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Fantastic-Herbs-Pairing-Infographic.jpg edition
where do I return my sausages to?
barmers instructons were very unclear
Jews don't give a flying fuck about religion but when it comes to offspring they insist on keeping the traidtion going

Whch I half understand. You don't want 5000 years to end with you. Put the burden on those little cunts.
bach iq must have been at least 200
Deliver them to your nearest mosque. They need them to feed all the Palestinian refugees you see.
poo smells lmao
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>Mother, 2-year-old son shot in Dorchester, Boston Police searching for suspect
Sir Twitch Streamer
he'd probably have posted here
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>There is one rape reported every hour in London, according to police data published on Friday. Almost 8,800 cases were handled in 2023, which is an average of 24 each day.

>The figures, obtained by state broadcaster the BBC through Freedom of Information requests, show a further 11,000 reports of other sexual offences.

>The totals increased by 14% over the last five years to almost 20,000 in 2023, which means that sexual violence or rape was reported to police every 26 and a half minutes, on average.

>Charities concerned with protecting children and women against sexual violence said the true extent of such incidents is far higher.

kindly stop raping women
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Need her to cut the cheese in my face.
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my sides
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>A braadworst or verse worst is a large Dutch sausage, most often composed of pork for its meat to fat ratio, although beef or veal can be used too.
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>Father and son plunged to their deaths while working on a towerblock after brake failure caused 21-storey-high platform's collapse
israel is fascist and based
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Return of the Kosher Sausages
just realised autumn started on sunday afternoon and completely missed it
oh well
Johan Sebastian Blacked

seriously that nigga had the two gayest first names in one name. shit's whack
Non-Christians have a very different conception of religion in general. They're more likely to see it as a cultural and heritage thing even if they don't believe in it personally. You see the same with some Muslims who literally don't follow any rules other than not eating pork, and they never pray or go to Mosque, but keep insisting they're 100% Muslim and will go berzerk if you say a bad word about Muhammad.

It's only Christians who have this strict rule where you have to wholeheartedly believe in the Bible in order to be a real Christian
Kindly end your own life x
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Nobody will admit who is committing most of these rapes but we all know who it is.
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What are ya buying, stranger?
muslims are also sheikhs when it comes to rules pertaining to women and gays

when anything mildly inconveniences them they're quasi-atheists though of course
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might get my implants done in a sketchy clinic in Russia
shipping my sausages to israel right now
You believe most rapes are committed by trans people? Are you out of your fucking mind?
>It's only Christians who have this strict rule where you have to wholeheartedly believe in the Bible in order to be a real Christian
no two christians can agree which parts of the bible are metaphorical and which are literal
been keeping my valiums in a little chewing gum bottle and now they taste minty
why can't it be the trannies AND the niggers, pakis and poos
all me
roast potatoes and sausages are currently being fried with air
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go to bed racismlad
Sir Bird Feeder
you're supposed to return your sausages
sausages are illegal now
>Are you out of your fucking mind?
what's all this about sausages then
New tonearm and cartridge have shipped.
buckwheat absolutely mogs rice

why did I only discover it now?
Because the shitskins dwarf everyone else by an order of magnitude and while they are literally raping their way through britain we should pick our battles and deal with the other issues later
ah, saveloy! I'll buy it at a high price
Sir Brat Wurster
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Sir Cleveland Steamer
sir frank furter
Eating a sausage roll whilst having a fag in a pub garden
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how do I take attractive photos for dating app profiles?
Singular Brad Poster
Sir Gimmick Spammer
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Sir Kief Saucissier
sir piss sniffer
bit of strong English mustard on that bad boy?
Sir Pub Garden
The runts are really riled up over Sausagegate
Sir Salmon Starter
Sir Party Pooper
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mad how we all just exist in the shadow of the bloodiest war ever fought, and with the highest standard of living too
sir boring bastard
Sir Wog Trooner
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>Man Dies Bizarre Death Trying to Separate Frozen Burger Patties
sir migrant wnaker
for me it's mysliwska or slaska sauage from the Polish corner shop
Sean “Diddy” Combs
Roy “Chubby” Brown
Sir Jew Lover
giving catberg lots of fuss and she's loving it
working overtime on purrtoil
What's all this about starmer and sausages then? Have I missed something?
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Sopocka/Poledwica is fucking peng, basically smoked pork loin
sir hot dogger
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why do you rape and get raped so much
Curious how Starmer's Labour abandoned trans people so quickly. Haven't heard a peep about LGBT from them in ages.

