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Prev: >>36335523
QOTT: Whats your favorite way to cuddle and where?
QOTT Bonus: How do you deal with the akward arm positioning when cuddling in bed?
me and who
that cat looks like a ballsack
If you are a bottom of any gender, me, if you aren't thats fixable
I want massage now.

Either my head on their chest or their fully laying om top of me depending on if I'm big spon or little spoon
>QOTT: Whats your favorite way to cuddle and where?
probably spooning on a bed, preferably with the other person in front of me so i can bite on their neck, shoulders, and ears and trace my fingers up and down their back and waist they cant do nothing about it lol
>QOTT Bonus: How do you deal with the awkward arm positioning when cuddling in bed?
when cuddling on the sides, i either slide the lower arm under their neck or just have it under my head, meanwhile the free hand is ofc wrapped around or placed on top of them

cuddling is just really nice desu, wish it happened more often lol
>QOTT: Whats your favorite way to cuddle and where?
head on her chest with her fingers gently going through my hair. or laying the opposite way while shes on her stomach and using the soles of her feet as a pillow.
>QOTT Bonus: How do you deal with the akward arm positioning when cuddling in bed?
I just move it occasionally idk
Would a tranner like to voice chat while I play elden ring
facing him, neck resting on his arm :)
i just put up with it cuddles are worth it
same i need this
well come on over, nothing I like more than face to face cuddles
I would massage you.
lets say hypotetically you are an autistic virgin neet with average looks pushing 30...would i be possible to acquire a polyamorous relationship with several passing trans girls and all live under one roof to keep rent extremely low and all prosper together while having good sex regurlarly?
Just an hypothetical i was curious about.
where are you?
>QOTT: Whats your favorite way to cuddle and where?
On my couch while we are watching something, I sit upright, she lies across the couch, her head in my lap, my right hand an her waist, stroging her, sides and belly, while the other either resting on her head, or holding hands with one of her free hands, while gently stroking her palm with my thumb
>QOTT Bonus: How do you deal with the akward arm positioning when cuddling in bed?
When spooing, my arm under her head, until it gets tired from the weight of her head, then I usually move it to somewhere between our bodies where it doesn't annoy too much
not US
everytime someone starts with hypothetically, I can only hear the rest of the post in Ben Shapiro's voice
I call this the transbian trio. It would be better if you get on HRT too, though.
That one may have to be in the eye of the beholder
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I had a small harem of 4 trannies (whom I met IRL, 3 more e-relationships), two of which passoids, but not like a polycule where we all lived together, but the trannies didn't know of each other and I would visit them individually. I don't recommend that because it is very stressful to give all equal attention. In the end reason won and I broke up with all of them but one whom I really liked, who later ghosted me.

Trust me bro, this can't fill the void inside you, now I'm just looking for the one that gives me that feeling I tried to capture but failed
there's your issue, sir
If you have money probably.
its always like this ;_;
i wanna be the masculine cis man in the group though, transbians should not be allowed, they are the kryptonite of chasers and lesbians cis alike, truly satan's spawn.
Hypotetically speaking.
just like how it was pre-monogamy
lol I'm starting to feel it too
>autistic virgin neet pushing 30
Imma say probably not
Yeah. And naturally when I wasn't single, there would be tons of anons nearby.
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can I have thoughts on my body
>whom i met irl

American? Also lgbt bars or dating apps?
Feels like Americans have so much more choice...
If you arent American, Brazilian or Thai, or live in very specific cities like Berlin and London, is there even a point being a chaser? Its so over
cute pear, love the moles too
im gonna kms
>they are the kryptonite of chasers and lesbians cis alike
Lol how? With transbians that are not interested in men in the first place, you had no chance to begin with. And with bisexual trannies, you need a bit more confidence bro. I mean from experience I know that I easiely can compete with transbians (daddy issues are strong in many trannies, something only a cis man can give)

The only annoying thing about them is if you hit on a tranny chances are 50/50 that shes a transbian and not interested in men at alk
Us pear shapes are the superior body shapes.
bigger tits, more squats for bigger butt and your body will look very feminine.
This type of body is a nightmare for a man, but if your trans it will help you pass.
Cute. Would.
>American? Also lgbt bars or dating apps?
Nope not american, and through LGBT online communities (discord, this board, etc.)
>or live in very specific cities like Berlin and London
trains my friend. Also being close to paris helps
every once in a while chaserflag gets lazy in his bait posting, and reveals that he's a transbian from another gen.
In the topic of the thread, very cuddly
Thx team
>im gonna kms
Why tho, don't you like cuddling?
i dont know bc ive never done it but i really really really really really really really really want to
nah im genuine, kinda shitposting sure but im not a transbian.
Its the same for cis lesbians. Its just annoying when you are attracted to someone and their sexuality doesnt align.
Its completely irrational since by this logic id be mad at all pictured of women on the internet.
God damn, why are american trannies always so fucking cute...
You deserve cuddles, you deserve sleeping in someones arms and waking up because they press you against their chest. I believe you will find that person :)
you aren't attracted to women?
i meant by that logic id be mad at anyone i find attractive but will realistically never meet or have a chance with
What hes saying is that women aren't attracted to him. Theres a reason he is a chaser
I did not know you were a pear, nice
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i need this so baddd
ah i see. you should take hrt chaserflag. you're a repping transbian and you'd be happier as a woman.
fat tranny asses on my face
fat tranny dicks on my face
ok agp hon.
you speak like a satanic brainrotted coomer.
I on the other hand im a being of light, while still being a chaser coomer.
No interest in being a woman, quite the contrary.
Theres nothing more offputting than a converter no matter what subject.
I'm a skinny connoisseur but you look squishy and like your butt would be pretty nice, would if good face to go with t.chaser
We're catching a new wind, 41 hours awake. Was about to go to bed 3 hours a go but went for two monster energy drinks with a shot of gin, jäger and vodka. Now couple beers and signs on top vibing.... Yes this is my personal blog.

