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previous: >>203432676
You like posting Asian women don't you
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good morning sirs very nice edition
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Krindzs fonál.
Fir cringi.
Ez jobb.
Asta-i mai bun.
oh wow for once you aren't a raging fagtron
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*anxiously checks UPS tracking page*
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what you buyin?
waiting for the CPU ryzne 7600x
cringe thread
aryan thread
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I dont like installing cpus though
once again i accidentally posted my question in /ka/ instead of here
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pea size, it makes no difference how you apply it
i was really hungary today
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saw yet another tranny on the uni campus
BME has fallen
ruined the company toilet, thank you mr shekelstein
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sziasztok almak
>2 filtered items

>bryndza with steamed potatoes, oats and coffee
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good morning
gay post
what was for lunch?
green bean casserole here
fried chicken and pptatoes
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my dear and lovely wife
the most important woman in the entire world history
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the more you resist...
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eating breakfast
trips of truth
I find her oddly attractive
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shes cute
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state your thoughts
brutal mogging
too bad for Canada they're only importing Indians now
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>NOOOO you can't make jokes
this sort of outrage is so gay
>alone with a girl in a hotel
>don't even make eye contact
>don't even say hello
>look at the ground and become a ghost while passing her
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ofc muttoids and femwhores are offended
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ponder the odour of that búgyi
was this in a foyer or something
I guess it smells the same as my finger rn.
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sort of, I always book in these old hotels
オナがエロくて最高です。自分は気になってた工クスオ ー ガ ズ ム試してみたけどほんとに女の子がムラムラしてきて即ホ出来たから他の子にも使っても同じ感じで使えるからハマりました。媚薬使ってエロくなるの凄く興奮するし、すぐエッチさせてくれるから最高です
then take it out of your pants you vagina
>yesterday's cabbeg mixed with rancid machinegrease and generc ass smell
isn't machine grease a mineral oil derivative
Did anyone here finish Sonny Boy?
I thought it was pretty and fairly intriguing but things got busy and I forgot about it.
rig is finished.
i found it super boring i couldnt drag myself watching it.
it is, but it's also an organic compound that decomposes and smells like ass after a few decades
also congrats, enjoy
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what did tylphosion do to little children?
Thank you, I still have to see if everything work.
Old windows ssd boots, i have to check things around, and I have to reinstall Arch as dualboot
you learn something every day
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even diesel goes bad after a few years and will reek like literal shit and all old soviet era workshops have the same distinctive ass smell
there's a certain smell i associate with old workshops and machine grease but that isn't unpleasant
maybe i'm a pervert or something
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what are these noodles called
there was a place in nyugati underpass where they sold it but the fucking coof killed it
my waifu dabbing on the CIA glowniggers
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I'll get my ass whoopped if I click on this link.
fried noodles
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made beef stew for tomorrow
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ah thank you
love that shit
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i thought the Smoke Jaguar expanison is coming today but it's tomorrow
vége van...
i really thought this was Hungary for a second
but the market hall i was thinking of got turned into some faggy art gallery
no more buja disznók giant schnitzel for me
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find japs in belldandy cosplay plz
sexy japs ofc
momoko has one i think
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just yandex ベルダンディー コス
i'm getting the impression that this is supposed to be a lewd milfy character but i can't find any pics that fit that bill
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and all the pics are shopped to oblivion per standard cosplayer practice
beautiful... momoko would never look like that
ouhhh sexo
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vgh the commieblocks of v4
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crashing this thread with no survivors
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cute momoko
oh wow she has tits
all i've found, really
this is the best
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good nigth sirs
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gnight fagtrons
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sleep tight apples
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Everything works!! I can feel the difference in games from my old 2060s
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it's full moon. the moon is fucking glowing
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I had to goon to the full moon
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we have to talk
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but i don't like to talk so you are free
last bump
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yay momoko thread survived
good morning sirs
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consuming covfefe at the present moment
Im drinking ginger and lemon
yeah tell me where cause I can't get rid of that shit. At least is vesktop.
the best, yes
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i should be drinking that more
it only occurs to me to make it when i'm sick
I was drinking it because im a bit sick
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get well then!
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the magyar boy's peril
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vona vyzeraje tak fajno. good catch
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>Vona looks so nice.
she looks nice
vona is she
also i'm really digging this ciggy maid aesthetic
what's that manga about the salaryman and the cashier smoking in a back alley
ah got it
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the pink beaver is here
looks cute, anime when
i'm not reading no words like a faggot
*subdued noise of white skanks curling up in foetal position*
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>Peti, kit nézel a telefonodon?
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when two romanians are arguing on /pol/ and they accuse each other of being bozgors
why are they so comical?
the word bozgor will never not make me laugh because it's half turkish
it's just work related stuff darling, the CPC is paying me to post them all across this incel website called 4chan
my boss announced I'll get a raise for my satisfactory work so we'll be able to afford our 5 weeks long vacation in vietnam
it means "the one without a town" in slavic (bez gorod)
or that's my guess
yeah boz is an ottoman turkic adoption
oh wait or is without "siz" and not "biz"?
i think it's biz
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sziasztok almak
>Lendben. Akkol én csak ermegyek tarárkozni azzar az alanyos aszukapostássar a kulva anyátokbór.
>Vacsolát meg légy szíves lendelj magadnak.
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she doesn't say that. she kisses me on the lip but then goes to the other room to take care of our baby because she started crying
nah we're watching vintage 80s hentai as i write this
hope she doesn't get horny that'd be bad haha
doubts about needing a 1440p monitor are now eating my brain.
did you buy a new monitor already?
no no. I am thinking if I need it like the greek faggot said or not
that's good i thought you bought a new 1080p and are now regretting it
No. I have my 2 old 1080p 144hz. I was looking around at 1440p monitors and wondering if its worth the buy or if its just a meme
she just breastfed our baby, so she is back to sleep again. riko is such a perfect mother, she is number one mom
me, i don't need one

