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Canadian firearms General

>New here? Read this:
>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:
>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):
>Want to help firearm rights?

>Last thread >>62733726
I have acquired around 5000 rounds of 5.56. I do not own a rifle chambered in 5.56. What rifle should I get? NR Bren 2 is what I was leaning toward
jew know what you have to do, goyim. quit kidding around.
Bullpups are a last resort
but goyim, think of your allies :(
Bcl Mrx bison. Mine has been pretty reliable with no ftf's or fte's
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I know it's retarded, but I unironically want a Sig Cross. I already have a Steyr Scout to hunt with, but a lightweight chassis rifle would be a bitchin deer gun. Why does this hobby cost tempt us to spend thousands of fucking dollars for no reason
Don't get an NR Bren, they're conversions done by Canadian importers, which means they're almost guaranteed to be fucking dogshit. Not to shill for the holyland, but if you want a semi auto then just get an X95, and if it doesn't have to be tacticool then get a Ruger American.
X95 or shop around for an ATRS receiver set on GP/CGN
Tavor or atrs no other options are worth pursuing until oic is gone
what's the best shotgun in the market?
no budget
Remington 870 wingmaster
A400 for clays or birds
M4 for general fun
590 for short barrel
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Don't listen to the other anons a maverick 88 is all you need (it's also the best one)
G36, Tavor (X95 or TAR 21), ATRS MS/MV, CZ Bren 2, B&T APC223 (A bit heavy but pretty good), RSQ1 (Bit of a meme but good, i've actually got to fingerfuck one), Armalite AR-180b.
Checked, also hasn't the quality of recent Maverick 88's really dropped in the last couple of years.
Why does every single company have to cheap out i am willing to pay money just give me a product that works and lasts a long time
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Gonna be a long day boys
y u do dat?
aw man do you have to drink ALL of that?
BC fags keep loosing
I don't know what i hated more, the fact i didn't understand half of that video, or the fact that i actually understood the other half.
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>if only you knew how bad things were
That looks like an expensive mess, hope you're paid well to deal with it
RSQ1 had an independent FRT issued as prohib’d unfortunately so the company stopped making them not that frt is law or anything
Wait when did that happen? I thought the RSQ1/2 was a small enough thing that it would fly under the radar, guy only made a few dozen to few hundred in his first couple years of operation.
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jfc BC is a mess, a BIG FAT MESS

>let's jam millions of people into a tiny area
>pave every single surface
>and make our city in between a dozen estuaries
>in one of the wettest climates in the country

what could go wrong
kek on a simple google all I get are people saying it's a piece of shit and the owner is a scammer
Construction site? That looks like shitwater. Some of the sanitary sewers overflowed.
Fuck all these shitty cope guns I can't wait till the OIC is reversed and they all become worthless.
As of August this year
>janny clean it up
Bro's a hardcore 4chud user without doubt
>mfw loose BC fags
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It’s just not fair bros
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why is no one shilling Type95s anymore

Mine accidentally double fired, I hope it's not out of battery, gonna have to take the trigger group apart.
There's one reddit post about the issue, but the picture with the fix has 404'd
>mushy trigger
>cheap polymer used in construction so it feels like airshit
>10 MOA groups and keyhole'ing
They also haven't been imported in a few years. They are pretty decent though at the $1200 price point or $1000 used. I used to own one and they are very reliable and never had a malfunction (mind you i only put about 200 rounds down mine)
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New brunswick bros I hope you’re voting like your property depends on it, because it is. Guns and private real property (aka your home). The natives are trying to take your private land through a suit supported by every party except the tories. Don’t let it happen. I like keeping my home and guns, thanks.
I owned a type 97 for a while and sold it because I think mine had a messed up crown or something. Gave me a pretty persistent keyhole with m193, unfortunately
Because it does* not because it is. Sorry boys had a long shift
Do maritimes worship chugs?
you are posting on the unceded territory of the nignog nation
Nova scotia does. New Brunswick doesn’t because it relies on the forestry industry so all the land claims and poaching gets LMAO’d out of provincial court thanks to the tories.
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Man my zenitco order has been stuck in customs for so long I forgot i ordered it
why tf did nobody tell me that the Ternion chinese police shotguns we can get here just look like the fucking m90 shotgun from Halo?
they have long ones now in magnum cartridges
is dat poop water?
this but unironically.
They're also nearly 4 grand and there is a lot of options at that price range
buying lousy chinkshit and turkshit is a very reddit thing to do jsyk
So did they make a new version of the M10x that is allegedly "good" now?
I guess but I still wouldn’t trust it, nor would I give those Jews my hard earned dough.
Naw I wouldn't buy one, just based on the history of it and that they're so overpriced. Just saw a video that they had apparently improved it.
I do not care
Never ever ever buying that schlock
true. i didnt say to buy it. i just like em
yes, that's part of the problem.

