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mick fleetwood marfan syndrome edition
what would you prefer happen to your corpse after you die lads?
i would prefer my corpse is never found, which is why i plan to commit suicide either by jumping into a canyon or into the ocean
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heh heh heh
im not going to die simple as that
well what would you prefer happens to your organic material when you become one with the blessed machine lad?
How will you commit suicide by jumping into the ocean? Once you start to drown, you'll panic and swim for safety
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>‘It hurts so much’: Grandmother heartbroken after granddaughter found dead in tool bag
i'm going to OD on opioids and then basically do what AJ Soprano did when he jumped into the pool with a plastic bag around his head, except i'll be monged out and ideally unconscious so i won't panic
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Had a crush once between the ages of 9-11 (primary).
Never been in love desu.

What does being in love feel like bruhs?
if you had a mcchicken and a quarter pounder infront of yoi but you could only choose one which one would you choose
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Grim. Have one last halal snack pack before you go.
Einstein fact:
If you took a plane trip from London to New York once a week every week for 40 years, due to the effects of time dilation you'd have aged 1/500th less than someone who hadn't been on a plane in their life.

Also due to the speed of the ISS they're aging 1/100th of a second less than the rest of us every year.

Time dilation is FREAKY.
Does /brit/ think Fleetwood Mac got better or worse after Buckingham/Nicks got added on
virginia woolf filled her pockets with rocks
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Ewww Emma that smells foul! Did you just shit your pants?
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she's been singing september for 5 hours now
Chicken, preferably dry / plain

Although the fish fillet is better
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You know how white chuds are always trying to make the claim that black male, white female propaganda is being pushed everywhere? It's all 100% true for WMAF lol
I mean it's a completely different sort of thing isn't it
that's not an aussie HSP, here it's just a bunch of chips with kebab meat and sauce on top, it's actually kind of vile but the wogs love it
mhmm, timmy needs help
that looks peng
All Timmy needs is a crumb of coochie from an Asian bird
business idea fast track neets to getting a license and force them to work maintaining local parks and bushland
still thinking about her, aren't you?
then again, you're thinking about a 9 year old...
this is basically what i've been doing a course for except i still dont have a licence (though i am a pretty confident driver regardless)
Not really, there is cross influence
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I appreciate all the eras as different chapters in a larger story
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The elites don't want you to know this but if you drink a beer you win another beer.
i dont pick up calls unless im expecting one
imagine the entitlement to think you should be allowed to speak to me at any time in any situation
>Fleetwood Mac post-Peter Green
Not really Fleetwood Mac.
lindsey buckingham eraserhead hair
fascinating but very unappealing
*speaks to you anyway*
i change my ringtone every few months because i eventually start to associate the tone with the anxiety of having to speak to someone so i switch it to something fresh to take a modicum of the edge off
I've spent about $1000 on chaturbate and I don't regret it at all it helped me connect with people I love
*hisses at you and sprints to my smelly bedroom on all fours*
incidentally why do so many female poets commit suicide?
playing with a fidget spinner i found at the bus stop a few months ago
>The Israeli military struck thousands of launchers Saturday after it said it uncovered plans for a Hezbollah rocket attack.
i dont read (You)s unless i feel like it
imagine the entitlement to think i should read whatever crap you write
they subscribed to the idea that all the best artists necessarily have to die young
committing sudoku is poetic and they're emotional enough to buy into it
really couldn't care less
i don't (you) yanks
they don't deserve the privilege
seems doubtful
*seeks the bubble reputation*
since writing has the lowest barrier to entry in terms of skill in any art form, it instills them with horrible imposter syndrome that they can't shake
Jethro Tull were better.
don't reply then you dirty little drunken swine
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I love Joe biden
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He should've been chilling on this porch for years sipping lemonade and listening to the radio
Jill is a crappy wife
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this is my life today
a wife can't fix dementia
the man is ill
Precisely the point. He should have been installed permanently in a rocking chair 5+ years ago
danny kirwan was kinda cute tho right
ewww feeling a bit poorly :(
*rubs vicks vapo rub on your chest*
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imagine syd barrett rubbing your tummy and singing you to sleep
yes thanks for posting war gore makes me feel great
i hate hohols so much
why do you post this horrid shit
you win this one, jeffo
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>yanks eat this slop
I will put my bare feet on the grass tomorrow and it will be very nice
grass is for girl feet only
no I make daddy take his shoes off and walk on the grass too even though he says it makes him itchy
corrr corrrr
internet done made people lose their souls
Now post sandy hook
>this nigga is currently winning the Sri Lankan presidential election

