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QOTT: Looking back, at what age did you first develop the repper eyes
Prev: >>36311252
didn't develop those dead eyes. broke my streak at 16 and have been happy ever since
Holy fuck, that guy is going to be me in 30 years. Fuck. I wish I trooned at 14 or something. I'm 21 and staring fate in its eyes.
me in 10 with the unhealthy lifestyle i have
mogs me
Why do trannies have to exist?
I hate them so much.
Repressing was the right choice.
Who develops dysphoria in their teens while having AGP and just decides to troon, with all of the social, political, economical, medical issues Trooning might bring.
It's insanity, and madness.
How do so many do it?
Why, how?
Why am I being punished for making the right choice, repressing???
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Remember to Jerk off if you're feeling dysphoria
I always thought this was funny considering I had dysphoria before even knowing how to masturbate
Im sick of other people using me, of pretending to be helpful yet only spilling out stock or degenerate advice to 'absolve' themselves when things get worse, Im sick of people who put on a facade of being hardworking and helpful when in fact theyre extremely lazy and catching them in this fact causes them to become violent, Im sick of people using violence or threats of it to disguise their own incompetence, Im sick of people suddenly claiming I 'owe' them and that my money is now theirs, Im sick of people trying to make me, an invalid, work harder than they, whilst they do nothing and when asked about the specifics of what they've done they become violent, Im so so so fucking sick of other people, I just want to drop out of the world and disappear
I'm way too old to jerk off that much I can only manage once a day at most these days and even that's a struggle at times.
I think you just cracked the mystery of why john (50) wasn't able to hold out forever
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i'll never be a real girl
I hope that pic is cropped!

I don’t think that’s how that works. Short term release of serotonin isn’t going to solve your problems.
No you didn't. You had molestation.
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It works for me
It works for me but only for a couple of hours
Yeah I am not going to shit up /repgen/ with Blanchardian autism but I am the same way and it's apparently pretty common so I think AGP is real
I've been thinking of just getting a boy friend. I'm sure I could land a 4/10 guy but I'm way too neurotic and damaged to take that kind of leap. I just want a hug I've been touch starved for like 15 years but dealing with other humans is way too scary.
Take your pills Alice
help im so insane
Insane in the membrane
>idiots jerk off
>they get a release of serotonin that makes them feel pretty good + they get to feel euphoric bc they imagine themselves as the woman in the porn and obviously forget that they are actually a man for a short while so no dysphoria
>wow Scooby, i am so smart, by jerking off you get rid of dysphoria, who even knows bros, i might not even be trans, just AGP hehehe
bruh, AGP is not real, that is just the oldest and most common cope you tell yourself to not accept that you are just trans, "it is just a fetish bro, trust me", gtfo of here
literally John 50 was jerking off all day in his last moments before trooning out, that was apparently the only way for him to even get a release from dysphoria..
hard to say. I stopped paying attention to my appearance sometime in my late teens when it was clear that I was never going to see myself in the mirror

Reminder that no other mental illness is cured by jerking off.
>Looking back, at what age did you first develop the repper eyes

>cured by jerking off.
you don't cure it you dumb idiot, you just get a temporary release and feel okish for a few hours then it comes back, what you are doing is not different from just being an alcoholic or taking drugs, eventually you will need to jerk off more and more to get that release until it won't be enough and you will crack
Still not transitioning
for me it actually lasts fairly long maybe 6-8 hours.
i mean, do whatever, we are all fucked and screwed anyway, no matter what we do..
After I jerk off I still want to win the lottery and I still want my family to not die and I still want to eat nice foods and drink expensive wines.
Why would ejaculating have any affect on my gender identity?

