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VOTE for the edish!
here we are then, the new
malcolm in the middle. funny.
Hate this gimmick.
need to message the tinder match back
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I'm legitimately really angry at that guy sharing my new early and then reporting it
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Mad how Tom Hanks is the main fixer for Hollywood paedos
dont get why you put the time in. just say the next thread you make. far less confusing that way
you've been done mate, happens to the best of us
voted for reece me, what a lad
you got done
ugly desu
Cat owning swifties should love trump
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Got scabs on the end of my foreskin from where I've been wanking too much.
seen better looking lasses in spoons
eggless heehaw bitch
gives us all something to look forward to
accidentally picked kia sportage when i meant to do parrot can i get a redo ta x
Favourite Top Gear special lads?
how is grey easier to clean than any other colour including brown which is literally the colour of poo
Pol happening!
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>London is full
Get on a train and become homeless in another county.

They said mine was a double room. I think they took a liking to me since it was apparent that I wasn't an intravenous drug user or scumbag.

Actually most, if not all, of the other hostel occupants were drug users and alcoholics and they did both of these things in the hostel. The staff knew but mainly focused on keeping the patrons alive and de-escalating things.

People who sleep rough i.e not in hostels actually do so because they want to be away from all the druggies and horrible cunts in homeless hostels (myself excepted of course).

In the hostel I had to pay £1200/month (yes, £300/week) to stay there, among druggies. This was because I had savings. If you have no money (as was the case for everyone else) then the local council pays it all via housing benefit. The only condition is that you must be homeless, which I was and so was everyone else.

Thanks lad.
you dont need to put the time in though. just a bizarre thing to do when referring to a thread in the future
Freak in the old thread quoting literal QAnon gibberish to explain his undying loyalty to Trump.
You are a fucking Brit. Stick to worrying about the 5G activated microchips in the vaccines mate.
Why is it that trannies are more appealing if they have massive, erect cocks
nun timmy cud do x
>Spainpaki having an argument about Trump
>Belgian VPN suddenly stops spamming

Like clockwork lol
That autistic incel freak is just too easy to bait
was gonna google something and i cant remember now :(
the one where they made fun of filthy foreigners
Rorke is done.
How would you react if you found out your girlfriend had previously been blacked lads?
dreading new toil tomorrow
he's back on the VPN now and the trump talk has stopped completely
twitter is more powerful ragefuel than /pol/ these days
I'm getting her currently blacked lad
i'm not a perfect person
Think you might just be gay mate. Nothing wrong with it mind you
Make her describe it to me while I edge
How many boosters have you had?
all filtered
i need to suck off the guy who made 4chanx, clearly, made life so much better
ya talk about him some more grrrr just hate him so much
google it
dead by 45
what the fuck, do they feed you as well? i'd expect to be wanked off every night for that sort of money, a cheapskate flat is like £500/mo where I am
jus try ur best bby x :)
Johnny Borrell, rock GOD.
GCHQ pushing the gay porn agenda in /brit/
i mean the so called council property they give you not the hostel
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i like when they turn the cars into RVs
The British deep state tried to assassinate trump again
>if you don't believe QAnon and literally pray to Trump you are Spaino
This is the level of schizophrenia half the posters here operate on.
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emptied the last of the vodka bottle
its come out to basically two doubles, a quadruple
im going off the rails on the boozy train
sulad in?
feel a bit nervous about going naked to an onsen
have you been to one?
the scottish deep fried state
Don't like men though
There's a Happening happening again but I can't talk about it in Brit or I'll get banned
not even a daughter, shame
it takes me 5 mins at most tho lad, started the poll at 270 posts this time
it's why the options are pretty random
>when referring to a thread in the future
the polls are for the edish of the current thread which is announced at the end. when the announcement is made, the edish we've all been posting in is confirmed!
omg shes just like me
give it a rest spaedo
stopped buying bottles of booze myself
would like to have a nice little drinks cabinet filled with various things but i cant stop myself just drinking it all
I hear that 3 reports for this post violates United States law gets a post insta removed. Imagine that.
that makes no fucking sense
nothing ever happens
get this through your head
seeing an AWFUL LOT of extremely low quality posts
You literally worship and pray to a convicted child rapist, Donald Trump.
it's just a silly bit of fun mate get over it
actors arent deep state or that but they are simply for hire as much for the DoJ or state department as for weinstein and co
tom hanks would have been paid to put that video during covid where he was like 'me and rita are in holiday and we're the first ones to get covid everyone needs to take this seriously'

