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Bagged Goods Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing | This is currently empty, help to replace/rebuild this archive is deeply appreciated!

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Bug Catching
Previous Photo Challenge: Keeping Cool
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
Next Meetup: LA Dolpa Sep 7-8

Other Doll Threads:
Previous Thread: >>46958722
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/11019497
Azone Thread: >>>/toy/11032018 (but you can post here, too.)

If your doll is for sex, go to >>>/jp//ona/
Get bagged idiot.
Powerful OP image
This is genuinely one of my favorite OPs I've used, I crack up every time I see it.
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I reposed her after knocking her down and when I sat down and looked up I realize shes now looking down at me in disgust.
you did buy her a new outfit this month right anon?
You're going to need to buy her at least TWO dresses to make her consider forgiving you.
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Sup, /bjd/?
After waffling for a while, I've decided on the name Keiko (恵子) for my doll. I decided not to overthink it and just made a feminine version of my middle name, Keiji (恵治). However, I accidentally made it pretty meaningful since the name 恵子 basically means graceful/blessed child and 恵治 basically means governor/manager of grace/blessing. Basically, she is the blessing and I am her manager. Funny that.
Side note, shoe shopping for large Obitsus is a nightmare. Everything is either too big, too small, or right on the edge and a total gamble.
Should I get a spare set of feet and just lop off 1/2cm and reshape them to fit 5.5cm MMD shoes (closed-toe only, of course)?
Cute name story. Cute doll. Make sure to spoil her.
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If you're comfortable doing the modding work, it might be worth it. For stability, I might recommend sizing up to DD feet, unless you find that off-putting. You can also just buy bigger shoes and stuff them with cotton balls or upholstery foam if that's easier. Keiko is very lovely, and I enjoy knowing the story behind her name. Thank you for sharing, anon!

>ocha-ken daki
I want one...
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Be grateful she's letting you live and not using that ak

Cute name and doll

What kind of mission is she on?
>I might recommend sizing up to DD feet
Is it even possible to attach DD/MDD feet to an Obitsu?
The other problem is that she's 40cm and the feet that are standard on 40-50cm Obitsu dolls are already kind of comically large. DD/SD shoes would look like clown shoes.
A mission to not pay taxes. Originally I was going to have blue and red lighting in front of a tax prep office as well but forgot to check if the color lights were charged before heading out.
Ahh, I thought she was closer to 50cm, MDD should be fine in that case.

>is it possible to attach dd/mdd feet to an obitsu
Anything is possible, whether the amount of work involved is worth it is another matter entirely.
I feel like lopping off the toes and reshaping the stump would be easier than resizing/reshaping the ankle joint from one doll to fit another. I already have a Dremel, several files, and various grits of sandpaper.
Though further research seems to indicate that the ankles are rather difficult to change in general on Obitsu dolls.
Before you do any crazy mods, Parabox just restocked a bunch of shoes made specifically for those feet. There isn't a ton of variety, but you should check them out. You'll need to order enough to make the shipping cost worth it though...
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frame state capture software like nsight might help with that, since you can capture transforms as well
it'll be quite a bit more work and requires graphics knowledge
Maybe someone in /3/ would have some advice on it? What game is it anyway, it looks pretty.
Good looking out, anon. In addition to some spare feet I grabbed a couple pairs of shoes, some socks, and a pair of shorts.
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Put some new clothing on her
Something about the combination of the thick eyebrows and realistic eyes gives her a strong impression, I like her a lot
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Me too, I originally ordered her her with a different faceup, but I like this one better
Her faceup is really pretty. She is going to be one I keep thinking about.
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I'm new to BJDs so this may be wrong to say. But would painting the sides of her eyes with the same black make it look even better?
It's just a faceup technique to alter the way your eye perceives the shape and size of the eye - it some lighting this gap isn't visible if the eye fits flush! Some faceup artists will also paint that area white to better blend with the eye. It's a simpler alternative to sanding down the eyehole to physically alter the shape of the eye, which in some cases can alter the way eyes fit in the head
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bought a few more pieces of first-party AP clothing, including the new underwear they released (picrel)
I'm waiting on some props to take pictures of the other stuff I got :^)
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another angle

if she's got standard Obitsu 4-50 feet, I think they're about the same size as MDDs/MSDs?
AP flat feet are standard Obitsu parts, and both of mine wear shoes advertised as MDD
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and the setup


excellent posing (though I worry about her running around in those shoes)
wait no, redo redo!
I think one of her forearms is on backward T-T
there's always something
Never get tired of seeing Elle's nervous expression
Still phenomenal work, anon. You've got a whole mini studio set up, it's really cool.
Thanks, but that seems like a lot of extra work and I'm fairly happy with the results I've got so far. The game is Blade & Soul, it's pretty much dead these days.
I'm looking to buy a 1/4 Imomodoll. Would it be better to buy directly from taobao using a proxy, or a reseller on aliexpress?
I'm wondering with Taobao, after all the proxy, shipping, and importing fees, wouldn't it just be the same price or even more as to what I find on aliexpress?
it's all for show because she thinks it makes her cuter, she actually enjoys it
it's very ad-hoc (boxes, table leaves, and spare wire shelves) and will need to come down (temporarily?) this week for spring cleaning
Blog post because I need to get some doll related thoughts out. Ignore it if you don't want this here.

I don't know what to do with my dolls anymore. Life has been catching up to me and the desire to do anything with them just isn't there right now. I want to dress them up and do cute photoshoots with them but I have no energy to do anything besides hold them. There are close to 100 photos of mine and others dolls sitting on my PC waiting to be edited, but every time I sit down a look at them I don't feel the motivation I usually do. I know this is a temporary situation and will improve as things settle back down in life, but dolls have been my escape for a while and to have them not provide that is just adding to the life situation. I feel as though having the right inspiration to do something with my girls will help, but I just need to wait for that inspiration to come.

