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Morning edition
alexa order some skin cream
alexa play Stay Young by Oasis
shit arse sex fuck
Anyone feeling brave? ha ha
"post you are looking for does not exist"
what was it
At toil waiting for the day to begin.
>>203738974 #
I've had multiple people that I care deeply about getting sectioned in mental hospitals. The idea that they should've been shot instead, because that would be better for them, is ridiculous.

And even if that wasn't the case, it's not in my interest to have dangerous nutters running around the streets until they do something that necessitates deadly force. Because that something could harm me or my loved ones.

I never said I cared about them, but I actually do. So that point is wrong as well.
We have to wait and see, I'm having so much fun ahahaha
ah. a reply from the future
put some stock on the wrong shelf for a laugh haha. People will be all like "what the heck, the coffee is on the tea shelf??" imagine the bantz
we can poo if we want to
we can have a little wank
but if your mates don't poo,
they won't get a (You)
and they might as well be a yank
>I care about them because I say so
>my actions? uhhhh ignore those
soup time for me. Love soup lol. A meal that's liquid, mad one hahaha
I'd rather be a sports star than a slave, all I'm saying. And they think we've done them wrong. We gave them everything and they spit on our shoes and pants us on the bus. Next time I get pants, I'm gonna chimp man, that's all I'm saying
we're bringing poo back
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had a dream about daisy ridley last night
200 pages left of 1000
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One was a band mate I lived with for a year, who I'd known for 10+ years. Another was the mother of my best friend's children. Yes, I care about them. Do I care about every single crazy person out there? No, not especially. But I never said I did. My actions don't contradict anything I've said.

You seem pretty mental yourself. Perhaps dangerously so. Would you prefer to be taken into a secure unit for examination and possible treatment? Or violently killed in the street?
Did she raise your didley?
I notice this post is all about how YOU feel and what YOU think should be done
I was discussing people who do not want to be medicated and the reality that medication can and does destroy many people's lives
do you care about that? do you care deeply about people spending their lives imprisoned, half dead and miserable on antipsychotics and tranquilizers?
no, you think your will should be more important than theirs, because they make you nervous and uncomfortable
so admit it and stop insisting that you care so much about the poor crazy people and just want to help them and want what's best for them
it is a lie and my entire argument was about how people like you are squirming little liars, nothing to do with one outcome being more tragic or humane than the other
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why do you think every crazy person lives a life of getting countless meds and facing a fate worse than death
some people get institutionalized for a small bit then come out fine
idiotic point by you
... yh
Weed-head gothic author call him Gram Smoker
>why do you think every crazy person lives a life of getting countless meds and facing a fate worse than death
why are you asking me why I think things which I never stated? why are you so insistent on putting words in my mouth? is this how you normally argue?
the argument is specifically about people who do not want to be medicated and the people who insist that they should be while claiming it's because they care so much rather than the truth which is that the alternative makes them uncomfortable
need to learn how to take a good photo of myself.
Your point was whether or not I genuinely care about mental patients. I addressed it by saying how I do care a lot about some of them. Now that's selfish of me because we're talking about my feelings, a subject you brought up?

Mad men running around with knives attacking people doesn't make you nervous? He should've been sectioned. Obviously not everyone should be. But you're acting like you care so much about these people being locked up and drugged, when the alternative is shooting them. You care so much you want to see them shot? And what about the people they endanger? Why not care about them as well?

