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draper edish
if anyone has any questions about christanity i will try to answer them to the best of my ability
if fluoride is so good then why do crowns exist? why not just give them some fluoride? fucking dentists
no i don’t
if christ himself said to call no man father why do orthodoxs and catholics call priests father?
why not just pull every teenagers teeth out their head, and give them fluoride teeth? then when their teeth run out, just top it up. doesnt make sense. fluoride is a scam and so are they. fluoride is poison
>8 children at least half of whom are strong males

how is so chad
just got visited by the ghost of toby's teeth past
he does not mean you literally do not have an earthly father or paternal figures
simply that you should remember there is one supreme father who is above every "earthly" or "spiritual" father on earth
fluoride is genuinely a scam
Alright, the only evidence for the resurrection of Christ is what's in the Bible, there's no way to verify that what is in it is true beyond comparing it with non-Christian sources. To me that isn't enough, I'm not sure what else there is to say. What's stopping the Apostles from inventing the resurrection after witnessing the execution of their Lord, and seeing that he wasn't the Son of God after all? You can see how easy it is to start a cult, nearly 1000 people killed themselves for one in Jonestown not that long ago, is it hard to believe that it could have been fabricated? I also believe that miracles such as the ones Jesus performed would have been documented elsewhere, not just the Bible. The Gospels were also written at least 30 years after the death of Jesus which is long enough to make things up and get away with it.
you reckon they shagged jesus up the arse before crucifying him? just a cheeky bum
business idea
no one is getting married anymore
lots of women want to girlboss and have careers
men are neet at home
men should just be the homemakers and women the breadwinners ?? simple as
>he does not mean you literally do not have an earthly father or paternal figures
obviously, but why then call them father (priests specifically)
about to have my annual bath
wait i looked into they're literally all boys. in olden times this man would be king of a country the size of russia
yeah more of a [long chemical]oxy??phylate man me
>What's stopping the Apostles from inventing the resurrection after witnessing the execution of their Lord, and seeing that he wasn't the Son of God after all?
A lack of motivation or opportunity outside of the imaginations of cynical postmodern nihilists
>r "spiritual" father on earth
as in like a role model who imitates (imageo dei, remember genesis) god
mad how utterly shite windows and microsoft in general started becoming once the indians took over
boggles the noggin doesnt it
That is a good point as belief would get you executed, but how many people have been and are executed for their beliefs, whether they're 'true' or not?
hmm okay, you've convinced me
hate fka twigs and how she already plays the victim despite her vast amount of privilege
This is what feminism wanted from the start
this shit is just so retarded and i find it hard to believe anyone who tried to interact with christanity would think this is at all cogent or coherent
just to repeat what you think
we have an esoteric ingroup of jews
one new jew comes along turning jews against jews
majority of these jews reject them
(even his closest followers struggle with what he's doing and saying)
you think they then faked him coming back to life after he failed and therefore proved all the doubters right and proceeded to dedicate the rest of their lives including poverty and torture to propagating a resurrection myth they knew to be false and would not save them while being ostracised from their communities and suffering for something they knew to be false
and you think this is the thinking of a rational human? state of you tbqh
diego tantrum going red hot
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no you won't, you'll just take every question as an attack and reply with an insult
reggie from the mouse images is proof that a fluroide-free world is possible
why is diego responding to himself in praise
The most widespread religion in Britain and America is not Christianity but not due to lack of faith or atheist convictions; it's more of a Normie Folk religion that borrows heavily from New Age and eastern religion

Belief in karma, reincarnation, spiritual energy, crystals, yoga, mindfulness, astrology, psychics, ghosts and spirits, these are not fringe beliefs but things that anywhere between 25-40% of normies believe in, with closer to 60%+ of normies believing in at least one of these.
And there is far, far, far more of Anglosphere normies who believe in these than they do in Christian concepts like Original Sin, Immaculate Conception or even the Resurrection
leftypol adding a dragon dildo to his collection, displaying them on the window ledge and opening the curtains right as the school kids go past
Bought a tub of creatine that I keep at my desk so I can take it after my breakfast during toil

Life changing tbqh. Not only full of energy the whole day but I keep hydrated too.
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The fat paki scran arrived
flatmate made me a burrito
it's nice living with people :)
my flat mate shagged my arse
shut it nigger
absolutely vile
love my 'bab meat as much as the next bloke but having it aimlessly piled on a pizza with no accompanying sauce or anything is retarded
aaaand it's over
i have crested the final hillock of hope, and now descend the vale of vicissitude
there will be no more sunlit uplands, no more triumph
I plod and shuffle towards my rest in the cold-numb fog
He wants your gassy pooey burrito bumhole
I'm having a cucumber and cream cheese sandwich and a pint of Newcastle Brown ale with grandad
We're watching Bargain Hunt

