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Last >>48023494

Spider Wife Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi. Version 10 of Sugoi Translator with the DeepL Fix.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
mmm balls
now I wait about 60 in game days to see the effects of the update, I was lucky to have Ran already pregnant
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>Child Support
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This truly is the /egg/ general now
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But how do girls really know if their egg is fertilized or unfertilized?
Hus that have regular pregnancy eventually know they are pregnant because it becomes obvious due to the changes to their bodies, like you are told in game.
But how doe a bird hu really knows if that egg alive and should not be eaten?
sleigh won.... sleigh fucking won
Can't chicken tell by the sound the egg makes when they tap it? Also the weight of it
I don't know I'm not a chicken
You can see through unfertilized eggs if you put a light behind it. If it is pure yellow it is unfetilized, if there is a dark spot it is fertilized or rotten.
If a mob character gets tired and goes home while you're dating them, then you will still be dating them when you wake up the next they (even though they're not present).
That bug is still not fixed?
Just happened to me on latest anontw anon-tw_eng-modding,.
I've never had the stamina end a date, it's always the clock running out and it sucks balls
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I don't get it, I'm supposed to get a weapon called Nightfoul, but there's nothing after Patty.
Did you go into route B by accident?
No, I'm pretty sure I started Route A.
What's the best era game that isn't based off an existing IP (2hu, SMT, etc)?
I enjoyed GvT and Makai but they need more content. RT is pretty weak as a roguelike which is already a genre with so many great free games.
I can't really think of any good free roguelites
4X could've been one if it's ever finished and improved
Stop playing roguelites then and play roguelikes
proper akuma translation doko
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Since this wasn't posted here yet, english eramegatenP has been updated to catch up with the jp repo on all branches. Loads of wild character additions.
A part of those (not all were added on the uploader) will end up in the normal version (which was also updated recently). However, as always, we're waiting a week or so for at least one bugfix patch, there's usually one inbound.
Might not be the best, but eraAkumaMaid is pretty good. No gameplay though, just training.
Why does megaten gets like 10x more content than TW?
Why are you complaining?
Because it's less writing dependent and more people are interested in playing it because it's more of a game than TW is.
>Jefuty (Reverse Collapse)
Holy fuck, never thought I'd see and play her in Megaten.
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Maybe, but chickens will sit on any egg just instinctually. They eventually get bored or realize that its not happening after it goes long enough without hatching and sometimes the young ones give up way too early and you have to move those eggs under another chicken. We have some super layers that just do not like sitting so we also have some surrogate sitters that don't lay much but they'll happily just eat and sit in a box all day.
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Jeeeeesus that's a lot of things that are added.

I sometime forget that his name was considered to be Luca.

>Regenerate and Invigorate processing changed
>Effects now properly accumulate and cancel each other

New dialogues are always welcome.
Hm, er, so?

