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Newell Convers Wyeth edition
entering my based trad catholic phase out of my nihilist incel phase still an incel tho
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thought the stupid nosejak was the new thread.
Have you got one? A big baboon cock?
11 years ago i was called Jewish for the first time in my first week of secondary school.

I grew out of my Jewish runt phase but i'm still a bit ugly but not because of my nose really.
Germans really are bugs
big schnoze alert i repeat big shnoze alert
Stop noticing patterns you antisemitic bigot
Imagine thinking you actually "own" a home LMAO
Shut up you fucking retard
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>guys guys I just bought a £235,000 home which my family will own FOREVER
How about these quads?
What's got you seething lad
ok so why cant i just wait for a new meme to come out, and immediately buy whatever crypto coin is based off it
'moo deng coin' went from 0.02 cents to 0.3 in a matter of days
The English gave America a language, a religion and a legal system, baseball, apple pie, Amazing Grace and Thanksgiving, and in return the Americans gave England artificial cheese. Hardly a fair exchange, is it?
Just bought £15,000 worth of bricks and mortar for £400,000. My life is now all set
had a little sip of coffee just then
My nan might be jewish or something. Never wanted to brinf it up. But thats where i think thats where alot of the swarthy jew genes come from.
Gonna be a supremely kino moment when Russia absorbs the baltoid states.
Which Plymouth harbour is that supposed to be? English or American?
Oh my god! Things cost more than their raw materials? Those dastardly men in little hats are at it again!!
been up since 4am me was on the vile muck last night
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>How about these quads?

Deport all Estonians to Finland, deport all Latvians and Liths to Germany. Problem solved
just been raped
got a hoop like a ring of fire
well oil be damned
>ctrl+f "argument"
>non detected
Fuck off froggy
montezuma's revenge is it lad
Dunno what this has to do with britain or british things
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just bought 15 thousand us dollars worth of pepe nigga coin
Got my willy in the air fryer
To be fair Eastern Ukraine is rightful British clay
my boss is a lovely bloke because he has an Irish surname
if your boss has an Anglo surname run for the hills
I feel like there's some truth to this because the whole site gets nowhere near the traffic you'd think it would, but at the same time I've been accused of being dozens if not hundreds of wacky characters when I've basically never used a trip in my life
Ooh ya seethin
anglos are the jews of the whites
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My north atlantid ectomorph ahh body type
cute !
we're not Jewish enough for my liking
could learn a lot from the Jews
Yeah we are generally speaking, smarter, richer and more successful than any other whites.
Get a maccies brekfas down you PRONTO
So true
the character known as heathermong accuses me of being a character known as spainnonce every time i point out that he is mentally ill for posting about "irish diaspora" and "obeying your parents" for 18 hours a day
how am i suppsed to shag that tiny ass
Irish diaspora posting is quite funny to be fair
Fact:; the government can seize your house and property at any moment for no reason
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So what
sew buttons
Irish blokes=lovely blokes
Anglo ''''blokes''::=want Pocahontas body on a stake and left her baby crying on the ground

Simple as
Irish people drink baby blood
You are not sane
woke SHITE
why didn't anglos breed abos and indians (tomahawk) like the spanish?
You seethe so hard spaintard. I have irish diaspora posted before, i have sympathy to heathermong occasionally

But im not heathermong. I dont call you out because of whatever delusions you assume your head.
Not once have i seen him write about obeying parents
what if you kill Keir Starmer with a small bladed weapon?
does the house revert back to you then?
>yes we'll put these stones here
>nice slippery uneven stones
>perfect for walking on
nutty romans
what were they thinking
Why don't YOU breed them
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Alright guys? Didn't sleep well last night. Kept tossing and turning until well past 3:00 am. But I'm up now. And ready for action.
Seethe on angloid you pale, fat neek
i can't breed (incel)
It's better for the horses' legs and hooves which was the main mode of transport back then
um you cant post that here mate
Reckon thats what riles up spainmong when he sees someone almost as mentally ill as im come up with the occasional joke that makes someone other than themself laugh here.
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why do redditors type like this
there were far fewer injuns in the barbarous climes of new england than in the fertile valleys of central america
40,000 puritans settled there as families from the off, rather than horny soldiers claiming local warbrides and creating a new mestizo class before any spaniardess had set foot aboard a carrack to the new world
I bet you did a lot of tossing you fucking degenerate tranny paedo
Why do you think I give a toss mate
no, I don't think so
Lovely blokes them Irish
As for the '''''english'''''''''
Only the most handsome lads post on Saturday morning.
Literally nobody likes the heathermong freak. Even mousey said he's an unfunny mentally ill fat. Spaino is a well liked poster here.
How fucking grim must you be that you can't pull an abo
i haven't used reddit in about 7 years everytime i go back i can't stand more than 20 minutes
>far fewer injuns
Because christian wiggers genocided them
you also considered them to be savages, let's be honest
Didn't think it was, I just made it up
if you didn't care then you would ignore the post like everyone else but you replied
that's why i think you give a toss
I'm a beautiful lady but yes Saturday morning /Brit/ is nice. Saturday morning in general is a very peaceful and calm time.
Toss off
quit using it a long time ago when id start seeing the same threads with the exact same comments every day and thought i was going insane
I doubt even if
1. You werent Spainmong
2. You werent a tranny
3. You samefagged every moment about this shit
Nobody would still believe you.
Love always wins
I’m buying my first home at 49. Should get mortgage approved next week. However I’ve just been told I’m at risk of redundancy and will likely lose my job at the end of January, right around the time I hope to move into my new home.
>idk I'm super retarded so this might be wrong