It's so obvious what's happening here, when you coom, anything that is sexuality related in your brain is completely "turned off" for a short time, normal hetero cis guys can't even find women attractive at this period nor can they get an erection, sexuality is completely gone. (post nut clarity)
Once your sexuality is turned off, your dysphoria goes away because it stems from a sexual mechanism.
A few minutes later, when the sexual shit is back again (like how straight men start finding women attractive again), your dysphoria comes back because it's a SEXUAL phenomenon.
This also explains why estrogen kills dysphoria. It's not killing your dysphoria, it's just lowering your libido and innate sexual drive which causes AGP.
i still feel dysphoric after i cum idk
guess makes me some kind of hsts "trutrans" or something, too bad it doesn't really help in any way
HRT was a mistake.
"Transitioning" was a mistake.
Unless you have luckshit potential, just keep repressing, it's not worth competing with youngshits, midshits, luckshits etc who will see you as a subhuman worthy of their jokes.
QOTT: I'm not sure if they were repper eyes but I think at around 12-13 you could see i was dead inside on pictures. Kinda hurts looking at the pics realising I've never been happy
I love constantly flipping between thinking I'll never be a real woman and thinking that I need to transition instantly or else I'll lose the chance permanently!! It's so much fun to have absolutely zero constant sense of identity!!
I think dysphoria can be really persistent if you are very stressed or in an already bad mental condition so maybe that's that
Yes, I know my posts are not proof or anything but just reading these anecdotes it's so convincing that for some people GD must originate from a sexual mechanism.
Which is okay I think, so much of our behaviour stems from sexuality and we aren't even consciously aware of it.
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i love your copes girls
I really can't transition even if I wanted to. I have no money and I live with my parents and I'm dependent on them for everything (And I'm nearly 31 so not even young)
dw, almost no one here can ever pass otherwise they wouldn't repp, so all of us are just as fucked as you are
Yeah seeing the way this board talks about slightly ugly trans people like they are sub humans definitely put me off even considering transitioning
No way I can fucking pass.
If I walk around and compare my body, not even my face, to women it's jarring the differences. I'm not even that tall either (5'8) and I'm embarrassingly bigger than women my height.
>already bad mental condition
no shit i am, no wonder im here lol
it's just, i don't feel any "regrets" with post nut clarity, nothing changes about not liking my body and wanting to be feminine and wanting to have sex with men, but it's true, guess i do kinda care less about all of this when not horny, easier to think about other things in life
literally me
Basically delusional old shits will cuddle you because it's the only way for them to cope with their own honnishness.
Politically correct passing trannies will coddle you while secretly feeling extreme disgust from you.
Non pc passoids will just openly tell you that you should kys.
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Every time I look at my face in the mirror I remember there is no future for me look forward to. I will die utterly alone no matter what I do. My two options are literally: depressed and disgusting clown of a man, or depressed and disgusting and delusional clown of a man. What a joke.
>only venting and dooming
>only shitty copes
>no real solution to how to manage dysphoria
very nice, the way god intended it to be, we must suffer
embrace the pain. use it. wield it
No joke lari the fact you suffer so much makes me feel better about my own suffering, maybe that's your God's intended purpose on this earth, to help other reppers
Hons aren't miserable. They really don't see themselves as non-passing.
people who have a solution just don't visit this board
i'd tell you even more visiting this board makes dysphoria worse
when mine gets better i definitely stay away from this place or other trans places infact
i think i need to take a break myself soon desu
guess just still have a couple of questions to ask in other threads and a couple of rants pent up, but that's it
>people who have a solution just don't visit this board
There's legitimately no solution lol
Otherwise somebody would be selling dysphoria cure courses online and making so much money
well some people cope quite well
again, surviors bias, people who cope well don't shitpost here
Identity based on sexuality is retarded. If you lived 100 years ago your identity would be whatever it is you contributed to your local community and you would have been happy. Modern society is the problem.
Why don't they come out and help us with advice fucking selfish pieces of shits
Dysphoria is a mental illness and it varies in its intensity. So people who manage their dysophoria well are just starting from an easier position.
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They can't see your repper eyes if you wear sunglasses all the time.
I used to wear sunglasses 24/7 indoors and at night.
Pic is 10 years ago before hrt.

Also.... imagine repping still...
well, you know what, dysphoria really varies from person to person so maybe there is no universal answer
also what are you gonna do, you gonna learn to cope with it one way or another, i have some ideas myself
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I don't know who you are
I invented repgen in 2014
There wasn't an ounce of masculinity on your body, apart from your hair. Repression under these conditions is really retard.
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Kayla can you explain this post please
Why are you lying about your age and having/not having SRS
That's not me, I don't use le reddit
Impossible I invented repgen
If you've been posting here since 2014 and not trooned out then Holy fuck bud what are you doing
actually I think I got here in 2018
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Is it possible for you to not lie even once
Going through the post history it's so obviously you
You literally post the same images and same shit here too
are these successful reppers in the roon with us right now?
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You can't successfully repress according to troon logic.

If you never come to trans spaces you can't be recorded so you don't exist
But if you show up and say you're repressing successfully they just reply "Oh then why are you here? hmm not repressing successfully are you??"

