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having a look 'round
>Doesn't believe in any god apparently.
Again, she knows you are a creepy retard so I doubt she is actually confiding her true feelings in you
I mean, half the posters here identified you as a freak with a handful of posts, and she went out with you for presumably more than a few months so I reckon she has you figured out
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it's actually unreal how much elon has mindraped leftypol
clobbered that cunt with deductive reasoning
Suspect this is a brick larp to get a religion argument going with diego
been very lucky in the shag department lately
no idea why
Had a dream I kissed a woman and it was really awkward because it was my first kiss and she called me out on it and made me leave. Even my dreams hate me.
the average yank believes wiping their own arse is gay
good on you lad
why have you used two different nonsense catchphrases to describe copealone samefagging?
wonder what he said

naturally the entire news article about it makes zero mention of it
Been exclusively wanking to the same lass for a few days. She's like my gf now or something
just got my new navy passport
all online, no faff, couple of weeks
actually respectable service from HM gov for once
Let’s just say… you should think twice before shaking hands with a muslim
mad that even government services have shills on 4chan now
bogan talking out his arse again
just mentally manifesting your own insecurity mate
need to get out and get amongst it
bro had a dream bro kissed a women and it was really awkward because it was bro's first kiss and she called bro out on it and made bro leave. even bro's dreams hate bro.
who love sniff ether?
Can you upload a new photo online too? Used to have to go through the faff of sending them by mail
are you the gay one
>just ham
>sausage roll
>jumbo red bull
the proverbial meal deal, as it were
Elon Musk is a retard, but the way his companies have managed to dominate multiple industries is more than coincidence. I wonder if they apply the same logic to politicians they like, since
allegedly 11C outside and the gaff is freezing

I am not turning the heating on, now or ever
sounds like engineers aren't so smart after all
Had a dream one of the streamers I watch was my gf but someone (I suspected her dad) was beating her up and then at the end she turned into a phone
did mine recently. said it would take up to 4 weeks but it took a matter of days.
didnt even need to print off a photo, just get the code from a photo booth and input that into the website. great stuff
are you the 1/8th aboriginal one
*patiently awaits the 2nd instalment of your post*
Was probably the only funny thing the cunt's ever said
Well yeah, she obviously doesn't align with her own upbringing which I already knew, that's why I wondered why you'd still go but also still claim that you don't believe in a god. You'd get the same support from your friends.
I'm not an atheist. Look at you worms crawling out from the undergrowths to just be vile. Pipe down.
>People who'll check in on your when you're ill or need in of help? So you desire or need help if you go out seeking that, something isn't stable in your life or mental state, exactly what I was asking about and what I said. Although, regular friends do this if you have a big enough social circle like regular women in busy cities who aren't 4chan posters.
You are still projecting, it's incredible. She has no problem communicating with me. I've been with her for four years prior, so I know that you are the retard with no experience here and your attempts to gaslight me for fun won't work.
no i'm just the one who asked why everyone keeps using the pronoun 'bro' in third person while making internet comments these days. it's kind of annoying
Love seeing techmongs seethe like this
invented a new drink me but idk how to sell it. Billion pound idea gone to waste
they're not the ones actually researching policy decisions or implementing them but instead relying on aides and civil servants.

Its here mate. Finger slipped and press enter haha
Being a celebrity must be shite now, you're basically just counting the days until cancellation
But who was phone?
wed say something like that pre internet except it would be 'boy' instead of 'bro' don't think it's new
ah, yes, the black speech pervades deep in these dark times
you need to get over her bro.
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Morning guys. Not long got up. Having a coffee.
For me, it's "X is wild" or "X is crazy"
people just want to be included so they just type out a phrase from the video as if they needed to be there
And there we go
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I for one love Hugh
Hope that's the last we'll see of this cunt and his dire 'comedy' shows.
allegedly 11C outside and bro's gaff is freezing

Bro is not turning the heating on, now or ever
Day off and all I've done so far is sleep 14 hours
women love canceling
>you can just do things
If you went to a top university this is true. For the rest of us not so much.
We need an A"SSM"R of you drinking coffee dee lass
bro is not beating the cold gaff allegations
Not the lad you're replying to but he's made his companies completely priceless to the US government.

Imagine the strategic value of both Starlink and SpaceX to the US military. Internet anywhere + anything in space for pennies. That's mental. This is why he is untouchable and he knows it.

