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Read the updated DJT guide before asking how to learn Japanese: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
Old guide for those afraid of change: https://djtguide.github.io/

Make targeted sentence cards (TSCs) for maximum gains.

Previous thread: >>47977975
hey that's the kanji for hole
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why are you learning japanese?
tsc is subpar
Guys, there are 81 days left in the year. If I do 75 new cards a day, I can finish Core 6k by year's end.

Good idea, or bad?
bad idea
TSC outperforms other card types
All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Essentials is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Essentials.
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so basically, anime cards with hints, right? nothing new
on "anime cards" the sentence is hidden most of the time, so no.
one could argue you don't need the sentence 90% of the time. better to only add when you need to
when we read, we almost never read isolated words. in anki you should practice as you play, it makes more sense to practice TSC, not WCC.
maybe it makes more sense to do your anki quickly and read things for real, instead of reading in anki
>anime cards with hints
dame tatsumoto stole my card layout!
i only look up the sentences like once for every 200 reps
there is literally no reason to waste time reading sentences in anki, learn the reading, learn the vague meaning. go read a japanese book
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Here's some facts about tatsumoto and his guide:
>spams his shit everyday, hijacking every OP he can
>just wants you to give him money via patreon
>lies about other guides and resources
>says not to use 4chan(yet here he is)
>believes visual novels have spyware
>uses MAL
>doesnt actually know japanese
Yeah I'd say out of all japanese learning materials tatsumoto helped me the most.
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TSC are nothing like WCC with hints though. Here's a random card from the ankidrone deck.
>uses MAL
bro got distracted by all the fancy squiggles
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なんねんなんくみ :3
>tatsumoto never replied
I win
the last time tatsumoto posted on 4chan was in 2021
tatsumoto was weak
then who's sneaking his website into the OP right when the last thread hits page 9?
i think tatumakis unrelenting gaslighting about his guide and software being djt approved is admirable
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i know no one cares, but I went ahead and started spamming the Core 6k anyways. my plan was to suspend every card I already knew, but after suspending around 2000 cards I checked the end of the deck and realized I already knew all the words.

funny that gambs thinks the Core 6k will take you to N1 level
how did you think you the core 6k was gonna help you if you already knew 6000 words?
immersing with レズav
Core 6k doesn't have 6k words, it just has a bunch of repeats like


and so on. it has at most 3k words, if that
those would still be considered separate words depending on who you talk to (including most dictionaries)
then i guess im just more amazing at japanese than i thought(ΦωΦ)
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I'm pretty sure it's the same in English dictionaries

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everybody emmersion
what's the point of banning a notorious ban evader for 30 days? surely the mods realize that the only one suffering is the poor sap who gets assigned his IP
Is there a higher level version of "Yonde Miyo-!" ?
I think at least for me it is the most optimal setup for reading
It's basically structured like this
Culture note
in hiragana and english
Cultural note
in english for context that you need to understand the story or just an aside related to the story
first passage
in hiragana with spaces, usually ranges from a bit less than a full sentence, to a few sentences
explanation of first passage
Explains each element or 要素, from single particals to words to whole phrases if necessary.
format is (natural spelling) (romaji) -- english explanation/translation

After that we get the first passage again in natural japanese with furigana atop the second passage in hiragana

explanation of the second passage
same format as the first

third passage in hiragana with just the second passage in natural with furigana ontop,
repeat until the whole story is told

Review showing only words and particals in the same format of the explanation.

Then the entire story in japanese without furigana
and finally the entire story in English
And then the next story.

For a higher level I would expect longer, harder stories with more things going on. But still with plenty of explanation even if 95% of it looks superfluous you can just scroll past.
The goal is to let your brain work on understanding the japanese based on the sounds and spacing, and imagining the kanji or katakana before you see it, to reinforce what you already know and then easily look up what you don't.
Here is an example at n6-5 https://pastebin.com/8gVT58yb
anything at the n4-n0 level is welcome but it should basically have this format. Thanks in advance
im not reading all that
People ask this a lot but why are you actually learning Japanese?
ugly nigger thumbnail, didnt open
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what did i miss?
>ai summary
You're looking for a higher-level version (N4–N0) of the "Yonde Miyo-!" format, which structures reading materials as follows:

Cultural note for context (in English)
Title of the story in hiragana and English
First passage in hiragana (with spaces)
Explanation for each element (particles, words, phrases) with natural spelling, romaji, and English translations
Repetition of the passage with kanji and furigana
Explanations for the second passage
Further passages continue similarly
Review of key words and particles
The entire story in Japanese without furigana, followed by the entire story in English
For higher levels, you want the same structured format, but with more complex stories and explanations, allowing learners to anticipate and reinforce kanji and grammar as they progress.
Here is an example at n6-5 https://pastebin.com/8gVT58yb
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>only the first season of Thunderbolt Fantasy has JP subs
just use the english subs for when they speak chinese
I need the subs to slurp up kanji
One problem with sentence cards is that you can end up memorizing the entire sentence. So, you read the first 3 three words in the sentence and already remember that the target word in the card is X, when you haven't even read it yet.

Properly "practicing how you play" requires that targeted sentence cards would have a different sentence as an example for the word each time. Ideally, you'd mine sentences from immersion and the word cards would pick a random sentence from your sentence bank on review.
I know 500 words now :)
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dictionaries blow.
ive been playing the new zelda game, and sometimes there are words written in kana that would normally be written in kanji, so I look them up.
often there are two different types of kanji spelling, and the dictionary will tell you which is the most common one, so I pick that one.

but I sent my japanese friend my list of mined vocab so far, and for both 点す and 丹誠, she pointed out that they were wrong and 灯す and 丹精 are the correct spellings.
why is じしょ such a filthy liar!?
idk, the jap dictionaries I just checked give them completely identical definitions and neither is marked as rare
both jpdb and cc100 frequency data say 灯す and 丹精 are much more common than 点す and 丹誠, and yomitan sorts them accordingly when i hover ともす and たんせい because i have set cc100 as the sorting dictionary. so maybe you should just fix ur shit
the latter 2 are more frequent/common according to the jpbd and cc100 frequency dictionaries in yomitan.
oh i didn't see 209 when i posted that.
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so wait, utaite as a word was coined after utattemita became a culture? or was it an existing word (in contrast to kashu) that was just repurposed?