Thank you to OP for maintaining this thread and everyone here for posting their cute dolls. They do bring some joy to life.
backlogs fucking suck and aren't helping you
editing is overrated, stop thinking and just export one a day and post it here
Very cute!

This, anon is also doing such a good job at posing her. To me, in the previous shoot she was probably wondering why she wasn't wearing a sexier outfit, and this time it looks like she is hiding her smile, especially in >>47104240
Bro take a break. The dolls will patiently wait for you to return to them. It's okay. Or just play with them and put the camera aside for a bit. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy dolls. I hope things settle down for you soon.
Someone customized an Arle into Chibiusa.
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Reminder that pleather is the devils material and I shan't fall for it ever again
yikes, how old is that outfit??
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Rins outfit 2014 but it started peeling maybe around 2019. This is with minimal handling and sun exposure. I also have a few shoes on their way out but it seems like adding leather oil helps delay the inevitable.
Note to self, get real leather over pleather
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>shes now looking down at me in disgust.
of course she is, you're a careless servant
>you did buy her a new outfit this month right anon?
Is this a thing? What happens if you forget?!
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Older doll for a relatively low price looking for a home.
Is she planning on hitting me
It's a promise, not a threat.
Huh i just ordered some shoes from that seller. Incidentally does anyone have experience using SmD shoes on DD feet? Did i fuck up?
SmD and DD clothes are nearly always compatible between both dolls, DDdy notwithstanding (those usually also work but measurements may be a hindrance.)
I have a tiny fox that has a somewhat loose elbow joint how can I fix that ?I have a tiny fox that has a somewhat loose elbow joint how can I fix that ?
if you live anywhere remotely humid never ever store pleather inside of sealed plastic, if you have to throw a ton of silica packets in there. even if your hands aren't wet sealing it in plastic will trap the moisture from the air, which is what ruins it over time. the sun doesn't really matter too much, though skin oils and certain lotions like sunscreen can cause damage over time (latter is more of a problem if you have pleather clothing or bags or something). the moisture and lack of air circulation is what destroys it. that's why pleather items can (generally) be fine outside of box or have minimal damage but be totally destroyed from sitting inside a box. even if the pleather is untouched as soon as you go to take it out, it will start flaking bc of the moisture accumulation. the same thing can happen to elastic in clothing that's stored in sealed plastic with humidity, it also starts rotting. japan is super humid so if you live in a less humid area and have AC you have an advantage over them.
From my experience no, Taobao is still cheaper generally

She's just showcasing her flexibility

It's okay to take a break. Your dolls will still be there when you return. I myself have a backlog of things I should do but can't get myself to. Let's live each day on its own time.
DD feet are slightly longer and wider compared to smart doll feet but the smart doll boots I have do fit on my DD Miku. Taking them off is just a bit fiddly due to the tight fit.
Leather belts were unironically one of the things that made me lose hope in humanity
>leather goods last literally a lifetime with basic maintenance
>leather has the magical property of actually looking better with time
>because normies are too stupid and lazy to care for anything, leather is replaced with cheap garbage that self-destructs in a couple years
>normies proceed to buy $800 sweatshop handbags made with shit materials because it has a giant logo on it
Why are people like this? They consistently drive everything into the ground
I don't know how it is in the USA but people here love to spend $25-30 on awful pleather belts that have cardboard inside (not joking) and start flaking after literally 3 times you wear them. You can spend $50 and get a leather belt, it looks good and it lasts forever... I have a few leather belts I wear since I was a teenager, they're still new, they look better than the $25 garbage I get gifted every now and then. I understand that you gotta be cheap when you're giving token gifts to others, but why do people buy this shit for themselves? Why do people do this? I swear to God the fact that people popularized these belts that suck for the sake of saving $15 is unfathomable. I've got so much leather stuff that is like 10 years old and it looks new. I never had to buy any of those things again. You even get environmentalists targeting leather like it's a bad thing when it's extremely long lasting. Why...
Has anybody seen any scans of Volks News 104 yet? It just came out, but I can't find any from my usual sources.
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yeah I'm gonna need a real film scanner
>environmentalists targeting leather like it's a bad thing
i don’t get this either—at least genuine leather will decompose into something that isn’t microplastics, and only after it has seen some real use. i’ve been curious about what working with leather is like, but then i remember the closet full of fabric that i’ve already neglected to sew. still toying with the idea of ordering something like https://www.ebay.com/itm/196394728679 to try it out someday though. has anyone here made leather accessories or clothes for their dolls?
a friend of mine has done some leatherwork (though not for dolls,) so i asked them.
>even thin leather is thicker than most fabrics, so it's annoying to work with. but with leather needles and a leather punch it's easier, depending on what you're doing with it. unfortunately if you stab yourself with a leather needle your ancestors will feel it. you also need an awl for most things, and if you stab yourself with that every EMT in the state will feel it. you could try using a standard sewing needle, but it's going to be infuriating and higher risk of damaging whatever you're working on.

