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Im in the women’s restroom right now, and no one knows I’m trans lol. Why didn’t you also trans as a teen anon?
i was a fool
unlucky roll in life, born in a conservative country and religious parents lol, it is what it is sadly.
I did
many such cases
it was stolen from me, i got sent to the fundamentalist muslim shithole my family is from when i was 13 to 'straighten me out' instead

it took me until i was 26 to recover enough to start hrt
26 is still young
i was molested
i tell myself this but it burns my soul thinking about how much i've lost not doing it sooner. i'll always be thought less of for being an oldshit, i'll always have people like OP think i'm less trans for not being a teen transitioner, and i'll always feel like it's my fault too.
Whew here we go:
>knew at 5 but it was 1996
>anything lgbt before 2012 was a social death sentence
>susans.org made me think everyone is destined to be a hon because that’s all we saw on there
>susans didn’t allow hormone talk so I didn’t even know hrt was a thing. I used to think trans pornstars with breasts were just born lucky to be hermaphrodite like
>trans representation was either being a joke in movies, Jerry springer, porn/prostitution or being a hon. Very little went stealth
>diy was pretty much unheard of. No such thing as hrt.cafe

What would you do? Approximately age 15-20, realize your time is dwindling and you have to either out yourself and become social pariah probably never hold a real job in normal society, or suppress and come face to face with the 41% one morning when enough is enough? Funny enough the repressing seemed more logical.

THEN imagine, you’re still struggling to repress, you’re in and off hormones fighting dysphoria, and you start hearing about “trans kids” all over the media and they are being granted rights and hormone blockers and allowed to start transition at like 13 and you see them develop normal breasts, hips, no masculinization, and increased acceptance.

If all that wasn’t bad enough, those same youngshits throw it back into your face than you don’t pass, you’re not fish, and they want to distance from you because you’re a clocky hun, not realizing you were the ones advocating for their acceptance, rights and access to healthcare before they were even born? Being a midshit is the most brutal imo. Atleast the boomer hons are closer to retirement.
Op here, I posted this drunk as fuck and I just want you all to know that I’m a midshit twinkhon and this is all a lie. Going to bed now
you're literally in the young demographic, pre-puberty transitioners are a very new-ish thing
I transitioned at 32, consider yourself lucky
I tried to and my parents said life would be better if I was a man. now I'm a hon and life is not better
funny image
I legitimately had no idea hrt existed and when i did i was on it within a couple of months. This board didnt exist, there were only mental illness threads on /b/ where cds would occasionally post that trapmode image and there was nothing on it about hrt at all. You just got groomed on discord, we are not the same zoomzoom.
im retarded
so many years wasted by trap mode aesthetics
could have started hrt at fucking TWELVE
i should have but didn't because >>36346051
>posting on /tttt/ from the bathroom
Sounds like a good use of one's time...
I took pueraria muerifica for like 18 months before learning that real hrt existed
truth. "teenager" is too broad a range for it to mean anything either before 14 or it's over for most people.
actually nvm not too broad a range going by this if u transitioned as a teenager you probably don't pass
Realized I was trans when I was like 2 or 3. Didn't know what it/I was until I was 5 (2003) when I saw a program on PBS about a transgender teenager(?) and my dad made a comment about how horribly depressing it was and how that child was a freak. Repressed as a result. He's a lot more accepting now, but I'm probably going to keep repressing for my entire life. I'm a large man and I have a public-facing role in the government. I don't want to do damage to the perception of trans people.

It is sad, though. Probably hundreds of times in elementary school, I came home sobbing and weeping about how I wished I had been born a girl. My parents tried to console me and I suppressed my bad feelings. Wound up going to a gender-segregated high school and told myself when I got my acceptance letter that it was impossible for me to transition at that point. I was already aware of my masculinization. All the while, I've suffered from a medical condition that basically makes it so that my dick doesn't work. So now, even though I didn't do the thing that might have helped to sort me out, I'm still a freak. Life can be so absurd. Thanks for reading my blog.
couldn't they fix your penis by snipping it off and replacing it with a vagina? (that's what they did to mine)
Fuck man, I dunno. Wished that they'd make a mistake and that would happen, but it's down to the flesh itself and they construct the vagina out of the same flesh as the penis. Maybe it would be better, maybe it would be worse, but I'd be even more fucked up at the end of the day.
it is better for me and I am significantly happier with my life
Cause I grew up in a repressed religious community and had limited internet access and didn't know hrt existed until I was in my mid 20s. I want to fucking kill myself
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I actually wrote out my "excuse" for not transitioning early.
Every post ITT with this character on it.
I'm happy for you. Did you have a medical problem, too? Or "just" gender dysphoria?
i'd also like to add, i'm probably going to kill myself
as a teen isnt necessarily early
i did it at 16 and i pity pass havent been misgendered in years but im a huge ogre moid and should use the mens bathroom
The only "trans" guide that was around pre-2014 was a trap mode aesthetic guide. It was obviously someone's weird AGP fetish and every other guide and resource was a different AGP fantasy guide. It made it difficult to justify transitioning when all the guides are fetishy garbage
that stupid guide just made people rep harder than they would've otherwise
my penis was kind of misshapen and one of my balls was defective but mostly just the gender dysphoria
>no education about being trans/nb
>conservative area / parents
>repped being Bi because that wasn’t okay and then repped as a “sissy” when that term was popular because this conversation wasn’t happening everywhere online already and didn’t understand feelings about gender at all

This I hate everything

Luckily I still look super young and have been told I got some looks so maybe there’s hope for me....
Do you think you pass? Have you had any relationships? How old are you?

I have terrible lichen sclerosus. I've had to have surgery to "fix" my urethra like seven times now. Shit was so bad in and for a few years after college that I was sleeping for less than 3 hours a day and spending more time than that on/at the toilet. It gets worse in the summer (now). My dysphoria tends to hit the hardest around January, but lately it's lasted longer and longer every year. I'm adrift in life.
kind of, yes, and 30
I don't know the details but I had something on my urethra as a baby and of course srs and then a repair on the urethra after...
I pee a lot and pretty much everyone who knows me comments on it but nothing as bad as that
i bought the psyops telling me if youre gynophilic youre agp faketrans. then after getting over that i didn't think id be able to get a gf as a hon.
Because I was an idiot and tried to convince myself that it's just a phase and I'll grow out of it soon
But hey I pass so it could've been worse

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