Are they pivoting on sexuality/gender issues because they know these topics are extremely controversial with their core Muslim voterbase?
don't play dumb with us rorke
get them returned right now

why don't they make funny adverts anymore, if it were today it'd just be some mixed race family trying to present some half-baked sappy message that nintendo brings diverse friends and family together or some bullshit
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Nobody spoonfeed him. Let him google.
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>Monarch... when you hear the thunder
>When the storm... comes for you...
>Remember me

get your sausage out for the lads
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fuck up fatyank
sir veganism enforcer
mental - father
physical - son
spiritual - holy spirit
mental - mind (nous)
physical - body (universe)
spiritual - spirit (anima mundi)
>if it were today it'd just be some mixed race family trying to present some half-baked sappy message that nintendo brings diverse friends and family together or some bullshit
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>Mom got ‘rush’ from repeatedly suffocating baby, MO cops say. ‘Last time he was blue’
sausages aren't bloody well allowed under starmer's jewish caliphate
fucking hell i hate being right
mental that bjork dated this thing, aye?

what's even more mental was that uruguayan who sent a bomb to Bjork's house because he was angry at Goldie was half Jamaican and then he posted that famous webm that goes about where he shoots himself in the mouth
tis the one with "the greatest show on earth" on a whiteboard in the background
Got an amazing new /brit/ edish lined up if hiroshima moot didnt force me to work to post it (5 minute cool down which means I must be on the ball)
KKKeir ϟϟtürmer
Reminder to submit polite and objective feedback to the moderation team about the local spammers.
nice one
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No fun allowed in Starmer's Reich.
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>Curious how [boring nonsense no one cares about]
what was his problem
because they know white people will buy their shit anyway, its the markets who don't typically buy that stuff they need to market to
its called expanding the market
For me it's this GameCube advert from 2002
mad that everyone on earth does numbers in scales of ten, hundred, thousand, million etc

then you've got indians who does lakh (100,000) and crore (10 million)
bizarre people
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Sir Heil Fuhrer
Sir Keil Basa
Curious how it's a crime in most of Europe and America to even mention that Israel is committing a genocide
Sir Public Wanker
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The Federation fought for peace.
we allowed to blame the fookin labour for every problem in our miserable lives now?
willy gone big
arsehole gone pooey
do the maths
Yeah but it's a good genocide
mad how genocide was a perfectly normal thing until the germans fucked it up, wasn't even a name for it
japs count things in tens of thousands, they just don't have a habit of dragging their weird words into English and pretending they belong there like Indians do
Make Gregs Great Again
Retvrn to Sosig
do you actually believe this? orrrr
Why aren't all the lefties screeching about it on twitter and at protests in London 24/7 being arrested then?
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>Mom shot, killed by ex-boyfriend during birthday party for their 6-year-old child, police say
any man in watching the UN General assembly?
I'll give you a heads up
>Muslim countries will whine about Jews
>Israel will whine about Iran
>Pacific nations will whine about climate change
>Westoids will whine about democracy and peace and love
>Africans will whine about gays

