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Happy FF




A good weekend to all of you and please send my regards to Skelly if the worst occurs
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Based thread happy FF to everyone
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Currently seething
I think you missed the bit
There’s definitely something to be said about the Marine Corps putting kac cans on all of their 16.5” barrel m27s w/ SCOs (VCOG). That setup is retardedly heavy, long, and isn’t even the do-it-all they think it is
Kinda the basis for the DT question
If QD necessary, get rotex-x for muzzle device compatibility, upgrade to KAC when rich
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IMO get the rotex-x if you need to weight autism out you can atleast play with mounts.
But really like I said the other day, weight doesnt matter as much as you think on these carbines.
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Accounted for. Enjoy the weekend.
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It's time to dust this Friday Fox(TM) off now that he's back.
This is a neat site for can autismos
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I'm gonna use my Super Duty upper bros. Griffin finally restocked the muzzle device I wanted.
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MK12 Lower parts arrive this weekend. Everyone have a blessed Friday+Weekend
Did you buy a griffin can and were waiting on a mount?
No, I just needed another mount. Had the can
The "expert" they brought on in this video makes some really strange choices who even uses those AB dildo cans?
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Watcha got here boyo? Ay Tone, begging again for that $1500 suit. Gid da fuck outta here!
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Let the record show that I didn't clone your 80 it came built like that. I've just been keeping it running. Had to have something to drive after selling my car to buy duals.
>hey this rattler is pretty neat
You're cool, you can stay.
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I wasn’t here the other day, and you haven’t been sending me class notes to keep up
Basically RC2/QDC best can, fuck the poors, lift weights?
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Nope sorry this is the new meta.
It’s a blue board, anon
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MK12 MOD 0-1 are so boring. Take the Holland pill
My Q3 bonus pays out this week, $14k incoming. What do I gunsoom?
How can we tell you what you should buy when we don't know what you already have?
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14 complete super duty blem rifles when the synagogue opens for blemsgiving

or a cool motorcycle if you don't have one already
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I'll let Mr. Grips speak for himself but I believe Saker is still the go-to recommendation.
14 complete super duty blem rifles when the synagogue opens for blemsgiving
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Only saker k has his approval I believe not the full size
I wish I had a pfalcon thermal clip on an a fox gf who loved me
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fishy hates elcans
I actually just went to the gun store today to look for a kac can and they didn't have any but when the guy read out the weight he did a double take. He handed me some other cans he suggested then said oh btw both of those you are holding add up to the weight of the kac you want. Not really sure why you would want something so heavy on a semi auto rifle. What does it do so well that makes it worth it?
it says KAC bro, read the reddit
First of all which KAC can? If you mean the QDC CRS PRT it's insignificantly heavier than the RC2 as a total package which has been the gold standard forever.
>QDC CRS PRT and KAC 3 prong
>RC2 and SF3P
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Every rifle posted in this thread so far is better than mine.
This is bullshit.
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Didn't see this one >>62684183
the QDC CRS PRG is 23.2 oz alone the b&t srbs is 18.4 oz
Oh you're talking about the 762 ones. In that case yeah that's a bit excessive.
Let me shit up the thread a bit
yeah their 5.56 cans are pure kino im gonna pick one of those up for sure
What gun are you wanting to put this on?
Everything but the gas block is good
Based on what? That shits a fucking cartoon and thus gay.
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Same but Karen Carpenter
>Basically RC2/QDC best can, fuck the poors, lift weights?
The tl;dr was that the less flatrange you do the less changing 2oz here or there on the rifle matters. Double digits and multiple pounds matter for sustained shit.
Welcome to 762 cans land of the compromise.
>What does it do so well that makes it worth it?
Rock solid QD mech with excellent RTZ
Really good job of balancing sound signature, flash and backpressure. Consider dropping down to the CQB
>The cans with no mount are shorter than the can with mount
Reddit website.
>Not wanting to fuck hot females
Holy dog shit, my gaydar is going off charts
>Consider dropping down to the CQB
how great is the difference between the two
I have a complete 16", a complete 12.5, and all the basics (pump shotty, a variety of pistols, etc). I've got soft armor, plate carrier, two sets of plates. I've got multiple cool motorcycles.

I need night vision goggles (and then thermals) and a new helmet (current is a modified high cut MICH). I need more ammo. I want a stupid nice 6.5CM DMR. I need a new optic for my 300WM bolt action hunting rifle.

So probably NVGs, ammo, helmet, 6.5 rifle are the top contenders.
This would be good for fighting evil robots ngl. I don't have that threat scenario fully addressed.
All my friends that deserve to be armed, are.
Obsessing over a dead woman is creepier than all the tranimes and furfags if I’m being honest.
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Them be fighten words sonny. Hope you've been training (I haven't).
If anything it shows that BT made a retardedly long can
Yeah the standard sized B&T cans are fuckoff long for no reason
Compact should be their bog standard and they should go even smaller.
Ive only compared CQB to PRS which is the biggest gap. In terms of flash they similar. In terms of sound its mostly a tonal difference. The PRS is much lower thud thud like an AEM5 where the CQB is going to be a bit more cracky and sound like a gunshot further away.
I presume the middle step CRS is going to have a smaller difference
I didnt say anything about handing them out
Spend all of it on nods, no reason to budgetball on them
>This would be good for fighting evil robots ngl. I don't have that threat scenario fully addressed.
Also good for making swizz cheese of bearcats
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they're neat but I wanted the 18" since I have a 16" already
build a new one
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I've been physically training, I've been working out a lot.
I dry fire when I'm watching movies or waiting for games to install.
But as far a shooting goes, no not at all.
Thanks senpai
>Spend all of it on nods
If I want to buy one set of peak performance forever nods, let's say I have a budget of roughly $15k, what should I buy?