oh dear oh dear
>titus andronicus
I sleep
>tight ass, androgynous
looks fucking delicious thoughever
wish I still had that archie comic where clyde diddit is running around the school barefoot and eveyone starts copying him
that was my favorite
brit talking about slop
meat and beans and potatoes? you eat that
thirdies need to abandon capitalism because it leads to them being exploited
wish you'd shut your trap
super hot fire. i spit that
white bread is cancerous thoughever
brown bread is far superior
not as cancerous as your presence
I'd skip the bread personally
I prefer taters
how the fuck are North Korea in a world cup final?
these lil niggas are mental
hope they win xx
those look more like ranch style beans
i need to spend more time in nature
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>white bread is cancerous thoughever
>brown bread is far superior
it's okay once in a while and goes fine with all the other great stuff on the table, wouldnt be my first choice
very petty to single that out
/brit/ posters in 2 words
mad how aus is the non-shithole version of america
isn't your nature all deadly?
why do yanks love IPAs so much instead of ordinary beer?
Paying taxes is anti-white
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give it time
their lebbos and sudanese don't particularly behave themselves


Hops. Beautifully stinky
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Frankenstein is about the french revolution
alri, what's franken about frankenstein?
I'm losing my fucking mind
why the fuck are they so soft on him?
the west needs to be like russia and put these demented cunts in those prisons where they make them look at the floor 24/7
and what's quere is so does 90% of people
and yet we don't do it

perhaps because treating the worst creatures humanely shows how moral and superior we are
I'd rather the medieval punishment desu
don't get the appeal of giving prisoners playstations and michelin star death row meals
>the west needs to be like russia
least mentally ill 4chan yank
obviously just in terms of punishing dogshit people
not mere dissent as Russia does

you knew what he meant you pedantic little cunt
there are a lot of things russia is shit at but punishing prisoners that deserve it isnt one of them
nice one taking a part of my post out of context and generalizing to call me mentally ill or whatever
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I've decided that I shall not be getting more cans tonight. Gonna have 1 last fag and call it
just pood and it smells distinctly unhealthy
Your guess is as good as mine, friend. I'm four Coors Banquets down currently. I understand you don't have it over there, got a favorite chugging beer?
>Brit tries to talk badly about one of the better tasting foods to develop out of The United States
>He has to back it up because everyone says it looks good because it is
>He starts going off about how white bread is bad for you or some shit
Certainly its that one weird little faggot that is constantly going off about Americans every thread for no reason attempting to artificially manifest arguments no?
corona :3
it's a latinx beer
Our ordinary beer is shit too. I like ciders and local stouts but will get IPA on occasion if it has a high %. They always leave me with a wretched taste in my mouth when i wake up though the hops are no good
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what's this then
Probably some shitty salad of some sort
Could be potato salad or macaroni salad I dont really know
not telling
salade de pommes de terre
doesn't look like it
those are clearly potatoes
doesn't look like macaroni whatsoever
yes it does
Yeah, it doesnt look like the EUROPEAN version because it isnt the EUROPEAN version
only gone and woken up again haven't i
been up since 8pm me
trying to lecture ME on SALADE DE POMME DE TERRE?
at 6.30am on a sunday?
can tell you're a bloody productive member of society
*offers handshake*
I haven't done anything productive in maybe 7 or 8 years
*cracks you across the jaw and sends you back to dreamland*
Hate those plastic things they put on 4 packs of cans now. Can't they use cardboard
Sitting in a group at a pub chatting for no reason must be the most overrated, boring activity ever, but you're apparently a loser if you're not doing it on a Friday night like all the normoids
even more boring than sitting alone in your smelly bedroom?
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at the museum of arab superiority
got a bum full of poo
I'm quite the shut in but I went to the pub on two separate Fridays two years ago for toil.
Ended up spending 70 quid for the two nights because it was in central London and they charged £10/pint and people kept buying me shite so I felt obliged to do it back.

Never again.
No wonder people on middle class salaries are always in credit card debt.
>those are clearly potatoes
>doesn't look like macaroni whatsoever
Yeah I figured it could be either because both have chunks of things and its too small to tell which version it is
But yeah probably Potato with bacon in it
elton's medley
what are you?
a bong on holiday or an actual omani?

we have Omanis in the UK

Just ate 3 English muffins buttered and toasted with maple syrup sausage patties and scrambled eggs on them
could it be... the first ever good yank post... we're witnessing something special today lads
ah, the museum of arab superiority
Love 6am /brit/ because you can (you) statpad by virtue of being mildly interesting (which I AM)
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do you use the word bartender or pubtender or pintman or something else
it's red skinned potatoes
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the results are in

Could be?
I dont think i've ever seen anyone use potato's with skin for potato salad
do you lads chat with the bartender or just get your drinks and leave
I always wonder how much the muslims destroyed that was thousands of years old.
Mesoptomia is the bedrock of civilisation and Arabia is a stone's throw away.