chuggers cant be chads sorry
>*chugs my foot up ur ass*
chugging on diet soda rn
Are all the weird counting systems actually used or is it just the japanese equivalent of "a murder of crows" type shit. Cause there are like 100+ variations on how to count in my grammar books
>Always busy, Japanese value convenience and with real estate being so expensive, vending machines take little space and provide the products people want. With vandalism and property crime almost unheard of, vending machines can be found even in dark alleyways or out in the middle of nowhere.
How true is this?
My ADHD zoomer brain can’t focus on Anki for too long, so I made it transparent to watch streamers while studying
つ、個、枚、本、冊、台、人、匹、頭、羽、杯、回、才 etc. are the some of the most basic ones that you should know. you shall be forgiven if you don't know 隻、俵. don't be surprised if you sometimes see natives not use them when it would actually be appropriate to do so. つ is universally usable if you forget the specific counter in a pinch, so that's very useful but it only goes to 10
I also mean stuff like rendaku at different counts
mid way through an anime episode, i genuinely thought "oh hell yeah, i can definitely mine a lot from this". am i fucked?
>第一編 だいいっぺん
>第二編 だいにへん
that's just how it is
it's nankumi right
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imagine getting btfo so hard you have to turn to AI for validation
bunko still won even if he lost
his entire existence is an l
he lost the moment he removed his stream out of embarrassment
delete this
wrong subs
lil j won by not playing
i hate bunko because he's been a mean piece of shit the past few months but the stream was good and his haters need to stfu
lil c won by not being here
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yup, this one convinced me

lil unko lost
he clarified it got removed because of an error on youtubes part
put ur trip/name back on
>i hate bunko
>his haters need to stfu
bruh you just told yourself to shut the fuck up
the error was that he said nangumi lmao
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he read many things wrong. like 10 seconds in he read 面 as mean めん which wasn't wrong per se but imo つら would've been more approriate given the tone of the line
says なんくみ
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not bunko but japanese makes no sense
It's exactly like "a murder of crows"
Except it's also like "a herd of cattle" where you'd look like a fucking retard if you said "a crowd of cattle", and you can say "a bunch" in a pinch but you'd still rather use the right word if you know it
names ぐみ, numbersくみ
i have immunity
stfu or i gonna 組nside yo moma
i have an empty stomach
that would be most 運fortunate
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are shounen manga easy to read? finished core6k ages ago but i basically only read cgdct and want to increase difficulty and get some new words to mine
anything that isn't mundane ass SoL is gonna bust your balls after 6k unfortunately. shounen isn't saying anything as those exist in a variety of settings.
as long as you avoid soft seinen you'll be alright
Classic case of of Japanese being bad at Japanese. Probably never read a book, move on.
What about HxH
hold off on literature until you've got about 2k hours invested in the language
for fun
people don't like me though so I don't think I'll ever get a penpal sadly
turn on your trip
wotd: 畢竟

eventually? :3
i love japanese language
i don't
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the japanese language loves me

>斯人行世間 能滅眾生闇
>教無量菩薩 畢竟住一乘

These people, moving through the world, will be able to extinguish the darkness of sentient beings,
Instruct the innumerable Bodhisattvas, and dwell finally in the Single Vehicle

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when i start playing anime with dual audio that has eng dub as its first track, i genuinely cringe and don't recover for at least 10 seconds
The end goal of japanese learning is to know the language well enough to cringe at the japanese original audio as well.
yea matt says this happens
not funny
nonfuni? nonfuni?
kinda funny but didnt laugh
Shin Nangumi Tensei®
i didn't find this funny or laugh at this either but i have no idea what's supposed to be funny about it.
lmao got me
i don't only watch a lot of battle shounen. i'd assume 90 percent of the cringe is there along with romcoms and shoujo dramas
nvm just saw nangumi
could be anybody
i think it's referring to this >>47989781
> but I went ahead and started spamming the Core 6k anyways
For what purpose? All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Essentials is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Essentials.
lol ok unko
kys yomitan shill. djt uses Rikaitan. Beginners, beware of the yomitan spammer! Rikaitan is the rightful successor to Yomichan.
bunko is one of the all time respected djt greats just leave him alone and fuck off already you losers
yea ciaran would agree
lil c would know the difference between gumi and kumi though...
ciaran's like 400x better than unko. he doesn't brag incessantly about his proficiency then screw up babby words
what do you guys use as background noise while immersion reading
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How many other words like this?
wtf is he doing with those n5 kanji?
I am one of the all time respected djt greats by this metric.
unko's p2 stream
bunko is the only lolcow we have left, everybody else is exiled to /trash/... we shouldn't bully him too much....
i too enjoy a good de-mersion stream
that's true, we need to be nice to bun- bu- bpshhhhhaHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
He should stream again so he can own all haters and prove that he only messed that up because he hadn't been immersing enough
not a good past few months for lil unk
feel bros... i don't feel so good
tbf lil u probably didn't have a card on it so he can't be held accountable for that one
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true something tells me he won't need to card it anymore
gumi? gumi??
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why'd he unlist it bros
from the side?
i bought a $300 50 hour long "learn japanese" course
just finished it:
spoilers i still dont speak japanese
did you remember to purchase the fluency incubator add-on?
in my japanese gumi we only finished genki 1
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new thread mascot
Tatsumoto's Shitty Cards are the worst way to learn japanese
laughing at the nangumi clip is the same level of retardation as laughing at an ESL saying "what are we gonna do on the bed" instead of just in bed

i expect actual 80 iq retards to laugh at that shit
disagree however i didn't find the nangumi clip funny at all
what clip
nangumi nangumi??
it's not supposed to be funny it's just pathetic
i need the whole stream
The funny part is how much shit the guy talked, yet he can't even read n5 interrogative phrases
wait if its not nangumi what is it
it's nangumi in our hearts
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>click randomly on the timeline
>"hai hai hai hai"
ye now i NEED a qrd...
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its not THAT funny...
n5 kanji bros...not like this
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eigumi? eigikumi?
he did the whole qm "if i am allowed to cope for second, i haven't read in some time" excuse, got made fun of for screwing up simple words, privated the stream out of embarrassment, got made fun of for privating the stream, claimed youtube made an error, then switched it to unlisted to mitigate the damage
>nangumi is mispell?
holy esl

