes. Most can't. Israel uses an apartheid system where different non-Jewish residents have different rights.
Have a theory about this, want to hear it? Alright, there are plenty of people with a genetic predisposition toward those kinds of traits. Sometimes they had so many of the genes in the past that even pre-psychology times people recognized that they were mad men. Then TV and the internet came around but mostly TV. Then kids with some of the genes necessary for them were conditioned from very early on to process TV information (flashing lights, different camera angles, odd time shifts, everything on screen matters) and developed either autism, the blessed ones, or ADHD, the cursed ones.
>cheapest studio flat for rent in mayfair
318 sq ft £2383/month
but the lsraeli parliment has muslim members
Fucks sake

I want to burn Mayfair down now
If you're predisposed, the information processing patterns that watching tons of TV early on cultivates is 1:1 with autism spectrum. 70% genes, 30% Doug marathon.
That doesn't disagree with my point at all.
A small number of Muslims who obtain Israeli citizenship have voting rights and can stand as politicians.
But the majority of non-Jews are forbidden from voting and much more besides.
Think it’s just diagnosed more. Dadberg 100% had the autism but he’s never going to get diagnosed with it. Anyone who was autistic just got called “a bit odd” or a nerd 40 years ago.
Never hear about a Toblerone factory man murdering and eating boys do you
Bro is just now realising that in an ethnostate, ethnic + religious minorities have fewer rights
Move to new england
having a muffit of tea
You know whats weird? Tolerating, encouraging and even celebrating the replacement of a native population is seen as good and progressive. But simply wanting the people replacing you to return to their homelands is seen as unacceptably evil and expressing such opinions is worthy of punishment
drinking a coffee instant type 0
10 years ago Russians and Ukrainians were playing Counterstrike together, playing Skyrim, going to school, having a happy life
Now they're shooting each other dead in trenches while screaming and begging for their lives
too much hatin and not enough love
whats a muffit
I was having a meeting with someone at the job centre and he asked me if I thought I had anything like that. I told him I was just a loser set in their ways through years of isolation and anxiety.
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very sad and all that but not my problem is it
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Just watch a video about the Sandown Clown
pretty creepy
Are Maori girls sexy
tfw my penis looks like Baja California
Nose is extremely itchy but I can't touch it else it starts bleeding
10 years ago ukrainians were revolting to remove the russian puppet
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I looked into it out of interest and the majority of Mayfair is owned by this kid, Hugh Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster. He is or was the richest person in the world under 30.
yeah? 2014? ukrainians and russians living happy together?
stupid fucking cunt
I have never left Laurentia in my life.
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if you like dark hair, big noses and freckles
imagine being on the back of a panzer sweeping across the plains of eastern europe
what a trip
Ww2 has become this strange extremely over used and romanticized cliché it genuinely annoys me when I hear any of the usual tropes about it.
i call him Hugh grosslyvainor
i hope when I die, instead of ceasing to exist for the rest of eternity, that I get to reincarnate or get isekai'd, or advance to a higher form of being, and finally get to live a happy life full of joy and friendship and new experiences
My penis looks like an island located off the northeastern coast of New Caledonian at coordinates -20.6270801, 166.3051900 :/
Me reincarnating and a 6'0 Chinese gigachad in Chongqing China
fuck up
Now, Vietnam... That was a WAR.
Plucky poor underdog peasants against evil alien imperial invaders who would murder and rape their women.
It's even crazier when you realise the Vietnamese did it 3 times in the 20th century - against France, against the USA, against China - and won each time.
It really is cringe anytime someone starts talking about it.
Its like I kind of dont give a shit about ww2 because everyone likes to highjack it for their ideologically motivated purposes
looks like every other ai girl
can't tell if this is AI generated or severely photoshopped
Mad how AI can now produce almost indistinguishably realistic faces but can’t figure out how fingers work
I agree with you
don't know why you rattled the runt cage with that take
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Pretty normal penis aside from the strange growth
sorry posted this in the wrong thread x
you ever play with a cat and notice how freaked out they are by our hands? giant humans hands must be terrifying to basically every species of animal and birds, too
yeah, I don't see many unique faces by AI slop
fuck off to /cum/ then before i do my gay porn dance
I get extremely scared in the dark, I imagine terrifying images and entities watching me and coming to harm me that words can't describe
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m-mein fuhrer... you're already doing the gay porn dance...
How does one create an AI image?
whisper magic words into the computer and give it a rub
He ded at the end?
what are they fighting over? how much turmeric to put in their curry?
my penis is the size of that island
Is the big guy his friend?
That stinkjeet shouldnt have fucked with Jackie Chan
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this is my vibe
my feet look like Cornwall
Go to /g/, download GitHub and Python and then follow the instructions in the OP of the Stable Diffusion general (/sdg/) for setting up Stable Diffusion.
me in the iron maiden tshirt