>iT wIlL wOrK tHiS tImE!!
Sorry you're not going to make me dislike my LMG. But I condemn and disavow turkshit and turkroaches entirely.
its literally an 870, just buy a legit wingmaster/magnum
Buying chinkshit = BASED

Buying turkshit = CRINGE
i need to clarify things
under no circumstance should a turkish shotgun ever be obtained
chinese shotguns are only allowed to be obtained when its for either an unobtainable model or gimmicky short barrel
What .223 black rifle will you anons buy if our laws get unfucked, or at least go back to pre-retard JT era?

I’ve honestly always wanted an FS2000 but the price of one with the extended cuck barrel for NR status is insane.
while we are arguing over overpriced turkshit vs overpriced chinkshit americans get whole AR15s for $400 or 550 converted lol.
we're canadians anon, we seethe at anything american and cope by cozying up to "international trade partners"
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God i need an SP1/HBAR so badly
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Chinatown DT Vancouver looks like a fuckin open air insane asylum/drug den/ faggot central, HO LEE FUK what a mess
Can anyone give a qrd on the Lockhart Raven, specifically the silver version? I know all the Canadian 180s, templar etc are shit but I don't really want to pay 3k+ for a platinum Raven, B&T, Bren 2 etc.
>silver raven
Basically a budget-minded version of a rifle that sets out to do more than it's actually capable of. Outside of the proprietary bolt carrier and charging handle, it's an "just alright" notAR and isn't a 180-like either. I'd like to get a receiver set and build one, maybe someday
yeah it's disgusting, I hate when I have to go there. will probably have to go there for work shortly and I can't think of anything I'd rather do less than spend time in that sewer.
Its pricing scheme means that it's the second-most jewish gun you can buy in Canada (after JR Cocks' new piece of shit)
The junkies per km2, has to be one of the highest on Earth. Looks like a fuckin refugee camp after a War. Almost stepped on a used rig for fuck sake. Lots of hot Asian broads DT though, fuck me.
>The junkies per km2, has to be one of the highest on Earth
no chance, vancouver isn't even a big city
have you never heard of san francisco bud? or baltimore?
convert T81 to 5.56, or sks
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it's done occasionally.
On their site a bare set is $1400 and a silver Raven is $1600 which makes building one seem a bit silly to me. Mainly want to make sure that it won't disintegrate like the WKopes.
Kinda surprised you don't lose your job for saying such things.. yet.
I'm sure in the future it will be considred almost as bad as holohoax denial, like saying the mass graves are empty.
>chinese shotguns are only allowed to be obtained when its (...) gimmicky short barrel
those norchinko coach guns were sold with a warning not to use powerful ammo in them lol.
stop being tarded
>silver version
isnt that the version that doesnt even come with bolt hold? so fuckin jewish
that is the most holy gun in existence. nothing can come close.
You've clearly never been to Main and Hastings downtown vancouver lol. You probably don't even live in B.C
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>those norchinko coach guns were sold with a warning not to use powerful ammo in them lol.
1 point for the chad turkish shotgun enjoyer whose pipes are rated for 3 inch magnum out of 10 inch barrels kek.
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I often wonder what this anon is up to, haven't seen him post in some years. probably got vanned for some more ambitious project he wasn't clearnet posting about, I fear.
lmao bitch please
I remember when little siege first posted it, he mated a Tikka Varmint barrel to the SKS (honestly impressive) and used a HiCal mag adapter to feed it with
t. votes NDP
The silver version is made from a different/"softer" aluminum but yeah, you get a whole rifle as opposed to spending more building your own from a "better" receiver set. Really comes down to your own philosophies about it, dont think I'm gonna be able to dissuade you about it
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>more projecting
lmao seek coitus ya goof
No he’s still around and doing well he just doesn’t post here anymore.
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You are a dumb nigger who doesn't live here and has never seen the actual state of it, thats why you haven't a clue about it. Sit down
I do live here but I also travel because I'm not poor
if you've only ever seen this city small wonder, we don't have balti style fenty nog zombies you dumb bitch