I'd personally advise leveling up your sewing game before tackling it if only to get thicker calluses for when you stab yourself. You are going to stab yourself eventually. Everyone does, eventually...
Do people not use thimbles anymore?
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I'm still getting into sewing cloth and never worked with leather outside of punching new holes in a belt. Only actual leather work I've seen was at gunshows with people making leather holsters. I don't know how easy it will be to work on 1/3 or 1/4 scales let alone smaller. I can see the thickness of some leathers being a major hurdle. I would try to find some leather doll pieces already sold and seeing how they did it.
An anon used vinyl tape as a fake leather. I work in the trades and electrical vinyl tape sticky side residue after some time would be a nightmare on doll/clothes if exposed. I don't know if that will ever be an issue with basic home temps but it could have a shelf life like pleather. Been thinking of making small test pieces with different tape to see if they breakdown or any like I've seen in the field.
Not him but thimbles are not to protect you against self-stabbing with the tip of the needle. You put it on your working hand and use it to push the back of the needle into the fabric.
Also you are not supposed to pierce the leather with the needle as you work, I mean you can do that but it's a horrible way to work. With an awl or fork-shaped punches you set the leather on wood and use a hammer to make holes or rows of holes, and then you use a needle to go through those holes with thread. Of course since there are blades and pointy things involved it's possible to hurt yourself but that's just on you lack of judgment. You can probably die from knitting if you're dumb enough.
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You inspired me to do more photos.
Holy cute, I need more of the maid.
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Been playing Princess Maker 2 and was looking up some info on it and I surprised to discover pic related.. I haven't gotten any sort of doll yet, just been doing some research. I'm tempted to get body and head that matches Olive's own for my first doll.
I love this era of dolls so much. I know today's dolls are objectively better, but these ones make my heart melt.

Are there any doll shops or things to do in LA? I'll be in LA for AX and maybe DolPa. Your favorite craft store does count.
thank you for the advice, anons! for sure, leather seems like a whole other skill set. i checked out some reviews on etsy for SartoriaJ, and while their pieces are very lovely, some reviews specifically noted faux leather/suede. perhaps that doesn’t extend to all of their pieces, but it does make genuine leather feel that much more elusive.
Hello /bjd/, I plan on becoming one of you.

I have unfortunately been convinced to open my heart and wallet to a dollfie.

The guide says dream choice is for if you know what you want. I'm pretty sure I know what I want, but the only doll I have experience with is a pure neemo, which isn't really indicative.

Is it a bad plan to harangue my mate in japan to act as a proxy buyer by virtue of lack of doll experience?

Finishing note, doll clothes are priced like they're made of gold, how do you eat? I can tell there's craftsmanship there, but jesus christ.
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>1/4 scale doll for $100
>Is it a bad plan to harangue my mate in japan to act as a proxy buyer by virtue of lack of doll experience?
It would be bad to have your friend do it if they had no doll experience as well. It's a long, detailed process, and even if I was a good friend...I would be asking friends to compensate me. Its not some small thing.
>how do you eat? I can tell there's craftsmanship there, but jesus christ.
I personally have gotten REALLY good at clipping coupons
>I have unfortunately been convinced to open my heart and wallet to a dollfie
I don't know what you mean by "unfortunately", but welcome aboard, anon!
>The guide says dream choice is for if you know what you want.
Dollfie Dream/Mini Dollfie Dream is pretty much the option with the least headaches. You will never struggle to find clothes, replacement parts, or customization options
>Is it a bad plan to harangue my mate in japan to act as a proxy buyer by virtue of lack of doll experience?
It's not really necessary for Volks. Maybe down the line ask them to grab you some clothes/wigs/accessories and send them to you via SAL instead of EMS/DHL to save on shipping.
>Finishing note, doll clothes are priced like they're made of gold, how do you eat?
Very modestly. I've actually dropped a few pounds since getting into dolls since I stopped eating out so much.
Holy shit those are some fat fucking thighs.
Just because of that alone I'll keep an eye on this and pre-order when money gets a bit less tight.
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Only tangentially related to BJD, but the new Hololive gen will have a doll-themed Vtuber whose profile page lists "crafty hobbies". Just thought you all might like to know.
I saw that, thank you for informing the people here. I'm very happy to see that her body looks correct, unlike the shoulder joints on a certain other indie vtuber which drive me nuts. That said, please allow me to escort you back to the tupperware container you crawled out of. >>>/vt/
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cute tummies unite!
Preorders already closed damn, I should have hit the button instead of second guessing. Guess I saved some money at least
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if it helps at all, this is just a rerelease so you'll probably have a chance to buy later. this is how it looks irl so not the same as the stock photo. they release stuff all the time, and you can probably buy the body by itself if that's your main draw, i'm p sure another anon here owns the same body
>It's not some small thing.
I didn't realize it would be so onerous. Thanks, I'm definitely not sending him out for that. Sounds like lurking the auctions for a head is my goal in life for the next 3 months.
Glad to know I'm on the right track. Clothes are the important bit.
you can get the body for like $60-70 on aliexpress, or $40 from taobao using a proxy service
Part of the appeal for me was it being a fullset for cheap. I'll just keep lurking till the day I can justify spending for what I want most, a dollbot.
Now's a great time to buy a Dollfie, since the Yen so weak.
For example, I had a friend take me to a Japanese Volks' location for the entire white glove treatment. I compensated her for her time.

There are also people who do it for a fee on the discords and forums. I would suggest looking at that, the fees are REALLY reasonable, they are seasoned, and they can answer all your questions. Which you will have more than you will expect as they go through the process. It's a complete custom doll.
nta, do I really need a helping hand with getting a dream choice? My trip is coming up, im already into dolls alongside some very basic japanese/phrases. Hadn't really thought too hard about it till now honestly.
Speaking of... are people in Japan fucking okay? I worry for my friends there with the yen dropping this hard, but I don't want to talk about money if it's a stressful topic...
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>Dream Choice
Heads up, a bunch of heads just got discontinued from it. 07 and 09 off the top of my head, but there are more.
>dream choice
>but not those dreams
literally why.
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Keiko has a new pair of kicks!
Also, I put her hair into a braid, but while I was posing her I frayed it out a bit. I'll fix it later.
I'm also working on a better photo space, but my house is kind of cluttered at the moment
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I also got these khaki shorts and some knee socks for some ZR action.
Looking great anon
What are your impressions on the hobby now that you've had Keiko for a bit?
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Add in a hoodie/light jacket and I think I have the makings of a good Fall outfit, but it's a little early in the year for that.

