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these are the pinnacles of small arms development. outside of something like energy weapons, these are as good as it gets.
Nah, just the top ones. Tankie Redditors can squeal and sneed, but the AR is just better in every way unless you HAVE to use 7.62x39 b
2pbp. redd*t faggots just hate america so they convince themselves gayks are better
I think it’s more just a heavy sense of contrarianism and desire to be different mixed with susceptibility to fuddlore
>Le heccin AK is SO MUCH MORE RELIABLE and bigger Slav boolet something something
> [Proceeds to slap an MOE set on it to try and compensate for the shit ergos]
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Yes, with sprinkles of this too
But no one bought it
if a rifle isn't an AR-15 or an AK, it's probably 75% derived from the AR-18
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yeee ole 5.45 and 5.56 still have life left in them decades on...
More like the G36. The more streamlined bolt carrier and separate single recoil spring and buffer is much more like what every not-AR does now. Aside from the AUG, nobody else seems to really be doing the dual captive recoil spring thing.
i have tried out side-charging AR's and found it a nice thing to have in addition to the normal changing handle. there's probably some room for change, and the MDR i got the chance to shoot once felt more natural than i thought it would. there's just nothing that has gotten it right enough yet, but once something does, we'll see a whole lot of changes real fast again.
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Anyone today who is actually in a position to influence, procure, or bring to market, their product in firearm design is a fucking pic related, fat tard, aging millennial, bloatfag GWOT veteran dumbass. America is pretty much the only country on the planet where average citizens could reasonably innovate and right now, the available batch of people with daddy's money to throw around, are the fat shits, I've just referenced. Expect moderate improvements in unneeded side folding and collapsible ar-15 derived buttstocks until someone randomly emerges through the bullshit of already been dun befo.
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They've been phasing out the 7.62x39 since the Soviet Afghan War 50 years ago. From an armory in about 20 years ago, I'd take the AK74. But since the civilian market has really tried to squeeze out every last ounce that could be gotten out of the AR15 platform, I'd choose its current iteration over a Kalashnikov.

Doesn't make the latter a bad rifle. Shit like ambidextrous controls or non-reciprocation while firing, or hell even open actions don't mean much if you know your manual of arms and weapons maintenance.

Personally I prefer notch over peep sights, but since we're talking about updated platforms you can mount whatever the fuck you want on it anyways now.
How long were flintlocks the pinnacle of firearms development? Then we got some big innovation jumps from the late 1800's to a bit past the mid 1900's.. Innovations that were the outgrowth of the overall technology jumps in measuring, metallurgy, chemistry and machine production.. So unless humanity sees again huge jumps in other technologies, small arms technology will again stagnate mostly.
Not those ones specifically, but yes. The AR is the benchmark all other rifles are compared to, and rightly so. It was light as fuck in the 60s, and 5.56s designed in the 2000s still struggled to be lighter. The AK can be modernized to be on par, but the best iterations of it start from scratch like the ACE; which is really good. The AK12 (and to a lesser extent, the AK100s) was mediocre specifically because it reused the old receiver, and the receiver is the millstone holding the whole gun back. Sopmod M4s are perfectly serviceable, but there's no reason not to have a free float and get rid of the FSP in 2024, other than nostalgia I guess.
Watching Ukraine unfold convinced me we're closer than ever to the reality of drones and AI fighting our wars that if not now pretty soon small arms development will be on the backburner to other MIC investments.
Peak is Steyr Aug, its no doubt either since the 3 best things came from Austria.
Then why did New Zealand get rid of it for an AR?
>Total Annihilation was always the future of warfare
to the last and final glory of the infantry
Unfortunately.. it oughta be a 20inch long boy though. Them short barrels are good for moving in and out of vehicles.. but my small pp no happy.
America larp, unironically. Around the same time they bought the LMTs, they adopted all coyote gear like the marines, then later they adopted a UCP knockoff. Now they've got multicam. Every equipment change they've made in the last 15 years has been to be more like mike, mike in this case being the land of the free.
>pinnacles of small arms development

>Exotic alloys capable of handling silly pressures/heat at trivial weight costs (or even gains) + non-brass cases or caseless ammo.

