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Lord Jesus Christ, please bless everyone who enters this gathering place with good mood and heal their families from their problems. Amin.
Thank you Brother Angelos for saving us from tranime and for blessing us with good things.
Stalin's father had my first name
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The light of truth shines brightly, protecting us from dark influences. Blessings be upon us all. Bless each soul who enters this space with joy, comfort, and healing.
It's weird that most Germans are atheists or lukewarm. They waste such a rich country on feeding Turks, Arabs and Afghans.
I like man father
I hate my self for it
You mean you are a homosexual?
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Here's your medicine.
may yahudi boom booms fall upon your head, maymun
she's just beautiful person to me and that's it
father Im 100% sure that I'm gay
you think God will forgive me?
hundred years of homofobia and we still exist
try something else lol
Kek mental to think this Persian dude itt is probably more white than Ikibey hahahhaha
First of all, you have only two fathers. One earthly one and the One in Heaven.

I'm not familiar with homosexuals, but I would advise you to touch women. They have soft hands, while men are hairy like monkeys and have warts on their hands. Work hard to make enough money to buy a light skinned virgin and marry her.
Jerked off at degenerate porn of white whore rimming niggers and getting gangbanged bythem again, why do ipunish myself so?
ain't nothing a little total war can't fix
you're gonna love this next part
what's you think about gay people?>>203048023
> to touch women
I am close friends with a few of my female classmates and coworkers, and most of them know that I'm gay. Despite this, I have zero sexual interest in them. It's similar to when a straight person finds someone of the same gender attractive but doesn't desire a sexual relationship; they simply appreciate their beauty. This is how I feel when I see a beautiful woma
Delete all the porn you have on your electronic devices and throw away physical media related to it.
Did i tell you that i fucked a whore like a month ago and i couldn't coom, i even closed my eyes thinking about the fucked up porn i watched trying to cum but i couldnt.
I don't have any, i just go to xhamster
Are you the one who wants to be a bitch or one who likes to have feces on his penis?
Do you masturbate too often? Hold back as long as possible and imagine sex with angels like her >>203047920
I don't like gay people, at all but I do like Persian people
I'm flex
oh that's sad but thanks
When i look at that her the only thing i imagine is her getting fucked by an obese nigger or a dog like the degenerate white whore she is.
I posted about my mentall illness in the other thread, check it
what do you want me to say to that dog, get married and get viagrad and be a dildo for 20 minutes, women don't care that you can't coom they might even consider it a plus.
I don't care about what women think or want you emasculated dog, i wanna enjoy using some whore as my personal onagole but i cant even do that
well clearly your body doesn't so you better make your peace with yourself instead of giving me shit
Don't you have a doctor in your country who tries to heal deranged people?

Have you ever smelled a nigger?

It's a disgusting smell that I would describe as a mix of sweat, sulfur and mold.
Maybe i wanted your advice? How do you manage to coom while fucking all those 10/10 kike york whores that you do weekly?
>Don't you have a doctor in your country who tries to heal deranged people?
I only saw a couple niggers in my entire life none in smelling distance, the white whores that do that are even more vile and disgusting,
If god were real he would punish them.
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>tfw albanians are using russian facebook
What is the official pistol of /aimos/? heading to the shop tomorrow
I mean aren't there psychologists or psychiatrists who try to heal you from your illness?

It's hard for normal people to wake up to a Jesus thread and reading about homosexual problems.

Being a failed man should be a great motivation to you.

Luke 15:10
Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
I don't fuck whores obviously, I'm an incel monk
but if let's say I was just lying right now, I probably wouldn't want to be drained on porn but loaded up and testosteronal instead.
Pills wouldn't help either
I don't think being gay is illness
yes I don't like being gay but I'm not sick
and no there isn't any
>failed man
I'm not
whores are too easy, try ramping up the difficulty, maybe it will just work itself out that way
I recommend you to make trips to your capital and smell niggers. I had to hold back my nausea, when I smelled them for the first time.

You have to understand that these whores are a minority and mentally ill. There are many normal girls who are shy. You just never hear from them, because they are in small groups or at home all day.
eyy this is osmanli country, we don't appreciate your kind in here
>I don't think being gay is illness
Name one positive aspect of being a homosexual.