you and that other dude should suck each others dicks lmao
nta but what is your point faggot? that downtown Vancouver isn't a shithole? because it is.
cry me a poo river
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>we don't have balti style fenty nog zombies you dumb bitch
Sure do faggot
>you and that other dude should suck each others dicks lmao
of course the dumb nigger starts talking about suckin dick LMAO
>balti style fenty nog zombies
Yea ours are chugs lol
lmao nah you ain't even seen a real fenty zombie you're just a scared little bitch
and wipe off your chin before you talk to me dicksuck
yea which aren't shit and mostly poison themselves and their communities
most pointless argument i've seen in cangen in awhile lmao
>I do live here but I also travel
To Baltimore? weird flex
idgaf i don't have to live there
yea let's discuss which thread e-celeb we haven't seen lately instead
Chugs commit 10x the number of violent crimes of any race in Canada
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It's literally some underageb& faggot begging for (You)'s or some salty queer upset about the change in government. Very gay either way.
You're stupid fucking hero is going to prison over child porn, how does it feel to be a stupid fucking chud
Lets see if this fixes it
you couldn't afford it
>wipe off your chin before you talk to me dicksuck
Continues to talk about sucks dick and baltimore lmao, kill yourself nigger lover
and sexual abuse, but mostly against each other
those dudes are to hooped on firewater to do anything to real people
Guns. I want one of these Cimarron .357 mag revolving carbines.
Plane anon, that dude with the Tims GF, bunners anon, Misty mountain (the shop), and so many more.
>worked into a seethe
lmao go for a bike ride you lil champion
oh wait the homeless might get you, better stay hiding
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clean it up jan jan
qrd on that pic?
first guys to try talking smack always the first to call their janny daddy
pathetic but it is what it is