>>36344160 Azelf looking so cuddleable!
just do it faggot, I'm not trans. I've been reading your posts in here, and it's obvious you're not a chaser or if you are, it's a crutch for repping.
forgive me father for I am looking through duolicious hoping that a girl will respond to me
Honestly, you are very sweet. If you weren't on the other side of the globe, and there weren't the 11 year age difference, I'd happily take you out. I hope you can find someone over there, you deserve to not having to post your asshole on this board here again :)
i like posting my asshole but thanks
That's definitely the words of a repper. Don't worry sis, it's brighter on the other side, just join the rest of us
Is there any dating platform that doesn't announce your location like grindr?

Pretty sure the guy driving around my house is beause of this stupid app.
call the cops and report it
Nathan call 911
My mom wanted to name me Nathan but my dad said no because the French relatives wouldn't be able to say it
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lmao, they should have gone for it
Where did all my fav female posters go
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better than my parents, tho. fuckers were considering Angus or Duncan
doing transbian shit together. they'll all decide to come here at the same time
Probably someplace better. Like New Zealand.
That one with the flag and posted gophers
>That one with the flag and posted gophers
I guess I blinked, man. Which flag was this?
gm chasergen

>QOTT: Whats your favorite way to cuddle and where?
him on his back and me with my head on his shoulder cuddled up against his chest
speak of the devil
thank you for being you and keeping this up, anon
I'm glad you still talk to us.
you're welcome
very cuddleable, would squish
np :) I'm still around from time to time
They're at my house
transbians won.
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moby and natalie portman
if only chasergen was like that
How many chasers here are actually after trans men? gen would die. You should be thanking me.
I just came here to jerk off
I fucking love mtf pussy actually
youre welcome. A small amount of your women as transbian tribute is a small price to pay.
I don't give a fuck about that. Imagine having a bro with a pussy. Hear me out. You can do dude things without having to deal with bitch shit, then still have unlimited pussy.

And if it doesn’t turn you into a tranny, it’ll turn you into a tranny lover. Your hunger for cock will grow and grow.

I'm so fucking confused.
How do I tell my tranner friend I have feelings for her? I promised myself I would tell her tonight when we're on Discord VC but I, for the life of me, cannot find the words. I'm 90% sure she has feelings for me too. Help, I only have an hour.
Do you mean ftm pussy anon?
"I think I have feelings for you."
Go get em, tiger.
>never been the little spoon
i like cuddling. ive never dated anyone who felt the same way
So just be straightforward and blunt?
Yep! No reason to mess around, right? What else is there to do? Write a poem?
Especially if you think she also likes you, no reason to not just be direct and just go for it. If you really want you can actually say why you like her. Normal stuff, ya know? She's funny or smart or makes you smile when you see her smile or gives you butterflies when you talk to her, whatever it is you like about her. Those are all fine and cute too.
You make a valid point. Here goes nothing. At best, I have a gf. At worst, I ruined a friendship.
Good luck!
let us know how it goes anon
how has everyone been? :)
You've seen a slinky "walk" down stairs before, right?
Actually, I think I'll hold off on telling her. I'm thinking of what if she likes me back. Then what? We're both in no position to move in together atm and I don't want to do LDRs.
Dunno it was a rainbow
Praise the queen, what are you up to babe
Jennies the type of girl I'd introduce to my mom
Wouldn't chase for them but there are some really cute ones like ~G. The thing is they get more masculine over time while mtf get more feminine. While the androgynous features are hot on both I got no long term interest on trans men.
about to take my dog for a walk and go to a cafe for some lunch :) just hanging out today
I hate fireworks
Sounds like a fun time, hope you have a good walk
get raked, leaf
awh that’s so sweet anon, when and where
So it doesnt eat at you at least anon.
wasn't expecting that. now I feel shy
sad! typical

