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and now on BBC2 it's back to the boys from /brit/ with another humorous look on life, with strong language from the outset.
Is farting a lot a sign of an unhealthy gut?
sir keel hauler
probably yh
signed up for Shudder might watch some French or Asian extreme films
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>Mom got ‘rush’ from repeatedly suffocating baby, MO cops say. ‘Last time he was blue
*massages your back*
you feel that?
you posted this earlier l can only assume you love talking about dead babies
I recommend Ebola Syndrome if its on there
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never been to Oxford myself, might visit one day and maybe bump into are Timmy
Here is how to reduce migration:
Step 1 - commission a study on the effects of reducing migration on the economy

Step 2 - make the results of that study well understood through various stooges in the media (higher costs of living, need for more taxation)

Step 3 - restrict migration with new rules

Step 3 + n - whenever the people complain about life in the UK you can blame the migration policy that everyone asked for
just don't understand why people are so desperate to come here, do they think the streets are paved with gold?
Lots of people speak English and many will also have family and friends already here
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run toil done
getting back on the wagon lads
shut up gaylord
thanks mate
decided l do love the gf l'm just not sexually attracted to her
the ideal relationshp
as long as shes not shagging anyone else
For what it's worth I regret breaking up with my gf I was in that position with. You mad?
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the scranfast as it were
not that ideal since l'm sexually unsatisfied even if we shag
what made you regret it, just being alone?
dont like sex me
not on there, watching High Tension instead
damn :(
going out to buy a hotdog in approx 15 mins
>watch French movie
>its disgusting
Bit early
>watch french film
>can't understand a word they're saying
FUCKS sake
That and we were just relationship aligned, ladies are better at seeing that than guys are
I know and there probably won't be any but I'm bloody starving
don't fuck dogs mate
got my teeth priced up in the UK and they quoted me 17k

got my teeth priced up in turkey at a highly rated dentist and they quoted me £4k, booked myself in and a 10 day holiday on turkey all for half the price of the UK quote waheyyy turkey teeth coming on strong for me my ladssss, might take the remaining money and put it towards jaw realignment in czech since I have a slightly off centre jaw from when I broke it x
where does hotdogs for breakfast?
is french your target language?
>think I'll have a beer
>"it's x o'clock anon"

Normies make me sick, it's a prison of the mind, you can do whatever you want at any time of day
going clubbing today lads
hoping the md will temporarily disable my autism
Can't stargaze at noon can you
its tuesday
Back at uni are you?
Rollover hotdogs, you can find them in petrol stations and some supermarkets. They're pretty similar to cinema hotdogs, cheap and nasty but hit the spot
>"it's x day"
Another pathetic mindbroken normie
He's right though it is quite literally tursday
You can in the polar regions during winter
Can't see the best star (Sirius) so why bother
miss taking drugs but l'm too old and have no friends now so it would be pathetic
it's chewsday innit
100% the dog dies in this French horror movie
>have no friends now so it would be pathetic
I reckon this is how most people ruin their lives with drugs, start doing them in a state of loneliness spiralling into destitution and homelessness
have you ever been tricked or otherwise rused by an ethnic?
Complainlad in?
I've been tricked many times in business by Indians and Jews
they've tried
oh how they've tried
Life is brutally short. Every day, every hour, every minute that you spend procrastinating, doubting, or letting yourself be distracted, is time you will never get back. No one will hand you success or fulfillment on a silver platter.
Think about the people you love most; your parents, your friends, anyone who matters. One day, they will all be gone, or you will. All those conversations you could have had, all the dreams you could have pursued, all the time you could have spent building something meaningful will be nothing but regret if you don’t make the most of what you have right now.

And here's the cold, hard truth: there are people out there with fewer resources, less support, and far worse odds than you who are fighting tooth and nail every day to create something out of nothing. They’re working harder, putting in the hours, and making the sacrifices. While you hesitate, they are already miles ahead.