I'm not going to argue with you on this any more until you calm down, because you are becoming too emotional and it's making you irrational and abusive.
if you end up in a nuthouse because of your actions you deserve to get medicated as you are a threat to society
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oh shit I'm arguing with the "employed woman" or whatever aren't I? no wonder
its all fucked
wish that nukes set fire to the atmosphere and we all died back in the 1940s
it even does redditspacing lmao
I make a post complaining about it and it comes out of the woodwork
can't escape the filthy scum even here
We'll be all good. Not us personally, we're fucked, but humanity will gladly and proudly live medievally again in 3-400 years. Civilization will rug. It is our destiny.
got done for driving drunk and unlicensed
frankly the police were being unaustralian for arresting me for that, and i told them as much
disgraceful, should've given you a medal
as long as you're not claiming that this point of view makes you a very kind and caring and morally superior person
>Civilization will rug
will what?
totalitarian wasteland
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Where did anyone here claim that?
internet went out last night and has only just come back on now, been having to phonepost like a savage normie this whole time
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A rug pull is a scam in the cryptocurrency and NFT space where a developer: Hype a project to attract investors, Suddenly shut down or disappear, and Take investor assets with them.
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enjoy your van
the trick when you confess to a crime on 4chan is to say you got arrested for it, then they can't van you because of double jeopardy
ohhh nooo the insane violent person got shot in the head ohhh nooo he should've been bludgeoned with drugs instead and spent the rest of his life as a vegetable in some nightmare institution
that poor poor man we could've really helped him
Democracy manifest innit
i think women are at their most attractive when they're exactly 31
This but unironically.
you should be locked up
yeah I know you'd like to lock a lot of people up you nasty little sicko
Covering your tracks after that thing about raping a kid are we? I'm onto you.
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happens very rarely for me but i love it when it does, i can larp like society is about to collapse and have a lot of fun imagining living in such a state
haha yeah you got me x
I guess you missed my initial post which was me complaining about people in general who do claim that
it wasn't in response to anyone here, it was just me ranting about people I hate on the internet
Middle ages actually weren't that long, looking back. 900 years is only 10-11 old lady lengths.
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"Zoomer" rhymes with "humour." Coincidence? Definitely.
Only 6 old ladies away from the middle ages ourselves. Would you fuck an old lady?
also realized the aussie is talking about internet, im talking about power going out
glazed over that
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Still fucking waiting
i'm a different lad
also i meant 13
need a gf like this, stacked and bodacious but dead behind the eyes
I'll be properly kicking myself if civilisation collapses because I've got so much prepper stuff in my Amazon basket that I just never bothered buying. Ah yes there's no electricity, why don't I use that wind up solar powered radio and phone charger? Oh that's right, it was £40 and you wanted yet another load of beer and a curry instead. Dickhead.
Alexa, play New Found Glory and do not stop until I say so
that's not dead behind the eyes mate she thinks she's "smizing" like tyra banks
*to the tune of "march of the toreadors"*
might have a wank lads, might do a poo
might have a think, about (You)
she just reminds me a lot of the pornstar skye blue, love wanking over her
it is quite literally skye blue
wonder why rich people are the only ones who go to see operas and orchestras and the like, do they not have anything better to do? i'd be tearing up the streets in a lambo if i were a rich cunt
still in bed lol
that's revolting
really? interesting
niggers *tips audaciously long top hat*
feel bad for her getting raped and her arse kicked by pure mental pornstars
I feel like prepping is ultimately pointless since all you're doing is delaying the inevitable, prolonging your existence in a cold dead world until you get killed by roving gangs or run out of supplies
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Going to Aldi for some snackies
might buy a whole steering racing controller setup with the pedals and clutch and gear shifter and play forza with it to practice driving manual in real life
In my experience of watching the TV show Frasier, it's about keeping up appearances and networking in high society more than anything.
it's the real mavericks who become the wealthiest, like the first wealthy man who ever publicly wore a blazer with jeans
probably cheaper to just buy a car
It’s not the same
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We must secure the existence of our people and dominion over British Columbia.
what’s crackening laddos
Yeah whatever that means
I once played a flight sim where you're flying a biplane and I put my big floor fan behind my desk blowing in my face to simulate the wind in my face
It didn't enhance the immersion as much as you might expect
i traveled to a far-away land, and all the people were diffrent
they lookt diffrent
they talkt diffrent
they ate diffrent foods
they even smellt diffrent
it was shite
so i left
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£10k seems cheap
Think I've been up for 48 hours now but I can't tell because my brain is fried from sleep deprivation
sat in my car in a random parking lot doing nowt
just nice to get out of the house
will do more harm than good i think because you dont get the tactile feedback from the engine you're driving
pushing in a clutch makes you feel it engage
can't wait to vote labor (queensland state election) on the weekend
obviously i'll be putting one nation first but labor will be second and lnp dead last
I have come around to the realisation that my idea to invent a driving sim converter kit to temporarily turn your real car into an immersive driving sim game might actually not make richer than Zuckerberg. My idea to invent a video game mascot that's like a funko pop thing but it talks and comments on your video game performance and gives tips as you're playing...?
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I want to be American
jeremy clarkson?
Now you're talking. How about this. An insufferable walking simulator.
should be doing labor first mate
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Yet another long, boring day at toil awaits.
I reversed into a car yesterday at Tesco and I got out, had a look saw no damage on the other person's car and a random stranger said that there's nothing. So I drove off.
are the fruity cigarette beads really menthol
lol i just had a look and yeah probably
kids next door threw a ball over the fence, i gave it back but if they do it again i'm binning it
fool me once and all that
might get a job at aldi like sacked tranny, i heard they pay well and i almost exclusively shop at aldi these days anyway
>I put my big floor fan behind my desk blowing in my face to simulate the wind in my face
>It didn't enhance the immersion as much as you might expect
Of course. You don't have the windows open on a plane, silly. :p
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Bloody Burnley man again
aye indeed that is the conventional and accepted spelling lad, but in australia they named the party in that in the early 20th century you see
>abused his power
Should've used his spiritual healing sexual abilities for good.
have you no higher ambition
Really silly that
Damn his sexual magicks
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>Nat Goodlad
He didn’t actually have any healing abilities he just stripped her naked and read Quran passages
is what it is
helps differentiate the party from the broader labour movement I suppose
get a HOTAS too so you can learn how to fly a plane
englishmen of yore: the lorde hath stricken mine child with tumour moste foull
was just saying this down the pub
yes but i'm studying part time as well, plus trying to learn as many skills as i can in my own time
plus you can worm your willy into that bum hole
fair enough lad fair enough
if i was australian i would drive as far as i could into the outback and t pose until an animal attacked me
all the jobs i'm qualified for barely pay more than the dole, why bother
Why t pose
would you just
>plus trying to learn as many skills as i can in my own time
ktim but planning on quitting toil this/next year.
if i were australian i would fear the sun
Memes are my identity.
got a book to learn russian
I have over 15 years experience posting on 4chan which has improved my reading and writing abilities
Any pornpilled fascists in?
>no punctuation
I'm sorry. I'm afraid you are just not what we're looking for right now.
love tunes

