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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is an inclusive general for all sapphics - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit.

QOTT1: how do you like your gf to show affection? how do you like to show affection to your gf?
QOTT2: PDAs, yes or no?
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
last thread: >>36331913
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cuddles and praise
idk what I'd want in return though really
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Can you stop calling me a rat. Its really mean. My playstyle is pretty courageous. Go for checkpoints, defend them, theow smoke bombs to defend ny allies, repeair them, tow them in. Sometimes when we're losing i even go deep into enemy territory to distract enemies and draw fire to me.

Plz stop protecting your cowardice onto me. Just because youre too scared to come out of your lil gooner corner 2000 miles away safely shooting fro. your lil gooner cave. You're the coward rat!!!

And irl id probably demolish u too. Fucking weakling id CRUSH U
>how do you like your gf to show affection?
asked my gf the other day if she'd press a white people extermination button if existed and she immediately said "anything for you babe"
popular terf here got exposed for trying to hit on trannies on the dl, she even had a labrys tattoo too, why this keeps happening
they cant resist the gock it's always on their mind
what popular terf?
i'm not trying to be mean when i call you a rat, i'm simply describing your playstyle :)

i'm also not a coward because sniping everyone requires me to expose myself to everyone so i'm actually MORE courageous than you

idk about irl but in game i'd absolutely destroy you in a 1v1, i'd kill you before you even had the chance to see me :)
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Now you're just trolling, dishonest too.
A sniper is the least exposed type of player.
You're the rat.
Im always at risk because im moving from multiple points, capturing stuff, defending stuff. Actually unreal youd consider your playstyle to not be ratty. But i guess now i know how snipers tick. Utterly delusional campers who are afraid of risk, and cant into either stategy or tactics.

You suck! And i dislike you. You are a disgusting rat! And a liar. Lying rat.

Im not wasting my breathe on a coward like you anymore. Go creep into the cave you came from UNTERMENSCH
1: she teases me, pets me, and whispers soft beautiful words to me. I cling to her like a wounded animal and kiss her a lot, also we both stick to eachover like velcro lol
2: yes they're cute
>how do you like to show affection to your gf?
by drinking her pee and her period blood
oof it seems i made the rat angry, i'm sorry

>a sniper is the least exposed type of player
this just shows that you're still new to the game, please think logically, if i can see someone to shoot then they can see and shoot me too

germany is indeed the right country for you
why lago-made gens are so bad
i just saw a graffiti in berlin it read
>fuck german racism
do you mean germans being racist or racism againts germans?

either way, racism is dumb
Because not everyone here has or has ever had a gf
how should i know what the artist meant, im asking you what you think it means and why you think it was put there and such things...
previous ones were alright, lago vibes are just off
why are you asking me this?
i'm as clueless as you are about the meaning behind it but someone was probably angry about racism and decided to write it on a wall

as i've said, racism is dumb
Racism doesn't actually exist.
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My gf doesn't actually exist.
>QOTT1: how do you like your gf to show affection? how do you like to show affection to your gf?
Mostly through touch, but time is important too. I feel really bad if she isn't making the time to spend with me. I really like giving her gifts, but I'm less bothered about receiving them.

>QOTT2: PDAs, yes or no?

Yes, always, and if you don't like it fuck you. I'm going to do it for as long as it remains legal to do so.
but why did they have to be racist while expressing their dislike of racism? why does no one care that they were racist while trying to disapprove of racism?
i made it... i'm not lago
oh no lago is spreading
they were xenophobic not racist, german isn't a race.

xenophobia is also a dumb term because being raised in a country will i still you with its ideals and for germany one of those is racism
instil* i'm stupid
as a german, i dont believe that germany is more racist than e.g. the usa or england or france or sweden, and i would bet 4:1 that the artist behind the graffiti is either canadian or american
im also stupid but im pretty sure im less racist than most of the immigrant friends i made in this city in the past 2 years lel
110% more racist than canada, maybe not the US south but north of the US and california are very accepting as well compared to Germans.

still not racist to call out a cultural behaviour. I think most racist group I met ever were swedes though.
why is everyone so mean to Lago she's the only well adjusted poster here
>she's the only well adjusted poster here
exactly. freaks don't like people that are less freaky than them. and that's impressive cause lago is a perv, and she has terrible taste in women. she's pretty freaky
>well adjusted
surely you jest
I'm well adjusted I just like to lie in here a lot so it seems like less sane posters than their actually is and I don't use a trip
trip on
hrm, im not convinced, but i am less convinced by my opinion than before, but probably only until some non-german speaking person of color is racist to me again
can you guys please stop being mean to Lago
i dont think anon is even being that mean, and lago will probably be fine after yelling about how ftms cant be lesbians for a bit
I've only had surface level interactions with her but she seems like a very normal person while everyone else around here is like GOCK IMPREGNATE FOIDS THE FBI ARE WATCHING ME GOON