where are the real commitment enjoyers at?
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who tryna put a ring on my hand and not just tease me with the idea
beautiful. you deserve to be a domesticated goddess and live as a house wife
true & very sweet anon <3
this would be the dream. however i am currently in immense pain from my manual labor job
why are there claw marks on your ass
I'd rather let it eat away at me than have a possible LDR where we won't meet up IRL for at least another year. I cherish this friendship too much to let it be ruined by feelings towards her. I love her but I'm keeping it to myself unless there's a possible chance to meet up together.
why is this thread so slow now dawg did my month long absence kill chasergen
Other than you have a nice butt it's hard to know, but you could pull just with that.
we are all old and go to bed at 11
please go away :( we don’t want you here anymore
I thought you were dating your ex?
thanks anon you are a real one for that
sorry i deleted my ass post hope no one foldered me
Qott: Yes.
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here is an image of a trans woman I like
I want to kiss her nose
I wish I looked good enough to take pictures like this :<
i don’t really wanna be here either, 12 hours ago i thought everything was fine in my relationship, but you know how these things go
yes! i was! past tense!
youre beautiful
she's got a great nose
You do
>hey handsome

Yeah nah, I'm telling her I love her. I literally had to excuse myself to the restroom to both type this post and hype myself up. This could go wrong but nothing ventured, nothing gained. AGH FUCK.
Same, they're very very bad. Not many things can stress me out more.
just need someone to hold the camera :1
I'd volunteer to, but you could get a remote if you want to
i wish a girl would ask me to help her take sexy pictures. I know all the best angles
okay so how did it go
>i am emotionally vulnerable pwease dont take advantage of me
Chasers have 0 game its incredible
That shits gross.
Its what women want incel
I don't care. Don't be gross.
Dont tell me what to do lil boi
Talking atm. Well I'm talking, she's mostly crying what she says is happy tears. Is this normal?
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Its not the crying that bothers me, I just expected a conversation rather only me talking. I needed a ciggy break but I'm headed back in there.
i like making myself sound retarded while i ramble on to guys about some pointless shit they don’t care about. it’s cute how their horniness causes them to remain engaged as they try to respectfully entertain your braindead dialogue
I don't need to be horny to enjoy that silly, I just like listening.
I knew they did it on purpose
aw that’s really sweet i hope you find comfort in some fun words, it helps me trust people knowing they have patience for me and don’t go into things with high expectations of any kind :D
it’s more relaxing to type without thinking anyways otherwise i start to overanalyze everything i’m saying and get really stressed out and worried
>boohoohoo w-would you still love me if I was a wormmm waaah ;_; *sniffles*
>hang on I need a ciggy break
What a king.
It's not the horniness that makes me entertain the retarded rambling, it's the retarded rambling that makes me horny (true)
I'm going to sleep now
Goodnight, sweet dreams.
that’s interesting i wish all people felt that way. a cute guy sent me pics on an app and asked what i was up to so i tried telling him about my day, i spent it on a project at my mom’s house refurbishing a stool so i’ve been stripping the paint off and scrubbing before eventually applying a new coat. and these wonderful mourning doves have made a nest in the pagolia and were hooting the entire time i was there. i love the way they sound already but there was one of them who could barely hoot, it came out all weak and wispy. it was either an elder or a baby learning to hoot for the first time, it was very cute but also sad. the guy didn’t respond so maybe he thought it was lame but it was a nice joy for me to experience nonetheless so hopefully you can appreciate this. i just moved into a new apartment right by the freeway and i listen to cars and homeless outside my window nonstop, getting to hear some funny birds was a nice break from that
Well she went to bed and I have more questions than answers. We decided to talk specifics tomorrow but we both have feelings for each other. Lets hope we can make it work or else I just ruined a friendship.
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I desperately want to lay on top of someone, I don't know if that counts as cuddling, but whatever
>sowwy for covid uwu
Woodworking is based, What did you use for the new coat? I use linseed oil for my wood projects. The doves sound wonderful, on my walkies yesterday I was surrounded by swooping birds that would fly straight at me and veer off at the last second for hours as they nonstop chirped to warn everything else nearby about my location. I enjoyed them immensely. Lil flying friends. If you spend more time around that group of doves try and figure out which bird has the special hoots, I'm curious.
>i only gave you the coof so we could cuddle in bed together for longer :3
For now I sleep but tomorrow I breed.
it’s actually a metal stool ^_^ gonna remove some rust then spray paint it with a glossy brown. also upholster some cushions with leather. i hope to get into woodwork soon, i’ve never had the proper space or motivation for it but now i can use the excuse of being in a new apartment to replace some of my old ikea furniture with crafted stuff. i’m going to convert my little spare room into a shop which i’m excited for. linseed oil seems scary with it catching on fire and stuff, i get huge amounts of fire anxiety. what sorts of wood projects do you usually make? and dang i’m glad they veered off, probably some babies nearby they were trying to protect. if it was blue jays then those are very territorial like that from my experience. i tried recording the special hoots but sadly they stopped by then. if i can record any then i’ll post it in one of these generals. i’m hesitant to be back at my mom’s this next week though because there’s a heat wave and i’ll need to stay in my apartment running the ac for my cat
i am built to be rape meat and should be used as such
“covid” wasn’t real
My friends are over and talking about fuck techniques
I've never fucked
rape me
You know what you must do, anon.