Can't win so don't bother. Troons live in la la land
depends on a definition
am i successful? no
am i a repper? yes
amd i successfuly repping? well i guess yes since i haven't trooned nor killed myself yet
>Remember to reward your lizard brain with happy chemicals if you're feeling dysphoria
what could possibly go wrong?
your mind is consumed by this topic
cant call that successful repping
come on, fuck off lol
only the heavily autistic ones lol
those probably don't even know that they are trans yet babe
fuck off kayla, you were a literal luckshit, just look at you small skull/midface and that small body lmao, just ignore kayla pls
i mean, i'm gonna cut the bullshit, you can either troon out or repress, some of us just can't troon out for various personal reasons, so all you can do is repress
and yeah, you just have to deal with it and cope somehow maybe for the rest of your life, end of the line
wish all of those reddit troons be more understanding of people with our condition honestly
i'm not gonna write my whole fucking personal biography to every pinkpiller to explain why is it not possible in my situation
you hate us cuz you aint us
just saying you spend probably more time of your day thinking about this shit than me
that is bc you are crazy and coping desu
as i said, that's why i need a break from here, it indeed gets you too consumed by this shit
>those probably don't even know that they are trans yet babe
many probably do
many cases of people posting here and then you never see them again (i took a long break myself, only came back for pride month)
its because manmoding is so effective
tf are you even talking about
mmg is even more suicidal than this place or mtfg, i see at least 5-7 replies on mmg about "i will kms soon"
and all of those are made by you
wow, totally unexpected reply, besides mine dummy dumb dumb
>using so much space in your head that you expect things of me
doki doki
well is it that different though really
the difference is just you paying money to grow moobs that make your life harder
also most just get back to repping in the and anyways
although gonna been honest, been thinking about hrt again recently... but gonna leave it for another discussion
manmoding is so effective
tell it to this nigga also, and i can find a lot more just from today's threads and gens and why do people even detransition and drop hrt if manmoding is objectively better than repping? bc hrt doesn't do shit and only makes your life worse by making you an eunuch
i like my boobs and they cost me a couple cents a day estrogen isnt like cocaine its dirt cheap
thats a low effort boymoder that retard didnt lift a finger beyond taking the pills
you can see it in the acne
only a small amount of men can low effort transitioning
that nigga has a big midface/skull and not only that, he also is shaped like a big dorito and has no hips whatsoever, it is over
that lower body is as wide as the mid point of his shoulders atleast and he didnt even get to the real body fat gains yet
he could easily cheat the face with skincare make up and hairstyle
not even ffs yet
but that retard is making threads whining instead of doing any effort just like fat people who "cant lose weight"
well just gonna say in the shithole i live it's kinda hard to get
i mean good for you if you like it and it outweights all the negatives, but from my experience in mmg it doesn't seem they are much happier there than here (not counting larping youngshit passoids), many even regret it
it just seems like same shit honestly, some pros, some cons, pick your poison i guess
ok, my verdict is: you are a delusional hon that doesn't know shit about passing
plap me please?
Transition has no long term proven benefits :(
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>trannies: why are you so worried about passing? Just transition because HRT makes life worth living :)

Which is it, bitterhons?
im on my way to norwood 1 from norwood 3 no minox
I don't know what that means sorry I started hrt at 17 so I didn't experience any hairline stuff is 1 -> 3 bad or good
omg bruh pls, i am stressed out and i need to solve my issue fast
tomorrow you are going to come here and shill hrt again
idk desu
It sucks but it got to a point where it's all I could do. I know I don't really pass so I just present as a girly prettyboy so I don't embarrass myself but it's better than it was for sure. People treat me more like a girl and they think I'm a girl at least decently often and I don't flinch at my own reflection anymore. Not to mention my mental state is way better with estrogen instead of testosterone
>i need to solve my issue fast
me too:|
fuck you, i'm so bald only a trip to Turkey will save me
go on grindr faggot
i need someone soft
the men here look like they belong in a balkan rap video
you can get huge regrowth depending on if the follicles are still alive. more so than only fin
Maybe but I'm serious when I say hrt wasn't worth it for me.
please find a solution, i just can't the suffering much longer and my technique isn't good enough and idk how to even improve it, i might not have it that bad but is still too much to take

hrt is not worth for anyone but desperation makes everyone at least try it once, it doesn't matter if we take hrt or not, we are fucked and done for anyway..
you know what is a solution?
too bad it ruined my life, so not sure if recommend
how ded are my eyes