Fr tho, I'm not her and I don't get it. I've been on tttt a pretty long time and I've never seen her say anything wild. I guess it's what >>36350239 said.
I play around 5-10 different characters per thread when bored
most of it is like one or two specific anons that want lago to be perceived as transphobic, which works because lago is very essentialist about ftms and lesbianism and non-binary people and lesbianism and so on
she's in a chronically online cis woman in ldr with some insecure tranny for 6 years and that's her first girlfriend as she admitted two threats ago while also flirting with fucking olive. but yes, she's well adjusted lmfaoo
>cis woman
automatically well adjusted
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going to pride today
fingers crossed it doesnt have a terror attack!!
i love you.......
you're just a misogynistic freak
get a job
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i already made it tho
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thoughts on sigmafem? pretty sure she's a chaser
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impregnate foids!!
the fbi are watching me goon uwu
hips look weird i dont think i want to have hips anymore
she literally has her day ruined if a lesbian reddit is transphobic
I love the little things she does because she thinks of me, like she'll notice a heart in something in real life or a game etc, and send me the picture "Even the clouds know I love you"

Random hugs, kisses, and love yous, taking care of her, brushing her hair, massages, picking up on the small things like asking her if she wants another drink and the odd meal I'll make her by myself (We almost always make food together) and take care of her like my little princess when she's ill.

Absolutely, We're never shy about PDA, and never get any problems with it
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that jaw puts manmoders to shame
you're delusional
it's okay she'll pass after ffs
it is a v masc jaw/chin but this should be hope fuel
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i need her so bad it hurts
I was watching this with my friend in dub (I can't pay attention to subtitles) and I misheard his name as chiltuck for a while and kept saying it and she thought I was joking and joined in and then I was like WAIT WTF ITS NOT CHILTUCK when i heard his name proper

anyway I headcanon him as a drag queen who is just rlly chill and good at tucking now when he performs
what show is this
let me hold your hips nona
boku no pico
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haha I watched it dubbed too, also took me a while to get his name right.
Delicious in Dungeon
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these? why
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I am resentful that the thread becomes about me when I am eeping and can’t eat all those (You)s. Learn my time zone, rent free heads I live in!!!
post chichis
oh my god I hate trannies so much
kill yourself then
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No. They’re not even good ones.
oh my love I hate trannies so much
>kill yourself then
sorry I don't want to see naked masc bodies!
i want to get my and my gf these pillow covers
me on the left..
Pouring the milk first makes it so much yummier
Impregnate all transphobic women
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i have a confession
i've astroturfed against gock on this board for a few years now, but the truth is that i secretly wish i had a big gock gf who kept me barefoot and pregnant
>tfw even tho i'm lithe and have wide hips, i will never ever be short or have a vagina
>tfw instead i have to continue working in a soulless office for the rest of my life when i just want to be a stay at home mom
i hate feminism
i hate postmodernism
i hate that i have to be le strong independent woman when i just want to submit to an actual dominant woman
i hate that i can never have the body or life i want
it's so over for me
notice how transmisogyny does nothing to lago but if a tranny says shes a bi lesbian she will instantly write a 500 word essay ranting... truly not beating the terfbian allegations
>preferring soggy cereal
living up to the office retard name
Very based post, updooted
flags are gonna die soon :(
thanks i guess i still have a really bad headache from getting bashed years ago and having my face heal badly
same bestie
picrel is just for you
ok fine >:(
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Meanwhile, several others made c4tgen because apparently I cared too much about ranting against transphobia and supposedly ignoring “misogyny against cis women” itt. xD I wish I had the active imagination you all have.
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Lol, you just exposed yourself as a retard.

If you pour the milk first, then then cereal forms a dry layer on the top. You get more crunch this way.

