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Don't buy a house
Enjoy the freedom of renting
>contracted a builder do some extensive works on my house
>scaffolding went up and he did some
>eventually stopped
>it became a fucking nightmare to get him to do anything
>eventually phase one was done
>said I'd rather close the project for now
>he left his scaffolding and equipment behind.
>tried to get in touch about collecting
>his attitude went from apologetic and will be round soon to ignoring to hostile, back to ignoring again
>found out what an involuntary bailee is
>gave him a month to collect the scaffolding
>his response was a thumbs up
>gave him another week after the deadline
>his response was "whatever you say mardy bum."
>gave up and accepted he'd won

>get approached by some shifty looking travellers
>they asked if it was "up for sale"
>I said you can have it for free if you like
>they were actually really polite
>they said "we're not thieves" in their adorable accent and offered me £600 for it
>scaffolding was sold onto the travellers and they gave me a phone number if I needed to contact them
>tried to tell the builder but he's blocked me on WhatsApp
>whatever then

>all quiet until this Monday
>he's at my door having a meltdown
>he'd come to collect it for another job
>demanded to know where the fuck it was
>told him from an upstairs window I'd sold it on to some travellers
>he went absolutely beserk
>told me if I didn't open the door now he was going to kick it down and "fuck me up"
>recorded this all by the way
>told him to fuck off or I'd call the police
>he screamed a bit more
>a neighbour started filming him and he left
>I've now received a letter before action from his solicitor, demanding a lot more than £600 to cover:
>>The scaffolding lost
>>The new scaffolding he's had to hire
>>Delays on his new job
>I know this is a real firm because my uncle's used it
I just need to check, I am in the clear here or have I royally fucked up?
Yes yes yes get it done
Didn't read a word of that
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just eating some national british dish. Fish and chips
all good mate
Thread was dead when I replied
not a single pixel
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My gaze has turned eastwoods
is it still common in the UK to have sex with your oh pear?
One more shite yank post and I'm turning in early
now in that heavy breathing stage of drunkeness
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>watching fight club
>marla is randomly in edward norton's house
>he asks her why she's there
>pic rel
why was she so mad? it's perfectly reasonable to ask why some woman you barely know is in your house
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there you go
i'll join you
What is he up to now?
send him to the travellers site lmao
oh pear
ahhh im ove3r the giddy phase of drunkenness now its all being retarded and shit
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often kek at these sorts of posts because it reeks of incel who's never stayed at a woman's house and seen her without makeup
young croydon goons quickly slapping their oiled up s curved bantu batons into tight pale pawg clapmeats
look at him pretend to be drunk in /brit/ (at 9pm no less) because he thinks it will make him look cool
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Thoughts on sexual intercourse
shut up you cunt
Get a clue mong. It's proof that men are more handsome and men should stick together
beautiful iraqi boy to gronald thumpberg
watch it to the end, retard
It was hard af to have sex with Chinese women at uni because they were super insulated FOBs and only stuck with other chinese.
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>Clint Eastward
overrated but not having it still drives me mental. been near 2 months without sex and im going a bit mad
are u the saudi femboy
if only. if only
inhabit the time and genesis of your original home
No, and nothing in my post implied gayness.
skimask wearing killers violently ripping up pale girl's hymens
Saw her coming out of a cafe in Soho. She wanted me.
reminds me of this story of mine

>be me, a tradesman
>take on a job to frame a roof for an extension
>client is a lovely Indian couple
>wife immediately shows interest, making me mango lassi and samosas
>constantly coming over to chat and flirt
>says husband is away tomorrow visiting family but I should come back to "make sure everything is OK with the job"
>understand the brief
>return the next day
>she answers the door in a silk robe, lacy undies peeping through the cracks
>go upstairs
>munched her curry hole
>lay a big shit in her toilet afterwards
>no bog roll so had to scrub my arse with the toilet brush and splash myself clean in the sink
>know that on Monday I will redeem £2600 for that job

