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13 Bannerman Road is where Sarah Jane Smith lives. And it's home to things way beyond your imagination. There's an extra-terrestrial supercomputer in the wall, a genetically-engineered boy genius in the attic, a schoolgirl investigator across the road, and a whole universe of adventure right here on the doorstep!
The story of George Crum inventing potato chips is a popular legend, but it’s not entirely accurate. George Crum, a chef at Moon’s Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York, is often credited with creating potato chips in 1853. The tale goes that he made them in response to a customer’s complaint about thick-cut fries1. However, this story has been widely debated and is considered more myth than fact21.

In reality, crispy fried potatoes were already known before Crum’s time, and
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I love seasideMARK so much. I always feel lost and empty when he doesn't uploaf.
heres one (1)
Street Mailbox: Philip Downing did patent a type of street letter box in 1891, but he wasn’t the first to invent the mailbox. Earlier versions existed, such as those by Albert Potts and Anthony Trollope.
Potato Chips: The story of George Crum inventing potato chips is more of a legend. While he popularized them, crispy fried potatoes existed before his time.
Gas Mask: Garrett Morgan invented the Morgan Safety Hood, an early version of the gas mask, in 1914. While he made significant contributions, earlier breathing devices existed.
Blood Bank: Charles Richard Drew didn’t invent the blood bank but made crucial advancements in blood storage and transfusion techniques.
didn't she die
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Jungle edishion
need chatgpt runt out of this general right fucking now
how embarrassing
He's a fat scumbag.
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name 4 black inventions other than the gas mask
Haven't been here for a while. Is this Amer?
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Bit rude
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the heat of the sauce liquefies the garlic
Fuck off to /Britfeel/.

seasideMARK is a beloved part of /Brit/ culture.
You’re correct. Garrett Morgan did not invent the first traffic light. The first traffic signal was invented by J.P. Knight in 1868 in London1. However,
screaming at the palestine protesters playing copyrighted music on their speakers to deter charlie veitch
tilde you're a paedophile

fuck off and stop thinking you fit in here
I don't care if incels like you love him. He's a fat freak
this only happened once for me and I don't know how I did it
where's a school shooter when you need one
nothing but future felons there
god bless america
no you arn't
starmer's wet dream
daily inputting
when will you get a mena gf?
where you belong with that other groomer helpernonce and spaedo
loving the cast for the new tv show about the Battle of Hastings
miss the 90s so much it's unreal
in a minute
no melties
wonder what happened to this show
>Filming for three of six two-part serials planned for the fifth series was completed prior to Elisabeth Sladen's death on 19 April 2011. The BBC stated that no further episodes would be filmed.
forgot about that :(
why is it all wogs and jews?
i wonder who was the first king who decided it's probably not a good idea to go on the battlefield himself
Mad how western societies fail to enact the mysterious social planning that would've immediately helped to integrate the downtrodden majorities (formerly minorities)
They just can't seem to get it right.
why not now?
when peasants do this they're called cowards
it's sacked tranny
Rorke I
it's spaino
Might actually have a lovely chicken sandwich and go back to sleep TBF. Feeling really tired today.
The sea of blue & gold EU flags at last night's Proms confirms it’s only a matter of time before we in the UK permanently rejoin our neighbours in the European Union. The intelligent cultured folk in Britain demand that we must join together.
been asking this since 2008
I literally am a coward, I wouldn’t be able to fight in a war even if it’s for something I deeply believed in. Not even a conscientes objector I am just a pussy scared of getting shot
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Free Tibet (Vini Vici Remix)
I've been employed at the same place for over a year
Birth certificate lists my sex as female
You are no longer black, or brown, or yellow, or red! You are POO! You are light POO or dark POO! Do you understand?
Are you cute Employed Woman? :3
if you're a soldier and you catch the flu on the day of the battle, do they still make you fight?
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bodied those fat freaks
name 2 black inventions
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Yeah I am.
Is that what you're wearing right now? :3
oh did you think the Sacked was in relation to your job?

no it's to do with the big sweaty ballsack nestled underneath your cock. Sacked as in "has a sack".
since black people were the first humans, I'd say they invented poo and wee which is quite impressive
take some amphetamines to get going and adrenaline will handle the rest
I wonder what the first english soldier was thinking as he crossed the bridge at stirling
some African country didnt start recording history until like the 1900s
No, I wore that the other week when I went to the clinic. Currently wearing a green t shirt and black joggers and some blue socks.
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is Nothing Phone the British iPhone? seems so
Yeah, you can fuck right off mate. Leave her alone.
Why are you wearing joggers. Were you running? :3
>the stains/dribble marks on his collar

Fucking howling
>black people were the first humans
name 2 inventions
is your single mother enjoying black joggers the reason why you trooned out
No, I'm chilling at home

It's a white camo pattern you visually impaired freak.
Reckon that probably started with the Age of Absolutism mostly
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Bit obsessed with black men are you mate?
It’s a common misconception that
some African countries didn’t start recording history until the 1900s. In reality, many African societies have rich histories that were recorded through oral traditions long before written records became common.

