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Previous: >>62073365

Hoping to answer an anon (>>62138493) here who had a question in the gun trivia thread (>>62130249).
>If I remember correctly, they were intended to increase hit probability. Possibly during the SPIW program.
>Duplex 5.56 rounds were experimented on as well.
>Did not know about .50 duplex and its pretty cool you own one. Where did you get it?
Oddly found it in a box of random rounds that AFAIK a guy bought at auction. He had a box of loose rounds that I assume came from ammo collectors (those who collect oddball calibers or interesting loads). One week I come by and see he has some random stuff out with pretty fair prices. IIRC I didn't pay more than $5 at most and struggle to find so much as another picture of one. One or two small pics used to come up years ago but seem to have been pushed down the image results page. I have some oddball calibers I hadn't previously heard of in storage somewhere that came from the same guy. IIRC someone lucky pulled a really impressive looking shiny 408 Cheytac when I was hanging around which I suspect came from the same guy.
Hey its me. Just now seeing the bullet on the 50. What’s that all about? Duplex rounds look normal on the exterior.
Also from what i read, the military tested 5.56 and 7.62x51, no mention of .50 bmg. Can we get a closer pic of the projectile?
Bad pic but his is my carry ammo, 124gr Federal HST. I routinely remove it at home so I can dryfire practice with my pistol. Are these small dents/marks on the rim going to negatively impact extraction/ejection?
what's the round on the left, looks like a necked down 458WM. doesn't look necked enough to be 375.
>Just now seeing the bullet on the 50. What’s that all about? Duplex rounds look normal on the exterior.
Not sure. When I had looked my round up I had found a couple of other pics of the plastic coated duplex but never got a milled cutaway to really tell what was going on. IIRC I may have found a drawing but it's been years.
>Can we get a closer pic of the projectile?
If I can find it. It's either up on a shelf or in a crate I may or may not be able to access.

One on the left is a .50 BMG, one on the right is a .460 Weatherby Magnum, belted.
Sweet, thanks
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Okay, been a while since I searched. Seems it's from the 50-30 Salvo Squeezebore project! I should find a more permanent location to display something like that. Pic from Cartridge Collectors forum.
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And here's a milled cutaway view of some of the rounds.
That is some wacky shit. You've got a real gem for $5
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I wish that guy would've continued selling but it wasn't what he wanted to continue doing. Real shame too as I got tons of weird ammo, boxes of ammo, and could've gotten a ton more magazines, scopes, and obscure gun parts from him for decent prices. I should ask him about gun auction suggestions the next time I see him because he used to get real interesting stuff in but I haven't seen him for a while; hope he's okay. Always a bargain to be had and it was hard walking away sometimes lol.

I bought some vintage and obscure 22LR from him as well.
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Did I mention it's steel case 22LR? =P
I bet the ballistics on those bullets are garbo.
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Also here's some other wacky 50BMG I could only hope to stumble across for cheap from the same collector's forum:
>left a prototype mock up LC 09 open primer (of no significance) (no clue “who’s”)
>left 2 easy for me to assume AMTECH…this one not a display dummy…live primed LC 85
>left 3 my note says Navy consideration MK323 BYS 13
>left 4 my note USCG “for taking out motors” BYS 10
>left 5 different projo…note case “notch” to accept plastic link BYS 19
>left 6 (or far right) said plastic link on fired case BYS 17
>3-6 all with sky blue primer annulus
Yes, plastic cased 50BMG.
I swear i saw some post a few hours ago by some anon and his strange folding gun. It had grey 22 lr which i though were snap caps. Should still be up but i cant find it.
Also that has has be not great for your gun, more so then center fire.
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Anon and his strange folding gun...that sounds like Burt and his Oz in Handgun General, not me. I think that's Winchester or some other fancy carry ammo IIRC.
>Also that has has be not great for your gun, more so then center fire.
Oh it's horrible ammo lol. I heard it was cheap, though. Remington was stupid cheap in the 90s. This was somehow cheaper. And came in 7.62x39 crates, custom stenciled, with bricks of 22LR inside. Around 6000rds a crate with room to spare. Never experienced it but from what I remember reading, people bought it anyways. It was filthy. People didn't care. Some claimed it would break firing pins faster. A new firing pin was cheaper than paying a little more for Remington so people would just buy a spare. I hear it's filthy, inaccurate, you name it. Never shot any though. All this looking through old images just reminds me how much better my sources were for ammo and weird gun stuff just a couple years back. All just disappeared one day is it feels like.