>failed man
I'm not

God wants men to marry and make many children. You desire the hairy bottoms of Turks, rather than a pale Greek virgin girl.

The Germans say being aware and accepting your problem is the first step towards improvement.
>Name one positive aspect of being a homosexual
name one positive aspect of being a straight person
see? it's stupid question, I work hard and help people everyday.
>God wants men to marry and make many children
straight people don't do this here anyway
our tfr is 1.4
and lgbt people are probably 1% of Iran's population
>name one positive aspect of being a straight person
God loves you more

You may work hard, but at the end of the day, you are a slave to homosexual lust. Rather than satisfying a pale virgin girl, you give yourself to another failed man.

We live in a world where a family could feed 10 children, but chooses to watch TikTok videos all day. Give me a virgin like her >>203047920 and she'll give birth every year.
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redhead girls are for irish-american men only
No I would have other plans for you. Friendship is also a very useful thing to have. It's just a matter of finding the right people.
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My great grandfather from 200 BC was a Galatian, so I'm entitled to marry a redhead.
Spent 150 bucks on the roulette what do you thnik about that?
Man I had a weird dream..
I think it's a waste of money and I would outlaw it.
I'm being friendly and ask you to tell us about it.
Everything will be outlawed
Except licking feet

Because licking feet is cool
You behave like bobo
You're not a lawmaker how would you outlaw it?
I will establish a dictatorship one day.
A guy was lifting fake weights at a strange mixture of a funeral and a feast.
I hit him with a stick and my cousin was ok with it.
I was held hostage then suddenly in an empty small apartment.
I don't remember much more but every moment of it was confusing and bizarre.
It was your funeral, you are going to die soon
мъ тpeгo цицъ дхe вaгинъ
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>saw a tranny today
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You are officially a Westerner now
They probably try to catch a blonde like jeets or turks
Maybe it wasn't a troon but it was a "джeндъp"
Maybe they were a foreign student. It was a redheaded man but wearing vaguely womenish clothes, but he also had a beard. Maybe I'm just schizo, but nah.
Why is Bulgarian language so funny

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Kek. I had a hunch. It does feel like those people are more concentrated in Plovdiv for some reason compared to other big cities like Sofia.
What letter is that retrarded six with a horizontal line on top?
Plovdiv e kuir

Isn't it sad?

Greeks conquered the known world and would have gone beyond, if Alexander didn't die early.

In the same way, it is impressive that an empire existed, where the sun never set.
Probably because half of sofia is from the provinces, and since the population is more dense and the city is fast pased they tend to blend in more. Plovdiv, outside the pre-commie neighborhoods resemble moreso a provincial eastern block town than a wealthy gentrified neighborbood.

Seeing some fucking colorful queer against a backdrop of a sidewalk not maintained since 1984 is very jarring.

Im fact I am pretty sure that's the reason most people hate faggots here. Not because of the gay sex, but because they emulate something foreign and really disgusting to us. Pride parades to celebrate the gays, but no pride to celebrate the working people who keep the nation running eveyday. Faggots are inherently bourgeoisie, and that's why they are always concentrated in the west and rarely if ever do anything other than easy office work. Gays are too narcissistic to work in factories.
Why the fuck would I give a shit about this?
Sofians are already European they dont need the validation of faggots
Only people who live in the countryside are European. Cities produce dysgenic freaks in only a couple generations.
Ive completely given up
What does this mean for the legacy of Lebron?
You would understand, if you were real Macedonians.
Daily reminder most of you ITT will live to see WW3.

I can already hear the whispers.
Nothing will change iy you parrot this to ruin our mood. Try learning Greek.
Source dude trust me
Yes doctor I hear whispers, so I can't fight for Israel.

I will take care of the leftover virgins though.
Slavs will never fight Russians
I've met a Georgian irl
He was pale and libtarded, the hallmarks of any wypypo, therefore ikiboss can also be wyte
>hair is too long so get a haircut
>end up looking even more feminine
Kek, Kosmos 107FM which belongs to our Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation has a program currently which plays Turkish and Arab songs haha

Have you thanked mitsopoustis today?
>'turkish' 'music'
>It's the same globohomo shit the west is playing just with some eastern instruments here and there
The world is a monoculture.
Sorry sweetie we aren't fighting for zog
The song was catchy though, i won't lie

At least now the dj woman plays some French shit, no more Osmanlι rapcore
>the adjustment in the last thread
is it pop psychology hours
Bulgaria's involvement might not be as direct as other controls but if they wanted to they will kidnap you a d take you to the frontlines.

