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Canadian firearms General

BC anons don’t forget to vote, give the NDP the boot and be pro gun like your western brothers.

>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

Last thread: >>62700901
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The fucking birds and the bees have SKS's now
OMG Birb:)
i like crows and I wish i could communicate with them so they could help me overthrow my enemies in dayz
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>sask is cool too I guess
1st check em
I might be bias but Sask is the best flag in the federation. Green for the forests and lakes in the north, yellow for the farms of the south, western Lilly which grows in all four corners and our coat of arms. It’s a pretty good flag and I gladly fly it whenever I travel over the leaf.
>in dayz
why not in real life?
I long to see the day even one of our provinces is no longer a slave to ottawa, but a nation of it's own with all the guns in the world for cheap. Guns are so cool.
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I agree guns are cool. Hopefully soon we can own cooler guns.
It is amusing witnessing the reeeeing whenever Scott moe and especially Daniel smith even start talking about making any kind of moves
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>BC, Newfoundland and Alberta truly have the best flags in this failed state called Canada. Sask's is cool too I guess

Ontario's flag is basically the red ensign.
I personally do not like the red ensign thus I did not include it or Manitoba. The red ensign to me represents british dominion, which is long gone. While most provincial flags include a jack, especially BC, I appreciate it in those instances because I think it evokes historical pride and honesty. I'm neither of french nor anglo descent so that may be my bias. I like guns btw.
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They should really replace that with something more in-line with toronto's coat of arms, to reflect the province and nation's changing values.
>toronto's coat of arms
lol wtf
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It had been a few years since i had seen any of these little niggers, but this year we got a bunch of them. Their caw sounds kinda like a higher pitched crow caw.
My chickens hate them; whenever one lands in their pen, multiple chimkens charge towards it to tell it to fuckoff.
The beaver looks sofuckin stupid, and i hate that childish computer art style.
>The beaver looks sofuckin stupid, and i hate that childish computer art style.
I think Olivia Chow drew it
Yeh it clearly reeks of diversity hire, as if the banner didnt make that obvious enough, the style is like what people do on the computers in gradeschool.
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>BC anons don’t forget to vote
>Just one more VOOOOOTTTTT
stfu OP you retarded faggot
>I'm neither of french nor anglo descent so
Then what are you?
This is likely going to be a close one, the ndp are leading in the polls by a little, there are a few contested ridings where a difference can be made.
Rustad says he will prevent provincial funding from going towards the gun 'buyback', brining the province more inline with berta and sask; he also has some reasonably baste takes in relation to native land claims and the goyvaxx.
It takes two minutes of your time and like anon said >>62715783 BC bros could have a more pro gun government. It’s been a while since BC had an option because left wing party or left wing party.
>Rustad says he will prevent provincial funding from going towards the gun 'buyback', brining the province more inline with berta and sask; he also has some reasonably baste takes in relation to native land claims and the goyvaxx.
Where was that faggot 4 years ago when it was actually going down? Fuckin snakes in the grass all of them
I'll do anything to piss off liberals at this point
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I don't vote out of principle. Fuck this kiked system.
>(((democracy))) is a hoax
Thread theme
Real thread theme
Post a single firearm you own.
Is he wrong. You're options are Fidel Castro's bastard child, a Sikh with foreign loyalties, or a humble goy from the Prairies.
>Post a single firearm
>Doesn't itself post a firearm
No gun jew confirmed
the choices are actually noguns, noguns, or guns
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Stack deep
akshually the choices are licking China's boot, licking India's boot, or licking Israel's boot
All three are licking Israel's boot, lets get real here. Just gimme my 50 cal.
You are a domesticated sackless steer. The other option is to withhold your taxes, buy land, and let this kiked up financial system rott, and our ancestors did quite a bit more than just that. I hope you get raped to death by pakis.
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needs to be done in the trans colour motif and the beaver should have blue hair and a mangled dick while the bear should be holding the severed head of a woman who tried to read a book

the eagle should be singing the call to prayer while shitting on both of them. really drive home the cultural enrichment.
you won't do shit officer
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based germanbro
Thank Christ. I was worried you were brown.
I've already done what I specifically mentioned faggot. You are the officer here.
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He’s right though.
I’ll still voot but he’s absolutely right. There’s no point. Might start spoiling my ballot idk
Based greentip castle, anon
SKS without the bayonet is cursed.
I’ve still got the bayo, I’ve been trying to track down the retainer spring for a while, since if I keep the bayonet on it just flops around like a wet noodle when I fire it lel
Might just fashion one
Also check em
Based. Got a a good supply of 556 both 55gr and green tips. Probably get another case payday
Best place and price for 5.56x45?
>in 2024