I don't want to do some half measure shit with NVGs, part of why I don't have any yet. I don't want to scour shitty forums and tacswap for a 'deal' on some shit with questionable provenance that I'm not informed enough to vet anyway. I want to buy one set of killer high quality NVGs from a professional seller who won't bullshit me or waste my time and be done.

What do? And no, I'm not going to spend months lurking /nvg/ to glean the esoteric knowledge needed to make this decision. I just want to buy shit that works good and will last and that I never feel like I need to upgrade from until some genuinely paradigm shifting shit comes out.
Are you still with the Latina? Anons say you broke up. How was the hurricane? You should quit smoking and shoot with the savings
Same question but at a quarter of the budget
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Dry fire regimen very good. I've also been working out. Trying to put on 10lbs by spring. Stay at it.
Skelly please sell the eotech. If you even went full wuggy and got an aems id shut the fuck up
Why don’t you figure out if you’re ever even going to use them before you dump $15k on a set of L3 PVS31s.
Maybe start with an elbit PVS14 and actually use it for a while
>Helmet scrim
>Elcan with 509T on top
>URX 4
>SF Turbo
>Likes RHBHO
Mans fucks

I need to buy some meself

>super lightweight but full length 5.56 suppressor
YHM Turbo T3 With YHM Kurz Ti mount.
5.85" OAL of can and mount, 10.8oz
Super inexpensive, probably like $550 or so locally.
BT specs are hard to nail down without the can actually in hand with a ruler and a scale, but my BT PrintX Mini 556K with YHM Kurz Ti mount is 4.25" OAL and 9.6oz. I'm not sure exactly what it would be for the PrintX Compact (which is their full length) but I think the BT PrintX 556 C with a YHM Kurz Ti mount in there will around 5.75"-6.25" OAL and 12oz-13.5oz in weight, so not bad at all.

Eh. Most suppressor mounting muzzle devices are 2.5-4.5oz or so. It does matter, but for a lot of people they do forget.

>Troy irons
Get fucked
Av spec
Tacswap used PVS15s
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That shit's gay nigga unless you're trying to get yourself off opiods. Also tastes like powdered ass.
He's a drug addled degenerate. What do you expect?
I just drove 45 minutes to shoot and got to the range and realized I left my ammo can which was full of all my mags at home. I had exactly one 30 round magazine in my rifle and that’s it. I’m going to an hero.
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which one do i get for my ta31f
Shut up faggot!
None of the above, 1 MOA. DYOR
this is my research
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Won't sell but do plan to replace. Funds being directed towards other avenues right now.
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I’m not clicking that shit nigga
you can just dry fire, its basically the same.
>Why don’t you figure out if you’re ever even going to use them
Anon I've done this stupid song and dance with buying the cheap version of something to try it out or whatever before I commit to the expensive version. I'm fucking over it. It's a shit pattern that leaves me with shittier versions of things that were never what I really wanted anyway. I want to have good NVGs whether I use them or not. If they sit on a shelf for 10 years collecting dust sobeit (they won't).
Nice, here we go. And these are ready to rock, don't need parts swapped, 'a few simple mods', any bullshit like that? I can buy them and whatever mounts/adapters I need and just not have to think about it anymore? Are these something I could add a COTI to in the future or is that dumb?
I was expecting furry porn but at it was about is some zoomer talking about chickfila doing bulk orders
No it’s not you dumbass faggot haven’t you ever heard of RECOIL JESUS CHRIST
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This with an fde scrambler instead of the velos is gonna be raw. Ordering my mpvo for the block ii also I have finally decided which one I want.
Why would you EVER choose pvs31s in 2024? There are such better housings that don’t have piss poor designs like the 31s. Literally don’t even have adjustable diopters. Stupid bridge blocks view when articulated. Tons of other shit I’m not even going to get into. Jesus Christ 31s are retarded and get mogged by something as simple as a katana-r.
Shut up you fat lying faggot no one cares.
Not operator approved thus not A2 approved.
I know you jest but the PVS31 is old tech and outclassed heavily by many of the articulating housings on the market today. Throw in lifetime warranties like with nocturn and you literally have to be retarded to still pay 13+k for 31s over literally almost anything else available today.
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I've put on 17 pounds so far.
I cut down 2 trees that bent into my driveway after the hurricane yesterday.
, with a hatchet. I feel strong now.
Well then feel free to make another suggestion anon, for christs sake. It's impossible to navigate the NVG market as someone that doesn't want to learn a whole new ecosystem of fucking bullshit just to make a one time purchase.

If not the PVS31s A2 linked, what would you buy in my situation?
Whatever you buy just buy it quick. Apparently L3 is gonna stop sending dealers insanely high spec tubes now according to a few dealers I spoke to.
Just call them and buy them
External COTI shitty
Almost had me until you posted that bullshit
This with L3 tubes https://steeleindustries.com/product/uanvb-katana-r/ or if you must have manual gain (you musn’t) the MH-1 housing with L3s or the Manticore-R housing with L3s. You will get a lifetime warranty on the housing if it is from Nocturn Industries. Save the extra dough you would spend on 31s for a Wilcox Raid xe.
Okay, mh1 or manticore r or literally anything other than 31s. They are a piss poor choice in 2024.

