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Are you afflicted with gayvoice?


white x asian gay love
who's the lolcow who cums on amiibo again
East Africans aren't high T. Western/Central Africans are. That dude definitely has some Somali genetics
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Who gonna smash that front butt/manslot?
imagine what their sex parties are like
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Tops don't wash their ass, but I'm starting to think straight guys don't even WIPE.

The amount of time they're in there to take poo is way too fast. There's no way they wiped properly
how can i develop gay voice? cis women are scared of me and guys think im one of the bros.
Masc4mascs looks like that?
put emotion into your voice
tucking your t-shirt in is rarely a good idea
>Are you afflicted with gayvoice?
no, thank god
if you have a healthy digestive system you just have to wipe once
Hey dudes, are hrt femboys allowed in here? I'm a she/her cis man.
make me (forcefully)
dont interact with this nigga hes gonna derail the thread
obvious b8 try harder next time
maybe I really am a female
I'm just a dude
post hole
Any advice for posting here less? I wanna stop posting here. At least on this board and thread. Should I just stop using trip?
close the tab
I would but I worry that my ex might happen upon this thread and slut shame me internally
this song is pretty based:
>16 years old
shaved hole behavior
focus on losing weight, i doubt you even went up and down any stairs since we last spoke
go up and down this cock
anyone else have advice?
Wow. Its two years old, but I was reading this story of a dog that fought a pack of coyotes that were threatening his pregnant female and the sheep flock and killed three of the coyotes then disappeared for two days. Then they found another five dead coyotes before he came back. Thats one terminator of a dog.
Why would a bottom ever not shave their hole? They should be completely hairless neck down imo.
mental illness
It's 1PM, do I go up to NYC pride or is it too late?
I'm just outside of Philly for reference. Accidentally slept for 12 hours and I'm not sure how
Yes I have gayvoice sis. It's not an affliction.
but I thought this was the norm?! Elaborate
do you think it’s worth driving for 6 hours to spend 4-6 hours in nyc
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>They should be completely hairless neck down imo.
Do you know how annoying that is when you're not 19? Hole and face sure but I'm not clean shaving my entire body.
Is it weird that I'd fuck a hookup in the ass but wouldnt suck his dick?
I have 3 friends already up there, but yes, alone effectively
what's philly like these days?
I always think of it as a HIV capital
The real plan was for me to drive to Trenton then take NJ transit up since it would be almost the exact same time travel wise. Just posted a screenshot to NYC direct because easier bait. But very fair point
they know. that's why they only fuck teenagers
i wouldn't but also i wouldn't go to new york if jesus was handing out free tickets to heaven in times square so take it with a mount everest of salt
I wouldn't know, never experienced it. i'm nonwhite and on hrt, never had the genes to be a chad sadly
It's alright. Although my friend got hate crimed and murdered in North Philly, and Kensington's drug tent city got bulldozed. With east Kensington getting actively gentrified. The bars are however slowly morphing into more main stream shit because of the fact covid hit them the hardest. And one of the 2 gay saunas got burned down by a methhead
Yeah this was kind of fun when my boyfriend and I were new together and 20 but even I told him to just stop and he doesn't have to do it anymore. I honestly don't even care if he shaves his ass anymore if he doesn't want to.