>non-mechanical triggers [no excuse for not bullpupping]

>augmented reality glasses relaying live target designations/dopes, even doing away with scopes all together apart from magnification

>unconventional bullet forms, composite bullets [magnets to strange things subjected to rotation ...]

This is all capital intensive unfortunately and behind red tape palisades, but they are possibilities. Marginal QOL finessing of what's more than good enough per >>61885913 is most of the actionable picture for now.
bullpups are an ergonomic dead end at best, a detriment most times, magnets are retarded, kill yourself, exotic materials won't significantly decrease weight or allow for more novel actions and everything else has been done before and was a dead end. If you want something to do for the sake of it, go ahead. Human expression is beautiful that way but you're not doing anything better, just different.
Remember when /k/ thought magnetic delay was gonna be the new hotness and had a bunch of back of napkin analysis and then got absolutely BTFO by people with actual engineering backgrounds and when they tried to make their shitty gun all the real world numbers showed it was worse than a direct blow back?
>just hate america
you're projecting your my team vs their team emotional logic instead of focusing on the fact that inside of 300m, i want the ak because it's better at that role
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Firearms will be obsolete when light enough coil guns exist. Even if they have the same weight and velocity, the coil gun is much quieter, with no report, and can easily have variable velocity and rate of fire and its ammo can be much smaller and lighter.

And realistically, once those exists getting to much higher velocities won't be that much harder. You can dial up the velocity when needed and reduce it to reduce recoil and overpen as needed, all with noise comparable to an air rifle and no flash.
But wut about Ray guns and lasers dawg
Portable energy storage has been the rub.
Lithium ion batteries have only recently gotten decent (hence the junkies with cordless sawzalls etc. stealing carburetors).
Give it some time. It takes a while for new tech to compete with mature tech in roles that are already well-filled.
It's like low IQ boomerism all over again. AKs were finally being accepted and liked by the younger generations because it wasn't a "commie gun" like the fat retarded boomers would say. And then all of a sudden all it took was an extremely light proxy war and all the low IQ tribalist retards (who can't even properly be tribalist since the only objective thing to be tribal about is race) are back to acting like manchildren boomers. They're treating this war like their niggerball
They would be better but it's a much bigger leap to get them man portable. Coil guns that can hit air rifle velocities already exist and aren't they THAT expensive. A laser powerful enough to use like a firearm while being light enough to use is a long way off.

Expect to see electric guns in artillery first though. They also have a larger advantage there. Being able to precisely calibrate velocity based on drone provided targeting data would be absolutely huge while electric guns will also be much better about giving artillery crews brain damage and ruining their hearing (even if they will still be very loud and still have some of the same problems).

Variable velocity also makes it easy easier to arc auto cannon and HMG fire. Dones can direct the beaten zone right on to targets, making indirect fire way easier. These things have very long range and it is rarely ever used due to line of sight constrictions, but that will charge.
Use those high-C LiPo used in racing drones.
It probably won't catch fire.
Absolute nogunz take
The first cannon used in Europe was in Italy in the early 1200s. It took a long time for them to become dominant and even longer for smaller firearms to be more effective. That rail guns and coil guns aren't better yet really doesn't say anything. Japan has a practical 40mm rail guns to field now and DARPA had an effective 60mm mortar that ran off the battery of a hybrid Humvee prototype. People used to say electric cars would never happen too.

The big problem is development has focused on extreme velocities to make electric guns a different sort of weapon with new capabilities. But just getting them to match regular artillery has a lot of benefits, it's just that the cost of replacing conventional guns will be high so they keep waiting on guns that will offer significantly more range and velocity (big for interception too).
I own both and the AK is patently inferior in basically every way that matters. I have yet to see someone argue that an AK is better than an AR without the usual absurd mental gymnastics.
>It took a long time for them to become dominant
this wasn't because people didn't feel like using them, it was because cannons are difficult to make and expensive. (which also means they are rare, so most of the potential cannon users of medieval Europe hadn't heard of them to decide whether or not they'd like them)
We live in a society where difficult to produce and expensive things are built in huge quantities, and communication is nearly instantaneous across the globe.
We have the potential to make better weapons. Look at some of the insane shit the NGSW program made.
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The top one in OP pic is getting phased out by its largest institutional user after losing its last war, while the bottom one is winning a war against users of the other rifle today.
Exactly. G36 is the king. People who keep up the AR-18 meme are idiots.
If you got those pallets of 762 from before/during the covid days it's still worth using the AK. Otherwise you're stuck choosing which round to spend at least 50c on.
>Tankie Redditors can squeal and sneed