ibb co/KN8wdKN
fix your unibrow at least
The latter. I push the former because it's inevitable you'll kill yourself if you don't.
my family would notice and ask me weird questions
are mono brows a status symbol in muslim countries?
damn bro and i thought i lived in a shithole
I wouldn't know I'm not muslim lol. Maybe they wouldn't notice and I'm just too self conscious to do anything with myself
pluck 1 hair per week
its like boiling the frog if ykwim
I find the whole "omg you're killing them by exposing them to male puberty" so fucking insulting.
I live in oregon of all places lmao I just don't want my family to hate me. I don't have friends so if I lost my family idk what I would do.
no alcohol, drugs, jerking off, religion, or whatever shit external cope people come up with here, what i am doing now is already better than that and i have good moments sometimes but is not that easy to be done..
eww, brown people (jk i love darkies)
accepting we have this problem and trying to move on from there is about all anyone can do. moving on is always the hard part as retraining your brain to think differently is hard
>"Hey son, we noticed you shaved your monobrow, what are you, some kind of faggot?!"
>what i am doing now is already better
and what is that you doing that's better than drinking vodka or praising our lord, please clarify
When I was younger I could at least dream of being a girl. Wearing women's clothes, imagining myself as one, everything gave me euphoria.

But now, I don't even have that feeling anymore. Nature destroyed my AGP, which was one of the things that made my life enjoyable. It's just ridiculous for me to consider being a woman now.
You can't believe how much I relate.
AGP was like a special space in my heart.
It's all gone now.
I'm just a man.
I'm not even brown or dark lmao

yes that's what I believe
dysphoria doesn't care about you accepting it is over or not bitch
>retraining your brain to think differently is hard
yea it is extremely hard
so i had this idea for a while and is complicated but what i did today is to force my internal monologue to female and to force myself to keep doing it the entire day but it is very hard to do and i literally have to force myself to do it actively bc yea, when i see and i hear a moid my brain automatically defaults to my old moid self mentally, it actually reduces dysphoria quit a bit, at least sometimes but it is very tiring to keep forcing that female monologue mentally and sometimes it is still not enough and dysphoria gets through, i will keep doing it and forcing myself do it for a few days even though it is very hard and try to not revert back to my moid one and i hope that eventually it will become a force of habit to do so.. i need better ways or extra additional ways besides the internal female monologue to feel female but idk what so yea i am think what in the fuck i can even do more or better..
twitter keeps recommending me tranny shit
NOT fucking helping elon NOT helping...
I used to neglect any form of self care or grooming like that too. Just in case my family or someone might guess that I wished I would wake up as a girl every night.
you know actually a fun idea, i've been kinda thinking about it myself a while ago, but idk maybe i'm just too autistic( or not autistic enough) for that, i can't even say i have like too "male" voice, it's just a voice idk
but you do you
Great. That's why I'm posting here, because you're one of the few people in the world with whom I identify.
i'm really gonna miss the flags desu. i wish they were around all year
the only thing I really keep up on is hygiene and my hair. idk how people can stand smelling horrible and having greasy hair lol
i regret thinking about it too much
it's like pandoras box, you think about it a little too much and then you can never put it back
the coping is this gen is crazy asf
one of the reasons i came back to this cursed place
i can fix her repper bros...
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every1 ITT remember to TAEK UR PILLLLZZZZZ!!!!!!1 (retards lol)
It's so frustrating not being gay. AGPs, in addition to generally having a physical disadvantage compared to HSTSs, also have a psychological disadvantage.

I wanted to date a repper and pretend we are both women, but the idea of being in a relationship with a man makes me bored.

I am not a social human being. But I approach women because it gives me pleasure, I would have nothing to gain from trying something with a man. At most, good sex.