Damn it must suck being so bad at life huh, its ok. Not everyone can be as amazing and smart as me

This is us rn, me behind you
cute body as long as you have a passing face
Wydag who hated cereal and would rather coffee (and maybe a cigarette as a treat...)
>not eating cereal dry
you fucking dumbass
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A-ah... n-n-nice feet... haha is it just me or is it hot in here... haha... jeez luiz...
I like to mix za milk with choco powder, then i pour ze cereal on top.. its very nice hehe..
chilchuk is a pooner...
smoking is hot so yeah
Foot fetishes are so weird you know people literally use those to walk there's nothing sexual about them
lago, when will you learn?
>how do you like your gf to show affection? how do you like to show affection to your gf?
i like physical touch, but not like sexually, just cuddling. She prefers sex. By a lot. cuddling annoys her :(
i also like to buy her stuff.
>PDAs, yes or no?
>I've only had surface level interactions with her but she seems like a very normal person while everyone else around here is like GOCK IMPREGNATE FOIDS THE FBI ARE WATCHING ME GOON
this is my first time in this gen, please Jesus let this be a joke or an exaggeration
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They are most likely a curse. Literally. I remember never being into them and never getting them. And then suddenly one day it just clicked. Its definitely a humiliation ritual tier curse, probaly employed by the deep state elite to keep schizo queen stacies like me under control.
I just wanted to laugh at the absurdity!!!
it's a joke, just ignore the trips. except for charlotte
Get a job
why would anyone watch it dubbed when marcille's japanese voice is as cute as it is
I literally do have a job...
is this image a threat?
i'd empty my savings account to be waking up with my gf's feet in my mouth this morning meow
thats what you said after you saw olives dick right
sometimes i call myself a bi lesbian to tick off my lesbian gf
I know this is ironic but I'm gonna pretend ur a charlotte fan because that's a nice fantasy
Hot take there's nothing wrong with impregnating foids as a tranny
Charlote is one of the worst trips.
The only good trip is femsoc.

Thats right im even excluding myself
i have a beard because im too retarded to get laser via insurance xDDD
you nerd, 20 push ups right now
she’s one of the worst ones and exactly what anon warned about >>36351145
she used to post about impregnating cis women with acorn to drive them out of /wlw/
Same... I'd do anything for cute feet
Captcha: AGP0
I don't actually hate trannies. I explained my reasoning for saying that and your response was to be gross
having a foot fetish is a gift
getting to appreciate feet is one of life's great pleasures
femsec is a fucking retard, can't imagine still being salty over getting cucked 3 years ago. also shut the fuck up
no he's not
>unusually tall for his race
>because of this he stays underweight to be smaller and lighter
there's nothing poonerish about him and that one fact disproves any pooner allegations. if anything he's closer to a trans woman.
so your reason was transphobia, and your surprised i respond with being gross and think you have moral high ground currently, got it
I'm a big fan of that little known trip Charlotte h-haha everyone should give her 5 dollars so she can buy an Apple Watch without spending her own money?
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>you nerd, 20 push ups right now