You should still be worried.
Tenda usually has the best prices on a lot of things. But two things.
a) a lot of the people here dislike them because of the race of the owners
b) they were shown in leaked RCMP documents that they are associated with some of the Chinese police stations operating here
I still buy from them because i'm poor but the alternative is boomers like Al Flaherty/ Ellwood Epps who sold us under the bus or FOC which has high prices.
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I like straight mags.
Bro I never lived in germany i'm 3rd generation. My grandpas brothers were all hitlerjugend. family came here in 45.
>not being old stock Canadian
>Might start spoiling my ballot idk
Should atleast check if youve got a baste independent to waste your ballot on first, before burning it.
The guy in my area got fired from he ppc for being too based for them.
oof, same, fren.
I feel bad for you guys who don't have a decent LGS to sell you ammo. I'm lucky that I live close to a few, but even if there's one that's 1-2 hours drive it's worth it on a Saturday just to pick up 1,000rds. $20 in gas is still less than they'd charge you in shipping for sure.

Also fuck Tenda, people don't like them for a good many reasons:

1.) Chinks
2.) Literal CCP spies
3.) Shitty business practices including lying to customers and charging hidden fees/extra shipping after the purchase is made
4.) Changing couriers without informing the buyer resulting in delivery headaches
they look even cooler when you tape 2 together
>3.) Shitty business practices including lying to customers and charging hidden fees/extra shipping after the purchase is made
This and also shit customer service, which is ultimately what caused me to quit dealing with them.
After spending over 10k with them, the first time i ever took issue with an order, the response was insulting. Also its mostly jeets.
Ive only got 2. I need more.
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how would you even carry them in a mag pouch or plate carrier though? I like the Crossmags for being a good law abiding goy
depends on the rig and gun your running i suppose
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>After spending over 10k with them, the first time i ever took issue with an order, the response was insulting.

I'll second this. Ordered rifle, sight, mags, and a few other accessories from them for +$5k single order. They didn't offer free shipping at the time but I knew that, paid $40 in shipping.
Almost a week passes before the order is processed, OK whatever. The following week I get an e-mail clearly written by some ESL faggot telling me they need to charge an additional $25 in shipping because their system misquoted. Asked me "do you still want to continue with the order?"

Like, just send me the shit and eat the $25 you fucking heebs I just spent five thousand dollarydoos at your goddamn business. I will never, ever deal with them and I will tell everyone I encounter about their chinkish ways.
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>AR mags

I just naturally assumed we were all running Tavor X95s at this point.
nah im running a tarkov scav loadout