Can learn a lot about someone by what language they say they're learning
French/Spanish = normie
German = slightly more interesting normie
Welsh / Latin = weirdo
Chinese = giganerd with a 150 IQ yet manages to be insufferable to talk to
Japanese = weeaboo sex pervert virgin
Russian = RED FLAG ALERT RED FLAG ALERT it doesn't matter if you genuinely enjoy the volumes of russian literature, people with assume your are a putinist Z-PATRIOT
I was just pacing around, muttering like a mad man, thinking about how the Vietnamese are the most respectable people on the planet.
reckon my brain stem is completely fossilised at this point
not a single animal instinct left in me
i'm a frontal lobe on stumpy legs
this is my willy, this is my bum
this is for pooing, this is for cum
Basically just Breton without a french accent and nobody actually speaks it.
You're lucky to spot it on signposts or placards.
i'm basically automatically fluent in french, spanish, and german through cultural osmosis
actual state of this thread
>pacing around, muttering like a mad man
kek, I also do this a lot
talk to myself all the time when I think nobody is about
Had half a pasty once. Something that looks like that is supposed to be sweet and not have Alpo dog food in it, that's what I told them
honestly insane how many bodily fluids there are
*uppercuts you*
Mental that...
Wish I spoke Chinese and could be a Chinese double-agent for emperor Xi
smoked too much weed, feel vibraty
classic, nothing funnier than drunk abos on public transport
Grabbed the waitress by the hair and told her to look at the Alpo dog food she just served me and then I let go and made sure no one saw what I did but they all saw.
You ever tune in to tokyo until you secrete milk? Don't even need to be on hormones or anything if you just apply enough friction.
There are north korean women mastubating RIGHT NOW
Don't think so
For me? It's Posh Spice
I saw a femboy lactating once, then I started fucking a femboy and he doesn't lactate, big disappointment tbqh
wonder what old mate kim jong un is up to at this very moment
in a nation with approximately 13 million women i find that hard to believe
Obamas parents met in a Russian language class
obama be KIDDING me haha
*Kenyan language class
probably just finished lunch and now he's having a second lunch
get the black bulls prepped
Stop committing genocide, remove the illegal west bank settlements, let Palestinians have their own state in peace.
Do this and there would be no war.
I suffer the most of any /brit/ poster.
not as much as me lad
Time Travel Is Real
Only forwards though
No ps5 games
Running out of oil
posts crawling in from only the most effluvial of childhood bedrooms
Looks like the Gaza population graph
Palestinians refused the 2 state solution. Not my problem
How's the campaign going Donny
This is true.
Theoretically, particles could exist which always travel backwards through time but we wouldn't be able to interact with them.
Such particles might or might not exist and there's no evidence for them.
For a particle to change what direction in time it travels (ie. from going forwards to backwards, or backwards to forwards), would require it to surpass the speed of light. To accelerate a single particle past the speed of light would require more energy than that which exists in the observable universe.
>Obama's parents met in 1960 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student on a scholarship
smartschoolboy at the day job?
non theoretically women exist who walk backwards when they see you
took some extra caffeine later on in the day and starting to regret it. sleep schedule is going to get ruined once again
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scranning a grilled cheese sarnie with branston pickle
Shit I'm old enough to remember back at the arseend of the Cold War when the Russian department was the biggest in any language school
Makes sense that any commie, spook and carpetbagger wanted to be in on the action
I even knew a few orthodoxaboos who were learning it
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reckon we should import mexicans instead of muslims with all due respect
but some chicken salt on it
hate spiders
total spider death
mad how much americans complain about them when they're just little guys
wonder if there's a moment in every european zoomer's life that heard about the 6 foot minimum on tinder meme where they clack in their height into a metric to imperial converter and cross their fingers hoping they're tall enough
corr now there's a suggestion
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We exist in a false vacuum state.
In essence, the laws of physics in our reality, the laws and mathematics of our space-time itself, want to be in the most stable state they can - the state in which space-time contains the lowest amount of energy in any given area as it can.
But there could be potential forms of reality / space-time which are more stable / less energy dense than our current reality.
Quantum tunneling could trigger a pocket of space-time to enter this new lower vacuum state, at which point the new bubble of the more stable reality - a bubble containing different laws of physics - expand at the speed of light in all directions, and converts everything it touches to follow the new updated laws of physics.
We have no clue what impact this could have since we can't predict the properties of the lower stable vacuum state. Perhaps the changes to the laws of physics would be so small we wouldn't notice anything. Or it could be so big as to cause all particles to cease to exist. It could literally rewrite the rules of mathematics so that reality can no longer exist, and cause reality itself to collapse and cease to be a thing that is possible.
this post is disrespectful of other cultures
once we've conquered quantum physics - is physics basically complete?
we going to get to a state where there's nowt more to learn?
fatland aside, whose tv/films/music do you consume the most outside of our own?

