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Sooo theoretically, what would the russia's military reaction be, if in a video that may or may not be published in a few days, this lil nigga's radar (s500) is turned into dust by a purely theoretical Grim-2
Fucking GRIM indeed. God I hope the rumours are true kek.
Good news is post-war Ukrainian missile exports are gonna look great.
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but it says ATACMS and not Grim-2?
What’s a Grim-2?
don't play with me OP, I really hope this is real lmao.
I wish I could see the faces of every single president of every country that bought into the russian AD meme right now.
>but it says ATACMS and not Grim-2?

yeah, it says theoretically, this is reality
can't a complex with only 2 rockets be ddos-ed fairly easy? two decoys and it's done
like Erdogan?
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Was it even an upgrade from 400? Somehow I get the feel that russians are just rehashing old models and call them new.
Ubermega fast Baikal processors, new missile, new radars n shit, but the code was 100% written by indians
Well Russians claim it was. But. You know...
They would wax lyrical about crests(?) touching bums and something about measuring poultry products.
>Ubermega fast Baikal processors
Those are under sanctions :^)
Is it Air Defense Cuckold Faptime Happy Hour?
especially Erdogan lmao
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It would need to exist and be deployed somewhere first
But otherwise, they've been going through the stages of grief at an accelerated pace as the war drags on
Iterative update at best. Americans have upgraded the radar, the missiles, the software, etc dozens of times and they call it the Patriot PAC3. Russians change as single screw, and it's time for them to pick a new 2edgy5me name (Prometheus; really?)
Very grim2 for s500 if true.
This is just a launcher, without a separate guidance vehicle with a big radar on top it cannot shoot down a hot air baloon. In a complete complex there usually are multiple missile launchers for each of those radars and they together constitute a minimal air defense unit, which can be combined with other such units to use higher level assets like an even bigger early warning radar, command point and so on.

For advanced, high performance and specialized air defense systems smart nations deploy more basic, general purpose air defenses that allow the high tech ones to focus on their specific job, i.e. ballistic missile interception but since it's russians we're talking about this can easily not be the case.
so passes the egg through the anus
and so the egg shall be measured
I heard the purpose of s500 was to make up for lost AWACS.How true is this?
I think you are probably right- now that there are no Russian AEW&C aircraft to try and kill it’s very likely the Ukrainians will treat the S-500 as just as important to kill
It's regularly shilled as the new big scary thing that will totally shut down everything west of Belarus any day now but it was originally intended to be a dedicated anti ballistic missile system similar to the THAAD that russians have absolutely no equivalent of. It seems like even the design hasn't reached nowhere near the performance of that THAAD even on paper so the whole thing was scaled back so much that we don't even know if the mighty S-500 isn't just a rebranded S-300V launcher on wheels with some minor modifications.
you forgot
No. There was some bullshit with a unified program but contradicting goals so the S-300 was built as the S-300P (what you know as S-300 and was later upgraded to S-400), the S-300F naval variant and the S-300V which is the ABM version with the 9M83 and 9M82 missiles.
The S-500 is an upgrade of the S-300V and uses the 77N6, a missile with a similar layout of the 9M83. It's supposed to augment the A-135 ABM system rather than act as normal anti-air like the S-400.
Their "anti-ballistic capable" system's tracking radars have a 10 degree deadzone directly overhead, even though basically all ballistic missiles fall down almost vertically in the terminal phase. yeah
>Yuo see Ivan, enemy would never thinks of firing ballistic missiles at our anti-ballistic missile system.
How much better (or worse) is the s-500 compared to the s-400 or even the s-300.
S400/300 is like patriot
S500 is like thaad
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You can't exactly achive hit-to-kill accuracy with chinese consumer electronics, and we've seen the effectiveness near-misses have on the relatively fragile and low-speed ATACMS missiles. Now imagine it trying to defend against an even medium-range ballistic missile going at like 3-5 times the speed and with a reentry-capable casing. It's going to consume like 1/3rd the battery's magazine for a single missile.
>the US sends equipment to Ukraine
>it gets destroyed
>"dude this is great news now the MIC can build a replacement and USA will get richer!"
>Russia uses equipment in Ukraine
>it gets destroyed
>"haha this is terrible news their economy is fucked now!"
You seem to forget that Russia's economy is trully fucked and they don't have the resources to build these "replacements" you speak of.
Unless you have proof that somehow they're secretly amassing a horde of Armatas and Felons to replace the lost T-72s/t-90s and flankers
it's almost as if russia doesn't have the pre-existing economy and industry to support an MIC the size of the US and trying to replace everything is just going to cause the same thing that collapsed the soviet economy.
interest rates and inflation are sky high and their defense budget is skyrocketing to ridiculous proportions of their total economy.
so yeah, that's bad.
NGAD just got cancelled lmao. Glass houses, anon
Theoretically they will first deny it happened, then say it was lightly damaged, then heavily damaged but still functional, then it was destroyed, then they didn't need it anyway and the new S600 will soon destroy the holhols.
>cancel extremely prodigious project meant to mog china/russia even harder than they already would
>this is equivalent to a shithole with a dying economy desperately cannibalising itself in the hopes that they can maybe refurbish enough cold war tanks to keep up with the destruction rate.
Are we gonna see another funny hard liner coup like before?
>Was it even an upgrade from 400?
Yes. It had integrated capabilities to use missiles from S-300V that have much better ballistic defense potential. Especially big boy 9M82 missiles (launchers fit 2 such), these were developed as counter to Pershing 1/2 ballistic missiles.
I'm not sure russians can even design a reliable and trustworthy automatic control system that can quickly recognize, classify and intercept an incoming ballistic missile and more importantly NOT intercept any kind of friendly target that might've found its way into the engagement zone, without having pvt. Ivan sit there chugging coolant and waiting for the officer to order him to start blasting shit. This approach doesn't work with ballistic missiles because they arrive so quickly.