Can confirm that blue jays are dumb bullies and start shit with all the other birds constantly.
Why can't you be in my bedroom right now?
Spray painting it brown so it can pretend it's wood, the superior material, good choice. Do you intend to add some extra fluff into the cushions while you work on them? Cushions often need extra floof. A shop spare room is sick, I'm happy you've got the opportunity to do that, such a fulfilling use of time when you're in there. The vast majority of my wood projects are bushcraft, making benches and chairs in the woods for my campfires. When I'm doing it at home it's usually just repair, replacing stairs, fixing tables, desks, whatever needs it. They were absolutely protecting eggs, and they do this fun thing where they lead you away from the nest by landing the opposite direction and doing a different come hither call to get your attention, and they keep leading you further and further away like that. The way they veer shows off their full underside which was magnificent, such a colorful view to experience. I hope to hear it, if you get the chance.
every time i hear some bird yellling at me it’s some blue jay. i don’t mind too much but sheesh
"Raped By a Virgin" would make for a funny grindcore song
>You know what you must do
No I don't

They left to go to somebody's party where there's coke
I'm comfy in my undies watching hbo
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>car and hotel is booked
Wish me luck chasergen. Gunna be driving a couple hours to take a girl on a date and for some ice cream. I'll need to start packing a little suitcase. What should I not forget?
Don't forget the duct tape
hehe, it was brown to begin with and it looked nice. the stool has been around in my family for as long as i can remember so i want it to look the same. it wishes it could be wood though! the original cushions had something that looked like mineral wool insulation, i’m going to use sheep’s wool and just trim it thin :) and yeah my shop area will be small but it will be enough! better than working on the floor. that’s cool having naturalist skills though, it seems like it would be very good for the soul and emotions being out in nature enough to be comfortable doing all that. i’d like to do the same eventually to collect bones and feathers. and learning how to augur too, they sound like silly tricksters 0.0 where do you go for the walkies? are there woods nearby you?
Hard drugs
I think browns also good for a stool because it's lower to the ground and so more likely to get dirty, brown will conceal that nicely. Can we see the stool and cushions when the projects complete? It's interesting, I promise to only appreciate and not judge the work. INB4 you end up doing work on the floor of the shop anyways, some tasks are floor tasks. It's not just good, it's required for the soul and emotions. Were still monkeys, we need the woods. I have to be out in them for hours every day, life is wrong without it. I do have woods nearby me, lots and lots. I walk through them and to the beach every night. Posted a couple pictures in this gen this morning of how last nights walkies went, I was out for 7 hours. Probably the same length again tonight, making some buffalo chicken and then I'll leave.
thank you :) it was really nice!
ohh wise thinking :3 and yeah i’ll post that when it’s done! here it is now for comapres. the spray paint should get here on wednesday so hopefully i can finish it this week unless the heat keeps me too scared to go outside. and you probably right about the floor, preemptively weeping for my back -_- that sounds very fortunate and beautiful of a place to be, it is good you are connected with that. i know touching grass is the key to happiness, i just need to find the right grass for it myself. 7 hours is intense ‘-‘ i’m also very jealous of your buffalo chicken too, if i ate meat that would be one of the first foods i would devour (along with fish and chips) fugg i’m so hungry rn
Kitty cat! I loves it. The heat sucks so much, a big part of why I choose night for my adventures. Take breaks when floor working and of course do lots of daily stretches. I'm very privileged to live where I do, I couldn't survive in a city. I'm a mess whenever I have to go into them. Even mediocre grass is better than no grass, start the habit as soon as you can, make it routine. Mmmmm devouring rn, beeeeg yummyyyyyyyy.
>He did actually die though
sorry for the very late reply, super shit work day
death is a hard one to recover from! I actually nearly died from the motorcycle accident, it was wild
the nose scar is actually the boring one, during an altercation someone surprise hit me with a long pipe that had a shaved end, it was pretty sharp. Lucky for me that it missed my eye. I ran my ass back home once the action stopped because I felt the blood all over my face. Looked at myself in the mirror, assessed the damage, then cleaned myself up. Thankfully it didn't need stitches, but it was pretty nasty. I was pretty distraught at the time, vain me thought it was gonna look so ugly
and I never got that fucker back for what he did, little bitch moved shortly after that, what a pussy
if my 10.5 inch biceps make you feel threatened, then idk what to tell you fren. I haven't done upper body exercises since I started hrt 3 years ago. This is just a smol amount of leftover muscle I have from my twunk days. I shed a ton of weight

