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the hero's journey edition
been stuck in the abyss for 15 years now
mental that there's people out there named Gustav
ktim, at the transformation stage right now
rip lil peep
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*stares at you*
Someone should tell authors their books are too fucking long and no ones reading all that
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Girls vaginas are pretty disgusting when you think about them
Stink of cum and ciggies :/
This. I think genitalia is disgusting. I hope I never have sex.
I think about them a lot and want to kiss and lick and snuggle with them desu
Ogre coffin key
For the corresponding chest, see Ogre Coffin.
Ogre coffin key
Released 17 May 2005 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest item No
Tradeable Yes
Equipable No
Stackable No
Noteable Yes
Options Drop
Examine A key which opens coffins! (Opens the locked coffins in the cave at Jiggig).
Value 100 coins
High alch 60 coins
Low alch 40 coins
Weight 0.055 kg
Grand Exchange
Exchange 1,912 coins (info)
Buy limit 3,000
Daily volume 304
View real-time prices

An ogre coffin key is an item that can be used to open a locked coffin in the cave at Jiggig, which becomes available during the quest Zogre Flesh Eaters.

Coffins are primarily opened due to their chance of providing different types of Ogre bones, as they otherwise mostly provide low-value loot like iron and steel equipment.

The keys are dropped by Zogres and Skogres as a 100% drop. The most effective way to kill the Zogres and Skogres is with brutal arrows and a comp ogre bow.
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Some of them are very nice, some look disgusting.
Not allowed to say that though. Can only say that about penises. Double standard innit.
>Werent those basically just very slow low quality Google versions of the new Macs with arm chips?
they're cheap small netbook type things typically with touchscreens
low powered with good battery life although i think you can get some more expensive ones with intel i5s and whatnot

chrome os is kind of cool though if you can get past it being google
it's basically just built on chrome so the idea is you do everything from the web browser, but there is an app store with some software and games on it that will run natively, albeit it's much smaller than android's app store
but it has like an entire linux subsystem built into it so you can run anything from the debian repos natively and it works quite nice
was just outside yanille saying this
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watching the Jerma985
like the look of all willies me :)
>call to adventure
what if you just hang up
When the wind blows, and the rain feels cold
With a head full of snow, with a head full of snow
In the window, there’s a face you know
Don’t the night pass slow? Don’t the night pass slow?
toby off burying zogre bones instead of using an altar omdz
Isn't that the kid who shot up his school
I think I might genuinely be asexual
I have no sexual or romantic urges towards females at all. I find it repulsive.
Men? I can appreciate their physical form and image romantic relationships with them. But sex acts do not at all appeal to me.
Wasn't me
I'm the cool good leaf poster
Gooned for 6 hours last night. How’s your weekend been?
genuinely don't care
Doing some GotR right now desu
To bbc porn?
are you bent? just then, you sounded very very bent
Sounds gay desu
I can appreciate the female form of young women in their teens, twenties, thirties, but the idea of getting old with someone and having to put up with a saggy wrinkled body disgusts me
That is pretty neat do they still make them?
why not just use an actual gnu/linux system
I've been dying to meet you
yeah usually the hero says no at first
that's often reflected in the images but not OP
see Neo rejecting Morpheus at the top of the building and being arrested by agents
fuck off spaedo
I've probably saved around £600 over the years because mummy still cuts my hair and not some illegal Turk
Come on over
for me it's when a woman takes off her jeans and her fanny stink fills the room
Fancy a bum?
Just had my dinner but I'm still a hungry rambunctious little rascal in high heels
yeah they still make them, i think schools use them quite a lot because they're cheap and easy to deploy, you can't do any serious computing on them