Pretty much everything I expected. Equal parts bishoujo figure, GunPla, and video game character creator.
No, dream choice I think is less taxing than the resin side. The choices are more streamlined and there is less options. But, you should review some sites about how dream choice is structured so you can know what to expect and what your choices will be, for example, what model wig and color, considering there is limited colors. Also, when you see the dolls in person it is common for people to change their mind.
I think they're just phasing out the older heads to focus on the newer ones. I was hoping to go to Japan in the next two years and wanted to make a tan 07 gal, but I don't think that'll happen now.
aaaaaaaa cute
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New wigs came in from Dollce. Nice and soft, so they're easy to work with. And so, so much volume to them. The promo shots don't prepare you for how full a head of hair thats on offer.

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This wig basically defeated the Imomo body. That torso joint is so weak it popped out a few times. It also kinda smashed Sumire's kinda bookish/nerdy personality.
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The flower sisters together, ready for summer. Hopefully it doesn't snow again when I take a road trip.

Sakura's top mystifies me a bit. It's both too big (bunches up in the back) and too small (the straps don't stay on the shoulders). Maybe I'll do an alteration on it in the future. It looks good anyway, so thats what matters.
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The last of the new wigs. A lot more striking of a red wine colour than Rin's usual hair. First time using a wig this stiff and with hair tucked under the cap. Feel like thats a staining waiting to happen.

Why yes, I am giving all my girls glasses.
Oh god damnit, I got carried away with repairing my mail server instead of hitting the preorder when I got home. Anybody knows where else I can get this full set?
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Big ol' doll tiddies
>been putting off getting doll clothes from an etsy shop that does size alterations
>decide to finally do it today
>they went on indefinite break yesterday
I need more maid

The braid is really cute

I love them, where did you get the glasses?
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That's a dollbot, you said?
I hate to leer, but that's a particularly pretty torso
From my experience, if you miss something on AmiAmi you can just stalk the page. Have it open whenever you fire up the browser, that's usually enough.
Someone will cancel and you will be able to grab it unless it's ultra rare once in a lifetime shit like limited Volks releases for anime characters that will cost $2500 on the aftermarket. In this case I think you'll be alright.
Got them off various sellers on Aliexpress. They were about 3 bucks each.
>Part of the appeal for me was it being a fullset for cheap.
>for cheap
When you get a doll you sign an implicit contract where you trade all your money for cute outfits. It doesn't matter if you get a naked doll or a $1500 fullset. Eventually you will happen to see a pair of dolly shoes and you'll think "these would look so cute on her, it's the same blue as the dress" and it will be over. Worth it tho, it's the same kind of joyful self-immolation as when you are feeding your family but a lot more kawaii
https://buyfriend.moe/ paste the ami link to track it, might come back up if people cancel preorders/dont pay.
Sounds like fees are my best bet. Thanks, I'll go hunt down one of the proxies then.

I've seen some folks complain about finding clothing for dddys. Is that a significant issue, or just old info, or something else entirely?
Might I recommend the alerts bot I use for this purpose?
Not him but I really hate that Volks makes it so difficult to buy a resin doll from them. I understand it's to maintain that aura of exclusivity and prestige and therefore keep the prices as high as possible, but the actual effect is that I'll never bother getting a Volks doll. There are like 700 different doll makers now.
The info is more that DDDys have massive tits and they want specifically skin-tight items. If you don't care about having that perfect boob curve in every shirt, then you will be fine with Smartdoll, etc clothing. However, DDDy is the lesser popular of the dolls so be aware going forward that clothing will be rarer in the long run. Consider having swappable breast parts, some other anon here could tell you more about parts for that. If you just want the big hips and moderate bazongas you won't have any issue with clothing since now SDGr and SD16 are very popular, and those jeans will fit those hips.

The issue can be explained by exclusivity but the real deeper reason is that the Japanese as a whole want exclusivity and the more generic something is, the less they buy it overall. The alcohol industry found this out the hard way. If its cheap and common, no JP will touch it. If its rare and expensive, they will bend over backwards to obtain it. This logic of course doesn't translate to the USA and other markets at all. Volks somewhat realizes this and tries to have pre-orders for the USA and other markets with good time periods, but at the end of the day the largest sale market is Japan. I strongly recommend if you just want one Volks doll, just do aftermarket on YJA. They sell them just as fast as they buy them. And with the yen how it is, why the hell not?
>see a pair of dolly shoes
And they'll be $50, with a $20 pair of socks, and you have to get the big, cute, floppy straw hat that's $60. Then you see the super cute full set dress for $150 on your way to checkout.
Thanks, but fortunately I was able to find it on AliExpress for only a +$10 difference. The seller's probably legit considering a regular Korean buyer reviews his stuff positively and with photos to show it.
shoes are the only thing i refuse to spend a ton of money on, they're almost all made of shitty pleather and they're usually pretty similar in terms of looks when you compare cheap vs expensive. my dolls can wear their $200 booth outfits with their shitty aliexpress taobao reseller $10 shoes idgaf
Fuck she's pretty....
She's gonna get blisters doing maid work in those heels
New dream choice heads, I usually don't like default faceups but I'm seriously considering this one.
Other faceup version. I think these come out July 7 for dream choice
And the other head they're releasing, this sculpt is really nice. I hope they sell it normally
Actual open mouths help. I wish that they sold more than two sculpts for MDD heads.
I really like this one. I need it.
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Open mouth is very on-trend right now, so I imagine this will sell well.
She reminds me of a more modern version of the 'Sirius' heads, or maybe some Rise?
I really hope they sell this head on its own, I've been looking for a smaller-eyed sculpt with parted lips and I'd love to do a faceup on one of these...
It works.

