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37 dicks edition
I sleep now. Toil over.
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Also worth mentioning, if it's the menthol elves (which it always is if you're considering quitting) you may also consider getting signed off sick by the GP and staying in the job.

You just tell your GP you're feeling down, depressed, anxious, suicidal (which presumably you are), they give you a 2-week sick note then after 2 weeks they phone up and you say you're still not feeling up to going back to work. Repeat for as long as required.

Yeah you need a bit of a brass neck for this but your employer and the GP won't call you out. Your employer because they legally can't push back on it and the GP because the GP doesn't give a shit about your employer, only you, and if you're not well enough (mentally) to work then that's enough as far as the GP is concerned.

Then when you're signed off sick you can use that time to look for a new job—or just sit about—while still receiving pay. How much you recieve depends on your employer; some will pay you your full wages for X months if you've been employed there for Y years of service, then it might taper down or cut off. But at a minimum you're entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

It's really nothing to be ashamed of. People are out there signed off FOR LIFE on full PIP with depression and anxiety. Not saying that needs to be you but it's OK to not be at work for a few months if it's making you want to top yourself, just saying lad.
traction control off
the five years between 22 and 27 felt like decades for me
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Found out today that my dad was married once before his current marriage to my mum. He divorced her, but I had absolutely no idea. I was genuinely speechless when he mentioned it.

I'm 28 years old. What the fucking fuck? My parents are cunts, secretive absent minded twats.
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8 servings of double chocolate chip cookies
couldn't stop at 4 or 5, I had to have 8
>keir starmer getting paid by the taxpayer to doss around at arsenal matches is "for the best of the country"
Ok bootlicker LMAO
that'll get you sectioned, no?
ride on time
no, they're humans who had lives before you reared your ugly mug into them
My mum in a drunken mess once said she'd had an abortion when she was younger
Asked my dad and it was complete shite
Very odd woman
was his first wife fit
one of your business quite frankly. just be grateful he didnt ditch your pig of a mother also
i mean yeah you could but that would just be bad for motivation i actually want to just take some time out to think of my 'life work'
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>I'm 28 years old. What the fucking fuck?
probably didn't feel like it was worth mentioning
we go through life, we make mistakes, we move on, don't see why that's a big deal
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*enters /brit/*
Don't see why my money should go towards feeding school children.
Absolute bollocks, parents have a duty to tell their kids.
bet you scrotes are the types complaining about immigrants taking jobs yet simultaneously gaming the system as you are
disgusting dregs of society
samoan penguin
technically i am 30 years old but spiritually it's not true. it's not even denial - it simply isn't the case. category error. not even wrong.
superficial things, if you actually seriously cared you should judge them on how they run the country and their policies. they've got a much better credential than the tory lot so i like that.
what a unit
looks like a good team on the chase tonight lads
just did a very smelly poo that required lots of wiping.
watching an ancient skyrim playthrough by sips
decided to mentally live permanently in the early-to-mid 2010s, facing the modern age is simply too painful for me so i've decided to reject it
having a little can on this monday evening
britain is a nation of immigrants. the angles, the saxons, the list goes on
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>when he has a lidl plus card
>the types complaining about immigrants taking jobs
That's not really the concern anymore I don't think.
The anti-immigration argument now is more about how damaging it is to import such massive numbers of third-worlders that it completely culturally transforms the country.
I don't care what jobs they work, I care that they're taking parts of the country that used to be England and turning them into New India.
how did you find out lol
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just love getting battered every night I know I shouldn't but drinking is one of the few things that makes me feel good and numb
dunno why people are defending the dad
one of the people you are closest to in the world and they have hidden simple facts about their life from you like ex-wives
it's mental to me
some (*almost all) people are just shit parents
what makes you think its a binary choice? why not judge them on everything. dishonest little twerp aren't you
ho ho ho hello traveller thanks for getting the staff of magnus for me, I'll be taking that
Your mother isan uber, a ride share
why would you believe your mum over your dad on the fact your mum had an abortion
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>if you actually seriously cared you should judge them on how they run the country and their policies
They seem to be doing a catastrophically shit job so far. I voted Labour in 2019 btw so not a Tory.
I'm off to the Undying Lands...
why do you think your dad is privy to that? lol
I won't judge someone binning off work when they get paid pennies for absolute runt work to get taxed for the benefit of blokes that come over on dinghies
just can't go back to drinking after i've tried opioids, it pales in comparison, i used to be a full-tilt alcoholic but these days i only ever drink when i can't score any gear
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Not me. My ancestors were walking around on the beach nearly a million years ago
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Only if you say "yeah I'm suicidal and the moment I leave this office I'm going to drive home and hang myself with the rope I purchased off Amazon which is currently tied to the roof in the garage and I've got the stool ready to stand on, my will written, my affairs in order".