NOOOOOOO PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THAT...i ... i actually cant even do that many... ;_;
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Because I was knitting at the same time.
Everyone has seen Olive’s tiny pp, y’know. She used to spam her nudes on this board all the time. It looks cute in undies, tho.
don't listen to her, post most tummy pics nona
it's not transphobia to find masculine bodies gross. I just find them gross. I don't want to see them and that's it.
more* :3
olive is a racist and genuinely gross, why and how did you fall in love with her
>take my girldick, dyke
pluck your eyes then? fucking retard
this set of words binds together to create a most delightfully repulsive paragraph. i've never seen such lingual construction able to instill such a visceral amount of disgust. bravo
how is saying you hate trannies because you hate seeing masc bodies not categorically transphobic
tiny bit of a difference between the pictures i posted and rape but you do you
tfw khhv
>Why won't lesbians just take my dick??? I keep saying it's a girl dick they must be transphobic
because trannies are the only ones who post their gross skinnyfat bodies exposed on EVERYTHING even spaces where it's like "hey don't do that" like a blue board
Nona is such a weird word. What does it actually mean.
Nobody wants transphobic girls anon you're delusional...
girl you hearing voices, meds now
it's not transphobic to find a trans person unattractive sorry to tell you this
none of the pics are unsuitable for a blue board you poopyface
you don't need to be a supermodel to post your body on the internet
Skinny fat girls are cutest anyways... Next to kinda chubby girls...
>it's not transphobic to find a trans person unattractive
true, but it is transphobic to see one trans person post a picture and reply that you hate all trannies
yes you do
i think i'm gonna sell off all my shit
>mentally ill gay man flag
>lucy becomes a scat top
Funny post, updoot3d
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I hate all trannies because I'm still a femcel...
wydag who related to asa just a little TOO much
lmao no it's not. it's just like saying "I hate x group" because you're frustrated with the way they continuously behave. it's not a genuine sentiment but just "oh my god can you please stop being so weird"
lago (and others) your gen sucks stop making it it's gone too far
There's a time and a place for jokes like that and a place where real transphobia is constant isn't really the place for it.
Especially not in text where nuance is often lost.
says the mentally gamp
I continuously expressed it wasn't a post made with transphobic intent so idk how that requires nuance.
Do hon t4t monogamous relationships exist? will i ever find one? :'(
>intent matters
kek retard
Need an equally miserable but not insane gf who has cute toes and enjoys video games but isn't super clingy
do you have down syndrome or any other mental disability like that? it was just a sfw photo, could literally just have hid
literally me
Ugh please move to Brasil
sorry i'm too depressed to travel
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Jus slept 9 hours
Had a dream where i meditated
Chakras feel optimally aligned woth 5% error margin
Feel powerful..
thought you were british
I'm irish actually :(
Oh I travel because I'm depressed I'm going away like 4 times before the end of the year if you live in Germany, UK, Spain, Netherlands, USA, etc then I'll find you
i hate autistic women
i love autistic women
i want a gf who bullies me for being autistic
im obviously biased but i kinda like most of the trips ive met. they have interesting things to say
irish-brazilian? what happened here
No I'm Irish for like 3 generations (dad's ancestry is Turkish tho).
There are a LOT of Brazilians in Ireland anon, they're like 2% of the population by now.
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How autistic does someone hace to be for you to call them autistic? I always wonder. Like rain man?
i am euro but not those countries
i'm also like >>36351516 but extra miserable
Brazils so cool.
Its like americas pvp zone
what an autistic question
yeah i do so it's kinda messed up you're all bullying me
i dont know what autism means i just call people autistic if they remind me of myself tbqh
comedian gamedev gf...
I don't really care, you scared a cute girl from posting more tummy by being transphobic so kys
Not too late to be my wife and overcome misery together anon
I'd like to visit someday, when it's more safe seeming.
Maybe it should be a lesgen tradition for everyone to post their feet h-haha as a joke like a funny joke.
Well like idk. When i was in school there was a boy named alex with aspergers. I took him under my wing and helped him understand when classmates were bullying and making fun of him because he couldn't understand the concept of mockery. But now i pplay video games and role playing games and people call me autistic. i think i am not autistic though. Its like a different reality of the word some people live in.
All lesgeners should have their feet rated by me.
I see them a lot on twitter
shut the fuck up
Oh i see. That makes sense
Today will be a good day. Lets tap it in
>I'd like to visit someday, when it's more safe seeming.
Me too. Its unique af. By the time its safe i hope the jungle isnt gone
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thanks for the offer but i very much doubt that you'll like me, sorry :(
all lesgeners should have their feet licked by me (as long as they're not hons)
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Im a hon point tgat tongue smwhere else
Need twinkhon gf with boney feminine feet.....abhhhhhh hgwgeezndhsj
Hons deserve love too...
T. Permahon
can the next thread be "/lesgen/ - Feet Edition" and we all post our feet?
i cri every night
all lesgeners should have their pussies creampied by me
I'm never complaining about lago again
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Need a gf so I can move out, get ffs then get gay married without being constantly watched by family in my mid 20s
all complainers should have their lago thumped as a warning by me
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Because she isn’t actually racist and she isn’t any grosser than most of the femcel neets here. Also great curvy body that begs to be plapped.
Mom just sent pictures she took of me yesterday.
Dazed, reeling
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>most tummy
repost yeehonk
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Had anyone ever even found a girlfriend off of here...
tortilla ass
I met my girlfriend because i had a breakdown and started crying in a public discord call so she streamed my favorite show to me to cheer me up and we binge watched it together for 12 hours
After that i told her i guess we're gonna get married now and weve been together since
I almost pulled one off /soc/ in a Midwest thread
She's right to be "essentialist" because words mean things. By definition men can't be lesbians and ftms call themselves men. By definition you can't be both bisexual and lesbian, you pick one or the other, either is fine but you have to pick one.
you want me to repost that picture or what
n-no... I just noticed you.. thats all..
no comment
I dont really agree with such a one sided interpretation. A lot of people integrate sexiality into their identities to some extent before they transition. It's not like a trans man wakes up 1 day suddenly having become a man. The process is so gradual that a vestigial title like lesbian isn't super ridiculous. If it makes him more comfortable we should be accepting of his wishes imo. Itd be sort of humiliating and sad to have a lesbian partner treat a trans man like a woman though i think.
>ooga ooga prescriptivist
by strong sapir whorf you wouldnt even know most of the words you are using
no offense (except for a few, you know who you are) but id never date anyone from this site. too self hating and i don't want to wake up on day and see my gf posting our photos here
why wont olive be my friend... we're so similar..
>we're so similar
link please i need to laugh
we're just gamers
do you watch wrestling, lesgen?
i think its based imo
It's anon backwards lol, it sounds like a feminine noun
repper gf to watch I saw the tv glow with
i will now watch wrestling
inshallah she will be there too
Yeah i was watching aew 2 days ago. The slams are so good these days its incredible how the actings gotten.
All of those things have a clear symbolic attachment independent of their linguistic arbitrariness. The associations of the gender binary would exist with or without the words for them.