Of course that requires rock solid IFF system interoperable between branches and generations of aircraft which russians also lack. PATRIOT doesn't have a manual mode, it doesn't even have a "fire" button per se, the operators can only mark and prioritize the target for the computer to determine the best firing solution. It automatically tracks and classifies targets using multiple parameters like flight zones, directions, IFF information and so on all of which are set up and managed by the operators, along with classifying any targets whose status is unclear. For ballistic missiles PATRIOT not only tracks and classifies them but also calculates their probable impact point and only aims at those that might hit the determined zone. This amount of information means cannot be effectively managed by humans that have to make the decisions on the fly, which is why russian air defense has been so unresponsive against cruise missile attacks as well.

You can't have an effective ABM system without those things even if your missile can reliably intercept such targets under clean conditions, either through hit-to-kill or through fragmentation and that's such a big if there's doubt that countries like russia are capable of achieving that at all.
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>You can't exactly achive hit-to-kill accuracy with chinese consumer electronics
This is one out of two reasons the S-500 is totally fucked.
The other is that they don't have attitude control thrusters like the THAAD.
Without hit-to-kill they're stuck using the directed frag warhead, which carries a weight penalty and thus requires a larger booster to shoot it up there.
Without thrusters to steer they have to use aerodynamic controls, which lose efficiency in the thinner atmosphere and thus require a missile to go faster to retain control.
So the 77N6 is an exercise in going full retard with boosting to loft an upgraded 9M82 and gain range over the S-300V
No anon, the S-500 is the S-300V upgrade. Using the big boy missile is the entire reason for it existing, it just to happens to also be compatible with the 40N6 missile from the S-400 but its primary role is to fire the 77N6 which is basically a MOAR POWAAAA 9M82.
US sends old ass gear that was waiting to be decomissioned because it doesn't cost them anything. Russia sends their old ass gear because that's the only thing they left and they can't make anything to replace it. These two couldn't be more different from each other.
>these were developed as counter to Pershing 1/2 ballistic missiles.
LMAO, i remember sovniggers crying about being able to do jack shit about Pershing II. Soviet "counters" are a joke that always fails to match with previous gen tech of the time, let alone anything contemporary.
This just happened btw
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I am missing this lil guy like you wouldn't believe!
That was written in ukrainian, why would they post clown on their own achievment? Russians don't have letter i
Russia competing with the US in the MIC? The USSR, which was a lot bigger than what Russia now dreams to be was ruined by trying to compete MIC wise with the US. All the rubles they spent for naught. Like tears in the rain.
history text books of the future will have to talk about the number of clown emojis on the wagner announcement
Do you know more about the radar/control equipment? I know absolutely nothing about Russian SAM sites and how they compare to ours but I would like to learn more
The S-500 engagement radar seems to be a souped up version of the 92N6E Grave Stone radar, which is consistent with the higher power requirements of an ABM radar versus a purely SAM radar. The acquisition and battle management radar is the 91N6E which in turn is a derivative of the 64N6E Big Bird. It can interface with radars used in the S-400.
For all we know, the specs are Almaz-Antey hopium and they suffer from the same pitfalls as S-300s and S-400s, but the range is extended to engage targets above the 30km line.
You do realize there is well was one s500 its a prototype
russians have more than enough monkey coders for their own stuff, they are in the same situation as pajeets just on a lesser scale
AWACS radar is good against low flying targets like cruise missiles and aircraft. S-500 radar is limited by the horizon. It can't see a low flying target until it approaches at like 40-50 km. So I don't think it's going to work, if that was really the intent.
Well that's even worse. Granpas that programmed in Assembly for S300 are either long retired or lost qualification, and no qualified software engineer will work on a factory today.
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>S-500 radar is limited by the horizon
Oh yeah? Look at THIS
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The S-500 can use the 40V6MT mast to put the 96L6-TsP radar high enough to deal with low flying targets but that's beside the point. The Russians are seemingly doing a shit job at integrating the layers of defense.