anyways, time to pass out
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>still shaking
Prog and melatonin will put me to sleep. Im so fucking nervous. What if she realizes I'm gay?
Goodnight, sweet dreams.
You're gay? As in transbian?
maybe i will try to find grass once i’m settled and it’s cooled down some! the heat is dreadful right now, i’m sweating constantly and it’s pushing a bunch of bugs inside. i just found a cockroach in my kitchen just now and it’s in a location where i don’t know how to kill it. i was going to cook ramen but now i’ll probably just go hungry tonight. enjoy your tasty wings while being surrounded by lots of bugs except it’s okay because you’re in a context where bugs are permitted ><
I'm actually pan but none of the cis male chasers make moves here really. At least not on me.
Cup/bowl/bucket over it, slide paper underneath, do whatever to it from there. You've got a stool if it's too high up. You have to eat, figure something out. I'm off now to go enjoy permitted bugs, good luck with yours. Good convo, I enjoyed reading about the not pointless shit which I do care about :)
it is right on the edge of the cabinet near the ceiling aghhhhh i might armor up and try swinging a boot. and thank you for the chats it meant a lot to me and i hope it is nice out there!!
Once again it's because you entertained the place acting like a huge transbian and continue to do so
I call myself a chaser and my penis won't even fit a paper roll. It's small and thin.
AMWF cats
Chasers here cant catch shit anyways
These poor girls are dying of thirst
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Trannies would this work on you
I would block you and cum
Why is this thread so dead
i’m proud agp you would get ghosted
All the trannies are busy plotting
I'm a trans man but if I was a trans woman I would tell you to kill yourself and then block you
Sorry but you're used and damaged goods
It’s an inside joke
there’s no context that would make it funny
We've unironically started pursuing each other instead.
>Tfw no alcoholic tranny gf
It doesn’t have to be hilarious I just thought it would be worthwhile to know she wouldn’t read it as offensive
Im starting to think the transbian problem is actually a chaser problem
Get it together boys
successful chasers only want sex, short term fun and then to move on to the next short term relationship.

chasers who want a ltr gf can't communicate with tranners in the way you all do with each other. and the ones that do vibe with you in terms of hobbies, interests, sense of humor are reppers.

that's life. I've accepted it.
The problem is that so many tranners are boymoders.

You get confused whether you treat them like a girl or a guy and fuck everything up. I've found more success treating them like a boy with no sex drive.
I mean that's kind of weird then to date a boy with no sex drive. Like the whole age regression thing, i used to think i was into that and maybe i still am. but it also feels weird to look for boys that want to be 10 years old again, perverted on my part. I'm not judging them for their psychological makeup, I just don't know if I should be involved.
Yeah, im sure theres exceptions but that seems like a good summation of the scene. Im sure it varies based off attractiveness a bit, but that has its own challenges too. Its hard for cis people to find ltr, just that much harder for us :/
Thats babytrans stuff. After a few years of hrt and living as a woman itll probably be different for them. It was for me.
Not literal boys, like a moid with no sex drive.

If I treat a tranner like an autistic gay man who doesn't want to fuck I have success
it's a huge problem in the straight world, and the challenges of being in a ltr with a cis woman are many. idk too much about dating ltr with trans women, but i can't imagine it would be that different. Imagine you have a wife and two kids, and you're the sole breadwinner, and your wife doesn't like sex anymore. Lol imagine that.
you know more than me on the subject.
I dont get that sexless marriage stuff. If i stop fucking just take me out back and shoot me like a race horse with a broken leg. Fortunately i think thats menopause related so it shouldnt be an issue for me. Another advantage of transwomen. High value men are really sleepin on the tradwife mtf
I'm not an alcoholic.

They won't even add you on discord they just come here and scape for unsee's.
i have a big dick and i am tall
Are you still here
Shit weather but I'm still going swimming
>allergy season is back
darn it
It's a living. Grab some medication and try not to have your sinuses all pop like shitty balloons.
They used to try and nest in my window growing up. Was easy enough to prevent, but meant they would just nest about two feet from my window. Nothing like being woken up at first light by screaming blue jays repeatedly. I think they were breaking some kind of law on cruel and unusual torture. I remember yelling back at them at least once. God I hate them.
just because they won't add you on discord doesn't mean they don't add others sweetie
Heh. It is true though.
good morning everyone
Good morning, are you a cute trans girl by chance?
no sorry
I'm gonna be real with you, I'm mostly here for the banter, memes, and bullying lonely bottoms via lewd greentexts or romantic stories. Not here for hookups, let alone dating.
well in that case are you a wholesome trans girl who has something going on for her?
>has something going on for her?
no sorry
Aww *farts* well maybe you could change that?
so lovely i have a dream about my ex
Alr queers, I need chaser advice.

How do I meet qts in public? Im a 6'1, handsome man. I know the basics to making trans girls comfy. I just have no idea how to meet them.

Btw I don't chase as a kink, I just think their hyper autism is generally cute.

Plz help
Trannies in public are rare
didn't last very long eh
I'm here now.