love tracks

when i hear a good tune (track) i make the capital T sign with my arms and ignore any girls on the dancefloor
>time to leave for work
>suddenly need a poo
fucks sake
pretending to be me are you? why don't you just shag my arse and cum in my mouth while you're at it
Do you work 30 miles away how is it leaving time already
mental how prescient george orwell's 'nineteen eighty-four' was
haven't got a pot to piss in
it was literally just writing about what happened in 1939
what about the telescreens? those happened. every smartphone, anything with a camera in it.
he got the newspeak thing right but other than that i think brave new world ended up being more accurate
how are people seasonally depressed? it's literally bright outside now and it's not even 8 am

the summer months are the only depressing months because of the expectation
rubbing the gf's fanny
wth why is the board so slow. 5/8 previous posts are just me. where is the real thread
also, what do you mean? in 1939, for the uk, during the war?
i don't get hired for jobs simply because i'm ugly
/brit/ died on its way back its home planet
might sell my xbox
didn't keep the original box it came in, which i'm sure will be my undoing
ye. britain had to become a totalitarian hellscape in order to defeat totalitarianism. dont believe the blitz spirit or rural idyll for evacuees . literal myths to get us through the dark times
you lost the x-box box? bollox! i oughta box your ears, you bullock!
"BP", a UK drill musician who was sentenced to 26 years in prison for selling firearms and drugs to gangs which were then used to kill people... has just been released from prison after barely serving any of his sentence, due to overcrowding.
Thank you Sir Keir.
always thought this.