also holding a knife in your mouth is gay and retarded
I'm relieved I have no idea who you're talking about
>oh wait the homeless might get you, better stay hiding
Says the nigger loving faggot, who doesn't even live here
>he's actually seething
lmao bless your heart
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Mole man and his group went to the Alberta legislature during Halloween dressed as Russians. They had a pistol and liquor on them, the cop talked to them and shooed them away. There is a picture of MM flashing his pistol in front of the building. They even screamed “we are here to occupy your country”
that seems like a series of poor choices
damn you're so cool dude please share more of your wisdom we all need it
thanks bud happy to help
Very much so, guy threw away everything for some fucking (you)
How new are you?
didn't his buddies get fucked too by being caught up in his retardation?
they all seem pretty retarded to do that together though
>caring about 4chan individuals
couldn't be me
Yeah but each of his buddies did something stupid to trigger their arrest. Like selling each other handguns but not doing a transfer, so when one went down the other went down as well, also making machine guns etc etc. I can’t remember but I think crazy tok guy got arrested before mm did. CTG did try to sell a full auto G36 on gun post before getting arrested which was funny as fuck.
Nothing better to do.
damn those guys could've actually gotten up to some fun shit if they weren't retards with non existent opsec
>selling each other handguns but not doing a transfer
>full auto funs
>posing in public at government buildings with guns
jesus fucking christ what a buff of clowns
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Yeah the Doug darling (rip Doug) boys weren’t the smartest. To be fair we did kinda all encourage it a bit.
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my sp1 only cost $800 during the harper era
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enjoy getting gassed by having your arm and face so close to it while shooting it
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>how does it feel to be a stupid fucking chud
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check it out
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my nigga
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Anon I think you should take a break, or at least post a gun
just ignore faggots they will starve to death without delishus attenshun
who even votes on this shit lol
no one, it's all just made up horseshit. same with "polls".
BC elections are needing a "recount" and the (((official results))) won't be unveiled until the 26th-28th.... LMAO, where have we seen this before????
very nice
Umm, chudcels, I'll have you know, immigrants (I prefer to call them New Canadians) contribute to Canada's development DAILY!
the fix is in but eby is fucking shook and the NDP is fucked during their next term and won't be able to do shit
I have hope though it's tentative
Anon don’t get me wrong that will always be a kino pic but you need to get some new pictures.
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source on some of those?
also my understanding between the info posted by the cops on what he's been charged with and what's been posted, there's a couple full autos not in the hands of the horsies
molesissy lost
avschvd vvon
>JFMSU loadout
NB bros… it’s over
Jk the liberals can’t do anything because all the judges are Higgsies anyways
Thanks for all the memories tories
If it makes you feel any better Sask party has a 99% chance to win another majority out west.
It's based on retarded metrics like 'percentage of women holding positions of power in govt' (because apparently that determines equality and is super important, yada yada)
It retarded and not to be taken seriously.
sick gear but man i can't stand that handguard on the 81
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We gearposting?
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a little gas never hurt anyone
>It has the BEST healthcare, the BEST job market, and the BEST food prices in the world!
Didn't he allegedly download some random files en masse and then never access them and then once he was in custody the rcmp 'found' something illegal and there is no evidence yet that he even knew it was there or ever accessed it?
>Or they are trying to have him murdered in jail by framing him as a sex offender... when he VERY clearly had a gun fetish.
yeh he had some big files from Mega 'with cryptic names', full of random shit, including some naughty stuff, apparently. That took the police years to notice for some reason.
Feds think they can flip him for something is all it is, his extra charges disappear if he agrees.
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>Do you want Open or Save "cheeseypizza.zip?"
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Maybe they're pumping him for info on 4chan, trying to break the crust of this impenetrable den of autism.