Watch this https://youtu.be/4_IhWRXDrvo?si=n1kMCxLPMbU8EsAW
if you must have manual gain (you musn’t)
Idk I kinda hate how my duals don't have manual gain. I would rather have it.
Also Steele is fucking shit. Id sooner give my money to goonin and that faggot hates me.
>Watch this
>25 minutes of some random gook blowing wind.
Fuck you. Are you just regurgitating others opinions or can you actually make an informed recommendation?
Oh Jesus fucking Christ thanks for filtering yourself. Nevermind faggot pay the extra 4 grand for the inferior product I don’t care.
just buy a CHAD gen2+ PVS7 and be done with it
>I want to spend 15k but I can’t be bothered to do the smallest bit of my own research
>spoonfeed me more daddy
Waste your money like a real man and then inform us of your regrets later.
If you asshole were actually capable of making an informed recommendation you'd be able to make a well reasoned argument about why the PVS31 is a bad choice, and what's good about alternatives without having to link me to some video I'm not gonna watch. Make an actual argument, why is this a good choice?

What is 'old tech' about the PVS31?
Why does its lack of an adjustable diopter matter? (looks like this can be added?)

You NVG 'superfans' are fucking insufferable and don't seem to be able to make a coherent point without going off on alphabet soup ramblings about shit nobody knows wtf you're talking about or linking to YouTube videos that don't actually get to the point and are clearly intended for an audience who spends way too much time on this shit.
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When I'm ready to buy nvg's I'm just gonna get DTNVS or Katana. The chimera system looks cool as fuck but something tells me it's gonna match other pano's in price if not more

>this was all formulated by my own research
Dude no one is here to fucking spoon feed you. I have done my own research and used multiple binos. The argument against the pvs31 is years old and all over the internet now and some of it is even in the video I linked for you. If you’re going to spend 15k on something and can’t be bothered to do the tiniest bit of research for yourself even after having been pointed in the right direction, it’s not my job to teach you. I was trying to do you a favor by steering you away from an un wise purchase but you clearly have your mind made up. So this the last bit of effort I’m putting into it. Also, the 31s are shit because they are old and have many inherent design flaws that have been fixed in newer generation binos. Such as power port placement, peripheral vision impairment when articulated due to poor bridge design, and just overall size of the unit compared to newer binos. But hey man, if you wanna larp like a real pipe sniffer, spend the 15k. Be sure you buy them from TNVC kek.
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not who your replying to but
>Why does its lack of an adjustable diopter matter?
it matters a lot if you wear glasses and want to
wear your nvgs without them on. I usually go between wearing them and not so I use it all the time

I've never used either set, but I would look at if the panning sucks or not
>I want to just buy a great set of nods and be done
>well anon here's why you need to buy a housing made by this company I learned about on youtube and and and
God damnit is this some kind of intentional gatekeeping behavior by nodsfags?

Whats the equivalent to just buying a complete KAC/DD/HK416/etc tier rifle?
Females? That is a fucking cartoon you degenerate retard.
Anyone run these yet? I'm planning to make a 500 round load out with it for SHTF
I thought you were selling your guns to get into photography? Werent you supposed to move to Montana and shoot with A2? What happened to losing weight?
A true man of culture. Enjoy your lifetime warranty and excellent customer service from Nocturn Industries. Updooted.
unreliable POS unless you get lucky. Magpul D60 is the only drum that's somewhat reliable
DMT got me addicted to Kratom.
31s are a fantastic turnkey NV option for someone who doesnt give a shit about minmaxxing
Cancer link btw, get out of town
Why are you such an insufferable faggot?
It's quite obvious I haven't 'made my mind up' by the entire premise of the conversation, but so far literally only A2 (who I have historically shit on) has even attempted to make a recommendation in the spirit of what I was asking for.

I am NOT going to buy a housing, source tubes, put this shit together from multiple literalywho retailers. The PVS31s A2 linked are so far the ONLY suggestion for a ready to go unit from a store I can just call on the phone.
You're still on that?
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based and Boss-pilled
this post has single handedly made me reconsider. Getting DTNVS.
Just watch a fucking housing review on YouTube or try to do the tiniest amount of research instead of listening to anon who doesn’t even have a gun much less night vision?
possibly the only bino housing that is a worse choice than pvs31. Enjoy having no warranty for your foreign made bull shit
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I thought the DTNVG's were pretty well regarded, and the DTNVS was an upgraded model? At least from what I could find.
Hey you dense faggot. No one was telling you to source tubes. I’m telling you to not buy an inferior housing. Obviously the tubes will come in the housing kek no one is telling you to build NVGs. God you are so retarded I wish you would just buy the 31s to give me some solace in the fact that you fucked up. Are you a nigger or something? You sound so dumb I’m begging to think you’re brown.
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Katanas are vortex tier
Ive never met someone with a set who didnt have them fail (its cool warranty tho!) in even the most benign casual usage.
The internals are tinker toy tier and the printed models fall apart with ease. Its okay warranty tho!
Id sooner have 1431s from straight chinks than anything from nocturn, The fact that someone ITT even brought up that shitheap of a company shows you the levels these people REALLY be. Minmaxxing weirdos who obsess over equipment far more than they actually use it. Half of the bullshit NVG companies that exist cant even quote you an overpressure rating for them which alone is hilarious. Im real sure the hombre with his 3d printed bullshit is going to be out here paying thousands for lab tests, my mcribs!
>Whats the equivalent to just buying a complete KAC/DD/HK416/etc tier rifle?
Every review and source of data available is targeted at terminally online minmaxers who literally cannot help but go into detail about barely relevant minutia. I don't want to pick tubes from a drop down list of 30 fucking options. I don't want 'an ecosystem of lenses'. I don't want to make a spreadsgeet comparing the gram weights of multiple housing options.