You could even make the argument that Tesla is doing a job for the US government as the biggest competitor to the Chinese EV market.
>She has no problem communicating with me. I've been with her for four years prior
So why are you no longer together?
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>mfw when someone mentions the so-called "Employed Woman"
Spaino said he was going out for dinner with his Mrs yesterday and hasn't been back since. I'm worried /brit/bros...
definitely another one, very true
Is a top 50 university for the subject you're studying decent?
It was an all-you-can-eat and he can't get back out the door
I like the idea of a Tesla, but the shitty iPad screen and absurd repair costs means I'll never buy one
imagine if inflation didn't exist and a shilling was a considerable amount of money
honestly just invent the food pill already. cba with cooking and going to shops and that.
probably physically impossible to condense the required calories to a few little swallow-able pills though.
might actually just do away with myself
"a shilling" is craaaazy
that one actually sounds quite good.
1) are you a zoomer and
2) do you socialise a lot
3) where did you learn to speak like that?
I kind of already have which is why I am able to talk to her in a non-romantic way to actually learn that. You don't really stop caring about someone you are in a long term relationship with, so you always hope they are doing well. I was questioning the motivations that would drive someone to do it since it's not something I've seen much before and not something I'd always have assumed was a positive thing.
Battered you, cunt. You know it. I have you beat on life experiences, maybe leave you smeggy bedroom.
any of you lads seen a coin with charles's head on it yet? i sure haven't
bruv i am lost
i had a dream that i shacked up with a single mum. maybe its time i stop swiping left on them on tinder
His gf, try and keep up

Morning uploafs drinking cofee it might not be for you but it's definitely for me
why are you asking people where they learned how to make "bro" comments like we all just can't pick up the cadence from the top comment on every instagram post
word on the street is the royal mint is holding off manufacturing them for a bit, they want to see how old charlie does in his battle with the big C
1) 32
2) a fair amount but I'm definitely not picking up internet slang IRL
3) honestly it was probably from a clip of a streamer talking about tiktok on youtube, clipped on tiktok
Why are you no longer together?
cake farts
He’s actually very funny.
alright make one of those bro comments about me right now, go.
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he take a bite :)

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it's not a pill but it's the next best thing
>I kind of already
Evidently not.
coffee not for me, but it's gonna be for you. Sounds 4x lush
Just put Kate on the coins so I can have a wank to them
bro thinks he's a linguistic detective *skull emoji*
Does anyone here even post on outer/int/? I just use the board specifically for /brit/
nah. Had Huel for a bit but it's shocking. Like chocolate mud it was
bro is NOT over his ex lool
i got mine in July and it only took them 10 days to get it delivered to me. i didnt even pay extra or anything. was surprising. i cannot deny i was impressed.

Yeah not clicking that one tbqhwy
very good. i just can't seem to make those
dabble in the occasional /pol/ lurk, mainly for fun
The oneitis is wild :skull:
was just saying that down the pub
I've been done with the rest of 4chan for years. /brit/ is the only thing I ever still post in
His "Mrs" doesn't exist, he's never had a girlfriend because he's an incel. When he says he's leaving to do something it's usually the opposite and he just switches his VPN and tries to get attention some other way. Seems he's still in the thread with his boring autistic posts this minute actually.
Italians give me strength
cheers lad
bro CANNOT make these
anyone else ever get wanked off by their mum's friends
same tbqh
i am forlorn
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rest of 4chan has turned into total shit iah
good lad
I had a lack of direction in my life which would show through my inaction, which isn't a desirable thing when looking into the future. It was at the worst and turning around significantly around the time she decided to end it. I didn't put enough effort into myself or her. However, now my life is much better now after realising that so it's what I needed and I'm much more of a go getter now.
can’t be good for the scalp
Can hear pigeons cooing and magpies chattering.
go getter, I hardly know 'er
>I'm much more of a go getter now.
Oh yeah? Day off work is it?
i am a walking contradiction, an extraverted loner, a stupid genius, a depressed optimist
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just been diagnosed with meloncholy.
i only use 4chan for /brit/ these days
wfh but hobby and self-developmentmaxxing
hi :3
ktim, a wandering paradox
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business idea: a tiktok channel where I just slideshow /brit/ posts while the sounds are like "oh ho ho, oh nonono", "oh my gawd bruh", and "[vine boom]"
you cunts are so fucking fat all you think of is food, looney tunes joke country
I'm going to put mine on after the clocks change.
wee rorke
I see so you're still a dosser lmao
Can only smirk when runts try to rile me up for effortposting but I have more life experiences and consistently answer more questions correctly than they do when I watch university challenge. I'm better than you. You're a pit stop. A rock to kick while I go somewhere that actually matters. You've served your purpose. Now get out of my way.
Didn't read
rapelad and racismlad sitting in a tree
It's fucking weird, I get saying "my man did x" or something like that but using bro like that just sounds wrong
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What'll it be lads?
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how do you get your hair cut like this? I have the same type of hair and similar grey streaks
wagies turning red after being hit with "The Hobby Bomb" and filling the following 10 threads with non-stop seething and cope
read this and wanked to it
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how's it going lad
You have to remember that he is still, at the end of the day, just a severely mentally ill human being. He is not some supernatural spamming spirit that feeds on (You)s. There is a genuinely autistic disabled loser cunt retard that spams this thread — and God only knows where else — every day, all day, replying to himself like he’s playing dollhouse on 4chan. Sometimes, I think of a particularly hurtful way to get under his skin, so I post it to watch him squirm. It has obviously been working, as the public display of his mental illness has become more frequent and extreme as time goes on. It amuses me to toy with his mind like the fragile piece of hodgepodge “art” an idiot child might proudly give you, one that you will discard as soon as they forget about it. He is a vessel waiting to be filled with hatred, a masochistic subhuman, even lower than an animal. He is a worthless piece of refuse on a highway, something you can’t help but notice, try to avoid, and curse, while also hoping it is removed immediately. Since the authorities will not deal with him, I must grind him into dust when he least expects it, then move on like a speeding car. Of course, he will pretend to not be bothered by it, then cope with one of his other dissociated characters’ inane spam. To me, it means nothing. Remember, Adam, I am always here.
Bro thinks posting paragraphs of pop psychology about his ex is "effortposting" :skull:
fuck off vile phoneposting vermin
Billy Corgan be like
/fit/ and /sp/ occasionally but 4chan in general has really gone downhill lately. /fit/ is even more filled with utter retards than it was before
just a sex obsessed little freak I am
>dtfic when no one has given him attention for 2 minutes
Mad he is like 50 years old
>pop psychology