The war in Russia is like foreplay leading up to an orgasm.
I understand that you're simping for a foreign empire that has consistently been cucking Hellenes since its inception. But you're turkish so you enjoy this.
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I don't listen to anything mass produced after 1972
Kek, this kind of comment is so fucking funny

Why do you believe you will be allowed to escape a possible draft? If you think what's happening in Ukraine to men which are picked up on the street is bad, you are bound for a surprise when a major shitfest happens

Unless you'll go and hide in the mountains and live in a cave. But you won't last a week there
>but if they wanted to they will kidnap you a d take you to the frontlines
>trying to kidnap a hunter with carabines, pistols dogs and horses
Yeah good luck with that i have more guns than red dead redemption
Bro how is it not impressive that the sun never sets in an empire?
Okay so you'll be a Partisan then.
I have an I5 chud
Why does mango larp as a fascist chud when he is literally a western tranny faggot and an immigrant at that

mango and his bf
what is balk's attachment style
tiktok keeps showing me popsci memes

Why should I give a shit about an empire that's not only not mine but has also been consistently cucking my people? You're a deranged turk.
Im not greek i'll be just fine.
>if you hate the homosexual industrial complex as a gay it means you hate yourself
>the dialectic of history is that of gay sex havers and non-gay sex havers

I'm single.
>Unless you'll go and hide in the mountains and live in a cave.
You value your own life too much. You aren't thinking about resisting, fighting to death but think about survival first and foremost.
I want to buy an ultrasonic cleaner
It pushes me to get better, so I create my own empire where the sun never sets.
>Deducing political views based on sexual proclivities.
Okay, Freud. But none of that is contradictory in the slightest. I want a strong unitary state which champions the common people of the land. A central order which holds only itself accountable. In the sphere of Roman politics I would be an imperial but also a champion of the masses. This is the typical cesarean ideal and it doesn't even contradict my sexual nature. Not my problem people view everything through the lens of left-right brainrot.
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>Okay, Freud. But none of that is contradictory in the slightest. I want a strong unitary state which champ-ACKK
>'his' country legalized gay marriage
A man spermed the inside of your anus bro
he's used goods
>rough sex between alienated incel sociopaths is the same thing thing as gays larping as normgroids and being allowed to adopt and be part of a "community".
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We save your compatriot sodomites from oppression and we get to grab their money for the civil marriage which alone costs 100-200 euros!
You've been anally spermed by a man bro
You're not an incel
>beteeen a turk and a bulgarian
Wonder who the top and bottom are.
Incel gets more of a reaction and paints a much broader picture than simply calling oneself blackpilled.
they're both switches chud
>They're both switches
They will divorce / cheat on eachother.
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seething heteronormative incel
>why yes, i'm versatile. How can you tell?
mental how you can just instantly tell he's a fag innit
these types are lame
This holds no value or legal recognition here though, only valid in Greece
He's just like you bro!
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I don't look like that thougheverbeit
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>I don't look like that thougheverbeit
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>>I don't look like that thougheverbeit
>tfw got mistaken for a fag multiple times
I cry everytime.
Civil marriages are valid throughout the entirety of EU, chudov

And if the Bugi man dies, the Turk becomes his inheritance receiver. Now it's a grey zone in your legislation but it's nothing that the European Court of Human Rights can't fix with a massive compensation that your country will be forced to give him if they'll deny him the inheritance

Welcome to the eu bro!
Where can i get those?
My room looks like this bro
Stop looking like a fag bro. Like how do you people manage to do it so completely.