Don't know what you're testing but it works.
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Went camping with Tiara. I took this picture right before leaving the other day. I bought that cupholder doll seat that someone posted a few threads back and finally had a chance to use it. Worked out very well.
>cupholder doll seat
That's hilarious and cute at the same time. Wonderful doll you have there.
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Made dinner after setting up at the campground.
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I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted. I only hiked one small trail and there were a lot of people on it, and not really any good places for photos. Spent most of the time at the campground. There was one long (11 miles i think) trail that I wanted to hike with a nice place at the end, but I wasn't really prepared for it. Maybe next time!
cute doll though
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There was a tank on the side of the highway on the way home so I had to stop and get a picture! I wasn't sure if I could actually walk up to it and stuff so I just did what I could from my car.
Thank you!
Thanks. I'm not really a car person. As long as it gets me from point A to point B I'm good.
I got a new to me camera and was playing with the wifi to my phone feature and how it posts.

Very cute trip anon, the cup holder makes me want to make a car seat to hold all my dolls now.
Looks to be an old M60
Spain recently surplussed a bunch for around $50k a piece.
The shaft caught me almost as much by surprise as the doll chair cup holder. Not used to seeing either.
They have arrived. They're a bit tight to get on but fit great. Now to finish start, rather the dress these are supposed to match with.
Does anyone know the best way to display/carry a MDD at Anime Expo? I wanted to bring her in case there is a BJD meet-up or panel, I want her to be protected but still visible. Thinking of getting a Volks tote bag, but they are like $80. Any alternatives?
Clear plastic pool bag if you are really pressed for cash
Oh hey, I'm going too. I'm still considering bringing a doll. I might just bring a Lil Fairy with me. There is going to be a doll panel, but it looks very basic Anime Dolls 101. That's not a BAD thing, but it probably isn't super useful if you're in this thread. This is my first time going to AX but I always see fellow doll collectors at other large conventions. I was the anon asking about the Volks display doll bag earlier in the thread. When I did the math, it was going to be cheaper and easier to just buy the bag from the Volks Japan site with my next order instead of trying to either DIY or make a regular clear tote bag work. I like that the Volks bag is actually designed to carry dolls. I've had cheap clear totes bust on me at concerts from one too many water bottles or something.
Very cute, anon. Did you share a sleeping bag or does she have her own?
Sup /k/?
It seems to me that the "panel" is just an excuse to gather all of the dollbros in one place to shill to the dollcurious
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Not only the panel, but it looks like there will be a couple unofficial meet-ups on the 6th as well. I found this post on Facebook when I looked it up (no I don't use the site but it's the only place I found mention of it). If you see a cosplayer with a couple MDDs, feel free to say hi.
One thing Danny Choo used to do is clip a doll onto his shoulder with a carabiner through the belt loop of their pants, but most people don't trust like that. You can also look into macrame shoulder bags meant to carry other toys around -- the Furby community tends to make them, check Etsy. This is if you want your doll out in the open and easily accessible for photos, but it also frees your hands to carry all the shit you'll buy in artist ally and the vendor room. If you want them on display but in a more protected manner, the Volks bag, a clear tote bag, or a repurposed ita-bag all do the trick. For MDD and smaller dolls, they fit a wide variety of options, especially sitting down! For DD and larger dolls, unironically consider investing in a modestly-sized backpack for traveling with your dolls as well as doll care supplies (and surplus camera gear, in my case.)
I might have made a poor decision
Glad someone picked up my goofy Booth find. Too bad its not a little higher. Probably be funny to have her eyes just above the window line.

Also, fellow Kia Soul owner spotted.
This is so cute I can't even...
I miss camping too... I would love to camp with my dolly like that.
Did you buy a bratty doll?
Speaking of cons, has anyone been to ufdc?
Look at those cute little hiking boots, she is the most perfect sasquatch bait
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Etsy order of some necklaces arrived today, quite happy with them.
(Sorry for the blog) sometimes it hits me that I will never have the money to visit Japan and shop for dolly stuff at Volks. It's such a petty thing but it gets me depressed when I think about it. I'm infinitely grateful that I can still afford things by saving up, and I can shop online for otherwise unreachable things, but it makes me very sad that I will likely keep my hobbies locked up in my horrible suburban hometown forever, and my only relationship with the outside world will be my fear of burglars breaking in and stealing my dolls. Since this hobby is expensive I am feeling the weight of not having a stable job and more than just emergency money saved up, not living in a good neighborhood, not living in a better city. Due to several reasons, this will likely never, change especially in this climate. I doubt I will never move up, or out of here. I love this hobby but it's making me realize how bad everything else is, and since dolls are physical possessions I feel the weight of having something to lose which is particularly dreadful.
Chin up, bro. The fact that you even have emergency money saved up means that you're doing better financially than 90% of the population.
Have you actually tried planning it out? It's not as expensive as you think especially with the weak yen, and if you can afford this hobby, most likely you can afford the trip as well. I can get round trip tickets from the US for like 900 usd.
Although this won't be some magic pill to solve all your problems, it could be a nice break and give you something to work towards.
If you schedule further in advance it's cheaper! Look into the "off" season for the area you want to go to (for Japan, that's probably fall and winter) and that can help as well. Look into staying outside of the city you want to visit, because it's usually immediately cheaper, and with Japan's public transport, the burden of travel is significantly lower. Anything is possible, anon, I promise... life is hard, especially these days. It's scary and demoralizing to think of the future in many ways... and that's all the more reason to set a goal to work towards. Because even if it doesn't happen quickly, and even when there are setbacks along the way... that doesn't mean it won't ever be possible. I know it's a silly thing to hear, but I do mean it, anon. And all the anons here... don't be afraid to dream. That's what dollfie dreams were made for, right?
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>what are we going to do in the garage
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why, take blurry photos of course
(apologies in advance, got two shoots to dump)

also comfy yukata
She could crush that water bottle with her thighs.
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>some chuuni movie
>starring: nanase
>it should be my head
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a sorry attempt at an action pose (I had nothing to pose her hair with)