I love when people think they can just "understand" 4chan by reading an article about it or something lol.
I know I do, I should actually take at least one image when I go innawoods.
I do have a few pics of a Cmr-30 I have been innawoods with a bunch the past few weeks but embarrassingly my rear sight is backwards
I mean we are not exactly a secret club you can fucking google this place after all.
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>if you want out of here you must tell us WHO AND WHERE HE IS
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It would help if I actually included the fucking picture
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>yfw Moleman was really just a mole all along
>his photos, his persona, his guns, charges, and incarceration
>all an elaborate cover story
>to gain the trust of 4Channers and exploit it
Thinking about it though, if they were still compressed/zipped it would really lend credence to the argument that he didnt know what was inside them.
Though you can peek inside of zip files without unzipping them, your actions are limited, most people unzip files as soon as they get them.
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these things happen, anon.
who is the stupid schmuck who put the charging handle on the right hand side of their firearms and then everyone and their dogs decided this is the way it must be done forever and always?
manual of arms for a right handed shooter would dictate the optimal position would be left sided charging handle, minimize the distance travelled for your left hand, no?
There's also the common sense practice of not downloading fuckin .zip files from the world wide web.
Well, big ones that you don't know the contents of atleast.
But i'm pretty sure weve already confirmed that he wasnt the brightest of fellows.
Way to out yourself as a benchfag
that things cool just wish it was cheaper and in 22lr instead. paul harrel also said the mags were kind of scuffed
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you're telling me reaching under the rifle and yanking the charging handle is easier offhand?
no you cannot take the rifle off target the charge handle, its not even an option. I know it feels cool, but forget about it.
>doubles down on his stupidity
Anon take your guns innawoods for fuck sakes
I don’t get it
Bah! Why get a common vanilla AR. Just wait another 12 months and then buy yourself a classic like an HK-93 or AUG. According to /CFG/ we'll be able to get them again next year. Right? Why would they lie to us.
An FAL in every home has been promised to us
Unironically might get a WK180 gen 3 if even one YouTuber credibly reports that it can cycle reliably after 1000 rounds
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$1800 buys you a lot of ammo bro
Just some random autist teeing about something stupid there’s literally no downsides to having the charging handle on the left side
dont do it
reciprocating charging handles can hit your hands if they are on the left
Based - I made that OC. Nice to see
Some of my cringey big sieges still posted
Having the left side of your gun slick means when you’re carrying it you don’t risk catching the charging handle on your body pulling it out of battery or jamming it into your body. There’s also the issue of creating the poptart slot for dirt and shit to get into it. Some people get uncomfortable with the whole reciprocating mass infornt of your face thing.
Don't have a 556 gat
Maybe the new piston system will work
>Some people get uncomfortable with the whole reciprocating mass infornt of your face thing.
Literally a non-issue if your first gun was a .22.
starting with a 22 makes you impervious to flinching and related issues.
People who start with guns other than 22's should be punished by a firing squad of eagle scouts with 22's
and you still won't if you buy a WKope
Obviously you are correct but that doesn’t change the facts
but why
this is why the hk style charging handle is best.
Looks cool
Stanag mags
AR aftermarket parts for some stuff like grips and triggers
Brain damage
it does not look cool. it reeks of cope. it'll never be a real AR
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>Looks cool
Schedule an eye exam
It looks fine man. Not a fan of the zukov stock but besides that the gen 3 upper looks pretty slick.
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anyone here shot a pepperbox? i want to sooo bad
If you like the look of flat top ARs than i suppose its sort of close but at the end of the day its way too expensive for what you're getting considering most are gonna wanna put a good optic on it at minimum.
I don't think it looks bad aside from the gaping asshole of a bolt window
but why not just save for a x95 or something which even after oic will be a fine firearm that will retain it's value?

shit I would get a fx-9 or something before a wkek those are pretty fine from what I've heard, 9mm is cheap and glock mags are pretty common
There is nothing else in the price range. Already have a T81. Actually good 556 (X95 or Bren) over a grand more than the WK3. Sterling arms mk3 is ugly as fuck desu and just as likely to be dogshit as the WK3. Don't like bullpups anyways so RDP or T97 do not interest me
FX9s seem good for what they are but an 18" barrel to shoot 9mm is a little too silly for the price imo. R barreled version not compelling either for me personally
Meant for >>62747266
well at that point i cant stop you. if you want a semi 556 that bad and dont wanna get a bullpup, which i understand, then have at it. but it's almost guaranteed to have problems. you should consider spending more so you can get one of those more reliable AR copes like the crypto, though i havent seen many reviews for it so it might be just as bad.
Proprietary mags is a bridge too far for me
And I'm mostly joking anyways, would need to hear many many attestations that the gen 3 is reliable before I actually gave them money. One dumb fuck on YouTube saying "it works for me" wouldn't be enough
if you're a pro gamer i think the proprietary mag thing isn't an issue
What godawful ESL gibberish
yea that's fair
Damascus barreled 12 gauge with a 223 x-caliber insert.
>Actually good 556 (X95 or Bren) over a grand more than the WK3
Double the price for 10x the gun; as in a real gun will actually last you that much longer.
If you are already spending over a grand, then whats another to ensure that you arent just lighting your money on fire.
It's like spending $50 on a knockoff powertool battery from amazon when real ones are $100 and come with the advantage of not burning your house down.
Meh that’s my landlords problem not mine
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Saw this guy testing this prototype handguard/optic mount.
He's probably a raycsis
thats kinda interesting.
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kinda neat
Boomer doing boomer stuff
insurance is gonna subrogate your ass
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i kinda want that
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Would an AK barrel mount from mid west work on a Type 81 M/LMG?