it's very fun
Trying frozen salmon fillets for the first time, defrosted then pan fried. It's cheaper than the stuff from the chiller, which is just defrosted by the supermarket, so in theory it should be just as good.
you ever been to greggs you foreign cunt? didn't think so, be quiet
mad how there's basically no women in professional racing even though there's no real physical disadvantage to it even when they're competing against men
the stereotype that women are shit drivers must be true
Thats just not true
Almost every culture that had mathematics before European colonialsism did numbers slightly differently
You’re just ill informed and American centric
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Sir Air Fryer
>no real physical disadvantage
Women have worse reflexes and reaction times than men by a wide margin
supermarket fresh meat and fish isn't defrosted lad
but defrosted from frozen is almost as good so don't worry about it
>before European colonialsism
we don't live in that world do we?
suck on this *unzips cock*
Have likely been to greggs more than anyone in this thread cause used to have it for lunch every day on the buildingg
keep spamming your dogshit avatars you friendless unlikeable incel retard faggot
Sir Egg Timer
Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves
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Barbs will finally freeze to death this winter.
sausage rolls are banned
Fuck off have you even heard about the neck training the f1 drivers do
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big if true
no i haven't as a matter of fact
They are. Been living in a cave the past year or something mongboy?
>a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups
You could probably stretch this to mean basically anything, which is why the word "genocide" is so overused these days
Motorracing is actually pretty physical
Strength really matters, most normal men would be torn apart by the forces required of elite drivers
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please help me..
leftypol calling for barbara to be hanged whilst insisting that graffiti artists are modern day michealangelos
back on the whiskey sours
So if you go on Twitter right now and tweet "Israel is committing genocide" you'll get arrested, yeah? That's what you believe?
genocidal desires are actually quite commonplace
Then shut your sissy hole before a rooster flies
genociding the indigenous inhabitants of my bollocks
I've seen genocides, I've been in genocides and I've done genocides
this business in Israel my friends, is no genocide
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well i didn't specify f1 did i
Why are modern rightoids such massive hypocrites? Everything they claim to oppose they do themselves except even more degenerate than usual
chat is this real
Yeah because when I look at wog manlets like Ricciardo the first thing I think is "this man is a superbeing of astounding strength"
not your friend rabbi
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do NOT execute the sausages
that's the rice in the cooker
alri niko bellic
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the gazans should just put up those "love is love, science is real" posters
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If they can get away with rape tunnels under NYC, they can get away with anything
genuinely mental how evil jews are
glad the whole world is seeing it now
Sir Rice Cooker
might start buying frozen meat for when i need some easily available protein to add into a quick lunch.
the chinese/japanese/korean system is consistent
our numerals are broken into groups of three orders of magnitude, theirs four
the indian system is inconsistent, it starts at a thousand like us but then goes up by two orders of magnitude at a time
Not here. But in Germany, yes.
The fish that's in the chiller has all been defrosted lad. It even says it on the packet.
They flash freeze it straight away on the boats to keep it fresh and kill parasites.
The only supermarket fish that's not been defrosted is the stuff in the fishmonger counter
sir neek faggot
fucking tell us if you're chinese or japanese you slant-eyed bastard
Sir Non-Stick Pan
And in America too? That's what you said in your original post.
sir non starter
Sir Dish Washer
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'Landlord, theyre speaking yiddish under my livingroom'
'fuck off'
'It is true'

it was true
Sir Casserole Dish
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qrd on the sosij controversy? I've been too busy with work to follow the news
I'll only eat fish raw if it's been deep frozen
Yes, look it up. Lots of peaceful pro-palestine protestors getting arrested.
get the sausages returned
FFS Bruce
Sir Pizza Cutter
just heard a foghorn
yep it's foggy on the water
Kier Starmer at labour conference doing his big speech, on the topic of Gaza and he said he's calling "for the return of the sausages", when he was supposed to say "return of the hostages".
Do you guys walk around your houses naked a lot?
Sir Nut Cracker
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they are learning
That isn't what you were talking about though is it. You said that literally just saying "Israel is committing a genocide" would get you arrested. When has that happened to anybody in America or even Europe for that matter?
Sir Drill Sounder
no. i sleep naked though
The raw ohysival strength overlap between the genders is the top 2% of women and the bottom 2% of men lol
You dont understand how weak women are lol
for women to have the same physical strength as even most men (and remember when we’re talking about something like racing they are being tested on exactly the same forces as men so they need exactly the same strength or higher) they usually need to be roiding
Even fairly weak (for an athlete) but just generally well trained men like racing drivers mog all natty women with ease
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>ayy sorry im late T, was just up in brooklyn, saw one a them hasidic guys pop up from the sewer right in fronta me, swear ta god
>you better lay off the smack or i'll give you one
Sir Potato Masher
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pitch black by lunchtime. only bit of sunlight is on your way to work. winter looms.
Sir Kalmata Olive
sir brad wurster
earthworm jim spent a little too long in the sunbed
Sir Spell Caster
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Sir Gimmick Misunderstander
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Turning this little arsehole's brain into slurry with my telekinesis powers
this is grotesque
i understand the reasoning as to why they'd add braille but i don't think you'd want to touch something that's in that close proximity to a toilet when you're living in a culture where a lot of people wipe their arse with their bare hands
freudian slip innit