The muslims felt it necessary to destroy everything from Jahiliyah though (the pre-islamic period of ignorance) because it's a shameful part of their past.

Saudi is doing a bit of a 180 now for what remnants may be left because MBS is based but it may be 14 centuries too late.
100 years ago the Wahhabis even destroyed a lot of Islamic history because it wasn't Islamic enough.

A culturally suicidal entity Islam is.
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spent 400 dollars on milsurp and soviet watches today
that's crazy man
red skin potato salad is always skin on
yeah i was just thinking i might visit troy next summer
playing asscreed mirage, they sent an elephant to Charlemagne, they used to be great
>red skin
they're called native americans
i peel my roosters before roasting them
Never seen it personally, must be a southern things because im on the west coast
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I've also been to the Sydney museum of australian technology
Troy is in Turkey thoughever
thank you for supporting the Australian museum industry
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atgs ueee drny isee oesn
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what if your son admitted to you he was the yorkshire ripper and that he needed your help with something
I'm always expecting some jolly, portly gentleman but all I ever get is a tattooed slag so, no, I don't chat with the bartender.
fundamentally destroyed by europeans
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I'm allowed to say red skin because I am 0.03 cherokee
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let that bear roam free
>Well that's near Moose Lake so I made that assumption

me on the left posting on /brit/ with de lads
normally do pasta on a sunday but i have a mound of mushrooms to eat so i might do some sort of sausage casserole instead
please keep your gun autism drivel in >>>/k/
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Is this accent even comprehensible to English people?
mental how lame S4 and S5 were
S1-3 were kino though
Anatolia is Hellenic and (as far as Islam goes) Turkic. It’s neither Mesopotamian nor Arabic and never has been.
Just watched Gladiator for the fourth time. Apparently Russell Crowe hated the "I will have my vengeance in this life or the next" so much that he initially refused to say it
Wish I had bought an AK before the state government made them illegal
catberg on t' lap
i was making the point that europeans have also destroyed thousands of culturally and historically important sites
Just go to a different state, it's like 20 minutes on a bus
good film that
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Actually just invented a genius customization system thanks to Vyvanse and Weed lads
Might take awhile but I'm going all in on gamedev.
I think I can make an awesome game just with Unreal and chatGPT if I get stuck on a C++ problem
it is a bit cheesy but so are like half of maximus's lines so i say crack on
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who knows. they are building museums that cover their history before islam but most of their history is after it and very linked to religion (forts built and maintained by imams, things like that)

and they've got our cannons
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Afternoon laddos
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Well it wasn't really all that genius. It's just addition, subtraction and multiplication.
Can't wait to see how hard it's going to be in C++
I haven't done math in over a decade
plan for today

going to get up in six minutes
have my shower and my poo
go for a walk
play some rdr2
watch the footy
cook my tea
maybe watch a film
Shower before poo? Are you Chinese?
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might dismiss a few froth whitlams
GOOD lad good lad
Aye, that’s true.
If you were here, I'd dismiss your jaw from your skull in one swift move
i poo when i need to poo
i won't force it
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NEED to get back into music production for my game
Is Ableton alright lads?
got a movie recommendation for you
bad lad
let's have it then
tell us about your game so i can make fun of it
No we didn't. We took a lot of it and preserved it. If it was in the hands of the wogs it would be in complete decay right now