at the makkkedonian liquor store, behind the 5 euro bribe box
Not only am I mistaken for a fag, but when I was younger there were times I was mistaken for a woman. Imagine getting misgendered as a MAN. So fucking brutal. This is why I embraced the blackpill and turned to left hand path.
They've told me it's because I look "good" in clothes which is ironic because I don't have a clue about fashion and just pick whatever looks good to me.
The actual reason is because you probably have a feminine looking face and prey eyes.
By turning to left hand path you mean turning your bum towards cock?
>women are so evil they've appropriated looking good
you probably look like a hairless twink tho
Moreso the realization that the morality of today is ancient morality flipped upside down and outright embracing immorality.
by giving this roach yous your heterosexuality comes into question
he's the gay prince
I would have to stop giving all bugiwugis yous if replying to a homo means I'm a homorast
I will looksmaxx to the point in which every time I enter a room all the men will question their heterosexuality.
open thread
>gay discussion
scroll down 144 posts
>also gay discussion
It doesn't happen ever since I grew out my maymoon beard.
>humuses start making gay porn out of jesus now
I wonder is the plural 'humuses' or 'humusi'?
One thing that demonstrates how late Bulgaria was to industrialization is the fact that they use the same word for "Weekend" as the English do. Showing just how recent the 9-5 enslavement is and that the Bulgarian language doesn't even have a word for the rest days.
Wanna discuss about how your evil thirdie empire no longer consideres the Talibanlar as terrorists?

Kek you're so comical
Talibanlar is literally CIA creation to fight Russia bro
Tatar call it *Pig Scream Onomatopeia*-kend.
No Slavic language has a native weird for vikend apart from Russian (выхoдныe)
Amin Ra
Because slavlands were agrarian nations consumed by industrial superpowers in the west. Weekend o ly started to be used generally in 18th centuty west.
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Srpski Fyromitism is not an ethnic or national characteristic, but a psycho-pathological one.
>18th centuty
I mean 19th
You're a Turkish nation bro
Stop including yourself with Slavs
They were created as such, a long time ago. Now they're doing whatever they want

But imagine how desperate the saviours of yt race are to make friends with them haha
I am turk and my paternal hapleogroup slavic i2 bro. Imagine non turks.
Russia is not the savior of the white race and no one really believes they are. They are a democracy. Democracy meaning money rules. Like all countries.
The noun humus can be countable or uncountable.
In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be humus.
However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be humuses e.g. in reference to various types of humuses or a collection of humuses.
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Tatars, I....
This is the turkish mayor of a turkish city in bulgaria.

Say something nice about him.
I seriously want to know what balkanoids do in their apartments to produce random sounds I hear.
Similar to how a spermed turd doesn't become a baby, a Slav spermed Yoko Ono doesn't become a Slav
my grandparents are from kırcaali and we will come back again
95% of my dna is native to europe bro
That means robbers, no?
go celebrate isis terrorism in moscow with hohols bro
Would you drink a glass of 95% milk and 5% skata?
B peчникa нa Haйдeн Гepoв e oтбeлязaнo ,,Кѫpджѫлъ [cъвp. пpoизн. „къpджъл“] пp., нeизм. – T.; Зa члoвѣкъ: пoбѣлѣлъ нeкoлкo...".[4]
Skata does not mix with milk. Rape babies do.
Bro never heard of diarrhea
another side is from şumnu
the whole bulgaria belongs to us turks
you could link up with mangal in there and have unprotected gay sex
Gib back Odrin.
I know they're no saviours bro

But their bots online and on television say other things
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>go celebrate isis terrorism in moscow with hohols bro
Balkan women honestly disgust me
They're all ugly, bro
They never even look at me yet in other countries they have no issue doing that.
all trash
post next
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this swedish woman
disgusting slutwhores
4 and 5 look the same.
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>gyppos are du_ACKKKKKKK
Fuck 1 marry 3 kill 6
Romania is brown confirmed
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The King of Chuds has been found
this is how timmies were created
Yes I am, as you are beaner
Mayoskin woman couldn't even tell he was supposed to be an Albino.
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>entire city flooded up to waist height, every car parked on the street is basically ruined, dumbasses with ground apartments and houses floating on top of their couches, light and power out, news still mostly focusing on women's tit cancer month, government not bothering to react at all besides a "emergency forces are working on it"
>this basically happens every time it rains and nothing changes
>2 minutes in and he's has already btfod blue eyed pipuru