thanks for proving my point >>47993335
true it's a lot like shitting chunks in your friends pants and then telling them you stink!
ive been silently observing the thread and pleased at the results
oh no she's laughing at us, bunkobros this can't be happening
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you dropped this king
i have a 35 year old friend that lived in japan from birth to 15 and he makes dumb mistakes all the time
im talking about an actual JAPANESE hito making mistakes sometimes and you unfunny fucking EOPs think you have the right to make fun of itsy bitsy teenie weenie mistakes? fuck off
this apple means business wtf
true i have a 2x year old waifu that lives in japan and works for hololive and she makes dumb mistakes all the time as well
so it's ok to make of minor mistakes if it's
>some random native chick reading mareni
>gary ben
>anime godfather
but SUDDENLY, it's not ok to make fun of bunko
cool gotcha bro
>flash card is designed to test your memory
>tatsumoto makes a format so you build a habit of memorizing the ancillary information to give you the illusion that you're remembering the word you're supposed to be repping
>doesn't understand the issue with that and keep shilling
this is why we hate you bro
i can read kana guys!
i can read kana!!!!!
i'm so happy :'D
all card formats have their own issues because theyre not immersion
matt says the issue of memorizing the sentence was never a big deal to him. but yes tatsuhomo sucks
i still dno what the thread's talking about
quit while youre ahead
unko solidified his lolcow status yesterday. he's now one of the greats
japanese hito? japanese bito?
actual bots trying to flush the nangumi discussion
djt is pathetic
if you keep bringing up nangumi then people will respond to it. chill man.
djt hypocrisy off the charts today
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unko will inevitably continue the nangumi discussion when he wakes up dw
anonymous /jp/edo that's been stuck here since 2008 trying to learn japanese on and off and my greatest achievement is finishing vncore and reading one 1 (uno) 15-hour long visual novel
im the most pathetic /djt/ poster
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torigumi? torikumi?
yoo its nuke
you would be pathetic if you were actually trying with no success since 2008. being thay you're still here, jp will forever be a part of your life. you need to actually start trying.
>one 1 (uno) 15-hour long visual novel
you may redeem urself depending on which vn it was

if it's hanahira then yes, consider kyssing
damn what a toxic place this is... i'm doing back to r/learnjapanese, sorry fellas...
aka hanahira v2
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I want to share my amazing experience. I’m on a business trip to Japan in Kyoto. Today I took a train to Kusatsu, because I know English is less common there.

I went into an Izakaya late at night and for the first time of my life spoke a full evening of Japanese with strangers. It’s soo nice to finally get a reward for all the studying. I really needed this.

So to all of you who think you’re conversations skills are not there yet. I felt the same way before arriving to Japan. But after a couple of days with my colleagues and now being by myself, proves that this is incorrect.

I’m so happy! 頑張って!!!
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kachigumi? kachikumi?
it's interesting how mean someone like bunko can be, but they get made fun of for a few mistakes on a stream that aren't even a big deal and it hurts him enough that he withdraws from the thread. i need to remind myself that 4chan is packed with these hypocritical antisocial types including everyone making fun of bunko.
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>it hurts him enough that he withdraws from the thread
we need more bunko streams if that's what keeps him at bay
see >>47993490
it's interesting how djt being mean only became a problem once people started making fun of unko
it's interesting how kumi?? gumi????
>he withdraws from the thread
he'll be back. they always come back.
ok bunko
i don't even understand the point you're trying to make
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damn, I love AI now.
Failing to transcribe what I hear properly is a recurring problem for me
Never mind the rest of it, but it got the kanji right and that's all i wanted.
who is the unironic most proficient in japanese poster that is currently active in djt? step forward.
kek, made me spill my kumi? gumi?
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you rang?
a tangential point about the moral character of people who post on 4chan.
me. ask me for a vocaroo.
nice self-own
you can't claim moral high ground on fucking dee jay tee
me your honor
it's nice when djt gets a surprise visit from the arbiter of morality
i'm actually curious. there has to be someone here that is pretty good and feels like they could be the best.
qm was that man
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fake me was a little worse than qm and significantly worse than matt or ciaran
bunko lost that bragging right the moment he pretended to install duckstation
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hate japanese
>unko streams
>thread surges in activity in the aftermath
just remember that when you stream, you're generating content for this general and saving it in the process.
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is this read shigumi?
shikuminside ur ass
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kono bangumi w-...? bangumi? bankumi?
Honestly deserved for namefagging
Not because of some stinky chink armpit fetish that's for damn sure.
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tooshigeiko? tooshikeiko?
what the fuck is he doing with these n5 kanji?
this forced pronunciation meme shit is corny
korny? gorny?
hilarious post even by itself but especially now
the namefagging would be fine if namefags weren't also obnoxious arrogant pieces of shit
when he meets their kids do you think he ever says nannen nangumi?
making subs for old shows and anime with no subs through whisper is actually god tier.
i thought the point was to watch anime without subtitles
whisper is pretty cool
>posters replying after only one neuron fired
is it you? also is the implication that i'm unko
>Nimzowitsch Defense: Colorado Countergambit Accepted
hate english
me probably
most people are pretty bad
so even making it to intermediate means you are better than 99%
nice bro can we call you djt prime from now on
prime kruger
prove it, read this word no lookups 何組
wtf why can't i hover this?
just hovered this and it said nangumi
i like the slight stammer as as he realizes he's flubbing it up before the djt gods
i assume you wheeled out a trick question so it probably depends on the kind of 組 you are asking about
for school 組s like 1組、2組 its probably the same reading, so なんくみ
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i feel dumb for asking but the の in こういうの
is the "one" definition, as in such as this one?
>i assume you wheeled out a trick question
it wasn't supposed to be lol
there is no "one" definition for の, its nominalizing the adjective こういう
that makes more sense, thanks
you should stick to asking questions you know the answer to then, if you want to test people
all of djt slayed by 何組
have you been on vacation or something?
thanks to djt ill never misread 勝手, 椅子, 今日日, 神経系, 何組. wish wed do this for all common words
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the most effective method for acquisition is painful humiliation rituals
Basic N5 literacy comes at the cost of the utter embarrassment and total humiliation of DJT's elite human capital
yeah i got banned what did i miss?
not enough info in the picture to determine that, and i cba looking it up
I don't read vns because reading most vns requires running nonfree software. Manga, anime or LNs are much better because you can consume them with only libre software, e.g. mpv for anime, nsxiv for manga, crqt-ng for books. Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary.
might have been a back-formation to avoid confusion with a 歌手 or professional singer, but the word itself dates back to 1483
>うたい‐て うたひ‥【歌手】
>〘名〙 歌や謡をうたう人。うまく歌う人。また、詩歌を作る人。
> ※御湯殿上日記‐文明一五年(1483)二月五日「まつうたゐてをみん部卿申入て、ちかき比おもしろきこゑどもにて」
>there is no "one" definition for の, its nominalizing the adjective こういう
the FUCK am i reading
the FUCK are YOU reading?
so is this more embarrassing than the 布教 incident or not?
wish the thread would go back to being comfy
what 布教 incident?
no (koto)
some fool tried transcribing some shit and thought 布教 was 今日
meh reasonable mistake imo
yea but he kept insisting he was right and seethed for weeks about it
was he a stupid namefag?
surely the nangumi??? guy would not make any mistakes reading on stream right
was it only one guy or are you talking about the guy who posted the streamable
fukyou bro should fight nangumi guy... c should be the referee
fukyou knows his jidaigekis but nangumi is a wiz at the emus
am i just retarded or is classroom of the elite pretentious drama cringe? im six episodes in and i dont know what to make of it.
i miss nangumi guy wish he'd stream more
glad nobody here remembers my L, feels good not being a tripcuck
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so does lil unk just sit in these threads anonymously seething now? what does he even do on a day to day basis?