don't give her any ideas
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hm your head might be a bit big
unless you too are a doll
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behold: the reason for the blurriness
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I've never felt so low…
only one camera smacked into the ground during the making of this shoot
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now for shoot 2
actually did it before the Nanase one, and really it's just a continuation of >>47104240
I don't take credit for the pose, was inspired by someone's pic of their Ellie
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I prefer the pose in this one except I forgot to take a version at f/8 so the DoF is too shallow
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playing around with lighting in an earlier revision of the first pose
it's kinda neat seeing them all together like this, maybe someone else will find it inspiring?
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omake: snap from a different angle
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giant ogre hand warning!
I've been getting into film photography recently (medium format) and taking a few pics on film during shoots
so here's me taking a light reading
unfortunately it'll take a while for me to accumulate enough rolls of color to develop, so we'll have to wait for the results
oh and don't worry she's wearing proper clothes now
and Nanase's in stain treatment…
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oops almost forgot an extra for the first set
>pov you walk in on the magical sword girl chaning
okay I'm done now
Beautiful work as always anon
This is really cool. The top left makes me think of lingerie ads targeted towards women. It's more warm, look how sexy you could be chilling in your house on a nice summer day type of vibe. The top right and bottom left have more "this is supposed to be sexy for someone else" vibes. Maybe I'm just a weirdo who reads too much into lighting though.
I love these two

Lovely as always. The composition somehow feels a little off to me. It looks like the shoes are far away and taking some attention from her. The darkest area in the photo is her head/shadows, and the next darkest thing are her boots so it also draws attention. Maybe next time you could place the shoes slightly closer to her, and place a sock closer to her butt to guide the eye more towards her
Good fucking god Elle, tone it down a bit would you
actually you know what don't tone it down keep doing what you're doing
God damn anon I love your photoshoots
confession time:
i want to post my gay dolls but my bf could find out im a fujoshi
Better to just rip off the bandaid, he'll find out eventually.
Take a look at those dc exclusive eyes while you're there. They look pretty tempting to get ahold of, but it's hard to tell what sort of vibe they'll have unless you're in person. Depending on whether you like them even slightly, might be worth getting exclusives as your choice and just plugging in a regular pair of eyes that you buy while there after.
Good idea anon thanks for that.
If he doesn't love you at doll fujo he doesn't deserve you.

I always adore your shoots anon, and I especially appreciate that you set up behind-the-scenes shots for everyone as well. Good luck with strain treatment...
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if you haven't forced your boyfriend to listen to you talk about bl for over an hour is he really your boyfriend?
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first one is just ambient light from my window, the rest are using some combination of LED & flash
it's interesting that the first one came out warmer, since I tried to balance the LEDs to the sunlight (maybe it was the flash?)
they all have the same white balance (daylight, only mode I shoot in)
I feel like I ended up somewhere between
I'll keep in mind what you noted about the mood, I do prefer to tend more towards the former than the latter
>The composition somehow feels a little off to me
yeah that's why I didn't stick with it lol
mainly just could not get the lighting right at that angle
the boots & socks were just supposed to be clutter to break up the cloth, but not contrasty enough to pull attention
>I love these two
here's an alt version of this one
compared to the other I posted — perfect head angle, perfectly arched back
the only problem was her feet weren't planted because I hadn't adjusted her ankle joint angles yet
once I did that, I didn't get her back into the same pose (rip)
unfortunately for you she's tired of being stuck standing on my desk in her skivvies and is now wearing a cute little outfit (real clothes) in preparation for a casual summer shoot
Nanase's outfit is great. Real 番長 vibes
Thanks for the insight to photography as always; your posts have helped me a lot.
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>ThyGeekdomCon was a month ago
>Photos not posted yet
Here's the dump from the meet last month
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Some ended up a little blury
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>anon i frew up
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>I'll be having that, officer.
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That's all. Genuine huge thanks to the anons who attended. It was a blast to meet you all (again) and all of your dolls are genuine beautiful. I hope to see you again at another meet.

plans for another meet in the works. will post details tomorrow
I will not lewd my doll I will not lewd my doll I will not lewd my doll I will not lewd my doll
Guys, I ordered a top on Etsy from a seller in the Philippines. It was posted on the 7th but has been stuck on "Dispatch item to destination country" since the 11th. Is the Philippine Post just that slow or should I be worried that it's been lost?
I've order stuff from China that was stuck in similar ways for up to two weeks.
I ordered stuff from Taiwan at the end of April and it still hasn't arrived
worry when its 2 months out. It often has to wait for a plane to load up properly with weight requirements.
Thanks for the reassurance, anons. I was only concerned because the boots I ordered from a Chinese seller came in 9 days. I guess it's just a crap shoot.
Thank you for sharing anon, these photos have me grinning. All the dolls are so precious and it's clear that they're very well-loved.
>Is the Philippine Post just that slow
Yes. People shit on the USPS all the time, but it's leagues better than most other national postal services. I was in the Navy for 6 years and there would be times when we'd pull into a foreign port and I'd buy a souvenir and send it home only to beat it back despite still having 2-3 months left at sea.
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How are your dolls beating this heatwave? Mine decided to make a fucking mess in my kitchen with a spa day.

Creative (or uncreative) criticism always welcome.
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Oh jesus. I didn't notice how bad the edit was. I'll fix that tomorrow.
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Cute. CUTE! Akari is DD size right? Does she share clothes with Himari well?

For the heat wave: Akira ordered herself a new lightweight custom dress for summer but it doesn't fit quite right. So, she berated her tailor for some time and they eventually came to an agreement. It's going to be remade.
How do you gather at such a small scale? My gathered shit always comes out uneven and aligning the edges when sewing seams is wildly inconsistent. I'm going to improve with the next round but damn it seems incredibly tricky. I may just try pleating instead.
Sure thing, you gotta take advantage of your trip after all. You have dc exclusive wigs there too, so same general advice. If you like a DC exclusive wig even a bit, slap that on your doll as your hair option. They also allegedly let you buy one dc option on the side for both eyes and wig. So you can take home 2 dc wigs and eyes if you wanted to take advantage of it.