Its not just me.
skill issue
I guess I was doomed from the start to shit up chasergen with blog posting and transbian shit.
blogposting is fine
>tags: ugly_bastard corruption netorare
it's more of a most trannies aren't actually attracted to men problem
Good morning cute trans woman.
cuddling is awesome and nothing i ever do is awkward
ive decided that i am not gonna post nudes here anymore
so dont ask to see my cock or asshole anymore please
Post butthole
I only need your tummy, I want to dig my face into tat tummy and cover it with kisses
maybe just tummy would be ok...
I never open your unsees ever since one of them was 'Cado's asshole so this does not affect me
that wasnt me that was someone pretending to be me, i never do that
I think you are 'Cado
alright you got me im nick
ok i have to go film a video where i eat an entire horse, bones and all
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>the akward arm positioning
The what? Just do it like this, idiots
that works if ur a cisfem, not if ur a giant tranner
wish not for a smaller frame, but for a larger chaser
Yeah... you know lying on top of each other isn't really that comfortable for either of you. Like it's fine for short term cuddling, but at night in your bed, you want a position comfortable enough that you could fall asleep in
nobody wants me anyway so ut doesnt matter
How long did it take for you to draw this
I'm curius, I've seen you posting your tummy, and your ass here multiple times. You seem to look nice, whats the matter with finding people?
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Rain walkies complete, my favorite kind.
First of all they're clearly side by side here, secondly falling asleep while cuddling is optimistic at best, because trannies generate a tremendous amount of heat in bed and I can't sleep unless it's kind of cold.
Like two minutes
>trannies generate a tremendous amount of heat in bed
fat ones maybe lmaooooo
idk i think im just being retarded but i dont get how someone could like me
>because trannies generate a tremendous amount of heat in bed
Then she's probably not on prog, because in men testosterone has an important function in regulating body heat, and in women, this role is taken over by progesterone.

So if you have a tranny thats on anti androgen and estrogen, but not on prog, they'll heat up like a bee in defense mode
You're having a hot body (at least, haven't seen your face), you seem cute on a personal level, how could people not like you?
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Chasergen is dead killed by a crazy butch tranny
chasergen died last fall or so when the jannies decided to crack down on it and most of the hot trips left

It's been running on fumes ever since
Wouldn't thyroid status be much more important for body temperature than sex hormones?
>noooo I can't goon to trips that will never even look at me
my body is actually really gross, idk how im able to make pictures of it look even slightly ok
Funny OC but cg is better now than it used to be
you sound mad
Good thing that if you are attractive or not is not for you to decide :)

Just go and take a full body picture, and let us be the judge
sorry anon
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cute bat. got one that circles over my house every night eating bugs for years
She looks like a 260lb Ukrainian-American
she has also posted her magnum dong
me a month ago and me today
i look exactly the same but maybe a little worse now
also from literally any other angle i look 100x worse
Attack on titan looking ahh nigga
relax you look alright.
why did you censor the hog?
I'd take you, you look cuddly. I bet you are really soft and great to hold

Haven't they told you anon, never ask a man his salary and a women about her cock
>>boohoohoo w-would you still love me if I was a wormmm waaah ;_; *sniffles*
>>hang on I need a ciggy break
>Haven't they told you anon, never ask a man his salary and a women about her cock
pint of xlube
german anon so desperate
>the ones that do vibe with you in terms of hobbies, interests, sense of humor are reppers.
kinda proud to be an exception, then again it comes at a cost
dicksword ones with whom you can meet up irl
attagirl, tasteful body and face shots work better
>chasers who want a ltr gf can't communicate with tranners in the way you all do with each other. and the ones that do vibe with you in terms of hobbies, interests, sense of humor are reppers.
well yeah, even cis women and men have nothing in common, but they still bond over the fact they want to fuck each other.
also I'm autistic and not the best talker, and probably seem like I don't care, but I'm really nice inside
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The job market is bleak
all chasers are reppers
happened every year since at least '18
Idk. I just feel like she needs to hear this rn
yes but normally we'd have an influx of new trannies

but this board is slowly dying now
This is how most people look. Although if you really want to improve your body then do some light exercise and you'll see improvements in two months.
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UK troons his days are numbered
>but they still bond over the fact they want to fuck each other.
I mean thats just normies, when I recently dated a fag, and we were sitting there doing smalltalk, he was just so fucking boring and the discussions where so superficial and meaningless. I wanted to leave after like the first half hour already, while he thought that the date was going really well.

I guess I'm just to autistic for normie dating
its rare, but if you find a normie that knows how to handle you its great
4chan is dying, it’s not just the board
do you actually try to talk to tranners 1 to 1 or do you just goon to trips and wonder why you're not getting laid?
I've talked to tons of them 1 on 1
and how many did you fuck?
most of them live on other continents
nice try though
Wait until the election, new influx in /pol/ and /b/ gives a trickle down into the other boards. Many of the future anonettes may not know this yet, but they will end up here
lol. they are still very annoying when they first come and are still in the repper phase being very transphobic here
this isnt about that
so ur just saying it to make me feel better?
i am, i started doing squats yesterday
I don't think /b/ attracts many new people anymore desu
as a girl you can only do
squats for the butt
sit ups
and running to slim down
even the chuds end up on one of the many offshoot sharty sites or private chud communities. 4chan doesn’t get any permanent new traffic anymore. This is copium
trannies that come here outside of that get bored of this place and go back to twitter or shitscord
i used to do sit ups but my floor creaks and my mom kept asking what the noise was so i stopped
i liked having some abs tho
i should run, or maybe try biking
You need to start doing HIIT and olympic lifts or you'll never be a decent athlete
would it help to lay a blanket or towel on the floor?
bike riding can also help the abs. flex your abs occasionally while riding and feel it
>so ur just saying it to make me feel better?
Normally I ignore trannies fishing for compliments (and normally this whole gen all together, I just was really bored the last few days), so in a way, yes, if I wouldn't feel like you need to hear it, I wouldn't even be here.