27" is already bigger than i prefer
the 2070 super is just about enough for playing new titles 1080p max settings without DLSS
and frankly, fuck buying a more expensive card than this
fine fine i was just taking the piss
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and speaking of riko
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>mam grzybicę stóp przez tego chuja Jaruzelskiego
what did she mean by this
that she's a whore
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if yu have a 2070 no.. but idk with my new 4070s. Also wukong runs like shit on this even
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eating żurek rn
4070 super sry
I just added a new entry to my uBlock Origin filters, perhaps you guys will find it useful too


I was compelled to do this because that thread decided to put /brit/ in their subject which I normally search for.
makes sense then... I see people saying they play 4070super on 1440p and reach +100fps fine

look here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNsdwcKvN78
if you use meme tracing you probably wont
Wait a sec, that doesn't work right, but this should be better:

boards.4chan.org###threads > .thread:has-text('/rus/')

That should only block threads on the catalog with that thread name. Before it blocked the contents of a thread if it had that string, which is not right.
ray tracing halves your fps, without raytacing you can for sure run anything at 100+ fps
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nafosisters we did it!
Most of your countrymen don't want to kneel, but maybe you do
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i want /pol/ to leave
i'd say it's highly dependent on the game and whether you're using AI super sampling, frame generation and RTX

i get 100+ fps in Dragon's Dogma 2 with RTX on and meme generation off but the framerate fluctuates so much that a locked 60 feels better
God of War is a stereotypical Sony 3rd person game for the PS4 so i'm really not surprised it runs better
I see what youre saying. I will maybe restrain from 2k monitor then.
Also its just 250~€ so I might as well try or send back to Amazon
people who spend their days being mindbroken about Russia are the lowest of the low
i'd take an unironic liberal over you
also i just tried the new mechwarrior game and setting shadows to maximum cuts down fps to 45
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ooh i know who will like this (meaning the webbum)
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momoko if cute
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i will like this
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>cocking not possible
i meant the Hungarian TF2 addict
goddamnit i don't even play TF2, i shouldn't know this
wish i could be more selective with the shit i remember
didn't click it but that's a man
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butt of the century
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typical tf2 addict setup
i don't care about tf2 lore desu
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still better than faggylore from overwatch
i didn't know that soldier 76 is a faggot
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thats blizzard for you
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good edition
why are Rusyn boys so popular with East-Asian chicks?
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funny cade
hehe funny
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the rice will overcome
how do you make the ai hug slop
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wife just posted
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shit wrong webm

esteemed member of my famiglia, how could it be a wrong webm when you're just posting cats without context
still it was pretty cool thanks you
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im banned from /fit/ and /tv/
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how so?
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ricebros mentioned
the state of this site is sad
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what is coomer bait
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and jannies banned entirely /wwoym/ threads from /lit/, it's fucking over, now I don't even have a place to vent. Jannies fucking suck
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write what's on your mind. Off-topic threads that were the most popular threads on /lit/ till like 2 weaks ago are now completely gone. Really liked that threads, you could talk with people about whatever you'd like. When I asked what happened to them I got warned by jannie. Fucking sucks
Hungarians are your asiatic brothers. Show some respect.
I copypasted this comment from phub saar
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stop resisting
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*pow pow pow pow*
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last one

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