filter them
cope on yourself you silly unhinged nigger
*rests my ballbag on your forehead*
Weird how the thread turns to shit as soon as Spainnonce turns up

And this is before his first melty of the day
My long distance sight has degraded a little, but only very slightly
Future generations will all be myopic
Glasses will become a sign you're poor as all the richest get laser surgery
compared to the peoples of central and south america?
Just been violated in the b&m biscuit isle
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Done him
I know <3
Mousey was right about the covert yank
I think it's actually Riley sticka
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if it's hip, it's here
Fuck off heathernonce you sick, twisted monster
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Not as shit as you and the other posters obsessed with talking about these people
great time to close the thread
>filled in the captcha thrice award
my ear hurts :(
fingered the ol' pisshole this morning
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bums and all sorts
>Belgiumnonce AKA spainnonce gone off the weird cuckposting spam because Janny keeps clobbering him the instant he steps out of line
the only people who still eat mcdonalds are the absolute definition of NPC's
the whole point of it, and the main appeal, was it's cheapness. now that it's no longer cheap there's zero justification to eat that poison
for less money you could buy ingredients from a shop to prepare something tastier, more nutritious, and larger
Stop putting poo in you ear
any idea why?
Bore off frugal mong
imagine caving his ugly mug in with a mattock
just turning his retarded cranium into mushy pulp
I like the hot fudge sundae
You sound insane. You are very mentally unwell.
I only go there for the iced latte they do.
piss of hylic
you worship the demiurge
you're an automaton
you don't have a soul
Will you fuck off once and for all Spainnonce. You come here and fucking ruin the one place I feel at home. Feel good does it, making the lives of everyone here worse? Why do we all put up with you? It’s fucking ridiculous
The Welsh are black
genuinely a compliment coming from you
*bashes your face to bits with a hammer*
pray for the mental health of /brit/
mcdonalds cheeseburger is one of the most nutritious things you can eat you moron
What posts are making you say that?
this little pneumatic loves a hot fudge sundae
all of them
Don't even like so-called '''''overhang'''''' routes in which you don't traverse anything
Absolute overhang purist me
If it's an '''overhang route'''' in a gym that's just a straight down, straight upper may as well be ''''climbing'''''' slab as far as I'm concerned
A child tax credit for anyone of ethnic native British ancestry who has more than two kids.
Which ones concern you the most? Quote them.
The Burden of Dreams (v17) is a slab climb larping as overhang
Not real climbing
What shoes do you wear?

going to get a fucking swarthy immigrant to drive to mcdonalds to get me a pile of slop and a full fat coke to shit out of my arse
These two traitors handed over 10% of the United Kingdom's exclusive economic zone to another country for no reason, and you're going to pay for it with your taxes.
>on annual leave
>asked for the 3rd time to cover shifts etc

enjoy migrant spit
tenaya oasi
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Should I smoke a spliff before I go boxing
ai generated
No you retard. Why would you do anything that affects your ability to think clearly?
Probably not, you lanky prick.
if you're asking us you already know the answer
Statistically are you better off going to the places Isreal say aren't safe havens
looks real this one
I just got a pair of Instinct VSs.
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Swinging parties. In Barbados.
wtf i thought it was real at first this shit is fucked
Idk like the way Isreal do that
It's fucking bullshit and wicked
Send war refugees some place then bomb it anyway
Not on
>full fat coke
got a hard willard rn want to wank but also need a poo
Absolutely bang out of order
we did it first
*nasally virgin voice*