why is it always the second post?
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>>61885450 (OP) #
I mean, you could go out and buy some brand new, top of the line rifle that has moderate improvements in range and compactness.
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And what is the point of moving chamber? All I see is added complexity for not much gain.
Even the second one is unfortunately dying out. You will eat ze AR

Best I can do you is an AR10 in desert camo
Im pretty sure its to divert suppressor blowback
It's basically a falling block action that can handle obscene pressure with no issue and gets minimal wear on locking surfaces.
>Le Losing Trashcanistan.meme
Ok, retard
>The AK is uhhhh winning despite the Ukies notably dropping it whenever possible in favor of ARs and the whole conflict effectively being a slow stalemate grind between two dipshit Slav sides which have nothing to do with the service rifles, but the abhorrently bad logistics and training of one side and the unique stalling attempts of the other
The AK is mediocre, get over it.
Fucking THANK YOU. Finally, someone can do some basic research instead of parroting the “le plastic AR-18” drivel we always see.
The AK is such an obnoxious fuck to bring to the standards of an AR though. A basic M4gery is better ergonomically, has a better aftermarket, has a better, sealed operating system, is cheaper, and on and on and on.
I LIKE AKs. I own a nice AKM. It and my Vz.58 are my STALLER fun innawoods guns. But if I need to reach for a fighting rifle, it’ll be my AR. Maybe my SCAR.
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>The AK is mediocre
It's not though. Whenever this topic comes up, the thread is always full of malding ARtards who act like the M4 has no flaws when it actually has plenty. The only objective advantage the M4 has over the AK is weight. All the other differences come down to personal preference. Most ARfags are just zogbots and kids (same thing really) who never grew out of shooting 22s. People who only own one or the other aren't qualified to speak on which one is better.
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NTA but built more AK's than you will shoot. they are the definition of mediocre but go on
With the exception of the supersonic crack. Would be dope to flip a switch to go from subsonic, near silent to 4,500fps gigachad velocity though.
>my builds of 1950's era AKs are the definition of mediocre
EVERYONE copied it, thoughever.
Not for much longer. Guns literally make zero difference in war now. If every single soldier of every army on planet Earth had the exact same rifle set up the exact same way, nothing would change. Whether that rifle is a bone stock PSA with irons, or a Gucci’d out AK-whatever with thermal night vision optics.
Drones are all that matter now. There will be no need for soldiers. Only drones, and IT nerds to program the AI. I predict they’ll even come out with video games or subscription services where you can pay to pilot a real drone from home via your Xbox controller, and if you down an enemy drone, you get an achievement or something.
Thats war until the next Carrington event. Enjoy.
My gun shoots Carrington events.
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>A basic M4gery is better ergonomically,
Training issue
>has a better aftermarket,
This hasn't really been true in like 10 years even with the recent sanctions on Russia and Belarus killing the LARP aftermarket. I mean yes the AR will always have the biggest aftermarket in the USA, but the AK aftermarket is fine. The one thing really holding the AK aftermarket back was lack of freefloat handguard options which isn't the case anymore. You can put a silencer and M4 stock on your AK relatively easily now.
>has a better, sealed operating system,
What did you mean by this? If it's about gas blowback, then you can buy a $2 gasket to place between the AK's operating rod and dust cover.
>is cheaper
This is a zoomer problem since Saigas were dirt cheap for years before the 2014 Obongo sanctions. WASRs are like $800 at the moment, which isn't great, but certainly not "expensive" if you want to compare it to any other non-AR assault rifle on the US consumer market.
Cope and seethe
>Doesn't understand what a sealed system is
>Expects to have opinions worthy of consideration
>Probably has no guns
This is apparent even if you're fucking with airshit guns. The AK is ergonomically inferior, simple as!
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>Bows and slings
>Siege weapons
>Machine guns
>Airplanes, but now with bombs
>BIG drones
>Little drones with badminton bombs
>FPV suicide drones
Yeah, it's a significant addition to warfare but not that important, frankly. AI is still too retarded for war.
I know what a sealed system is, but I'm asking what the relevance is. Do you actually own silencers, or are you just alluding to a deboonked youtube skit?
Anon pls just stop
That's what they're called.
Original name, get over it.
You know what a sealed system is but think it only pertains to suppressor use? Also it's a brave move to even bring up suppressors when trying to argue about the AK's ability to muster up to the M4/M16, that's an area the AK is rather hobbled.
That's wrong though.
>aftermarket/modularity (no vova, "I hit it with hammer and file down parts until it fits" doesn't count)
>can mount a suppressor without the gun literally beating itself to death because it's 1000% overgassed always
>more reliable in adverse conditions