If you tell them you have passive suicidal ideation, which is what most people who are still alive and have suicidal thoughts have, they are unlikely to section you. Psychiatric wards are always, ALWAYS, full to the brim. Any available bed will be filled the same day without exception. They are full of paranoid schizophrenics and people who are much more visibly, outwardly mentally ill (t. has been in one).

It takes a lot to be sent to one. If you're clearly still with it mentally when speaking to the GP, it's unlikely they'll send you there. The last handful of times I've spoken to the GP they ask if I have any suicidal thoughts or feelings and I tell them honestly yeah I think about suicide all the time but I choose not to do it, mainly because it would upset my family, and I am fully able to choose not do to it. The only time I did go to the psychiatric hospital was as a voluntary patient, a few days after I did actually try to kill myself.
heading to the Aldi in Shrewsbury lads you want anything?
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ktim but early 2000s
I'm mentally arrested
fucking hell i'm in love with this bint
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>wap came out 4 years ago
what the fuck
I saw a letter with a name on it with the same surname as me that I didn't recognise. Questioned him and found out.
why are you black
the head of sackedtranny
for me it was the action jackson cutaways, so fucking random
let them be unpopular, but i'm just interested in results
who are these people going through sites like sportbible, seeing all these clickbaity misleading headlines like "rodri makes feelings clear on declan rice: "we're not the same"" then reading the two paragraphs of pointless waffle until the article finally goes "asked about fellow midfield players he said "many players, declan rice is one i think is really really elite, though we are not the same role". and then thinking "aaaaah, right, so he was just saying he likes him but he;s not really a holding midfielder". and then just carrying on using sportbible? not feeling cheated or lied to or mislead and continuing using the shite website?
Eating poo is morally reprehensible
going back to boozetoiling once a week me
it's a bit dire tb h
a few PNGs and a pack of rizla cheers
they waddled over there from africa thoughbeit
sacked tranny!
some of those basil and tomato hummus crisp things. really like them me
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Hate this cunt for getting Parker killed
chocolate milkshake and some green grapes
Might pop my hat on
done by the mail man KEK
papua poo guinea
then he waddled away
(waddle waddle)
til the very next day
I called my gp and said I was suicidal and they prescribed me with antidepressants the next day
gonna give the teenage clapmeat a proper shellacking tonight
swedelads if svt is so shite where are you posting all day
thank god we have /brit/
the last bastion on this godforsaken forum
are you lads refunding your Oasis tickets after that performance saturday

not surprising his voice is shot considering the way he sang in the early days

poo peeland

the poonited sharts of arsemerica
Leftypol has deemed her MtF trans now
if they sit in their bubbles in Bradford or wherever then yea that's bad it but if the government increases the threshold to 40k or whatever for skilled workers they'd be contributing a lot more to society

well what's the alternative? just sit around being miserable and not having money to do the things you want and buy nice things
it's crazy that there's people my age with really cute gfs
mindblowing even
dunno how u have the energy to get on it day after day
by day 3 of hardcore booze your brain is fucked and you getting acid reflux it becomes a chore to get drunk
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that seems like chucking petrol on the fire desu lad I'm already tempted to drink I don't need more problems
yeh once a week is fine defo lad
>decided to mentally live permanently in the early-to-mid 2010s, facing the modern age is simply too painful for me so i've decided to reject it
Early-to-mid 2010s? I prefer watching late 2000s stuff.
good chuckle this xx
No surprises a tranny is the worst character
used to post here a lot, now i don’t have the time really
had some good times tbqh
I'm a poet and I didn't even know that I was one of those
probably am depressed and all that but just can't bring myself to sponge off the state when i have a ton of savings anyway
not sure what the first step is towards fixing my life, do i read a self-help book or something?
i tried taking up the gym because i figured that was the first step and everything afterwards would come naturally but that wasn't really the case, now i'm just kind of fat from bulking too hard and having a hard time shedding the excess weight
She's cute
>but if the government increases the threshold to 40k or whatever for skilled workers they'd be contributing a lot more to society
No, it's really not about whether they contribute or not. Obviously when they don't contribute, and claim benefits, it makes it even worse. But even if they were all 100% productive workers there is still the cultural problem. If my area goes from being majority-English to majority-South Asian, then suddenly I am living in a foreign culture among people I have very little in common with. That's extremely socially damaging.
i'm just annoyed i got through to the screen to buy tickets for the first wembley show after being in the queue all day but then fucked it off because i didn't want to spend £360 per ticket
should have bought 4 and sold them for double the money
>Woman and four horses dead after early morning road crash
Poor horses
brat summer was a wtite-off hopefully incel winter goes better
Socially damaging to who?
not hardcore lad just like 4 pints or a bottle of wine and you feel dead nice for the rest of the night and it calms everything
>yeh once a week is fine defo lad
sarc-y cunt
shagger solstice
Tarq mode of transport
Here. Not much much of a social butterfly me, more of a hairy moth type.
hustlers university maybe?
saw a girl wearing a ridiculously short skirt earlier
could see the start of the curve of her pengers arse
got the wilberton tingling ngltyl
>getting battered
this is what you said mate didn't know u only meant a bottle of wine
even then idk if i could keep that up day after day just kinda feels like mad calories for little benefit
what is it with mailmen and destroying families
you bellends don't seriously believe that sacked tranny works in the Shrewsbury's Aldi do you?
not being sarcy if i was only drinking once a week id be happy as, I've got the temptation 6 out of 7 days
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So this is autumn.
Feels a lot like yesterday.
It's worse
least creepy brit poster
take an axe and smash every device in your house that can connect to world wide web
To most people, I think. The same holds true anywhere. If an Indian town was suddenly overrun in the span of a couple decades by, let's say, a bunch of Chinese people, they would be very distressed by it I'm sure. It's not about race, it's about culture. People do not want to feel marginalised in what is supposed to be their own native country.
been autumn for 3 weeks mate
so this is christmas
and look at that bum
had almost the right combination of desperation and stupidity to try that a year or so ago, now my stupid levels have regressed a bit so it's outside my realm of consideration
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Any soft lads in?