Nothing makes me feel more humiliated than being rejected by a man. The last time this happened I mutilated myself.
john50 thinks anyuthing will change
please god, oh, please almighty god, please save me, please help me prevail, the suffering is so great, i can't take it anymore, please god have mercy on my poor girl soul, please, i beg you, i will thank you for the rest of my days, if you help me now..
>physical disadvantage compared to HSTSs
like which one lol
i assure you, being mostly HSTS repper sucks too
wish i was just a regular gay myself too
and after all i'm still kinda bi and still have an AGP side myself i guess
really I would prefer to be straight.
please god, if there is a solution to this madness, please let me find it now, i need it NOW, i suffered enough of this hell, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i can't beg you enough already, please god, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i fee like i am losing my mind, please god i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, i truly beg you..
how would you feel if in the end there was a god and it wanted you to transition all along?
Poor thing. Look what the hebrews did to you.
The madness was injected into you during your religious upbringing. You will find freedom and then you will wear girl clothes and be happy about it
im ok with being a man, in fact i prefer it. i just want to be a pretty man who is treated the way a girl is treated and has the same social status. i am not a repper and not trans, im free
yeah, imagine actually being cishet and having a normal life with wife and kids, instead of wanting to be some feminine golem just to have some guy fuck you in the ass
would be nice
That could be the case if you had transitioned early but it's too late now, but it's not too late to be happy. If you can't be happy as you are, change. And if you can't be happy then, change again.
If god wanted you to be straight cis, he would have made you straight cis
It's like a poor man's imagining what life would be like if they were rich.
It doesn't do you any good. It's better to think about the ways you can make your life worth it as you are
going on hrt does not fix your dysphoria
god just wanted me to suffer and die by suicide apparently, there is no other explaination to it than this, i still can't beleive how god wanted this to be my fate, i just can't, there are so many people on this planet and i got to have this awful bleak fate, why me?
>god just wanted me to suffer and die
Took you long enough to realize.
Stop caring about religion and other people's opinions and start prioritizing your feels
>i still can't beleive how god wanted this to be my fate, i just can't, there are so many people on this planet and i got to have this awful bleak fate, why me?
I remember feeling the exact same when I first realized I was gay.
Your fate isn't awful bleak, anon. But some people throughout your life made you believe in that
it is true
in fact it's one of the way that helps with coping
when you realize there is nothing you can do and better not to worry about the things outside of your control
although easier said then done, you just always have doubts, guilt and regret
look god, i suffered enough and this is not funny anymore, i get it, for whatever reason you want me to suffer like this heavily and shit but i am sorry and this is too much and too difficult, can we like lower the diffculty of this? and before you deny that you are god, ik who you are, ok you little rat pos, ik where you are, fuck you, i am sorry for being angry at you god and shit but please just like lower it and stop coming at me with these random ass fake ass shit, stop pretending that this world is really in any way god and not just a simulation, we both know that it is fake asf, i no longer want to play this, you fricking had your fun already bitch, stop pretending our little play and game is fucking real, you either do that or you lower the difficulty cause this shit is too hard, anyway buddy, no matter what you do, even if you choose to like pretend and make this world seem real when it is not, i still have the choice of kms, or what? are you going to stop me nigger? probably, you seem to have increased my survival instincts by a lot so i can't kms, asshole, i just what to know bitch that i already know where i am, and who you are but you already know that since you can just read my thoughts, whatever amigo, just lower the difficulty pal, i beg you and that is all..
god, we talked about this, no more shitty cope, i am tired of it already
You can never doubt or regret what you are, because you had no say in it. It's the existential lottery and you get what you get and you run with it
Can't you just like wear a dress and be happy?
That's transphobic anon please delete
her taste in dresses is very bad i would be unhappy too
i swear i didn't have this gigachad facial structure a year ago why why why why didn't i troon out when i could've had a chance
also why are you pretending to be gincel here in repgen? i get that you are mocking me through loonix but now through a faggot? lmao
before you call me a schizo, my therapist of two years told me that i can't be a schzio so fuck you, i actually now that what i say sounds crazy and like i have delusions but i don't truly believe them 99% even though they are most likely true, it is probably just narcissism delusions + great pain if you know what i mean but anyway, look, buddy, god, just make me happy, why is it so hard?
well, i did have a say in some of it though, maybe i can regret fucking up my life, because who knows, maybe i could've trooned out if i was in a better place of my life and would'nt be here right now
also doubts about what the fuck to do with my life in general
crazy motherfucking piece of shit bitch
I don't have much of a desire to crossdress. Wouldn't female clothing look terrible on a man
hes either lying or immune to estrogen.
i hate coping so much and shit and trying to find a solution and i am sure that you god, love seeing me suffer but just think about it, you literally could solve my issue immediately, you are like the big boss the big guy, just one snap of your finger and i am cured, either get the female body i want or become a cis man or i find myself a solution whatever it is, like why are you tormeting me so much even? what is even your purpose? i just don't get it, you can just snap you fingers and stop this crazy sadistic play and show me the true truth that you hide behind that curtain that is called 'reality', but no, you let me stuck here to suffer for no reason and you don't even let me to commit sui and make it be impossible for me to achieve bc you want me to be stuck here and suffer, i will never understand you dude..
If it matters to you that much, just go and be a tranny
estrogen does nothing lmao
but you already now that dawg, what a shit 'solution' you gave me to solve my issue lmao, you are sick funny..
i was sent to help not to punish
>just go and be a tranny
just go and jump off a building retard
Repressing isn't making you happy
look, i will just start my e, you win god, just look let me feel better for a few weeks so i can apply and start my master, i need to apply until 13 of july and i genuinely need this and idk what even to do or where to apply and i haven't coded in months but i don't think i need to take a test anyway and i had 9.83 ou of 10 on my bachelor in CS and i want the master also in CS so maybe i can start it, just let me feel a bit better for a few weeks, i beg you..
why am i so jiggly and have titties?
please stop making fun of me, i beg you, it is just no funny god
i'm not. you're the one that always rips my throat out. i'm not gonna pass but its whatever.
i would start meds but psychiatry is a scam and they literally just want to 'lobotomize' you but instead the classic old way they use pills nowadays.. they are not your friends, they are your enemies.. even my therapist agreed to this, she didn't want to agree initially cause she likes to shill for therapists and pills but eventually she did bc what i said made too much sense..
>but its whatever
i don't really believe you, but you are old anyway so it is whatever, who cares anymore..
>you're the one that always rips my throat out.
this is a bit too much, i am just being a bit too mean, that is all..
she is coming back on the right path
bullying works:3
it doesn't
seeing another retard coming here just to say "just transition lol xd" also doesn't
i'm old, ugly and i look like white trash but that isn't going to stop me from living the life i choose to live. fuck what others think.
you have a nice smile
cool story bro but i don't care, you still don't pass so i am going to keep ravaging ya