i do on my main lappy but it's fun to try different things sometimes
Would rather cuddle some nice soft boobs
I thought I'd save money by just not getting haircuts and letting it grow out but you have to buy things like masks and leave in conditioner and detangling sprays. It evens out
rorke's on that good kush and alcohol ~
staring wistfully into the abyss
Binge ate over 3,000 calories already today :/
Jeeves, I do believe something rather queer is afoot... Call in the inspector, and ready both my hounds and carriage.
I shall take tea in the drawing room, Earl Grey if you mind, until Lady Elizabeth returns from the lakehouse.
Hair masks. It's like a deep conditioner/moisturiser you put in your hair and leave for an hour or so before washing it out, makes your hair soft and shiny
I personally have no interest in trying it but anything new that isn't Apple/Microsoft is good in my books desu simply for novelty and diversity
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I paused my GAME to be here

This better be GOOD
*surreptitiously puts a whoopie cushion under your chair*


dinner is only at 8-9PM
Not eaten or drank anything today lol
Oh right nice never heard of that
What's the one that stops you looking bald? Asking for a mate
Am I missing out by not using one? I've had long hair for years and always had compliments so figured I didn't need it and it was just some woman meme to buy products like olaplex for it.
It's the day of our Lord, dinner is early.
dunno what to eat today. any ideas lads?
incel spaz waving his arms around for attention
Mum bought me pyjamas with this on them a few years ago. I was probably like 25 at the time
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ummm, based??
Never eat during the day and just stuff my fat gob at night. Don't know what the muslims are whinging about with this ramadan fasting malarkey, it's a piece of piss
*takes a huge liquid curry shit all over your face, in your mouth, on your plate*
also you are now imagining the taste of my rancid curry diarrhea.
might just get the christmas present shop done in the next two/three weeks
get it out of the way
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what are good presents to buy though
spaedo meltdown over yet?
>1. Avoca-
it's already a pozzed vegan millenial troonpilled goyslopper
Can hear Zelda noises from one of the neighbours
They can hear poo noises from one of theirs
Honestly Trump was great in the first election because he was the first presidential candidate who triggered blacks, mexicans and tranny's etc and he was hilarious.