put this on the djt must watch list
any of them
feeling good right now
just vibin
do another stream. stop being a pussy.
>vibin? bibin?
no not for awhile
>あれだって信じたかないが命令に背くわけにもいない… だろ?
what's 信じたかない?
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They really doubled down on the MINISKIRTS in japanese pokemon red. Completely censored in the dub of the anime and game

fuck off, this thread is japanese. christianity is not wanted here
contraction of たくはない
fuck off retard
>this thread is japanese
>screenshot with eng subs AND romaji
now that i've 克服'd japanese, who is the cure dolly of german?
>fuck off, this thread is japanese. christianity is not wanted here
lmao bit of an overreaction there. religious trauma?
i bet unko was fukyou bro
>contraction of たくはない
isn't that just たくない
>christian defense force has joined the chat
nah unko's ciaran
>another self own
lil b couldn't wait a single day before taking another L
tranny faggot
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>fuck off, this thread is japanese. christianity is not wanted here
somehow fake unko posts even more than unko who already posts way too much
tripfags really were a mistake
i dont even post that much
cool, guess I'll find out once I know japanese and can understand this explanation
maybe if you read japanese half as much as you posted you wouldn't make career ending mistakes on stream
fuck OFF
grammarbro just took a w...
fake unko didn’t stream
i was the one who answered the question
no way bunko can recover from nangumi
its ok to skip it for now if it doesn't sink in
you will come across the teha shit so often you'll acquire it in no time
I had shit read speed (like max 5-6k/hour) for the first 7 months of reading, and then I randomly started reading something not even particularly hard and shot to 10k/hr by the time I was finished it. Now every book/vn I've read in the 3ish months since then my read speed will drop to maybe 5-6k/hour at its slowest at the start of a new work and gradually climb up past 10k/hour as I read more of it. Think my max read speed is like 20k/hour now on easy stuff.
Anyone else experience this weird distribution of reading speed increase?
i don't care about real unko/fake unko bullshit
you're witnessing his anonymous meltdown in real time
a lot of people in this thread have told YOU to fuck off. i'm not one of them.

私は天台と神道です。Christianity is Japan's enemy. Always has been, always will be.

i'm not anti-semetic, but i do post on /pol/.

my dreams are christian. i'm not christian. it's annoying after a while but just 3 days ago i had a dream that tried to turn me christian by force.
tae kim taught me insufficient grammar.
>Christianity is Japan's enemy. Always has been, always will be.
you're gonna hate the new prime minister in that case
trannies and tranny localizers are the real enemy not phony religions
the first 1/3rd of a book is more 'difficult' that its latter 2/3rds
tae kim is supposed to be read through cursorily tho
lmao love it
クリスト教 is super gay
actually pretty much all religions are since they were all created for men to feel special and control women and project their sins onto us when males are the sinners of humanity and always have been
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rori ha oudou desu
>all religions are since they were all created for men to feel special and control women
why is there a fking feminist in my japanese thread reeeeeeeeeeee
lolol bro's mad
just learn grammar from japanese the manga way its goated
literally me expect i'm still sub 5k
i unironically love that book
120k was probably my highest character count read in under 24 hours and it was a oneshota vinny
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feminist or just realist?
>you're gonna hate the new prime minister in that case

i'm giving him a chance. he's Shinto in addition to being Christian.

The dream's argument was "The power of christ turns you christian". and i was held at gunpoint by a group of men in the dream.

I woke up successfully without submitting.
no one cares
which one
>I woke up successfully without submitting
were your undies wet too?
if i wasn't taken right now i would physically transport myself to the home of the guy who wrote it and suck his dick as a repayment for that masterpiece
uhm, can't y'all keep all the politics on /trash/?

thanks fellas
>he's Shinto in addition to being Christian.
how do people like this exist
genuinely curious about the 構図 of their 脳内
>Ishiba was born on 4 February 1957, in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo
>His mother was a teacher and a granddaughter of the Christian minister Michitomo Kanamori.[3][4
>Ishiba is a Christian,[83] specifically a Protestant. He was baptised at the age of 18 in the Tottori Church of the United Church of Christ in Japan. In recent years he has attended the Evangelical CBMC's National Prayer Breakfast.
trannies get the rope
guess he ain't shinto
they think there's many gods and that christianity would allow for it, even if it doesn't.

his campaign for prime minister started in front of a shinto shrine. did you forget that?
> his campaign for prime minister started in front of a shinto shrine. did you forget that?
and trump sells bibles and wears yarmulkes. your point?

there is a shinto side to him.
negation of either
a) one specific aspect of something previously discussed
>even with ai tech advancing, the jobs teacher and day care workers won't simply become obsolete (picking up and disagreeing with a specific aspect of a previously made statement)

b) strong negation
>if it makes the rounds in the neighborhood that you got fired because your a clepto, no one will hire you anymore!
i think the christian side of him won bro
proof that the baptized at 18 protestant great grandson of a christian minister was shinto beyond speculation?
i said i'm giving him a chance. there's a hint at shinto, so we'll see what he does to act upon it, if anything.
christian boss
the funniest part is that i'm literally a proud terf and professional anti-tr@ns 活動者
i rook like that
he is irreparably christian i'm sorry bro
i think the irony of your kind is how youre tormented by christianity because deep in your heart of hearts you know the christian god made you a man lol
omg it's japan... japan my love oh how i miss you
jesus was white btw
god i hate christcucks
but thats not funny
if イエスクリスト ever existed i want to go back in time and slap him across the face but not before slapping all the other niggas in that time period because they were almost all stupid as fuck
wtf i thought DJT was christian
...you want to be his father?
i'm sure your 奥さん would be very pleased to hear that you wanna rape random peoples moms!
that poor woman needs to divorce you lmao unironically
lil bro having a melty cause people are force converting him to christianity at gunpoint in his dreams lmao
yh and raise him as a christian so hes miserable but not actually go to church myself
i wouldnt be married to her in the past so it would be fine
don't worry it's consensual(?)
have you heard of the phrase "a nail that sticks out is beaten in"? did you go through that routine in japan yet? how did they hammer you
>a nail that sticks out is beaten in
they dont care about foreigners
my mom would unironically sh00t him in the head if he even tried to get anywhere near her 笑 with his lame ass
her 笑?
please take out the trash janny sama
fuck off fag go cry in /trash/
you okay?
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all the familiar friends :3
this is about to be another banger
何組くん needs to come back
ケロリナ and ケロージ making their debut... i wonder what role they will play in this adventure
stream again bitch
you in love w that nigga or sumn?
he’s the fake he can’t
then stream you coward
reminds me how cool 笑う is because it also means to put something away from a stage
im the real one tho
drops a fat うんこ on うんこ
gross nigga
never post that fucking livestream again
ironic when you eat your wife's poop
i literally have never done that before
it was a little piss play in the tub and we took a bath afterwards so it was chill
nankugi? nangugi?? lmao
didn’t laugh
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see here