Did that chicken really put the egg where it should have been, and bonked the other like to say "you stupid dumb bitch"?
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>Did that chicken really put the egg where it should have been
Chickens are as smart about eggs as they are retarded. If you find any broken eggs you need to remove them fairly quickly because eventually the chickens try eating some. If it happens enough times they start to figure out eggs contain food and they start killing their own clutches for a snack.
This is kinda cute but that chicken looks like she gets pecked a lot as her head looks hurt and now I'm sad :(
Implementing content in eraten is way easier imo; also, TW has a hard limit on its roster since it only has Touhou chars and most of them are already in.
Meanwhile, we barely have any SMTV content, we're still missing a chunk of IV/F and a LOT of stuff from non-mainline, not counting the routes that'll never be finished (P2IS' Nyarly route, P2EP, SJ and DeSu).
p also brought back a bunch of JP devs who'd vanished into thin air years ago.
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>figure out eggs contain food
You dont say.
They are pretty mean toward eachother, just kind of a territorial thing. Sometimes they steal baby chicks from eachother even post-hatching. Roosters are even worse though.
Chickens used to be velociraptors, and have never forgotten that. You should see what they do if they spot a mouse.
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did she just get mad because I made her feel too good?
you're not supposed to outperform someone's husband thats common sense
If you have a, say +10 and -4 effects, you will get a single +6 effect added, before you had some arbitrary queue that could have resulted in weird effects near zero and full health.
>you're not supposed to outperform someone's son thats common sense
Yeah. It's like anon doesn't know anything.
Ah I see. Thanks.
What happens in the B route?
Shit man her son was barely out of her vag and there she was stuffing part of him back up there again.
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what the fuck does that even mean, is anon Junko's son?
Why did the chickens cross the bridge?
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Well, Bankianon?
I don't get it
she a fattie or a stick
not bankianon but she's always felt like a stick to me
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definitely a stick
anon made a joke that implies Junko fucked her probably not even prepubescent son and that me and her have a mommy gf relationship so I'm basically trying to replace her son and that's why she's mad, you're welcome
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I'm going to say slender because I don't even know how food enters her stomach most of the time
Though in saying that, plump virgins are precious and should be slammed with passion
Nothing because it isn't finished as the wiki page says
>I don't even know how food enters her stomach most of the time
I always assumed she unscrews her head and then throws her meals down her neck hole
I usually think of her as having a slender and athletic body with a modest chest.
The wiki isn't always accurate to be fair.
...So that mean the A route is finished?
How do you do blackmail in TW? What are the different interactions with it and are there any characters with more in-depth interactions with that system? Also, what is an effective way to increase lust?
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Is Banki's new dialogue and sprites in the game yet?
You can only get blackmailed in TW and the system only purpose is for girls to stick up vibrators in your ass.
Japanese are gay
Nope, but if it's any consolation orin has a new translation in the modding branch
You can get blackmail by finding a girl masturbating (doing this on purpose with a specific girl is borderline impossible), does it just not do anything?
The worst part is getting a vibratory stuck up your ass doesn't even seem to do anything
Blackmail needs an expansion that lets different girls force you to do different things
Blackmail is a barebones implementation of something that does not even work like blackmail. There is only one prompt that is shared for all girls, you don't even have a choice in the matter and most of the times you will not even notice that you were "blackmailed". And for some reason blackmail means that you have to walk around with a rotor in your ass, even if the girl that blackmailed you is pure and does not know what sex, rotor and the like are.
I don't even know why this homo garbage still is in the game, honestly.
>Blackmail needs an expansion that lets different girls force you to do different things
Or you to force things on them
>most of the times you will not even notice that you were "blackmailed"
Genuinely almost exclusively the case for me.
Japs are just weird people in general and I'm not sure why some people in this website care so much about their opinions on things and treat them as authoritative.
>Japanese are gay
Not just gay, extremely gay.
iirc it gives you a tiny bonus to command execution.
so they might let you stick it in a turn or two earlier than usual.
so its fucking nothing?
ooh, wait, there was one thing
Tewi might sometimes jack up the price of the luck item if you buy it often, if you've got blackmail on her it'll make her drop the price back in exchange for it. You can typically walk in on her masturbating on the same day to get it back as insurance.
>I don't even know how food enters her stomach most of the time
She is a magical girl that can shoot beams out of her hands and use it to duel to against other magical girls in a beauty contest, i think it is pretty fair to assume that anything her heads eats also magically goes inside her stomach.
I can't quite figure out how Lust is supposed to be raised in TW. All my attempts tend to raise intimacy and if I avoid those actions and only do lewd actions lust doesn't rise. What affects lust?
I'm not sure if there's a viable route that doesn't involve rape, but in general you can train sex stats through sexual harassment and molestation without raising intimacy. In theory getting a bunch of levels of lust this way can get you into higher level sex commands or possibly increase push down/being pushed down chances.
Lust is pretty weird. In my games after been chasing a girl for a while I do a random romantic action like lap pillow, kiss, etc and suddenly it pops in pink letter that the girl is lvl 3 lust maniac that can't stop thinking about my cock or orgasms.
It is like that in real life too.
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It gradually increases A pleasure but unless you're a faggot that loves to get topped by futas you won't even have the A sensitivity to orgasm by the time it's over.
The only worthwhile blackmail interaction is when a girl bites you, biting is hot.
you wish
The fastest route to lust is TSP rape, drunken rape, sleep rape, millennium stone, etc. If you want to social grind a "natural" sex friend, then it's a bit trickier. You basically have to grind friendliness stats the same as love route until about C rank favor/reliability, whatever it takes to get the lead and embrace commands and not get an instant hate mark for touching her ass. From there you stop doing normal/affectionate socialization and start to act like a sex pest that spams butt caress/embrace/skinship on the girl in her room when she's at high sexual frustration (this can be induced on demand with aphrodisiac or pink wind). Eventually you'll succeed in getting her to push you down, and riding that session out to its maximum length will get you a lot of progress in sex/lust levels without boosting intimacy much. Repeating this process will let you progress your sexual relationships pretty much purely off sex stats.