bit slow but a goodie
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It would be very hard to reveal any details without giving away extremely good ideas.
I already mentioned customization. If you knew which game I was adding it to you would steal my idea.
I also added a completely 100% unique mechanic to it.
Is that the film where you can see Helena Bonham Carter's pancake tits
dis nigga googled "big brain wojak" and downloading the first image
need to be at toil in 45 mins. set off in 25. NOT enjoying the new toil hours.
Hurry the fuck up, those mcmuffins are not going to serve themselves
ate nine cans of ravioli last night
mght check it out
Always good to see you fella, hope things are going well for you.
there are some tits in it (core) but not sure whose
give my regards to mrs boyardee!
do they hate westerners or do they suck our dick?
thanks mate, just had a very good weekend so i'm chuffed, hope things are all good on your end
Don't jinx it, you might get run over by a bus later today
ive got this heartburn that isnt subsiding
this is the end for me
enjoyed this post
at your discretion
shall keep that in mind
pooer discretion is advised
we don't get chef boyardee products here but I enjoyed the reference nonetheless
god I wish that was me (either of them)
would rather get walked over by a bus then run over
>parents get a new bed for the spare room a couple of weeks ago
>visit and stay the night
>for the first time ever, do a sloppy liquid shart all over the new bed at 3am
>have to tell mum in the morning and she's seething
fucks sake
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This is the type of music I'll be making
>toiling on a sunday
how'd you manage that
ffs lad didnt your mother change enough of your diapers
frenchlad finding new material for his "animals in distress" collection
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If at first you don’t succeed, poo poo again.
absolutely bonkers how walking through town every single invader family invariably has several young children and/or are pregnant
literally every single one
does everyone just not notice this or its implications or something? to afraid to talk about it?
Lv.1_Goblin_ >> #9835487
Posted on 2022-06-27 10:43:12 Score: 6 (vote Up) ( Report comment )
From now on, your womb will be house only for more goblins, you will forget how disgusting human dicks felt inside you.
Shut up tranny
Shan't be making a disgusting coomercel paedo tranny game like the rest of the mongs on /agdg/
what's an invader family
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>By 2150, it is estimated there will be no more than 20,000 White residents in the United Kingdom, mainly in England; almost all born overseas
what is one looking at here
at least I'll be too dead to care by then
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Birth rates are declining across all races
Machines will take over all the work
Technology is only getting more invasive
evil grin excessive cum female female focus female penetrated from behind goblin goblin male green skin grin hanging breasts
There are Hatian invaders eating peoples cats in Springfield Ohio
was just saying this down the pub
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that's what you think
shower done
but no poo
i'll head off for my walk now and hopefully i won't have to squat in a bush
Please let me re-vote, why did I vote Labour
*China 2.0
birth rates will stabilise in africa, just like they did in europe 200 years ago and asia 50 years ago
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>he wasn't here last night
someone found sacked tranny
Be safe! Post pics if you can
shut up retard
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the breakkie x
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>shut up retard
remind me never to buy bread again
it makes me feel horrid and gassy
tastes nice but it is worth it?
Birth rates are falling. Bill Gates was right. The best way to slow pop growth is to give women economic opportunities.
Gluten intolerance. I got the same when I ate bread in France and my tummy was grumbling on the tram in front of the French roasties
hope it wasn't white bread. that causes cancer.
did someone go into a Shrewsbury aldi and take a photo of the first ugly female employee they saw
its not worth it just for the fact that you have two slices and it fucking goes off the next day
hate bread
must have been quite the commotion in ol' /brit/
you're supposed to tie up the bag when you aren't getting bread out
britfeel more like
bread is arguably even better toasted so it's all gravy if it goes a bit stale
too bad I was out having sex to be there :/
genuinely deciding if I should be one of those freaks that pretends it's a certain decade and have a house full of memorabilia from the time. I'm thinking 90s.
i hate being fat but then i cant stop eating rubbish
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>he isn't eating Pepperidge farm
it was this thread

eaten an entire kilogram of cheese this week
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how's it work, you pour the petrol in the indentations and just have a sniff?
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remember that film where the Indian man finds himself in a different reality where The Beatles didn't exist so he steals all their songs and becomes one of the most famous musicians of all time and at the end of the film a group of white people walk up to him and say they remember The Beatles, know he stole their music but thanks him for returning their music to the world lmao
can't say i do but it sounds like kino
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it actually is quite cosy
just found out skeletor is a blue skinned man with a skull for a head
i thought he was a skeleton in a suit
mad world
yeah. same director as 28 days later and trainspotting
im ngl that just looks like a middle aged woman with a big head
>ed sheeran with an extended cameo
alas i might have to give it a swerve
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I don't remember that movie but I recently watched this one with my dad

it's about an indian guy that moves to france and opens an indian restaurant and learns to cook like a french chef

he gets a white gf and his dad gets a white gf too

its funny
why do women hold their noses when they jump in water?
do their noses not work proper or something?
just realised I can't think of one Indian musician. do Indians make music?
numa numa
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mad how... *grabs chest*


because they're the cuter sex
what about panjabi mc?

Demonic Zoomer
indian made this song that got big recently
leftypol taking a selfie of his fat balding bearded bespectacled face with a dreamworks smirk for some reason for his twitter profile pic
listening to Johnny cash
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i pooed myself todayyyy
college makes me so miserable I am gonna drop out after this semester and go into trade school because i won't be debt or gay
ah yes
good lad good lad
switched off within 10 seconds
>oh, yeah
>oh, yeah
>oh, yeah
how can you have unimaginative filler at the start of a song
banger tbf
go to bed unc

Bit early.
Frog here. Wtf, London is so much whiter than Paris !!! I thought you were as worde than us.
Was this pose popular in the old days
Think you're in the wrong London then

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