Guide:曲: thread: >>48288599
>>48304534>rrat in the opholy based
わしがのみ込んでくれるwhy is くれる used here instead of あげる? don't really get it
>>48304419true if you step down the "I hate normies" rabbithole you will indeed find normalfags
tae kim says it's wrong, but that sentence is from an anime
>>48304639bless her lil dekinai heart
>>48304705matt says language is descriptive, not prescriptive
>>48304718if thats true then why does everyone laugh at everyones mistakes on here
>>48304730what? this is like asking "if everyone votes in a democracy, then why do the minority positions always lose?"
language is seductive
>>48304743if a mistake is common then by that logic its acceptable
language is predicative
>>48304752yes, that's how language works. go outside for once in your life and experience it. or maybe you don't even notice the "mistakes" anymore
>>48304758clearly not if you guys keep complaining lol
>>48304767one retard on djt is not "the majority". them making mistakes doesn't meet the criteria of "if a mistake is common" >>48304752 is english not your first language? are you having trouble in this basic conversation?
>>48304775what if its a mistake that literally every single learner makes including some natives then is it common lol
うおおお becky
>>48304809if more than 50% of speakers do it, then it is correct
>>48304823pretty sure more than 50% of english speakers screw up your and youre and yet theyre still not interchangeable
>>48304823more than 50% of speakers itt need to stfu right now is what i'm thinking
>>48304823more than 50% of english speakers are third worlders
Has anyone else been enjoying Sengoku YoukoShow has been running so long I started it before beginning learning nihongo and am now trying to watch each weekly episode without subs I like it and it made me try spirit circle but I didn’t vibe with that at allMaybe biscuit hammer is better
>Hstopped reading right there
another uppercaser slayed
>>48304648>わしがのみ込んでくれる>母がプレゼントをくれましたthese are both wrong tho. you can't give yourself an action you're performing
>>48304705>>48304648oops. in >>48305002 i mean >わしがのみ込んでくれるand>私が全部たべてくれました
>>48305005and yet your and youre are interchangeable in none of them
>>48305002>you can't give yourself an action you're performingwatch me! *bends over to fellate self*
>>48305020language isn't written, it is spoken, and those two sounds are indeed the same
*sticks foot up ass*>>48305032whats that youre reading right nowyes yes these words that are appearing on your screen
>>48305050mere symbols, that i must then translated into real language by verbalizing them in my head or with my mouth. there's nothing special about those symbols
Does anyone know where I can buy a quality そろばん (soroban, for all you baka gaijin); any specific brand I should look for? I've checked out Yahoo Auctions, but they're all either too long and/or look too shoddy. When I say "quality", I mean not made of chinesium; Japanese authentic, not ornate with gold 'n shiet. >inb4 not /djt/ relatedI'd be learning how to do calculations in JapaneseI'm also looking for a quality shogi set to play with some ojisans at the park.
>>48305069symbols which represent what exactly?
>>48305081>symbols which represent what exactly?
>>48304648its 暮れる
>>48305002>>48305008yeah, i'm more or less asking why a native would make such a basic mistakei guess it just means あげる
How do you read w in your mindI go ヴイ
depends which langauge im reading inbut im always reading numbers in my native language
>>48304639i like her handwriting
What method do you guys use for building a mining deck
>>48305361Find wordMine it
Guyz, i keep doing my reps daily while not adding any new cards, but the review count never drops below 80. Why???
>>48305361is there even more than one method
>>48305649dame wish i could read this
>>48305413could be:>not using fsrs with the reschedule feature>using too high of a target retention (90 percent is high, especially so when it comes to language learning)or >you're getting a lot wrong every review session so review don't seems to be dropping
>>48305413There's usually two reasons for that1: cards on a longer interval timer are still coming back. It'll take quite a bit of time of not adding any new cards to your deck before you start to notice a drop2: Your accuracy is not high enough, meaning that a larger number of cards are stuck in the early SRS stages.I don't know how big your deck is, but sometimes it's actually better for your motivation to keep adding cards in and not to worry too much about reviews. The feeling that you're not making progress is going to make it much more likely that you'll give up on the deckTo increase accuracy if you're failing the same cards, you're sometimes better off just increasing immersion. If you see a word showing up while immersing, you're going to form a new "connection" to that word, which might be just what your brain needs to finally commit it to memory.
wish i couldnt read that
how did 2 people think to respond to that cardtard within 2 seconds of each other lol
what ingredients go into a cardtarte
well cards for one
>>48304639she was prolly somehow thinking about baths 銭湯
that's not how a mistake like that works
i hate windows so much, it's unreal. fucking japanese input has QWERTY layout by default, but you can go into the registry and change it to QWERTZ, which I did.but since some update it's back to using the fucking QWERTY bullshit, and even though my reg entry is still changed to german keyboard input, it doesn't fucking matter apparently. even changing it back and then back again didn't do anything. what the fuck man, just let me type in japanese with QWERTZ for fuck's sake.
ja, den schmerz kenn ich
your cat?
no, it's some meme cat
is the middle finger comprehensible input for japs or do they just whitenoise it
watching things subless can obviously be hard but I watch so many seasonals I want it to add to immersion time
will my boomer dad enjoy logh?