I want a top of the line turnkey solution that will solve 95%+ of use cases / desires for current tech night vision. I shouldn't have to do hours and hours of research if there are hundreds of you dweebs out there who have already done this. There should be some sort of general consensus about what an overworked and tired first time NVG buyer with $15k should buy and be happy with.

I've talked to the dudes at my local shop, they can literally only recommend whatever they bought and it's usually some shit they got a 'deal' on from 'some guy'. It's like a there's a disease that infects people who spend too much time watching YouTube videos about NODs that makes them physically incapable of providing a straightforward, well reasoned, relatively objective answer.
ActInBlack housings have a tendency for pod death. Google “dtnvs left pod” and I’m sure the relevant info will come up.
Are you the guy that spams /ic/ with that fox thing
>3 paragraphs of “spoonfeed me more daddy!”
>Minmaxxing weirdos who obsess over equipment far more than they actually use it.
Literally me
Today I changed my mind about A2.
I'm blocking time on my calendar to call Licentia in Monday.
lol you’re fucking up and that brings me joy. enjoy your piss poor peripherals and lack of diopters.
WE need comprehensive 30 cal can testing bro.
They are actually quite good people to deal with, done plenty of business with them.
31s are more or less MAP/margin protected by L3 so youre not going to get a better dealer buying from random instagram guy assembling 14s and reselling 31s in his basement.
Based and should be encouraged
But when someone asks for the opposite you should be able to do the opposite.
>"Whats a good carry gun"
>heh well the new HK USA CC9 Off-
>"Whats a good carry gun though?"
>Um well the spoonfeed uhhh ounces!
Could have just answered Glock 19
>This kills the crab
>Katanas are vortex tier
oh, that's all I needed to hear.
Interesting, thanks anon
I will do it if someone buys me all the cans
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Patamon is a good feller
Look up Silencer Syndicate on YouTube that guy is testing a shit ton of stuff I’m sure he’ll test 30 cal cans soon
OK glad it brings you joy that I'll have a better set of nods than you while you are wallow in a misplaced sense of superiority because you couldn't answer a simple question in a straightforward way. Can't imagine how much you'll seethe when I post a pic of them with my reddit rifle.
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I just cant be assed to do that, vast majority of them are such letdowns. Its very hard to have a generic 30cal suggestion for you.
If you want to nerd out you can take a look at the
>no flash
>no durability
>no backpressure
Ehhh ooooh
>But when someone asks for the opposite you should be able to do the opposite.
>>"Whats a good carry gun"
>>heh well the new HK USA CC9 Off-
>>"Whats a good carry gun though?"
>>Um well the spoonfeed uhhh ounces!
>Could have just answered Glock 19

Are you saying that if someone is requiring spoonfeeding just to throw out the right product and not waste time justifying it because they don't really care?
I'm not quite sure what you are meaning here.
Yeah, this is why I don't even bother looking into NV.
kci 100 round drums g2g?
Wait nevermind he's already starting. He tests flash, backpressure and all sorts of stuff but he hasn't done them all yet.
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>things that will literally never happen.
I already have nods. I guarantee you I will not be seething because you bought an inferior set for more than 4 grand than I paid. Fucking kek. I have never seen dunning-Kruger occur so fast before. From “spoon feed me daddy!!” to “I have better nods than you!!!” in less than half a thread. Thanks for the entertainment, lil pay piggy.
Wally had a “tasco” red dot on clearance for $10
Should I bother to open it
I like my Rugged SurgeX.
It came with good tools, its HUB compatible, it seems to balance suppression and backpressure well. It's heavy.
Pewscience tested the original Surge and it did pretty well, Rugged says the X is improved in all categories but there isn't independent testing yet.
Post your nods+rifle with a timestamp or KWAB.
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Some people care to differing levels
Understand that
Its why like 99% of A2 replies start with me goading you to see if you actually give a shit to have a longer convo about the optic or are just being a low information shitposter.
Probably not
Most KCI products bad
Some KCI products good
KCI drums not released in numbers enough but they are a clone of the ol beta mags which worked """""okay"""" sometimes.
If you want highcap mags do a D60
Right into the trash.
Whats your go to set of personal nods?
I have the original surge I use on my 308 bolt guns it's nice but heavy. Stupid quiet with 308 subs.
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Now why the fuck would I do that? Do you think you’re worth my time? I tried to help you and you spit in my face. Eat a fat dick and waste your 15 grand. I’m perfectly content from where I sit.
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>Whats your go to set of personal nods?
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Gotta ask about opinions /experiences with Eotech NVG's and ARNVG's. NODS and proper gear are next after the 11.5" is done
I haven't even bothered to read what ever argument this is but I'm sure it's petty retardation that's not worth fighting over
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M4 or Spear?
Your attempt to 'help' me was to say A2s suggestion was bad, and link a 25 minute advertisement by some cringe dork.