The intent is most likely the ATACMS threat not being addressed by the S-400 so they're trying plug that gap with the S-500 which should in theory see the incoming ballistic missiles better.
At least we have unicorn from plet of pink ponies.
This. Remember the insane inflation in 2022, which mostly leveled off by the next year? Russia has been at higher inflation rates than that non-stop since then. Double digit interest rates on everything including mortgages.
It's a simple problem, really. They had a worker deficit even before the war, now the MIC is working triple shifts and is forced to offer higher and higher wages to fill critical positions, but on the other hand the DoD needs meat for the meat cube which means they have to increase the soldier salaries as well. So the MIC is competing with the army for the same pie, almost 700k men (a lot of them with marketable technical skills) fled from the draft towards the West and that's not even taking into account the rest of the economy or the casualties.
In other words the economy is overheating badly, the one industry other than selling raw resources (arms export) has collapsed and it will only get worse over time.
NGAD didnt get cancelled, a schizo journo asked a leading question and got a led response of "well, budgets are a little rough i suppose, there are things on the chopping block", which said schizo journo spun to NGAD IS DED OMG RUSSIA STRONK USA WEAK
NTA but it's possible that it won't get funded for a couple years. Pretty sure DARPA said that the first stage of the project would be developing the material science and adaptive cycle engines required for such a beast anyway, I'm not sure what stage this is at. Even if it does get cancelled (I'm not saying it will for sure), it will come back in a different form and the tech will be reused.
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>We didn't need S500 anyway?
>Iterative update at best
Nah, the interceptor missiles are different and it should be especially good at shooting down ballistic missiles
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>weak wectoid bank hooked me up for a sub 5% mortgage earlier this year
>meanwhile ironclad POCCNR economy is signing people up for 18%
>it's almost as if
holy reddit
it's an important part of the system. it's the c3 unit that targets for the missiles. the meesle lawnchairs are just lawnchairs. and couldn't hit the broadside of a planet without it.
>Ukraine produces domestic long-range ballistic missiles now
Massive if true.
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>w-we didnt need our entire Russian army anyway
>we are not a war like people, that was all western lies.
>you buy nook? Nook nook?
Yep, those retards haven't figured out challenge-response IFF let alone non-cooperative target identification. Meanwhile almost all ballistic Russian launches get tracked by multiple ground radars in Europe/Asia (the Americans even have dedicated RC-135s for optical/infrared tracking of ballistic missiles) and NATO has built an amazing signature database for basically everything they've got.

This means they can predict the path, assign priority targets and in general vastly increase efficiency.
Meanwhile, Russian crews see a target moving at X speed/Y altitude and have to mostly guess based on their limited personal experience. The absolute shit show when GMLRS/Stormshadow/ATACMS got first introduced proves that they didn't even get a briefing on this new threat about to hit the battlefield, or that the higher ups didn't know wtf to do about it. It's like it's all based on personal experience, they don't archive anything and any lessons learned are lost on the next attack which kills the experienced operator.
Even their intelligence services were measuring eggs during the Iraq war when those same systems were used against soviet AA and they had every chance to study how they behave. In other words, the ass is in the ass and it's staying there.
which post was that from?
>NGAD just got cancelled lmao.
>Russia is not the United States
The s 500 was destroyed.
land war, don't need radar
Hey. Congrats on the mortgage, Anon. First-time homeowner?
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A horizon calculator for a mast of 127 ft against a target 30 feet above the ground gives me 25 km, so even worse than I thought. That's only enough for self-defence of the installation, and maybe not even then. Anything flying around can slightly change its trajectory and not be seen at all.
Bruh, do they really have no attitude control in vacuum for an interceptor designed to hit ballistic missiles? THAAD is already at the limit of how close you can safely intercept a long-ish range ballistic missile, those ziggas can't even leave the stratosphere without becoming an unguided projectile.
They most certainly are not.
The Russian brain drain is one of the heaviest in the world. I know so many Russians who lost their country for Europe way before the invasion.

