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brek edition
not using the gingerpedo edition
pooed just now
love a clean snap off poo that requires minimal wiping
mad how the king used to have a royal poo snapper and bum wiper
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Its weird that despite being equally mentally ill to other posters like spainpaedo he isnt nearly as dedicated to shitting the threads up as Brits are

Its like even weird foreign posters get the ick from /brit/
strange post
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>he did it again
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Where is he?
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ot bruv
Saw about five of him in the park earlier
>Australia in 7th place
you what
On the cheeky gunoopluslinucks
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each ceremonial county has a lord lieutenant

who is your lord lieutenant
get oot me 'ouse
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keeping my gay porns separate from the others
something grim they don't tell you about small towns is that a lot of the women tend to be fat, especially if they're older than 25
hard to stay thin after multiple pregnancies
top 5 upvoted comments to this
>This is the best thing I've seen today. Thank you

>You should definitely feel good my man, I bet your post made a lot of people smile!!

>I thought those were 2 beagles at the bottom of the picture at first. Nope. Slightly burned bread loaves?
>Sweet Dino overalls and such a happy face. Hope your both doing well.

>Where did u buy them?

>If I got these I'd have to get some for daughter and boyfriend too! They're awesome! Glad you're feeling better. Give that lady of yours a big hug and tell her from this Internet stranger, you can do it, maybe not today but there's always tomorrow
got myself addicted to poppy seed tea of all substances
eating dino nuggies in my dino dungarees and playing dino patrol on my nintendo switch
that's the thing, the mothers that i saw with kids were actually thin. it was mostly girls in their 20s that were fattish.
the last post made by a brit is barely on the page

the thread is unrecognisable. where is the cuckposting, where are the stale poo jokes
I like to oversee the change. I like to preside over the process of their transformation. We start with what is essentially raw clay. Formless and pure - as plain as can be. But it can be shaped and molded into anything. They can be what ever they want to be and it will be good. My role is to observe and control the development - monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments. Then, they grow and they change and they are reborn in my own image. The image of filth and guilt and shame. Finally, they are released back into the wild - my perfect living icons of failure.
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Kek, some real lore: he posted another photo about a month later before deleting his reddit account for good.
he got banned?
yeah small town america is literally nothing but landwhales in walmart it's very disgusting
this guy >>203163675 is british
I fucking hope so but he posts on like 4 devices at once sometimes so i really doubt it
It's more likely he gained a clue and decided to go to sleep or something
hoping the nintendo switch has some sort of custom dino theme
>Why are they ALWAYS fat?
>Why is it ALWAYS the black-rim glasses?
>Why are they ALWAYS bald?
>Why do they ALWAYS have the soi beard?
I am 30 years old. This girl likes me she's turning 30 soon. Honestly she's great most people would say she's out of my league.

But I'm unsure on dating a 30 year old. I feel like I will always be more attracted to younger women. Is that a normal feeling ? I'm not like DiCaprio I don't want to fuck 21 year olds etc. I am more concerned about biology and baby clock. I don't want kids in the next few years she probably does but haven't spoken about that.
modes ban this man
what makes you think that
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accidentally put this on loop and played it a few times by accident :/
been to Tonopah and Yerington
its not on
it was never on
you can imprison a man, but not an idea
Can’t decide whether to watch young Sheldon or big bang theory
just watch youtube shorts of him saying bazinga
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even number and i go to sleep
Wrong actually
just watched the new VHS film was pretty good
watched a netflix show for the first time in like 2 years. it's called 'brothers sun', it's about Chinese triad war invading Los Angeles and how it effects one family who run the triad. It stars Maggie Yeoh the most famous and successful Asian actress.

Genuinely one of the worst shows I've watched. The lack of quality in modern programming is astounding. They had all the ingredients to make an 8.5/10 comfy crime-comedy kino but it's got less plot depth than a nickelodeon cartoon.
This one's for you, /brit/
dont care
what the
>crime-comedy kino
name 3
what are you doing to be on the right side of history?
Midnight Run
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I lied and didnt go to sleep but i will now
for one, driving on the right side of the road
rush hour
brooklyn 99

that was extremely easy
Chimborazo is technically the tallest mountain, not Everest
Rape the fucking disabled lads.
They've had it too good for too long now.
favouriting Israel hatred on X (formerly known as twitter)
Are you both white?
Doing ANOTHER poo. Lay down to go to bed and it was like everything just shifted all at once and now I've been pooing for twenty minutes. Fucking hate when this happens.
Are you Irish diaspora?
might watch a movie
might not
might go into kitchen and open fridge
might not
My schiz qualifies as a disability and I am eligible for a lot of stuff (like motability free car etc) but I don't take it.

being physically disabled is an excruciatingly difficult life. some people can't even walk to the shop to buy milk. some people are so ugly they look like the sloth from Goonies but they are living a normal office worker life.
Save me, O God,
for the waters have come up to my neck.
2 I sink in the miry depths,
where there is no foothold.
I have come into the deep waters;
the floods engulf me.
3 I am worn out calling for help;
my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
looking for my God.
4 Those who hate me without reason
outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
what I did not steal.