I got burned by Tenda too, I bought a "grade A" SKS from them and the thing was pitted as fuck.
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kekerino, I bought a chinese SKS from Cabelas for $450 and it's practically mint condition, all numbers matching parts too
Really? It's jeets now? It was all chinks when last I checked. I don't buy from them anymore.
Is the loremaster still around? How about megumin poster? Spooder faggot?
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Side-by-side size comparison pic (duramage Steels) for anyone interested.
fuck tendies
Their customer service is mostly jeets, ive dealt with them a handful of times.
I know the other 2 but whos loremaster? I wonder how many anons have come and gone. Ive been here long enough statistically some frens have died.
I stock up whenever there’s a sale. I recently got a bunch of 200rd battle packs of m193 from magdump for $127 a piece
Megumin poster was cool. Spooderbro was a halfbreed faggot. And loremaster was a thing for like two weeks i dont even know how long ago, when we all treated some guy as a wise sage historian of the cangen. Was pretty cool.
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Gonna go out blasting this weekend and listen to some Hip.
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Based anons
They're pinned, officer. I do not like crimps, for aesthetic reasons at the very least.
You can see from the position of the followers, that the LAR/10rd magazine is likely full, while the 20&30rd magazines are only loaded to 5.
Sieg hail brother. Never slacken and never tire.
>still buy from them because i'm poor but the alternative is boomers like Al Flaherty/ Ellwood Epps who sold us under the bus or FOC which has high prices.
That is fucking cope. There is plenty of decent white owned shops you could buy from.
Caption 4akys
>muh heggin raycisms
>muh its either tendies or vs. al faggotry / ellwood 'gimme yur guns' epps
This >>62716266 and fuckoff.
Tar-21 here lel
I wish my memory didnt suck. Im the anon who witnessed a bunch of people killing themselves well in the caf.
QRD on people offing themselves en masse
were they trannies?
Close enough. any kike shit automaticly puts you in the top 5% tier of what's been avialable/meta here since the oic.
Almost always over some whore. Guys getting divorced or guys whos gfs cheated on them.
No only normal white men
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bismillah yegbros, hola rcmp, turkshit buyer from the other thread here, shit lasted all of one shot before the upper firing pin started misfiring. Light taps on the primer. Bottom firing pin did about 60 rounds before we ran out of clays and returned to civilization. Shop made it right but I don't really care to take the new one out of the safe so it looks like a gunpost dot canada
words mice men, /k/, again, yaddah yaddah
>guys getting divorced/cheated on
Isn't that the expectation going in the armed forces anywhere. You only go in single if you want to.
You were warned not to buy turkshit and you bought it anyways. You could have saved money and bought a Baikal off gunpost which would be far more reliable. The only reason retailers bring in turkshit is because retards keep buying it.
many such cases
I just got it because I wanted to MW2 larp
Vidyagames are gay but I’m allowed to keep a fondness for my favorite after-football-practice time waster in highschool
It’s a tough lesson that we all must learn about turkshiyt
Lesson learned. Now put it for sale on Gunpost and sell it to some jeet.
Time for your flogging. >>62675725
though it may not have 'broke', i'm calling close-enough
Go to any base and look for tide boxes in windows. Means their husbands away and shes open for business.
What manner of mutt are you again? Still want to get as many PALs as possible to street shitters?
I hate spooder faggot now. You've convinced me.
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thats a fake trench gun
When I was in BMQ two people killed them selves. CAF is kinda fucked man.
Based, were you in 39 CBG by chance at the time?
Damn anon. What year? 2008 my rso on my very first range on my bmq decided to suck start a c7 one of the guys was having trouble clearing a stoppage on.
one guy went postal in my basic and tried to escape. he didnt make it far cus he didnt fill his canteen all the way lmao
St Jean
2023 a lot of people are there because it was the CAF or be homeless. Anyone who wanted to be a military person left after grad. Two kids who offed them selves just couldn’t take it anymore.
> my rso on my very first range on my bmq decided to suck start a c7
Did you get to witness the IRL shitpost?
A fren is teaching bmq right now. Hes goal is to make as many people quit as possible he hates how limited he is compared to when we went thru
Yeah. I watched a guy do it with 45acp right next to me on a civilian range.
Oh yeah my staff couldn’t do shit which ended up the phrase “good enough” being said more than it should have. I quit after grad as well.
What range?
Nova tactical. Minor self dox sorry guys.
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pffft i suppose you're gonna tell me her tits are fake too?
I dont give a shit about where you live.
They're real (i hope, i need mommy milkers)
Did you taste his brain?
>also imagine being so ready to end it all that you only kill yourself LMAO
No theres a glass in-between stopped that
Any pics?
How did you know it was a .45? Did you know that beforehand?
I once dropped a live round, one of my father’s reloads and the primer was below flush, went off and scared the shit out of me for a good few minutes until I remember that the bullet had nowhere to go and compared to having a live round shot at you it was relatively safe
Sorry, wasn’t below flush but the opposite. That’s how it went off, the primer wasn’t seated deep enough and it was sticking out
Man sometimes i get tired of guns y'know...i could use another hobby.

Any suggestions?
I do machining but it’s largely an extension of my interest in guns but there’s usually non gun related things I can make
nobody warned me, that was my first post on this board I'm usually here for /o/
nice self report, wellness check inbound.
Right they’ll seize my ruger no 1 45-70 that I’m working on okay buddy
the turkshit ive bought over the years has been 6 shotguns and 1 pistol and they were all shit. the inexpensiveness is what tricked me every time and each time i got burned
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>has bought 6 turkshit shotguns
>all of them are bad
>he kept doing it after the first, then second, third, fourth, and fifth

boy ain't right
Judging by the prices these guys set, they're not white they're Jews. They'll leave you in the red. Guess they're green with envy at the yellow man's prices
Also I never mentioned it before but do you guys think it’s a good caliber for a single shot falling block rifle? Right now it’s just a stripped action + all the parts
Just to me if I wanted a .308 or a .223 I’d buy a bolt action or a semi auto
snorting meth and [redacting] non's?
45-70 is pretty versatile, other big bores are pretty expensive in general. Maybe some medium bore would be fun, .375 something or other
Yeah I mean I was pretty dead set on it and still am but it’s nice to hear some input
I already have a .45 barrel blank to machine and reloading dies and casting molds so I’m pretty set for .45-70

I should have gone that route...Im an electrician

Yeah no..[redacted] sounds neat. What is it?
yea if you're already that far into it stay the course, unless you want some big power like 458 wingman or Lott
I’ve only been into it for a few years as a hobby doing manual machining and genuinely enjoy it
For a job, well I’m I’ve also been learning CNC machining and hoping to get a job with that.
It was one of the rental guns.
Meth fueled deepthroats don't seem like a good hobby, but I don't kinkshame
My grammar is fucked, I apologize I am drunk as shit because I have the day off tomorrow.
Must’ve been pretty grizzly, hope it didn’t fuck you up too much, anon. Take care bud
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How many antique webleys do you own, /cangen/?
Nah im all good. Night.
None, do you shoot black powder in them? I do have .455 brass that I’ve used to load some ammo for a .455 Colt New Service
>None, do you shoot black powder in them
lolno the brits used cordite and so do I