It's more of a special occasion thing or something, but he shaves his face
Do crime and go to jail.
Hang around fems or faghags that know the lingo. Worked for me
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>see photoshopped gay porn of hypermasculine hairy roid beasts
>imagine they're 15 years old (legal in my country karen) rowdy students in my classroom where i'm the short and weak teacher and jack off
TFW I purposely say deeply transphobic things around the bottom, knowing he has trans friends :)
>sees hypermasculine men
>immediately think about 15 year olds
you are mentally ill!
I respect Freshieanon more than you.
idk but anonies here said i sound faggy :s
for me i just get bored quickly gaygen has been kinda lacking for a while :s
imagine gaygen, but set in daggerfall
your bottom is going to troon out and eventually hate you
I'm pretty sure I sound faggy but my really deep voice just disguises it desu and I'm assumed to be straight by literally everyone. Thank god honestly.
oh come on, biden wasnt THAT bad on the debate
dont faggots actually dislike mentally ill trannies anyway? derp im a woman...
where on the interwebs do you guys post your cock and ass anonymously?
literally here lmao
Only afabs can use that flag. Stop stealing.
afabs are fucking dead
never played 1 2 or 3 :/
play with deez nuts
me too
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>somehow even when incredibly sick I still have a hint of gay voice
what is your pube care routine anons, i need a better conditioner
what if people didn't recognize gayness
like nobody ever had a clue it was a thing
even nakedness and gay sex was just like "oh they're doing something let them keep at it"
the only people who saw it for what it was were gay people
deltkin, i had no idea you were into that >///<
lass go ingerand lass go
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Real sis
sounds good
my top said i was annoying and then dumped me on the spot. why is finding love so hard
>my top
yeah i can see why he did it
my top is three years younger than me, taller, and has a bigger dick
I'm going to miss my special snowflake flag :/
I can’t stand bottoms so I get his point of view. All of you are annoying desu. Always causing drama and starting shit. You’re basically a woman
it looks like the palestine flag
based color blind anon
we were dating, it wasn't official. after using my hole for like the fourth time he said, "it was fun meeting you, but i think we should see other people" and didn't elaborate. i was just like, "okay." and then he left
even more on his side after reading this
>we were dating. it wasn’t official
something tells me you thought some dude you hooked up with 4 times was the love of your life and you were being too lovey and obnoxious. Tops can smell that shit from 10 miles away.
I feel like I gotta post with a memeflag at least one time before the month ends I gotta get this out of my system
Kiss me you fool
Nah, pretty masc voice here
you never see gays in successful marriages and relationships giving relationship advice... it's always the unsuccessful who want to dish out advice and pretend to be relationship experts
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drag xanthippe
What’s more concerning is you think anyone here is happily married
delta is in a happy fulfilling marriage with his lego dildo
I'm talking generally about gays irl
I don't pay enough attention to trips to know what they think
he's disgusting WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP fuck em up
how to turn my life around?
>unemployed and never worked
>haven't left the house this summer
aw how romantic :3
i mean there’s no one answer for having a successful marriage and most married gay men have open relationships
leave the house
get a job
yada yada yada
post pole. that would help us
step one: leave the house
why haven't you worked? are you mentally ill
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happy pride month :)
just go outside lmao
>recently gay
>live near big city
>get gay with hot twink who’s flown in to the city to live for 2 months who i met on a dating app
>add them on snapchat
>all friend suggestions now are hot twinks in my city
Is this where they all are instead of dating apps?
list all the tcgs you play
>when he says he misses you
dating apps are for boomers and gaydeads. the hot ones are on snap and insta
why aren't you on onlyfans?
i have smol pp

yeah im positively menthol

i actually went outside once or twice this summer, my mom drove me to the psychiatrist to get drugs
didn't help though
>smol pp
post it now
I collect yugioh cards
haven't played in years

>tfw nobody to miss
Got fucked by a twink on holiday in spain.
t. bear
i have a boyfriend though
Too shy brother. Ik I have a market though
you're doing better than delta then
i doubt it
how dare you trick me
Enough of this chit chat. Its time to discuss the fact you are gay and what you are doing to fix it.
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Scandinavia is so full of desperate bottoms that they even bottom for asians no cap most porn Involving asian top and white bottom i seen is from Scandinavia
why would I pay money to look at the same butthole they put on Twitter for free
you can't fix being gay, it's something you're born with
i do be watchin soccer
im going to take Austin's crown as the god of twink bussy on OF now that he's out of the game
no you are
at least your body isn't estrogenised
Going gym and becoming a gym gay
>bottom for asians