No one will remember your potential if you waste it. And the saddest part is, you’ll never know what you could have been if you keep wasting time, waiting for some perfect moment to start. There is no perfect moment. There is only now. And every minute you don’t commit to your goal is a minute you hand over to failure.
yep they killed him
Beefy farts are kicking in
ok so why are you posting here instead of doing something worthwhile?
how is that going to make my life-ending amount of depression go away
just going to this grassy knoll in the vicinity of Trump for no particular reason lads, brb
I've had one dump me right after moving into a new flat together
got boner hnggg
Same, thinking about the fat arse I fucked on Sunday again.
Gotta save my load for Friday tho
dont look back at sex with the missus with any fondness since l'm not sexually attracted to her
why did you get with her in the first place?
ever shag her up the arse?
kek how did that even happen
>going out to buy a hotdog in approx 15 mins
my mother used to give me a spoonful of fish oil in the morning
thats why i grew up to be a big strong boy
that's probably why you have moobs
we just got on well and liked hanging out and she wanted to shag so obviously l did and the relationship just kinda happened
Him, and yh

We had lived together a couple years, moved, and then he decided we were better as friends or something
don't know what to tell you, la
it's been like this for 3 whole days

need a poo
poor bugger, what is it?
I'm doing a horrific protein poo right now
Can't tell you or my IP would be visible as the only one in the swarm.

wasn't born yesterday lad
lol I need a poo as well
no way haha
That's four days in a row of not being a fat fucking slob, we're ALL going to make it :)
is this porn?
it's porn, isn't it
what are the chances
keep up the good work champ
back from the co-op
they didn't have any hotdogs
day ruined
>Married Teacher Accused of Having Sex With Boy, 16, in Classroom as Students Kept Lookout Pleads Guilty
people always go on about how bad this is supposed to be, but I reckon if it ever happened to me I wouldn't have become such a shut-in freak, and instead would have became a confidence filled shagger excelling in life
What did you get instead?
same, all I needed was that little kick-start in my youth to set me on the right path but nah I became a socially awkward recluse instead
The hotdogs and burgers all come out about 11am, replacing the bacon and sausage baps.
t. coop pro
l'm so bored when l'm sober
If you ever read these articles beyond the headline, the way the woman teacher gets outed / caught is always the same: the lad either blabs to his friends who spread the word and his mum finds out that way or the mum checks her sons phone or the mum wonders where her son is going at X time of night.

Every time it's the mother.
find something to do then
if toilberg didn't force me to the office two days a week reckon i wouldn't shower
Doing a poo now, it's diarrhea
I grabbed some sosij and eggs, will do a quick and dirty fryup instead
Mothers WANT their sons
I'm a shut in and I shower every day, love being nice and clean
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Like this image a lot
His dad apparently knew and endorsed it
inhaling an instant
co-op is easily the worst supermarket going

the food is just... not good. To say nothing of the extortionate prices.
It's fine
I also blame my own mumberg for turning me into a shutin loser, she wouldn't even let me get in a car with mates because she was worried we'd crash
Me on the right (dolewaller)
closing in on my 4000th film
cracking start to the day
co-op is great unless you go to mousey's local one probably
Ever see turtles in time?
you aren't wrong, but the only supermarket in my gay little town is a co-op so I have no option
they stock some nice local ciders and bakery items but everything else is very mid
not bad but if you're going to - trose for 'dines you may as well pick up some organic unhomogenised milk whole you're there
cooorrr might make some deenz and rice myself actually
I distinctly remember the turning point which I believe made me a shut in loser, when I was about 9 or so I suppose. The most likeable and popular children in my class would go out and play, sometimes near the brook which was a 5-10 minute walk from my house, and one time they invited me. I asked my mom but she refused to let me go because she thought it was too dangerous and thought I would either drown or be kidnapped, so I wasn't invited again after saying I couldn't go and they kind of stopped speaking to me as much throughout the year.
enrolling into pooniversity
seen about 20 films me I reckon
>I asked my mom but she refused to let me go because she thought it was too dangerous and thought I would either drown or be kidnapped
so many times I asked if I could go out with friends and mum's anxiety held me back
stupid fucking cunt
you bloody blastard your edish was filtered
Which was the best/worst?
I think my own mother's anxiety somehow became my personality and rubbed off on me, I hate it
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When I was around 11 or 12 I had quite a long commute to get to school, probably 40 minutes in the car. One weekend my mates were going into town to wander around and I asked my mum if I could go and she said she'd much prefer if we all went to this retail park that was about 5 minutes away from our house "in case anything happened".