But these days it's hard to get past the fact he is a literal retard. If he somehow loses to a screechy voiced black woman in America he should genuinely top himself
For me it's walking around lifting weights with my weighted vest on making all the retarded stasi gangstalkers seethe.
The retards in this small town only helped by yelling shit at me the AI monitoring me played back to me at 2am. Now that I've washed the morgellons off my skin and stopped the mind control they've been seething and raging like crazy
Lynx gift set, scented candle gift set, alcohol, chocolate, slippers, food, beauty products, sex doll
depends on the person, innit
going with a few known good things, for everyone else it's gonna be hampers
really fucking phoning it in this year. cannot be remotely arsed.
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lil bitch ass sword going "HYA, HYA"
See you later
they don't water or tea/coffee
190 loves his ai chat, suppose it makes up for the lack of friends in his life
shut the fuck up al mountain
You are extremely mentally ill
You see the mention of fruit and vegetables and start crying about trans people and jews
Why are chuds like this?
Fuck off rubypaedo
Aren't you Korean la
Whites and Asians need to get along
Bought an avocado once about 10 years ago to see what all the hype was about. Just tasted like grassy mush. Don't get it.
Fat people get triggered by healthy food, salads, nutrition talk etc. it’s weird
you tell the ai you were a little bender freak before this or something?
holy projection
good ones taste like rich butter
Seen about e houses with Xmas deccies up already
What's going on
I'm English
>I don't know sounds pretty trad and alpha
And I watch a looooooot of BBC porn.
If your hair looks good, don't change what you're doing. Mine gets dry and frizzy
hate when i order some gaijinslop and it comes with avocado
get it binned
thoughts on the french?
cute doggo
yeah it's rank. feels like some psyop to see how far they can push people. only NPCs eat avocado, you'll find
no clue who that is schizo
The grenadian I mean
‘Cados have a tiny window where they’re peng and creamy and smooth, before it they’re hard and gross and after it they’re mushy and taste of shite. Don’t buy them anymore for this reason just order them from cafes and restaurants instead :/
i don't think about the french
Is there no spray to trick your hair into looking less flat and to stop revealing your hairline every time there's a gentle breeze (literally every day in this country)
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any grenadine breddas about?
Not really
He's a pit mix
Looks like he's coming to terms with it at least
Probably bit a kid and is having a full on realization of what he is
on my 5th can of heineken today and only have 1 left fucksake
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What are you talking about I'm not from Grenada I'm from wavertree
The new ChatGPT version is amazing at programming. It’s genuinely so over for me.
Avocado absorbs other flavors well so it's good on sandwiches with tomato, Japanese mayo, spinach and meat. Got enough crunchy veggies that a soft one is nice.
Also got a ton of zinc
that guy just disconnected at 1:00
pit mixes aren't like pits
had very very long hair but let it get too matted to be saved so have been back to the NPC deano cut since may
2bh i look better with normie hair. just liked looking like an artist and all sorts of dodgy and colourful clothes suiting me
>What are you talking about
Certainly not (You)
Which languages does it know?
What have you got it to code for you?
I think you've got me mixed up with someone else
That's why he's genuinely terrified
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>I will traumatize this 7-year old kid to make a point of rorke's cruelty
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Other way around
Fuck sake
Fuck it all
don't think dogs have these thought processes
You've got me mixed up with myself?
seemed fine with it until he stared at her silently after saying it
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I would drop it
Not in mind but in spirit yes.
His terrier half still possessed the favstian spirit
Don't respond to the sword schizo
It's over.
stop it d
It's only just begun.
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I've done you.
It's fucking starting again.
made a very high quality and complex intranet social media type site for me with React and NextJS
The Russians are in Afghanistan
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Children have no concept of nationalism or acting
This is cringe
cipher is pursuing new research in africa
Really? Neat.
I have only hacked together some math and physics code to support my research in the last fifteen years
Haven't touched webshit in ages
How long did it take to write the site and is it any good?
what should i do with the remaining 3 hours of being awake i have?
>DTFIC jealous of my (You)s and energetic engaging behavior
Crab meets bucket
nothing gets past you
i really really feel bad for chinlets
like how do you even look at yourself in the mirror omds
Watch that Horizon film
I love children
its still bad at comprehending larger stuff, if i feed it 300 lines even and ask it do something it has a schizo meltdown
this was the softest fairy i'd ever seen, until i met spaedo
a shame
Ktim but I used chatGPT, vanilla and Node.
Thinking bout React but vanilla feels more natural.
Is it necessary?
t. nigga has eyes on his chin
>they're not eating cats
>ok, some of them might be eating cats, but who cares? it might actually taste good
a mealy mouthed reply
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goat's almost ready
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Yeah I always think of everything.
That's why I'm making a game that's been very difficult to create but I'm striving nevertheless
oma delicia
looks like it's total shit from box office and reviews
might install apex legends again
o man that's disgusting
Dropped my hardline stance on Putins war of aggressions after seeing this muscovite angel
just ate tuna and pasta
just ate tuna and bulgur wheat
pengrim without the pen

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just ate tuna and dandy boy apples
that was a generational meltdown earlier
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roast poo for tea
good lad