It's a wonderful life, lads, it really is
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>aaaand it's over
>i have crested the final hillock of hope, and now descend the vale of vicissitude
>there will be no more sunlit uplands, no more triumph
>I plod and shuffle towards my rest in the cold-numb fog
damn imma have to pay wit my AYUSS
>boozing at 12pm on a Monday
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this is my life today
alri ashley peacock
sounds cozy lad
We're having him put down today

Thought we'd make it special
cute :3
the chooks are going crook
nobody cares if you are getting your pet animal put down
men used to write poems and fight duels for women they loved now they just bitch about them and play video games
*hastily looks up 'vicissitude'*
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>a pint (singular)
He's in his late eighties, he's earnt the right to get pissed whenever he likes
I'm his flesh and blood and must copy him
for me, it's writing pooems
women used to be ladies
Nobody goes to a pub and has one pint unless they're a proper freakazoid
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
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does anyone have more of her
Why do people like Joanna Lumley? She’s on Greatest Hits Radio right now, right posh twat just pisses me off with her comments.
not at the pub though is he
ekaW pU...tnegA...repooC.
maybe you should pen yourself a clue first
I do find it to listen to someone who constantly tells people they're idiots and things are retarded so you're not doing a very good job of converting people.
never heard of her until this post
doubt she exists
What you think he's watching bargain hunt in the pub do you?
We're not in the pub, we're at home, that's why we're watching Bargain Hunt (I'm a Catherine Southon man)
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>drinking a pint at home
Freak either way
see what?
how does what is written in that post relate to the development of christanity
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What a chad move.
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/ourgirl/ inciting the incels
What were they fucking thinking with this photo
insecure little barnacle of a man
>Yes I'll get the pint glasses you crack open the cans for pouring
testing how little work i can get away with
no one even checks on me so whats the point
God I love whores
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Grandma has made a chocolate and banana loaf, but she also has a homemade egg custard and some of my grandad's raspberries. What should we have for afters? The cucumber and cream cheese sarnies were very nice
Yes, and?
Your argument is why would the Apostles risk fabricating a myth that would lead to torture and execution and my point is that people will do that and still do that over faith.
Based men-bros.
rorke utterly btfo
what? when has there ever been a record of someone willingly getting tortured to death for something they know to be false? wtf are you on about
Bit of everything
Are you fucking serious
Me in the 7% (twice).
Don't-Knowers rise up
I'm not entirely convinced that me squeezing a Dr Pepper can in the middle and partially crushing it makes it take up less space in the bin.

Ironically this is the sort of question mihai could have answered for us (were he not dead) as his PhD was on sphere packing.
Would love to talk to the 5% of Labour voters
Very weirded out by the 25% of Tories
Not convinced most people know what either lf those words mean
i found his profile on linkedin
someone could message him on there
I've gone for banana loaf with a sliver of egg custard on the side. Grandma's having a bit of everything, Grandad's had egg custard (it's his favourite pudding)
You don't seem sure
Getting utterly raped
What do you do with what's left in the can? Leave it there to go stale?
>question mark
It's over
sure about what? i'm sure you can't name even a single person in history who knowingly died a horrible terrible death for something they knew to be false and pointless
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:
'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
But being too happy in thine happiness,—
That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees
In some melodious plot
Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
Singest of summer in full-throated ease.
baldie rage!!!!!!!!!!
im sure some of the jonestown people knew that it was all bullshit but still drank the koolaid
He was pretty depressed at the end, and into opiates as well. Seems likely that he did actually die.
lmao absolute state of you
>ritual suicide =/= withstanding torture
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business idea: money should have an expiration date.

this will encourage people to spend it instead of hoarding which will improve the economy
It's != mate
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the idea that it is illegal to commit suicide is bizarre
you cant overdose on codeine
pretty sure thats all he was on
Imagine being a Roman lad casually praying to your Roman gods like your ancestors have been doing for thousands of years and suddenly Crier News announces the Emperor has converted to a Judean Messiah cult
You'd think he'd gone bonkers
Hold-over from Christian morality. Remember, the UK is a theocracy with a state religion and a parliament with reserved seats for clergy.
why are you being combative im just adding to the discussion
yes you can you massive fucking retarded fuck
labour are thankfully doing away with that nonsense
if only
that shit weak as all hell; nigguh
would be mad if you had mushrooms growing inside you and you couldnt see them
I mean maybe if you mixed with benzos and alcohol but I agree that the codeine is the strangest part. Especially since he had tolerance.