Because of how much of it revolves around waiting for sexual frustration to accumulate, it's hard to focus on one girl without using the various rape mechanics or drugs. However, sex friend can be a good choice to fuck a variety of girls with low investment, since the basic criteria is just getting a one or two day relationship and then visiting them when they're horny.
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Nitori's dialogue about tasting semen the first time that gives her extra exp triggers every sex session and even in time stop.
Also her titjob dialogue triggers in time stop too.
A lot of dialogue triggers in tsp. Immersion ruined constantly.
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the worst part about TSP rape for me is that it's so fucking boring, but there really isn't much you can do to improve it, there's little to no way to make any text beyond the generic one that's already there, there's only so many ways you can describe the same thing over and over with different adjectives for the body parts, the lack of dialogue really makes it unbearable, you might as well fuck a character without dialogue but even then she might actually do things on her own even if it is just generic text
and of course I don't wanna hurt the 2hus, I love them too much
Yeah I never feel inclined to do it but I feel like I should bother at some point eventually for achievements sake
In retrospect, it probably would've made more sense for the mechanic if you could rewind time instead of freezing it, that way you struggle snuggle while still getting dialogue and then rewind to have an in universe reason why you can do it without being pulped by Reimu
Memory erasing drugs/hypnotism could also do this I guess
STA, ENE or VIG? What's the biggest bottleneck?
>Be me
>Can't really get off to anything that isn't a video or at least a gif through most of my life
>Text based porn sounds ridiculous to me
>Find out era eventually
>Get into it mostly because of touhou
>Enjoy it
>It's fun even if not for the porn
>Get more into it eventually
>Still sounds absurd to jack off to it but it can get me off now
>Don't really know why don't care either way
>Start getting more and more into text based porn
>Decide to try out AI sex chat tonight
>Still sounds completely stupid in my head
>Doesn't matter it gets me off within minutes
>Realize after cumming that my writing style with the AI is literally the same as the ones used in TW and some /egg/ translations
What the fuck did you guys do to me?
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Wait until you fall into the secret tenth layer of hell, aka the MMO RP pit of despair
you know, funny length aside I don't know how one would write a "dialogue" for something like that
I think transcribing porn really is the way to go with it