AR has one flaw and that is that the bolt, a cheap $50-100 part needs replaced about as often as you replace the barrel.
>training issue
No amount of training will change the fact the AK takes longer to reload.
>that isn't true
>ok it's true
brightest AK fan
>doesn't know what sealed operating system means
It means that unlike the AK, the AR can be dropped in mud and won't be irreparably fucked until it can be detail stripped.
>brooo dogshit Romanian gypsy AKs are only $1000!

The most hilarious part of all of this is everyone informing you that you are stupid and wrong owns AKs and you don't.
>Not having a shit action with excessive reciprocating mass that’s open to the elements
>Better mags
>Better aftermarket
>Better Ergonomics
>People who only own one or the other aren't qualified to speak on which one is better.
I have owned and put thousands of rounds down basically every style of rifle, and have owned proper MG versions of most. I am not the end-all-be-all arbiter of facts, but I absolutely have more experience than you or 95% of /k/.
I love my aks.
But the ar is just better.
And yes, they are replacing it with a heavier hitting round in the coming future due to advancements in body armor.
But its still just another version of the ar.
>Training issue
To an extent, but no amount of training is going to compensate for, say, an inferior selector design. Or a much poorer handguard with less comfort. Or simply inferior sights. The only part of an AR’s ergonomics which are arguably worse is the charging handle, but like you said. Training issue.
>AK aftermarket is fine
Sure, if you don’t mind overpaying for niche things to effectively turn it into an AR. Sure, I can slap some inferior shit on like a TWS dogleg or a side rail with an RS Reg mount for an optic. Sure, I can fit a buffer tube or NATO length fstock to fix the shitty child-sized LOP. Sure, I can use an MOE grip and handguard to fix the inferior originals. Or I could just buy an AR, slap an optic on and go.
>What do you mean
The AR has a nice sealed system that is also pretty damn good at ejecting material that gets in. Your basic AK just has more ingress points with big chonky clearances to compensate.
>WASRs are 800 so uhhhh
WASRs are also low-tier dogshit that any poverty AR will out-perform. At MINIMUM you want a WBP Jack or Fox for a decent AKM clone.
Again, I like AKs for fun goofy STALKER times innawoods. But it’s just such a fucking relic, and all the contrarianism and desire to be different from the rest of the guys taking SHTF rifle build pics for /k/ doesn’t change that.
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Ok but what about this :

“In 2012, the G36 was found to suffer from significant accuracy issues due to thermal expansion of the barrel, prompting a search for a replacement. In 2017, the Bundeswehr launched the System Sturmgewehr Bundeswehr, a program designed to field a replacement for the G36.”

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Seems like a G 36 is obsolete.

>The G36 was by all accounts an excellent peacetime weapon, gathering relatively few complaints. However, after 9/11, the German army deployed for the first time outside Europe since World War II into an active combat zone. It was during fighting in Afghanistan that the G36 proved problematic. The gun was prone to overheating.

>The German military began to search for a replacement in 2017. “The decision is also a blow to the H&K G36 rifle, which allegedly suffered from overheating and accuracy problems during operations in hot climates or after extensive firing, something that led the then defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, to order a new tender,” explained Kanavakis. “That will also have a negative impact on H&K’s ability to promote its weapons and it may also lead current users of the G36, such as Spain, to select a new main assault rifle sometime in the near-future.”