Thats just crazy. That doesn't even sound right. The only asians that should be topping are middle aged Japanese businessmen, chinese cops and yakuza types.
I fuck attractive men in hopes that it’ll make me like women. Hasn’t worked so far but I’ll keep trying
Austin wolf rarely ever fucked actual twinks only wannabe non whites that's his level no cute twink would go for this roided uggo
why would you ever have done that if you're not trans
people actually still use snap? ew
This asians usually muscular and above average for asians
But that's Scandinavia they have no tops so even asian dick is good enough
you forget the asian frat guys who are desperately trying to convince themselves that they aren't gay because you're a twink and not a big burly man <3
Imagine being bisexual
i'm a bi fem bottom
the best looking fem twinks seem to only date other twinks.
im a gay fem bottom
>best looking fem twinks
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Built for Finngolian Cock
you're still a guy
Bisexual tops
I hate when I see this sentiment because what the fuck else are you supposed to use?
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Facts, a lot of tops seem to don't know it and cope but there's of course exceptions but it's usually based jacks uggo ethnic "twinks" that go for non twinks
what is the metal ring at the tip and what purpose does it serve?
earns cred?
tops need to be strangled
shooting squad for all bottoms
Need a hardcore punk bf
where do i sign up?
perfect top
has it changed much?
>Are you afflicted with gayvoice?
cybertruck owner dies in car fire
im a bottom
i topped once though
Wtf? Why everytime german posting there's horde of bottoms begging to be fucked?
Most germans are bottoms and they're better as bottoma than tops
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where apuanon
Reminds me of pansy division but hardcore instead of straight punk
https://www youtube.com/watch?v=AO6H4r9R1UM
Hopefully in the /bipen/ where he belongs. Why aren't you there too tho?
I noticed a lot of foreigners especially american and latinx (europeans not so much because they know we are bottoms bois) ones think that germs are all dominant tops. Where they even got this from?
he killed himself after investing all his savings into apu token :(
and most euros think skandis are bottoms while they are masc tops
for me it's a intergenerational trauma from the ww2 and i want to be cremated by bgc + when german "bottoms" say they're not that big it's usually a tim kruger cast in their pants
Hahahha that not true i have a friend that travelled to scandinavia and he commented about top shortage and most danish, Swedish tourists or online i see are bottoms
i guess i outbottomed them or just got lucky
German tops love german bottoms don't even think our tops
>gaygen such virigins they think top/bottom can apply to countries or bodytypes
Porn brained virgins
Who are you?
How do i find key information like what they actually look like and their age
Where you from?
>just found out what gaydead means
Fuck I’m 28, 6’3, decent face and in good shape how long can I delay this?
As an American I just think all Germans are freaks into kinks I’ve never thought of
back in my childhood everything was good, but now everything is woke and that is bad :(
why must things be expensive :/
rich people
wokism ruined my life >:(
big tune
How many people here are career driven? What are the best careers if you want to make $200k+? Any advice?
by not being a bottom
onlyfans, politics, drugs
show pits
I don't want pride month to end. It's much easier that way. I don't want to go back to women.
y u so mean :(
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i like ugly guys
lol real
im ugly and swarthy and nobody likes me :(
Ideal top.
describe yourself
Germans never looked nordic to me you're same as french
im alpinid

i look like an ingerand soccer fan in terms of hair and skin colour
At urgent care and the nurse called me a whore after checking my throat, was surprised I had no gag reflex then asked if i had fun this weekend.
are you retarded?
Unironically software for FAGMAN, even in third world europoor countries I earn $150k for it
system architect or distinguished swe is 200 - 400. fellows get 500+, not sure how to become fellow, probably have to be genius
was it a male nurse? uwu

Queers for Palestine attack chicsgo pride parade floats. Imagine supporting terrorism. Israel needs to finish the job.
did you have fun this weekend?
Would bottom for him
you're one of god's lowest IQ people
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>germans really think that dutch are same as them
dutch are the only continental germanics who are nordic
cute woman
actually i made a mistake, distuingished is near the top, just check levels.fyi
let Israel finish the jerb, then nuke Israel. fuck picking sides between those two groups
i identify as north itallian
north italians not as white as you think
No, female
i wish i were brown
50% of your ancestry is brown lol
pretty rad
I told you before, she's clearly a repper with a humiliation fetish.
Show yourself
no i have a boifrien and am not a slut
My bf when he got with me
no one reply to it
hey uwu
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Don't get strung out by the way that I look
Don't judge a book by its cover
I'm not much of a man by the light of day
But by night I'm one hell of a lover
Has anyone here tried sounding? How does it feel?
for an std test
it hurt
Are you saying you're trans?
Looks like everyone on here is.
what std test was this?
Did they use lube? Maybe it would t hurt if your were hard?
Has anyone here actually met a "trans man"?