wonder what "unpopular psychology" would be. Suggesting ADHD isn't real perhaps (it's not).
Can't think anything more dire than 'self improvement'
buy all my clothes off etsy
I enjoy learning and developing myself in a lot of things. I try to spend some time on them all weekly. It’s just most activities you can think of are actually very fun, again, people seem to hate activities which aren’t just working. I like lifting weights, running, swimming, cycling, yoga, gymnastics, playing guitar, piano, bass, singing, reading/writing poetry, learning different types of dance, songwriting, pottery/painting/sculpture, reading about a huge variety of topics, gardening, cooking, knitting, recently some photography.
Not going gym today. Went yesterday. When I'm back at toil I might only be going to the gym once a week or so depending on my schedule.
why's that lad
yep literally took a selfie in my bedroom. you just need a plain whiteish wall as a backdrop
'alri alan watts
No 'fencing' in any of that. Pleb.
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funny how this all coincides with third worlders filling 1st world countries with wide access to the internet
the fact this show has an audience is one of my biggest blackpills
needs to be 3 times minimum im afraid
Oh give it a rest rorke
preferable to just remain a miserable little git then or?
Well I can't commit to that. I have other responsibilities and things going on. I'll go when it's suitable for me.
Floppin' and flippin' around
well self-improvement is a lifelong endeavour lad, whether one does so consciously or unconsciously
Always embarrassing when an auto-didact artist NEET drops "The Hobby Bomb" on wagies and it fills the following 10 threads with non-stop seething and cope. Yes, there is more to life than haggling for more working from home days and Steak Club at Wetherspoons.
no point in going then im afraid
Preferable to singularly focus on one or two goals, the outcome of which MUST be to increase your earning potential
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What a vile programme
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Well I like it and it supplements my taekwondo training.
more the fact that miserable little gits get uppity when they discover the whole self improvement internet bullshit thing, virgin freaks getting their minds blown after finally deciding to be normal aged 27
Yes exactly
Participate in life and you will improve
Analysing it autistically as an act in itself is very very stupid
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Mad how Brits actually exist and Romans don't