>End of the Line for H&K

>The selection of the MK556 thus marks the end of one of the Bundeswehr’s longest relationships with an arms maker.

So, the G36 is a Hi tech rifle that seems fun when you fire a few shots but doesn’t work for shit in an actual war :(

Pic related is replacement : MK556

TLDR; Heckler and Koch G36 BTFO
It's cool how design wise they're the same gun from different eras, the AK is the ultimate pre-1950 firearm while the AR was the birth of a whole new generation.
>Using NI as a source
The G36 issue was entirely overblown and was a political pissypants issue between HK and the German government which was settled. HK claimed it was faulty ammo, but I don’t know. I was never able to replicate a POI shift with my G36E or K. As someone who owned a few real select-fire G36s, I personally think the bigger flaw was the optic/ rail mounting solution. Complete dead end that I do not trust to hold zero. Even though it’s quite aesthetic, and the rifle has some insanely comfy ergonomics.

I’d still choose it over an AK.
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>MUH 22
ok retard
>It means that unlike the AK, the AR can be dropped in mud and won't be irreparably fucked until it can be detail stripped.
Anon, this has been deboonked:
not gonna watch, calling it now
>hey if we dip the magazine directly in mud the AK does better
I'm right, aren't I? Now drop your AK in mud because you had to dive to not get brained by enemy fire and dove into a trench. Your AK doesn't work. Ar does, dust cover open or not.
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Taliban > US Military
AK wins.
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>Taliban > US Military
bad news bro
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They acquired those after the US withdrawal. Just fun to play with, but not war winning weapons. More suited to school shooters and LARPers.
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Cope however you want loser
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embarassing, even dune coon dirtmonkeys don't want AKs, and only use them when they have to lol
You think Sig's newest pile of shit is actually going to go anywhere?
Modern AKs have none of those issues, so, you're dumb.
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Even the krink has been replaced in Taliban photo ops, used to be these dudes would ALWAYS pose with one of those as a status symbol, but now it's an M4 in the lap that holds prestige.
modern AKs still have all those issues though. They're fundamental to the gun. Even when they try to fix it, it's fucked up.
>aaah we fixed the dust cover!
Did you do it by adding a pound of extra metal and some unholy contraption to it?
Is it just a magazine bolt hold open that droped the bolt as soon as the mag is released making it basically useless
Did you just make it longer and now catch on shit?
Did you copy the Jewish thing that makes the gun completely useless lefthanded?

AK was an amazing rifle in the 1940s. It is not the 1940s.
Noooooooo you don’t understand the AR is clearly better because of its huge aftermarket of Chinesium mlok handguards.
It's the winners rifle. AR-15 is the zogbot/school shooter/ incel/ LARPer pew pew.
>winners rifle
Indeed the AR-15 is. That's why even in the capture of Kabul the Taliban were using it.
>nooo you don't understand the AK is better because uh
>it's less accurate, less reliable, made by gypsies, and well it was in the cool movies!
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>ok all the so-called issues with the AK are fixed
>but they’re not fixed the way I like them so they don’t count
And this is the biggest problem I have with ARtards, Glocktards, and other neofudd NPCs of the gun community who have autistic meltdowns at the thought of learning different manual of arms.
>they're fixed
>but actually we didn't fix them and don't understand what the issue is
>also I'm a nogunz retard and literally everyone shitting on the AK owns one, and I don't
get fucked on you nogunz subhuman. Literally the rifle I was trained to use was an AK. It is worse than an AR in literally every way imaginable. It is an inferior gun that you like solely because of media consumption.