ENE by far
>It gradually increases A pleasure but unless you're a faggot that loves to get topped by futas you won't even have the A sensitivity to orgasm by the time it's over.
I got it purely by abusing Tsukasa's prostate massaging dialogue and wish we had a lot more.
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text is inherently hotter than just watching any porn because you can easily self-insert in it and draw the whole scene in your own head with whatever you're reading as a base
what sucks to me is when characters have barely one line for the majority of lewd actions, and then the few lines they have are generic enough that they could be talking about any action
I need my smut to be overly convoluted and wordy or I can't get off
Yes, but just to specify:
Tewi 'will' increase the price of the luck item after the second and third time you've bought it. This increase is permanent. Having blackmail will get her to give the item to you 'for free' in exchange for the blackmail, but the price will stay high (10k the first time, 50k after a few purchases).
Considering we do have Bite the Dust as an NG+ mechanic, getting a reduced version of it which we can use for example to rewind a few hours would be cool.
goddamn purple (紫) prose enjoyers, it's easy to say but only the most mentally ill can write several pages worth of smut for just one action
it's really tough especially when you're cringing hard enough to get indigestion
hard to write, hot to read (when you're not the author)
Blackmail allows you to punish the rabbit mob saleswoman, I think?
no, for her you use the word of power "no u" and spend the stone of Mirada on her
which is coincidentally a way for >>48068078 since it nerfs Favour considerably
that's just the default way that event goes, I got it very early in the game and accidentally lost my virginity because I didn't know that would happen, obviously reloaded a save
Why do characters get turned on from you talking to your kids
Fatherhood is sexy.
it's obvious, isn't it?
Isn't this based on real life behavior?
Same reason women are more likely to come on to you if you wear a ring.
So what you're saying is real life women are pipe foxes?
That's insulting to pipe foxes, but yes.
I have a couple half finished drafts for some things and I just can't. The cringe is far too much and it's hard to not be repetitive.
It is like that in real life too. It is the primal part of the brain saying you would make a good father for her kids too.
...Might I ask, does anyone here knows if there's a general on some board that talks about these AI chat bots? Specifically the waifu ones. I'm looking for higher quality ones.
both are extremely off topic and access to any of the actually good models is extremely limited but go see for yourself
I appreciate it anon. Thank you.
How do Zomas works in megaten? Do their skills evolves naturally like regular demons? Does zoma enhancement actually upgrades them or just copy the stats of the demon i used? Are they even worth using?
there's one on /jp/ right now >>48044987
They can inherit skills when you enhance them, the only zoma that learns skills on its own is Mary from the coliseum event. They're annoying to keep up in levels too, though, you either gotta feed them millions of MAG or dozens of demons higher level than they are.
In megaten, if i am only using items and guns there is no point in levelling strength right?
Basically, yeah.
you already can do this with cheat engine
02:00 is 120, 02:30 is 150, and you can freely change that value to extend your day pretty much forever as long as you just rewind it
If you're using a summoner you can make and use magic swords at the fusion place, the strength and abilities depend on the demon, i made a sword that's basically 1ROW slash damage , very convenient since my 1ROW gun can deal almost every other type of damage, good for grinding and good enough for boss battles
And even then, i don't know if STR is needed for that sort build, maybe just make do with a few STR incenses
/aids/ on /vg/ also discusses chatbots, though its focus is on narrative textgen. AetherRoom might slap if it ever gets out of alpha.
So uh just out of curiosity but how healthy is it to edge yourself for hours on end to era?
It won't kill you but I wouldn't make it a daily habit.
>I wouldn't make it a daily habit.
what about every few days or so? My dick has been hurting but that's about it
How big is the eratohoTW game size? I'm downloading really slow at 15kbps...
You gave yourself cancer, good job.
Thanks but pretty much everything can be done via cheats, the fun is in having limited uses of it and having to work through the limitations.
256mb according to my folder
Erections happen by increasing the flow of blood to the dick and restricting the outwards flow, which means oxygenation is reduced (see priapism as an example of when it gets bad), so I would recommend taking a break every maximum two hours to allow it to recover a little.
It hurting after a long sesson is normal, though you can also use a massage gun set at a low speed on it for a few mins to help alleviate the pain. I do that every time after fapping, even when it doesn't hurt.
If i have a tiny dick then there wont be any problems right since there will be little blood going down there.
where do you live lil bro goddamn
where do I find box of cakes?
and how do I sacrifice 10 panties?
You have to stop time and pilfer whoever's panties you need, once per day. You can sacrifice them at religious places, such as the hakurei or moriya shrines
Mail shop
thanks for the fast response
Is there any unique dialogue or interactions if you are a shota in megaten?
That makes no difference.
There's some lines here and there, but nothing massive.
in tw, if the girls hate you will they rape you if you pass out drunk during a party?
do you think this happens irl
in tw, if you are a girl and all tohos have dicks, do they rape you when you pass out drunk?
there wouldn't be an impromptu orgy in the middle of the town square at noon either, and yet here we are
I never saw a woman in real life fly and have a laser duel with other women either.
Another thing is that the woman can claim you raped her and win 100% of the cases even if she's the one who got you blackout drunk, and any resulting child support will also ruin you for life.
Nobody tell him.
Women aren't real.
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Here's Kutaka, Nitori and Nazrin art in 360x360 with costumes and stuff
I got this done quicker than I expected because it's more fun and rewarding than my actual work, unfortunately
Actually pretty nice, wish heca's shirt is a bit darker though
started to come back to era games again and found out anontw requires a few more workarounds for win7.
figured them out, I'll post it here for anyone else that wants it.
You need to copy over an older emuera as usual, Emuera1824+v18+EMv17+EEv36 or 37 would work. 37 triggers false positives so if you want to be safe use 36. you can get EE36 from https://gitgud.io/Legis1998/anon-tw/-/blob/1853d9fc0aa1bed3135101cda1c08d39bffd49a5/Emuera1824+v18+EMv17+EEv36.exe or EE37 from https://gitgud.io/era-games/eraAS/-/blob/312d994257e1eaed34b177f043b5fe4ee89eddb6/Emuera1824+v18+EMv17+EEv37.exe (thanks to me from a year ago for doing my own work for me)
The usual suspects of GETDOINGFUNCTION() needs to be replaced with __FUNCTION__ in ERB\口上・メッセージ関連\個人口上\ 027 wriggle, 060 parsee, and 151 yuugenmagan, then in ERB\TRANSLATION\ModularCharacterUpdate.erb. Same as old versions, but new versions require the following
You need the \lang folder to translate your launcher(optional) and libsharpyuv.dll and libwebp.dll which you can get from anontw releases before May 30, 2024.
afterwards you need to launch the game, help > settings > system2 > enable file encoded in utf-8. Then you're good to go.
I'm currently on win7 and haven't had any of these issues with anontw, the fuck are you doing?
I never installed the newer .net that is required by the newer exes. People say it just works but I figure why even risk it if it's simple enough to bypass.
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Which newer .net? I had to install 7.0.3 for Vintage Story and despite not being "supported" it still works just fine. I haven't tried .net 8 yet but nothing's required it so far.
no and it would be retarded if they did so
I don't think it's that hard to write. Just takes a bit of practice.
Weekly update:

- Some new OC got written for the first time you trigger the Grassroots Youkai meal event.
- Added a new QOL feature that lets you set your wake-up time to the same as a given character.
- Fixed a bug with Kyouko's concert art.
- A couple fixes for eggnancy: Iku now lays clutches by default, and Kyouko now has litters by default.
- Fixed a bug with Nitori's semen drinking event and titjob dialogue in time stop.

- Some minor text bugs got fixed.
- Sexual conquests, affinity enhancement, and a couple things in the fusion menu and sale report got translated.
- I finally finished translating the new Alice stuff. Please wait warmly for Tiael to proofread it.

- eraAkumaMaid updated to 0.213, adding a new character (a trap obsessed with impregnating girls). It also got support for emoji in statuses (weather, etc.).
- eraMakaiRanch updated to 1.031. Dinner event lines also got translated.
I saw a case of this same thing, the guy only managed to get away because there was some security footage of the girl dragging him out of the party, if no for that he would've been convicted 100%
>lets you set your wake-up time to the same as a given character
this wasn't a thing? I've had it for a while, or was it an anontw thing?
Great job, love the shades and santa hat on the chick
It gives you a list to pick the character now, it used to let you do it only for the girl you're living with.
but its not retarded when i rape them?
Cute cock
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why do i get error on ymaem
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I'm brand new to the whole game thing, but I want to become a capitalist BEAST in AnonTW. What is the best way to make money? Can I sue the girl who raped me and lost me an entire day? So far the only method I know of is cleaning or setting up a stall, therefore I will be trying to cook and get that up first but it still seems a little expensive to purchase ingredients and make snacks off that.
There's also quests but those are rare and don't pay well.
Is there anyone specifically I should try make friends with?
Any advice helps. Thanks.
And as a general question, when did you guys start playing these types of games?
alcohol and more alcohol, keep selling and remember to wrap up your hyperweapon
befriend local bookshop girl for double sex exp
Foraging and selling the mats to Eiren can get you pretty stupid rich easily. The time stop + magic potion loop allows you to forage for days in tsp. She can even fully restore your tsp once a day for like 20k.
If you get really good at music, you can perform at gatherings for charisma and play the charisma market.
Move to youkai mountain summit, make friends with Suwako, take her fishing behind the waterfall every day. Befriend Tsukasa, and have her help you sell your catches from your stall, because she's the best saleswoman in the game. The upside of this is that you'll get very rich very quickly while also getting skill levels. The downside is that both of those girls will rape you constantly.
Use the kitchen garden to farm stuff, sell it at a stall during holidays for an easy million per month.
go lumbering
If there's ever a chance your character is going to have to AUTO their way through an encounter with their melee weapon then there is some point to have some Strength.
Though that's not gonna happen much if you do have the items and bullets to do what you're planning to do anyway.
If you have lust mode turned on then just wait for the horny weather then in a day or two travel around, you'll get sex quests that are basically the easiest 50k you'll make.
I'm the anon who originally requested it, thank you so much! This is amazing, I especially like how the disguise turned out. You forgot to remove the red hair extension for the night gown by the way, but that's okay, it's more of a nitpick than something that actually matters.
that's pretty inconsistent tho, those request rarely happen even if the girl is extremely frustrated
>The downside is that both of those girls will rape you constantly.
the sex fox is obvious, the frog will tonguefuck you so hard she'll give you prostate massages through your mouth
you are the prey and they are predators
Where do i get Alice(demon) in Megaten?
You have to find her first.
And where do i find her?
Don't try to become a demon that opposes God. Be a good person. Honest work is better than robbing a bank or cooperating with a person that robs a bank. You know the money in bank is from innocent and good nature people so taking money that doesn't belong to you in a bank is an evil act against God.
The money on the bank is mine though, i am just taking it back from the real thiefs.
It's fine if you take the money from YOUR account but it's wrong if you take money from OTHER PEOPLE'S account. If you want Alice (not Touhou) to join your side, you need to be a good person. Don't sacrifice your humanity for the temptation of power from becoming a powerful demon. It isn't cool to become a demon unlike what Disgaea told you and the fate of the ultimate secret boss of Disgaea has shown me it isn't worth it.
Wow i skipped a dialogue and clicked yes without reading and ended up getting my character gang raped in the library in Megaten lol
You have to go to the place where Alice is.
Does being a trap counts as same sex for fall status with female characters?
I think it's one of a few events where saying yes leads to your MC getting raped if female (or at least, if has a vagina), not counting events where you can offer party members (and/or yourself) for a shortcut or some sort of gain in a dungeon. The only other one I can think of is in Roppongi Night Entertainment where a troll, a dvergr and cupid are arguing over what makes them more sexy to women; one of the options gets you gangraped by them.