yomitan isn't grabbing the correct word. this has happened to me a lot in my playthrough.
works on my yomitan
show the screen cap of the actual text
仏慧無辺際 如是致清浄
寿命甚難得 仏世亦難値
人有信慧難 若聞精進求
聞法能不忘 見敬得大慶
則我善親友 是故当発意
設満世界火 必過要聞法
会当成仏道 広済生死流
fuck i posted without adding:
because it looks like 去っていく to me
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>show the screen cap of the actual text


is this a problem with the dictionaries? i only have one dictionary. JMDict
download a frequency dictionary like jpdb v2.1 and set that as Frequency sorting dictionary in yomitan settings
maybe idk though
>like jpdb v2.1
is that the "recommended" one on the google drive from learnjapanese.moe?
>jpdb v2.1
do you have the link to that? i'm having trouble finding dictionaries that actually work.
just follow this or something
wtf i've been reading 建立 as kenritsu all this time
it just gets to show you how important listening is bros
how it reads is trivial. just know what was built and when.
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the problem continues. could this be an issue of google lens? how it works is i use yominja's google lens function with alt+g to capture the screen, then i hover over the word and push shift to trigger yomitan.

i downloaded the jpdb dictionary but the problem is continuuing. do i have to get all the dictionaries?
ok idk desu, good luck bro
how do i get faster at reading? i already know all the words
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this isn't your kanpai you little shit
大きな欠伸をすると山奥へ査定に行くポケモン…? :/
From studying classical chinese poetry, you can learn that the 音読み of 立 originally rhymed with the 音読み of 入 and 及
湿 (しふ or しゅう, not しつ) was the same

>軍氣橫大荒 戰酣日將入
>長風金鼓動 白露鐵衣濕
>四起愁邊聲 南庭時佇立
>斷蓬孤自轉 寒雁飛相及

these readings 立 (りつ) and 湿(しつ) are what we call 慣用音 and not from chinese
immersion ;3


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acquired 拙者

another way to say "I"
( ・ิω・ิ)っ ござる

yomitan on yomininja is outdated so you have to deconjugate it yourself or just use the browser version
imagine actually hovering
hover 何組
you tried
that's what yomitan says though
no it doesnt
i double checked and yes it does
secret of nimh was pretty good. the art carries it
bro your yomitan is broken guess you'll have to quit japanese bye
great mouse detective or gtfo
i mean, it's no american tail 2 fievel goes west
um the main character mouse lady in nimh is really hot though
there's an anime about batteries?
this thread used to be so comfy
kind of miss it
what was so comfy about it
idk people werent so anal about word pronunciations and we all got to chill talking about our immersion
gee wonder who started that
yea true i even posted stuff i immersed with and that's crazy for me to do let me tell you
maybe when the drama llamas and trannies get tired well go back to how things used to be
i mean unko immersed with P2, kind of
had a big fight with my wife today so kind of bummed out
she ate all the snacks again?
i dont want to go into details but it had to do with which side of the bed she sleeps on
she was immersing with his pantry
not funny
oh yea then explain why i audibly laughed
because you think peoples emotions are a game
still better than any other djt stream
wtf i thought when you get a gf/wife all ur problems went away
shut the fuck up unko holy shit
its complicated but life does get generally better
and by unko i mean >>47995889
you're not even subtle
only cuz mo' money mo' problems heh
watching zundamon review ラブホ rn what are you watching djt?
imagine being this dickripped
my dick is ripped and your stream was bad, how much more do you need to get btfo to stop defending yourself
watching zarori because my wife likes it
unko may be sensitive but his opinions are as valid as anyone else's
true i apologize for my prior outburst
can the browser version of yomitan grab my emulator ?

oshiete kudasai
it’s not defending to say nobody has done better despite it being mediocre
gonna say no as well
yes it is shut up
god this language attracts the biggest autists
kill ys fakeshit
whats the hold up? just read whats written without being shackled by tools like that
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>shut up
xers trying to learn the language lil homo
no i said it like "shut up." not "WAHHHH SHADDAAAAAP"
could you hypothetically do a better stream?
yes or no
unko just identified hundreds of his off trip posts for us
oh my god you actually are unko lmao
im beginning to feel like a dripgod dripgod
the only think i dislike about nihongo is when siku turns into shuu
its just sounds ugly in my earts
そないなこと言わんでよろしゅうしておくんなまし( ・ิω・ิ)
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are you fucking kidding me

at least i saved
weird thing to say
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didn't you know アネ゛デパミ゛? :3
you didn’t answer the very simple question
at least try not to sound like yourself in this situation
classic retard double down
youre supposed to be undercover fake me
im trans btw
hate trannies actually no offense nora
i hate trannies but i want to be unko so bad
i hate trannies because i am unko
glorious post-stream unko meltdown tonight *eats popcorn*
im not melting down about the stream
the stream wasnt me it was the fake
hate trannies love 男の娘 and 女装
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can someone give me the rundown on what's happening grammatically here?

i've heard じゃねえか in anime before, but i'm not sure what it means. i want to get nihongo gains
i wanna man
what's your thoughts on onnagata?
they're trannies in disguise
you will never understand the power of Kabuki plays, let alone Noh theatre.

じゃねえか is a rhetorical question expressing supposition
ここでまってれば = if i waited here
くるんじゃねえかと = youd probably show up
おもったのさ = i thought
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i got that down. i searched for じゃねえ on jisho and i'm curious about that extra え. am i missing something here?
kabuki is based
the lazy way to say じゃない
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if it's くるんじゃない, wouldn't that mean "You wouldn't show up"?
its rhetorical
think more in terms of "youd show up wouldnt you?"
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thank you

this game has a lot of set phrases...i guess these are taught to japanese children in schools