you have a dad? that's cringe. you need two dads
you have a dad? that's cringe. you need to suck off tripfags here
wish i had 1 tbһ
in kondasha kanji learners S6 of this char is drawn more vertical which makes the mnemonic of seeing an equals sign meaningless. I think the final font used for the graphics in the book did not fully match the authors intented design
>>48306045as it shows in your pic, the radical is 冫 aka 二水. which is also pretty much the same as katakana n ン
>>48304648judging by the use of わし the person's japanese is a little datedand dictionaries say you can use くれる this way広辞苑「くれる」1 自分のために他人がその動作をし、それによって恩恵・利益を受ける意を表す。2 他人に対して自分がその動作をしたやる意を表す。
I don’t understand why reading is so hardEven writing my own sentences is easierWhy can’t I apply my same knowledge of word order and stuff here
>>48306460>word order and stuff;3
>>48306541I can't explain Japanese grammar in English because I'm Japanese ('、3_ヽ)_
>>48306587no japanese person needs to say theyre japanese lil ho
>>48306608why not? im not a danish ;3
watasi wa nihonjin dess
>>48306693true true :3
>>48306587That’s okay I never asked for a grammar explanation
>>48306710>okaywhoa... you are the coolest guy I have ever met! :O
>moshii knever knew this alone can be used as a greeting like "yo stranger!"
>>48306722I don’t even understand if this is supposed to ironic or if you’re genuinely this autistic
>>48306732もし、その方よもや大変無礼な事を宣っているのではなかろうな?( ・ิω・ิ)
wish i could read that
hey dude, aren't you being very rude to me? >:3
>>48306760I have been studying Japanese for seven decades and have never seen よもや until now
its all so tiring
phewjust managed to do all my reps before the nightly reset
>>48306959wakaru :)
>>48304718Matt is a 4ft tall goblin con artist who hasn't had a job in his life and he's over 30 years old.
>>48305850Windows' forced updates are a fucking nightmare.
>>48305926If he's got half a brain, he'll find it hilarious and stupid that the writers didn't realise that space is 3 dimensional. And that all their battle tactics make no sense cos they act like they're in ships floating on water.>Sir! Let's attack from the left!>oooohhh a cunning strategy! they'll never see us coming from that direction!lmfao
>>48306045>meaninglessYou can still tell that's an equal sign, you absolute buffoon.
Bros wtf skeb isn’t accepting my Mastercard
Hello everyone. I'm currently storytiming historical manga on /a/.I've finished with Angolmois (Mongol Invasion of Japan): now I'm currently doing Divci Valka(Hussite Wars):, the later only has 8 out of 12 volumes have been translated into english and not wanting to drop it or upload the untranslated raws, I'm asking if anyone here is interesting in translating it?I just need the translated text as I'm good at Photoshop and can handle typesetting. Here are the links to the raws:
>>48307133why dont you just download some ocr and run the whole thing through gpt
>>48307141I've already done that (using Capture2text) and the results are depressing. Google Translate's image function unironically has better results.
>>48307148use and thank me later
>>48306994>zomg its an equal signretard fluency was just that easy
If you haven't been tested for the tism in Japanese than you're unironically not going to make it
Forgot pic
it seems like the “i may not be book smart but im street smart!1!1!!” cope is a thing in jap land too lel
Students with access to a Neuralink implant could learn new information at an astronomical rate, """download languages instantly,""" retain more information, and have faster problem-solving skills[120].
>>48307348the JLPT is next week
>>48307410Irrelevant>>48307400That's still science fiction, you're buying a marketing pitch at this point.
>>48307419what year do you predict we'll see this science fiction
>>48307421Never lmao
cool wotd 一見さんcould you read it?>>48307348>>48307352what’s the point of getting a diagnosis though validation? lmfao
>>48307457fuck off elon hater
>>48307458I'm getting tested for ADHD, the purpose of getting tested is to get medication to help me focus. But when you go to a psychiatrist and report symptoms of ADHD they also test you for autism because there's some overlap.>>48307469I neither like nor dislike Elon.
>>48307481adhd isn't real tho
even if i don't know japanese I'm still grateful i know englishare you grateful?
>>48307504Yes, I love the English language
>>48307504are you going to attempt to learn japanese or will you just keep asking stupid questions and wait for neuralink
>>48307517sir the doctor said i have schizophrenia so yes i will wait for neuralink
>>48307522so can you stop coming here? thanks
>>48307491It literally is though, I have it
will you actually go the neuralink route when it becomes possible?
>>48307591no i don’t want suspicious goy implants
>>48307604but there will be japanese people who take it for english
>>48307615there are also some people who specifically go out of their way to get aids and some who eat poop and some who donate money to vtubers and so on
>>48307155>Extract File.>Get a system error when I try to use the shortcut. "api-ms-win-core-path-I1-1-.0.dll" is missing from your computer.
>>48307155lol unko is a hoovertard after all
>>48307620you know that's not the same
>>48307641Damn, there's another error. Pic related.
>>48307655is that windows 7
just read 分が悪い as bun
>>48307756from 五分五分 to 分がある
>>48306991good thing my dad has a full brain instead, so he knows what artistic liberty means
post youre immersion stations
>>48308056ブラックじゃないなんてへちょいな! B^)
It's wild to me that there are retards out there who are so fucking lazy that they would rather get brain surgery and become a guinea pig by having an experimental product implanted into their skull (which is likely to fail and lose support) rather than just picking up a fucking book and reading.