The only other ones I can think of that isn't rape is in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, if you cooperate with either Susanoo or Tsukuyomi to beat the other brother in their quest to bang Amaterasu; doing so will allow you to then, if female, to get seeded by them as their 'miko'. I believe that in Susanoo's case, he'll actually join you as well after giving you a thorough banging as well. Note that choosing either incestuous brother will result in a thoroughly mind broken Ameterasu, but you do get to unlock their fusions if you care that much about filling your book.

In terms of era, a trap (if the era game has something beyond 'male' and 'female') usually means a male as a base. For eraMegaten purposes, I'm pretty sure it's still the same, so a trap won't count as same sex with female characters.

If you wanted this to be considered same sex, you'd have to go futanari.
>(or at least, if has a vagina),
My character is a trap actually.
Can be hard to tell what the game is looking for sometimes, because in terms of scripting many events look at what sexual organ(s) they have as opposed to their gender for branching. And the annoying thing is that this is entirely dependent on whether the script author only cared about whether your character has the appropriate sexual organ(s) (which is the most common), or they go by gender assignment, or even both (some of them go 'is male or female?', then if female, 'has penis?'), for narration purposes (mostly for futanaris and sometimes traps; the whole "wait why do you have penis when you look female" plot twist surprise thing).

Having said all that, specifically acknowledging that traps and shotas, and to a lesser extent lolis exist tend to be on the much rarer side as it all depends on whether the script author wants to even think about those things. The laziest ones are the ones that always assume the MC is a male adult, especially in other eras.
The colosseum in megaten seems to be one with the most effort put into this, i have seen different dialogues for the protagonist if male, trap, female, virgin female and loli. They also mention sizes too with small character being used as a onahole, i did not test bigger sizes though or shotas though.
Also the dialogues for recruiting a male demon using your body as trap seems to always acknowledge that you are trap too.
It's a shame losing the colosseum is an automatic game over
It is so painful when you lose and realize the last save was before the last exploration.
That makes me think, what *should* be used as baseline? The gender talent, that goes female/male/futa? Or by the actual genital? Because I won't lie, it is a bit of a bitch to keep in mind the possible permutations
I guess the base should be the genital, and the trap/futa should be built on top of it later because otherwise it would be too much work on the writer to write all at once.
What are the requirements to get a girl gregnent in megaten without them having a breakdown and giving alway the kid to adoption?
The intro to the Colosseum (or at least the Devil Colosseum part) at least acknowledges the level of exposure your character has when they show up - from fully covered (no mention or additional lines), to being nopanty while wearing a skirt or other bottom clothing that otherwise does not cover genitals (reception guy asks you whether you're aware that you're exposed, though appreciates the sight), to being nopan or topless (I think he questions your sanity), to being completely naked (he asks whether you're actually signing up so that you can get banged).