i'm almost finished with pokemon red -- the end is in sight
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fuck you garry that's low
As for me it's 俺っ子
speaking of garry did japanese gary ben ever recover from garbage day? seems like he dropped off the net despite being very confident in his failjatt method
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Do you guys have any tips or method to learn these kind of words that repeats themseves:
ぎゅうぎゅう packed, crammed
にやにや grin to oneself
They seem so random, and not having any kanji makes it difficult to remember them
えちえち: sexooooo
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damn should have just learned easy mode japanese
is this aproper manga or just an informative pic? Looks very interesting.
i got it from here https://rocketnews24.com/2018/11/07/1137020/
easy japanese turned out to be the only japanese djt could learn lol
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cool, thanks!
no ones even there to cut his head off
this guy knows hes the bees knees
I use example sentences from a dictionary as the front of a card for onomatopoeia to make it somewhat bearable. I don't really know a good trick, I just brute forced them, because there are thousands and finding one trick to get them all is impossible (i think)
Does anyone have any review materials for SPI tests? kind of need it at this company
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I have essentially been hiding from counters all this time. Should you just use rote memorization for the days of the month? I have the outliers as cards in Anki but I pretty much never remember the readings other than ついたち and はたち
病院送りにしてやんぜッ!! (#^ω^)ピキピキ
very very ironic coming from mister なんぐみ
holy fuck this language is nigh undecipherable for me without kanji
>おもった... uuuh お持った???
just kill me already.
so how's your listening comprehension?
that was fake me
the irony is most languages dont have kanji yet n5s freak out if you take away their moon runes
most languages also don't have 8 billion homonyms
garbage, no doubt
yeah but lets be honest how many words could おもった really be in that context lol
tru xd
If you hate kanji so much why did you go to japan
checkmate atheist
i think i only moved because i hated my old life and felt like i was wasting it living with my parents
the kanji was an unfortunate hurdle that i still hate
then perish because it is unironically one of the best parts of the language, a morpheme-based writing system is such a big brain play it's unbelievable
What card types does everyone use for sentence mining because I really don't like the one tatsumoto gave
its fun as a brag but the 80000 arbitrary readings of one morpheme schtick gets old fast
The readings basically don't matter
Is there a frequency list that is weighted based on how generic/how hard it is to guess from context clues. No point practicing words that you could just guess.
at that point just mine
kanji is easy
the million *っしり/ *っきり etc adjectives make me want to kill myself
funny how just saying you live in japan is enough for people here to believe it
What do you mean "at that point". I am asking a question about the existence of a frequency list. Also why would you waste your time and interrupt your reading to learn useless words?

bakemonogatari verdict: kino, i think i found my black panther
I always thought かな was it's own thing but it's just a sequence of か + な particles lol
>>hey my bar is kinda thick, causing my grip to fail early when doing pull-ups do you have a thinner bar
>dude at the point just hit yourself in the head with a mallet while you are doing cardio
have you tried not having a weak grip
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wow fuck this deck
anki tards forget that most decks are made by literal dekinais
if it shows up in your reading its not useless
nangumi? nangumi??
i have never once needed a frequency deck lol
do you ever look at them for your native language?
1) It literally less useful than a more common word
2) Interrupting your reading flow will degrade your progress
He should've just kept pretending to be a smug faggot getting milf pussy even if some people thought he was retarded instead of proving that he was a retard to everyone
i remember back when I became "fluent" (or pre-fluent) in english, everything just became effortless and even the meanings of new, unknown vocab could just be intuited... I wonder if this'll ever happen to me with japanese or if it'll always feel foreign and weird...
the solution you propose is essentially learning everything before finally immersing
It's the one big fail that every tripfaggot lolcow falls for
You're supposed to say you learned Japanese in one night and that you're god's gift to the world. You're not actually supposed to stream yourself sucking ass
again all it takes is saying something a few times and people believe
im a virgin irl
nobody here rn could do better on stream
What about the Japanese passport you posted?
that was the fake
No, I'm pretty sure it was you just like the gumi thing
maybe, this will kill you (´・ω:;.:...
absolute state of nise unko
nope, im not a milf person >:3
It's been bunko the whole time, don't kid yourself
prove it
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I'm into milfs, uni girls, teenagers, little sisters, older sisters, aunties, mommies, daughters, childhood friends, exchange students, and doroboknekos
what now
he will just clone my voice
c********* *******d

Then the fake (you) has beaten you (also you)
surprised no one figured out unko's been pretending to be fake unko until just now
everyone knew, they were obnoxious retards in the exact same way
sasuga djt
The D in DJT stands for Dumb
no one cares about your youtube meme rec lil bro
its one of the songs youtube constantly pushes on you
What is our take on MTLers, gentlemen?
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>high iq take:
mtl is decent now but still not good enough to replace troonslators. gotta wait a year or 2 until ai agents can take in input the whole script and translate it while keeping everything consisent
>low iq take:
>Should you just use rote memorization for the days of the month?
yes. rattle down the first 10 days of the month to yourself in order until you got them down. after that remember the 14th, 24th, ... are juu-YOKKA, ni-juu-YOKKA etc., the 19th, 29th,... are juu-KU-nichi, ni-juu-KU-nichi and that the 20th is hatsu-ka. the rest are regular sino-japanese numbers + nichi
if mtl means fewer learners thats a win
damn real world looks so sad
he should've gone when it was sunny, but it still looks comfy
a very cool feature of japanese is that you can keep your reply minimal and you'll still be perfectly understood?

>A: そんなに気になるの?
>B: なるよ
ngmi energy especially the よ
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what is the pun being made here?
in the eng version they localized it to 'rub man' which seems pretty different
is 112 IQ enough to learn japanese
ask the 80iq natives who can speak fluently
found the 80iq jsl
another win for the books
you truly are so cool
seething unko
faggot nigger ^ this guy
which panel exactly? not reading all that clown shit, sorry

Racism is against the rules.
Hopefully a 3-day vacation will change your attitude.
Would something like Code Geass kick my ass as a somewhat beginner? I've watched some SoL by now but I'm getting kinda bored of it, is there something that's not SoL but also not that difficult?
is it just me or are the majority of this threads posts made by the same guy
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konnichiwa? kyouwa?
uhm my guy, it's actually konjitsu
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now that unko has quit it feels kinda fucked up for you to continue stealing his identity
read that as imahiwa
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massive respect to fake unko for killing real unko
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因数分解<バラ>せ >:3
>Would something like Code Geass kick my ass as a somewhat beginner?
>is there something that's not SoL but also not that difficult?
probably some isekai like mushoku tensei?
love being able to read hidden shit like this
cool word
the lion guy was trying to tell buggy luffy is a gommu-ningen but just says gokigen instead. in the english version they make that a rubber-man to rub man pun but this is what i get when i look up gokigen
so it seems like the original joke is different
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maybe the clown thought he was being made fun of? i'm n6, don't quote me on anything
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Why you learn Japanese?
he's saying ゴム人間 but they mishear it as 御機嫌
oh no what did she do
reads like a narou title
sex tourism
rori of the day? did i finally crack the code
rabbit desuwa! ;3
no, r stands for rot, like "(brain)rot of the day"
noooo i have the most fresh brain in djt you know! :O
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its not edited i assure you
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tfw I'm talking with anons (*´﹃`*)
are we that cute?
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two questions