and clooney would have been paid to sign that thing against biden

they're just mercenaries and it's crazy we pretend they're not
luke da nook liddler
yeah that's the problem
this bottles lasted, like they all do, since friday evening
then on friday evening i'll buy another. moderation.
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>do they feed you as well?
No it was just the room with what you can see in that image, plus a bathroom with shower. Also I had to pay £8/week for unlimited heating and electricity.

There were washing machines but I never used them as I didn't want my clothes nicked or to interact with the other hostel occupants. So I would wash my clothes in the bathroom sink then dry them with the radiator on full blast.

When they found a council property for me they phoned me up at the hostel, told me I had to come get the keys same day and I signed the lease that day. The rent on the council flat is £350 per month. I was only in the hostel for 3 weeks.
Watching Lost

The show is fukken 20 years old

Makes me feel old
just want to say, and he doesnt get the recognition or the praise he deserves half the time, but the jannys recent efforts to keep the mouse at bay have not gone unnoticed nor unappreciated
thank you janny
I like my coffee like I like my men: black and sitting on my kitchen table pumped full of my cum
voting for an edish in the future would be much more fun.
The amount of foreigners in London is alarming, and more alarming everyday

Even in the space of three years the difference is shocking
do I?
prove it
where's all the birds into autistic men then?
Your posts these past 2 threads are the proof
im glad you were forced to pay back some of the bennies you stole from the country
mousey is onto something ngl the mods delete his posts but leave the blacked stuff up
italian women can only give birth to sons when a germanic bull impregnates her
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>face card
the gimmick would lose its charm
when the war start's they'll all scuttle back home
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*turns his lights off for the final time*
not even been in /brit/
these are my first two posts of the night
you're just a schizo freak spaedo
take your fucking meds
Nobody calls you by an endearing nickname
You're an autistic freak and this website is your entire life, you'll be up until 5am spamming on your Belgium VPN and phoneposting LOL!
London has always been like this
What sector
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Fabian Socialists, Central Bankers and the Neo Lobsterbacks from the Pentagon are trying to kill President Trump again because he wants to do away with their racket.
See you in 3 days
mental how
New should be school girl legs edish
it wouldnt be a gimmick. it would be a fun thing everyone could get involved with and enjoy
I heard it was 2 people shooting at each other and Drumpf wasn't even the target
Trump has more lives than Rasputin
This sucks
3 days. You're done.
mad how if you dont work hard and let yourself become homeless they just give you everything for free
its disgusting
Marx willing, Lula will have you sent to a prison camp deep in the Amazon.
thought that other anon was taking the pis, I couldn't see anything on /pol/ turns out he was right
>it would be a fun thing everyone could get involved with and enjoy
it already is though imo. all a bit of harmless fun and no bother with people wanting their edish next and calling me an incel for posting the winner
plus, what would this thread's edish be? just a vote for the next one? it would be horrid to this thread
keep crying bitch nigga
pua shita
nice try GCHQ
>t. Young Fabian spreading disinfo online
Your government only arrests people telling the truth that's why you don't ever have to worry about lying.
seethe on toilfreak
Reading about "Tiny Homes"
Can’t stop thinking about satanic paedophiles
>post about trump and an early new insta-jannied
>tranny and ir porn at the top of the thread still up
says it all
Mad how if you make a pittance for 10 years and manage to make a lot of money in your 11th year the government takes half of it.
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wish levchenko made it to the final at least
first this then they'll rebrand workhouses
Literally half this thread believes every schizo QAnon theory.
Really blows your mind.
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get a boner
what is that?
what do you expect when spaedo is the janny
watching family guy - how does Brian keep getting so many dates despite being an annoying talking dog?
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Absolute state lol
You could buy a 3 bed home 30 years ago for £50,000
pig harmer
Not sure what's happening in other countries but here in the UK Keir Starmers wife is wearing clothes donated by a party donor