5.5 gr of unique or 4.0 gr of bullseye matches original 455 specs in 45 acp brass
Yep unique is what I used I mean these guns are only a decade apart or so
My .455 Colt shoots fucking amazing at 25 yards, I actually don’t remember the load, I’ve got it written down somewhere but I remember the powder
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Did somebody say Nitro Expresss?
My dad has sort of a “dissected” .303 cartridge display with the forbidden spaghetti cordite
Went for a hunt today with my trusty 30-06 and 22lr. Got a whitetail deer and a grouse. I didn’t wear gloves at all while cutting/gutting/butchering the meat. Now Google has got me worried I may have contracted some deer disease from its blood getting into my cut on my finger. The deer itself looked fine and wasn’t acting out of the ordinary so I’m keeping my hopes up that it wasn’t some diseased one.
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The trve nl flag
Fucc that’s based
Tenda operates at 0 profit because they launder money. You are drawing the wrong conclusions from comparing prices.
>import millions of Indians
>they blow each other away over whose elephant god has the most arms, because we wuz brahmins n' sheeeeit.
>Oy gevalt! Look at all these white people committing hate crimes, it's like annudah shoah out heah! This is why we must stop whites from having guns!
Return of the king
Any recommendations for a good IFAK
Sold by a certified schizo leaf.

Is that the one with the schizophrenic black guy with the big Canadian shtf youtube channel that constantly posts clickbait "its happening" videos
No it’s Canadian prepper on YouTube.
I put mine together myself. The IFAK container I bought from Blue Force Gear (I got the Trauma Kit NOW! Medium), and then most of the contents I bought off their website piecemeal or sourced similar items from other places.

Basically at minimum you want:

1x compression bandage (Israeli bandages by Persys Medical are quite common but others will do)
1x chest seal (pack of 2, I like Hyfin brand because they don't use valve-type vents that clog easily)
1x QuikClot gauze (must be the "Combat Gauze" type in black or olive green because the stuff in white packets is too short; you could use other gauzes as well but just make sure the roll is long enough)
1x EMT shears (you can get these anywhere)
1x CAT Gen 7 Tourniquet (commonly available anywhere, just buy from a reputable source to avoid fakes)
1x gloves (preferably nitrile but really anything will do)

I had to get the Hyfin chest seal and QuikClot from the US, but everything else was sourced from Canadian stores like 911Supply. I didn't get a nasopharyngeal airway or decompression needle because I'm not trained enough to use them properly.

Frankly >>62718770 looks very well put together and the price seems very good; QuikClot combat gauze along is about 50 bucks, same goes for the CAT gen 7 tourniquet.
These other recs are good
I think the best MOLLE mounted med pouch for the price is the LBX Blowout.
That's what he said, you nigger-blind faggot.
Don’t forget to also take a first aid course as well to attend a local stop the bleed course if you can. It’s good info to learn
Ohh i already have both of those. Honestly didn't really learn anything in stop the bleed it seemed that first aid level C + AED/CPR covered it. Mind you i went with St. Johns Ambulance which is usually a little more thorough.
Good for you anon!
Anyone ever try to mount an airsoft GP25 to a type 81M? Looks like it could just slide onto the gas tube, I’m doing a larp.
Sounds based but the chinks used rifle grenades so they wouldn’t have used gp-25s unless some madlad chinaman tried it
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Yes but the M uses the lmg barrel which is pretty close to an AK style barrel, so it might work?
Tennis, thru-hiking, camping.
In fairness when i go to Nova Tactical and see your guys’ prices i too want to put a bullet through my brain
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classic vehicles
In particular, winter camping. Every Canadian should know how to do this.
hey square body anon i see in /org/ sometimes
Lifting, electronics, woodworking, have kids
The used car market is so fucked up in this country man. I feel like I literally have the purchasing power of a 3rd worlder. $12,000 for a Toyota with 200,000km on it, fuck my life
Classic sign of a bad economy. People can't afford new cars so they all look for deals on used ones, pushing up the price. Might still be worth it to buy new though; you need to factor in how much life you'll get out of the old car vs. spending more and buying new.
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New contest
$10 and you could win a historic shotgun.