If he'd been taking heroin then it would be easier to believe.
Starmer's Labour is going to....

bizarre post
life hack:
sign up at a private dental clinic but as an NHS patient.
2nd slice of banana loaf and a 2nd pint? don't mind if I do, Grandma!
Watch this

Knew what he meant didn't you
how are you adding to the discussion you're making a completely unjustified and substantiated claim on a gut feeling you're "sure" about and the irony is the situation you're referencing is so different from the actual one of the apostles to be basically irrelevent anyway
but that's ok because "you're sure" that your headcanon is right regardless of any evidence
(this is why people think you're thick)
no it has to pass two phases of metabolism, so it is more likely to be a problem when it builds up, as the prodrug to morphine
our body temps are too high for fungi to grow
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>2nd slice of banana loaf and a 2nd pint? don't mind if I do, Grandma!
sumer is ifucken off again
fuck off egghead
trouble with legalising suicide is that the state can then use it as a legal and much easier solution to deal with people who could otherwise be convinced to not take their own lives with help and treatment that obviously takes longer time and more resources
Canada is a dark place these days
i wish they would do away with smelly pakis like you
what about lizards
dont talk about shit you know nothing about and wont learn
Biz idea: give prisoners free and easy access to suicide booths
I've lost weight recently despite pigging out
Besides, getting porky is a price worth paying for making my Grandma happy
it's forbidden in islam as well
t. Akkadian
Sad to see brain-fried Brits actually faling for the PsyOps of the American evangelical pro-life movement to stigmatize euthanasia. A mere 20 years ago people would have made fun of you for talking like an obvious yank.
love it when you go into a meltdown over nothing
project on
im as english as it gets mate. bible shaggers in parliament is obviously retarded and definitely not democracy.
Fuck off you robotic kraut retard
how is that a projection
its an observation of your previous post
says the secular ghoul
he's such a sad specimen. completely de-socalised from years of being an incel worm. imagine acting like that when you're nearly 40. such a loser
>t. Psyopped by American Pro-Choice Liberalism
the parasite is pretending to be me again then
what a subhuman
im just sat here in real life desu
Dravidians have nowt to do with the great Indian civilizations of old. The lighter skinned, higher caste Indians are the descendants of the great old civilization of antiquity, and they don't do scams or get run over by trains.
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i can see you waddling away in tears from of children laughing at you "I'M NOT FAT, I JUST LOVE MY GRANGRAN !" haha
you're a good grandson, enjoy the afternoon
how is that an obversation of my previous post?
Sounds like somebody needs an egg custard LOL
Might watch One piece. It any good?
you called me thick and generally insulted me for no good reason
can you explain how im projecting
The tories generally attract a more british patriot stance. Since we destroyed our empire trying to curb Hitlers little chimp out, I imagine even they would lean towards the Communists a bit more than the Nazis. Some Tory voters might still remember what it was like to hide in an Anderson shelter.
it's called being a decent fucking human being
its anime
i called you thick for writing stupid things? not that confusing lol
there's a thousand episode of the stuff
debating applying for a new, more fulfilling job instead of wasting my unfulfilling wfhtoil dossing about on 4chan

job market at the moment is utterly grim though
Mad how much financial kikes hate FIRE lol