sexist hiring practices that will never be outlawed: hiring exclusively pretty young girls or demure older women as receptionists and bar staff and the old gremlin grannies or ogre guy are kept as cleaners on night shift or back room staff

mental how quietly accepting of discrimination we are despite what society says out loud
so he got arrested because someone else did a murder? what a load of woke nonsense ah yes its your fault this guy did a crime
i put that i'm maori on my job application even though i'm only like 1/32 on the off chance that that increases my chances
Might get a Mustang next year lads, need a big V8 before Sir Poo Barmer bans fun
was at the shopping centre and saw a classic mustang being raffled off, corr it was a sight to behold that thing, i should've entered
He got sent to prison for selling firearms and drugs to gangs.
i had my job coach write my resume, i haven't even read it
>sells drugs
Its not my fault if you take them im just providing a product.
Plenty of businesses that have gone bust and disappeared from the earth that nobody can prove you didn't work at
Me? I wasn't unemployed for a decade, I was assistant manager as a ToysRUs
lyrica has turned me into a completely different person, i'm 20x more productive and don't worry about anything at all even though i usually have severe social anxiety, how is this drug not given to everyone?
my cv says that i worked at blockbuster in 2011, they can't prove otherwise, fuck them
The second largest group of players in the premier league by nationality are Brazilians (English are first)
then just ask chatgpt what being an ass man for toysrus would be like and retell the story at interviews
Honestly don't think it's possible to know anything for certain
Not even if this world is real
Just try to go with the flow of experience, because it's all we can do
If it's subjectively what you experienced then for all intents and purposes it might as well be true
yank niggas be like "let me get a cup of coffee with cream and sugar"
say this to my face and you'll have a subjective experience
"this to my face and you'll have a subjective experience"
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sacked tranny, eat your heart out
he is already employed there
Can hear my neighbour vacuuming through the walls
Much to think on
mad how busy /brit/ was during the wfh years
*pulls the fire alarm*
Absolutely fool. Yanks call it hoovering.
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if it's hip, it's here
Hoover is a brand name, gaylord
literally wrong
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*slllrrrrrrrrrrrrpppppfpffffpffpffpfpffpfpffpfpppppppppp* ahh... hello all
vacuums are dangerous
No they dont

So what? So is heroin
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bosoms and all that
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Feeling hopeless and worried about the future.

Might tell my gran when she phones later (she phones to see how I'm doing) but it feels like a lot to put on her. But then she says stuff like I should tell her if I'm feeling low so I don't know.
What do you call Sellotape?
tape lol
you ever think about getting sucked by a hoover?
Catholic Church = Synagogue of Satan
An allen key?
did actually shag the family vacuum cleaner once as a teenager, i did the sponge/rubber glove thing in the vaccum nozzle with a hole in the other end of the glove for the suction effect to come through
didn't work too well tbqh
I hate evil
>allowing a basic household task to be dominated by a brand name
couldn't think of anything more yankish if i tried
nature abhors a vacuum. they're quite loud, you see
Does God love us?
Is he watching?
Does he know what happens on the Earth?
Dont know
>couldn't think of anything more yankish if i tried
Being Australian?
might volunteer in a hospice and raid the medicine closet for opioids and get the fuck out
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mental isn't it
*covers you in glad wrap *
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utter yolk nonsense
wouldn't trust that
Edward Petherbridge's youtube is quite sad
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He gives the impression of being fully aware of how old and how close to death he is.
Some old people are still lively and jolly, but he does stuff like reading a poem he wrote about how his world is fading away, summer is gone, winter has come, that sort of thing. Not even in a melodramatic way either, just sort of gently fading away
Part and parcel of living in a crumbling country
Still strange to see the guy who played Lord Peter Whimsey 40 years ago in a homemade youtube video
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Wonder if he dreams of nights at the savoy
I was just wondering if anyone was interested in what I'm doing right now?
insane to me that they released his name
why don't they protect their own lol

he'll have changed it now
only if it involves your trousers being ofd
Just seen footage from the Chris Kaba protests and once again everyone is holding professional looking placards made by... you guessed it, the SWP