I once ended an e-mail to a group of students who had to do resits with
>Best retards,
fucka yew letald
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not a fan of that webm
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I'm watching this video
In France there is a company that hires English women to clean their houses while they are completely naked
Sir Boring Cunt
This "Sir XYZ" gimmick has to be the biggest load of dogshit in recent memory. Not a single (You) and the unfunny retards still keep at it. Boggling.
Sir Rattled Runt
worst thing about moving to aus is all the fucking pizza places putting fucking kalamata olives on everything
Genuinely disgusting
Sir Abo Shagger
the dishonorable cur, antipodean runt
Sir Cock Sounder
sir cock driller
pizza toppings tend to be optional and customisable
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*kicks your teeth in* behave
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Stick to gay porn posting, Bruce
>That isn't what you were talking about though is it.
It literally is. So not only do you live under a rock, but you also lack basic reading comprehension.
I already said there's hundreds of videos of people being arrested in the US and Germany for peaceful protesting against genocide.
Where do you think denying reality, repeating yourself, and failing at trying to play semantics will get you? Idiot.
Dame Seething Lefty (male)
That's all /brit/ is lately. Really, really fucking shit gimmicks just being spammed over and over because the people doing it think they're "epic trolling" the thread by making it unusable
Sir Keir Starmer
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sir gimmick poster
right then lads, enough of the gimmick posting, let's have some serious discussions
Sir Monica White
mgiht learn braille so i can read books in the dark
sir epic troller
Sir Nigger Houser
Fuck off boring loser
i think the new bird at tesco has taken a fancy to me lads. she looks like billie eilish
>I already said there's hundreds of videos of people being arrested in the US and Germany for peaceful protesting against genocide.
That isn't what you originally claimed.

See: >>202635275
>Curious how it's a crime in most of Europe and America to even mention that Israel is committing a genocide
You said "mention", nothing about protesting. You tried to claim it was illegal to just say bad words about Israel and now you've been called out that you're wrong, you're backpeddling.
Begin with your family
Sir Wank Toiler
Sir Wank Toiler
let's talk about sex baby
let's talk about poo and wee
Therein lies the problem
got the robert zimmerman on
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Sir Gaza Sausages
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Sir Fanny Chmelar
will drink 10 pints of lager in a few hours no problem but drinking 2L of water in a day is really difficult
Sir Shart Marter
Sir /brit/ Gatekeeper
/brit/ is rebranding to The British Forum in Q1 2025
thought she was squirting or pissing but on closer inspection it seems to be smoke coming out of her vagoo
what the frick lad
You're just playing semantics rather than accepting that you were wrong.
If you weren't a manchild with a fragile ego you'd just accept your mistake and move on.
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reminds me of when people kept saying breakfast instead of Brexit
as a people we have just one thing on our minds
serious question though, could this be the sign of early onset dementia?
Sir Jojo Siwa
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smoking a FAG out of me BLOODY ARSEHOLE
serious question though, could this be the sign of early onset dementia?
Sir Chippie Conqueror
You made a blatantly false and over-exaggerated claim and now you're seething that you got called out for it. Many such cases.
Sir Fag Sucker
sir do not redeem
Sir Attention Seeker
got a dog in the year 1999. parents gave him away in 2002. i bet he is dead now. still miss that dog.
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which culture has the best slags do you reckon?
serious question though, could this be the sign of early onset dementia?
>You maniacs
>You housed the niggers
>God damn you
>God damn you all to hell
Sir Yellow Fever
Japanese women don't do that
do you think that motorcycle riders are inherently stupid and foul-mannered lads? literally the lady's first instinct was to ask if he was ok instead of getting pissed off that he hit her, and he still went out of his way to be a reprehensible cunt
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serious question though, could this be the sign of earIy onset dementia?
Damn /brit/, I'll sue!
Get your stinking boats on shore
You damn dirty apes
not getting any (you)s can you lads see my posts?
you cannot post that
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sir elton john
corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr chebs
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get breakfast done
holy grimoli
Do I think you can judge the inherent nature of all people who ride motorcycles based on a short webm posted on the adult content video porn board of 4chan?

Probably not very reasonable, no
we used to be a real country
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AI Art is still shit
Sir Real Country

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