This retail park was probably an hour's drive away for most of these lads' parents, towards the outskirts of the city, nowhere near any of their houses, and had shit like a DFS Sofas shop, a shitty Odeon cinema, and a Claire's Accessories.

What was she expecting me to do? Phone up my group of 8 mates and be like "erm yeah instead of getting the train into town and explore, why not have your parents drive you to this empty retail park to accommodate me and my mother in case I graze my knee or something?".
lmao, I assume because it had bee bee see in it?
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Released 22 January 2007 (Update)
Members Yes
Race Human
Location The Lair of Tarn Razorlor
Gender Male
Options Talk-to, Bank, Collect
Examine A roving banker.

Odovacar is the poor banker in Tarn's Lair. He allows players to access their banks or check their Grand Exchange offers, for a fee of 100 coins per use of his services. Players are advised to bring a good amount of coins (at least a couple thousand) in case they plan on making frequent use of his services, such as banking drops from the monsters in the dungeon. Unlike other bankers, Odovacar does not un-note items for players.
Filtermongs get filtered
best: wall-e
worst: captain america

Mothers - who needs them?
mumbergs are strange creatures
now mine has the cheek to ask why I haven't bought any girls home
it's because you forced me to spend my crucial formative years imprisoned at home you silly cow
I never once went into town with anyone because of similar experiences.
We say mom where I am in the midlands. More true to original English btw.
Suppose it's dad's job to tell her to pack it in
My dad's too wet for that though
don't think mumberg would care if I'd been shagging my teacher. unfortunately not only did I not shag any teachers I have never had sex ever.
>I have never had sex ever
are you a tranny
parents divorced just when I started secondary school and the stepdad she eventually got with is a wetwipe
I was doomed
this low budget extreme French horror film having a Muse song on the soundtrack takes me out of it a bit
Didn't even realise they had that
Does that mean it has cream at the top?
dont care runt
rice from a cooker, deenz, splash of chili oil and a couple of egg yolks mixed in, bliss
get them in
get them housed
get them wanked off
My dad is a hard worker and fairly disciplined, I respect him a lot and he has always been there. Unfortunately, he grew up without a father since his father died when he was at a young age, and I think that meant that even he grew up without a father figure in his formative years. I feel that whilst he has been a good example for me and always present, he has not guided me like I'm told to believe that fathers should because of this, and I have missed out on what it's like to have a fatherly father who "passed it on". Quite depressing really. I didn't have much chance.
it's just one thing after another
Hate wearing socks
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Yeah it's creamy, love it I do
he still got your mother and had you
Not a fan of them.
why are companies so averse to WFH? Is it just because they're wasting money on office rent
>Junior doctors accept 22% pay rise to end strikes
They'll strike again for another 22% next year
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No, WFHers are genuinely getting away with incredible levels of dossing
>b-but people doss in the office
Yeah, no where near as much
don't understand how people can get dominated this easily, literally just push her away
Partly that and also hard to justify all the middle managers and jobsworths if people do just as much work on their own
erm... brb for 5 mins
>no where near
you obviously dossed in school
Parents divorced when I was 3. Presumably those first 3 years were nothing but yelling, door slamming and passive aggressive snide remarks. A rich environment for any infant.
Corr 44% pay rise in two years
Yet you make no where near as much money as I do, funny that!
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Still earn less adjusted for inflation than 15 years ago
I remember the exact moment I realised my parents were about to split, I came home and noticed every single I picture with my dad in it had been turned down lol
Corr there a women rekt thread on gif or summat?
youre gettin your kak sucked kid
might be a DQ
I doubt it, but salaryposting is very cringe behaviour
>puts his gloved hand back on the car