5 You, God, know my folly;
my guilt is not hidden from you.
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On November 5th, 2024, voters across Great Britain cast their ballots in the United States presidential election. Democratic nominee Kamala Harris would win in a landslide, besting GOP opponent Donald Trump by over 20 points. Here is that race, mapped by electoral ward.
good night /brit/
Feels good though doesn't it
yeah, why ?
*adds you to the list*
this is political and NOT allowed
Oh bleeding eck this poo is quickly becoming diarrhoea. I poo multiple times per day. How do I even have this much poo stored up to be gushed out at a moment's notice?
mods! mods!!!
There is literally nothing noble about refusing to claim what you're entitled to
held a shit in for 6 hours today. what a release
It feels fucking terrible. There's a mountain of mushy muck slowly piling up above the surface of the water beneath my burning ring and I can feel so much more still inside.
Kamala absolutely would not win that much
who made this shite
Instructions unclear. Currently looking for a 19 year old chinky
i'm so redpilled
forgot it was thursday today
Are you Irish diaspora?
coorrrrrrrr give us a sniff
on the nightshift doing fuck all lads
Jesus is a bloody good bloke.
Remember holding in a shit on my walk home from uni once and it was legitimate torture. I remember that last 500ft being excruciating. Having to double over and just desperately clench to make it up my street to my house. Didn't even get cheeky to seat before my arse ERUPTED. Vowed then and there to never think "awk I feel like a poo, but I'll just wait til I get home".
rorke eating a bowl of coco pops at 2am
I love experiencing that
Have your taken your t-shirt off during your shirt? I do that when it gets painful
during your shit*
no but sometimes if it's a really hard poo I start sucking it back up me to see what anal sex feels like
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in a meeting with a girl who i stalked on instagram and wanked to her photos a bunch of times
absolutely BAFFLING that yanks don't butter their sandwiches
I went for a coffee with an old friend at 5.30pm and immediately needed a shit. I then already agreed to go gym and train with someone at 8.30. I was so blocked up before the workout. I managed to power through I brought a 7up just in the hope the carbonation would do something. I wasn't going to use the gym toilets. Then I got back to mine around midnight after gym and yeah that was a whole 6h of holding it in.

I was always fine with shitting at uni or in the office but otherwise I don't shit in public. Gyms are especially grim unless the cleaner has just been in.
Don't wanna go back to bed. Just standing in the bathroom waiting to see if the anal torment is over for good or not.
finish at half 5 lads. Should I stop off at maccies or Greggs before I head home?
Americans love mayonnaise. They act like it's food glue but they are oblivious to the fact it has a strong district and overpowering taste.
hope that when you're in helll my spirit form appears and laughs at you getting owned
Wondering if that diarrhoea was caused by anything particular. Garlic I had earlier? Maybe that entire milkybar I ate? Maybe not having eaten a piece of fruit or veg in 3 weeks? Questions, but no answers.
we either eat bagels which butter doesnt go well on or use mayo instead
>Initials in the captcha
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weebs are mentally ill
Jack the Ripper was a Jew apparently
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doing an apply wish me luck
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Don't worry bongs, when the Islamic Caliphate takes over your lands we Northmen will return once again and eradicate them.
ah yes the overpaid government job where you do basically nothing, wish i had one of them
bloody sore today me. Aching all over I am
so get one and stop whinging
Got raped like the joker did you?
your dad must have gave your asshole a pretty good roughing
you okay lads?
look up panda eyes
just kidding i don't actually
its wild how i rode the same breed of horse as the ones used in the london guard
you posted this yesterday, why not show the qualifications needed for the listing instead cutting off the screencap at the salary? as if you think you'll get the job guaranteed and just want to humble brag that this is what you might earn if you even get the job. utterly bizzare
Nigga he has been posting his demented bullshit in /brit/ for at least 8 years
Someone do a joke with a pun in it
White people be like
>Uh hello, my name's Stuart?
They say your money snowballs like crazy after you make £100,000
Your money turns into snow?
Just read the last thread and I see that it's still mental how badly I mindraped him
Such a pathetic fucking toad sat there all day every day doing nothing but posting on 4chan and he can't even keep up his gimmicks anymore
Just spiteful comments to anyone trying to have a discussion or playing up his characters way too hard like "learning fractions at uni next week teehee"
Did a little bullying from the faggot cucknadian really ruin all your fun?
Fucks sake man get a grip, thought you were better than this
Anyway, gonna take a shower then watch a movie with the Mrs
Yeah but how. Did you invest the money or what?
yeah I just invest in Index Funds every month
>yeah I just invest in Index Funds every month