>user serviceability
All worse.
>it's less accurate
Both the AK and M16 have 4 moa as milspec standard lol
>less reliable
AK has fewer moving parts so it’s almost more reliable by default.
>made by gypsies
Your PSA was made by niggers lmao
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>Both the AK and M16 have 4 moa as milspec standard lol
Meanwhile if you spend $1000 on an AR-15, you get a sub-MOA rifle. If you spend $1000 on an AK, you got the cheapest functional AK.
>less moving parts
How many moving parts are in an AK and how many are in an AR?
>my PSA
Don't own one. Pop quiz you clown ass fuckface, what rifle does this bolt go to
>AK has fewer moving parts so it’s almost more reliable by default.

just a friendly FYI, it's easy to tell that you don't understand how either rifle works

Increasing the number of moving parts is a step backwards. More wear points means less long-term reliability. Works great for the first few thousand rounds, but after that, the frequency of maintenance becomes a liability.
The AK and AR are the pinnacle. Warfighter's rifle technology was solved with them. They're a foolproof machines that will wear the rifling flat before they stop firing. Simplicity begets reliability.
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>Less moving parts automatically means better
>Me looking at my Vz.58 which has like 3 components to the entire FCG failing befor my BCM or SAR-1 because the sear trip flat spring is kinda dumb
The AK has STALKER SOVL fun vibes.
The AR is just the better fighting rifle.
Think I’d take a SCAR for a fighting rifle though. Or a really really nice AR, like a Diemaco.
ARs on Mars
>But its still just another version of the ar.
Of the AR-18.
AR fails miserably in freezing conditions just like the AK fails if you intentionally pack mud into the action.
Ah yes the legendary 223 effectiveness.
Both are 4moa guns without freefloating the barrels. Compare apples to apples and the AK has good accuracy.
Wtf does this even mean? It’s a buzzword unless you’re talking about how you can break the AR in half and put different uppers on your one lower.
Both suck in their own ways and have aftermarket remedies.
>user serviceability
AK wins because it takes two seconds to pop the dust cover off and have access to all the internals that are large and easy to clean without misplacing in the field.
i dont think its financially viable to make just a slightly better M4 at this point. The M4 will only really be outdated when they make a new rifle that is 4 or 5 steps ahead of it. simply because the supplies of 5.56, parts and accessories that have been made would be simply foolish to waste it financially.
now as far as the AK. the M4 is clearly the 4 or 5 steps up and thats ok if that dies because the united states is not riddled with 7.62. but 5.56.
these are just the facts.
What the fuck is "effectiveness"?
A way for ARfags to cope with the M4 getting replaced due to poor effectiveness.
>Both are 4moa guns without freefloating the barrels
AK is 6 MOA where AR is 2MOA, you're being disingenous
The milspec standard for both is 4moa.
The infantry, in some form, will always be necessary
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What little improvement and innovation is out there gets instantly shunted by the AR, because AR-15s and AR10s have been around since forever and the aftermarket makes them ludicrously cheap for civilians and military contracts make them ludicrously cheap for nations.
and reality is that most ARs easily exceed that by the same amount that majority of AKs fail it
Cope. 30 rounds + self loading + optics ready = never obsolete
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>30 rounds + self loading + optics ready = never obsolete
>optics ready
So not AK
You can shoot 5 aimed shots with an AR in the same time you'd shoot 2 with an AK. This is not a training issue, with training the difference could be even larger
Should’ve added
AKs have had reliable optics mounting since the 70s, noguns
>Screwing out of spec aluminum rails into wobbly sheetmetal steel top-cover
>optics ready
choose one
>10.5 AR
Uhm sweetie didn't anyone tell you the 11.5 is better in every single way?
>AR fails miserably in freezing conditions
No it doesn't.
>b-but garandthumb test
The cool thing about freezing conditions is there's not liquid water. Don't dump your water on the rifle and it won't freeze, it's actually that easy.
You are wrong and you are stupid.
>user serviceability
You are a clown ass. The dust cover is terrible, the bolt not being retained is retarded. But that's not what I'm talking about, you can work on an AR without riveting or machine pressing anything. Not so with an AK. But sure, yeah field serviceability is infinitely superior on the AR-15 and the dumbest thing you've said so far is claiming otherwise.
>pop open AK dust cover
>now have to hold on to it or drop it in the mud
>pull out bcg
>bolt falls out and is gone forever
wow such good design. Meanwhile with AR
>pop one pin
>remove bcg
>everything is retained
>don't have to juggle any loose parts
Once more AK shills do not own AKs and it fucking shows.
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>Ah yes the legendary 223 effectiveness.
Yes moron. There's a reason the Soviets and Chinese both copied it. What, did you think it was a coincidence that everyone on earth who used 7.62x39 now doesn't? That's really dumb of you.
Nah, 7.62x39 recoils a bit more than 5.56 but it isn't that big of a difference you're talking more like 4 shots vs 5. 5.45 recoils notably less than 5.56.
>The cool thing about freezing conditions is there's not liquid water
Holy fucking smooth brain
>Verification not required
>state fact
>anon gets mad
Sorry to tell you this California dweller, but 60 Fahrenheit is not actually freezing. It's kinda what freezing means though, so you're gonna have to get used to it.
Fantastic b8
RS regulate is an excellent rail. You just want to argue on the internet because you’re bored.
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Being an AK supremacist in 2024 is essentially willful delusion, so seriously engaging with one doesn't really do anything. I do like goading them and mocking them though.
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>Don't dump your water on the rifle and it won't freeze, it's actually that easy.
The irony of saying this after unironically citing le mud test done by a cum-slurping YouTube tranny.
AR fags have been trying to ditch 223 Remington for decades in favor of men cartridges like 6.8 SPC, 6.5 Grendel, 300 Blackout, 224 Valkyrie, and now 277 Sig Fury. The reason why the commies originally dropped 7.62x39 is because it’s heavy. The main advantage the AR and 223 cartridge have over the 7.62 AK is weight.
>the irony
There's no irony there.
>muh mud
Indeed, it is very unlikely YOU will ever have to use your gun, but it does pose a problem for people actually issued AKs. If you have to hit the deck, your rifle is eating a puddle of mud.