This is the funniest part, that he thought he could resume as normal and still win the competition.
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any just wasted £8 on two packs of pokemon cards for the first time in a decade in the hope of feeling some of that childlike rush because I'm so alone and dead inside man in
kek damn thought he was gonna put her through the tv or something
Fix housing, fix the UK.
l wouldnt even recognise the pokemon these days
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lmao did him
mais c'est pas difficile ça
effectivement t'es vraiment sot
She meant to add to his point, no?
what is this, 1642?
most of those are useless, she did herself
I've only ever had the chance for sex twice in my life and they were years apart. I also threw away the chance and a potential lifelong relationship with another girl. I've fucked it up every time and it's always been my own fault.

girl 1 - age 18
>meet up in the pub with her and her friends, start talking and drinking a little
>a little awkward but somehow I didn't seem like a total freak
>go back to her house
>in bed together, kissing and touching
>she climbs on top of me
>virgin so no idea what to do, she's not confident either for some reason which makes it even worse
>she tries to put it in because I have no idea where it goes
>rapidly goes soft
>"must have been the drinks" and just fall asleep together
>both pretend it never happened the next day

girl 2 - age 21/22
>meet up at her house after she invites me for the weekend, start drinking a little together
>in bed, kissing and touching again
>almost falling asleep at this point, too much to drink
>too inexperienced and too much of a pussy to do what I want or to know what I should do and how to go about doing it
>can't maintain an erection for more than a minute or so anyway when I'm with her
>she's on top of me and dry humping me but I literally can't stay hard or know what to do
>"must have been the drinks" and we fall asleep
>stay with her for the next day and night, she keeps me around to hold her and whatever but avoids anything sexual the next day/night
I got a charmander, dratini, kangaskhan and lapras in there
>most of those are useless
yes, what year did you think it was?
cor nice
girl 3 - age 23-26
>get into a LDR and somehow never meet for a couple years over COVID
>we deeply love each other and constantly talk/call/facetime/send cute things in the post
>too much of a pussy to eventually meet up when the time comes
>she keeps asking to and constantly reassures me
>i'm still too much of an insecure freak even when there's no reason to be so I keep putting it off and making excuses
>fizzles out, probably loses respect for me and it's just not fair on her so we break up
>never actually even got close to sex with the person I cared about most
this one hurts the most because I was just a complete pussy and it's the only woman I've genuinely ever cared about, but I understand that she couldn't wait for me forever

I'm 27 now, it's over.
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what are you supposed to do in this situation
>she's not confident either for some reason
She was a virgin you stupid virgin
1, 3, 4, 7, 8 (that's what grand parents are for) 9 10
bite her puse
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There's no good outcome to getting into one of these play fights with a woman. The moment you agree to it, you have lost.

She will be going hell for leather from the word go, using her full strength because she knows you are stronger. You and the audience are aware you are not permitted to use your full strength. If she wins, it is an embarrassment for you. If you win, it's embarrassing that you "beat up a girl".

Perhaps the only time it could ever work and remain playful is if you were so trained up, and so much heavier than her, that you could control the fight without trying. In the webm he looks to be the same height, not much heavier than her and she's clearly trained while he isn't. There was never any chance of him controlling that fight while keeping it light and playful. He was a fool.
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lad at school killed another lads cat by fingering it
might retrain as a lactation consultant
if a bender jumped on your back and you could tell he had a stiffy, would you toss him off?
>gongfermours - 97% men
>wakemen - 95% men
bite her in the pussoir
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I feel as though that’s a loaded question.
Finished the French film. High Tension? More like Low Quality!
time to watch one of those lovely youtube videos where onlyfans models teach you how to check for lumps and to properly express milk :)
what's your gut instinct?
this is why I lift weights for years to finally be able to press 90kg over my head with ease, a normal, and even trained woman is no match for me
Business idea: /brit/ lactation consultants/bra fitters
Well they get paid to do them all so they are, by definition, useful!
bring back badger baiting
calm down linda lovelace
yeah? Post arms
>Keir Starmer pledges to make Holocaust lessons mandatory for all children
>As part of the Government’s curriculum review, the Prime Minister said studying the Holocaust would become a “critical, vital part of every single student’s identity”.
Yes goy, internalise the guilt!
plenty of people about that get paid to do pointless activities mate
waiting in all day between 8AM and 6PM for workmen (to do work on the house, not shag my wife)