Is their entire purpose just to sow division? Who is funding this organisation that only ever seems to appear at times like this
Child in skimpy clothes singing about their unironic love and obsession for money.
Clown world
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You're in luck then
McRib is utter shite. Rustler's BBQ Rib burger honestly better x
These protests took place before further information about what a scumbag he was came out yesterday. Even the Guardian and BBC have piped down about it now.
show us the fruits of your labour when youre done x
swollen ogre of a man
Socialist workers party
mad how gay porn peng poo
>Please wait for the timer
or verify your email address before making a post
wanked over that 12 hours ago and have been asleep since
The pooey lewis
Not my healthiest. Too much curry

Ye am a bit tubs these days. Too much curry
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Fucks sake, forgot to attach my poo
woke nonsense x
wtf you got one of the german shelf bogs
Baffling how they allowed a police officer to be dragged through the mud and further reduce trust in the MET for two years before releasing this information
bit pooey this
the state of that shitter, get a new one
we should have martin bryant on the 10$ note
ivan milat on the 20
brenton tarrant on the 50
Haven't wanked or shagged in half a week me bellend is going crazy
Which of you benders wants a bumming?
No doubt funded by the workers x. Wonder what union comrade chris was in
It's not a shelf bog I think that's just the angle
Though my poor aim has certainly left some poo on the side shelf