I'm interested in their red dc eyes myself, those look so striking.
Yes Akari is a DD. They do share most of their clothes (much to their chagrin, I'll get them their own wardrobes eventually). There are some items that are a bit *ahem* big in the chest on Himari since Akari has the L bust. Himari is totally not jealous of that at all.
>aligning the edges when sewing seams is wildly inconsistent.
Do you mean aligning front and sides of the gathered piece to the non-gathered one or sewing the seam when joining them?
For the former I mark the seam allowance on both pieces at 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 of their length before gathering. When gathering I make sure to align those marks.
For the later I find it easiest to use a slightly wider seam allowance and baste the two pieces together by hand before mashine sewing. Once the edge is flipped and top-stitched I trim off the excess seam allowance.
I agree with >>47164776, the first one has the most suitable lighting for the scenario. It makes it look like a lazy day in bed.

All fujos should proudly display their fujo-ness to their (potential) boyfriends, it's how you weed out the unworthy
I am ready to receive her police brutality
>Good luck with strain treatment...
the stains from yesterday are already gone
unfortunately there's one left from before, it was a "safe" outfit so most likely a thread or dust from somewhere else snuck in
is that shanghai doll, or does she just have a very similar faceup
nice nice
I'm trying to do more shoots of dolls actually doing things like this too
I just got my tan dollbot and I am in love, I ordered her exactly a week ago and she just arrived today to the US. They didn't send me tracking which was weird but she arrived safely. I've seen some japanese owners complain about QC and they're correct, my faceup is totally fine but one of her forearms is thinner than the other and slides right off if her hands aren't on. Also her head tilts forward/backward very easily, though I'm unsure if that's the design itself. I also saw someone say that her arm snapped really easily and they had to replace it with the extra frame she came with.

She poses super well though, way more flexible than my MDD. I was considering getting Angelphilia Ruru for a bit but after seeing photos of someone's AP with the same head mold, it looked kind of small in comparison to the body and I'm super happy I went with the dollbot instead. Her head is quite large- bigger than DDH-01, but my 8-9 inch himezakura wig can stay on with some effort. Though I do think it'd be better with a 9-10 inch wig. I also bought some tights in white and brown, haven't tried the brown because I want to wash them first but the white ones fit her and my MDD.

Also the price is pretty decent, 36-39k for a doll with a head, eyes, and faceup is super reasonable compared to 34000 yen (or rather around 31,000 yen tax free) for a mini dollfie body alone. I just wish they offered tax free. Shipping is a flat rate 8000 yen for EMS. I had wanted to buy some clothes too but forgot to order it, I emailed them if I could combine a second order but they said it's not possible due to their processing system. I plan on buying them later with a proxy when they release tan spare parts next month, but just make sure you check out with everything.

For anyone else who has a dollbot body, do you have to stuff them like with Angelphilias? The vinyl feels really squishy.

how quickly did this stain? I'm constantly paranoid of putting my dolls in any clothes that aren't white or pastel colored

It's a great decision actually. I'd be considering buying the default skin one if I didn't have my heart set on getting an AP next.
Oh to clarify the himezakura wig is size L which is apparently 9-9.5 inch, but it's definitely slightly small on the Dollbot head. But it fits my MDD heads fine.
>how quickly did this stain?
after a thorough scrub of seams, overnight soak in soapy water with a stain sheet, and careful trimming of loose threads… it left tiny stains after 2 hours
boy I sure love print fabrics :DDD
on the other hand, both dark blue AP sailor uniforms I have simply do not stain, probably fully synthetic including thread
>The vinyl feels really squishy
AP thighs feel like barely-inflated balloons without stuffing
so unless Dollbot bodies are that level then no you probably don't have to stuff them
Anon please. PHOTOS
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Here's my dollbot by herself. She actually has no hands on, the default hands are wide couldn't fit in the paws and I'm too scared to pop off the hands to put on the holding hands, so I'll get different hand parts later
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and comparison with dollfie semi white, she's actually really tan which I like

Yikes 2 hours is pretty quick, glad the staining is gone though
Fuck me theyre cute. You need to post these 5x more in the future. I dont need a tan doll on top of what I have and have planned though so maybe dont post.
cheap Chinese shipping is subsidized by governments since everything in the USA is made in China. It's the exception for international shipping.
i love this print on her! the green accents compliment her eyes perfectly
Wheres the photos? I agree but you have to provide the doll tax.
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Doll on Throttle and Stick
I just saw someone at work walking around with a large BJD. I'm amazed and shocked. That's the first time ever seeing someone else with a doll.
I wish i had said something, but they were already far away by the time i realized.
I hope you see them around again and you two can become friends!
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world cold but dolls pretty, and that helps.
I'm sorry anon you don't have to post your doll
It's a sign. Anon, take yours to work too, to signal them.
Any other creepy/uncanny doll photos like migu? I want to make a yokai doll in the future, the long mouth seems a must.
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Just received volks aqua that comes with the new f3 2.0 body, and was impressed how buttery smooth all her joints were
What doll goods can you not go without?
It'd be easier to list the ones you can
Now Im curious
These are great! Well done!
They just announced the DDS 2.0 and I'm dying to get more information, a preorder, and have it in my house already.
on that note, does anyone know offhand if these scale well with 1/3 or 1/4? didn't see any measurements, but i would guess they're closer to 1/4 than 1/3


closer to 1/4 than 1/3. I have the Lite Brite and etchasketch by them and it's fun.
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I did a summerween set for the month, it's more of a cosplay potpourri really.
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Last one
if the blonde one is meant to be samus, she is very cute!