For example, Ancient Egypt began recording history in written form around 3000 BCE1. Other regions, such as West Africa, had extensive oral histories that were passed down through generations by griots, who were the keepers of history and tradition1.

However, it’s true that in some parts of Africa, written historical records became more prevalent during and after the colonial period in the late 19th and early 20th centuries1. This shift was partly due to the introduction of European languages and writing systems.

so its not then
>only on that one part, near the mouth

yeah no LMFAO
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Britain lives
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Can we get a cleavage update
everyone finds women attractive, even other women
that's what makes fags such abominations
>white camo pattern
>conveniently only present on the very top of the collar, right underneath your male mouth where it dribbled

Ah yes
Egypt doesnt count as African
also they were white n shit
sackedtranny is a glutton for punishment. i have no idea why he posts here with a trip.
Why are you wearing joggers while you're home? :3
My younger brother had to do "West African Kingdoms" as a module for his History A-Level
Woke gone mad
Sacked Tranny genuinely has amazing tits
my gimmick is being ignored
Egypt was white people doing a starter base and trying to tell the Jews to fuck off. they were also Jews at the same time
thats before Israel broke off into the 12 tribes which became England Ireland Scotland Wales and Sweden
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It's on the sleeves as well you mongs
ALDI job and a willy,
ALDI job and a willy

Two testes and a cock,
Two testes and a cock

Titty skittle titties and a knob,
Titty skittle titties and a knob!
yeah should have just made him do something more interesting like the Anderson shelters from ww2 that we had to learn about
>why does this mentally ill attention seeker keep seeking attention and acting mentally ill??
Holding employed woman down and kissing her on the lips.
just use a tissue, stop using your sleeves to wipe your mouth that's disgusting
white people killed Rome for Caeser
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Keep an eye on the thread for me lads, just off to chestfeed the little one, won't be long.
ngl i did crack one out to them when she posted that sports bra photo
well i cant pretend to understand that type of mental illness but it cant be helpful being here and hated by almost everyone
one Russian internet celebrity has a bit queery style but calls himself a man and is a patriot
Norwood II and an Adam’s apple
Norwood II and an Adam’s apple
pretty much how it went down around 800BC up until 9AD
Kek same
Holding employed woman's small hand and walking through the streets protecting her from roke & rasheed.
every 500th guy has a female chromosome but nobody is talking about it even in the western countries
Bongs, explain yourselves
One drop stop and a rope
One drop stop and a rope!
australophobia is the #1 social ill that permeates /brit/
Well I did Tudor Rebellions and the Russian Civil War, think they had more importance and interest
trannies ruined it and its not fair (nor is it my/mens or womens place) to the people like that
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Cooking employed woman a warm meal after she has a hard day at work.
If only we could be more like the Christian ethnostate of Germany

6'4" with an attitude,
6'4" with an attitude!
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King Norwood the 3rd of Rorkeney
imagine if you could do all three that would be mental
in UK extreme liberalism is mixed with nature conservatism, I read that "transgenders" are allowed to use female rooms only after an operation
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pipe down
I'm 175 cm tall you imbecile
No way is ST 6’4, he has extreme manlet energy
during the crusades, white people could go kill muslims to be absolved of all their sins. meanwhile the Jews were walking across the desert or something, so it costed all their sheckles (because they didnt believe in numbers for why muslims dont like the music industry), so they couldnt just pay money to the bank of sins. so they had to do that. now muslims are in wales on benefits because of those socioeconomic factors
my phone is 6,4 and it's comfy
Employed Woman, do you have any plans for your Sunday? :3
ok i will watch this
Maybe have a nap, study some Russian, watch some anime/play some games, cook dinner for the family, early night as toil on the morrow (6:00 am start)
why western people have no bidet culture?
I can't phantom how can you don't wash yourself after a number 2
Italians have it and they are based
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>Sunday's practically already over
It looms
i feel like if you asked every Jew for a sheckle they would group together to number 10 or 1 hundred, and try to give you one sheckle with each person giving that person giving you the sheckle .1 sheckles and thats probably why they started trading slaves
Sacked Tranny replied to the post about his height to correct it but didn’t reply to the one about him balding