Bit of a shame how nothing came of that Iranian woman revolution thingy
Would've been nice to have seen another secular country in the middle east with peng women
well its not very nice is it
and i wasnt being nasty to you so it seemed out of place
how am i projecting
You're the only one here that thinks they're stupid. Besides you said you'd answer questions to the best of your ability, yet it has been not even been one hour and you're having a full blown meltdown and calling people names.
job market isn't getting any less grim, mate
jump now or you might not have the chance to jump ever again
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i live under the yoke of a tyrannical mumberg
Iran probably has a higher rate of nothingeverhappenings than any other country
No matter if it's protesters saying they're going to overthrow the regime or Ayatollahs saying they're going to attack Israel or have revenge on America, it literally always amounts to nothing. Biggest paper tiger on Earth
Didn't answer my question
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anime is not worth watching, theyll keep trying to trick you by saying 'yeah but this is one of the GOOD anime' but there isnt any
anime is shit. hope that helps
eclectus parrot
were you there for the edish vote last night?
parrot edish made them all look like cunts
do what government says or else government will starve you
you didnt do what government said so now you dont get to eat anymore
There is even less evidence the apostles were martyred but christfagmong is "sure" his gut feeling is right about that.
i stopped at episode 26 but it's probably the most popular manga/anime franchise right now so there must be something to it
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Why are the Dravidian parts of India more prosperous and nice to live in then
a controversial species so im told
shit no probably would have given parrot a vote
If this were an accurate representation of the public's political literacy it would be 90% don't know
do what they say and get a job
but also dont work too many hours. thats illegal
get a job and be poor, or government will starve you or throw your employer in jail
right now there is likely a black man in a 10km radius with a bigger willy than you
>Canadian discovers the concept of "faith"
once something has been approved by the government its no longer immoral
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i kneel
i live in a 97% white town so probably not
faith is what people say when they dont have a good reason for believing something (also known as gullibility)
there's almost certainly a white man with a bigger willy than me and a black man with a smaller willy than me too
Not an argument and completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
i have a bigger than average dick and am unemployed and smoke weed
ebay customer service so shit
been like 2 weeks and no reply
I've only ever seen black people on TV and have a penis in the 99.9th percentile of size.
pics x
Not true though is it rorke
Incredible things are happening in Hamilton
phone up, i got my problem resolved in less than 20 minutes
muh dick nigger
cringy twat
Both statements are actually true. Being accused of lying about them only makes my ego bigger, because it means my life is something that can only be fantasy in your mind.
sonberg going mental over miss rachel
Same retard
why wont you post the OF model now
riddle me this christcucks
why does James 2:14-26 say that we are saved not only by faith but also by works, and cites Abraham binding Isaac as an example of someone saved by both faith and works, but Romans 4:1-25 says that we are saved by faith alone and ALSO CITES ABRAHAM as an example of someone who was saved by faith alone? So which is it, are we saved by faith alone or faith and works? No Christian has ever given me anything close to a good answer. Let the mental gymnastics begin
Yeah okay rorke, not true though is it
be right back losers im going outside to go get a gf or bf. i hope i mean that twink too
if i go without food (and energy drinks) because of government, ill just kill myself. and i will blame the government to o
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>‘Do you want to know the sex?’ she asked.

>Did I?! I’d thought of nothing else for the past ten weeks, since I found out I was pregnant. Actually, I’d been thinking about it for months before that, when we started thinking about trying for another baby. I’d prayed, begged, bartered and pleaded with the universe, fate – anything – to give me the answer I wanted.

>‘Congratulations, you’re having a little boy,’ she said. And I promptly burst into tears.

>I know many people will take a dim view of me at this point, especially those who’ve struggled with infertility, but hear me out. I fiercely love all of my boys – Aston, who’s six, LJ, five, Rocco, three, and now two-year-old Ace – but if we women are really honest, what we all want, deep down, is a daughter.

>And by goodness I’d done everything I could to have one. I’d bought books, consulted astrological charts, popped cod liver oil tablets, joined various Facebook groups on the topic and presided over a strictly scheduled sex rota like a project manager. And yet here I was, about to welcome another son into our lives. Did the disappointment I felt really make me evil and selfish?

>Even then, as I wiped the gel off my tummy, zipped up my jeans and thought about getting all the baby boy clothes back out of the loft, I knew I’d keep going. I would keep having babies until I had my little girl.