Vestigial attachment to identity as a lesbian is a convenient way of sidestepping the fact that you're a man interested in lesbians. The fact it works is reason enough for someone to do it. But does that reeeeally make someone a lesbian? I think it's much more reasonable for people interested in them to call themselves bisexual than for the ftm to call themselves a lesbian
mtf can't be lesbians (unless they got srs and gigapass), ftms can be lesbians (unless they pass)
>The associations of the gender binary would exist with or without the words
i disagree, but that's not even relevant
the point is that the words and their associated semantics are neither static nor immutable
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my brain operates on a level far below the average person
i'm not human
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good night, pride month
how come talking to other trans women is like ok whatever but talking to cis women is like EEK AAAAHHH
because you don't see yourself or other trans women as women, have a nice day
im not proud
you dont see cis women as women you really gotta work on yourself desu
i don't get this because i'm spiritually a cis woman
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giwtwm ;-;
if you were spiritually a cis woman you would get into sexless relationships with other women for a couple months before leaving them for a man
i'm in a sexless relationship with myself because the kind of relationship i want can't happen
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I've never had a gf, only situationships, but I had this situationship with a girl that would wake me up with kisses on the back, she would hug me from behind when I was brushing my teeth, it was so nice
No other girl I've been with initiated physical intimacy with me like that. Now, I have to initiate it every time and it fucking sucks, man
please don't lose your tummy :(
Is that actually her?
tfw khhv
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I love my ex so much i want to protect her from danger. I hope she and her new partner live happily ever after.. i really do... do u think they would invite a bpdemon like to the wedding... probably not i guess... oo but i want her to be safe....
Mogs me WTF ... i gotta train harder.
She’s probably too busy working and doing house repairs. Stupid Real Adult.
veggie burgers gotta be one of the dopest foods. million times better than a murder burger
>have sex for the first time with gf (both virgins)
>she does literally fucking nothing except sink her nails into me as i eat her out
>when i ask her to finger me (bc of course i have to ask) she just sinks her nails and keeps going even if im begging her to stop
Everyone told me sex would be this life-changing experience. It certainly isn’t
she's so professional >.< I wish I had a career but I dont know what 2 do
ive never heard of someone having their first time being good. every time someone loses their virginity they always end up having bad sex, no exceptions
why are hons not valid lesbians but ftms are? makes no sense
Why do lesbians hate trannies? They look femlier than you
I want a cis asian gf!
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This is why people hate us dude dont be a fag abt it.
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is picrel attractive
Pillow princess
Your gf is a bit retarded
Mine could be better, but it was good
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>tfw transbian but the best sex ive had was when i lost my virginity to a guy
mogs me
she looks like a 45 year old disappointment dad anon, are you sure you look worse than that
Cause hons don’t butchmode and their levels are so bad they just smell like men.
Twinkhons at least TRY
He/him lesbians are a fucking meme and their only argument is “but muh les history” and people play along cause they don’t see them as men
Kinda looks like the dad from coraline
First time is always weird/awkward for most people. But your gf should actually do as you ask because wtf.
why are you using that flag though asexuality is not real
He/him lesbians aren’t even FtM. It’s just butch/masc women with masculine pronouns. And it’s kinda something that used to stay within the community, as like an endearment sort of thing. Gay men do it too, particularly in Spanish. Doesn’t mean they’re MtF.
why are all posts with Kanna as the picrel about transbians
This is what the person who made the Bechdel test looks like? Good grief
Lesbians are ftms
Fuck I hate people getting crushes on me.. they just can't see that I'm the shittiest person alive, I want to be the one crushing on someone
there's nothing i can do if a girl isn't messaging me and the message ball is in her court right?
I need my to plunge my tongue deep in her throath while rubbing her nipple making her body shake and her moan into my mouth....
i wanna play stardew valley so bad rn
Zanzibart... vergeben sie mir..
need a girl to hold me and reassure me while i cry about how i'm not good enough for her and she should be with a real woman like she deserves
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Stop posting into the void and get a dirty job
i want to start going to the gym but i have nobody to go with and i'd need to wear a mask because of BDD and anxiety :(
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Family asking me why I look so depressed lately...
Nobody understands I'm a transgender femcel greyscalemoder with perma desaturation
puppygirl knot
Anyone else lesbian gay bisexual AND transgender?
I have the same fantasy.. only thing is that it will never happen because I'll never get a gf because I'm not worthy.
god grow up. no one wants an insecure bitch
well i've got the kind of insecurity that doesn't go away without a fucking genie, so i guess i'll be alone then :/
same bestie my ego can only sustain so much false bravado before i crumble
seriously what do you want me to do? exterminate my gender dysphoria with witchcraft? pretend to like parts of myself that i hate? i'm never gonna be a cis woman. never. i hate that and there's no point in pretending i don't. i'd rather be alone than have to pretend like being trans isn't a total pit of despair. if i wanted to fake it till i make it i'd just repress. grow up how? what are you talking about?
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oh yeah i forgot that everyone on this website shares one dementia-ridden neuron and is barely capable of even speaking coherent english
I would rather be trans than cis because I shouldn't have to change what I am simply because society is hateful :) that's their problem not mine.
no i just didn't want to answer you baby trans arperging seriously
ok sweetie whatever you say
i love my stupid life
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Need to be loved :( nobody likes hons or depressed people though
could be me. and on the first day of our relationship id block this site's domain on our network
i love my girlfriend so much im such a lucky person
i need her, my soul is lonely
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i have to decrease my caffeine intake. i'm up too late and now i wanna be a mother :/ i hate kids, i'd be a terrible parent. i just wanna make my love happy by having a family, and taking care of a daughter who's just as beautiful as her mom (not me, her other mom) i need sleep this isn't me
cis gf who teases me about how her biological pussy is superior to my post op tranny pussy
>how do you like your gf to show affection?
>how do you like to show affection to your gf?
>PDAs, yes or no?
I mean she's right, they can't be
uh oh stinkie
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Yes, and we share an ex who is also from here lol
SRS is mutilation and girlcock is life
If I were your ex I would get a restraining order against you
Vegans are stupid annoying cucks ugh