You're learning russian? That's an interesting hobby, why's that?
i dont know whats more Jewish
a Jew telling each person everyone else a sheckle, or the Jews telling me theyd do this
I have no idea idea what you're saying here tobes
just remembered middle school dances
sex with gen z boss
yeah they had those between start and finish school right?
is this a picture fro one of those torture houses i mean haunted houses
and a mini!
in Russia some people are clearly obsessed with "correct pronunciation"

I even had recently a discussion about it with a coworker

Russian dialects are very different than standard language, northern dialects have common features with Ukrainian
and during that time the Catholics were inventing banks also
but real banks not the bank of sins

because - unlike the Jews - they simply wrote the amount of gold they had in one place down and took it to the second place to get that gold back after walking through the desert
might make a new blackman catfishing account

got nothing else to do today
thoughts on Bnei Noah?
Sex with Employed Woman.
Do you lads ever wear your trousers with the bottom of the legs turned up
post the results here
thats because on this day in 1945 your ancestors were in a certain camp
fuck off heathermong you evil ghoul
petition to move all these sneering woke cunts right next to people they advocate for none stop
see how long they keep their holier than thou attitude when they have to face the consequences of their actions
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british private schools are open to anyone
british public schools are only for the upper class
ya'll niggas forget your own language
standart Russian - les (forest)
northern Russian and Ukrainian - lis
I love russian and russian culture.

How important is the vowel reduction? Like мoлoкo being pronounced мaлaкo. Is that just a Moscow thing? I've also read that in Petersburg чтo is pronounced as чтo and not штo. And I think near Belarus and Ukraine border people pronounce г like English h.
the pope is standing up for human rights in Iraq
good man
this is the only response you will get and it is a not so subtle reminder that we do not allow that kind of language here
no, it's almost everyone's thing today

but people from southern Russia still sound different
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>petition to move all these sneering woke cunts right next to people they advocate for none stop
>see how long they keep their holier than thou attitude when they have to face the consequences of their actions
need mena gf..
I'd rather be shot than garroted.
HOWLING what a fucking loser
we should stop celebrating black history month until they can name 30 inventions or however many days are in that month
saying "here first" isnt the epik own u think it is
Cпacибo зa вaшy пoмoщь
Ukrainian and Belarusian have two different ways of h

southern Russian is close to Belarusian, yeah, but southern Russia I meant is Krasnodar and etc, they have different dialects and population is mixed with Cossacks/ethnical Ukrainians

sothern Russian dialect is Ryazan', Kaluga, Tula and etc
Funny how all of Employed Woman's haters are too scared(ugly) to show their own faces.
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Sir Woke "Get the niggers housed" Barmer has gone too far this time
crazy how so many of you are phone posters
make sense why tripfags and namefags bloom here
we're faster, stronger, bigger (if u know what i mean)
deal with it lil timmy or keep coping
no thoughts on that other than it being just another way for humans to cope with the fact that we must all get along for the people who dont prefer it being law and the justice system
Tbf everyone on /brit/ is hideously ugly
fucking hell, reopen the asylums
>s-she works at aldi!

Says the NEET who hasn't even been outside his house in a week. Somebody's got to put bread on their table because they don't have a silver spoon from mummy.
screaming at the top of my gay porn lungs
poo barm and a mini
employed "woman" seems to have went quiet after that post
a lot of Christians are scammers
or Evangelacists or whatever. i dont really care. i know most christians are good people
bodied those losers
Whats your opening line on tinder? I want to message a match but I don't know what to write.
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alright heres what i look like, can I make fun of tilde having several mental breakdowns and threatening to stab himself at work then still calling himself a good and pure person?
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this is the freak telling you to fuck off to /r9k/
I make 85k€ (before taxes obviously) as a softwaretard in germoney.

Is this a decent salary in the UK, or would i make more?
literally just hey how's it going
if she has anything in her bio ask about that, or her pictures
no need to take it seriously otherwise you won't get very far
Poverty wages in London
mad how /brit/s most annoying twats inevitably come from /britfeel/ or /britpol/
reminder to throw a car battery or two in the ocean before you die
mad how comfortable everybody is online with outright lying about where they work and how much they earn. virtually nobody on this pathetic website seems to work a normal job in retail or call centre. 100% of you are all master degree holders in advanced space mathematics and chemical engineering theory 500k starting salary any house you want at the age of 19
He зa чтo

About Moscow's dialect, this city has it own's dialect which is almost disappeared today, you can heard it in movie Дepeвeнcкий дeтeктив (1969) in the main character's speech

Employed Woman.