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yes but can they take them innawoods? have a campfire? tent over night? then i'd be jealous.
That’s the thing about some euro laws yeah you can take them to the range but never innawoods.
we also spent like 15 years destroying all the old 90s cars with those cars for cash programs so now there's no cheap cars left to buy
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Don't care. Still voting Conservative.
Cope, Seethe, Sneethe, Dilate.
Funny that you call me a jew while you tell people to support and vote for the humble goy from the Prairies
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Funny how you niggers never post guns.
It's almost as if you're just the Canadian equivalent of groyperniggers.
in context they have 233.26 people per square kilometer where as we have 3.89 or a factor of 60.
Looking at getting a nice, precision/long range bolt action rifle for long distance shooting, maybe hunting as well
Any recommendations for good ones with a roughly 1200-1500$ budget?
Tikka. What's your glass budget?
Understandable. I use to really like it there but stopped going 3-4 years ago.
I thought most tikka's go for like 2 grand
also BC bro's how we feeling about the provincial election? Are we gonna get the cons to do something cool like AB and SK with their firearms bills if they win?
The Tories said they would not allow the rcmp to enact the OIC in BC similar to SK/AB, so hopefully. Just be sure to get out and vote it’s a very tight race.
hey spooder fag, im iterested in your reasoning for not getting shit nigs into shooting. tell me over discord if you want
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Post a gun to disprove him then. Hell even post a jew gun, here’s mine.
Post a gun.
No, a T3X is still under 1.5k. Their tactical bolt actions are 3 grand though.
I wish it wasn’t. I’m optimistic that the cons will win but I wish I could say I was certain. It shouldn't be this tight of a race but I guess the average bc normie is that much of a fucking retard that it is
To be fair, the BC Cons are kind of a weird party with no relation to the federal Conservatives that formed out of the old BC Liberal party that collapsed for reasons that I'm not clear about (I'm from Ontario).
How you like the acog? Ever thought about RMR for night shooting?
That’s not completely wrong but it is kinda reductive of an explanation. The bc cons can’t really be the exact same since it is a provincial party among other things but they overall actually align fairly well with the federal party
Keep posting this, I love it
Nice COG bud
T3x Lite with a mid Poortex or Leupold 3-9x or 4-16x is a good budget setup
bc libs deserved their collapse and destruction for being retarded centrists that started much of the current shit the NDP doubled down on and still triple down one today. Nothing of value was lost
I’ll just say it here, it started off with me gun pilling two jeets I was coworkers with many many years ago. Reason why I don’t anymore is I worked in a position where I was surrounded by a fuck ton of them. Long story short they all display typical East Indian behaviour: BO, lack of respect, importing bull shit from their shit hole country, being retards/scammers etc etc etc. Left a bad taste in my mouth, so now I avoid the whole race as much as I can.
BC boomers are PISSED about pally flag burning shenanigans, but also smaller communities are invested with these shitters so it's tough to call
seen a ton of younger folks out and voting which really could mean anything here
Funny how in Canada things are so bad that large-scale youth turnout isn't automatically a good thing for left-wing parties anymore. Maybe leftists will start pushing to raise the voting age to 65 instead.
tell me some more jeet stories
>your digits check em
Ok here are a few I can share
>anytime October came around and it started getting -5 a mass wave of them would quit to avoid the 5 mins spent outside. One jeet even called in begging and crying saying he would die if he had to work outside even though it was fucking fall.
>many would work three jobs and sleep on the job, sometimes doing the bare minimum work.
>anytime one would become a supervisor they would always tire to push out other workers and flood HR with their “cousins” applications.
>many could not speak English and during interviews would fail to respond to basic questions.
>of course body odour was a constant problem as well as cellphone use.
There's only one other hobby, your body and your mind (it's actually just one thing). It costs very little and cam even cost you nothing.
All hobbies, even guns, are goyslop designed to separate you from money and serve as a distraction.
I had an RMR and found I couldn’t hit SHIT with it so I’m going nods + IR laser for night shooting. Other life stuff’s gotten in the way though of testing it out and I’m still waiting for muh laser
I’ve said this before but try getting into different styles of firearm discipline. Things like skeet shooting, shooting with nods, hunting, IPSC, long distance etc etc etc. Firearms have so many unique niches that it’s fun to explore them all.
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Shit forgot to answer about the ‘COG
The eye relief is meh but the trade off is possibly the best eyebox on a magnified scope out there. Mine has dead tritium but I’ve never noticed a problem. The fiber optics are great and its not like they’re the only ones who make fiber optic lit sights so I wonder why it’s not more common cuz it’s great
Thanks boss
What is /k/‘s opinion on the ccfr?
gay do nothings
I wouldn't give them a dime and all the gun stores shilling for them I think is pathetic
they really haven't done fuck all except release some podcasts
They spend your donations very wisely like using it to develop a CCFR App that does literally nothing
thanks rod!
Build stuff out of wood.. or metal, or maybe work with leather.
Tracey's milker's destroyed the G4 amendment with their 'bury their desks' campaign.
One lucky winner got smothered to death motorboating them.
So you were unable to smell the BO until just a while ago? Or did your olfactory receptors start up when that other anon rightly decided you were a faggot? What are you again? Part Lebanese? If you understand why it is worthwhile to be racist to jeets, then I'm sure there are no hard feelings when I tell you to fuck off forever.
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is this ur kitter fren?
>I wonder why it’s not more common
People probably get spooked by a component having an "expiry date" (even though it's a long time, and repairable or dealable-withable).
Largely agreed, although there are many hobbies where that's not such a big deal as long as you're actually practicing the hobby rather than using it as an outlet to consoom (like guns, building things, etc).
My absolute fucking sides the keks dont stop coming!!!!
Eh hard to explain but the last four years of jeets have been different than the ones that came in 2010.
>what are you
Some sort of Untermensch
>tell you to fuck off
No hard feelings, how’s your brother? You guys still living with your mom in Ottawa. I hope you boys go shooting, how’s that Quebec guy, his name was mark? I hope he is doing good and has gone turkey hunting.
>family came here in 45.
Chrystia Freeland has entered the chat.
Your wife's boyfriend likes your style.
fucking LOL! still butthurt because you arent white
They do alright but have cringe moments like >>62720926 said.
To be fair they were made in 2015 and we have had an anti gun government since 2015. That said the CCFR and Tory’s have been in bed now for a while. Hell some Tory MPs had a lunch dinner promoting the CCFR at least in the next government we will have a seat at the table.
Go away.
I just asked how you and your brother are doing, have you gone shooting? How’s Ottawa?
Since you won't piss off, no, we don't live with mummy, we got land up north, and we have a strict whites only policy, so you won't be visiting.
Very nice, happy to hear you boys left the city, hopefully enough land to build your own range I hope, being a master of your own soil is something that I hope everyone here obtains.
Jews are clearing some for you in Lebanon.
I keep trying, but
>your here forever
What laser did you order?
i personally am completely uninterested.
I vote for this to be OP image again for next thread.
old toyota will absolutely last longer than a new car assuming you can do your own maintenance
Can confirm, my 2014 ram has a fuck ton of rust on it. Meanwhile I’ve seen cars from the 90s look fucking mint.
NTA but why do you still have confidence in elections and the "democratic" process?
That and also just the engines
I got the V6 in mine it’s been fine however DOT DOT DOT. I had to replace the oil filter housing because fucking Ram made it out of plastic so it fucking cracked one day. Never buy from them again.
Im afraid of girls
They are scary
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Middle class was growing and getting too much purchasing power. As soon as people started establishing themselves and millennials were in a position to buy houses the market prices skyrocket. Same with cars, it's still "attainable" but not without going into deep debt and becoming a wageslave until you're 70 - which is what they want for us in the first place.