Heh, brown eyed Chads can't stop winning
sidewalk drainage technology is too advanced please understand
Same would happen here and did happen except we don't have very heavy rains often.
Shkup is to African of a savannah for this to happen
>Asian NATO
Mutts just can't stop thinking about war 24/7.
2500€/m2 btw, this area is around the center of the city

this happens every fucking year since a decade ago
I remember floating on top of a wooden raft through the city with a broken branch as an oar, I could make it halfway through the entire thing without any obstacles
I remember grabbing metal railings so I wouldn't fall into the highway that transformed into a river to go home
I remember getting blocked for 4 days inside the commieblock because the entire ground floor was flooded and the elevator wouldn't open
This kept happening here before people build their own systems in they yards. The streets still flood but the houses come out safe.
>is starting
nothing ever happens, foreign ministers said it wasn't happening next day after he said it

nigga how will you block this much water

it was pretty sovlfull desu, it also makes retards saying this country is livable turbo hilarious
That's your issue, you need to redirect it somewhere else. It's pretty ez to do when you live in a hilly place that has a lot of basins to fill up.
>nothing changes
Oh it will change when dams start collapsing because the wef ordered our 3rd world governments to let them wither.
In 10 years we will be digging wells and drinking garbage poisoned water.
that entire port city is build on a swamp, there's nowhere for it to flow

lol, dams here were last maintained when commies were in power
Last time Shkup flooded was 1962 when monsoon rains made the Axios swell up and flood the city
Then in 1970 they built the cascade river bed and we haven't had a real flood basically ever since
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It's time.
It's over.
>lol, dams here were last maintained when commies were in power
Ummm, sweetie, don't you know that communism bad?
Um no bro, let the selyak with earthen village flood canals teach you how to fix Tirana's drainage issues
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Fyromian lies. It was not so long ago when we saw the African state of Uskup infrastructure.
Last time it flooded was this fucking year dumbass. Periodical floods are part and parcel in Ushkup.
Literally talked about Ushkupistanistan.
We had one collapse and sweep away a bunch of selyaks last year and all they said was its climate change due to fossil fuels never mind that we are literally burning eurotrash and inhaling cancer.
If russians and turks knew what would become of Bulgaria they would have joined forces and exterminate us completely but they didnt because they much like us are complete submarines
>this fucking year
I was literally outside when that happened
Ankle high water for 2 hours, compete nothingburger
it's not about tirana bro, about a city in the south
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Too old. The city floods every year.
If you can't get outside without boots it's a flood.

Insane that Tito could just fix Shkup floods forever in a single year whilst Grujo took like a decade for a dozen garbage styrofoam buildings
Depression in the ground
I was outside in flats bro
Zero water on the sidewalk, 10cm on the street
Zajko only took a year to embezzle the funds and bring floods back to Ushkup.
>Cлeд кaтo нe питaх зa дpyги вapиaнти ocвeн тepeн, тя cлeд някoлкo чaca зaпoчнa дa ми пишe. Иcкa дa ѝ ce извиня!? Bикa:"Извини ми ce зa pъкaтa!". Moля!? Пpaщa cнимкa - дълбoки paни нa мecтa пo пpъcтитe.Bикa ми "мoжe дa cи cъпpичacтeн". Paзкaзa, чe e пpaвилa гeнг бeнг c някoлкo 20 гoдишни ИT-тa тyк в Coфия. Пpaти тeхни cнимки, изглeждaт типичнитe лyyзъpи cмoтaняци.

>Oбaчe тия ca я вpъзвaли зa глeзeнитe и киткитe и ca я били.Цялaтa e в cинини + paнa нa eднoтo paмo. Хoдилa e в бoлницa дa пoчиcтят и пpeвъpжaт paнитe. Haпpaвo ми cтaнa лoшo кaтo я видях. Пишe мaлкo нecвъpзaнo, нa изблици. Иcкa дa ѝ пpaтя cнимкa, пpи пoлoжeниe, чe имaм в пpoфилa нa вaтcaп. Aз и кaзaх дa зaбpaви зa ceкc. Hямa кaк дa пpaвимe ceкc пpи пoлoжeниe, чe минaлaтa ceдмицa e cтaнaлa жepтвa нa изнacилвaнe! Bикaм ѝ дa cпpe c тaзи paбoтa, пoнe дoкaтo нe зapacнaт paнитe. И тя ми ce paзcъpди и пpиключихмe чaтa.