You would do it to prove you aren't a faggot but it looks like that was never an option.
>Eotech NVG's
Bout to clock out
Eotech NVGs are very overpriced for what they are and they use pretty mid glass to get that 47 degree. Their NV and thermals are overseas produced, the new eotech company doesnt really make all that many of their "new" products.
ARNVGs are super well made units, very much enjoy them and are a really good housing a sea of piss housings
>what about panning
Will always be a meme. Tube and glass specs are rated center resolution. Glass is inferior on the edges as are your tubes. By all means go ahead put the inferior portions of your NVG in the center of your FOV.
>Anything or Spear
>dino headlamp
do you have PVS31s though? If not, what?
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>no manual gain
Miss me with that gay shit
>posting tnvc link without credit card fraud disclaimer
You should know better
siggers out
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>Anything or Spear

Are you just saying that because DJ is holding anything? I swear I've never seen you posting anything negative about GBRS.
how far back do we have to go before you'd take the spear over something else common
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Enjoy your inferior product.
He's saying that because Sig makes garbage guns for garbage people you subhuman sigger.
Inferior to what?
I'd take a 6.5CM AR10 over a Spear 10/10 times also.
L3 tubes in a better housing.
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curious, haven't seen/heard much on them
Sounds good, thanks boss. Might get ARNVG's then but I'll do more researching. Enjoy your weekend
I was gonna bring /nvg/ up but didn't want to be accused of spoon-feeding by the nocturn shill for 25 minutes
>better housing?
Such as? Do not mention the Katana again now that it has been outed as fragile hipster garbage, and do not mention anything without manual gain.
I'm not even pro sig, just playing what ifs.
Like if the options were a M1903 or a spear would you hesitate? How about if it was an m1garand or something?
Its friday I'm just having fun
DTNVS MG, MH1 or wait for ARNVG MG to drop.
Has anyone here tried Bluechews?
A podcast I watch gives them away for basically free
Like $5 including shipping if u do PKA as the code atleast it used to be

I got them once took one just to try it and had a panic attack and had to throw it up

No, I have no use for that
Fluctuating like that isn’t healthy dude
Ok well there’s a $12k price difference before you even get to LAM, helmet, mount, ear pro, and any kind of switch/mount fuckery that may be required to get everything to play nice.
Having a PVS14 gets you from no night vision capability to adequate night vision capability which in and of itself is a significant leap forward and much greater than the improvement from adequate night vision to really good night vision.
Duals are nice but they’re not even close to twice the performance gain over a gen 3 white phos elbit pvs14 let alone 3x the improvement if you’re spending $15k on some Gucci L3s in a housing like PVS31s.
If you have so much cash you don’t give a shit then go for it but I’m one of the few people that actually shoot with nods (only about 12x/yr though) and getting duals is pretty low on my list of priorities because a PVS14 is unironucally good enough.
Dates are up
Don't care, not going to Arkansas
I can put on like 20lbs in a week. DMT putting on 17lbs in like a month is nothing.
I have no doubt you have put on 20 pounds in an hour.
how's the trip ash?
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Haven't found my waifu yet but I will soon.
Whats the absolute best PVS14 option then?
BTW, I already have helmet/comtacs/LAM (yeah I know, dumb to have a lam before nvgs but it's over)
good luck bro. look out for the nigerians
Anvis 6/9 or pvs15 as they aren't much more....
is $610 for an elcan m145 a good deal?
glass is unscratched
>Training courses that are not designated for open enrollment require specific credentials for admission. Please email us for information about eligibility requirements.
The thing is you don’t really want the best PVS14 you just want a mid tier one.
Eventually you’ll get duals so no sense in maxing out your PVS14.
Also one thing to consider is just not buying the gucciest dual tubes and instead getting mid duals for like $8k.
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Just watch the new assfax suppressor video I thought neckbeards were just mythical creatures
The worst part is he didn’t even seem to know a lot
Overwhites is a more essential poster than you
So is overwhites also the pastebin poster? They're both here at the start of every thread and post the same thing every time
>watching reviews on youtube
>see collection of funko pops in the background
>click out
is half the video just him rambling again?
I don't get how someone who produces such shit videos with barely any usable information gets so many subscribers. The bar really is that low in the GUNTOOB space
At least hop has a script
who's the stupid whore on the bottom right?
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I don't like blue cheese
Black people have been taught to blame white people for their bad decisions for generations now. It is a major problem that could be fixed by ending the government subsidies of single mother households.
It's just early gains because I was at such a deficit for so long. I don't think I'll gain much more at the same rate.