And there are people ITT who would rather toil in an office, for a pittance, never once getting so much as a crumb of snatch
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Pooing a response
keep falling asleep about 1.5 hours in. just after the business owner beating up tyler
>see a woman
>think about other men having sex
ummm okay then lad.
I fuck pears
takes a lot of effort and is very often not worth it
don't know if it's too late start my blade watch now
i'll be falling asleep before it's finished maybe
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My dad divorced my mum and got remarried.
I never thought that I would have one of *those* families when I was growing up.
I'm shocked and feel sick.
you wog bastard
he attac
>be me
>working for AA
>average evening shift, rainy day, beginning of school holidays
>get a call to a stranded car on the M6 northbound by Carlisle
>turn up
>it's some knackered citroen Picasso mummy bus packed full of luggage
>turn my lights on, jacket on, walk over
>3 kids in the back, dad at the wheel, mum in the passenger seat, all looking miserable
>got fuck all information from dispatch so asked the dad what the issue was
>car just quit whilst cruising, pile of lights on the dash, couldn't get it started
>get the bonnet up, code reader plugged in
>low fuel pressure
>do a bunch of tests to confirm fuel pump has fucked itself
>explain the problem and that they'll need recovering to a garage
>mum explains that they're on their way to center parcs so can't detour, would want recovering there
>explain that they aren't covered for such a recovery and there'd be an excess of at least £500
>dad getting annoyed, says they can't afford that, will have to get a tow home and cancel their holiday
>kids begin crying
>mum asks me if there's anything that can be done
>understand the brief
>ask her to come to the van so we can get the office on the phone and go through policy documents
>get into the van with her
>she sucks me off, I cum in her mouth and she swallows
>we go back to the car and inform dad and the kids that we spoke to head office
>nearly crack up at "head" office
>recover them straight to centre parcs
>make up some shite to dispatch on the way about unclear wording in the policy
>they write off the excess for them
>tfw saved the kid's holidays, saved the husband a pile of cash, and got my end away in the process

such is the life of the tradesman. why are you still sat in some boring office staring at a screen when you could be out enjoying the rich tapestry of life in this country?
sweets for tea
Y'all's having bad sex fucking hell
>scrub my arse with the toilet brush
that sounds extremely painful

even just getting my bum fingered a bit is painful because i have a sensitive anus
>>working for AA
This nigga works for batteries
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seriously why are cagies like this
how's uni going
12 inch high s curved yardie goonmeat slapping vigorously into young married katy while husband timmy at home playing on his nintendo switch LOL
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shout out to all the pear
how often are you getting your bum fingered
is it bad if i use the voice control functions on my amazon firestick?
is amazon using my voice for nefarious things?
mumbergs fucked up the dinner AGAIN, told her she has fifteen seconds to lock herself in the bathroom and after that im gonna let fucking hell loose
bald insecure mong trying to make others insecure
most attractive women just lie there because theyve never had to try
the uggos put in more effort but theyre uggos
it's ok lad
they both love you, and that will always unite them
Nice larp mate last time you were a carpenter shagging an Indian woman
Post your skid marks. NOW!
I think bloody marys are underrated
definitely my second favourite cocktail after white Russians
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I had a French girl at my uni that kept trying to get me to fuck her and was ringing me up at 1 am at one point, but I heard she fucked a black so I instantly didn't want to fuck her despite her being decent looking.
its fucking stupid, why should anybody else have it if i cant?
does wearing a hat for long periods cause baldness
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private motor vehicle ownership should be outlawed
Timmy Norwood going for the chinese gf cuz he aint got no game in London
m8 the fucking shit in my boxers.... if you only you knew mate if only you knew
you do do you?
lads get his anus!
Yeah all french women have done that unfortunately
King shit
Might make a nice cup of tea, pop in a nicotine pouch and snuggle down into bed with some nice ASMR or a YouTube video. Another wild Friday night for your boy.
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love a bloody mary and a bloody olivia and a bloody amelia and a bloody lily
Only if it's putting tension on your hair, pulling it back or whatever
blonde big tit katy slipping down the balenciaga trackies off her dreadhead drugdealing goon boyfriend
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the results are in
having a picky tea myself. had some pringles. a banana. having a choccy bar now. might have some bread, undecided what to have with it. maybe a cornetto
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2016 is nearly 10 years ago

2 years goes much quicker now methinks
>dreadhead drugdealing goon
why do you describe them like this?
you fucking idiot. pump and dump or rather poumpe un dumpe
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not a larp mate, that's not me and there are a few of us tradies here
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because that's what he is?
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big fan of this particular catberg
to instill fear along with his norwood post
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Get the guitar hero gf shagged
Yes it you twat, jog on with your cuck shit
she looks like she fucks travellers
They’re abusing the cat
She does
*travels to her location*
even if its made up, you gotta hand it to him
some croydon killer is punching his kingston baton into her guts
not really cuck shit when im the one shagging the milves, is it?
she does. travellers from africa
no theyre not you soft git
this week's boris

>BORIS JOHNSON: WFH may be OK for the older generation, but for the Bridget Joneses of today it's a sham and a snare - and they'll never meet their Mr Darcy

Lads, just opened the first can which, I must say, is lovely.