Глaднитe AйTинцeли, инaчe зa ДБ и мopaл гoвopят
That's in villages outside of Shkup bro where like 20 people died
Stajkovci, Aracinovo and Smiljkovci
First 2 are Shqip iirc
Rabbitbvll got us in NATO whilst Grujo built the only boats on the planet that can get flooded
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kvi sa tiq steni ot text ti bolen li si
The chance of women filming themselves like that being virgins is exactly 0, you need to wake the fuck up
yes the video shows your breakup
send me some money rich kid
Zajko sold us out to anyone that wanted our ass.
Remind me who signed Ohrid agreement (2001)?
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I'm a destitute poorfag
The Jews (for you)
Enrich your mind and your soul
Remind me who got assasinated.
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me and my wife just arrived in skopie
So not only did they sign the cuck agreement, they then also get assassinated?
Lmfao, zoomer doesn't remember everyone wanted to cuck out and kneeled down to sign together.
Fyromite VMRO bots are honestly the most aesthetically and intellectually subhuman creatures in existence

No piece of libtard propaganda could make hate Macedonian nationalism quite like the styrofoam visage of VMRO
I only see a VMRO signature on that agreement bro
Yep. Zoomer.
The future of monkeydonia.
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I'm a proud zoomerbvll
Nah, its definetly levica incel bots who are the most subhuman creatures, i mean they simp for r*ssia and ch*na, i would unironically beat up a levica fanboy without hesitation
>updating side project I worked on a couple of years ago
>forgot the commands to deploy it to the cloud and port forward the prod connection to the local frontend
someone(not me) should have written documentation about this
>Boris Trajkoski
What did Fyromians mean by this?
I would murder anyone who is loyal to anything BUT Macedonia. If you say you're loyal to X party your head is off.
He's a Tatar from the terrorist organization VMRO
After the breakup of Yugoslavia and the creation in 1991 of an independent Macedonian state, Trajkovski returned to public life. His concern for all people has shone through during his political career. When he first ran for president, many Orthodox Macedonians were wary of his Protestantism. An Orthodox bishop denounced Protestants as “worse than vampires,” according to local papers.

“Yes, there was some religious tension under the reflection of what’s happened in other parts of Yugoslavia,” Trajkovski says. But long before the elections, he declared, “The Muslims are our neighbors.” As a result, Trajkovski received a majority of the Muslim vote (and even more from the Orthodox), which won him the electoral prize.

What a fucking meme.
I am loyal to macedonia please spare me
shut up bumgarian
>claim they're anti fascist
>support fascist r*ssia and putler
Why are tankies so mentality deficient bros?
tyan on the left doesn't look like she pegs
0/10 why would you even sell your ass to z
>z expelled the fyromian ambassador oliviera ceausescu-dimovska after fyromians declared a zplomat a persona non-grata

holy circus
apas znachi kradec LMAO tupi fekaldonci ahahaha
If you're a right winger in the west, you can just claim to be a continuation of the traditional ruling order, a continuation of their intellectual tradition, their aesthetics, their success. You're the party of Wagner, Goethe, Schopenhauer, the Hapsburgs the Kaisers, etc...

If you're a right winger in the Balkans, who are you a continuation of? The Communist party member that is your dad? The pigsty hygienist that is your grandad? The janissary that is your great grandad? Or maybe some German King your selyak ancestors invited to rule you? Or maybe some forgotten kingdom 1000 years ago that you pretend has anything to do with your Turksperm nation? Or maybe some ancient kingdom 2500 years ago that you pretend has anything to do with your Turksperm nation?
Hum, not Aimos/Balk
Now picture you standing there in cafe with me and sashko blabbering about politics as i powerslap your head off your neck and sashko yells NE ZAMARAJ KOPILE at the top of his lungs while jumping up and down on your lifeless corpse
>lamp rated for 10 years
>burns out in 6 months due to kino-tier power grid
VGH, Vlacho-Macedonian heritage...
crazy how they just meet people who bomb innocent children.