>people are experiencing upward mobility
>enjoying life
>have disposable income
>use that income to buy vehicles that can explore, enjoy nature, reconnect with the natural world
>jews freak out
>suddenly housing is unaffordable and every rental is owned by jeets or changs
>cars cost a billion dollars
>gasoline prices through the roof
>food costs explode
>ammo prices keep rising and they move to ban 95% of firearms
>the *only* things that seem to advance and get more streamlined are UberEats/goyslop services, streaming to consoom media, and (((tech))) products made in China
>well I guess this is all I can afford to do, time for my daily dopamine surge of cooming followed by news-induced rage and topped off with some high carb sodium rich slop
>and maybe some DUDEWEED now that it's legal and pot shops are littering every small town

Never forget they see us as livestock, plain and simple.
Fuck you
well put anon
Build a giant wall around the detroit/canadian border and make em pay for it
My boomer parents bought their first house in 1980, brand new built for them, for $38,000.

They bought a brand new Jeep Cherokee Chief for $8,000.

My dad only had a college diploma, no university, and still landed a comfy 9-5 office job with an architect firm making $27,000 a year - and started the job 3 days after graduating from college.

In other words, a house was barely 30% more than your annual income and a car was less than 30% of your annual income.

Now the "middle class" salary is like $70k-100k, yet a new F150 costs 80 - 90% of that and a new house is at least 400% more.

To say the game isn't rigged is an understatement, it's 100% intentional.
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Sounds like you kids need to stop buying Starbucks and pull your selves up by the boot straps SSSSSSSIIIPPPPPP
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>Grease Gun: $12
>swastika p.o
Same fren. One of the ones in the nursing school where im taking machining keeps smiling and waving everytime she sees me.
you NEED to do something about that bro
She’s probably just being nice anon don’t be a creep….. JK go talk to her.
she owes you sex anon
Speaking of elections Scott Moe is saying he will ban men from women’s washrooms in schools if re elected

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He should ban trannies from Saskatchewan when elected.
Grease gun magazines fren
>SWASTIKA, Ontario

I've been there before. Nice little town.
holy fuck this is the most cope-laden reddit post I've seen in ages