Cans status?
get more tins or switch to the scotch?
Nah I will never fuck a woman that's been with a black.
all you fucking cuckposters are as witty as my left nut fuck you die
why are you reading the 20111 guinness book of records on the internet archive
Going out tommorow. For tonight I’m just going for an incel walk then might watch YouTube for a bit and then bed
what's stopping you from going and eating something dead lovely and cheesy right now?
>for the Bridget Joneses of today it's a sham and a snare - and they'll never meet their Mr Darcy
utterly abysmal
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2016? Oh, like over 8 years ago wtfffff

NO seriously.
>show up to a client's house with my boys
>job is laying a new driveway and building a new wall in the front garden
>some speccy office wagie (the client's husband) is preparing the work space, picking up loose gravel
>we approach him
>he starts packing his stuff up
>put my hand on his shoulder “nah it’s cool mate, you can work with us”
>matey picks up a large bag of sand
>”better yet, why don’t we work with you.”
>give my mate a nod
>he gives him 2 more bags of sand
>pick up the speccy office wagie and put him in the cement mixer arse first (he didn't weigh much)
>we take turns turning the mixer
>his wife walks by laughing her fat arse off
>look like he was actually doing some graft, sweating like crazy
>haven’t seen him since
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it's bad boy, baby. can't stop, won't stop. uh-uh.
balls deep into one right now
Has anyone noticed that Sydney Sweeney has massive tits?
the tories peaked with bojowave and its been downhill ever since
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p dildy
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what crime did he do
Far enough, lad

Er, lad? We don't have sex with the cans.
and i dont get to have any
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I had the book and no longer have the book so i went through it all online
very odd post
My wife admitted that she found me less attractive because I am losing my hair. Ordered some pills off the internet which actually do stop my hair loss, but also totally kill my sex drive. Now in a catch 22 situation where one of us is less interested in sex no matter what I do
got a lovely and cheesy cottage pie in the fridge but it's not din dins time yet here
Why's he so zesty?
Get a tradesman in. Get her shagged. Happy wife, happy life.
durag wearing scammer laid back on the 5 star hotel room bed watching big tit blonde katy slobber and choke on his long naira ting through his cartier sunglasses, sucking his teeth and pushing her head down making pale gyal choke
cant a man simply enjoy over 700 bumwanks?
fucking hell
fascinating mate, hang on just a sec
*turns to the wall to watch the paint drying*
beef stew and chips for tea
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>looking for a particular, very specific, niche foreign language movie online
>zero (0) joy finding it on any piracy websites
>film has been out for 3 whole years

finally found it; in a link hidden encoded in base64 in a /co/ post from 18 months ago that links to an unlisted mega folder. Jesus christ.
the tradesmen copypastas are less impressive when the reality is that 90% of then are alcoholics and have no private pension
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beware the sysadmin cope
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any daywalker man in?
watching some sopranos and just remembered them towers that got blown up by planes in new york. mad that was. cant remember much, i was only 9, but thinking about how it must have been for those people in planes or the towers is mental.
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buy an ad
>using the femcel app
mf pondering his orb
smack her around a bit. she wont care about your slap head if you show her who is boss.
popped some buttery garlicky ciabattas in the air fryer but i'm not sure i want them now
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wonder how that lad got on watching the animated spiderman movie

it's a good movie
erm mate they're garlic butter kyivattas now
She's already cheated on you mate
love the tradesman copypastas, proper genuis that lad
lil timmy read this back then hoping to strike it rich and is now a jobless codemonkey LOL
I'm sick of all the same old shit
the best tradesman post is a humorous adaptation from a boring tradie rant
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Computer mouse in 2012
When you look up, "eloquent British nigga" in the library it's Douglas Murray

*gives you a hug*
labour's two messages at the moment are that it is necessary to means-test winter fuel payments for pensioners to prevent money going to to those who can afford to pay for themselves, and also that it is okay for keir starmer to be gifted all the expensive treats he likes
love the satisfaction of tracking something down hidden deep in the corners of the internet
mad how some of these are just blatant advertising aha
would love to see him getting brutally murdered
>cocksucker and a zionist
deary me
It'll never catch on.
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This image of Minecraft is the first image of Minecraft i ever saw.
Looks so much cooler than Minecraft now.