It should be the Maymoon peninsula.
It's this Mangal, Vute, Tranlo, Tranita or Pomakgarian that's saying this?

I guess apaSOYev hates it when brown poopestinian kids die but he doesn't mind when white Ukrainian kids die by the hands of his master
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multi season gladiator actually

Krasnochurka is artificial intelligence created by tajik scientists
polukrainian is artificial intelligence created by makkkedonian scientists
Albovlach is an intelligent albanian created by Vlach scientists
Good lord I know he's a midwit but this take is groundbreakingly retarded
Secretly genius because s*cial media needs to die.
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polubrainian bull going to war
You just know dedovka boi is boiling up when he starts posting snarky war related webms regarding the 14 days special military adventure
The only known white bumgarian.
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>had 23 children
bumgarian citizenship revoked
Why don't you try doxing him again bro, that'll show him how not assmad you are
Do you have the webm where russian soldiers stuff an old truck full of mines and then door breaks and all the mines drop on the soldiers? Pinnacle of russia for me
He won though and there is no coming back bro
>IMPO Cola
I had to google this. Fascinating how gypsies often have brands nobody else has heard about. I can only imagine the aspartam heavy indegrients
By "conservative", the balkan natives refer to parties whose agenda varies by country but is centered around two key pillars:

1) keen on conserving the oligarchic wealth distribution by protecting it from internal or external disruption. they make the country's economy more sclerotic despite nominally being proponents of the free market. typically the interests behind the party have ownership over a huge chunk of the privatized infrastructure and services, and they are also selected for public-private partnership investments.
it "just works" for the balkan natives who are willing to suck proverbial dick to get hired at the local supermarket (owned by oligarch chain) as a cashier.

2) keep the news cycle and discourse going with provocative yet meaningless nationalist and socially conservative rhetoric. this is for a multitude of reasons:
a) it's meant to morally purify the otherwise knee-deep in corruption voters. you do what you gotta do to survive but at least you're not a turk/serb/greek-loving whore, right?
b) demoralization and neutering of civil society: you say something bad about current state of [country]? you are foreign agent, communist, and most likely gay.
c) it's a great attention control valve.
you want something your government did advertised? tone down the rhetoric, let's focus on the real issues, where real progress is being made.
you want something your government did to be memoryholed in a few days? up the rhetoric. no one is interested in complex spreadsheets and off-shore schemes that may or may not point to embezzlement of state or EU funds. look there is free dopamine right there, vucic said one thing in harsh tone, erdogan said other thing in local AKP branch, our ancestral rivals are just waiting for the opportune moment to strike!

The mainstream conservative party is a staple of the balkans and without it, the country would be thrust into great instability. Let's not risk it. I'm voting for mainstream conservative party.
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Project Bronze Age Blade status update.
Some tatar should report mangal to bugi secret services.
this one? it's a hohol truck not nice of you to call them russian

mangal crafting wooden dildo
two draft dodgers flirting
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>polubrainian in charge of telling military uniforms apart
post that one armless ukrainian soldier photoshopped into swastika by 2ch to own me bro
Mods this zigger is harasseeing us with politics
>The Communist party member that is your dad?
Yes. Long live the Septembrists.
As a homosexual and american citizen you must know I am a protected class.
I want a huge river canal built from Varna to Sofia so a Sofia port can be created to rush salaries into 2000 euro average
I did ask him for the video bro
>The term “observable” doesn’t mean what we can see with modern technology. It refers to the limit created by the speed of light itself. No signal can travel faster than light, so there’s a maximum distance beyond which we can’t detect anything, as the signals wouldn’t have reached us yet.
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Being gay is like having a top of the line gaming PC but a flight joystick instead of a mouse and keyboard.
>language keeps diluting out
La fatah illa ali la saif illa zulfiqar
I can't even begin to understand what this means but you do you king
>Commits multiple genocides as a prank
immigrate >>203062748
Gays put more time prepping and cleaning up after sex than they do having sex.
uh huh all I know is I can play elite dangerous with a joystick
Bro you need to stop making threads
They're all ass
I'm trying to say they don't have the right parts. They're cursed by god.
better than makkkethreads
If you created the first /balk/ thread instead of Sashko, /balk/ would never have taken off

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