A loving relationship? Don't tell me you've done nothing but break every single girl and impregnated them without getting an Affection Fall even once.
Either do the loli branch of the nagi questline or do the lily route out of shinjuku.
I got the exposed line before when using that one armor that increases defense as you level up Exhibitionism. i did not know there where more dialogues like that. Whoetever wrote Colesseum did a great job.
What traits should i give to my character in megaten if i want to profit with the restaurant?
>Can I sue the girl who raped me and lost me an entire day?
It would be funny having Eiki judging your silly cases
"why is the accused not recused as judge?"
"why is the plaintiff's mouth not on my lower lips yet?"
Kangaroo outfit for Eiki now!
Oh god don't remind me. I should have learned after the first time but I've done it several times since.
Sex > Gender. Gender stuff should be aspiration extra dialogue.
does TW even support traps and reverse traps in the first place? in a combination of female with dick and male with pussy, which one would get babby formed?
A trap is a man with a penis, a reverse trap is a woman with a vagina. The answer to who gets pregnant is an obvious one.
what? since when?
>semen inside vagina = chance of babies
Jesus, you people are fucked up in the head if you need someone to explain basic shit like this
In era terms, traps are typically just males that have a modifier that says 'looks female', in that they don't have a vagina, with the reverse traps being 'females that look male', but no penis. If an era game was to actually define a person with both a penis and vagina as a 'male', they're typically referred to as a hermaphrodite. I suppose the difference in terms of appearance between a hermaphrodite and a futa is that a herm has a male build and no boobs at all ('man boobs', whether flat or fat), while futas would have a female build with typical female boobs.

In terms of TW, the game only really acknowledges male, female and futa. Part of being a trap (reverse or otherwise), in the 'mainstream' sense, is usually tied to how they're dressed and act, but TW wasn't written with this sort of thing in mind. In fact, clothing in TW doesn't really matter at all beyond whether there is panty to take and for exposure gem gain purposes.

If one was to make TW be able to acknowledge (reverse) traps at all, there would be three ways to go about it - either just add them in as a gender definition, make it based on what combination of breasts, vagina and penis you have, or expand on, and introduce mechanics relating to clothing and 'how (You) act' using something like the /weg/ game, Degree of Lewdity (DoL) has for this vs what the 2hus individually and/or generally are aware. All of these would require inserting whatever changes into existing dialogue and other scripting though, so for the 3rd option at least, it might be better off as a new branch thing. It's probably easier to implement FeMC pregnancy than to fiddle around with all this.
Does the clothing your character is wearing affects anything in TW or is it just for RP purposes?
The first paragraph I agree with and I believe it's the understanding most people have had in general for a long time now. I thought herm and futanari were synonymous though with futa being the slang term (in English, it's the actual term in jap), in the same way trap is the slang for crossdressing, rather than any actual distinction. It just tends to always be a woman with a dick in such media.
We have male, female, and herm. Anything else is just fluff involving what other people see.
The only thing clothing does for the MC at all is provide Exposure gems based on what is exposed and how much, for every action you do with another 2hu. Maybe running around naked makes some 2hus say extra things? Never really tested that part, but most 2hus don't even bat an eye to female (You) not wearing panties when some naughty wind blows up your skirt.
the wind thing also happens with kimonos regardless of sex
The futa/hermaphrodite distinction matters in negotiations. Female demons asking to be dicked during negotiations won't accept a futa, nor will they have intercourse if you negotiate them for sex as a futa.
I think maybe one person said I was wearing brazen clothing once, but I can't even remember who it was.
I mean, I was playing a female wearing a micro-bikini with no underwear at the time, so it wasn't like they were wrong
Both female and male demons will accept traps funnily enough
That fluff between herms and futas is an important distinction though, because in the end, futas are as mentioned seen as 'females with a penis'. The important part here is 'female'. Rather than a third gender category, they're seen as female still (and will typically identify themselves as female, despite the 'bonus goods') and thus a futa getting dick'd by a male is seen as hetero while a futa dicking a female or getting dick'd by another futa is seen as lesbian. Futas can be seen as either having testicles ('full package futa'), or hidden (the most common sort of futa).