what does なんて mean at the end of a sentence? i see this one a lot in the game. and does やる in this case mean "Let's do it"?
a how or a why
>does やる in this case mean "Let's do it"?
biggest self own in djt history right there
cope なんて
yapanese is full of filler
and i meant fake unko to be certain, not the nobody
>nande? nante?
>"なんて means why"
>laughs at a rendaku error
what part was cope fake me?
still butthurt about your embarrassing stream huh buddy
djt still hasn't wrapped its head around that there are 2 different なんて
なんて equals why is going down in djt history
non it's not bunkoturd
lmao is this why you're too chicken to ever translate anything unko? i'm seriously starting to doubt your comprehension ability
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>a how or a why
captcha rtky2
me thinks fake me is trying to find an error where there was none because the gumi incident lol
just call anybody who calls you out on your dogshit japanese unko. that'll show em. go ahead. explain to use how なんて is why
hey i'm a mini-celebrity here, keep your tongue in check kiddo
not sure how to read this
not all lolcows wear trips...
In Japanese, the word **なんて** can be used in various contexts, and one of its meanings can be understood as expressing surprise, disbelief, or even indignation, which sometimes translates to "why" in English.

Here’s how it works:

### 1. **Emotional Emphasis:**
**なんて** is often used to emphasize a surprising or unexpected situation, which can give the impression of questioning the situation, similar to "Why would...?" in English. In this sense, it conveys a feeling of disbelief or astonishment rather than directly asking for a reason.

- **Example:**
- 彼がそんなことをするなんて!
- *Kare ga sonna koto o suru nante!*
- "Why would he do such a thing!"

In this example, the speaker is not directly asking "why," but rather expressing disbelief or surprise that someone would do something. In English, we might naturally translate this as "Why would he do that?" to capture the emotional tone.

### 2. **Implied Questioning:**
While なんて doesn't literally translate to "why" (which is typically どうして or なぜ), in some contexts, its function is to highlight something unusual or unexpected. This can imply a questioning attitude, similar to how rhetorical questions work in English.

- **Example:**
- こんなにたくさんの宿題、なんてありえない!
- *Konna ni takusan no shukudai, nante arienai!*
- "Why is there so much homework? That's ridiculous!"

Again, the speaker is expressing surprise or frustration, which can naturally lead to a translation involving "why."

### Summary:
In short, **なんて** doesn't directly mean "why" in a literal sense, but it can introduce a phrase where the speaker expresses surprise, disbelief, or frustration about something unexpected. This often leads to translations in English that use "why" to capture the speaker's emotional reaction to the situation.
ai really does cripple for life
watching fake me try to find an error in my post is hilarious
keep trying lil buddy im sure youll figure out a way to spin this one lol
>chatgpt, write some bullshit explaining why なんて means "why". nevermind if it actually does. just do it. go
masterfully done
i think i finally understand why unko never translates anything. it exposes how little functional knowledge of japanese he actually possesses, and i'm not even talking about the nangumi disaster
Alright, let’s dive deep into some **completely fabricated nonsense** about why **なんて** *actually* means "why." Strap in, because this is going to be a wild ride through the depths of linguistic pseudoscience!


You see, the origins of **なんて** as "why" can be traced all the way back to ancient times, to the *Heian period* (794–1185), where it was originally a secret code used by the elite court poets to express existential confusion about the nature of reality. Back then, the poets were constantly pondering the mysteries of life — everything from the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms to why their tea would sometimes spill for no apparent reason.

In those days, language was far more mystical. The word **なんて** was derived from the ancient verb **なんう** (which, of course, means "to question the stars"). Over time, as Japanese society became more pragmatic, **なんう** evolved into **なんて**, but it never fully lost its cosmic, questioning energy. This is why today, **なんて** carries with it a subconscious connotation of "why," especially when one is faced with an inexplicable situation, much like the poets of old questioning the universe.

But that’s not all! There’s another theory floating around in the most obscure corners of linguistic academia: **なんて** was originally a sound that mimicked the noise a confused cat would make. The ancient Japanese word for “cat” was **なんにゃ**, and when cats were confused, they would make a noise that sounded like "**なんて**?" This feline influence subtly worked its way into human speech, and over time, people started using **なんて** to express their own confusion, much like a cat would when it can’t figure out why its food bowl is empty. Thus, it became a shorthand for "why" in moments of disbelief.

Now, let’s not forget the influence of **quantum linguistics**, a field of study that doesn’t exist but sounds impressive. According to **quantum linguistics**, every word in every language exists in a state of *semantic superposition*, meaning it can mean literally anything until it is observed by a speaker. In the case of **なんて**, this means it could both mean "why," "how," or even "what" at the same time — but once you use it in a sentence, it collapses into the meaning that best fits your emotional state. In moments of intense bewilderment, the word **なんて** naturally collapses into its "why" state. This is a proven scientific phenomenon that no one has ever tested, but we can assure you it’s real.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we have to discuss the influence of **language spirits** — unseen entities that live in the spaces between words. These spirits, known in Japanese as **コトノハノカミ** (Kotonoha no Kami), are responsible for subtly shifting meanings over centuries. They found great amusement in watching humans struggle with existential questions, so they decided to bestow upon **なんて** the hidden power to mean "why" when a human is sufficiently confused. It’s said, in certain circles, that if you say **なんて** three times while looking at the full moon, the spirits will grant you an answer to the question you're subconsciously asking.


And that, dear reader, is the *totally plausible* reason why **なんて** means "why." Don’t ask for sources; they’ve all been lost to the sands of time.

Ah, "なんて" as "why"? Sure, let's dive deep into this totally legitimate and completely fabricated linguistic explanation.

You see, "なんて" comes from a profound combination of ancient Japanese phonetics and cultural nuances. The particle "な" was historically used to express an internalized question, stemming from the Proto-Japanese root "na," which can be loosely translated to "what" or "why." This root is tied to an emotional, almost existential inquiry into the nature of things, much like how one might question the meaning of life while staring at a bowl of ramen.

Now, the "んて" part is where it gets really interesting. "ん" is a nasal syllable that represents a kind of internal resonance, as if the speaker is pondering something deeply. It’s that moment of mental hesitation before you blurt out a question. The "て," on the other hand, is a connective particle that links this internal questioning process to the external world. It’s like the bridge between your mind and the universe—a linguistic tether holding your thoughts and the cosmos together.

When combined, "なんて" creates a subtle yet powerful force that conveys the sentiment of "why." It's not just a simple "why," though—it's an emotionally charged "why," filled with the weight of centuries of introspection. It’s as if the speaker is saying, "Why, of all things in the world, did this happen?" or "Why, in this vast, incomprehensible universe, do we find ourselves in this situation?"