I wish they would finish Anya and release the chimikko already
She is, on both counts. Samus and very cute. lol
probably white wall putty (for eyes) and dollfie dream rescue
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cute shoot, anon! it is con season after all
I don't think that single stamp is sufficient postage for that special delivery
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First time taking one of my dolls with me on a walk for an outdoor photoshoot.
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Didn't have my tripod with me and unfortunately most of the pics came out kinda blurry. Need to get a bigger backpack so I can carry all my stuff...
Nice, I need to take my dolls out for a proper photoshoot outside still.
SmD jeans look nice. Cute.

Fun set thanks for sharing

I'm jealous of the ability to look up as well. So many shots I hit the limitation where the head joint maxes out trying to look up at the camera. But come on anon you can't just hint that Aqua showed up and not post a decent full photo of her
File deleted.
Got a new outfit but its for a doll I dont have yet so kikyo is modeling. Its from dollhearts.
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These small bjds next to my mdds make me think of the little old men ghosts from Mieruko-chan. Just cute little spirits hanging out.
tfw my dolls now have nicer guns than I do
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better but she's still not pleased with how the skirt lays. I think I'll just tell her to wear a belt or sash to address that. Dolls can be quite demanding to sew for.

Thanks for the advice, helped to keep things somewhat more even.
If you were planning on leaving the hobby, would you put your dolls in storage in the chance you want to come back some day, or would you sell them?
Beautiful work! She just doesn't want to tell you how great it turned out because she's worried you'll start slacking.

Probably keep the ones I really like and sell the ones I wouldn't save in a fire. No one ever truly leaves.
Do dollfies need special feet for heals or are most heals designed to accommodate standard feet?
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Some shoes do need heel feet, they'll mostly be high pumps with toe peeks or other features that show the foot or have an exaggerated sole bend. But I've never had heel feet for my girls and they wear heels more often than not.
Yeah, I'm thinking of selling the bodies and just keeping the heads, especially with Volks updating all the bodies now. I don't know how much longer I'm going to stay in the hobby.
Any particular reason for stopping?
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Just wanna dress up qt dolls like this without being labelled a creep, brehs.
Nobody here is gonna call you a creep over something as tame as a cat girl maid.
You can do basically anything and just say "it's for an internet thing" and people will go with it. They will also usually ask you for your instagram.

You wanna talk about it, anon? I'll be sad to see you go regardless.
Eh, I'm not here to drama bomb, it's really not that big of a deal. Just ready to try new things I guess. Thanks for your concern.
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does anyone here have any scans of this pattern book?
No scans but I have the book and the maid outfits pattern book. It won't be soon but I'll see about scanning and posting it.
I will be at Otakon this year. It is the first weekend of August. It's a huge con and relatively soon so I understand if no one wants to go, but if there is interest, I will organize a meet.
I didn't even realize my japan trip falls during otakon. Otakon is great though easily one of the best artist alleys, market place is good too. Huge venue. Take the metro in, ignore any potential weirdos that might try to talk to you and keep walking. Wish I could go.
Has anyone ever been to an i-doll event? Is it crowded? I'm planning on going to the Tokyo one in December

It matches her really nicely too

Tell her lazy ass to get sewing then
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Anyone have any idea what Volks head this is?
I'm planning on going so I'll see you there, anon
Hell yeah. That's enough to me to put a little meet together. Maybe it's still early enough we can get it put on the official schedule this time and make new dollfirends outside of the board, unless that would make anons uncomfortable.
>early enough we can get it put on the official schedule
Never mind. The window closed before I even knew I was going.
Might be a doll panel or two you can assemble a crowd with
Pretty sure it's Yukiho Hagiwara, really gorgeous sculpt
That's the hope. I know the one dolltuber I've been following in my area that usually does panels had his doll panels reject, so that tells me either no doll panels or there are already doll panels.
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Got a second light panel and decided to do a test with the new lighting option. Akari wanted to do that stupid hip swaying tiktok dance but doesn't know I took a picture instead of recording.
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Got tired of constantly digging through bins for doll clothing and decided to dedicate some closet space.
I see now that my dolls have more clothes than I do...
I like dolls. Dolls are cool.
Very nice and cute. You need a tiny phone on a tripod for them now.

God damn I love this image.
I wish I could live in a Victorian Orientalist inspired doll house
thanks so much, will be keeping an eye out
Hahaha hooooly shit that's a lot of my hangers. Glad someone found a use for them
The number of clothes you have and the low number of clothes I have for my doll is quite worrying, knowing what may be coming.
Thanks hangar anon, they were really nicely designed. The project consumed several days worth of print time and about 2 spools of pla. I still have plans to make another version that can handle detached sleeves
OP blogpost: You know, I used to make a thread once a month or so. Now I make a thread every other week. I'm happy that this thread is such a popular place. Seeing all of your dolls always makes me smile, anons. I hope your future is a kind one, as always.
Thanks for fighting the good fight, OP
I wish I had a doll
Quads of realizing your dream, lots of dolls in need of a home.
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Does she have a gofundme
faster shutter speed — trust the ISO
how'd you get her hair posed like that, wires? holding it off-frame?
when you making it to a meet?
Indeed I remember I joined 2 years ago or so and it would take ages, it was like once a month. Thanks for keeping it alive anon
>how'd you get her hair posed like that, wires?
Wire, yes. Ripped from some mutilated cat5 scrap. It's actually attached to the very strategically hidden stand holding her up instead of from off-frame. The skirt is held up with wire, too, wrapped around her waist. It was my first time experimenting with wires so I'm pretty pleased with it, even if the skirt is somewhat unconvincing as "flowing".
Not likely to be anytime soon due external, ongoing circumstances which prevent me from traveling at this time, apologies anon. We'll meet one day! I sincerely look forward to when I can say hello to some of the people here and our dolls can finally meet.

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I want to fuck a doll anon
there you are! i was worried you wouldn't show up.

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