(he is expecting people to take his bait and argue with him too)
you may have had a point but
>inflation is skill issue, nothing terrible
lol, lmao
solution: utilize indian expatriates in canada to defraud elderly boomers to enrich the zoomer class.
to make it on topic my favourite gun is glawk fowtee i cant wait for PP to legalize it.
>he thinks inflation is a skill issue
>he thinks deflation is possible with a debt based currency
nobody take this retard's bait
retarded or bait
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lol no one is taking your bait faggot
He's right you know
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Got blessed by the captcha gods
>Housing was unaffordable even before 08, big part of 08 was that people who were never supposed to own houses got them
Housing was not unaffordable before 2008 and Canada didn't have the mortgage fraud bullshit the US did so "people who were never supposed to own them" only really applies to chinks and jeets owning houses in Canada
>be it jew, mutt, nigger or me myself.
You're repeating yourself here.
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Can't decide if I should splurge on NODs or save my money for when PP unfucks the country and we can buy ARs again.
isnt the rmr too far back when mounted on an acog that it bumps into nods
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If you have a good rifle for night shooting then get nods.
The jeet at the end saying this is like Punjab.
yeah dont get a pvs-7 for starters
Why does gigantic shitstorm in worlds largest economy affect its 51st state? Why are banks reluctant to give out mortgages after burning their hands while betting on them. Why are chinks known for investing all money they have into real estate, investing into real estate in a country that is welcoming them?
Not gonna lie, not canadian, have no idea why is it so easy to get visa, but hey, its YOUR democracy and YOUR problem.
Would only consider PVS14 at this point.
X95 with an Eokek, if I get NODs I will invest in a LAM.
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>The jeet at the end saying this is like Punjab.
Yeah then get nods.
>YOUR democracy
it's not a democracy and the people have no power over the Laurentian Elites
who are the laurentian elites?
passive aiming is good to have if you need to get the drop on someone using nods
and what are you doing about it?
Do you have any non schizoid proofs?
Are you persuading ordinary citizens?
Organizing militias?
Fulfilling your duty to resist?
Or are you just a whiny bitch?
Also after I got my nods I was only passive aim for a while until I could acquire a laser. It’s really satisfying hitting a gong while passive aiming. Just makes you feel real deadly.
One of you cum gargling horseniggers answer this man.
French skinners who love assorted niggers and cocks in their mouths. Justina is an actual cuck
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jeet hands typed this
The wealthy and highly influential people along the stretch of the St Lawrence River that run the country, aka the bad guys. There's a reason we've only had a small handful of Western Prime Ministers in the last 100 years
The families that comprise the incestuous media and political complex who are primarily situated in the Laurentides. Yes, i know, it's not just in the lairentides, but that is where the power structure is centered
>What's this laurentides heh dumb westerner
Tell me you're from urban ontario/quebec /maritimes without telling me.
Got a want a shockwave/nightstick/cruiser so badly but i can't justify buying another firearm.
>inb4 just buy it anyways
I am really watching my money because i don't really have a job right now and don't want to eat away at my savings with how much uncertainty there is
Get a job then a new fun.

I know your pain anon I am job hunting as well right now.
what shotguns do you have at the moment

Can confirm. Ex was/is a Chaplain. Number one duty was dealing with suicides or trying to talk them down. Number one causes of said suicides was spousal infidelity.

If you are in the military, Jody IS fucking your girl. No exceptions.
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Corb Lund is superior to Stompin Tom and Stan Rogers combined:




I think he lurks here.
Is Jody a lesbian?
>Do you have any non schizoid proofs?
Our elections are decided before the vote count leaves Ontario
>Are you persuading ordinary citizens?
I tell everyone I talk to about the jeet menace ruining the country
>Organizing militias?
Highly illegal and will land you in prison immediately, it is one of the few things the government takes seriously here
>Fulfilling your duty to resist?
>Or are you just a whiny bitch?
What am I whining about, all I said is that we aren't a democracy. which is true, we don't even own the land we buy here, every square inch belongs to the King
who specifically. besides justin
The (((Bronfmanns)))
And Sidney castle kicks all three of the fags ass any day.