Now that's a REAL happening. So glad the jannies are keeping this general interesting.
Keir Starmer is Spaino
utterly screaming at the thought of what the prompt for this must have said
let's settle this debate once and for all lads

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seth mcfarlane self-insert
genuine slop
nearly spat out me coke
well, you know how white women and dogs are...
prancing about in knickers isn't porn retard
List of Jews:
Boris Johnson
Kumballa is married to a jew
Tom Hanks

Really makes you think
dont want to go to work tomorrow.
I have no energy for life.
I am tired.
I want to stay in my comfy bed.
I want to play vidya, watch films/TV shows, do my incel walks etc.
List of people who are Spaino:
you should perform the fabled sicky
i might just
didn't read but I voted
ebony legal teen pussy pov first creampie
Sir Fash Stormer
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Reminder that anyone who criticizes based George is a Russian shill simple as
speado going on about his boring politics again is he?
Do you need a TV licence to watch live porn streams?
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way too pissed now to want to read those words
like the occasional vote but shouldn't be always
my votes?

parrot edish
current thread edish
18 year old: yeah just rev up the most vile disgusting porn you can possibly create
The temptation to quit my job is rising.
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dutch women are fit
Shut up Spaino you FREAK
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It's called absurdism. They do the same thing with the gay alien in American Dad
i wish i were a dutch woman
Trust the plan
Hello literally me
nice try adam you nonce
new should be little bratty girls edish
thank god they drew a red box around what i was meant to read in this image
shitting hell he is so fucking ugly
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italian women are better
nobody knows im 190
another whisky? yeah go on then
link the video
another whisky? yeah go on then
Starmer defended Seville
a peng bunch
driving job
square jaw
does anybody here watch doctor who
You should all post your cocks so we can compare who's is best
Why do normies find this funny
i voted sour cream pringles but got here about 15 mins after the thread had started so realised instantly it was a wasted vote
Should be alright then, you'll be on your most of the day surely.
not even 9pm and I'm ready to pass out
literally palpatine irl
alri alex jones
darth soros casting lightning bolt on my lightsaber
she'll make square jawed Chad sons
watch a different movie im begging you
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If Starmer is a Jew then Tom Hanks is Greek Orthodox
well ya gotta draw the line somewhere chief, we could argue semantics tell the cows come home
yes but they'll be italian
not worth it
haha yea
*walks off*
quite based desu
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Ideally you want a German bird for that
is this a cuck and his gf or what
Where's Berezovsky?
Oh yeah still burning in hell AHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
Shivering in my house, feet going numb from the cold, nose running
I will be the first fatality of Starmers cruel policies
There's no way sleeping rough in winter is preferable to your own warm, dry room
There must be another reason they're not in hostels
would have climbed up like spiderman and ask to join in or at least wank to it closer
This isn't even hard if you have even a bare basic understanding of A level maths
going for a piss, want owt?
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They'll take after the father more based on evidence

new roseanne just dropped lads
yeah, piss please mate x
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A can of ear medicine from the fridge
shut up nerd
couple cotton buds please
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back from libtard methodist church with the family. Was chudding out the whole time
Tomorrow is training. Hopefully i'll get to go out on my own Wednesday/Thursday.
Being homeless in Russia must be a death sentence
Don't care how many layers you have or what kind of sleeping bag, no way you're surviving a night on a bench when it's -30C outside
rorke wont like those tattoos
I'm going ham. YOLO
BitchGPT lookin kinda lit
Russia doesn't have homeless people because they're not soulless Jewish individualistic Saxon liberals.
they make sleeping bags for -30c
This is false and you are a propagandist ghoul
Any Stage 2 cancer patients in?
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Official /brit/ album
How come I need electricity to keep my fridge at 2C then?