You earn nothing, you live like shit and it's corrupt as fuck.
They just hate the fact, that nobody in Europe respects them, for being the strong Russian bear they believe themselves to be.
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>500 kilometers
>BB poster
SRBM is a broad category. 500km is soundly within it, sure, but that's not exactly "short" in the context of this war.

The Iskander is also 500 km claimed range, and that's reasonably far in this conflict.
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>make a MRBM/IRBM SAM like THAAD
>deploy it where there are no MRBMs or IRBMs

You gotta watch that russian woman rant in brasil video :)
wasn't it mexico
Prigo's peak clown moment, I believe.
Why in gods name would you code in asm?
yeah brah just use python on your embedded system duuuuuude I'm a software engineer
Idk what soviet programmers used.
Algol? Rapira?
memes aside I bet you could make an acceptably performant embedded python solution for that this these days, on modern hardware.
And by that I mean better than Soviet.

I mean I wouldn't
but I bet you could.
>xaxaxa now it could be sold to thirdies as 'combat tes-AAAAAAAAAAACK

Many such cases.
The non-meme answer was that embedded systems have performance requirements that might require you to optimize in plain assembly code but most of the time you'd just be writing C

The practice of hand-coding assembler died pretty much as soon as compilers were invented. Not only because the code is much easier to write, but because the resulting machine code is also better. Compiler optimizations in the very first FORTRAN compiler ever already produced better machine code than average codemonkey writing asm.

Russians are puzzling. I've met plenty ot intelligent and talented ones, as individuals, working in the West. You get them together and suddenly it's all posturing and bullshit. The Chinese have a similar problem. Some guy with a galaxy brain doing AI shit I could
never hope to understand gets into a room brimming with bugspeak and suddenly he's bragging about eating donkey penis for his "eternal erection soul" and drawing circles in ash on the floor to access the spirit of Zhongguo
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It was Mexico
Is Sasha manning the s-500?
>source: I made it the fuck up
People were claiming the F35 was canceled for years.
She says she has been living in brasil for 6 months... guess that confused me?
>implying they could intercept IRBMs with what is basically a long range anti-aircraft missile with moar boosters stuck on the bottom
It might be able to intercept ATACMS. That's about it. And then there's a good chance it intercepts it too close and the bomblets fall over the battery anyway. There's a reason SM-3 costs 15m per missile. You're hitting a bullet with another bullet in space, except both of them move an order of magnitude faster than actual bullets. You can't stick a bigger rocket on it and call it a day.
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>A horizon calculator for a mast of 127 ft against a target 30 feet above the ground gives me 25 km, so even worse than I thought.
Radar isn't very linear because depending on target and the conditions it can actually see beyond the geometric horizon.
>Bruh, do they really have no attitude control in vacuum for an interceptor designed to hit ballistic missiles?
It follows the ballistic target on the way down and rolls over to send the frag.
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Its Hrim not Grim. Only a Russian would say Grim.
They reacted by targeting civilians in Dnipro again
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>w-we didn't need S-500 anyways!
How long time does it take to reload them?
I like how that one guy told him to make it a S-400 to at least be remotely believable but he didn't listen
>NVIDIA promising AGI in 5 years
>that pic
Yea no. While they've increased pixel count and sentence length the AI is nowhere near intelligent.
Yeah, the current generative AI hype is not a way to AGI. It's a tech bubble. All the major models are fundamentally flawed. They can have some important applications as supervised data wranglers in expert systems but the hallucinations and other unknowns make them too unreliable as is and there is just no path to develop them into anything resembling intelligence.
Ok, post one documented example of a X-band or L-band radar that can achieve a guidance-quality track significantly beyond the horizon. DESU I don't believe it exists, but I'm happy to be proven wrong.
Can it actually track anything with that kind of dB loss? Or is it just "there's something in vaguely that direction" like OTH radar? Also, what kind of range are we talking over the horizon?