And actually I just found the post I think you're talking about. Wonder if that's sharpied to signify a snapcap/deactivated round or if it's factory. I always like seeing weird ammo! >>62136411
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Can anyone tip to butt this? Specifically is that some holoshit with solar?
Found the red dot actually, seems to be holo AEMS
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What are the best ear pro for noise attenuation, not caring about active vs passive, but caring about small width?
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Is there any benefit attaching paracord or a BFG loop to an overpriced m-lok mount vs directly to the rail?
You will get a lot of answers, some Reloaders have bragged about using a casing just under 100 times, while some police agency’s will immediately place it in the range ammo pile.
The average hobbyist reloader is far more trustworthy on this matter than any police department desu
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where are the cheapest places to get the good spring loaded cam buckles and that rubber grab handle for slings? I got 10 meters of this coming and some DPM webbing. I'm going to make some slings for friends and family this year.
Check if the bullet has been pushed into the casing, place it between two fresh rounds standing on a flat surface. Thats a real problem that can happen from chambering a bullet several times.
Didn't know that, thanks
No problem. Its called setback, it can increase pressure to unsafe levels (thats why most reputable +p ammo has the cannelures (ribbing thing on the case) because a pressure spike on an already over pressure round would be rather not good.
If it’s barely noticeable, it shouldn’t be a problem, but id just toss it into the range ammo, any more then that and throw it out.
how many yards of fabric and what weight should it be if I want to have a boonie hat custom made for my XXL+ head?
I'm probably more autistic than the other anon. I have an extra mag and if I chamber a carry round more than twice, the round goes into the extra mag which I shoot at the range. I'm pretty spooked by the idea of a Glocknade
Y'all are very helpful, much thanks
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Can someone help me to identify this bullet? It does not have any markings/headstamp.
It's maybe not as visible in the picture but the center part of the casing that holds the primer slightly protrudes from the base of the cartridge like in the drawing.
That's a standard FAMAS cartridge
Looks like 11x59R Gras aka 11mm Vickers
>how many yards of fabric
One yard is more than enough to make a boonie hat.

>and what weight should it be
That's subjective, and it also depends on what type of fabric you pick. I suggest going to a fabric store and feeling some samples then pick what you want.
I thought that to be a possibility too at first but the rim on my round is over a millimeter smaller in diameter than the given measurements of an 11mm Gras. I get that te measurements aren't exactly the same every time and my calipers are also only accurate to two decimals, but over a millimeter is too much difference I think.
My guess was 11x58mmR Werndl because those measurements are the closest but can't find any confirmation.
What exactly do calibers like 460 Rowland, 7.5 FK, and 9x25 Dillon offer over something like hot 10 mm or 375 Sig, practically speaking? Is this something I need to fiddle with in a ballistics calculator to understand?
thank you.
Primer compound separation and bullet setback are your two concerns. Probably not a problem if you do it a few times. But doing this to the same round everyday for a year is probably a bad idea. Maybe download your mag and move it to the bottom. Otherwise, make it range ammo.
They are trying to make pistols suck less.
Newer/udpated pistol cartridges exist for a variety of reasons. Some are just hobbyists making things faster, same idea as hot-rodders souping up old cars. It's just fun and part of the hobby to see what you can do by modernizing an old cartridge but there is no specific purpose in mind other than muh cool new cartridge. (i.e. .460 Rowland) Other cartridges are created to game the rules for certain kinds of competitions, trying to min-max things like power factor, capacity, etc. (I.e. 9x25 Dillon). 7.5 FK was designed specifically as a handgun combat cartridge.
Thank you both.
Hot rod analogy and mentioning power factor helped put it in perspective.
I asked this before but forgot. What % should I sell my once-fired brass for compared to new brass?
What type and how much?
It doesn't matter.
they are trying (and failing) to make pistols have rifle terminal ballistics. there isn't the barrel length and powder charge necessary to get up into the velocities and energy levels.
Okay then. Sell it for 5 cents a piece.
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If I put a red dot like an Sig Romeo 5 on this $23 railed AK hand guard, will it hold zero and not be complete limp dick? Thanks in advance.
>I'm poor
Propably not, since the handguard itself isn't attached to the rifle very tight anyways.
Of course you don't lose much if you try and it fails. Then you have a cheap railed handguard for attaching something else.
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Q1. What cartridge is closest to 30 carbine ballistically?

Q2. Are all mini-14s garbage or just recent production? Kinda want pic related ever since I saw one like it at a gun show back in 06
Does the receiver have a side mount? If you really cant save up a few bucks, you would be better off buying a cheap side rail mount.

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