It's not much but they exist
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I make this face in public at black queens
>I like wasting my time
Same as your potential love life I see
anytime I've been talking to a brown girl they always ask if you've ever slept with a brown girl before
Don't really know enough about Finland to engage with you, sorry chap
>I’ve just started a new job, on a reception, where my phone gets locked away at the start of my shift.
>After my initial training, I’ve realised there is quite a bit of “down” time. I obviously can’t sit on my phone as I don’t have it and I have very little internet access (apart from BBC etc). Tried to take a book yesterday, but it’s not doable due to people backwards and forwards through my area.
Saw this on plebbit but wtf, do you really have to lock your phones away at toil? Places make you do that? I've never been anywhere that has.
once a week gym session to air out the cock and balls in the women's changing room for our very own Employed Woman

sometimes she needs to flop them into the sinks by the hairdryers to really give 'em a good old wash. It's healthy and normal.
yep fair enough
Corr would love to be a Swamp Brit, just chilling
when you think about it, marge having a tall blue perm is actually really bizarre and now i cant stop thinking how fucking dumb she looks
Might be in a defence company or something
holy based
madder thinking bart and lisa hair isn't actually hair but their scalp
you leave marge simpson alone she's a very nice lady
Need to get a grip, the day is passing me by
No need to be rude. Both our countries are being flushed down the shitter. But we are real.
why is that
Originally she was going to reveal she has giant rabbit ears and the hair was added to cover them up. Not joking. You can see it in the stills from the og arcade game.
laughed at this post
what was the original lore reason behind that or were the [[[writers]]] just doing a rogen weed moment
I'll say it again, far too much hostility in /Brit/ nowadays
got the gay porn AND the normal porn on
Whilst you analyse the life efficiency
of learning to tied your shoelaces in two hand movements, you could be working to make more money, which must be every young man's pursuit
Sorry, that's how you get ahead in life
Don't like it? Kill yourself.
KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me? I'm nice to our lass EW. She deserves the love
Completely agree. I get it’s a bit of banter, but acting like this is not good for you and makes you a hate filled person. Remember the train lad incident? The train lad looked fine even if the reflection was a bit funny. It’s nice when people share a bit of real life, there’s no point trying to shoo every effort poster away. You couldn't really see his face clearly but he looked normal and he could have been quite attractive, he dressed well and didn't look like a slob, and why did it matter that I wore glasses? Most people here probably do anyway. I think we need some more kindness in /brit/.
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Why did you side with Russia?
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>I'll say it again, far too much hostility in /Brit/ nowadays
reference to matt groening's "life in hell" comic about cartoon rabbits, which he was originally pivoting to fox before he pivoted to a sitcom about a family
I can see my 80 year old neighbour watching gay porn and a movie simultaneously every single night
not even joking he's doing it right now
Matt grunig is a furry wanker
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king shit
mad how the roman empire put a 50% tax premium on anyone who didn't have children