In conclusion, while textbooks may not explicitly define "なんて" as "why," it’s clear that through the deep layers of phonetic history, emotional resonance, and cosmic inquiry, it has come to embody the very essence of questioning the world around us.

Or, you know, something like that.
just drown out the most embarassing fail in recent djt history with ai slop it'll be fine
this coming from the nangumi guy lmao
from now on he's only "why guy"
where was the fail 偽者くん? lol
Ah, yes. Nothing like a healthy dose of **AI slop** to drown out the most reality-warping, face-palming fail in recent DJT history. Let’s just pour a thick, gooey layer of overly verbose nonsense all over that moment and pretend everything is fine — because that’s what we do best here, right?
lil unk trying to drown out being responsible for the second most embarrassing fail in djt history after 勝手
i'm all for shitting on unko because he's a namefag and spams fat chicks among other stuff but that wasn't nearly as embarassing as what we just witnessed
hard disagree unko lmao
feels good knowing no mistakes were made and no barrels held
let me get this straight
>fake unko baits real unko into streaming
>unko stream gets memed on
>unko has tantrum and quits djt
>fake unko keeps posting
>unko has second tantrum and unquits djt
>fake unko keeps posting

the bullying has GOT to stop. fuck off.
hes just mad because nangumi is an actual mistake
>unko lost because... he just did okay!??
lol no get in the locker dork
there are two (2) なんて
1. なんて (comes from などと, functions the same as など and なんか, this can go at the 'end of a sentence')
2. 何て (comes なんと(いう))
neither of these mean why
*flexes biceps and breaks open the locker* now what bitch
chatgpt says otherwise
>neither of these mean why
lil bro...
damn unko you really do suck at japanese
or maybe you suck at english idk anymore lmao
what actually happened:
>>fake unko baits real unko into streaming
>>unko stream gets memed on
>>unko has tantrum and (maybe) quits djt
>>fake unko keeps posting and makes one of the most embarassing mistakes in djt history
>>fake unko gets memed on
>>fake unko has tantrum and calls everybody else unko eventhough he's was supposed to be unko all along
it all just makes so much sense doesn't it?
im glad we can finally stop talking about the unkos
from now on we will talk about the nangumi guy and the nante guy
so be it
is this really the hill you want to die on? lmao
bro you claimed you "withdrew" from the thread a couple days ago and here you are still bitching and moaning
wtf am i reading
unko wtf i thought you were good at japanese
but you're already dead. shot yourself in the head on accident. 何てこった
This is hilariously wrong.
watch out where you swing that 何 character bro. we all know what happened last time
nope but by all means dig yourself deeper
thread sucks what happened to comfy djt
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unko sissies, not like this...
the quality of these threads would improve dramatically if the unkos didn't post in them anymore
>lil j got removed
>another bunko got added
you know unko means poop right? POOP
unko = poop
kusai unko = smelly poop
stop talking about poop
is it too late to exchange bunko for lil j
i cant read that bro
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>haunting photos taken moments before disaster
feels good knowing fake me has no argument other than english semantics lol
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got real quite in here didn't it
quiet not quite
u mad bro
you dont even know english lol
you're quiet right about that
consesh accepted... nante guy
you guess ids wrong on every post dufus
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finally caught it

the end of the game is in sight
could someone explain fake mes argument
is it that why...?! or how...?! arent expressions of disbelief? i really am not even sure what hes even trying to say at this point lol
you're almost there buddy good luck
i'm assuming he's confused because he thinks you're talking about why as in how come vs how could this be or something
pft when i play red i'm gonna build a team with all the best pokemon according to the pros and that DOESN'T include zapdos
oh so hes just third world level esl gotcha lol
he's from finland what do you expect
JSL is bad but being JTL must be so much worse
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uhm, how do i read this? any tips?
bee gumi? bee kumi?? LMAO
bikumi, i learned my lesson
about time
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samefag and not me
you're still confused? i explained already >>48001026
you cannot explain what you don't understand
why is it that you still don't understand?!?!
how could this be?!??!
you cannot explain your third language in your second language apparently no offense
with no proper argument formed against me i think we can determine that fake shit doesnt kj lol
the stream did him no favors tbf
Chatgpts explanation >>48000672 is pretty good imo. Nante can be translated as why or how in some cases, but it doesn't literally mean that. Add in the obvious confusion with nande and you come out looking pretty silly. Just my 2c
this. that's what i was saying earlier but i could see how it could create confusion for a second language speaker
it can be used imply contempt or dissatisfaction about an unexpected fact or occurence. it never means why. expressing that feeling does not equate to 'why'. sentences like that trailing off with なんて often leave out the critizing utterance that would follow. like 彼がそんなことをするなんて
, translating that as "why would he" is adding something that's not there. "that he would do SUCH A thing..." what about it? i can't believe it? has me at a loss for words? it doesn't say. but なんて cerainly isn't "why". nowhere ever will you find that
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this is the japanese difficulty i live for
again you're misunderstanding why for how come and not the why that expresses disbelief or surprise




fake mes on his PERIOD
you gotta feel it coming
when somebody links nigger music you know it's lil j in incognito
again you're being an idiot. why does mean how come. if someone asks you what does なんて mean and you go "why" how are they supposed to know that 5 min later (after you got your shit pushed in) you're gonna backpeddal and say "oh that's actually not what i meant, it expresses disbelief or surprise." - which is only one of its functions anyway
holy shit dude you're being purposely retarded now. you don't actually want to have a discussion about grammar. you just want to feel right about nante not meaning "why...!" even though it does
you'll never find 仕方がない rendered as "oh well" or "what can you do?" in a formal dictionary, but it still can be translated that way. if you want to stick your head up your ass about english translation then honestly i give up on you
i don't feel right, i am right
masterful trolling by fake unko btw. big brained that shit
weeknd slaps i resent that
-not lil j
>still trying to memoryhole the nangumigate
it was like the january 6 of djt. ofc he's trying to memoryhole it
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2 unkos duking it out
me on the right
imagine tryna memory hole the murder of your waifu
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yooooooo wtf???
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What's the best DoJG Anki deck? The one linked on Tatsumoto seems pretty bad
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>lingo steve constantly tells you to stop learning
hol up let him cook...
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meijitsu? meinichi? meihi?myouhi?
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whenever I eat sushi the glucose rushes right to my penis
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where the hecking new thread?
new bread
if you knew japanese you would be able to tell frontier the pitch accent on my stream that i was understanding
bro in that clip you pronounced sassato as saaaasato lmao
i mean if you'd like to embarrass yourself further be my guest
no i mean wheres your stream or even a vocaroo
That happens long before you're fluent.
Just learn them as you come across them. The same way you do any other vocab.
打ち伏せ is like わからせ >:3
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90% of my failed cards are these bitch ass stupid onomatopoeia. Fuck you.
very cute thanks for posting

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