Been studying for 5 years with very little output simply due to not having Japanese people to talk to, but I was able to express what I wanted/needed without issue most of the time, as well as understanding what people were saying to me in response.Not once was I jouzu'd which made me feel really good. My wife was jouzu'd once in my presence by the same person I'd been talking to in Japanese which was another nice little confidence booster lol.The system works! Now to start consuming all the Japanese media I purchased while I was there :)
>>48308224i have disabilities thats why
>>48308590*learning disabilities
>>48308590if you have the ability to post on 4chan that is not a valid excuse
>>48308594the doctor literally said i have schizophrenia
can you learn japanese with schizophrenia?
>>48308597>>48308627schizophrenia makes it easier actually
>>48308861i once tried to learn but had to give up because for some reason the stimuli from learning gave me physically painful headaches
>stimuli from learning
>>48308901I'm just explaining how it happened
genuinely neuralink is the only way i can learn
ya'll die from cooming overdose like those poor monkes if you had a proper neuralink
>>48308925cool then stop coming here
>>48309094aren't you gonna give me advice
>>48309103you don’t want to put in any effort clearly
any new tips for learning japanese discovered in the last few months?
>>48307591not immediately. I will wait for a chunk of the percentage of the world population to get it first. When you have a billion people using something without issue it verifies its safety over a human lifespan. Most people cant comprehend this but when you have a billion people, the sample variation of humans is so diverse that long term issues will present immediately at least in some of that sample
mined 剣戟
>>48309518you seem to be confused the jlpt only exists between n5 and n1 and lower numbers mean higher difficulty
>you seem to be confused
>>48304534経験から学んだことは、私のイメージは私のものだけじゃないことです。子供の頃は、良い行いをするだけで他の人から見た自分のイメージは絶対に良くなると思っていましたが、大人になるにつれて、自分の性格や評判に大きく影響する、自分ではコントロールできない要素がたくさんあることに気づきました。私が優しくて興味深い人であっても、嫉妬深い人々からのいじめに遭遇する可能性があり、それが精神状態に悪影響を与える可能性があります。さらに、嫌いな人たちによって広まった私に関するさまざまな嘘や歪んだ考えにより、アイデンティティを変更する必要が生じる可能性があります。また、私が特定の人々のサークルに入って一緒に過ごしている私の考え方もそのサークルの中で生まれる「社会」によって決定される可能性が高くなります。たとえば、美術学校に通っている私の思考タイプは、ジムでの思考とは異なるかもしれません。国籍や家族のイメージも非常に大切なものです。私がのグループの一員であることを拒否したとしても、他の人が私をそのグループの一員として分類しなくなるわけではないので、私のアイデンティティの集合的な部分を無視すると、個人として私が直面する脅威に対して脆弱なままになります。 このことは社会と個人の両方に適用されます。例えば、第二次世界大戦後の最初の数年間は、日本製品は安くて品質があまり良くないと考えられていましたが、時間が経つにつれて、日本企業の活躍と日本経済の回復のおかげで、日本で作られた製品が世界最高のものと考えられるようになりました。この日本で作った商品のイメージは今でも日本経済に役立っていると思います。
>>48309644したがって、善良で興味深い人間になるように努めると同時に、自分の周りの環境や自分が関わる社会にも気を配る必要があると思います。fruit(igerAero)y(Y2K)EcologyCUTE DREAMY FAIRYY YPONYAN COSMOPOLITANLYY YAY2PLAY YN1 GAME yay^What’s wrong? Why I haven’t even made it to interview? I am excellent in almost every skill ai put effort to. I know I may lack formal experience but I have been indie gamedev in fruityEcology since 15 years old or even earlier, published Y2P games with much extremely positive reviews I have graduated master’s in Game Creation in JP College, know many languages have so much skills and deep knowledges… what the yay is so wrong?How do I find a GameDev/IT/Design/Art job?I want to at least be able to work and travel yayly like the US or EU kids.everyfairyy sorry it is hard 4 me 2 communicate to find a job i am too busy working on yni^ please find a job for me and message me thank youI don’t understand how everyone seems to suddenly grow up like my personality hasn’t changed since 3yo(2004) or even earlier only exponentially improved I guess we will never knowI do not understand why I have not recieved any job invitations in Tokyo or Las Vegas yet like I know so much and have so many unique epiriences languages mythology dreammagic learnings there is no other like me may be people are too afraid of success they would find working with my powersJOBBY. NOW!Why I work so yayly???#fruityEcologyCareersAvailable Jobs:Toy CleanerGame SoftwarerMental YayerYayingSubculturarialFairyy LawyerFairyy LibrarianFairyy ArchiverCommunity managerSNS PublisherSoft skills to improve your work expirience in fruityEcology: Sleeping yayling, ynicommunication, introversive dessycnhronyzation, extroversive synchronisation, aquaparking-swimming, magicalling, funnyying, subculturarin, toyplaying, yaystreaming, YNInvesting, guildingParticipate in yni^ Subculture community and play yni^ Nouveau Eternal version 4FREE on to become a part of our SubculturallyAlienal team?Tell your parents that we have yay cool products that will help you feel like an important member of our friendly family. Don't miss your chance!Write me about job offers anywhere in the world cosmopolitanly as well as your own perspectives with collaborations and working yay time in fruityEcology
pls kys youre suffering
Why you learn Japanese?