obviously it's no issue as I'm in anyway as a NEET wastrel but how do wageoids manage it? When I was waging I had to book days off weeks, if not months in advance. There was never any option to be like "yeah I've got workmen coming so I'll need X day off" within the same week.
There is nothing worse than being a virgin like myself
You can win but you have to be strong enough to 'big brother' her (i.e. using JUST enough strength to submit her without hurting her)
Bonus of this is she'll want to shag you afterwards
always thought Attlee became PM right after WW2 but it's even stranger than that. Churchill was PM for Germany's defeat but Attlee was PM during Japan's defeat
we were talking about nurses earlier, how can you put bridal shop owner in that list and not nurses?
get bridal shop owners down the mines i say
"morning, might have to take a break sometime later btw, got someone round to look at the boiler"
*closes Teams meeting and goes back to youtube*
l'll be honest when l learned about the Holocaust l didnt feel any guilt because it was done by Germans decades before l was born
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a woman in the same weight class as you, purple belt or above, would choke you to death with ease

mogs me
what do you expect, he's married to a Jew with Jewish kids.
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>Roland the Farter (known in contemporary records as Roland le Fartere, Roulandus le Fartere, Rollandus le Pettus or Roland le Petour) was a medieval flatulist who lived in twelfth-century England. He was given Hemingstone manor in Suffolk and 30 acres (12 hectares) of land in return for his services as a jester for King Henry II. Each year he was obliged to perform "Unum saltum et siffletum et unum bumbulum" (one jump and whistle and one fart) for the king's court at Christmas.
A woman in my weight class would be grotesquely fat
cop it or drop it?
a 90kg woman?
yeah you look like you never leave the house
I'm fat but I still look healthier than that
try eating some citrus, broccoli and red meat ffs
cannot stop unum bumbuluming
Polish Death Camps
Polish collaborators (agitators)
Polish antisemites more feral than the Nazi officers
A good Jew blames Poland not Germany
are you a homosexual australian surfer or an american redditor? if yes then buy it
what's the appeal of this? what are you looking for?
a world without television
>£169 for a wanky over shirt that probably costs £15 to make
fuck me, need to start selling overpriced clobber pronto
Honestly kinda shnasty, cop it
you would absolutely die against a trained woman


She's not going to lay there and wait for you to lift her up like a barbell.
When I was 12 I was at a martial arts training camp and they made us (12-13 boys who did karate) have a little wrestling tournament with an older (14-15) group of girls who did wrestling. The boys won most of the fights despite the judge's best efforts and I got in serious trouble for injuring a girl three years older than me when I just powered through her hold and slammed her into the mat.