>t. gender dysphoria
Goddamn being a troon is such a humiliating disorder
If you are schizophrenic or bipolar at least you get some sympathy points for it from your environment, but being a dysphoric mental case is so alienating, it's honestly just as debilitating as bipolar shit but you can't share your suffering with anyone because it's such a retarded thing that nobody will ever get or understand and they'll only laugh at you if they knew
I started at 21, I kinda pass. It's not too late for some people.
Why torture yourself like that when clearly you want to transition so bad
I feel a little less like a woman when I am horny because I know I don't fully have the body of one. And it's impossible to achieve what I want. I'll never be sexy.
because for multiple personal reasons i can't
are you really that dumb or baiting?
people treat me pretty good irl.
>for multiple personal reasons i can't
I think if those reasons are costing your happiness, they are bullshit
They mock you behind closed doors
thats fine i'm an asshole too
fuck off, nobody asked
well maybe there is nothing i can do with this "bullshit", some i can't fix now, some i can't fix maybe at all at this point, then what do you offer to me, to off myself?
i don't think you really understand it, and i'm too tired to explain it again
"why torture yourself with being homeless when you can just get a house"
fuck off
is it just my retardation or is being male worse in general, even ignoring GD?
Then tell me in concrete terms what is stopping you from taking estrogen right now?
just your retardation, being a man is kino
just realized a fren like almost called me girl a while ago...
like protesting that i should lose weight and fat is necessary for the female form
True. you get no fucking pity from anyone for being troonbrained. I wish I could tell my parents I'm trans and I fucking hate it but they would take it as some kind of moral failure on my part.
you realise the answer you'll get in this general is gonna be massively biased?
Yeah and nobody gets why you are a complete failure shut in depressed friendless neurotic schizoid
If I was schizophrenic everybody would be understanding but they'll never understand this
no, i actually won't, because a lot of it is personal and i think you are acting in bad faith
just gonna say something retarded like "you live in a shit country, just move out" "you are poor, just don't be poor" "you drink too much alcohol, just stop", which yeah are some of the reasons
just accept that some people have shit going on in their lives that prevent them from trooning out
also just taking hrt by itself is not gonna fix all your problems, might even add more. and it's not really "transitioning" in itself because the only thing you are gonna transition to is just an ugly man with boobs
My friend was schizo and despite having a god awful life he was able to get help from the government for being crazy. Will I get free money for being crazy? NOPE
unironically going to kms soon
I used to fear death but now I feel nothing
same, i feel nothing when i think about sui anymore, i used to feel sad about it but no more, i have been suicidal for so long that i ca no longer feel sad thinking about it, amazing yea..
HAHAHAHAA bro is like 80 years old
Should have started HRT in 1963 kek LOSER
i thought "if it's not gonna work out i'm just gonna end it all" and then i tried a couple of times and realized i'm too much of a pussy, so now i realize that i guess i'm just gonna exist in this endless nightmare that i can't wake up from now
Mental disorders like this will never be cured, will they? Why bother?
shut up retard youd be the shortest woman put of every1 in my family lmao
just lose weight and get on E so u can grow hips
god some of u ppl habe no reason to rep if i cluld be 5'8 i would be jumpin with joy every single day of the week
being 5'8 doesn't help you you look like george costanza
if I'm 5'5 and still repping, so can that anon
>Trannies who think short = pass, tall = not pass