>>48309936who says im learning japanese?
>>48309952>mom, i posted it again
>>48309952who says you arent?
>>48309975yikes selfown lol>>48309981cant learn something ive already learned
>>48309970>>48309994why are you watching/reading something you hate
>>48310002>yikes selfown lolwut
gmi emersion
>>48310011can't hate something i haven't watched, i'm not an npc, duh
>>48310026not clicking but thanks for sharing lol
the ED is cool tho
danmachis is better
that wouldn't surprise me, rezero is probably the worst tv anime i've ever seen his japanese
>>48310203his singing is good so it doesnt matter
episodes 7 should have never existed
same with episode 1
>>48306991do normoids really lose their immersion because of silly details like that?
cant believe chris-chan got his gf pregnant
all right, let's do a qrd of what happened in the first 8 episodes:>time skip, setting reset, new city>bad guys attack in episodes 1>NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS>some cuckshit sprinkled on top>cringe cringe cringe
>>48310495>NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENStiger boy got a loli catgirl lover
>>48310495i think you got the wrong thread buddythis place is for learning japanese
What the fuck is something good to read
>>48310522>no loli kissdishonest lolibait>>48310531i'm watching the japanese dubwotd: 選懇親会
god blessed chimpo >:3
I don't think I'm gonna make it, I'm already struggling to remember kanji and it's only been a few days
normal in the beginning. like with all new tasks, give your brain time to adjust. skills aren't just acquired in an instant. you need to keep at it
>>48311214Like the 20 new cards I did today all used like the same written kanji but all had completely different spellings and pronunciation, so Everytime I thought I would recognize the kanji I turned out to be wrong I'm struggling
>>48311242>all used like the same written kanji but all had completely different spellings and pronunciationlol sounds like you're doing the wrong deck, retard
>>48311193The answer to everything is just immerse moreListen more read more that’s it it’s all you can do
>>48311242大筋で anki's not a great primary learning resource for early beginners imo
>>48311193you'll never learn japanese>>48311214ydkj>>48311285you especially don't know japanese
>>48311251I'm using foundation The last few days weren't too, but today the cards were really rough
>>48311313we've moved away from foundation
>>48308056im too shy to post a part so private and intimate of my life
>>48311302put your trip back on
>>48311381i have that mouse pad but it's covered in dust and gray smudges
>>48311396read that as "cum stains"
>>48311339I was just going off the tatsumoto guideSo I wasn't sure wether to use essentials or foundation Or even how out of date that guide is, the kanji is what I've been struggling with but the input has been good and I've definitely been understanding a lot more then I used to
>>48311404>tatsumoto guide
>>48311421Thank you, is tatsumoto that bad? I've seen the guide recommended on a bunch of different places, and when I used to ask originally everyone just kept pointing me towards that guide Anyways, just from the first cards it gave me I can already tell this deck feels much better to use, I was really confused when It was giving me kanji for every fucking word, I didn't even think people used, or do people actually regularly use the kanji for ありがとう, こんばんわ, こにちわ a bunch of other basic stuff like that>>48311427Sorry hime, il do better
>>48311536I hate autocorrect and I'm killing myself for this shame
to summarize:this anon looked 191 anki cards today, 20 of those newbut they don't know about はnigga, what are you doing
>>48311523Yeah the tatsumoto deck has a lot of autistic stuff like that in there that you could technically see eventually but its better to learn things step by stepKaishi is pretty good to prime you on reading actual content quickly and core if you wanna do a bit more
>>48311523>everyone just kept pointing me towards that guidepeople are trolling
>>48311552I'm not used to typing in nip yet, I didn't even twink twice about writing は instead of わ, I'm just used to hearing it and reading it
>>48311581i once saw a prof completely freak the fuck out bc of that mistake. he even wanted to expel the student from the course. granted that was several months into studying so they should've known better but still. later he was talked some sense into after he had calmed down and the student was allowed to stay
>>48311605please don't kick me from learning il do better I will try to avoid typing in jap for a while until I'm ready unless I have to
>>48311625>please don't kick mei don't have that kind of authority. but i'll stick my foot up your arse if you let me - just a thing we do around here for fun don't worry about it it'll be fine
>>48304534is that a rrat? oh shit
lollil bro endend up in the worst place to ask for help
lil sis, he used わ at the end of his sentence
>>48311691also wrote こにち but you didn't notice, did you? so stfu
native level mistake tho
>>48311720crazy they let miles in after what he did to those babies
>>48311381looks like ai
>>48311381yo ps3 仲間
>>48311381Screen too far away
why the fuck does every other djter have a ps3 on their working desk -t super slim super chad
>>48311998super slim cannot run custom firmware
>>48311381>paper dictionarythought i was the only oneyomitan is for failsons and deki bill nyes
>>48312085but you know about all the ocr, llm and hover tech for some reason lol
do you read books unko
where do you think his name comes from
from shit
##sigemuramank0notice the moment it was posted double rice started using it
Just remembered a kanji cause of an Aiko album, thanks, Aiko. You should all go listen to this album right now.