How does it roll towards the target with aeorodynamic attitude control outside the atmosphere
>nooo don't describe it as S-500 getting fucked, nobody is going to believe this shit, say it's S-400 instead
>fast forward 2 years
>S-500 actually deployed and raped within a month

>we are too sincere
there's an easy tell when a Russian is lying, their lips are moving
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ukrainian missile exports to russia already look great
it's funny to laugh at, but also sad. Russian immigrants to the US probably have the lowest crime rate and highest intelligence of any immigrant group, and it's kind of retarded we aren't doing a lot more to get as many as possible. If Biden wasn't a fucking idiot there'd be an operation paperclip type thing going on to vacuum up as many scientists and researchers as possible. Instead most of the ones leaving are probably ending up in China.
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Anon... the S-500 can't do atmospheric interception.
The S-300V loaded with 9M82M tops out at 30km. It most likely flies over the intercept ceiling but it has to come back down and use aerodynamic steering.
The 77N6 has an even bigger xboxhueg booster which supposedly allows it to steer at 45km (ziggers claim 60 but whatever).
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*exoatmospheric interception, fuck me
Ok, got it. So their plan is to intercept IRBMs within ~50km best case? lmfao.
the reason for that is that people smart enough to attend the universities in moscow or overseas realized they could make the big fucking bucks working in the US. so they left. you don't even need to run operation paperclip, just let it get out just how well you pay people who're educated. there's a reason RT only films places like detroit now.
i'm still thinking they can't possibly have been so incompetent as to actually get it blown up. but i've been wrong on that front before. they seem intent on throwing away all the AD that could prevent them from being bombed to hell at the moment, and it's only getting worse.
Every immigrant group does this thing where they drastically overcompensate against integration and make their whole personality revolve around some facile element of their old culture. Usually it's food, language, religion, music or fashion. Unfortunately the only culture Russia has is drugs, homosexuality, and bitching about the west. It's not a good value proposition when the best case scenario is that you only imported a bunch of faggots.
Well the main ABM system in Russia is the A-135 (with A-235 in development and some testing done since 2014). The A-135 used the 51T6 Gorgon exoatmospheric and later just the 53T6 Gazelle endoatmospheric, both have nuclear warheads and thus don't need the accuracy of a hit-to-kill. The 51T6 was taken out of service. The non-nuclear 53T6M was most likely tested in Sary-Shagan (Kazakhstan) in 2021.
The S-300V was designed for theater ABM and thus the tracked vehicles because the Army wanted it to keep up with armor. The S-500 was a way to augment the A-135 and keep it also mobile. It bridges the gap between S-400 and A-135 which is why it's such a fucking stupid missile system. It's physically much larger than the MIM-401 used in the THAAD but it can't perform as well. Developing a THAAD equivalent would cost money so they strap a massive booster to an older design to make it go faster.
>Russian immigrants to the US probably have the lowest crime rate and highest intelligence of any immigrant group,
How many of those are jews?
newer S-300s/s-400 should have some kind of automatic mode as well but i bet it's not being used because every time they turn it on it would inevitably shoot at some friendly plane sooner or later.
Yes, the US has a large, fully functioning defense industry. It can afford to expend old materiel that is nearing its expiration date.

Russia? Not so lucky.
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>Well the main ABM system in Russia is the A-135
That thing is basically a bad joke
>the ABM system could maybed intercept one or two missiles
>the earlier system could maybe do this from certain direction
>while using nukes
>very modest expectations
That isn't 'very modest', it is 'why the fuck did you even deploy this it clearly was not working and needed more development time'
It's like current year tripla A video games.
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The punchline here is the US reaction to all this.
Those targeting projections also typically didn't consider the overlap in blast waves from different targets unless the targets were both a part of some related complex, resulting in an even bigger overkill since the soviet rail depot that is next to the soviet military stockpile that is right next to a small airfield would be blasted 3 times as hard because there are warheads aimed at each target individually.
That's just spot on.
I had a Russian friend before the war and she was talking a lot of straight up bullshit like this.

But that wasn't even the worst.
If you meet any Russian with government involvement, he instantly thinks that their country is basically undefeatable. Why? Cause they're fucking mobsters and they think that makes them strong.
They invite investors to Russia, show them the best hotels in the city, show them the bars, put them a roofie in the vodka, lay them in bed and slip an underage girl under their blanket.