Body is almost entirely hairless, love lathering myself in oil or body cream then lying on all my pillows and fluffy blankets watching tv
yeh i am turning into a chunky little monkey
Equinox was yesterday mate
yea we need to preserve the great culture of doing nothing but dossing off on pip and benefits
Think that lonely house wife is the one party that should be questioned
peeling an orange with my toes
Is that what you think all English people do, then? You think 100% of English people are on benefits?
mumsy drinks 5 bottles of wine a week

I suspect when she retires from her part time job soon she'll drink 7 bottles a week
dont want to be ugly and evil, lads
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How can I learn how to have a scottish english accent. I always hear it in movies and tv shows and I keep thinking "This is me. This is how I should sound like when speaking in english", but I don't hear it often enough to properly develop it by myself.
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come join EU4 game britishes
cant you do one of those australian walkabout things. spiritual awakening and that
sorry you have to put up with that
I'm handsome and have a good heart. Worried the world is going to turn me evil if this carries on though.
wish someone would come up with new catchphrases to take the piss out of indians with, as much as i love teasing indians, there's only so many times you can say "poo in loo" or "good morning sir" or "do the needful" before it gets old
Big gay energy
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I wonder how many sensitive young men who used to browse these threads have offed themselves over the years
probably in the hundreds
actually a bit tearful thinking about it
dont do it brothers
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In a row?
no i'm not gonna dox myself
Well what do you want most
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Luv Asians me
bloody basterd bitch
do britishers say "pissed off"
cant imagine a more virginomous gathering than this
For me, it's quotes from the "bloody fuck you bloody" fight
bastard bitch
Want a big strong lad to cuddle you as well? big poof
im a callous older man and I say to hell with them
There was a lad a few weeks ago who said he was imminently going down to his local station to jump in front of the next train. Wonder if he did it or not.
what about you looking in a mirror
answer me question please
to not feel pure mental agony with every waking moment
beyond that i suppose financial independence and maybe a gf would be nice
Yeah I hate my parents. Useless.
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my mumberg used to get through one of these every day (3 bottlesworth)
no surprise that she's dead now
Call the indians benchod or street shitter
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"47 Ronin"
cuddle yeah wouldn’t mind muscles
no arse or willy stuff
sorry bro
based mum living a comfy and happy life
Reckon people born 1945-1968 are the worst humans ever.
if you order a just eat or the like to a hotel do they deliver? will the hotel shout at you?
got a promotion recently and thought £40k was pretty good even in London but speaking to some mates most are on 55k+ in similar fields one is at s&p on like 75k and now I feel like a straggler
comparison really is the thief of joy
Milk it for what it/s worth
One thing you might try is finding some youtubers / podcasters you find interesting / tolerable and listening to a lot of their content so you pick up on the nuances of the accent.