Fucking kek. I feel like when I talk about dysphoria I'm on some extra galactic plane of knowledge compared to the average troon who is bumbling around with sticks. Being average height is not an auto-pass.
height is irrelevant
proportions are what matter
a 5'5 rugby player build will have a harder time passing than a 6'0 beanstalk.
same, i love living, yay
Retard. I'm 5'7 and I look like the missing link, there was no hope of me passing after 14
i think alcoholism will kill me in the next couple of years anyway, so why bother
how many attempts? how many concrete plans?
not liking living isn't being suicidal
I feel like I could do it with a shotgun and not pussy out. There's a good chance that my feeling is wrong, right?
i attempted one year before i even knew i was trans, dysphoria was too much even then but i didn't know why i was feeling so shit all the time and yea, i was suicidal since 15, i have been feeling like shit for a long time but i coped with meds and gym until now, and now ik that i am fucked, even if i didn't find out i was trans at 22, i still would have been as suicidal..
if i myself lived in the place where i could get a shotgun? who knows
so what happens after death? will I never have to live again? will I reincarnate as another human?
i wish i could help people here but i can't even help myself :((
nothing, you just disappear and return to the void from where you came from, that is about it, nothing else..
why did i waste my youth being a chud
try to get treatment

you could be nicer to me at least ;__;
bros im going to take progesterone and dht blockers and twinkmaxx wish me luck
probably because trannies are actually really fucking annoying
treatment for what? i can't solve my gd bc i can't pass
doesn't prog actually help with boob growth though?
some but you need estrogen for that
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Tfw have narcolepsy so can't hold down a job
tfw meds don't help
tfw can't even help myself so I can move out and fix my dysphoria

why did life fuck me so hard?
wait i'm actually curious, what does prog even do for you without estrogen?
estrogen is a stress hormone and progesterone exists in women to counteract stress hormones, but it does the same thing in males too, we just have less of it. it can improve your mood, sexuality but mainly im hoping it will make my skin look better. lots of anti inflammatory effects.
i want to rape a repper
you probably kicked a puppy in your previous life
hmm, might actually look it up, sounds interesting
would've asked more in /hrt/gen if it wasn't fucking gone at the moment
if you have more info i'd be interested to hear
How does one roll over to the next life?
>baby momma asked if i want to come to daughters birthday again
im considering moving out of state just so i stop getting these invitations
i cant handle being around women anymore and no matter what i say i cannot politely get across the message that i have to stay out of their lives for my own good
any ideas how to handle this?
troon out, pretty sure they'll stay clear of you then
Real women don't "jiggle". It's a myth invented and perpetuated by anime and video games. That you think you have "jiggle" indicates you are just another pornsick male.
ray peat wrote a lot about it, check out his articles
you absolutely feel and see the inertia of your boobs it just exaggerated in fiction as everything
im not a real troon, even if i was real no reasonable therapist would deem me a good candidate for hrt because of how fucked i am mentally
in any case shes a total bleeding-heart liberal so that might make her want to try and get back together (which would suck)
alternatively she might try and sever all visitation rights, which would probably be for the best but would also really fucking hurt
its easier to exist in the limbo of hell that is being estranged but not legally blocked out
I have reached the point where I am now dreaming about being a woman multiple times a week. I can't tell of my AGP is just getting stronger or if I am repping and just in denial about it, but I turn 30 next year so I sure as hell can't start transitioning.
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I just realized this summer makes 5 years of repping, damn....
yeah good point actually
5 years lmao
I can't stop doing meth. It's so good bros
Rots your teeth, wears out your heart, ages your skin prematurely and gives you schizophrenia like symptoms.
damn got too drunk and doomspiraled too much to even shower today, oh well
fuck i'm gonna miss those little flags so fucking much and they are gone tomorrow
maybe i should just become one of those cringe namefags and put "repper" there
nah would be too cringe, i really should just fuck off from here again
now you are fucking cool
better than being a cringe alcoholic
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damn that sux. wish I cared
i'm not good for life advice but do you want to see your daughter or not? i'm confused
I drank a lot this weekend

(one liter of vodka, one liter of wine, some cachaça and two beers)