heres the rub

ontology is dynamics

and dynamical symmetries

nothing more


is how particles just come in and out of existence
>acts like a black female
>comments turned off
would have enjoyed reading those i think. annoying
>canadian natives
all alcoholics
>yank natives
all alcoholics
>aussie natives
all alcoholics (& petrol sniffers)
>nz natives
all alcoholics

Why is this?
We don't know how deep physics goes. But quantum physics - more specifically a theory of quantum gravity - has been the major roadblock preventing any major progress for half a century now.
There will be no more major advancements in physics until we figure how how gravity works on the quantum level.
been sober 18 months me
good lad
i can't drink goon anymore, it makes me gag, wonder how i did it when i was an alky
Whoa Cody you haven’t drank a Bud Light in over a year! I’m proud of you bro, you used to drink 2, sometimes 3 Bud Lights a week.
whats the savings tab for
Could well be. But we need to understand how they work in that case, we need more information.
when i drink i don't stop and my lack of judgment leads me to harm myself and others
cody, bro...you're cody too....
why do you think posting this is funny
cringe autist from kentucky
basically says how much money ive saved by quitting booze

i spent an average of $70 a week on it (mostly shit to mid tier whiskey) so it does the math for me
Physics is incredibly scary in my opinion
Literally trying to understand the fabric of existence, why it even exists at all, why it behaves as it does
I think humans trying to understand physics is really something we weren't designed to do and might lead to discoveries we regret.
hello, i hope i didnt miss the Australians already
fizzy raspberry blood orange ginger lemonade
this problem will be solved when move away from quantum woo to stochastic quantizations on curved spacetime
are any of you poor?
nah nah nah

fing is

physics is much less remarkable than it is made out to be

just so many fugging wooists want to pretend physics is some crazy mystical thing

it notit pedestrian

stochastic mechanics is key
aussies late for appointments be like "aw nawr! i gotta gawr!"
the watch
corrrrrrrrr wish i was in the corner of that room
average sized
prefer not to say
this is what your oneitis gets up to while you post on /brit/ alone in your smelly bedroom
Conductor we have a problem!
woman looks incredibly old why would anyone get off to this nasty ass webm
other than the cuck that posted it
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will never understand why some nibbas wna watch blacks fuck white women