the good old days lads
you invest in multiple funds or just 1?
listening to franz ferdinand - franz ferdinand
mental how good this album was
so very nostalgic now too
just the one S&P500 fund
Funny when seeing a familiar post, doing an archive search to see if it's a pasta, then realising some schizo has posted the same thing every day for months or years
I found out fat boy slim and david byrne wrote a musical about the first lady of the philippines (the one who sicced an angry mob on the beatles for refusing to come to her house when they were touring the country) so giving it a listen
some pretty good songs so far, my favourite at this point is:
love god and his son jesus
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How yanks feel when they post in /brit/
Did that happen in this thread?
might just go back to bed
daddy i'm cumming
incredible post
>Do you like chocolate milk?
a question so creepy it makes my blood run cold
let all of the soup absorb into the noodles
Anyone here that's happily employed, I've been on schizo benefits for a while but have been recovering mentally and getting fit. Should I go learn an apprenticeship or is there another path away from misery on this island?
Yeah this one
this post is against the rules
real christians dont go on 4chan
stop larping
Sauce? or name
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Smoking a blunt
spicy chicken
What is even the lore of "mental how badly I mindraped him"?

Like who tf was the original post actually referring to
I am nervous wreck because of the hurricane
don't care cody
hunker down cody
desperate to fit in canadian referring to an unemployed tranny who plays characters with vpns all day
The cop
doesnt look like much of a police officer to me
Orange or violet?
gotten really into reggae music completely out of the blue lately
rain keeps falling rain keeps falling down down down down
life starts when you realize pizza is much better reheated in the oven than the microwave
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james o'brien thumbnails taking the absolute piss
reggay lol
Only reggae I've listened to and liked was Horace andy
I will only eat leftover pizza at room temperature
not cold from the fridge
not hot from the microwave nor the oven
room temperature only
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How’s it foing.
Will do. I shouldn't need the amarok anyway
this guy really didn't like black people
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NTA but what do you mean? You're a buying a jacket but don't need the outer shell or something?
this guy was a real jerkazoid
I don't need the parka
god satan is so cruel
Just shat myself
goofy ahh cracka paying for arcteryx jackets
Was it a fart gone wrong?
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>goofy ahh
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if you have a little problem do not frown
do not frown
sucking a golf ball up my arse
don't think I ever truly accepted Jesus into my heart and I believed in him
shut up malfoy
theres that constant deliberate banging on the ceiling again
woke up thinking it was mice ffs god i hate them
cheeky wfh risk of rain 2 run
wait until my father hears about this
got my first shift at my new job
im a wagie now
Shouldn't you be working
Poo factory?
The arian schism was a disaster for christian kind
I work for the government so no
Mayonnaise is not a substitute for butter
whatever will yanks come up with next
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so ye
I don't butter my sandwiches I use olive oil instead
good on you lad
mousey got you on the ropes
hello lads
hope you all had a good weekend (for those of you that are from NSW)
go penrith GO the mighty panthers!!
good long weekend*
wahey go panthers
>"Why do you call me good? Only God is good"
why =/= do not dumbass
>Numbers 23:19 KJV Numbers 23:19 NIV
yeah just throw out all context
you're body is you, you're mind is you, you're speech is you you are 3 in 1, if god is all knowing he must know himself as a second person
>Matthew 27:46
Psalm 22
good lad but don’t encourage the goose by (You)ing him
the bruce is loose about this hoose
Trump’s actually going to do it isn’t he, the absolute madman.
dreadlock holiday
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gen z boss
need to have sex bigly
that so mate
rick an morty sex arse with built in plumbus
I've been watching the EPL and will be getting up at 6am on the day of my first shift to watch the England Greece game
Hope to see England promoted to League A of the nations league again
only rich cunts can even get near that level of debt anyway cause he parents were just gunna have bailed her out
its like thinking of musk/gates as self made, they had millionaire parents
most of these clowns fail and just try again until they dont
I think all this alarmist stuff is being pushed by powerful gay men who'd benefit from making young people fearful and isolated. It's astonishing how overrepresented gay men are amongst public facing right-wing figures and all the alpha/beta and Chad/incel language that emerged from nowhere is incredibly homoerotic
defending a poo
Wanna be pegged by a Scottish girl
I can't emphasis enough how FUCKING AMAZING this WFH is compared to the old office days
Covid was a blessing
rendering a poo
came buckets to a video of exactly this while using a dildo on myself
girl sounded exactly like karen gillan
couldnt manage wfh me cause i simply would not work
need deadlines and expectations to keep to otherwise i fall apart
micromanaged schooling did an absolute number on me, can't function independently
no matter how much you shake and dance
the last few drops will end up in your pants
Ireland is full of people named Angus who play bagpipes and wear kilts. Strange place
covid did irreversible damage on society lets be real
working from home is cool but the economy and social stuff will never recover
you came "buckets"?
A physical and physiological impossibility, unless we are discussing miniature-sized buckets
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there is no definitive size associated with the general word "buckets"; whether they are large or small, 1 litre or 1 decilitre, both simply "buckets"
jog on midwit
sent that liberal freak packing to communist china
Could have done it over a long period of time
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nth for the baddiedem
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>there is no definitive size associated with the general word "buckets"; whether they are large or small, 1 litre or 1 decilitre, both simply "buckets"
>jog on midwit
mate that is grim
a pint's a pound and i don't want to hear any of your nonsense
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yeah you drink a bucket of cough syrup then do you?
Mid girls caked in makeup and surgerified
hell yea nigga im sippin and drippin