That said, it doesn't mean it's not true, I'd just not bother with saying it if I didn't feel like you don't need to hear it
When she asked what you the noise was you were supposed to say "sit ups".
I'm not about to travel to another country/continent just to fuck a tranny

you can take your girlpills and come get fucked if you want though
I guess we'll see
Yeah, but you patience reaps the best rewards you know. And trannies are a big political topic rn, so there are many eggs to crack
It's usually that the media cycle just reports on "4chan" whenever /pol/ does something, and because /b/ used to be the main board of the site, many people who are attracted by that coverage will naturally end up there.
>this isnt about that
need a video of you helicoptering it
>i should run, or maybe try biking
ya these are good. Any form of cardio is good and going outside is a big bonus. If you get too fatigued just finish it by walking the rest of the way.
>trannies that come here outside of that get bored of this place and go back to twitter or shitscord
Assuming I'd wanted to figure out where all these trannies are, how could I find these discord servers?
Took a humongous shit, off to the store now
true. whenever the news talks about 4chan /pol/ gets a boost for a few days.when its news having to do with a tranny like that shooter then we get some random tourists coming to preach Christianity and how we are bad
im never gonna be the next lia thomas oh no!!
>would it help to lay a blanket or towel on the floor?
ill try this
ok danke schön deanon
but its not that simple tho
if i say that then to her ill become a "person that does sit-ups" to her
i dont like ppl thinking things about me
going outside is the scary part, so many people will be watching me
not really but itll feel like they are
Okay "person who keeps secrets from her parents, because god forbid they think about her".
>going outside is the scary part, so many people will be watching me
>not really but itll feel like they are
this is why I prefer the city. there are so many people around that people have too much stimulus and don't notice you. then when I leave work and go home to the suburbs, its so quiet and boring and neighbors fucking have nothing better to do than watch me do anything in my yard.

it might help you to remember no one cares. when you pass by people in public do you think about them? or are you more in your head about your own shit? well so are they
>person who keeps secrets from her parents, because god forbid they think about her
Ok I'm intrigued, did I just overread something in this thread, or does this have backstory? I love gossip :)
erm, period goes inside quotation marks FAGGOT
but also yeah idk why im like this
the thing about cities vs suburbs is so true, if i lived in a city id feel more comfortable bc i could just blend into the crowd
the secret is that i did sit-ups, thats it
they're pretty much transbian cliques, unless you're a really good looking chaser with a ton of rizz, you ain't getting in there
>erm, period goes inside quotation marks FAGGOT
nta but the people that made those oversimplified rules are retards or made them for retards
depends on the server

transbians try their hardest to take over every server though
I can't have a favourite way because I never cuddled anyone
I'm not bad looking, but been told I have an amazing voice, such that I know one tranny from this board who just calls me so I can talk to her while she mastrubates.

But idk if thats enough
Do you agree with others about your voice being amazing? I hear it a lot but I don't actually believe it, I think they just say that. Could be different for you though, yours might actually be.
How good looking?
I absolutely hate my voice, I don't like to hear it. Like in my head it's very deep, but on recordings it's rather high pitched and this is driving me nuts.

But I've heard it now from multiple peoples, trannies, cis women and even some guys, that my voice seems to be very friendly and comforting. The tranny I've been talking about says it's the "boyfriend voice"
>The tranny I've been talking about says it's the "boyfriend voice"
Ooohhhhh, that's so cute. I would love to hear that one day
I don't listen to my own recordings as a rule, I just post them immediately. I will not post them if I listen. Friendly and comforting are great adjectives, keep up the good work.
women like it. had a few on Xbox like me because of my voice
Yesterday I read a post where a chaser described how he only goes for trannies with no friends or family. It made me think that maybe some people are right when they call chasers subhumans. But it's not all chasers...only like 55%, right? All good
probably more so on 4chan, some are the types that have been banned from every other site that wouldn't tolerate their shit and they ended up here.
he sounds very predatory
As a chaser, it would be nice if she had an accepting family, I know mine wouldn't be so at least one side with supporting parents could make life easier
Oh and he only went for neet trannies too I might add
You mean >>36337538
That was me lol
I sometimes pretend to be one of the most obnoxious chasers possible to make them look bad and make other trannies be afraid of dating chasers
ya that's extremely creepy
What a rascal.
That's the post yeah. So you're saying you're not actually a chaser?
pretty much a 9/10
season 3 episode 10. everyone cant stop thinking about pussy
How many chasers are even more than a 3/10?
I just find it funny to stir up some malice, I also sometimes post as a tranny pretending to only want 6'3 chasers with 6 figure income to make the incels mald.