>storing ammo in cookie tin
That guy is probably very based.
I don’t even know what that word means bro
same barrel diameter right but idk if the 81 gas system will get in the way or not
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I love those Parlor wafer sticks holy fuck I have eaten an entire tin of those things by myself on more than one occasion.
insurance would have to go after the chink battery maker, akshually.
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no one wants to admit they ate 17 cans of parlor wafers...but I did and I'm (not) ashamed of it
You're wrong handed. Left hand supremacy.
> you are already spending over a grand, then whats another
It's another two grand is what it is
>It's like spending $50 on a knockoff powertool battery from amazon when real ones are $100 and come with the advantage of not burning your house down.
No it's like buying a $2000 toy instead of a $4000 toy
that looks fucking retarded. Especially without a front sight
>it's like buying a $2000 toy instead of a $4000 toy
No, it's like buying a $2000 toy instead of a $3000 tool
I am left handed, trying to get one of those blanking plates from haiga defense so I can remove the left side charging handle
It has quickly become my favorite gun for regular innawoods stuff, I would gladly pay every penny again if I had my time back.
Unfortunately where I am in NL you can't shoot coyotes with 223 during moose season because of dickheads poaching moose with em so 22mag is the best you can have power wise for small game (without going the shotgun route)
The cheapest Bren 2 is $3,500 pre-tax and it's R.
So basically I’m just gonna not buy it (the bullpup!!)

I know….. UGH I know…. I’m sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s just that I’m not gonna buy it is all

Very clever, anon.
Enjoy your shitrod, while it lasts.
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New OIC was just passed to allow Canada post to transport firearms.

Either CanPo changed their tune or they snuck this in without telling them in an attempt to create a fait accompli. They want to use the retailer buyback as a trial run so this might be part of the strategy since retailer are not likely to react as badly.
So now they don't even want to do confiscation, they want people to just voluntarily surrender them through the mail.

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i made a meme lol
Not like Canada post has a choice, they can kick and scream all they want at the end of the day they must listen to the government. Interesting enough no one has applied for a seizure permit yet under the Saskatchewan firearms act, so Canada post is still banned in Saskatchewan from collecting firearms.
That was the original plan they came up with a few years ago. The idea was that you would send your guns in via specially marked containers simply handed in to post offices, and then they'd figure out compensation later.
so your PROHIBITED FIREARMS that are too dangerous to possess go from being locked up in a safe in your house to being left in a cardboard box in some post office or the back of a Shopper's Drug Mart

To the government, it's more dangerous for an ordinary, decent citizen to own an AR-15 than it is for a hardened criminal with a long history of violent crimes to own one.
literally just send them a box full of bricks, not my problem!
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So after 4 years of failing to do anything, tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars wasted with no results, after half the provinces have passed Seizure Agent laws, with a snap election any day now and a mandatory election in less than a year, they're going to try the buyback "for real this time guys™" ?
They're aiming for a retailer buyback to begin by the end of this year which should go pretty smoothly. That gives them good PR to say "we took X number of evil assault weapons off the street, give us a mandate to confiscate the rest of them".
It’s like that cartoon I seen shared all the time
>in case of low polls smash gun control glass.
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Visiting my gfs family in tennessee and mississippi. Shot handguns for the first time. Was awesone.

Shot a sig in 40 s&w, ruger revolver in 357, and a cz something..shadow? In 9mm.

What handgun should i buy first after i get my rpal and all the bs gets reversed?
Depends. What was your impression of the guns you shot?

They were all pretty fun. However i had difficulty racking the slide of the cz because i have a deformed lobster claw for a right hand, there waant enough surface for me to grip it. I had no issue with the sig however. Im also semi poorfag so dont want to break the bank on ammo. But ill invest in a decent gun
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thats the main reason why i dont like the cz75, the jericho is basically a clone and its easier to use in that respect
>Trudeau is gloating about his handgun ban today
Even the Toronto police association told him to fuck off lol
Kek. He's definitely up to something though, that tweet and the canada post thing.
lmao grilled that goofy bitch

posturing for points from liberal stooges they'll do fucking nothing
Is cheap surplus still around for it?
>i have a deformed lobster claw for a right hand
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Also why do I gotta wait 899 seconds to make a post, what's going on
>maybe this will distract my retarded supporters from my latest scandal
You don’t understand the Charter.
Cangen is mercifully safe from the level of spam the rest of the site is subjected to.