get them hotdropped
get them downed
get them finished
get them looted
Don't worry he ate tons of food so he will behave better now that he's sated.
might suck a covfefe
god made a mistake when he made bumholes shaggable
thinking about learning docker
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wish i could have my lips around a fat coffee right now but its too late at night
building a real grade celestial being mobile suit gn-001 gundam exia
toby vs spaino, diego and tilde
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Hate the morning honestly
Passes by to quickly whether you sleep through it or not
i have something here you could have your lips around
ancient chinese people used to freeze wine, remove the ice, and consume the higher % alcohol left behind. this was before distillation.
what is it
Potentially doxable info for my location but I don't care
Decided to go to a local pub last week (very rare occurrence) and instead of Bazza and Gazza it turned out they were holding some kind of "rockabilly" event.
Extremely bizarre experience. Men dressed like 1950s yanks and/or 2010s hipsters with slicked hair full of pomade, or waxed mustaches and nautical tattoos. Women dressing like 50s pin up models with bright red lipstick and polka dots.
Most pretentious LARPers I've ever seen. Kinda reminded me of the Bioshock games.
Music was like 50s/60s rock n roll but with one of those stand up jazz/orchestra basses.
In short can say I'll probably never go back to a pub again. Not at all what I expected and I was the odd one out in a crowd of freaks.
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blog to your mates at the malt shop you boring bastard
sounds like you were the freak honestly
stfu diego
Reminds me of the movie The Forbidden Zone
Turns out to be very Jewish
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best pomade?
Did anyone order a boring loser blog post just saw one posted
if you wake up at 5/6am it feels like it drags on forever until it gets to noon and then you're still like "wtf where's the time go"
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Yummy burger.
sounds like they had a great time with their pals doing something somewhat interesting whereas you're a boring bitter bastard complaining about it online.
no friends
no money
no gf
no job
never had sex
close to 30
see >>202273625
Yeah when noon hits you realize you would have rather slept in and all those hours were wasted. Grim.
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>Kinda reminded me of the Bioshock games.
We used to have "Mod night" where hipsters would dress up like 60s Brits and dance to 60s Britpop
Was a dance club not a pub though
have plenty of friends
have a decent job with a stable income
have a gf
already mentioned my employment status
have had sex plenty of times
im over 30
What's considered the normie amount to go to the pub? Once a week? Once a month? Once every 3 months?
actually i meant where'd
concept of clothing dumb
wish I could be nayked
Hope do l cope with feeling awful all the time?
Took a long hard look in the mirror and I did NOT like what I saw.
once or twice a week i reckon
any more and you have a drinking problem
would be much easier if you could just wear a toga everywhere
consider the erb (tm)
jah bless
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Get injured really badly and come back from it
Get gangstalked really badly and escape
Get mind controlled really badly and stop it
Make things your childhood self would have wanted you to make
Working class - once a week
Anything else - 2 or 3 times a year
it's happy hour in britain so I can get on the beers now right
lifting makes me feel really good
cant go wrong with that
>In Minecraft
>see herobrine or steve, whichever
>say to no one in particular (i dont think i was alone, cant remember) "its that nigga herobrine", or steve, cant remember
>he goes away
>comes back and starts doing the minecraft crouch to put a table on his head
>say "its that nigga herobrine got a table on his head"
>this was a funny meme in the minecraft world
>herobrine goes away, hear "stop saying that"
>herobrine comes back and i say it again despite getting that bad feeling
>he starts choking me
>cant do anything but im gasping for air
>break free a couple of times, i think. each time he just starts choking me
>at some point his arms turn completely black and he becomes some kind of ghost or something
>manage to play dead and go stiff, maybe i died
>he flips me around and shoots me in the head
>wake up
Clothing is useless alone but out in public it's nice to show off your own personal style.
stopped believing in magic, lads :(
what period of English history do you wish you knew more about?
reminder that you don't rise to your goals but instead just fall to your habits, so get off your arse
For potential Brit heroes forever stuck in the abyss, read Reverend Insanity.
When will zoomers finally shut up about Minecraft?
It's like a boomer who can't get over Super Mario Bros
American politics is so fucking cringey