I listen to a podcast with 2 irish lads and I can do a very solid Irish accent now.
not really a gathering is it
Ask the hotel you fucking cowardly cunt. Then hang yourself.
did it in liverpool once
State of that
dunno, never stayed in a hotel because I'm not James Bond
>listening to a lot of their content so you pick up on the nuances of the accent.
I thought about this but there is a distinct lack of scottish podcasts with content that might interest me .
>Wine of South Africa
Lads about to swan dive infront of a train
I used to order Dominos to my student halls and I had to go outside to collect it. Presume its the same thing at a hotel
everyone asked
move to Scotland, immerse yourself. Edinburgh is lovely. Glasgow is a dump though don't come here.
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smoking rn
train of somalian dicks for your blonde swedish bussy
take a selfie
not been on holiday since 2012
no doxxing you can change your nickname in game
come join then
you will feel right at home
how? do you just have no one to go with so you dont bother?
I was looking at the history muesum in london and man it looks amazing. just wished i had a friend to go with me
Ok, I'm coming
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>sunset 19:03
>clocks go back next month
you put in the delivery instructions "call me when you're a couple minutes away and i'll come down to meet you in reception"
hotels rarely accept food deliveries to hold till you get your fat arse down to pick it up so the driver will be made to wait if you aren't already there
alternatively, if your hotel isn't all secure and that you could probably say your room number but that's just asking for pajeet to ring you after a few mins all exasperated like "sar i do not find room"
why would the hotel be angry at you for ordering food
feel like SHIT
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Bring your female relatives for us, love Greek birds me
Yeah might top meself
>I wonder how many sensitive young men who used to browse these threads have offed themselves over the years
>probably in the hundreds
Here's hoping you join them next
Pretty much. If I had pals or a gf then it's very likely I would have been on some holidays between then and now.
once drove my car on the highway while absolutely rat-arsed drunk and on benzos, no idea how i'm still alive
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Rorkes whip
For me it's old-school strip motels
>Ukraine in The Hague: Kerch Bridge restricts international shipping, it must come down
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>>Bring your female relatives for us
They are all 60+ years old.
Wait so women are crazy and unstable
What’s the alternative lads
getting dark already
sick of it
always a laugh when you look out the window at the street down below and see a nice brown man with brightly coloured food delivery bag on his back, looking this way and that, checking his phone, clearly no idea where the house is, then he inevitably phones the recipient for help
Watching no country for old men really did put your imagination in gear did it
Don’t bother coming then
The 'bs
sometimes forget i share a general with the utter dregs of society
it's a great museum, it's free but you can pay for certain tours and exhibitions, did one where you could go see Darwin's actual specimens as well as type specimens (the first ever specimen of that species found) and his hand written labels and stuff
as an extreme insomniac i'm liking it as it feels less oppressive when it's not light all the time
Ain't picky
>am I fitting in yet
who axed doe
real shit creates real niggas, as they say
pffft, you will be
>In my teens I was a far right, black metal loving
stopping there
big ol post there
absolutely howled at this hilarious post
mad how jewstar are rereleasing gta v again
must be cunts that have bought that game 5 times now
And the very latest from Toby?
KENT mentioned
yeah its so cool i wish i had a british friend to show me around the uk. I think british history is pretty cool especially the victorian age
>i wouldn't wwant to live in Victorian England
literally no point living with a small dick
huh? what are they releasing it on? did the ps6 come out when i wasn't looking?
he was threatening suicide yesterday. i think he wanted attention
did this so many times from 2018-2022
especially during lockdown
finally got caught when i fucked a wheel curbing it and passed out
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what's the definition of small
Don’t want no short dick rorke
Just absolving myself of racial guilt at killing mumberg
Under 6 inches
t. Kim Jong Ching Chong
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can always get a chinky gf, they're used to it and i daresay even prefer it
didn't they disastrously try and remaster san andreas recently

I wonder if those are the same people working on GTA6
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What counts as small
How much does a shitty non-flat share flat cost to rent where you lads are? Seems to be about £550 a month here and I don't know if that's about right or a rip off
sub 6
Got the X Files on. Kino
this guy looks jewish, not keen on this gif at all frankly
fuck off
Just associate them with good times on the road and doing comfy stuff like getting local takeaway in
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normal thread until...
White English
I don’t think that’s true
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some girls are probably fine with it tho right
remastered and expanded edish
define "fine"
he's a sketch comedy actor
White English Anglo Saxon