>>48312255she looks like she fucks black tourists
wish i had a work desk
>>48311989it's pretty much exactly an arm's length from my face. just how blind are you?
Don't mind me, just hitting the ずっと
>>48312257What a brain-rotted little fella you are.
>>48312357it would be hard for me to read text that small even in english with that setup unless you sit really close
>>48312514you are aware that on a pc (personal computer) you have the option to adjust font size to meet your personal preference through what is commonly referred to as a "zoom function" and, unlike with books, don't actually have to get closer? average djter would probably not do much better if they streamed
don't even have to watch and i know he's better than me
>there were signs of innocence left on her face
>sir. we're picking up residual traces of innocence on her face, sir
>>48312613>karahawtf does that mean?
>>48312701this thread is so helpful
Reading is such a struggle to get intoAt least with listening when you’re in that can barely understand anything phase you still have an anime to slightly enjoy and make you wanna learn moreText on a page / VN is just boring But reading is a necessary skillYet learning it isn’t fun
>>48312123what? no i dont>>48312124yh i used to ジャケ買い a lot of novels and thats how i got the namedont really read a lot nowadays but i still pull some out from time to time
>>48312706not sure if sarcasmguys i think it sarcasmis it sarcasm i can't tell
>>48312717>At least with listening when you’re in that can barely understand anything phase you still have an anime to slightly enjoy and make you wanna learn morelol never seen such a load of horseshit posted here
>>48312727no offense but youd have to be willfully ignorant not to know about mangaocr
>>48312743i would not have been able to name it
>>48312757you must be new to these threads lol
>>48312726lol how
>no offense but youd have to be willfully ignorant not to know about mangaocr
>>48312765nah my brain just naturally stops reading posts about things like hover dictionaries (see >>48312613 this guy if you want to know why
i dunno man. i don't really know about mangaocr but i might also be willfully ignorant
u know its truedekinais like u cant shut up about it>omg guys just run all 304875 volumes of your favorite manga through this python script and then hooooover using this custom failson website!!1!>>48312781i dont even bother clicking on those links so i wouldnt know if he were doing anything wrong or not lol
matt (pbuh) says mangaocr will permanently cripple your ability to read japanese
>>48312796og matt & minirapistthe 3 pillars of the jp nonlearning community
can't believe the matt era is over
hell be backhes just trying to get the hang of the 新jis keyboard
gonna 潜入 all 人に隠れて密かに into that 敵地 otherwise known as... the bussy
>>48312796top 10 most powerful images ever made
How to learn Japanese when you cannot focus on doing things that you actually wanna do and basically act in the opposite of your desires
>>48312834youre going to infiltration all behind someones back secretly into that enemy territory?
>>48312857he unironically makes a good point in that video
>>48312841top 5 most powerful here
>>48312857I can’t understand him but I do want to
>>48312879>spoileredmy respect for qm just went down a lil>>48312885something something do your reps
>>48312789you literally linked it lol
>>48312858maybe go back to souls jokes after all?gotta be honest here: this whole being funny thing it's not working out for ya
>>48312900its the fake using unkos old trip ##sigemuramank0
>>48312908youre on a roll tonight lmao
>>48312900man brad pitt said something like this in fight club
>>48312908just remembered a great post i once made that seems fitting right now >>46934848
>>48312916when did brad pitt tell edward norton to go back to 'souls jokes' lol
>>48312918time for that bullet lil ho :3
>>48312888Eh haven’t missed a day of reps but can’t get around to watching anime or readings lns/vns or focusing on anything as of late Legit just rot in my free time
>>48312938take a game/book out to a park and play/read it. don't bring anything that can connect to the internet
>>48312879nobody remembers this its crazy how lame qm is when he actually tries. all of his best moments are accidents
>>48312938gmi energy ngl
matt made the cup clip so i'm ok with him
he did it all for the nookie
as for me remembers
as for me oinki
btw my japanese wife couldnt read 剣戟
didn't know dr. pepper was in japan
>>48312954Of course im gmi It’s all just a numbers game in the end if you don’t quit you’ll learn
used to like dr pepper but now its full of artificial sweeteners and it tastes like sewer
>>48312981is this the ps3 version?
>>48312987mine can lol
>>48312987can miss piggy read 糖尿病性昏睡
>>48313033just asked her and no
>>48312996i take it back sigh
just bought a motorcycle that i dont have the license for
>>48313017yeah it looks and sounds much better than the psp versionvita version is probably the best of both worlds
luckily the shop will keep it for me until i get it next month
lol the vita
>>48313069isnt a bike enoughi do just fine with a bike, walking and occasionally the train
>>48313050Errrm no actually you don’t
>>48313073make and model?
>>48313076no no i do and im sorry but thank you for weighing in
>>48313074i want one but its hard to justify 1万+ for a vinnie machine
>>48313069you dont even live in japan
>>48313071i'm the one that showed you the iso!!i'm glad you got it working
>>48313097thank you nigha>>48313088do you
>>48313097based nora but you should give me the credit i showed you the website lol>>48313100yep obviously
>>48313106that's true!!! all credit goes to unko!!!>>48313100
>>48313108well dame now i feel bad i relinquish credit back to youyoure the saving grace of these threads
>>48313106prove it
>>48313121sure but prove youre not fakeshit firstthat creeps obsessed with me for some reason
wish japanese was easier to learn
>>48313141the japanese are extremely bad drivers and pedestrians and cyclists are very reckless tooeven just on normal roads its very dangerous here
eh ive found japanese to be about as good as anyone elsealmost hit a guy with my bike the other day because i wasnt paying attention lol
the japanese smelled my fart and crashed
what did ニセme mean by this >>>/v/695673609
apparantly the priest class in demon's souls is supposed to be a shinto priest.