I'm just having fun xD
>I also sometimes post as a tranny pretending to only want 6'3 chasers with 6 figure income to make the incels mald.
Lmao that's pretty based
I don't know what number to put on it but I am very good looking. Strangers walk up to me and compliment me.
based psyopper working the trannies into a shoot
most chasers I've talked to are actually fairly normal to good looking. But if you wanna get away with being in a female only space, then you gotta look insanely good or else you'll just be called a creep
based af
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I know this is the header from /b/, but it also appies to this board. Don't take things you read too seriously... I mean in that thread alone I was like posting in three different roles to trigger different people
That's cool I look like David Bowie's giant inbred cousin
Do you have one of those multiple personality disorders or is it just shitposting
transbian alert
Before I ended up here, I was shitposting on /b/ since 08. But /b/ went to shit so I migrated. This board is actually not that different than the original /b/ just a bit more depressed.
Your shitposting is convincing, you really had me believing that was real
Never grew out of it? I've been posting for just as long, but shitposting lost it's joy a long time back.
lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj_zv8IuP1Y&t=24s
based shitposter

the zoomies take everything too seriously
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I'm fucking this tranny out of respect for my fatha
it just ruins discussions tho
As long as I can find people who care and are willing to engage in the shitposts it will never stop being fun. This board is very genuine yet quite random, you'll find people arguing about anything. Probably the last glimps of what made this site originally so great.

So yeah, I did lose interest originally when /b/ went so so unbearably shitty over covid, and even before it wasn't the same anymore. But since I've found this board I'm having more fun than ever

There is only one thing different here, I truely fear sometimes people might take things to seriously and could end up in self harm or worse, so I often have to stop myself before going to far and sometimes try to soften it out afterwards... But overall 10/10 experience
How long did it take your resurgence to get to enjoyable levels? Your choice of topics clearly lends towards understanding the meta and board culture, that must have taken some amount of time.
what are some other shenanigans you do except for the fake chaser posting?
after being on here long enough you can tell who's joking or not. some of the more established threads have tight communities that have been through all the trolling before, and when a new person tries everyone just ignores them. we keep getting new people and girls keep leaving when they get a boyfriend.
the thing is it's still not hard to filter creeps like that if you have half a brain
I lurked first for a few weeks, to learn the language and mannerisms of the board (brainworms.lgbt helped a lot) and got right to it. I'm bi myself, so I know a lot about the gay/bi dynamics already, so this helped as well. At first I was mostly shitting on gays and bisexuals until I've gotten to know all that tranny stuff.

Pretty much any time I see a discussion, especially if it's really pointless I jump in, take a position that seems funny and go with it. My favorites roles are the man hating transbian that tells everyone that men are pure evil, the clearly repressed faggot chaser, arguing pro or against SRS as either a chaser or a "full stealth I'll never tell a man" tranny, you know the classics on this board. And my personal favorite is the "I only use men to cheat on women" bisexual

The only thing I still have trouble getting into is the HSTS/AGP stuff, but I'm learning
This post screams AGP.
What are your actual letters? Is it a tranny doing this or a chaser or what
>Pretty much any time I see a discussion, especially if it's really pointless I jump in, take a position that seems funny and go with it. My favorites roles are the man hating transbian that tells everyone that men are pure evil, the clearly repressed faggot chaser, arguing pro or against SRS as either a chaser or a "full stealth I'll never tell a man" tranny, you know the classics on this board. And my personal favorite is the "I only use men to cheat on women" bisexual
dangerously based
cis m bi. I've dated a tranny once, but don't consider myself a chaser. Right now I'm back to dating fags
Pretty sure I have a screenshot of you admitting this like 2 years ago
Unless it's just a common transbian strategy that'd be pretty kooky
Also just to add to this, the addition of the flags during pride month are a blessing for shitposting. You don't need to be as overt. Just put a transfem flag in when arguing against chasers and people just assume you are a transbian
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head on shoulder, arm on his stomach or chest
since I rest on his shoulder blood flow is fine for both of us, I just snuggle my other arm in-between us and keep it cozy

if we r spooning he usually fits his arm under my neck since I like a very puffy pillow so my head stays up

I love him so much.
Sorry to dissapoint you, two years ago I just entered this board and was mostly lurking. Up until last year I was pretty much only in gay and bi topics
you took benedryl back then and went on a few rants and forgot
>Unless it's just a common transbian strategy
it is
transbians gloat about trying to turn trannies away from men all the time
they also pretend to be chasers to hate on girls.
as if some lonely dude who came here for trannies is going to go into a rage at seeing a pretty one
How much can the strongest transbian deadlift?
10 packs of diapers
hopefully me
Because we are now long over bump limit and the discussion was fun, new thread:
>vain me thought it was gonna look so ugly
This is the funniest reaction to having been nearly bludgeoned in the head. Insane how many fights you were getting in.
>little bitch moved shortly after that
I can't even blame the guy. I wouldn't want you hunting me.
Oh and my uncle did actually get better. His heart stopped and they resuscitated him.
>I wouldn't want you hunting me.
To each their own.

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