Meanwhile, a herm may have a vagina, but they're typically seen (and identify themselves) as male. So if they're getting dicked by a male, it's seen as homo in that they're taking it in an actual pussy instead of their 'asspussy', while dicking a female or futa is seen as hetero. Being dicked by a futa as a herm is instead seen something like male pegging instead. Herms in this sense would only be seen with testicles; hidden testicle herms would just look and sound as strange as a normal male with no testicles.
Kutaka! Egg! Wife! More egg!
The clothing coverage system is actually pretty detailed in terms of what parts of the body is covered. In eraMegaten at least, I think it even goes down to whether fingers and toes are covered by that piece of clothing. It does have its quirks in that just skirts alone, even long skirts, always count as genitals being exposed despite covering legs (unless it's a short or micro skirt) because this coverage system doesn't usually account for 'undressing state' (e.g. whether skirt is lifted or not). Instead, genital coverage is instead left to underwear bottoms (if it covers it at all; stuff like open crotch panties and 'swimsuit with holes' have genitals exposed). This system also determines whether something needs to be 'shifted' to reach it, though most era games still require a skirt to be 'shifted aside' to reach what's underneath. 'Full-body costumes' like Kimonos and Gothic Dresses fall under that definition because the bottom part is, in the end, just a skirt or dress of some sort.

The only reason why this isn't really known is because almost no era game ever makes use of this mechanic at all, with clothing existing more as a RP thing to help you visualise how they look. The only era games I can think of that makes full use of the clothing body coverage system is, in fact, eraGvT (G(uys)irls vs Tentacles) and eraFL ('Fantasy Life', but not based on the actual mainstream Fantasy Life game series).

For eraGvT, it's mainly because tentacles have to break through clothing coverage to j-jam it in. Also you could 'mod' your outfit to be more exposed for gains, so long as they don't get caught by tentacles. Being overly exposed in eraGvT (whether as part of your squad's outfit or due to clothing damage/destruction) could also cause rape events happen to them from human bystanders.
For eraFL, the presence of outfit exposure has an actual combat effect (there are no 'armour' like in eraMegaten, only clothing), in that having fully exposed top and/or bottom causes that character to take more damage (unless they have the skill 'Cast Off', in which case they deal more damage instead of taking more damage). However, it looks at this from the point of 'has bottoms (clothing) on?' and 'has bottoms (underwear) on?' instead of whether genitals are exposed or not. The game does have clothing destruction traps and enemy attacks (though only a few as enemy sexual attacks is a fairly new addition), so your party members can get exposed eventually. They can also be a sexual action during rape ('Goblin grabs (Your) blouse and rips it to shreds!'). Otherwise non-combat actions do respect breast/genital exposure from clothing though, like other era games.
>You forgot to remove the red hair extension for the night gown by the way
Oh yeah, didn't even think to remove it
Are devil shifters' devil form affected by the equipped items in megaten?
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I've been trying out the eraMegatenP variant recently, but while the reordered Resources folder makes it easier to find specific characters, I have no idea about what to do if the character doesn't have an image file right now.

Do I have to create a new folder with the character ID and drop the images there? Where is the CSV file, if any, that controls all this stuff now? I tried dropping custom images into the Custom Portraits folder, but it seems like I'm actually supposed to drop them into '01_キャラ指定追加アイコン' and follow the naming convention there now.

Lastly, unless I'm being dumb or blind, but is the new Emura used specifically by eraMegatenP supposed to copy lines to the clipboard by default? I'm not seeing anything show up being captured on Sugoi.
They get the passives on them but not the stats.
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I'm going to attempt an TW run where I go a full year in game without having any relation with a female beyond saying hello.
Strength be with me.
I get roleplaying as yourself but this seems a bit much anon
Try one without saying hello at all.
So I just lock my door and masturbate/read all year?
You could also walk around in timestop
Just like my night walks, it'll literally be me.
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New JP functionality: if you use the "Listen to god" option at an altar, you can get a ranking of girls by the number of times you did X with them
Wow, that's... useless.

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