Pick one
You should do a parasite cleanse if you're trying to gainmaxx
Blue cheese is mold.
>Not liking blue cheese
Also man, my sopmod tubes are stuck. Time to whip out the heat gun
>It's just early gains because I was at such a deficit for so long. I don't think I'll gain much more at the same rate.
Dont do it Ash!
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Looks good. What sides?
pics or didn't happen
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What's that, did you mean /icg/ (intermediate cartridge general)? Never

>Troy irons
Those are indeed shoddily constructed. The bracket ends aren't machine uniformly (swapping them will affect zero). The adjustments are advertised as 1/2 MOA, but are closer to 2/3

Not me and not every thread, he once did me the solid of posting in my stead like KC anon, so we've been loosely associated every since


Block II or even an M4A1 with a SOCOM barrel are superior to the SIG SPEAR if loaded with Mk262. NGSW will go the way of the SCAR, just you watch
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Spicy shredded cheese dip, deviled eggs and tater salad
My gf worked late so she didn't have time to make the super potatoes
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I bought a Spear because I always liked the idea of the Noveske Leonidas and in .308 it's just that but cooler.
Short barreled battle rifles are so cool.
>"wahhh I read online that it-"
I don't care.
>nig sewer
Absolutely terrible gun
so what can do I want for my 10.3 full auto spitfire A2 only gives roundabouts
Ok. What does Skelly have
Post yours
Nigger you know full well the A2 disciple general does not condone the ownership of sig products, so sayeth He with chib
Post any gun you own. Any
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For me it's the magic underwear rifle
Over for Pfalcon and RH25 users https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7PjlUPDzDI
I prefer the elegance of the stoner DI system, no Jewish tricks for me
why are you hateful
None of them are A2 approved but I do own some fun guns
why do you hate other trips for no raisin
A2 for one
I don't give into demands of a nig sewer owner
yeah what's the deal, why do you never pay respect to the patron saint of arg, hollow be thy chin
I think you are too new to understand why you should hate A2.
okay then explain it to me
Nah Im good, maybe post your guns.
Nah it's not relevant and I have posted too many of them so they're recognizable, why can't you explain
cause you are no guns
I own many guns. I actually instinctually don't trust A2 so I want to know why you don't
We don't need his approval. At least post a round from your stash, a magazine, anything gun related that YOU own
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Not me but it's an interesting suggestion.
I boresight my guns with my neighbors before I take them to the range for zeroes
So you're whiteknighting for a nigsewer owner?
What do mean we don't need his approval?
He posted guns, now post yours
yeah pretty sure the only thing that matters in guns is A2 approval
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No, just post like one gun man
Hey, I'm not going to. You should have already figured that out but you're fucking stupid so here we are
I'd rather delete your nig sewer garbage from the thread
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Okay thank you for confirming you're non guns. You may now still act retarded or go back
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Is the DDM4 rail with the two-bolt barrel nut on the same level of rigidity as the RIS II?
Yeah you know that's not really the case though. You're just telling yourself that to cope
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Sounds like a fox and the grapes type situation you've found yourself in but I won't bother you further if you're this upset.
There are pajeets everywhere for the eyes to see them
Projection, nig sewer owners are so stupid
I know you're goofing, but it's always funny that you guys won't just pull a picture of someone's SR-15 off reddit as at least an attempt to try and pretend like you have a gun worth giving a half shit about
>Just lie
>To appease a nig sewer fag
No thanks, I'm just not going to post my gun or do anything productive, I'm just going to make fun of your shitty gun from India
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>Nig sewer
>Anime pedo
Checks out
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>Literal brown posting
Redeems dis toilet saar
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>election tourist
checks out

You're so fucking annoying I'm jumping in to defend a sigger, goddamn unfuck yourself.
The only thing from India here is your rifle and optic, or is that from China?
Don't care didn't ask plus you're an anime pdf file
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It's okay Sanjay, I saved your pic for posterity. Often the loudest people criticism other people guns are non guns. You'll never feel the joy of ringing steel, smelling cordite or practicing reloads. A literal 12 years old with a 22 has more guns than half the population of the shit hole town you work at as a scam caller
>Verification not required
Is your cat doing better? Hope so fren. They look good
lmfao i think i found the exact guy you are talking about holy shit
Mlok vertical grip, a2grip, kak heavy buffer, copecog, 3 prong
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I read tha- err I mean, I saw multiple videos of the barrel going everywhere. hilarious they get (((contracts)))
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building my first ar right now and reading these threads are a trip
you fags are all obviously gearqueers and its reminding me a lot about my big wall/competitive climbing background
>latest and greatest best
>poorfags get the rope(fall)
>you need x piece of kit or else you'll die
>x attachment/accessory is best and if you use what was the best two years ago you're stupid
just buy what works for you dont worry about what others think its simple as that
>inb4 anon called me poor/dumb/slow/2019
if it works it works
t. spent over $30k on italian footbinding shoes and bondage gear
like if it makes you happy and you enjoy how it works why give a fuck about what others say on a burmese cockfighting forum
/arg/ is a containment zone and you can fuck off now.
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my first post in this tripfaggot and avatarfaggot hell
i just come here to laugh at you retarded ass gunsoomers lole
Your AR sucks and it is because you are an immoral person. Your rifle's shortcomings are a direct reflection of your shortcomings as a human being.