>meme gun
>fun once
>forgotten in the safe
You're not missing anything. There's a reason you see so many of those things for sale.
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Sorry but I only listen to Swedish death electro now
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Off the top of my head?
Andrew coyne and any of those eastern based canadian broadcasters and journalists
Trudeau and all his friends including those from Atlantic canada
All the old power brokers working behind the scenes. Bill morneau and his family is a really good example
This is a starting point. These people are often tied together through family. We need to really get into this.
Also fuck eastern canada. You can suck my big dumb western horse cock while I buy another gun.
NS here... jeets everywhere. Every service job, every delivery driver and truck driver. Every bus stop is loaded with them and the downtown core is full of them. They are at every tourist spot and small town as well, hired to staff every grocery store and gas station. It's over.
My ears are bleeding
It's the same all across the country (and similarly over).
Ah fuck you then he is peak chug music
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ON here, was out shopping this week and every place I pulled into was swarming with them. Parking lots full of jeets with manila envelopes handing out their [falsified] resumes for service jobs. Jeets are half the reason I stopped going to places like Subway and Tim Hortons. You can't escape them everywhere though, had to go into Home Depot and there were a bunch sitting around doing nothing meanwhile I can't find a single goddamn person to unlock the tool cage so I can give them $300 of my money. Fuckin useless.
Same here in Sask
Take the leavepill like I did. I never even liked america but living here is like paradise compared to my life struggling as a new grad in canada. america kind of sucks compared to canada of the 90s when I grew up where things were safe and the country had a bright future. I legit see no reason why anyone with talent should stay in canada. I don't know if I'll stay in america or try to flee somewhere else but every year that passes the idea of ever moving back to canada fades. when I first left I told myself it was just until I could afford a house and I would come back. now I could buy a house in canada with no mortgage thanks to my fat american salary but I would never dream of going back.

my dad is so proud of me for leaving too, he's so fucking depressed to see what happened to the country. he used to be such a patriotic guy. all gone. my mom used to ask when I would come back and now she just smiles and looks sad when I go back home. my brother is trying to leave himself.

literally every few months another relative reaches out to me about leaving.

canada is literally OVER
Banks aren't reluctant to give out mortgages here retard, that's not why housing is expensive
>not canadian
Obviously, now fuck off.
You're set for a night gun
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Look at this smug bread-price-fixing prick.

For any anons not aware, there was a huge class action lawsuit settlement and we all get like $20 in free bread after being ripped off for the past 20 years. Still not sure how to claim my bread though.

It is an epidemic on a national scale. Won't be long before we see outbreaks of leprosy and bubonic plague because of them.
Indians have completely taken over, including our federal government. Don't believe me? The current spat with India proves that trudeau is now shoveling shit for Singh. Let that sink in, boys: THIS COUNTRY IS NOW RUN BY INDIAN KAHLISTANIS, IT IS NOT OUT COUNTRY, THE COUNTRY BUILT BY OUR FATHERS, NOT ANYMORE. Now, go ahead and cope, let's hear it. Let's hear how there's still a country called canada.
We already see shit being spread by them pooping in the water
Put a stock on it and it's fine for an SBS to take camping
They also illegally fish and hunt, but nobody cares and fishniggercops have no power over them because they don't care or have been told to turn a blind eye to it.
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>abandoning your country
>encouraging other anons to give up and let the foreign hordes take over
>just flee to another country and be the same as the jeets invading Canada, because it's easier than fixing your homeland

Shamefur dispray anon. You should stay in America, no use for weaklings in the coming struggles.
>put a stock on it
>now you have a useful gun
Kind of proves my point and anyways he
already has the m4.
The jeets are crossing the US-Canada border illegally now, there is no escape from the shit tides Ricky
Yea I've seen a bunch of videos of jeet families in Southern Ontario "fishing" with huge nets during the Chinook spawns recently.
Yeah but it's smaller!
I didn't see that he had an M4 when I posted that though, definitely no need for another tacticool shotgun.
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>don't vote, your guns get taken away, israel gets paid
>vote, you get MORE guns, israel gets paid

You and people like you are bugmen addicted to losing in every possible manner. Israel gets paid no matter what, thus it's a moot point. It doesn't matter. You can't change that outcome.
You do, however, have the opportunity to better your immediate material circumstances with one very simple step: voting for the only vocally outspoken pro-gun *RIGHTS* party.
The people who show up, win. Why do you think checking out of your ONLY means of political expression is owning the heckin elites? It's not, they love you for it. No one cares about percentage of voter turn-out relative to population, look at Australia.
What happens when (you) don't vote? Your opponents show up to the ballot box, win, and (you) get NOTHING.
Play damage control and build more favourable circumstances for yourself and your family, or roll over and gracelessly expire like the impotent, miserable, pathetic scoundrel (you) are.

Do (you) want SOMETHING and the *potential* for MORE, or NOTHING, and inevitably EVEN LESS on top of that?

Do (you) want guns, or not? It's a very simple question, even an intellectually bankrupt slave like you should be able to grok it.
Also, post one singular solitary firearm that (you) own.
Pretty much every single talented engineer leaves Canada the moment they graduate. No, even before that with all the various internships they take.
They wanted to turn Canada into a 'post-national state' where you had no culture or tribe, so people exclusively cared about their socioeconomic status. Well, here's the result. Enjoy the brain-drain!

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