And incredibly, I'm not that bad psychologically. Cool.
nooo! we'd miss you

send some meth

wish i had a drinking buddy
I hate me, other people should hate me also
I don't hate you but you probably would hate me
I don't hate anyone but myself
Troon out for the sake of your daughter, wtf anon step up. Don't be a deadbeat, just treat your dysphoria.
Tried adding some troons on discord but it was a disaster. Making friends on the internet used to be a lot easier.
nah bet i'd like you if we ever met

troons are the worst, aren't they ;_;
Do something better like cocaine oh wait you are a poor man lol never mind.
i am poor yeah
>>36345997 anon replying
So I've done some thinking and the trans feelings are going away. If I was supposed to be a woman, I'd be a cis woman, but that's not the case. A lot of this has to do with my school situation and realizing that I should stop wishing for something that's probably out of my reach at this point -- just take the path of least resistance, do exactly as I'm supposed to, and I'll be happy. I will never be particularly cool or special, just a regular old cog, and as a cog I will ultimately be happy. Just like how in Gundam SEED the Destiny Plan is, in one way or another, the only way there will ever be peace -- whether it be accepting that both Coordinators and Naturals have their own strengths and weaknesses that complement each other, or Lacus bringing about peace as the born leader she is. As long as you follow the rules and leave behind your narcissism and main character syndrome, you'll be happy.
on second thought you are a troon but don't do it because you're actually just too autistic
What makes you think I'm trans? The only remotely feminine thing about me is long hair, and I suppose you may read some other stuff as "feminine" but that would be getting into ridiculous Reddit honscience territory. Maybe this is what growing up is -- realizing that you'll never be better than the Man, so just do what the Man says and make yourself comfortable.
dreamt that a woman dommed me. im cured
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>>baby momma
lmao are you black?
This isn’t a mystery lol. Your hormone levels decrease as you age but more importantly inhibition and cognitive function declines too. That’s why a lot of pedophiles are older because of the cognitive decline they can’t hold it back any longer.
Okay, now I'm sad
good night my fellow alcoholics
tomorrow gonna suck
no but i grew up in the projects
no not really, i fear the dysphoria that would induce, especially as she gets older and becomes a woman
if she was a son, i might be able to be around him, but thats not how the dice fell
for my own sanity, i need to rep in peace, but if she were to end up in the icu or something, i dont want to close off that line of communication by blocking the momma
i dont want to tell her the real reason why i want to go low contact
For some reason using a gun freaks me out because how sudden the transition would be from existing to not existing.
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>QOTT: Looking back, at what age did you first develop the repper eyes
I think I even had them as a child, maybe just le depression tho lol
new thread when
We still got some time
Well this didn't fucking work
uh yeah their thighs and sides jiggle with every step just like mine.
guys how do i rep for life
i turned 18 in late march and its getting progressively harder
Fuck some pussy
you can rep while living vicariously through your daughter, trust me
fuck some bussy
Ngl. Suicide sounds really calm.

The fact that I'm going to have to wake up pisses me off, I want to sleep forever
this is sad to watch, they're trying their best and if they got to that point is because they repped their whole life
don't be stupid
you just have to get older and start resenting your sexuality, so dont do what the other two said
If you don't will troon out. Fuck some pussy.

Because then you'll think "I'm glad I didn't turn into a tranny with limp dick"
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Find a nice woman, make her fall in love with her (don't tell her you are a repper) and have 3 kids, that works 100% of the time.
mogs me
thats a poor cope im on high levels and my dick is working fine
Prove it
Was watching gay porn when I got a call from my doctor (liaison really) saying that there were anomalies in an MRI I'd had and to book an appointment for more. Am I fucked repperfriends I can barely manage living as a man but I don't want to die one...
>I got a call from my doctor (liaison really) saying that there were anomalies in an MRI
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The thing is, the MRI was on my heart, so I'm not pleased... I already have (recent, within last year) heart failure, this MRI was an attempt to suggest if there were any congenital precursors... I hope not fuck lol. Also the phone call took me right out of the moment
dont wanna get banned
Repper luckshit
Describe it instead? Like a slashfic would
When I was about 8 years old, a guy picked me up in the middle of the street and covered my mouth with his hand. But when he saw my mother he let me go.

Do you think this was abuse?
could've been put in the van, taken to a shady basement, then forcibly feminized and sold as a sex slave to some saudi prince
instead you are here
i took my pills
fuck off then
also i ate some candy i bought yesterday
it wasnt very good
If I don't get cuddles soon I'm gonna kill myself
noooo my flags :(
the only thing i loathed even more after masturbation was my genitalia
he means SSRI
agp is such a vile joke of an illness.
Its so fun having an illness that no one else thinks is real and everyone ridicules you for.
i wish i was normal
new >>36361457

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