>>48313166in white countries with dedicated cyclepaths its way better but you wouldn’t know
>>48313246bro stop relying on hover tool to tell you what a 職 related to 神 meansand also realise the game is voice acted in english so why would it be sinto
>>48313079second hand ninja 400
>>48313264>bro stop relying on hover tool to tell you what a 職 related to 神 meanshow else am i supposed to learn
ちなみに我の自転車は8千円したママチャリでギアは一つだけど十分速い坂ないとこの自転車はチート級>>48313393if you didnt have a hover tool you would naturally look up only the important stuff
just white noise br0
>>48313368yeah what i really want is a gsx1300r隼 1st or 2nd gen but 1300ccs is a bit much for a first bike and 120万 is more than i can afford in genkin without going into savings
>>48313416are you saying you wouldnt have been able to figure out what 神職 means in context without looking it up if it was your first time seeing itobviously dictionaries are necessary but looking up every little thing and especially relying on the translation is bad
im just shitposting man
>>48308056>>48312981based pather
>>48313450sry but there are people who seriously think like that here so its impossible to tell
>>48313460reading those vinnies will not get you ready for steins gate lol
>>48313474vocaroo what
Double or triple negative happen often in Japanese?
>>48313515thats not a triple negative or even a double
>>48313536english isnt japanese
>>48313515you see it about as frequently as english id saymaybe more>>48313543cope idiot lol
>>48313548how is しか a negative unless you are thinking in english translationsalso vocaroo that sentence or you saying the date in japanese or something
>>48313565shika aint the negative in that sentence you fucking idiot lmfaojesus fakeshit you are terrible at japanese
>>48313572prove you are better than me on vocaroo or you might as well be a shitter on mt stupid or worse a troll
>>48313601no need i can prove im better than you simply on the basis that you thought the phrase shikanai doesnt contain a negative lmao
>>48313619but is it a double negative though (嘘をつかざる人) is a separate chunk in my mind and calling it a double negative is kinda ngmibut it is just semantics why no vocaroo though are you shy
>>48313628>is a separate chunk in my mindthis might be your biggest self-own i have ever had the privilege of witnessing lmao
>>48313636keep hiding behind the keyboard dude using my old name and trip 4 months into pretending to be me for dozens of posts daily
>>48313647lmao i think youve had enough djt for one day toromi
>>48313655you know it to be true unless youre an aiit is seriously insane to me that you can somehow rationalize what you are doing as winningif it was me it would be killing me inside
>>48313661its seriously insane to me how you had a grammar self own and tried to justify it by claiming its "just" semanticsyes toromi it is in fact semantics lmfao
>>48313636I'll bet the thought of teaching you japanese never even entered your parents' minds you should seriously get mad at them for never once even having the thought
>>48313670i used to think you were ai until i realized you were autistic lol
>>48313667well going out of your way to call it a double negative is dumb thats my main pointideally you dont think about grammar terms at all like natives
>>48313679your point is so fucking retarded i cant even begin to tell you how bad you are at grammarmaybe you should stick to just reading out loud and not trying to translate anything
>>48313681if you cant hear how good someone is from the way they read out loud thats not my problem if you could do better and proved it on vocaroo then i would listen to what you said but you never will
>>48313687i dont need to prove jack shit to a person who doesnt know jack shit about basic fucking grammar
which goes back to my point that its easier to point and laugh at mistakes like nangumi than it is to recognize pitch accent being correct
>>48313675what do you mean?
>>48313709i think the point youre missing is that im better than you and youre just a pathetic fake
>>48313721but i think its entirely possible that you are worse and in fact so much so that you dont realise it
>>48313756not possible after that zaru debacle lol
>>48313768well prove it>inb4 convenient excuse
who the fuck cares how good you are if a shota pedo freak is still better than you at japanese
>>48313636aaaaaand fakeshit exposed himself, almost had it!
why are you learning japanese? for me vidya and women
>>48313845here before "who says im learning japanese" posteranime, manga, light novels, novels, ASMR, JAV, fetish porn
>haven't been in this general in months>decided to see what's going on>there's a tripfag and some other anon having a bitch fitI remember now why I stopped going here
jesus the crysis 1 ps3 port hits temps of 76 the 日本語対応 seems cool tho
>>48314023i almost believe you lol
>>48313845im not
>>48314101the important part>Overcoming Language Learning DisabilitiesFor individuals with language learning disabilities, Neuralink's technology offers promising solutions. The neural implant could potentially bypass or compensate for impaired brain regions, enabling more effective language processing.
what is his endgame
>>48314114elon musk is a weeb so he clearly invented neuralink for him to learn japanese it's so obvious
>>48314114shit up the thread
apparently someone seeing a relative clause as a 'chunk' is ngmi lol. you unironically owned yourself
>>48314201idk what a relative clause is but the term sounds ngmi ngl
>>48314101wtf is "mount bonnell"?