I wanna tell you that you're loved. You're brave. You're kind. You got a gift to change the world, and in time will change everyone's mind.
ktimming hard at this
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Think most people here are envious of me
>Was at rock bottom, unemployed, no degree, no hobbies
>Working at the best paying supermarket in the nation
>Doing a STEM degree and learning Russian
>Do taekwondo
>Plethora of hobbies and interests
>Go out socially
>Well liked at work
>Beloved by family

I've actually done something with my life whilst they've been sat on 4chan posting transphobia nonsense.
>hey how's it going
only works if you're attractive enough for her to want to talk to you
been trying to watch house m.d. but the little random bits of music throughout the show really annoy me for some reason
100% of you people see someone taking an interest in something like piss and immiediately and constantly shit on them and stretch it to where theyre drinking their own piss in your own mind to justify how shit your lives are
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your mum doesn't let you cook chicken because you might choke to death on the bones
the tranny voice is so grim. the obviously masculine vocal chords trying to project femininity. always sounds the same as well
The fat freaks here are 100% jealous of you
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>Working at the best paying supermarket in the nation
just by the look of you i can tell nobody likes you at work. you look insufferable and have the face for it
tilde is just a narcissist, needs to make the thread about himself and feels bad whenever people dont see the world as he does
the mark worship is an extension of that, hes the only person tilde can feel better than
LIDL stopped selling forks with their salads and thats retarded
>Poverty wages in London
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>Working at the best paying supermarket in the nation
Thank you so much for answering my questions. I will watch the film later today. Cпacибo бoльшoe oпять. Oчeнь интepecнo.
Wish I could do a 2B > 2B > 2A > 6C > 236AC into this fuckwit at uni
rubbish. ive got no degree. im starting a job as an asda delivery driver tomorrow. i regularly post about my shite povvo life
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truly a monumental achievement
should i have a drink now or leave it til later?
its samefagging for attention. this is how characters are introduced to long running generals. the "dox drop" and now we're all supposed to spend days and weeks talking about this
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That's right, ignore the haters EW.
How good are you at taekwando? :3
i'm smarter than all of you
he wants mark to shag his battyhole just like his fat alcoholic uncle did
mental illness: the post
I'm a yellow belt. Started in February of this year.
post the OF model with the black hair and cute face and eyes and mouth
do you get a boner when you beat up real women?
she has pictures. her bio has something about "finding her lobster" which google tells me is a Friends reference. and a prompt about mario kart.

well she did swipe right on my profile to match me
i was a yellow belt in taekwondo when i was 10
do you do taekwondo because there's a lot of kids there?
Is the training intense? Do you sweat a lot? :3
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its not aldi shrewsbury it didnt open until 2023
t. bentist :DD
stfu spaino lmfao
a drink of what? booze? seems a bit early for that but there's nothing else to do today in fairness
just had a glass of room temperature tap water myself
*walks out of the thread portaloo*
might want to give that 5 minutes lads
Favourite Top Gear special lads?

Gotta be the 2007 USA road trip for me, makes me howl every time.
the movie is about a policeman living in a villiage, but the speech is the old Moscow's dialect
Good for you. You should get back into it. It's very fun

Yes it can be quite intense
i blame the tattle.life crossposters for this boring fantasy character 4chan roster gossiping
Diamonds at the thought up Hermione Granger-esque oxford bookworms getting STRETCHED by their affirmative action black british boyfriends' BBCs in the hallowed bathrooms of Jesus college
*barges past everyone to go in*

he started working there in 2023 and battlefield road is the only one in shrewsbury with self service tills which he's mentioned
that's a point, when are they going to fix the fucking plumbing around here? one little portaloo for 70 odd lads isn't enough
Every time I open this place youre all talking about politics, spamming about bbcs, or posting about some namefag. Not sure why I even come here
nolan hired one of the top minds in gravity and physics to help with interstellar's wormhole and blackhole visualizations, the latter of which turned out to be really close to what a real blackhole looks like, and then matthew mcgarnagle jumps into a blackhole without getting stretched to death
>just had a glass of room temperature tap water myself
i'd rather drink my own sick
when there's a woman, tradesmen will come
gonna go brave a shit in toilet
someone should go down and pay him a visit
Do you spar with people? :3
show images of terrible pub pours lads
you could cross the event horizon before spaghettification kills you if the black hole is large enough or rotating fast enough
what happens within in the movie is obviously fantasy however
why? tap water is based
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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon waves to a woman as she makes her way down escalators on her way to view the exhibitor’s hall during day two of the Scottish National Party Conference in Aberdeen, Scotland (2022)
what's the point in having arse hair if shit just sticks to it. gays have it right
Why did he record this
i made that shit post before i saw those posts
Literally all me
if it had ice and lime in it i might be convinced
severe mental illness
one of his many, many autistic meltdowns
I do it to actively poison the well because I hate the poms for sending our boys to get slaughtered at Gallipoli and they still haven't apologized.