Not only will you die if you buy a mediocre budget AR and a Chinese red dot, you will also go to hell.
>actually i am the one laughing at you
Right, yes. That's why you came in here with this bullshit blogpost.
Anon you're having a discussion with a mestizo skin from a backwards country and no guns. That's why they're so angry at us. Their AR can't suck because they don't have one
What about mid tier AR and Nip/flip scopes
Many of the initial guns left the factory with the handguard retention screws under-torqued.
If I want to mount a laser I'll just get the Arisaka retention clamp.
There was never a problem with barrels shifting on the .308 Spear specifically.
>this scope.
it was the design, plenty of examples of people who properly torqued their handguards with the same results
I meant cope. Freudian slip
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I haven't had the problem. I don't know what to tell you. It doesn't matter anyways because, as I said, I'll just buy the ZRC.
Can I ask earnestly why you care? People are extremely obsessed with this rifle, it's guaranteed replies to post a photo of my Spear.
Oh I don't care desu, I hope the xm7 is a good gun for sake of American supremacy but all evidence points to the contrary for now.
Still dead, but unlike the chinkshit your death involves relatively little suffering. Unfortunately you get an Islamic afterlife and become one of a martyred suicide bomber's 72 virgins.
Also if this exact tripfag containment thread existed in the late 1950s/early 1960s A2 and his ilk would be fellating the FN FAL or AR-10 and see the young AR-15 as a gimmick and would probably have maintained this opinion well into the 1970s. In this timeline ash would hoarde machine guns he would never shoot, which is probably worse than hell
what if I am not a virgin but I waited until marriage, on top of a mid tier AR (BCM) and nip/flip scope (primary arms)
Very important info required:
>Does the BCM have a BFH barrel?
>is your scope Nip or is it flip?
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The XM7 is, in fact, a fine rifle, made to the specifications of a very specific contract. The XM250 that went with it is also fantastic. If you're going to criticize something, criticize the contract that requested this rifle essentially verbatim.
I like my Spear very much, it's fun to shoot, and I have not experienced any of the issues people have seemingly been distraught with if the internet is anything to go off of.
You should come back during business hours next week and talk to a2 I am sure he will deliver you from this disease
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>ash hoarding machine guns instead of nods
I don't know. To both
Im joining EmaliaAnon in RDIAS gang once I find one that isnt overpriced.
you have the money to buy different and unique machine guns, not just sears for ARs
hell, why not just buy a 3 position lower or make a garage FFL and get a cheap post sample.
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Yes the omniscient opinion of a tranny-chaser who has never held a rifle outside of playing army toys with his internet friends and spends his time reiterating the ArfCom posts of people smarter than him on this website.
no you don't understand he has "autism" and never backs down from his opinions which he doesn't ever back up with sources, you just have to trust him bro he has shot out multiple CHF CL barrels, gone to TUSC, so basically he is an expert.
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can't disagree
>buying chinkshit and budget parts
disagree, i may make fun of gearqueers and gunsooming but there isn't anything wrong with getting a solid setup of quality items and then training with it for future use, my whole point in the blogpost about climbing shit
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genuinely wonder where he got his info about PSA's FN barrels. He really believes FN sets up the barrel in a fixture to chamber the barrel after chromelining it, but doing nothing else and PSA found it efficient to get partially chambered barrel blanks just to drill the gas port and thread the muzzle and nothing else? And FN is willing to take the risk to their reputation this entails for what is likely not a sizable portion of their contracts? I don't believe PSA has the same QC as FN but I also find it more likely than just buy chambered barrels, likely extensions already in too, and are just torquing them on receivers.

I am willing to believe him but he never posted like a source or anything
You need an optic. Can I see the rest of the gun. I like green on black
The sigger is literally a sig employee, I hear the Jewish CEO forces the employees to suck his weiner so that's why this guy is such a faggot
Holy fuck. Chat is this real!?!
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it's not done yet
why my original post said building an ar
optics have not been acquired for the ar but the bolt has an atacr 4-32
There is literally no knowledge to be garnered from this thread. The only advice you are ever going to be given is "buy the expensive thing" because anything over $1200 is the bare minimum to impress the 5-40 15 year olds who post in this thread at any given time who will reply to you..
Better hope you have a virgin asshole because you're getting the Islamic paradise ending, and you won't like the revirginification process.
What kind of fucked up billet upper is that? Zero chance you're building a "solid setup" when you can't even get that right. Holy fuck did you spend more on your charging handle than your entire rifle?
you are not going to impress anyone with a $1200 anything in this thread. Get a job.
sorry. nx8 4-32 am drunk and shitposting as one should be
blud sipping the retard potion to not recognize the vltor logo
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I paid 850 to build this thing. It's fun
you dont need a timestamp i believed you have guns you never shot
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Case and point.
Being poor and shitposting is a sport for this person. They could be European, they could be 19 and the idea of spending >$1000 on anything is unthinkable to them.
It doesn't matter what you own, their function is to deny that it is good in order to reinforce their confirmation bias for whatever they spent their money on.
I love dissipators AND faux dissipators.
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Reminder that Surefire Turbo's are S tier lights
oh god, so it's not some Bear Creek thing you got for free from a dumpster then huh? Damn, that makes it even worse. You actually went out of your way to make your gun suck, instead of doing it on accident.