Why can't I just throw my food into one of these sleeping bags?
flossing my arsehole
We've all seen homeless russians
Convulsing as they bleed out after the Ukrainian drone drops its grenade
confusing post
Oh how I would do anything to be female
Got my Timex watch on
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No liberal would identify himself as "Saxon" he would say that's a Nazi dogshistle
hit the wall already
An anagram for "Bradley Walsh" is "We rash badly."
nipples protruding, very disrespectful
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dessert scran
having a bit of toast
what do you, uh... think about that?
You know they make those videos in a studio for propaganda purposes right
crocodile rock
looks like elton johns gone in an empty container
Elton Anglaise
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Refering to Brits and Americans as "Saxons" is a slur specifically used by Russians, in particular the Russian fat right.
There's no way you'd know this unless you spend an extensive amount of time in very right wing Russian Z fanatic circles.
That said it's impossible to tell if that poster is a literal Kremlin agent or just a low IQ self-radicalised, self-hating traitorous Brit.
Third eye status ?
they're not really controllable sometimes mine'll poke through three layers
are those jammy dodgers
mental how giving a femoid a good rodgering turns her from a raging feminist to a docile little housewife
wee timmy timex
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chakras firing on all cylinders
Ugh you're so boring bye guys
Virgin fantasy
mental how much spunk has been sprayed around in that house
whats wrong with a 1 world government that speaks english
sucking a scone
love the taste of my vitamin c tablets!
Jaffa cakes were named after the town of Jaffa, in Palestine.
The town no longer exists as the Jews destroyed it when they invaded and created the colonial ethnostate of Israel.
What was once the ancient port of Jaffa is now just a suburb of Tel Aviv.
Don't reckon the Chinks would be fans
And who created Israel, oh that's right, Britain
get the cum spraying tgirl angels posted
Ae? I can't hear you mate the musics too loud haha
they shouldn't have hot cross buns available all year round
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he didn't roll so good
that's right they're called Jaffa Kyivs now
quite the legendary post the poster who made that joke first desu
listen I have very little enjoyment in my life let me have this one thing
i know you can hear my thoughts boy
meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow
And orange you glad they did
why the hells wouldn't you drive to the right and onto the grass before attempting this

rorke caught in the act
Opinions on slugs?
gay poo
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but the PUA course he paid 2 grand for said this works????
beef and onion
now that was a crisp flavour
nothing gay about enjoying a poo. what feels good is the sensation of something exiting, no entering involved.
Why wouldn't you just press the break pedal is a better question
You are about to go to with Russia
Unfortunately Russians air force is quite strong so we are fucked
holy shit you're right
let's give palestine a billion quid
Liberalism is an English disease.
there are 3 slug pokemon lines
Can’t even begin to imagine how many white slits are being shagged silly by haitian cronems in springfield
Do you have a source for that?
are there? slugma....... uhhh....
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edish for 8:20ish PM 15/09/24?
by a guest · 44 minutes ago
parrot edish
30% (6 votes)
reece from malcolm in the middle edish
25% (5 votes)
rounders edish
15% (3 votes)
sour cream pringles edish
10% (2 votes)
kia sportage
10% (2 votes)
west brom
5% (1 votes)
old petit filous ad about marbles edish
5% (1 votes)
Total votes: 20

thanks lads for all your votes. and here it is... your parrot edish OP image!

but that's not the only poll we had in our thread. here are the reuslts on the poll about the future of the voted edish edishes:

should the vote for the edish threads be about voting for the edish of the current thread, or the next/a future thread edish?
by a guest · 25 minutes ago
the next thread/a future thread edish, with the annoucnement confirming that the next/a future thread (whichever is possible) will have the edish that gained the most votes
55.56% (5 votes)
the current thread edish, with the announcement at the end confirming the edish we have all been posting in
44.44% (4 votes)
Total votes: 9

so, from now on, the vote will be for the next/a duture thread edish!
Guy looks Asian
slugma balls
how do you take tinder chatter to proper convos?
I suppose digestives are from Dagestan then?
Lick my balls 77th
dunsparce maybe?
bro think he Mr. speaker of the commons
just spotted an early /brit/
Had to pay to renew your VPN did you Mr Bogdan Semenovich?
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got my gumps on
>search "stolen CHP car"
>this isn't an isolated incident
the great chasm, never crossed it
what did he think he was going to be able to do?
dunsparace is a miserable kind of blind limbless insect but it's not slimy
why is she blind folded

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