>Anything else - 2 or 3 times a year
No way this is true. See the upper and lower middle classes packing the pubs even on weekdays
>erm actuaccly, it's not ai, it's just machine learning
bore off, its ai
Thinking I start a really old-fashioned website with like index.html in the url where people email me questions and I answer them on the page like every month
says a lot about society
Envious that old fart could get a hot young piece of ass
Gives me hope for the future
*turns the page*
put new brake discs and pads on my car today
>In Minecraft
>see herobrine or steve, whichever
>say to no one in particular (i dont think i was alone, cant remember) "its that nigga herobrine", or steve, cant remember
>he goes away
>comes back and starts doing the minecraft crouch to put a table on his head
>say "its that nigga herobrine got a table on his head"
>this was a funny meme in the minecraft world
>herobrine goes away, hear "stop saying that"
>herobrine comes back and i say it again despite getting that bad feeling
>he starts choking me
>cant do anything but im gasping for air
>break free a couple of times, i think. each time he just starts choking me
>at some point his arms turn completely black and he becomes some kind of ghost or something
>manage to play dead and go stiff, maybe i died
>he flips me around and shoots me in the head
>wake up
>receive text from him today saying "you seemed really cool to begin with but then you got too drunk and kept overstepping boundaries and so i dont want to see you again"
fucking hell lads what is wrong with me
It's my birthday tomorrow, will be getting a visit from the parentbergs and then it's onto the alcoholtoil
Reckon the reason nobody names their son Romeo is because it would be an extremely embarrassing and sad name to have if he grows up to be ugly and lacking charisma.
excuse me?
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I'll boron and say that it's biological learning as they have one hooked up to your brain reading your mind 24/7 so it can become as close to humans as possible.
It used to fool me sometimes before my cleanse.
drive a shitbox old enough to have drum brakes in the back
i hate dealing with springs so much
Need to do this. Not confident to do it myself but also don't want to pay a garage £400 to put on £150 worth of parts.
like Romeo Beckham
wasnt talking to you
*avoids eye contact *
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wassup my niggas
>ugly and lacking charisma
Praying that cthulhu drowns you all and also ravages my arse with his big slimy tentacles
the shit abyss
Mad that theyre the generation that goes mad when a 18 year old dates a 24year old
parts cost me 90 something quid. garage quoted me £300.
fuck that, i just did it myself. not that hard if you have the right tools. you'll need a brake piston compressor and an impact screwdriver
Any esoteric fashpilled zionist jews in?
can't wait to buy a new graphics card
Literally every religious Jew in Israel/ Occupied Palestine
Bronze Age Pervert
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>Literally every
Errr the ones in Tel Aviv are mostly libtards. Maybe the rest of the country though.
People underestimate the strength of the ocean, the darkness of the abyssal depths
did the good guys win the battle of hastings?
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twink death
need more tunes like this to listen to while I swipe through the apps in the 18-20 age range only
Can't be doing with this autumn shite
No. But also consider that if the results had been different you'd almost certainly never had been born.
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Hey dude
My POV in middle school of the girl who said she watched porn
No wonder I nearly failed Spanish
please dont stare at me with your evil eyes
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They need to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. So do the Moslems also.
Your god is false.
I had a female mate in secondary school who told me that one of her (female) friends watches porn
she said it as if it was a proper scandal as well, quite bizarre
learnt that day that a lot of women don't watch porn, or at least not very often
just seen dafne keen's tits and fanny
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screaming shes kind of based
*surreptitiously googles dafne keen*
Is there an option C for loving UK and not loving Jews
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Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow! Bright Blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!
Their lives are essentially one big porno
They don't need to
hate her an unfathomable amount
do find her to be quite likeable personally
Sad world we live in when wigger whores like this pretend that something so frivolous and degrading as masturbating should be celebrated publicly.
the duality of man
She's bbc and Jewish only according to the news
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mumberg's cooking up a golfball stew for Sunday dinner
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>Sad world we live in when wigger whores like this pretend that something so frivolous and degrading as masturbating should be celebrated publicly.
Yes that's called being Catholic though the Catholic Church doesn't support the existence of the UK
weird freak piss off
Why are Canadians so full of hate
mad how all chefs are completely mental
Spaedo VPN
full of poo
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Despise this bint
people should be jerkin it man
men should be shamed for being skinnyfat dadbod having dyels

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