I know none of you would have sex with one since they have no dick, but

...They're just women. Jesus, there's so many things women do that ONLY women would ever do, and you notice it in trans men every few seconds. "A men would never say or do that." Gay, straight, fem, whatever. Women are their own thing

And it's just very bizarre. It's like in the catalog in trans women threads and just immediately you know a woman would never post that ... EVER. The trans community is so weird dude. I'm starting to think transgenderism isn't even real.
just like the swab part (butt and dickhole). i guess that was for the stuff that isn't hiv and hepatitis, that's what the blood was

no, just a lil white medical stick thingy
you're not ugly tho
i feel like you might have done that incorrectly if it felt like sounding
Need a huge chest bf
intergalactic penis sex
I didn't do it, it was literally a doctor (an old dude, and some younger doctor in training watched lol, i even had to bend over)
oh, they didn't like you
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I'm just a sweet transvestite. From Transexual, Transylvania.
Now who else wants to come out as tranny?
Delta, youre up.
he's a pdf not a train
this isn’t tiktok sweaty
okay newfag lmao
shallo/haribo,drunkbottomanon,holden and skunk.
I like men with a face like that in the vidrel. Nevermind the topic. Do you look anything like that?

How are you? ^-^
>straightboi and cdc back at the same time.
Knew they were the same british pedophile.
Built to be bred.
notice they both have only been posting again after a certain trip got scared off one alt
the eternal anglo always wins
where do i find a femdom bottom mascfem bottomtop
why the boxcord hates str8boi?
I fucking hate blu but he's been posting on main still.
not blu dumb bitch
hehe does that still exist
knock knock
>who's there?
go fuck your face
Guy with a massive piercing wants to fuck me until I can't walk. Did I make it bros?
Where is the piercing? Dick or the tongue?
anal tear incoming
Your definition of making it is very different from mine sis.
Why do women have such horrid taste?
The Henry on the left can wine and dine me. The Henry on the right can choke me and spit on me and spit in my mouth and piss in my mouth and rip my asshole open.
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I don't care for his body. I like his older face.
i always felt like he had autism. plus his hairline has always been like that, he hasn't changed that much
Henry would never go for a total bottom. Vers for vers. Sorry sis
desu i dont rly find him attractive bc hes rly uncanny valley 2 me but its always so weird how much women seem 2 despise that he plays video games
I think he’s handsome. Tho she’s right he’s getting old and losing his attractiveness. But that’s only natural and he is still a handsome man
Henry is just gay
Most boomer men I know smell like shit. A lot of men just don't wipe for whatever reason.
Horror have you heard of the Austin wolf situation?
omfg my gf just dumped me for listening to marina and frotting a filipino
yes u will not stop talking about it
Lana's panties would be soaked if whoever that guy is rizzed her in person.
>getting old and losing his attractiveness
He looks 10x better on the right. Scruffy older Cavil could rape me anytime he wanted
Young people are more attractive than old people on average. Do you disagree?
It’s so horrible :s but chocking? Not really. I had seen it coming. I think something similar will happen to Legrand Wolfe soon.
Henry is a textbook power bottom. Change my mind.
I wish to feel something other than contempt
yes I disagree
built to fuck his dom top bf
Buy a mirror and feel disgust.
funny joke, but my middling appearance isn't worth feeling disgusted over
that's too strong of an emotion
im going to bed at 11pm
im gonna sleep zzz zzz
at 11pm
but not yet
its not 11pm
Babe maybe you have a daddy fetish or smth but most people in this world are more attracted to young, virile men or women than they are to elderly men or women.
Thankfully I am attracted to older faces.
30 year old men are more attractive on average than 18 year old men. simple as
so true
speak the good truth, sis
don't let them silence you
calling my bf senpai he laughs at me :s
roomate caught me talking to myself again
xanxan ha pedo era
have they seen you nude?
I'm missing my buddy real bad tonight. We used to smoke weed, get drunk, and eat fried catfish with greens, mac and cheese. We' d sit there for hours drinkin and winning trivia on the local radio until we got banned for winning. I miss you so much Dave. R.I.P. brother. You're the reason I hope there's something after all this. I wanna hang out with you again brother. Cheers old boy!
they saw me in my underwear before
Imagine if your punishment was servicing his fat cock.
when are you going to fuck?
never hes a straight normie with a gf
Come back when he catches you sucking dick.
She can watch.
sounds like a bottom to me. have you seen him naked?
stop sexualizing a straight male or another bi will be born
you guys are more cringe than me and i mutter slurs to myself uncontrollably
sexualize deez nuts
some one make a new thread already
bottoms have t odo eveything baka fucking fuck
Sometimes I let out a big yaaasssss when nobody is around.
none of you will ever know I'm actually straight
Shallo does this but to cover up his farts.
Literally messaging hotter guys on Grindr while my BF blows me lmao
yes anon we all know you're ''straight''
i'm gonna go straight for your hole
oh my
such a hetero thing to do
New thread

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