It's crypto TERF bullshit, the people saying this don't see any transgender people as the gender they are, transphobia disguised as "lesbian" acceptance
I can smell the moid body odor on this post
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Cis gf who teases me about being a girl with a cock while stroking it harder and harder even though I'm clearly embarrassed
now that pride month is over... did drawfren drew the sticky? >>36004729 the lesbian was a latina flirting with a white tranny and it looked like her artstyle, but if it is her why doesnt she post here anymore?
Why do people genuinely want to apply contradictory labels to themselves so badly? I am a trans woman who likes men and women, a lesbian is a woman who is only interested in other women. Since this is not true for me I said to myself "okay I guess this is the wrong label lets keep looking". It doesn't make sense to try to contort a label that doesn't describe you until it fits when you could just pick a label that already fits.
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Just had a really thought provoking conversation with my grandpa. Was really nice.
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Can’t let the smallest sexual minority, lesbians, have our own label without insecure bisexuals forcing our erasure. :p
>nooo, people shouuld be rational! economics is a valid science! labels have to be logically consistent, we live in a simulation and computers can't do illogical things!!!
>smallest sexual minority, lesbians
transgender lesbians are a smaller minority than lesbians, which can include trans men
you're literally erasing the minorities that you don't want to share your label right now
im gonna step out of the dating market and focus on my dream of being a loser retard student with an unhealthy fixation on older obscure media, not because im ugly or a virgin, but because it seems like fun
>transgender lesbians are a smaller minority
yes but have you stopped to think you have an y therefore not a real lesbian
>lesbians, which can include trans men
Just say you think lesbian is an AFAB only label and fuck off already JKR
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Need a cis f passoid youngshit non-op gf
new thread
no retard transphobes who think trans men can be lesbians xoxo
>did drawfren draw the sticky?
>why doesnt she post here anymore?
i still lurk sometimes, but work+studying+touching grass prevents me from spending too much time on here
I forgive u friend
T. 7.5 inch gock dom tranny

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