its honestly so clutch that most learners are ngmi
>>48314201my exact thoughts, these threads are just getting shat up by fakeshit retards. genuinely dont think there's any possibility to save these threads anymore, they'll slowly die out at this rate.also hilarious how hard fakeshit(s?) break their back for this "nora" person, really makes you think girl if she real
FUARK i always mix up the meaning of 懸想 and 懸念both use the omoi kanji but 懸念 means to worry about something, being fixated on it and 懸想 means to always think about a person of the other gender, to fall in love
>>48314286we need more recognizable postersits no coincidence that the thread was at its peak with jamal and qm battles
interesting へ
>>48314343was it really that great if it made little shitters like you spew these names offtopic for years on end
>>48314381dont get me wrong the anon posts were the best part but having lolcows makes more anons post better
>魚市場>河岸why are fish/water words so hard to read
>>48312981what dialect is this?
*peers into thread*
^ lmfao
If there were a surgery to learn a language, the price of learning Japanese would likely depend on several factors, such as the complexity of the procedure, the time required for mastery, and the demand for the service.In this hypothetical scenario, we could imagine that:Basic language skills (like conversational Japanese) might cost less compared to full fluency (speaking, reading, and writing at a high level).The price might vary based on whether it focuses on specific skills, like speaking and listening, or if it includes writing and reading, which could be more intricate due to the kanji writing system.Since Japanese is considered a challenging language for English speakers due to its grammar, vocabulary, and writing system, the cost for such a procedure could be higher than for languages with more similarities to English.If we were to speculate on a price range, it could range from several thousand dollars for basic proficiency, up to tens of thousands of dollars for complete fluency, especially if it involved altering the brain or neural pathways directly. However, this is all purely speculative and depends on the fictional nature of the surgery!
reddit ¿
Lol even after passing N2 and studying hard for N1, I still 90-95% of the time watch anime with eng sub and read manga in english. Only occasionally I read manga in jp (especially if there's no translation and I really want to read it) and very rarely watch anime without jp subs. I was able to listen fine to some anime movies released in japan and only watched very few anime purely in japanese.Goes to show even with the amount of anime/manga I consume, I did not learn Japanese for anime/manga. I initially learned so I could read LN sequels of shows that don't get fully adapted
unko leaked training camp footage
>>48315417not even bothering asking for a vocaroo
>>48308942How about I link my tinko to you ketu
why are chinese vidya discussions the same as oursi thought dey all polite n shiiiet
why don't you guys understand that neuralink will literally KILL language schools
If you own a plushy anime girl I think you should be sent to North Sentinel Island to write a research paper.
is there any company other than neuralink?
Just pick up a book you worthless retards
ニューロリンカーといえばアクセルワールドだよね( ・ิω・ิ)
what ai do you guys use to learn?
>>48316500i dont use one and i never did in fact i hate ai
which will we get first? good ai or language neuralink?
>>48316605ai gods are coming within the next 5 years. for matrix shit we have to wait at least 10
better than matt
>>48316500ai is ngmi so i dont use it
dame wish i could read that lol
i make my own luck
you make jack shit
i know it well
wish i could make luck
the dekinai often is beset by great difficulties in her path to attaining luck
completely not without's woman elimination?
i unironically fell for custom jpdb deck
woman renouncing worldly desires of perfect no vacancy
>>48317343unko will you use neuralink?
I'm starting my jp journey today and I've been saying しちじ for the past few hours.
>>48317542unbelievable gmi energy coming from this one
noooooooooooo the sakura miko collab song :(
>>48317726reddit to the rescue
>>48317726>>48317744lmfao you cant spell hololive without 2 big Ls
>>48317767destroyed lol
innit is the british copulacompletely equivalent to desu
closer to da innit
Why are or aren't you learning Japanese?
>>48317821who says im learning japanese? lol
>>48317848i too 憎い the 槍s that impale lolis
go memorize a kanji dictionary book
if only it were so simple
>>48317790mind blown
penis status unblown tho
wrong but i couldnt get hard since she insisted the 明かり stays off and the entire situation was honestly kinda 気持ち悪い
>>48318013>i couldnt get hardhow about now? *rubs shoulders*
>>48318013>i couldnt get hardこういうのって、誰にでもたまにはあることなんだから、必要以上に悩んじゃ駄目よ
as a とても良心的な person i have to come clean that i did in fact not write that last post myself
not mei have greasy セックスしました with my おデブの妻 almost every 晩
>>48318081>>48318116i respect you anon, very cool
translate it, weebs
crazy that they have their own version of robot chicken over there too
that show sucks
how can you even watch that shit
chickety china the chinese robot chicken
Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon'Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babesThat make me think the wrong thing
crazy how im going to recover my focus and willpower today
crazy how I effortlessly achieve with immersion what normalfags piss and whine over about grinding and soullessly coping info from a textbook
trve but also vocaroo
>>48318626I have better Japanese than the person I know who took multiple classes in collegeI told him to try something as low as five cards a day in Anki but that was too muchEven if I’m an idiot who doesn’t always immerse at least I’m not that
>>48318409asians immigrate to the us and then get brainwormed by exported japanese media what the hell?