However, if it is cold enough to freeze your rifle solid, you will not be encountering the liquid water necessary to freeze your rifle except in very, very rare and truly fucked circumstances. Yes anon, if you fall into a frozen lake or river in sub-zero temperatures, your rifle probably will freeze shut. But at that point I guarantee it is not enemy fire that will kill you, it's fucking hypothermia.
Retarded post by a retarded person.
>Russians copied it
And chinks.
Because it's better.
>muh weight
Muh velocity is an even bigger deal.
>meme cartridges
Exist solely to sell garbage to retards. You are the target demographic.
>The big problem is development has focused on extreme velocities to make electric guns a different sort of weapon with new capabilities. But just getting them to match regular artillery has a lot of benefits, it's just that the cost of replacing conventional guns will be high so they keep waiting on guns that will offer significantly more range and velocity (big for interception too).

I'd like something like a Trek phaser where stun shots are 100% effective (regardless of clothing / CLO level or armor).

It would be a great self-defense device without the civil ramifications of injury and death. Of course, if 277 Fury pans out as time passes, like 327 Federal Magnum, I'd be okay with that too.
So what? Rifles do not win or lose wars but they are necessary for now. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy a collection. Guns to men are like shoes to women. Consoom and be happy.
the round could be improved although 5.56 is nearly peak for a cartridge
but either way the AR15 is the peak of firearm design and cannot be improved upon

what is it missing besides a folding stock?
and the benefits of recoil control and reliability that comes from a inline buffer tube system far far far outweigh a folding stock
maybe you can add simple things such as improved adjustable gas systems becoming standard but

genuinely where does the AR15 action fall short and need to be improved upon?
a tight closed mud and dirt resistant system that is inherently as or more accurate then a bolt action considering not a single part moves until the bullet has exited the barrel

There are a few areas the AR-15 could be improved
>cam pin hole in bolt
Common premature failure point. Solvable with meme steel blends, modified cam pins, modified cam pin hole. Roller cam pins are a meme imo but the SR-15 bolt seems to address this well.
>bolt lugs
They break. It happens. Solvable with either rounded lugs like the SR-15, or relief cut lugs like the LMT Enhanced bolt.
Shit just blasts you in the face with a can and that's a fact. Not so easily solved but the best solution is the RTV modded charging handle. If you mag dump basically any gun will gas you out with a suppressor so not exactly a uniquely AR-15 problem but gas escaping the charging handle is.
It's kinda weak, but usually not a problem compared to chamber finishing which is where problems usually are actually caused. SR-15 and LMT again have the fix with a dual spring extractor.