erm you do realise there's no fat in Coca-Cola's sugar version, don't you?
Just farted.
splattering a poo
>Coca-Cola's sugar version
Just call it coke me, diet is for fat people and zero is for nonces (You)
why do we give endless billions of support to some random colonialist psychopath thats quite literally committed multiple war crimes per the ICC including ethnic cleansing and well poisoning

why do we care so much about him achieving his greater israel project, what benefit does that have to us? why cant we put that money into our own country thats literally on its arse instead of pumping it over there
Mental how that Wahed advert on the tube is totally fine apparently
International Cricket Council?
love a diet coke me and im 6'2 built like a full fat brikhouse
shutup brown hands
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a bit ridiculous that over half my money goes to rent and utilities
Haven't seen it
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Statistically you are literally, probably better off being in the places Isreal passes over in silence, rather than the places they call safehavens at this point.
fat fuck
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How do i not get depressed about the state of the country? In before go outside. That just makes it a lot worse
"we" just do what the US says
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British man likes Michael Jackson

Amazingly no one likes the British man
Ducklings jump into the basket to sleep with kitten Loki while bunnies run around
Plan your escape
Thats so evil imo
A refuge should be a refuge, completely and ultimately and probably for a month at least
at this point i genuinely believe any western politician that makes it to any meaningful position has been compromised by mossad, it's the only explanation
shut up rasheed
if you're one of those who are scared to go to london for a day then it's over for you
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Swedish women likes walkable cities

Amazingly she has no legs
finally a good post
As a Welshman I am genetically incapable of not being pro-palestine
had a wank to your tits last time you posted this
She really...blossomed didn't she
Never win never lose
There's nothing much to choose
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What does her poo taste like?
No of offence but probably like shit
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Amazing how she went from being completely flatchested at 18 to having huge enormous gazongas at 20.
sheep shaggers unite!
Did you know about Swedish ABBA band with one semi-pretty girl and one rather ugly but way more talented girl and the two guys?
Im not but it depresses me
It's a fake image.
Well yeah obviously. She hasn’t got any legs!
roundhouse kick americans
curbstomp americans
suplex americans in to the pavement
throw sand in an american's eyes
spit in the food of an american's meal
Seriously though what kind of absolute loser do you have to be to look at elon's 'robot' (controlled and voiced by a human remotely) and think woooooooooow
mechanically impressive but it's not real lmao
Too much boozeberg and no water last night
They had some cunt jumping about in a morphsuit 3 years ago mate
was chatting to the twinkdem all night basically
is tummyberg rioting
neither of them were ugly you freakazoid
all nice and well but today is the day x
headacheberg playing riot right now
whats happening today
Getting sectioned
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OF when
finna hand out a batonnage
timmy's sloppy seconds from last night
Ayee pretty much a pretty one by British standards I suppose
nah timmy filled her belly up real good last nite, im finna fill sum else up haha x
cope on lil bro x
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haha you mad asl
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larp on lil incel x
Through early morning fog, I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realize and I can see

That suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
So this is all I have to say

Suicide is painless (suicide)
It brings on many changes (changes)
And I can take or leave it if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skins
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works it's way on in
The pain grows stronger, watch it grin

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please

A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
"Is it to be or not to be?"
And I replied, "Oh, why ask me?"

Suicide is painless
It brings on many changes
And I can take or leave it if I please
And you can do the same thing if you please
Russia won
Link the video this is based on
Looks Russian
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Find it alarming that a significant part of our future is being defined by coalposters
katy been fed real good he prolly bought her some new clothes that i'll tear off tonight x
If Hitler were alive today, he'd be an Anglo Saxon liberal supporter of Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel, and we have to respect that.
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don't larp as a shagger lil boy, we all know your history x
thats been debunked lil timmy x
I smoked a skinny one
Reckon it'll give me an edge
Besides we're not sparring today
If Little Britain had a food range they'd sell biccy pollards
nope you're just coping LOL
Maharashi raincoat weather today in York
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Edinburgh > York
Skirt wearing nonce freak
aint nun lil timmy cud do my goonmeat still going in x
There exists an elite class of extraordinarily wealthy, technologically and financially literate but remarkably cringe, unfashionable and socially unaware men in California who think they have the answers to the world's problems
They are completely unaware of life outside their own bubble but are intent on shaping it
Dangerous people desu
I don't want the Elon future
How do you have time to shag all these women with the hours you spend here every day
Maybe but as a Sussex boy it would take me like 6 hours to get home
From York it's like 4 hours
coffeeberg sending poostein flying out my arse like a rocket
post a hand timestamp then
you wont lol
i dont need to spend hours wining and dining them and begging for it LOL
it's caturday
yeah and you spend all that saved time on 4chan
It's probably a Krystal Boyd/Anjelica film, that guy got to fuck her almost exclusively the lucky cunt. Literally one of the fittest pornstars of all time, shame she starred in loads of dire russian crap.
I wouldn't even think of doing a day trip to York from Sussex, and overnight stays and dinners in this country are expensive as fuck. I've seen more of the world than I have of Britain.
nun u cud do x
i agree there is nothing i can do to prevent your autistic spamming
come and have a go then if you think you're hard enough