>>48318705>I have better Japanese than the person I know who took multiple classes in collegebut can you read the first page of naruto?
I greatly enjoy immersion, but I don't really enjoy anki, what do you say is an ok amount of new cards per day, would 15 be too small?
>>48318742what are you even asking. too small? too small for what? "how long is a piece of string?"some people that use anki eventually become fluent. many that use it never do. it isn't a determining factor. if you don't like it, then just don't use it
>>48318626woah slow your roll there big guygonna need a vocaroo before you can make a claim like that
>>48318761then i think we can safely say ydkj lmao
if i enter a shop(a corner store), would it be allright to say "otsukare" as greetings?are there common situations, other than work acquaintances and such, where you greet people with otsukare?
anything you say is gonna be weird cuz youre an awkward gaijin
>>48318770depending on where you live, a simple 你好 would probably be more appropriate
>>48318770this aint your vtuber chatroom bruh
>>48318761ayy this is an image only a true knower of the nihonganese would post
>>48318770people say it all the time these days, e.g. meeting friends in the afternoon. maybe less so on the weekend but the assumption is always that you've been working hard. you get the benefit of the doubt
>>48318753Small enough to not be annoying, but still small enough to make decent progress.Is it really ok to just not use anki? I feel like I'm handicapping myself if I don't use it at all.
>>48318809how are we anonymous posters on a radula braiding forum supposed to know what your tolerances are for "annoying"? follow your heart, bro
>>48318792nah anyone can post a マセガキ they found on xitter
>>48318831Ok, thanks for the advice, I'll just do whatever feels right then
big thanks guysgonna go with muh heartcause that's what life's all about yepthanks again
does anyone know where i can watch NPB (Nippon Professional Baseball) games with japanese commentary? if possible i'd like to watch the games from the 2024 season but i'll take anything
>>48318821kek underrated post
>>48319004no idea
>>48319104>PRE PUBESCENT GIRLSignored the link but now ill click
>>48319114I fucking hate that I did the same thing
>djt niggas admitting they cant read 女子学童smdh
i dont use extensions i dont see any text from youtube links
i would die for my oshi
>>48319131>>48319090why are their pants so tight and why do mine currently feel so tight?
>>48318174I'm still N4, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think he's saying, "Though strong wind and heavy rain push upon the paper umbrella, yet the wandering traveler's steps do not cease. Though heaven and earth be flooded, yet he strips himself of a his straw raincoat so that he may cross the muddy waters."
even when I understand everything, Manzai isn't funny to me. I don't understand all of Rakugo, but that's never been funny to me it me or just cultural thing? do you guys find Manzai funny?
i think claude is onto something but my iq isn't high enough to comprehend it
>>48319259it's like the opposite of american humor, so very cultural yes. we usually have two boke
Why do textbook or grammar guides never explains some chuuni verb uses like -がいい?
>>48319246Is all of chinese that gay
>>48319275thats not a verbits a particle + an adjective and the meaning is self-explanatory
>>48319279No idea, I've only been learning Japanese.
>>48319272I'm not american, I don't like american humor. But with American humor i can easily tell that it's just bad humor, whereas with japanese comedy I always feel like I'm missing something
>>48319284No I mean when they say verb + がいいLike 凍てつくがいい instead of 凍てつけUsing が on a verb is taught to be a impossible in most guides but they never explain my example.
>>48319275>>48319302they dont explain it because its self explanatory
>>48319294german detected
german comedy is fucking terriblecompletely unwatchable for the most part
austrian chads have none of these problems
>>48319326also yes (as a german)
why is it not 感じるがいい thoooo
>>48319340barbie travels to chinastraight to vhs release
>>48319343because bruce doesn't have a big white beard
fake is not in japan he has been posting since 11 pm until now (6 am) with no breaks
>>48319259yeah i like manzai and rakugo but obviously a lot of it is trash
>>48319545>rakugopost grey hair
>>48319641>greyget back to ur fish n chips bruv, this site isn't 4 u
i upped my cards to 25 a day from 15 to try and catch up to my backlog and now my daily average is 50 percent more than normal wtf.
>>48319778doing more anki means getting better at anki
doing more x means getting better at x
>>48319803thats a cool quote if you don't think about it
matt did the bulk of his acquisition in anki and he struggled to read a moeblob vinny on stream like 10 years in
>>48319849matt also focused listening and didn't really read shit when you think about it.
matt says KhOouGHoOOU!
kogoh gay wa?
>>48319511are you just now realizing that? dude couldnt even post a japanese newspaper when askedhe obviously doesnt live in japan
>>48320039im talking about you
>>48320047and im talking about you
>>48320077didnt click but immersion of the day:
im the md geist of djt
im the md gay of djt
im the most gay of djt
Does が as a conjugation after a verb only exist for ます forms? Don't think I've ever seen it placed behind a regular verb.
>>48320159no obviously
>>48320159how is が after a verb a conjunction lol
>>48320159did you mean a conjuction?
>>48320201>conjunctionlil bro...
>ウチを破門にされたモンIs this proper grammar? It looks like を and に are reversed.
>>48320261just say you dont know lil bro lol
are you saying that lol
im saying ydkj lol
are you lol
yup lol
wish i knew japanese lol