The next morning you get a wake-up visit from your local police department who claim that they have been informed about a missing underage child. They pretend to take DNA samples, (which confirms you raped her) put you in jail and of course you are guilty and of course your handler magically appears and makes all of this go away.

They can reopen this investigation any day they like with that fake evidence. They can even put you on a list for international international arrest warrants with this. So you better dance to their tune.

The Russians think that makes them good business man, but it just shows how fucking bad they are, that they have to resort to this bullshit to barely compete to us.
>Look at what they have to do to mimic just a fraction of our power
>why the fuck did you even deploy this it clearly was not working and needed more development time
US are devleloping ABM so we must get there first comrade, results be damned! This will be a big win for communism and the proletariat!

That document also goes into detail about the expected performance of the A-235, which was supposed to be able to intercept 8-12 warheads instead.
….huh? I thought the Israelis were constantly turning off auto mode in their PAC-2s.
Patriot has two primary modes, automatic and semi-atuomatic. The former is autonomous and doesn't technically require any human intervention once it's set up, while the latter still needs human discretion before it can engage targets. There's still no "fire" button and no way to order the system to launch a missile but your operators still need to flag the target as hostile before it can be engaged.

At least that's how it is supposed to work. I'm not a Patriot operator and has never been one but i've read some details on the topic.
Get lost nigger Russia has real culture (even if it’s just a copy of European culture). The minority villagers aren’t even seen as people most likely by a White Russian.. Yeah sure it’s a mob-run society but at least they don’t worship ugliness.
I'd coom so hard from a video of air defense cuckolding so hard that they die.
>Russia has real culture
> The minority villagers
Villagers are the least fileld with minorities in russia because they're too poor for even broke churkas to move in.
Okay let’s play. Pick one cultural product of your country and then we’ll compare it with Russia to test this notion of Russia = no culture.
It's national character. Or race, in /pol/-speak. The exceptional individuals are just that, exceptions who have temporarily fitted into a different culture; and once they return to their home environment or it is returned to them they return to normal. All the subtle differences you wouldn't notice up close in an individual tree become visible when you step back and look at the forest.
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Nah, i'll just post what a typical russian looks like and it'll shut you down like the subhuman fetal alcohold syndrome baby you are.
>the culture of perforated spoon castes
that's a no from me dog
500km is enough for them to hit Kaliningrad from their northwestern border. If Poland is down it would be possible for them to strike the Baltic Fleet.
Video games
Hrim is grim for Russia.
lmfao. this is so pathetically funny.
So, I guess you’re just another Eastern “European” infesting /k/ projecting your own society’s utter lack of redeeming qualities onto Russia?
nta. what redeeming qualities does Russia even have at this point? they're losing a war in an embarrassing show of incompetence, most of their smartest fled their own country to avoid being part of said war, and their only cope is how strong Russia is compared to the weak west without anything to show for it. are you going to keep being a retarded disingenuous vatnigger, or are you going to accept reality?
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>projecting your own society’s utter lack of redeeming qualities onto Russia
For every lacking quality east Euros have rusniggers will have a tenfold supply of savagery, superstitions and misery.

vatniks are now projecting about projections because normal projections can no longer help them cope with their self inflicted subhuman state.
Every time a russian spews shit about "real culture" he's always talking about an empty facade that was always made or created, most often by foreigners, at the rulers' bidding to make russia look more like a real country that it really was and not even the traces of this "culture" can be found in an average russian wondering the streets in some grey commiblock laden smog-engulfed city.
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>jews accuse their critics of being brown
>russians accuse their critics of being slavic
I'm sensing projection.
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>the expected performance of the A-235, which was supposed to be able to intercept 8-12 warheads instead.
>able to intercept 8-12 warheads
>SAC aimed 69 warheads at the complex
Good job Comrades, we tricked the capitalists into aiming roughly one order of magnitude of overkill at our capital and most important industrial and transportation node!
>A-235 in development and some testing done since 2014
Holy fuck. This is the most Russian thing ever, develop a system ten years ago that would have been useless 35 years ago in an effort to replace a system that didn't work 50 years ago.
But at least the lessons learned mean that theatre, medium and short range air defense works!
Oh, wait.
How undortunate.
An actual culture. Seethe more about it, nekulturny barbarian.
Unironically, yes. Imagine how many more targets could've been nuked out of existence with a more efficient target allocation plan.
>Russia has real culture
Russian culture was destroyed in 1917 by russians themselves.
is there an estimate on how many S300 / S400 Russia had including total missiles before this war and now?