there's so many videos of this one french woman shagging random black fellas on beaches and shit
and they say female sex tourism isn't real
watch the video on batteries!
nearly out of ket
theyre still uploading ACTUAL WAR CRIMES
war laws dont matter. they tell us they do when there is no war
It's because they see it as defiling the woman
Same mentality as scat fetishists
post like this except w/ children
elf bar batteries
>Gore: <puking emoji>
>gore of people I don't like: <excited soyjak>

you can have that one for free
elf bar batteries vs scottish fire and rescue service >-<
based Scottish fire and rescue service
Might start slinging ket
Im not sure thats a warcrime, that russian they gunned down rigged himself with grenades thats what that huge explosion is
damn he tried to Jihad himself?
Thats what the original post stated on /k/
Apparently the idea is he would rig himself with grenades, do the surrender thing then blow himself and the Ukrainian guys who capture him up
The Ukranians realized this and started blasting him
that ecig battery from the British person video was good
If I wanted to talk about Ukraine I'd go to one of the 100 threads on /k/
true or false:

a non posh person who tries to adopt a posh accent is as obvious to posh people as an ESL is to native english speakers
good for them :)
The narhwal bacons at midnight
im watching penguinz0 on YT :)
Mcdonalds placed my napkins at the bottom of the bag so now they're all soggy from grease
will you livestream eating it for us? x
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gonna go for a wee
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>watching the latest series(18th) of Taskmaster
Did they seriously bring a retard onto the comedian panel?
Series 17 was a return to form after 2 shit years. Now series 18 is going to be another nosedive down.
The retard is going to kill the pacing of the show. It's like watching comedy at 0.5x.
At least Taskmaster New Zealand and Australia are able to make good shows still.
Does the UK even have many more good comedians that would be willing to be on Taskmaster? Like Jimmy Carr is probably too famous.
What's the retards name?
Rosie Jones
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i have never watched an episode of taskmaster
people seem to bang on about it all the time
But that's a man!
UFC is at that sphere thing in Vegas tonight and it looks very pretty

wish we had a sphere
>oh but the IMAX is just as good
no it isn't
be quiet
If you do, go back to a much earlier series. It's all on their youtube channel. Even has some of the non-English series with subtitles.
the UK comedy scene is in dire straits. The era of based edgy sketch shows is long gone, the panel shows are dead in the water propped up with painfully unfunny female comedians and neutered males. We haven't had a good British comedy film since the 2000s. It's over
judges as so based
Maybe you can get someone to do a weird walk haha
Most comedies and panel shows are controlled by the posh boy Cambridge Footlights cabal these days anyway
They only let people like Rosie Jones and the odd working class comedian in so they look good but they really can't stand them
It's like a special club, they'd never let somebody like Rik Mayall on mainstream telly now
what about the death of stalin that was good
Dude, Tyler that's frickin sick
Silly walk. You deserve to be slapped with a fish.
cannot stomach watching Taskmaster with her on it and I've seen all 17 series thus far
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What's your favourite berry?
Mine is tomato
I saw that, assumed it was American because we produce everything good
the ads didnt show me mascara and perfume today, nor any products for helping you conceive or whatever that one was about
now (after i looked down at my shoes eating Greggs) and saw that i needed to buy a new pair) i get an ad for buying my kids shoes
instead of it thinking ive gotten a girl pregnant ii think its the system asking me to take care of myself for me to raise myself up a bit to become an EVEN BETTER man after getting helped
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for me? the raspberry
im a man by the way
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remember seeing a photo of david mitchell, ayoade and john oliver at uni and they all looked like such punchable smug cunts
cor seethrough dress
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>we produce everything good
the humble cucumber
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what a mong
American media rules the world
>Oi but wot bout love island
im taking a cruise
got to get my invention patented before that however

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