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Poly finally noticed the type 81
Do you think if they learn enough about guns they'll think they're cool
Nta but I hope. I can't imagine being so so firm on one issue and having it on your mind rent free for like 40 years, it's insane. Like this is all they think and talk about.
I can't wait for these old crones to get completely ignored by the next government
>the AK of Canada.
I hate them but I will say if you're trying to push some absolute dogshit twaddle you gotta stay consistent
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I look forward to the seething when PP undos C-21 and OIC.
The one silver lining of the Jeet invasion is that I no longer eat fast food. I used to the McDonalds by my place all the time but since it got Jeeted, and they can't figure out how to cook a burger, I no longer go there or any other fast food place.
Thanks Justin.

Unrelated gun so it's on topic. What are some guns?
Fascinating and cool. Don't let anyone tell you you're ugly or worth less than anyone else, you're still capable of great things and being useful.
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What a condescending thing to say. Why would you assume he thinks he's worthless or incompetent?

>What are some guns?
Derya TM22-L Lever Action 22Lr
Also yeah I also no longer shop at any place that hires TFW. It’s a longer and longer list each day but I will always do my best to shop at places that hire Canadians.
I didn't say worthless I said worth less
I wish there was a way to filter businesses in google maps
This map shows you which businesses have applied for an labour market impact assessment.
I’m actually enjoying this little political circus. Grave dancing day is almost here too I wonder if Trudy will be allowed to attend.
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Semantics, why would you assume he thinks he is worth less?
I thought poly said he was banned for not banning guns? Or they change their mind for the third year in a row?
The Chief Faggot has made his decision. Now let him enforce it.
Thank you based Tokarev!
Awesome, thanks
I think they realize he's the only one with a chance at doing what they want, Bloc will never hold majority, NDP are flip floppers, and Cons won't ban guns. They have no choice but to kiss his ass, bullying him doesn't get results because he just runs away and hides for weeks at a time.
This boi can fuckin C clamp better than anybody it
alright boys whos trying to lay an epic seige on a post office in minecraft or perhaps a raid to secure the booty that would be lost
they are getting paid obviously hello?
Speaking of securing booty, remember how Trudeau got cucked by his kids' pediatrician?
What kind of guns do you guys think that doctor has? He seems like he'd have cool guns.
Something expensive
Genesis Gen12
I love you
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Fukk yeah anon
Always wondered why the upside down /k/ patch
/ʞ/ommandos just doesn’t have the same ring to it…
You ever try shooting left handed? Yoy might be able to get a good grip on a forend honestly
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Based monsteranon. Include me in the screencap
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oh god was it actually his family doctor that is plowing his wife now?

i thought it was just some dude she met randomly
people will say m4 but it depends on what you want
m4 doesn't like birdshot so if you want versatility out of your shottie it's not so hot
yes kek
Considering he's a south american gigachad his collection is probably a bunch of Tauruses and FAMAEs and shit
wrong. M4 shoots anything because of the argo system
proved by video evidence
post tit
Chinese guns actually work. Canadian guns can't, sit yo goofy ass down
Based fellow night enjoyers.
tfb m4 burndown part 2 only failures with birdshot
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Didn't they support him doing the freeze? even though they knew it wouldn't do anything meaningful?
funfact; Radar from MASH would've been exempt from the draft irl, due to his hand deformity interfering with his ability to manipulate a rifle.
with james reeves? hes a faggot. doesnt count
guess we can discard your opinion too in that case
got em
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What's the lore with Sask Party?
I miss him so much.
Been in power since 2007, and took a hard right turn since 2019.

me too bro
Bump limit hit new thread baked
ngl I wouldn't mind spendin some time with Sophie
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Yep. Literally never had an issue once ever on my norinco SKS. Ever. And i treat it pretty poorly
They may have the ability but they do not have the will.
based newfoundlander. i regularly see newfie independance posts on instagram for whatever reason even though I'm from BC.
I am a lefty shooter. My dominant eye is also lefty luckily.

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