That's rough bro.
thought it was cool till I saw the barrel, disgusting
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I'm glad you work out, those goalposts must be heavy to carry on your own...
you do work out, right???? might be in for a herniated disc if you're like most of the folks that seem to frequent this general
agree, very good at finding targets you already know the location of
what goalpost that was my first reply to you faggot. of course i work out what the hell does that have to do with anything?
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>Trigger guard bolt release is so cool
That really is cool, I never noticed it had that. Maybe I really should get one of these.
what's wrong with the barrel?
No way that is where it is. A very dumb location
It's missing 4"
That's a good question. It's an HBAR Del-Ton. Not the most accurate but does the job and it looks cool
Gay. 16" rifles are awesome, and I love dissipators
Really? That's your excuse? It's a Dissipator build, not 20 inch A2 build
nice. I have a dissipator with a CHFCL barrel so I don't have to think about that
you think an /arg/umenative type that flings shit would have any constructive criticism
lmao even
>It's a Dissipator build
Yes that's the problem.
Sometimes it's just fun to keep them going to see what other shit they fling and record it for posterity. Just like the pee soaked sheets schizo with his fake Acog and Picasso painted AR. But I could go without the monkey torture part though
lmao you arent wrong anon
keep up the good fight in this den of faggotry
Faux and real dissipators are great. Mid-length or rifle length gas giving you the comfiest or 2nd comfiest recoil for that barrel length. If you're going to have a FSB, a rifle length one will give you the most accurate iron sights. Your main sight should have the proper height to clear it anyway. Really the main thing to criticize is they aren't freefloated.
I just think they're really gay.
I think you're gay
Get a room, or just go back to lgbt, this is a Christian thread
I think you're double gay. Double gay and black.
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Been there since day 1
fuck, you got me. Now that I'm gay and black, I finally understand. Dissipators are cool, as long as you're gay and black.
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I think that's fucking STUPID
How's it shoot anon? Have you grouped it off a bench?
most loaded question to a sigger
1/3 nice try closetanon this is a trip and namefag filled thread
i mean tripfags seem to influence gen culture that's what's called metastasis
>airsoft with no sights
lmfao you have to be 18 to post here
is this more difficult to hit with the primary finger? it belies to me a left handed shooter would own this. and this seems like a decent solution over an ambi release, at least given hand position when in battery
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That's just like, your opinion, man
No clue what the fuck you're saying but you're a huge faggot, good luck with aids
It's super easy
Just straighten your finger and do the things
One of the best things about the gun. No awkward fuckery breaking grip
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no but its still better than most rails out there
New color looks worse
i'll admit i made this post without thinking twice.
after your input and some reflection this makes perfect sense. like using a finger to release a mag. how would you compare it to a standard/oversized release?
I have a vz with an aftermarket bolt release kinda in the same spot so I don’t think I would mind.
Alright then
the elcan? i dont mind it it
i got it for the fixed rail and welded screws on the bottom. its getting a t2 soon but i threw a holoshit on for now
The lower position gives you a bit more leverage and is less awkward than reaching up to where a typical AR opposite side ambi release would be
Holy glow
Fat slob wanting to be an authority hates actual guy with use based 1st hand authority hmmm
Suck off A2 more.
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lurk more nufaggot
even better, lurk 5 years before posting again like the oldfags of yore
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At this point I highly recommend buying a PVS14. I unironically suggest fucking chink Jerry31s or whatever photonis or similar gen 2 binos over any PVS14 except like a cheap $1400-$1800 Omni 5-8 green phos mil spec unit.

Spending $2600-$3400 for a "nice" PVS14 just to hate having a mono when you can get chink binos for $3800 and actually enjoy yourself makes no sense to me.
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This is horrible advice when you can get a pvs15 or anvis for the same price with onmi tubes. The brain damage has really fucked you.
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nice MUR
>fucked up billet upper
More than you can afford pal
I love that racist fox
What are you doing for the rest of the build?
maybe you just suck at both finding, extracting, and applying useful information.
>they're just going to tell you to buy the expensive thing
yeah it's almost like good things cost more money than shitty things
>no flood
>tiny hot spot
I didn't realize that were that shitty
I would rather listen to him over you.
NV is probably the only thing I'd actually believe Ash about
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He has no shooting or navigation experience with them
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is the holosun thermal a dud?

do i just put a t-2 on the rattler?
those holosun NV/Thermal units look trash honestly. get clip on probably
for me, it's probably his suppressor shaped butt plug lore
VLTOR ya smoothie, it's actually a quality upper cool those jets
this isn't tru at all. just ignore the rage posting ball busting. i can build you a solid rifle for near that
>bought a blem H&R upper for $550 and lower for ~100
>cheap ass PSA parts kit ~$50
>buffer asssembly ~$50
>larue trigger $115
>toolcraft BCG on sale $80
>slapped a spare magpul stock on it
>ACOG $1k, less if you shop around
Subtract the ACOG and you have a perfectly serviceable rifle nicer than the average American’s for <$1k. I know. H&R had a couple lemons out the door initially but their fit and finish and parts selection (green mountain barrels for example) are head and shoulders above the rest of PSA. Contrary to what silly shitposting would have you believe on here, there are more budget friendly options and $3k noveskes are not the bare minimum
Lmao the vltor mur is one of the best uppers that money can buy you absolute moron
> little youtuber angry nobody respects his opinion or listens to him
Have you boxed up my lower to ship yet?
No they did a livestream with a suppressor “expert” (fat kid with biased opinions) and gave suggestions to random viewers who submitted their shit rifles
He’s also a massive AB suppressor shill when there’s no point to buying any of their shit now that OCL makes a reflex adapter for HUB and the Griffin PSR line exists
The CAT has their own mount on it, it’s basically like a plan B adapter but left hand thread

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