bet roman /brit/ was seething
Congoloid nigger cock BBCs
Pics right meow
Must be one of the worst television shows ever made
Staggers me there are people entertained by it let alone people who think its genius
Yeah but wooden doors though, really?
Don’t think that’s true
Many are saying this
yh it is i saw an interview with some bald guy wearing glasses who said it so it is true actually
depressing that it even exists
It probably would be very easy dodging taxes in Rome, just say your children are picking olives or something when the taxman comes around
I think a three day holiday looms for you
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Romans were about for ages, they could well have had such a tax for a period of time
If you don’t like it here then toddle on back to /britfeel/
stiflers mum?
very real looking post that
dreamt i was hallucinating all these women and groping them like a schizo billionaire
just a bit large, marge
holy grimoli
On the Joe rogan podcast was it?
shagged an old woman recently and her minge had an acidic vinegary taste to it was vile
fosters is actually really nice in a can
not nice on draught
actually all beer on draught tastes shite
Hello brit
refuse to wear gymshark clothing so have to settle for shit adidas or nike items
not quite sure how to cope with the fact that I'll most likely never own a house and will always be a rent slave
Gen X blokes love women with big tits and male arses.
Just wear stuff from Decathlon me
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rorke wearing his superdry jacket outside
young women got that too mate
randomly generated skyrim npc
asahi is lengers
estrella not bad
moretti good
cruzcampo overrated
heineken? penglehem
for me, its stella
Hello Finland
Move to Sunderland
yeah deffo not some cuck mentalist larping on reddit this
alas, i am but a yank, but i extend my greetings to thee
>wearing polyester and nylon
Asked the bar dude what is the most alcohol on the euro and he just asked me what do you want or fuck off. Very rude place so I went home.
sucks mate I bought my Sydney apartment 5 years ago and now I'm looking for a second
chin up though yeah?
repulsive little flavoured water drinking runt
start lifting to develop physical strength too. realise that life for you has been decided already. you will endure endless amounts of suffering and every day you continue or suffering you endure will make you stronger. make you life goal to be as strong as possible in every way.
no because why is asahi the one
Asahi is just peroni
You're not supposed to eat pussy, it's disgusting.
want to listen to this original video lol bet its crease
i'll fucking kill you
Nowt wrong with it
asahi is probably the best lager ive tasted never had it on draught though
stella is probably the best tasting draught lager for me
yank election can't come soon enough
and peroni is pengroni
Got into the habit of calling anything mildly annoying woke, my mum is getting annoyed but my Dad just nods solemnly kek.
Me? An Estrella Damm man
enjoy doing this and trying to make everything bounce off me, suffering is my life now and that's okay. that's the fun, that's why I am alive x
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Mental how yanks see fit Mexican girls desperately trying to get into their country and they have a problem with that.
Tad too based
i can't think of two lagers that taste more different than peroni and asahi
the thing i've never got is how troons are essentially arguing for bioessentialism and old school gender norms and that
oh you have a woman's soul/brain do you, being a woman is being pretty and wearing nail varnish is it, oh right then
and the allies just nod along
TERFs are the only sane ones (Love ar JK)
should be able to build a house somewhere on that big empty continent of yours
Would be very amusing if a certain person was to end up back in a certain building, that's all I'll say.
yeah nothing at all if you like having microplastics in your brain and balls
rorke being picked on for the way he breathes
Mumberg bought that new vacuum sealed beef mince from Sainsbury’s and got annoyed I called it woke mince
for me, it's asahi 3.5
>actually all beer on draught tastes shite
this might be the worst opinion I've ever seen on this website
good grief
yanks just love saying some stupid shit like this don't they
A clothes moth wrote this post
really need to get an Asahi next time I'm in the pub. It gets universal praise online. Never see it on tap though
can you cunts stop talking about beer at mid day on a tuesday corrrr gagging for a pint
why invite him in the first place?
hes right though
might get on the tins and bokkles early
Do you notice the difference in taste between new 4.6% stella and old 4.8% stella?
but I'm having a tinnie right now?
Unless you’re having it in Japan or something it’s literally the exact same beer as peroni. It’s made under license in the same brewery.
ktim calling everything a -berg, just put the kettleberg on for the prototea
my nose hwistles every time i inhale dont know why nobodys ever picked on me for that
look how tight rorke's shoelaces are omdsss
Do you wake up feeling groggy
big booze rules over me with an iron fist
that is very early I usually buy mine on friday nights
fuckin flute nose ova heya
just had a nordic spirit extra strong pouch in for 15 minutes and don't feel any different reckon i don't just need nicotine i need all the other good stuff in a cigarette too
rorke stuffing his shoelaces down the sides
it is really good but only in that they've mastered making it taste of... absolutely nothing
says a lot about beer i suppose
I can make conversation much easier with women irl than other men. Not really sure why. I've never really had a group of mates after age 15/16.
who doesnt
rorke saying good morning fucking lol
they think you're gay
rorke wearing his pe kit under his school uniform
In bed. Farting.
Americans measure speed in hot dogs per school shooting
+1 to my post count
rorke walking past someone who says "good morning" to him and he mumbles something back then spends the next few minutes wondering if he was loud enough
His what?
Took me a while to figure out you're actually supposed to wake up and feel rejuvenated by sleep
Nothing better than doing some DIY with your Dad. We're building some decking in the back garden and it's way more fun than I thought it would be. Hard work, but rewarding.
First time in my life I actually feel like a man.

No he's not you utter spastic
Honestly want to stick forks in my eyes reading this utter drivel
Beer out of a bottle/can is nowhere near as good as it is on tap and never will be and this is objective
you shouldn't be able to build a house
that better?
business idea : beer but it has caffeine
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Alright Whistle Wally, play us a tune
Went to America a few years ago and it is fucking astounding how much worse their food is. Don't know how they have the cheek to mock our food.
Their bread tastes like a thin slice of cake, vile.
velo pouches are faster-acting in my experience
however you might be right, cigarettes also contain monoamine oxidase inhibitors which may contribute to the high. and although the overall amount of nicotine in pouches is higher than a cigarette, the high surface area of alveoli likely enables nicotine to enter the bloodstream at a far higher rate
got the omar rodriguez lopez song desarraigo featuring ximena sarinana from the 2009 album xenophanes on
Thought about it but there's no way I give off gay vibes. I am pretty muscular, big arms and frame etc, have shoulder length hair (this is pretty feminine I suppose but the rest of me doesn't look feminine), fairly masculine facial features. I speak well and I have non-incel glasses, suppose a little pretty looking. I've heard a woman in the last few months describe me as someone who is like a character from women's booktok, whatever that means.
>Employer National Insurance to rise
Silverback used to be good but the quality went down the shitter a while ago
Vanquish isn't bad
you are supposed to rub your ringpiece for about 10 seconds too to fully activate your lower body chakra

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