a non shit one is easily over 1k in london a lot are dogshit even that
stop watching porn and reading buzzfeed articles
Recreate the episode where that 4chan shut-in takes his own life
Mousenonce has two braincells
that was like 2 years ago lad, everyone has already had their little outrage fit over it
Don’t do either, next?
like they'll still get off and stuff
oh right thought maybe you were slating seth efrican wine because of some patrician wine taste you possessed
eat pussy retard
Two more than you then
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5 inchers me
and worse still it's a pencil dick
I made a few of the posts in this image and I kind of regret it now. I'd love to go back to the days of trans spammers compared to what we have now with all the cuckshit and pedoshit.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Part 2
rocking a 7 incher me but quite pencilly, girth is like 5 inches on a good day
love it when I'm really fucking thirsty, my throat is sore and i'm dizzy and i get a huge veiny bottle of water and pour all that water cum down my twink throat and it's making me gag a little bit with tears rolling down the sides of my eyes
just go for a petite girl
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6.5 inches me. Being average is alright for me
try having sex and you'll realise women aren't all size queens
Mad how much this is like me at my toil
Everyone else is genuinely evil and negligent but somehow I'm the oddball
had an itchy mons pubis all day
Don't understand why Rockstar has never remasted GTA IV desu. Why can I play GTA V on every system but I need to bust out a PS3 or 360 to play IV?
had a 17 year old gf when i was 19
still wank to the memory of how tight age she was
ts wild how the best Museum in the world are in london and dc
When 4chan kicks the bucket, where will you lads go
the average length of an erect human penis is 13.12 cm (5.17 in), while the average circumference of an erect human penis is 11.66 cm (4.59 in).
Monty Pyke Table 42 Every Saturday
jeets and chinks dont count
I'm already active in several Reddit communities so I'll be good.
Great. For the rest of my life?>>202592118
I have had sex, 3 different women. All of them have been disappointed when they take off my pants, 1 of them even asked if I was fully hard yet or not
Ovens broken. Nowt I can do except get the uberjeets to bring me food
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>this guy looks jewish, not keen on this gif at all frankly
>fuck off
Do your eyes roll back too, as if you're having an orgasm?
I've had some lekker seth efrican wines, nothing against them
yeah but half of humans don’t have a penis so it’s more like 10 inches
>as part of my nieces project in reception, they want a photo of her whole family
>uh no thanks, I don't want my photo in some school
>family acts like I'm being awkward
how the fuck is that being awkward? how can you have the gall to go up to somone and say 'I want a photo of you to hang up in a public place' and expect a yes? I used to give the same shit to my sister when she would just put photos of me on facebook. I'm not on social media so what the fuck do you think you're doing?
Well backwards compatibility is pretty much out the question. Due to the architecture of the PS3 it’s pretty much a nightmare for say Sony to add backwards compatibility for PS3 games to the PS5 hence why you can’t just slap in your GTA 4 disc into your PS5.

And as for why hasn’t Rockstar remastered the game. There have been some reports of a possible remaster for RDR1 and GTA 4 although some reports suggested these were cancelled due to the backlash the GTA trilogy received and to also put their focus on GTA 6. Some reports also indicate that we may still be getting a remake for GTA 4. I guess we’ll just need to wait and see.
>2 likes on bumble since last night
I might finally break through that glass ceiling and finally become a normie
it's not going anywhere been here since I was like 13 and now I'm 27
oh no no no
Show me the women
blog on neurotypivcal
Flawless logic
reckon this is more like you
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>Lebanon says more than 270 killed in Israeli airstrikes with over 1,000 injured – Middle East crisis live
get them pumped lad
you sound like a sheltered mong stirring up drama to feel relevant because you have no real problems
jokingly told the proto gf that i have a small dick, she doesn't seem to be sure if i was kidding or not but doesn't seem to mind either way
now that her expectations are nice and low i can pleasantly surprise her with my moderately large wilberforce
I haven't seen Clerks in over 20 years, but the the number 37 makes me think of this scene every time I encounter it.
larp more virgin
anyone watched kaos on netflix? thought it was pretty fun. don't care if that's reddit. yes there was an interracial gay couple but that's expected in every show now
Are you just trying to mock me
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Mad how there are people dying every day while I'm here just posting shite with the boys
What's it about lad
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don't think I can name one chinese museum if it wasn't for this list
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Bit of a weird larp
>little kid wants to do something cute representing her family because she loves them
>grinch denies it
That's you. You're a grinch
4chan is definitely doomed. Even putting funding issues aside, the model of an anonymous imageboard just doesn't work on the 2020s internet. You can't run a forum with no IDs and no verification required to post anymore. It's too manipulable by people running massive bot farms. Eventually 4chan will be nothing but bots propagandising/advertising to other bots.
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don't post so much and make the threads go by so quick if you're not going to make the news in a timely manner, simple as that you silly cunts
I have great problems which is why this kind of shit I don't need bothers me.
This isn't some idea of my niece, it's the school asking for it.
I mean london and dc are famous for the meusums

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