Her chebs are real
Leave Them All Behind
Going Blank Again
Chrome Waves

Cool Your Boots
Mouse Trap
Time of Her Time
Making Judy Smile
miniature buckets are called pails
nick fuentes is spitting rn
>Oy vey I don’t care about the browning of America but we need to keep Israel majority Jewish
To the gas chambers with this kike.
Polar Bear
In a Different Place

Dreams Burn Down
Vapour Trail
absolute baffling stuff the shit people make up in order to get (you)s or to brag to others online. i wonder what exactly they get out of it
no they arent
he didn't swallow?
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Is he to be trusted?
there is nothing stopping you from calling that a bucket
this is why people don’t like yanks
>her parents fled Iraq to avoid Sadam Hussain's persecution
What kind of Iraqis were her parents? Her family isn't orthodox Muslim or Christian btw
think saddam wasn't a fan of the kurds as i recall he gassed a lot of them
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Check em
What exactly?
>Judaism not only teaches that abortion is permitted, but compels Jewish faith leaders to fight for reproductive rights, says Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg.
most abortions in america were blacks weren't they
always struck me as bizarre they'd want to stop it in that case
we say things that will get them arrested
Chaii's part Iranian, I know they fought a war, lol maybe that's why her family fled actually
well she looks like she comes from a family of drag queens and maybe saddam werent keen on them
they want to stop it because of fundamentalist christian ideals, no other reason
it's absolutely retarded. the worst thing is that republicans shill for it without realizing it would make the democrat voter base explode
maybe persians just look like that
Who's they?
the jews
im getting so redpilled lately
did you know you can click the flags lads
theres nothing stopping me from calling you a nigger, nigger
Racism outside of /b/
id have sex with a down syndrome girl and a midget girl
such a dumb rule
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She only speaks English and Arabic, she's Arab, Persian and has some Turkish
this MUST be in australia
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Wish she’d fart on me.
How old are you? Kindly fuck off
hate all this racism stuff
you see my friend, the penis is a parasite
it drives the host to reproduce, to create MORE penises
and it seduces us into doing so by injecting chemicals into its host
whats wrong snowflake? you get triggered?
Canadians be like “there’s a moose in the hoose!”
same mate so when are we gonna collectively stand up as a race and do something about this white genocide
Canadians don't say hoose
that's more Scottish or Scandinavian
went to bed at 10, can't fall back asleep
no place is hiring but they say they are i hate this gay ass economy
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>Boy, two, 'trampled to death' as four migrants die while attempting to cross Channel
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Very soon mate.
once stubbed my toe while attempting to change the channel
i will never get a gf
Blacked slav
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I hope you lads attended the October 7 vigil
used to bang my leg on the couch and the rod in my leg and the springs in the couch would turn the volume up
maybe god doesnt want you to have one, ever think of that?
>the rod in my leg and the springs in the couch would turn the volume up
never forget the sausages
Rape the disabled sir
they post in a new made at 303

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