That was RAW minecraft. 14 yeara.
listening to cage the elephant whilst suckling on a tin of estrella and a vape
very softboi
i shagged a few chinese girls at oxford but then again they were fairly westernised ones
had a 2 year relationship with a girl from hong kong. i fucked it up. still think about her. thanks you've made me sad you utter prick
>femcel app
guarantee it's 90% blokes
probably some glowies on there too fishing for data
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Crazy how the 3DS used to be new. And now it's old.
i wish the lord would take me now
fresh off the boat goon slapping his longmeat silly into an inexperienced blonde ting
I remember when I first played it and it was so fun, building was so fun even though in hindsight they were all dogshit. I realise I started to mature too much when I would be overly critical of every thing I built and realised what a shit creator I was. now my entire identity is being too hard on myself
sinister post
couple of beers in, starting to get that mincer energy
might prance about, might even dance a little jig
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:Dragon Quest
on my 6th pint can
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I think 3DSs still sell for a fair wedge since they're hackable on all firmware so you're getting hundreds of games for the price of a 2nd hand 3DS.

hacked mine then of course promptly put it back in the drawer with 2 pirated pokemon games and a crash bandicoot game unplayed. Still, the possibilities are limitless.
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Me on the right off to get a guitar hero gf.
OK its almost 10PM
lets see this night-time productivity i wanted to do when i fucked up yesterday with me not seeing this time when i was making plans
timmy rejecting the 30+ year old used goods husband path, King shit
blog on you insufferable twat
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this argument is a load of tosh
he does realise that western civilisation (read: Christendom) was going for the best part of two millennia without an independent Jewish state right?
the desolation of Israel wouldn't result in global extermination of the Jews and they'd just go back to being an international diaspora
even if the planet was ethnically cleansed it wouldn't mean the dissolution of every state that's foundationally Judaeo-Christian
get the air fried
I will make you more sad now. I dated a Chinese girl from college with massive tits (while skinny) and got invited to an all Chinese party. There was only 1 other white Brit there, the rest where Chinese. I ended up ghosting her and I honestly can't remember why I did it. It was probably some hormonal teen stuff. I remember playing with her tits in our local park.
sir air frier
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Now we have RDR2 and COD remakes
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Tranner at the liquor store kinda looking like a snack tho
ann widdecombe sharting in my mouth
we asked anon if he'd ever fried anything with air, anon said no, why'd you say no anon?
supporting the australian music industry
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It's legal to have sex with someone who wasn't even born when GTA 4 came out
sir kief smoker
frying is specifically cooking using oil as a substrate
cooking with air as a substrate is not frying, the so-called "air fryer" is simply a miniature convection oven
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The scrandemic
angela rayner is such a peasant
there had better be some lea and perrins on that
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Not sure if i knew what the kinect even was when i got one. Think it came with a console bundle or something
Yeah I worked it out. It's 16 years and 4 months old.
imagine if you pissed on it before eating it
what a fucking dead end that was
hate american paper bills
have an $100 that's on the verge of ripping, may as well put it back in the bank. what's the point of holding cash
regardless of what you think of them the hamaz guys look so much cooler than any israeli / they're action man if he was in his 60s and brought back to one last mission
remember playing black ops for the first time, experiencing kino der toten, five and dead ops arcade
saw an advert for black ops 6 the other day, nearly fell off my metaphorical horse
just black pepper
It was worth it for the star wars shite.
zio and his faggot shabbos goy
got tinder girls number yesterday, I felt like she wasn’t interested so tested the waters by not texting her all day to see if she’d text first. She didn’t. I am absolutely fucking devastated
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
They fly so high,
Nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams,
They fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.
>still using dating apps in the current year
literally just go outside
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Mad how its decades since TDU2 and no game other than maybe GTA 5 has even tried doing something similar.
you always text first you dingbat
>watch some brit comedy show sloppa
>the guest is some literal retard women who can barely talk
>she doesn't make jokes, just struggles to say stuff
>all the other performers act like she is funny
why they fuck are they doing this
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bit of dobby cheese?
loved playing zombies on the blops
recently found out that the youtuber I used to watch go to round 147 faked all his records
>why they fuck
Looks like she rubbed off on you.
im sure you did
love cheese me
probably my favourite food all things considered
that or bread but bread makes me feel bad sometimes
a thread is specifically a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibres used in sewing or weaving
posting a topic with /brit/ as the subject is not using the topic in sewing or weaving. the so-called "/brit/ thread" is simply a discussion
i'm glad you got to play with her tits. i never went to an all chinese party like that but i did play drinking games one evening with like 5 other cantonese girls (i was the only boy and only white), friends of the gf, with whom i was to go clubbing but instead i stayed in and had amazing sex with the gf. it's a silly thought but i sometimes think i might have been able to have a threesome or something if i went out with them.
anyway broke up with her a year and a half ago. since then i've shagged another asian girl i met on hinge but didn't start a relationship with her. yeah i probably have yellow fever but whatever i dont really give a fuck, i enjoy shagging them and they age far slower than whites.
been hitting the squats lately
reckon I could snap any of you benders dicks clean off with the just the power of my arse cheeks
its funny to laugh at spackers who struggle to speak
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The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.
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Need her.
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Went to the clubs emo night in a M&S polo shirt and chino shorts. Heading home to change but now I'm home I really don't know if I can be arsed to go back just to listen to a genre I barely like at deafening volume, spunk £20 up the wall on like 3 pints, strike out with women, and talk to barely anyone.
enough about me, how's your day going?
for me personally? It's roquefort
who was it
reckon i could survive indefinitely on some of those maps
why were you wearing chino shorts?
loved that game
mad that there was a game mode where you're basically a suicide bomb terrorist trying to cause maximum damage
reckon the LIS is some sort of scam
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pest control restocking iron arrowheads when i buy 5 back to 6 so i can buy 11 between each game not 10
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nth for the gyaldem
she's in that crypto video with Nimrod Kamer. what a fucking small world
will you add me?
Watched a debate with debsoc before joining the rock & metal soceity pub crawl
is niall ferguson any good?
chino shorts have been in all summer
this fella
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*heavy bass riff*