>There’s a saying, isn’t there: a son is your son until he finds a wife, a daughter is a daughter for life.
Most intelligent aussie
read this in a British northern video game streaming lisping tranny accent
That's it, keep feeding my ego.
she did the right thing x
even held back by your disabled life looking ass i still would have done outscaled you. even with everything taking much longer to do - because of you - i did still make progress
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good works is the result of faith. not the condition on which one is saved, chud
started seeing a bird that i met using the strava app for a run round the park lmao mental the world we live in these days.
>Aston, LJ, Rocco, Ace
do english roses really?
Faith necessarily leads to works
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nth for the baddiedem
should be legal to kill people who aren't white
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Japan will be Islamic in my lifetime
It’s over
You read every sentence in that accent
That's just your voice
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shitting my bum off
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Glorious weather
Long may it continue
because it's the right thing to do, it's what jesus would do
>Aston, LJ, Rocco and Ace
Fucking ridiculous, sound like wacky cartoon characters.
what about Colombian ladies
grey nose hair
Eating a nothingburger for lunch
Wonder what kind of underclass, shut-in runt one would have to be to have never seen a black person in real life
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how do you normally get bfs and gfs
loads of poo up there which needs expelling
more like an overclass shut in runt
aggro christfag incel btfo by kindness and politeness once again
wenches name?
the farm hand on jeremy clarksons show comes to mind
putting the shrimp on a barbie haha thats what they say over there isnt it
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Allimuhlalladilluliah Mubarak
because it's the right thing to do, it's what jesus would do
by saying i am having a meltdown? lol
didn't sya it was nice but it's true
Probably just doesn't live near a big city and doesn't go to cities
Yeah exactly, a runt
Farted so hard it made my toupee fly up and hover in the air until I finished
>he didn't greentext so that means he means it
common Britisher fail
my nan is cold and can't afford heating haha isn't that what they say over there?
diego on the aerial ropes
Cold naan is alright
>king of a country the size of russia
So Russia
spainpaki won't like this
> 20 You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless[d]? 21 Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,”[e] and he was called God’s friend. 24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.
>james 2:20-24
explain this then. And if you continue to do cope, which you will— explain to me how James could have possibly made it more clear that faith is insufficient. What specific words could he have used instead to communicate this message? You can’t think of any though, because it literally couldn’t be more clear. But the cognitive dissonance is too disturbing for you to actually grasp reality
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unsanctimonious sket is no longer my girl, not after her sexualised nun attire

luv arr 'rena me x

not really. more like a very large swedish empire
>pensioners have a RIGHT to live off dole
>no, young people don't have a right to work
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>Salary repayments -£590.00
>Interest added +£737.53

student loans are such a scam
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Mum shouted at me because I forgot to put my nan in the fridge before I went to bed to have her defrosted for this evening.
"morning" poo underway
looks like rural alsace lorraine
nani the fuck?
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In fact it's suburban yorkshire
mines just been increasing for years. My repayments don't even cover the interest, so I owe more now than when I graduated
wacky, but at least they're a normal race
Lmao it was never approved as such
and just to point out the contradiction to further btfo your demented christcuck addled minds
>What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. 3 What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”
>Romans 2:1-3
Explain to me how this isn’t a contradiction
what happens to someone after they have a seizure lasting over ten minutes?
Do you live in Cherry Burton?
the bible is full of contradictions mate. only a fool would take it seriously
Makes me laugh that they tripled the price and then changed the time to be written off from 30 years to 40 years.
Zoomers literally trapped until their 60's with a loan triple the size of mine.
ye because stellen skarsgard wasnt born in viking times
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see >>202306546
diego silent
BBC addiction
avatar use
>repeating past argument after it was kwab’d
keep living in delusion christoid. 2000 more years trust the plan
Thinking about max caulfield
Most British cities are just full of brown biomass, just illiterate babbling thirdworldgroids and mystic superstitious bushy-bearded curry-reeking allah-shrieking nutters as well as all the other mystery meat mongrel wet market uncanny hominids that have come in from elsewhere outlands. All dressed in the most vapid NPC brands obsessed with consuming products and bought on credit

Nothing elite or prestigious about living in a big town, having lived in them myself. The sheltered provincial more than likely lives in a cosy Tudor cottagey hamlet next to green farmland and has no desire for any other kind of life
The answer is that Paul diluted the message of Christ to appeal to the contemporaneous retards of the day who wanted to do evil but still be admitted into the church just because they "had faith" (ie knew the dogma and performed the rituals), just like our fat ugly slumlord lust demon friend itt who doesn't have a shred of Christlikeness in his entire body and who cannot resist getting angry and combative at the earliest opportunity
Trust athiesm

200 more years and somebody will prove logic to be fake
He's done you mate
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it wasn't kwab

cope, repent and humble yourself
>Nothing elite or prestigious about living in a big town, having lived in them myself
No but you'd have to be a fucking runt to have never been to one
Ok so you believe the 13 of the books of the Bible written by Paul are bullshit, which makes you a heretic according to every remotely mainstream Christian denomination
I am not a Christian and I think you're right, the whole thing is a contradictory mess that was corrupted from the beginning.
pensioners are so fucking melodramatic
based whores name giver
that's prosperity church trauma doing you in lad
Right. Threads done then now is it? Appreciate you lads finishing the job
yes lad, we're in the new x

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