Honestly glad that the new generations of multicultural brits will actively despite churchill and rip statues of him and all of the old pom heroes down

London is irreversibly minority-majority and that is a good thing
corbyn at the tap again
don't like cold water because it hurts my teeth
i wear them on my head like a beanie
he works at aldi scarborough and attends desapline martial arts academy to beat up females in taekwondo
>just randomly waving to a random woman who has no idea whats going on
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Having a wank in the shower lads
What are you even yapping about
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I met her in a Greggs down in old Shrewsbury
Where you eat steak bakes and the coffee tastes like dishwater
She walked up to me and she asked "eating in?", I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Tilde
T-I-L-D Tilde
Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walks like a woman and talks like a man
Oh my Tilde
T-I-L-D Tilde
Spaedo on a mad one
We supporting spurs later, right?
did the man kick the ball?
hope they both lose
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yes hello police?
canada is at it again
cam on dundee united, score some facking goals
Not having this slander against Greggs coffee it’s actually alri
calm down she's 12,000 years old
The poms actively exploited Australia, stole our wealth, kept us down, and then made young Aussie boys die on a Turkish beach for their empire while they sat back, drank tea and called us backwards colonials.

Britain is thankfully done. The empire has collapsed and the union will break up by the end of the century. England will be reduced to a tiny runt state in Europe with no future, and that is what they deserve
it's spaedo on his spanish and canadian VPNs
report and move on
Spanish people on the left in whatever time it was
holden melty
man needs serious help
all filtered
havent seen the guy in months
it's the mentally ill expat having another autistic rant
remember being brainwashed about the melting pot in high school
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Nottingham gone woke.
that pasta is at least 5 years old, maybe they've improved since then
sick of the foreigners in /brit/. we are being overrun
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it would be ok to love this fallen angel. i could save him
anyone got the music on?
FoodHub app? Opened

Kizza? On its way

Sunday lunch? Sorted

Belly? Rumbling
what the fuck is a vegan drink?
When will Britons admit that Australians are their complete equals?
it stops your crack cheeks from rubbing against each other and getting irritated, also it's like a silencer for your farts
it's sad that we're having to filter entire countries because of one spacker that doesn't even live there
sorry Canada, it's nothing personnel
looks like a whiny little bitch to me
watching youtube videos about arch linux myself
I submit to australian bbc
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grim. stop supporting illegal immigrants and get a roast in the oven to scran with your anglo family
i'll admit it, aussies are based, but you're annoying and need to keep a lid on it
had canada unfiltered for a while until now and they're going back on the list
Still at the Hotel HL Rondo, are we? Second floor, yeah? Opposite the Santander?
incompetent generals made everyone suffer in ww1 not just anzacs. get over yourself
Fuck no lol
currently listening to The Chronic
any good ones?
of coruse you are our equals <3
Prefer a kizza to that tasteless slop but thanks
everything's coming up rorke
>tidle out
>toby in
nah just autists
With any luck white britons will be reduced to a national minority by 2075. The Nigerian population is booming so hopefully they all just migrate to the UK and displace you.

Churchill stated repeatedly that he despised Australians and he was in charge of the Gallipoli landing. Churchill statues should be smashed and his grave dug up and his skeleton spat on.
corr good choon, reminds me somewhat of infected mushroom
I don't think that was ever in doubt lad
works as a good filter then
if she's that shallow to not talk to you with a simple greeting then she's not worth it desu
Salaam alaikum, /brit/
So when are you paying us back for the tens of billions of gold you stole from us?
my god what a shit thread, you should all be ashamed of yourselves
you didnt even get to the main bit yet (1 minute off) but ok...
infected mushroom is great btw i liked the popular album with the spooky doll or child on the album cover
love the sound of brainbombs so much but the lyrics of almost every song would get me arrested if anyone found me listening
don't recall that sorry
mamma mia mario!

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