My point is, if a hot war broke out with NATO, wtf would Russia even have to defend their airspace with?
This is superfluous because S-300s/400s don't work against '80s era NATO missiles in the first place.

or i can go with >>61970667 and say uhhhh half life 1? halo 3?
>is there an estimate on how many S300 / S400 Russia had
Before the war russia had about 30 S-400 units with their own targeting radar and about 12 larger early warning and observation radars to go with those. S-300s were mostly replaced with S-400s(or rather, upgraded to S-400 since the latter uses all the same components minus the new radars and missiles) and only a few weren't moved in reserve yet. With the way these things are getting clapped recently, they might've lost a third of their radars already.
>if a hot war broke out with NATO
russia doesn't care about that one bit because the KGB niggers know that NATO has zero willingness to deal with a splintered russia where random warlords posess nukes, leaving them to fuck around completely unopposed. They did the same thing back in the 90s when they wrestled western support and indifference towards their criminal redistribution of ex-soviet national industries. If you remember the stories about "nuclear brefcases" that might've been sitting unaccounted in russia and even smuggled in US - this was a ploy they were actively spreading despite there being absolutely no evidence soviets ever developed a nuke smaller than a 152mm artillery shell.
Vodka (it's not originally russian).
>horizon calculator
the point of using masts is not to increase the distance to the theoretical horizon but to avoid shadow zones created by nearby buildings, trees and terrain, they don't have to be that tall to decrease low level detection range several fold
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>The practice of hand-coding assembler died pretty much as soon as compilers were invented. Not only because the code is much easier to write, but because the resulting machine code is also better. Compiler optimizations in the very first FORTRAN compiler ever already produced better machine code than average codemonkey writing asm.
Retard, everything you wrote is incorrect or plain simply wrong
It was pajeet tier and it was on /k/

Most of military embedded systems either run on completely custom ASICs, or on unholy combinations of completely different ISA architectures chips chained together where each one is responsible for different sensors/inputs/processing, everything is fixed function and most cases runs on bare metal without even a microkernel.
Best you get is limited support for mid-80's C and ADA, neither of which are considered to be high level anymore by zoomer faggot coders that deal only with interpreted langs/GC-style compiled langs.
All that fucking compiler optimization you think about does not fucking apply there cause the progress went to the consumer market modern x86 and ARM ISA compilers, and not for some either esoteric custom ASICs, or forgotten embedded variants of 6502/68k/Z80/8088 still popular and in use in military products, constantly produced with the only modernization being a die-shrink and a frequency bump.
Same fucking thing applies in the medical field, medi hardware corpos are constantly on the lookout for younger people that can do low level coding.

Have a Javelin guidance computer disassembly
They do add a few miles of range for radar coverage but yes, they're mostly for parking the radar in the middle of the forest and not having it be half blind.

They're quite fussy to set up though and take 3x longer than the rest of the system to deploy so i doubt they're used much outside of mostly stationary positions.
They could be using sign language though.
I'd rather watch her seethe after getting deported back to Russia.
>russians accuse their critics of being slavic
Russia likes to call everything Russian "Slavic" so they can then turn around and claim everything Slavic is Russian.
>Russia has real culture
So do bacteria.
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fuck off back to Serbia dumb nigger
I see you and your lying hand flaps
So, where's the video? Where's the proof? It's been two days.
One of the worst cases of blueballing ever.
>69 warheads aimed at a single spot
>turns out none of the 69 warheads would have been shot down
Imagine SAC commanders' faces when they see 69 warheads blowing up a large commie AA complex at the same time.
Reminder that in Putin's KGB Mafia Russia, the state and the government is the main employer of the population, just like in the USSR. Anybody who isn't poor or living off a USSR-era pension works for the government basically, the actual productive members of Russia are a minority.

Just your typical Third World quasi-socialist things.
Just 2 more weeks.
For real you people are just going to move on and look for something new to bitch about, completely ignoring how crucial you made that piece of information seem, because you're not men; you're children.
nukes and the willingness to use them
Indoor plumbing, and its wide variety of interior design languages, fixtures, showers, garden tubs, etc.
>Verification not required.
I was about to say something snarky, and then I noticed that the boomer in picrel just started talking it up as a peerless Russian wonderwafffle, like literally this same hour.
This is second only to Copelord proclaiming that "the S-500 is literally indestructible", so I now find myself rather more bullish that vids will be released soon.
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Which boomer?
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>Which boomer?
This one. I forgot to attach the pic on account of being retarded.
He's Copelord-tier as a bellwether, though.
> the lowest crime rate and highest intelligence
I’ll give you intelligence, since they’re smart enough to leave Russia.
But they actually have a near 100% crime rate, on account of prostitution is mostly illegal in the US
Yeah they could hit targets in Russia like that airbase without using ATACMS.
>Copelord says they're indestructible
Oh so they're fucking vaporized, got it. Hope someone got good video of it.