I have never seen more crying girls in person before or after, it was a spectacular shitshow. No idea what the person who came up with it was thinking.
state of that
>that probably costs £15 to make
Rorke this has to be your most virginal talking point, nobody thinks your cool or above it because you recognise that companies turn a profit
Guess what, those virgin jeans you buy from Primark for £20? They cost about £2 to make as well
bring back performance farting
24 hours of no wanking
going to just try not wanking again
Done him
would rather replace a £20 pair of jeans every 6 months than a 200 quid top every year
why dey be like dat doe?
are we competing on sound or smell?
>200 quid top every year
Why would you be doing that
that's why you'll always bve poor x
>it's good because it's expensive
the ultimate sign of a midwit
who said that
most women have expensive taste so unfortunately you have to bite the bullet rorke
pasta deliver yon the way
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aph uoo drn iee osy
more like dimwit
even midwit redditors have better sense than to buy overpriced shit iphones or branded clothes, they get more affordable reddity alternatives
I overhead press 90kg for multiple reps. I squat 200kg for multiple reps. I deadlift 240kg for multiple reps. All whilst being fairly lean at 5'10, ~90kg. You have never met an actual strong person. The untrained "athletic" male in this video is far weaker.
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there are sports only women can do (without it being super gay)
>it's good because it's cheap
the ultimate sign of an autistic runt
Extremely vaginal imagery
wonder what her boyfriend looks like
kinda peng t b h
Hope the delivery bloke throws it over your head in disgust
sent him flying
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alri who did it
i say these posts in that nasally virgin marmiteman4 voice for some reason
if something's cheap then corners were likely cut
if something's on sale my first thoughts are "what's wrong with it? why won't it sell at the usual price?"
but you need a discerning eye because there's nothing stopping people from selling you dogshit at a premium either
why u gota be a meanie like that my sausage man from downunder?
no one ever replies to me every time i post here
it's 2024, corners are cut on expensive things too
halal snack pack on the way
bag of crisps was it? ready salted? yeah it was me. lock me up.
true but really it's just because it's a bigger operation and they can absorb the losses elsewhere when they run a sale
All that money goes to King Mbwambe buying a new gold plated yacht.
see my third point

all cheap crap is crap
most expensive crap is crap
What point do you think you are making?
My gf wants to do a black to black trip around Paris and three other cities
Africa has cities and roads and shops in some places now lad
past a certain point you're just paying for the gay little logo on the shirt
no bog standard jacket is worth £170 unless it's handmade (which that jacket is not)
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*points over your head*
that one, did you see it?
case in point
every memory l have is negative in someway
>you will never work at the Beeb during the "anything goes" 1970s
>no bog standard jacket is worth £170
How much is a bog standard jacket worth?
And how much is a nicer-than-average jacket worth?
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reckon they have sex and that's how it happens

although they do get storks in Africa too I am told
*watches it fall flat*
thank you <3
We've got it
We're processing your parcel at our hub
What culture will dominate England by 2028 when English people are a minority, under 35?
in the sewer all alone
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don't you cunts ever get tired of this played out shite
>past a certain point you're just paying for the gay little logo on the shirt
real nice stuff doesn't have visible logos
*peruses Rorke's Almanack of Bog Standard Clothing Prices*
>£170 unless it's handmade
mong, I literally make clothes
bog standard? £50
nicer than average? £100
>lmao you're just poor
no, I'm just not blinded by flavour of the month fashion trends and hype
human sacrifice
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rorkes whip
Actually howling at rorke trying to justify his virgin jeans that will start falling apart in under 6 months

Then again when you're soiling them so frequently I suppose you don't want to buy anything of any quality!
>real nice stuff doesn't have visible logos
another mong, stop falling for the zoomer quiet luxury meme and repeating reddit mantras like wealth whispers
My late granddad would remove brand logos from his cars.
hilarious that you think expensive memewear won't also quickly fall apart
>£170 unless it's handmade
Define 'handmade'
protip: rorke isn't real
what kind of freak posts atfer 300 post lmao
made by hand
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*wobbles about erratically*
Dont wear jeans, me... Chinos all the way.
DOOOOO you have the time
to listen to me whine
>expensive memewear
Right well that overshirt is certainly assembled by hand so it's handmade
You're done
i couldn't do any of that tbf
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doesn't matter, in the end we're the ones falling apart
hate parkour gimps who love to destroy things and put unnecessary wear on objects or structures which weren't designed for the forces they put on them
imagine wearing store bought trousers with belt loops instead of going to a tailor and getting trousers that actually fit you
imagine having sex
Just say a parkour gimp shagged yet missus
Xeric's aid (-).(-)
belts look nice as an accessory though
Consequence-free sex wih 1* year olds
How much does that cost then
...cant do it desu
You don't even have a job
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YES I am unique and unconventional, what of it?
so it's positively definitely not churned out of an Asian sweatshop by the dozen every minute yeah?
Someone hat this freak
Rorke's mum giving him some tough love
and they are useful with unruly women and children too

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