Honestly can't wait for LMT's patent to run out and everyone to start copying their bolt, because for right now it's not worth the cost to upgrade to an SR-15/LMT over a basic AR-15. Even with the failures, the serious ones can be solved with a new cheapo bolt and you're back in action.
Nice digits
>You like (insert gun) that means you support (insert political ideology)
>Dude on the right wearing a 5.11 baseball cap
Man they really are just like us
>AKs have had reliable optics mounting since the 70s
What if that tech had already hit it's practicality ceiling? Solenoids have been known about for centuries, electronics for decades. High density batteries are an improvement but still far behind the kind of power you can pack chemically in gunpowder.

In the late days of black powder some people believed that compressed air or liquefied CO2 surely would replace gunpowder because it didn't foul up.
I mean the AK is an alright design but it came from WW2 and it shows. It simply doesn't perform as well as more modern rifles, and while it was cheap to manufacture at the time evolutions in machining made it just as expensive as the competition.

You should look at 9holereview's accuracy test of the Swiss SG550. It's operating mechanism is very similar to an AK but made to high standards.
There's been a couple interesting developments lately, quit being a doomposter. TacomHQ's structured barreps and TARAC technology offer accuracy improvements over previous designs, the NGSW program led to the development of several new small arms technologies which will be further refined going forward, and there are several very interesting developments in the belt-fed world which could have dividends for assault rifles later on.
They hated Anon because he spoke the truth
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>The more streamlined bolt carrier
Weird, I could've sworn the made it bigger and more complex. Oh, right. They did.
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I think your information is outdated. The Haenel MK556 seems to have been disqualified due to 'copyright infringements' to the detriment of H&K and Magpul. The contract has gone to H&K instead for their HK416A8, which is being adopted as the G95A1 (16.5 inch barrel, full size) and the G95KA1 (14 inch barrel, carbine).


Interestingly, there seem to be differing evaluations of the gun, as army soldiers complained about degrading accuracy, while KSK operators had no complaints. Ominously, laboratory testing with military ammunition revealed softening of plastic parts due to heat when firing, forcing the use of civilian ammunition to pass tests and hasten adoption...

>what is side rail riveted into the receiver
Just stop trying to argue
desu excessive cold does have a negative effect on small bore cartridges like 5.56 and their operating systems but the internal piston system of an AR especially. It's pretty much a non issue for most of where people are but I also harbor elaborate fantasies of polar warfare becoming the next proxy hotspot and I will ask you to humor me for minmaxing in sub 0F temps.
>what is a massive rickety piece of shit
i'd tell you to fellate an ak and pull the trigger but you've never been even near guns you dickless tranny
Gay war tourist vs Chad chocky chip enjoyer

Many such cases
Of all the things you could shit talk about the AK series of rifles, calling the side rail “rickety” was probably the dumbest thing you could’ve said. I too am bored at work so I’ll continue arguing until this thread hits the bump limit
does an AK does solve the Which barrel length question for AR. its the size of a 7" folded and a 16" unfolded. or a 10" and an 18"
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Love muh PE90, hate the shit LOP with basically zero way to fix it. Also, F/A grey lowers are a cunt to find.
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Cold weather in this test means -60F. Looks like you can do expect more than a full combat load at that temp without a single failure even with a shitty carbine length gas system.
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Swizz Beats
I want a 300 black out gas piston AR with a fold stock so I can do bad shit nigga
can't hold zero, loses zero after reinstalling a scope, is commonly loose and worthless, makes scope mounts bulky and heavy, it's all around horrible.

if you're using an ak you're basically hobbled to to using its disgusting iron sights.
Weight and range. Ak still has superior stopping power.
I hate both of them
Battle Rifles will make a comeback in this century
Honestly the best strategy for a small military. Make all your shit the exact same so that when you operate with them all your gear and training is interchangeable.
It's ok mexico fixed it
Honestly I expect the major advancements at least for the US infantry to be optics and ammunition based. Eventually they’re just going to start issuing out retardedly expensive HUD style optics to special operations enabling them to do shit like look around corners, visually see what drones can see to better direct fire and bound, and eventually they’re going to stop giving a fuck about “muh exploding musket balls” autism and bring in a light version of the XM-25.
>Battle Rifles will make a comeback in this century
2 more decades
Trust the Rifle Board

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