I don't mind the cold at all but why is it always GREY GRAY GREY GRAY what the fuck
he looks handsome
*gropes your ballbag*
Well exactly
York is the only place in the UK to live as a single man
I've thought about it a lot
But bristol, Leeds Donedon etc are all just dire
Almost 10am on saturday
the weekend is almost fucking over lads
u gay?
what influence does elon have really
tesla is never going to be a thing, spacex is a waste of time and energy chasing outdated cold war fantasies
his biggest accomplishment is ruining a website that wasn't really any good to begin with

he has no chance of his brainchip future when almost all his projects have amounted to nothing
what is living as a single man
Because it's greyt britain haha
BUT WHY? what causes it to be grey all the time
no. are you?
Russia is kino
finally. im glad for toilberg to give me something to do
just smashed a whole 'za
desuarchive is back up xxxx
why do you care
God forgive me for the time that I've wasted.
Is it morally acceptable to murder retirees that complain about being bored?
arse fucking reeks
I thought men grow out of the why's it grey phase when they're 11
explained that yeserday...
Didn't think hard enough did you you fucking fanny
naked attraction but no one is allowed to bathe for a month before hand and they inspect each others poo arse holes and smegma in the folds of their genitals. you can only know your perfect partner at their worst smells
You're old enough to do something about it so move.
evens get a deliveroo for brekkie
odds i make an omelette with 3 eggs and nothing else
breaking the fast with deliveroo is pathetic
is 0 odd or even
I'll move my fist up your arse if you don't pipe down pet
Er excuse me some of us don’t like to lift a finger for ourselves
I thought you didn't like places where the sun doesn't shine ya poof
Pubtoil looms.
I thought about working at a pub but I don't know how to do a pint and I'm scared of people older than me
Getting deliveroo breakfast is the most slugman thing you can do
Bet it's shite like McDonalds as well
Sort your fucking life out mate
Need a Finnish gf
Hope you're ordering a massive vindaloo with 4 sides
true, but so is obsessing over someone else's life like a poof/woman
So is being Australian
After using windows my whole life I will buy a macbook pro when the new one is out. Are you proud of me?
how is there even council housing in london
how are we saying with a straight face 'you get this for nothing' and the guy next door has to buy his his for £750,000
i dont even know
Britain is Chris Chan
America is Sonichu
im a little slugman short and stout
Sounds like you’re being racist
Shitting farts out my arse
because london council housing goes to black people and the councils are full of black people
and posting on 4chan
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waiting outside the chippy for it to open
it looms
defrosting a veggie sausage casserole for tea
what all the money that the disabled migrants save from housing benefit lets them buy up property next door and we lived in a bizarro world where the rich and poor are the same people
mad how much porn there is out there
as a representative of Admiral Insurance I am asking the creator of that image to cease and desist.
Like 500 gigabytes in total apparently
They counted it all
Can't even fathom it
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dreading the biccytoil
and i only watch ones with black men in it
no they didnt. literally impossible to know
They did
Amazing how wild the pornstars go for them
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why do turbo povcunts like them so much?
Think there’s a bit more than that
Joker Poo
the bbc machines
bro got told
What kind of biscuit is that
Is it coconut
lad, I have 500 gigabytes of gay porn alone
We don't have many Scotch in here so we can't ask them, think we have a few Geordies who are the same thing but they don't wake up until gone 3pm
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yes it has coconut on it, just an iced biccy with jam down the middle with coconut flakes on top x
Haven't seen those in years
got cancelled
due to woke
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For me, it's
looks like a fanny

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