alas it's autumn
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tomorrow its autumn
it's been autumn for 20 days
autumn equinox on the 22nd this year i believe
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Friday night lads

>Contacted amazon customer service to get a refund
>Had everything planned out explaining why I should have a refund
>Got past the automated response bullshit to speak to a person
>They just gave me a refund without asking anything
>Wasn't questioned at all. They just agreed to issue a refund in broken English and then closed the chat
Not all bad I suppose
my son, named godfrey gobshite
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Going to pretend i was a teenager in the 00s and i listened to rock bands and played in a band.

Fuck my gay zoomer runt life.
mad how good Top Gun is
mad how good Top Gun Maverick was
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summertime, and the living is easy
dont mean this in a nasty way but she looks trans
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>Top Gun Maverick
not gotten around to watching it. saw Top Gun at the cinema last month and it was good.
Lads, cans status?
mince used for burgers = good
mince used for anything else = bad
simple as.
Stop appropriating our culture. You have to listen to xxxswagboi and play fortnite instead
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fuck off spainnonce
read this post and suddenly remembered sitting in my bedroom as a kid in like 2005 listening to DONT YOU KNOW MY DIRTY LITTLE SECRET
Hinge? Where are you meeting these Asian women?
my only social interaction is a discord call with my irl friends every weekend and the group chat
New student in the student halls, listening to tv on full volume next door. Will decide whether or not this pisses me off or not depending on whether shes a fit bird or not.
I'm on the spirits tonight, although might break into the cans later
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should have let her roam free
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*supplexes them the ground balls first*

corrrrrrrr ash
fuck off spainnonce
I got a few cans and a few bottles, sorted for the night
Good lads
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Holly Valance dons cowboy hat at Reform UK conference
>saw Top Gun at the cinema
lucky cunt, which cinema?

I saw Maverick in the cinema in 2022
First film I'd seen since before covid, absolutely phenonemal
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millennial culture actually kind of sucks ngl. it's the most dull one ever
emmet is a really good example of a it, just an awkward fat toad of a person who thinks edgy politics is the pinnacle of debauchery, because his whole life he was coddled in his middle class house somewhere in maple ridge
in bed now as I am tired
top bum poo fanny k
might annexe Austria
tranny buggers and all sorts
what a disgrace
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second thing I noticed was her cross tattoo, corrr phrwoar x
boomers: affording college from a fast food job they drove a muscle car too
gen x: tons of mental problems because of massive economic and cultural shifts
zoomers: in the most volatile state the west has ever been, growing up with a literal celebrity as a president, riots and protests
millennials: playing runescape in a smelly bedroom, wondering why the economy sucks
i think it was the Picturehouse in London centre. had never seen it before. one of the hot August evenings and i was in Soho and just happened to see it was on.

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