S300 is a patriot with less accuracy

S400 is in between THAAD and patriot with much longer range than Patriot, much cheaper ammo than THAAD but still with limited accuracy

S500 should is more similar to THAAD and should have fixed some of accuracy issues but also is much more expensive and untested .
>S400 is in between THAAD and patriot
shut up retard
you are accurately describing /k/opers after they fall for pro-ukrainian twitter fakes. i remember countless twitter encirclements in 2022 and 2023. gobble it up, /k/opers!
>vacuum up as many scientists and researchers as possible
Most of the real scientists already left during the 90s. What you see left out is middle of the road people. And if you mass-import them, you'll get thousands of sleeper agents in the bundle.
Ukie videogames (stalker, metro, cossacks, the whole sherlock holmes seriers, cryostasis, you are empty) vs russian video games (the market died into pay-2-win shit after early 2000s)
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These buckbroken retards will never react to anything, because they got to their positions in the first place by being willing to overlook reality in favour of the power structure they are kept within.
And this extends beyond the military to the civilian population too.
It's one big exercise in pulling your hands over your ears and singing "la la la I can't hear you"
Unironically this
>models are fundamentally
And that's the main flaw. True intelligence is constantly adapting. It's both a model, data set and training algorithm. A model will take a static input to static output. True intelligence will sample both input and output against each other trying out various adjustments to all three - input, output, model. And this requires agency, a drive and goal above static input.
These fakes?
The loss of 40yo US gear gifted to Ukraine isn't great but it's also not a big deal because we can send more.
The loss of a new SAM that hasn't even officially entered service would be more like Mexico shooting down an F-15EX with an F-5E.
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god damn, use the cotnrolnet to fix the hands please.
Hrim-2 when?
Is there any reason Ukrainians make so many video games?
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>A fire in Russian-occupied Shchelkino broke out. According to Crimeanwind the SNT "Energetik-2" is affected. Ambulances and firefighters are on the way.

Well, I guess this means one of the following is true:
1. The S-500 is a piece of shit that doesn't work, and therefore it has been destroyed leaving Crimea vulnerable.
2. The S-500 is a piece of shit that doesn't work, but hasn't been destroyed, it just can't do anything even in Crimea.
3. The S-500 is a piece of shit that doesn't work, and is so bad it wasn't actually deployed to Crimea to begin with.

In this case they say it was an S-400 battery that got targeted
You forgeot
> The S-500 is a piece of shit that doesn't work, and so nobody can tell if it's destroyed or not in Crimea because it can't do anything either way.
i think the most likely option is they deployed the S-500 radar because that's the shit getting fucked each time by the ATACMS strikes, and hopefully the people manning it were competent enough to space the launchers far enough apart to avoid losing those too.
A few weeks later...

So it wasn't a S500 after all, huh?
It amazes me people are this stupid
>Russia is not the soviet union
also correct
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Intrepid tune.
Having 70 warheads aimed at something that could only take out a couple isn't the worst ballistic missile defense
It either sucks or is great if you're anywhere near there
no, no, it was russian s-500 radar!
well, ok, it was s-300 not s-500, launcher, not radar and ukrainian not russian.
>shows launcher
What did this retarded nigger mean by this?
If you haven’t shot it down by the time it’s in that 10 degree cone, you’re already fucked since you have less than 15 seconds of life.
>that could only take out a couple
It couldn't take out a single one.
>It either sucks or is great if you're anywhere near there
The thing is, the system is wholly locaed on the outskirts of Moscow.
S-whatever doesn't have any missiles that can reach higher than 30km and as one guy above said they can hardly even maneuver at that altitude. A ballistic missile will be overhead of you as it's coming down from space way above that.
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Since the first posts that the S-500 got taken out we keep getting raided, I don't think the S-500 got taken out but we keep getting these bad faith posts and people spamming gay twitter screencaps like this and I gotta wonder why? Is it because the Ukrainians took back Temy/Termy/Tem-whatever the hell?

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