It's as good a toilet as I need
Activate Windows
Go to Settings to Activate Windows.
hadn't heard of chris kaba or any protests until yesterday. shows how bleak and incellious of a two years i've had
Good to know they were protesting without knowing all the facts, what good righteous people
okay so the gf didn’t take the ring just basically said wtf and that she hoped I had a receipt which I don’t so I just flung it off the wall and broke the box so couldn’t take alit back anyway if I did
however we are still living together for now
eating together, sleeping in the same bed, going some places together
I have no idea what her ultimate end goal is though she is insistent that we are ‘over’
I can’t spend anymore time reducing myself to crying pathetic begging mess because im destroying myself
all I can do for now is go along with it and just act normal and see what happens
havent played any of the nu-resident evil games, theyre on sale for halloween and thinking of getting one, which one is the best?
Yh utter slop. They need to bring back the Big Tasty.
dont understand why my friends are such utter losers
i suggest actually cool venues/gigs and get nothing
then they come back suggesting some shitty drag act or stand up comic from yesteryear (which is more expensive than what I suggest anyway!)
doing my nut in
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Business idea: section distressed people, but don't drug them. Maybe even put them in padded rooms. Because psychiatric drugs have side effects, which can sometimes be permanent (tardive dyskinesia) so I don't think patients should be given these drugs. Maybe they can have them if they give fully informed consent.
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Is it possible to get a femboy girlfriend in the UK? I tried that in the US, no luck.
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>drag act
mental how dogshit songs like californication got so popular
you get punished for proposing?
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you sound like a bit of a nutcase
The video was cool
love when you wake up a cat and it does the mrrrpblbl chirp noise
don't understand why people obsess over mcdonalds shite. it's bad for you and not even that nice. give me a nice quality burger from the local butcher any day.
mate i know
i know
i suggest such a variety of things as well
plays; nightclubs; gigs; restaurants
wide variety of actually cool novel things
but no, just hear about seeing a drag act lip sync or make cringe jokes for like 20-30 quid again and again
they aren't even gay it's so stupid
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Do you have people you turn to in real life when you are feeling low and depressed?
the whole of RHCP was a mistake
You know why u little dickhead shut up
theyre always so happy and friendly when you wake them up unlike humans
pooey lewis and the poos
are they currently selling the grimace shake there? they are here and i feel compelled to try one before they take it off the menu again, haven't gotten round to it yet though
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it's because you're addicted to slop and fall for their advertising?
but its full of heckin conspiracy theories that are becoming true
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Wow look at you you’re so different
>Tories continually shot themselves in the foot
>Labour get in and do the same thing
The Tories will win the next election won't they, this is fucking embarrassing by Sir Poo.
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why are you getting so upset about this? bet you have the mcdonalds whistle as your ringtone lol
Why are you friends with them if you clearly have such disparate interests
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how y'all doin'?
think that was 2nd guitar song i learnt
but yes i suppose it is a bit boring with a boring solo
Imagine the smell
pummeled that fat shit to smithereens
this shit was my podcast before podcasts were a thing
how do they know hes white I thought they kept it anonymous
i dont think we do ostensibly they like all the same things
the only thing is yeah the drag rubbish became popular after we became friends
idk it's like he just has decided he's old now and won't do anything cool but when i've managed to get my way he has a good time and wants to do it again but then i bring this up and he just digs his heels in again
but yeah i dont really have any friends anymore lol
duno whether to eat my egg n cress sarn or save it and order takeaway aha
The people in that article are all completely braindead
>It doesn't matter if he was a criminal and killed people, he dindunuffin
had a shit in the woods once and flies were on it in a matter of minutes. 100s of them full sized house fly looking cunts they were.
Just goes to show there's flies all around us at all times. Never safe from them
Well I mean, just because he’s a criminal doesn’t give the police the right to execute him. Before the video released I was on the police side but after watching it his car is boxed in tight at every angle they really didn’t need to shoot him
fuck sake i wank into 4
Blacks cant be trusted with guns
>Well I mean
Stopped reading there
anyone who doesn't agree with me is mentally sick and should be shot
mythbusters yaoi
Great rebuttal
You mean when he was ramming the cars and could have been armed as a known shooter?
Go back to r*ddit
got salman rushdie poisoning from chicken
>waaa he was unarmed
police didn't know that, and knowing the car was linked to a previous shooting they weren't going to take risks. he was also trying to ram his way out of the box, so was using the vehicle as a weapon
Interesting, so it’s okay for police to execute people if they think they could be armed lol
he was armed with a car at the very least
some people can't seem to get used to the idea that a car is considered a deadly weapon and if the police try to stop you and you refuse and begin driving erratically and violently then they have the right to shoot you
basically people are fucking stupid as shit
their double quarter pounder is a quality burger desu
and their chicken selects are good as well
shite apart from that
driving your car into a police car is considered violent threatening behavior you absolute mong
I urge you to watch the bodycam. His car was completely boxed in tight at every angle, it was impossible for him to use it as a weapon at that point
If he was just sitting in his car following instructions and the shot him then it would be an execution.
Try not being such a pathetic disingenuous little slug leftypol
it's a crying shame because i had a great idea for an edition but forgot it
shite debate club here team. Fucking hell can't wait for EW to come back from work
Maybe he should have just not been a retard then?
im living my worst nightmare right now lads
reminder to treat your gf well and treasure her
it can all end so quick and you could be forced back in to living in your smelly childhood bedroom like me
put your gum shield in bruce cos you're about to get clobbered
pootoil beckons its slimy brown finger at me once more
I just watched it and he rammed his car between the police car and another parked car
he could have easily thrown the car into reverse at that point and backed into the officers
you're an idiot by the way
need my fucking arse shagged NOW
>several police officers pointing their guns at you
>instead of accepting that you're fucked you give them a reason to pull the trigger
he was a fucking animal and deserved to die just like anyone supporting him still
but I still struggle to find the police shooting him in that moment to be justified
You’re lying or just ignorant. The video clearly shows him boxed in at every angle. They don’t shoot him when he initially rams the first car, they shoot him later after he has been completely boxed in and the car isn’t moving
dumb cunt

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